Brooke Allison: Lesson Plan Template (Direct)
Brooke Allison: Lesson Plan Template (Direct)
Brooke Allison: Lesson Plan Template (Direct)
Central Focus: Describe the important understandings and core TSW learn how to read, write and represent the number 20.
concepts that you want students to develop over the course of
the learning segment/lesson. What are they going to learn?
Lesson Objective: Targets must be aligned to the TEKS and with I can read, write, and represent the number 20.
the assessment(s); targets should be stated as measurable in
student friendly language. What will students be able to do? Use “I
can” statements . You cannot change the verb or content.
***Reminder - Verb alignment present in standard, objective and
Sub-Objectives: How will you connect to past learning? What key Connection to past learning (previous TEKS)
vocabulary and/or academic language needs to be reviewed or
introduced? Key Vocabulary/Academic Vocabulary to include in the
If applicable: What images will you use for key vocabulary? What lesson: tens/ones set , teen numbers
sentence starters might be helpful?
Language Objective based on ELPS: (TSWBAT…), If I can read, write, and represent the number 20.
applicable (Put NA if Not Applicable)
How will you summatively assess student mastery? TSW participate in an exit ticket writing the number 20
and will draw 20 circles or cubes to represent the
NOTE: The summative assessment might not be a part of this number 20.
lesson..You might describe your post-assessment here if it is
TSW then put their exit on the anchor chart that was
different from your IP.
created during whole group instruction.
How will you formatively assess student mastery? For formative TTW walk around the room and will observe them and
assessment, just generally describe what you will be doing. will check off on a checklist of the students being able to
Specific questions will be included later in the lesson plan. correctly and incorrectly show the number 20 and write
What are your plans for adjusting the pacing of the unit for I would adjust the pacing of the unit for struggling
struggling learners? learners by doing a quick assessment with all of the
students in the class. Then for the students who did not
quite understand, I would pull the students into small
groups, do a quick reteach, complete the manipulative
cubes with tens/ones chart together.
Materials/Technology/Resources needed for the lesson: Materials: Manipulative cubes, expo marker, paper
Describe the materials, technology, and resources needed towel/napkin, and a tens/ones chart, sticky note
for the lesson
Technology Smart Board and FM Monitor
Other Resources:
Managing Student Behavior Can’t teach them if you can’t Behavior Expectations for the Lesson:
reach them!
Whole Group: Facing towards the teacher, quiet hands,
❏ When and how will you establish rules for learning quiet feet, and quiet mouths, where your eyes go your
and behavior during the lesson? brain follows.
❏ What will it look and sound like if students are Turn and Talk: Turn to their shoulder partner and talk
engaged vs. compliant in the lesson? about what happens in the story from beginning to the
❏ How will you allow for movement, transitions or brain end.
breaks to capitalize on engagement and performance
❏ What will you use for an attention signal? Independent Work: Students will work at their desks
independently or together as a table if they choose while
doing the retell worksheet, while using a level 2 or lower
voice level.
Brain Breaks: TTW engage the students with a shake and spill
on the carpet.
TSW then explain their thinking to the whole class of how they
Differentiation built it and why they chose to put it in the certain side they did.
(Enrichment and (You need to have more information here. Otherwise, you
remediation): Tailoring might do this activity, but you are not stating the
instruction to meet mathematics that you want students to learn and
individual needs; understand.
differentiating the content,
process, and/or product. Differentiation “We Do”: Grouping of students:
Consider cultural ❏ Grouping of students: TTW be around the perimeter of the carpet.
diversity, gifted, etc. What opportunities do
students have to work Differentiation: Enrichment and Remediation:
Accommodation(s)- A independently or TTW be demonstrating different teen numbers as well as the
change that helps a student together? How are number 20 to ensure students can identify, write, and
overcome or work around these groups designed represent the numbers.
the disability: to increase mastery of
objective? Specific Accommodations and Modifications:
Modification(s)- A change
in what is being taught or ❏ Differentiation - EH: TSW be sitting next to the teacher while participating.
what is expected from the Enrichment and
student: Remediation: What EN: TTW be wearing an FM Monitor.
opportunities do TSW be sitting next to the teacher to ensure they can read the
Remember, an students need to teacher’s lips.
accommodation is not strengthen their
lowering expectations or understanding of the Brain break:
teaching below grade level strategy or skill TSW have a brain break by being given a teen number and
content/objectives. presented? doing jumping jacks or by doing a stretch for the allotted
ESL Strategies Document ❏ Accommodations and
Modifications: What
ESL Strategies Matrix accommodations and
modifications do you
have to make for ELL,
SPED, 504, and
struggling students?
How will these
accommodations and
modifications support
mastery of the
TSW then build a couple of other numbers like 14, 17, 19 and
will write the numbers on the side of their tens/ones chart.
❏ Accommodations and
Modifications: What
accommodations and
modifications do you
have to make for ELL,
SPED, 504, and
struggling students?
How will these
accommodations and
modifications support
mastery of the
How will you make sure that you TTW call on students using classroom screen random name
are calling on volunteers, generator or will call on students with hands raised.
non-volunteers, and a balance
of students based on ability TSW be able to say pass if they do not feel comfortable
and sex? answering.
Closing - Check for Write your Closure using the Launch Frame
Understanding (Describe Planning a Discussion We have been learning about reading, writing, and
the activity): How will the Framework: representing the numbers 11-20 in the past two weeks. How
lesson end and bridge to can we put our knowledge together to help us decide some key
learning for the future? Launch Frame factors we can take away from these lessons to help us in other
What do you want to ❏ Opening statement subjects? Can anyone tell me what we have learned about
reiterate to students? today?
and question to get
Based on the pacing of the
lesson and feedback from the discussion Eliciting, Orienting Questions
students, did they master started (Example, -What different tools can help us make the number 20?
the objective? Make sure to “We have been
revisit objectives. learning how to add -How did you know that was the correct amount of
fractions in this manipulatives?
activity. What was
an important key in -What strategy did you use to help you determine this?
adding the fractions
-How can we show others how to make the number 20?
that helped you?
What have we been -How did you decide that two sets of ten make up the number
learning about 20?
Eliciting, Orienting Conclusion Frame
Questions to ask During the Today, we learned about how to read, write, and represent the
Discussion number 20 in multiple ways. We learned how to represent the
number 20 by looking at dominos, tally marks, a tens frame,
❏ What eliciting,
number line, and dice. Has anyone noticed in the books we
probing, and read during reader’s workshop if it has had the number 20 in
orienting it, if you have what book have we read? Could you also think of
questions will you a book that you have read during independent reading time
ask during the that might have the number 20 in it? From what we have
discussion? learned we will put our thinking from today's lesson to
Conclusion Frame tomorrow's lesson when we learn about comparing numbers
❏ Closing statement using language such as less then, more then, and equal for the
number 20 and teen numbers. We will also put our thinking to
about what they
use tomorrow for when we are at the board for language arts
learned in the while practicing handwriting, we can practice our numbers as
lesson and what well.
they will be
working on next. “In the toy box I found 20 cars.
(Example - “We The action figures had 20 stars.
have been adding In the hallway I found 20 doors.
fractions in this Then I found 20 floors.
On the playground I found 20 swings.
activity - In our
Lastly, I found 20 wings.”
next activity, we (Will you read this, identify rhyming words, and then read
are going to again?)
continue this
work…. or (Brooke, one thing I was looking for was “integrates a
Tomorrow, we will second discipline.’ Is there any way to do that?)
begin subtracting