Dental Management of Cerebral Palsy
Dental Management of Cerebral Palsy
Dental Management of Cerebral Palsy
10(02), 1067-1083
Dr. Mayanglambam Leleesh1, Dr. Rani Somani2, Dr. Dilip Kumar3, Dr. Payel Basu1, Dr. Oinam Renuka1,
Dr. Grace Thanglienzo1 and Dr. Sarath Kumar3
1. Post Graduate Student, Department of Pediatric and Preventive Dentistry, Divya Jyoti College of Dental
Sciences and Research.
2. Professor and Head, Department of Pediatric and Preventive Dentistry, Divya Jyoti College of Dental Sciences
and Research.
3. Associate Director, Max Lab, Max Super Speciality Hospital, Saket, New Delhi-India.
Manuscript Info Abstract
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Manuscript History Cerebral palsy is a term used to describe a group of permanent and
Received: 21 December 2021 progressive disorders affecting movement and posture that result from
Final Accepted: 24 January 2022 injury or insult to the developing brain. It is the most common motor
Published: February 2022 disability of childhood, with a worldwide incidence of 1.5 to 3 per 1000
live births. Children with cerebral palsy posses a significant higher risk
Key words:-
Cerebral Palsy, Motor Disorder, Oral Health of dental disease due to the greater difficulty for them to perform
effective oral hygiene and care. Dentists dealing with them should
possess thorough knowledge of this condition and their implications in
order to formulate safe and effective dental preventive and treatment
plans.This article will help the dentist to understand all the aspects related to the
dental management of patients with cerebral palsy and apply it in clinical
Oral health in children with cerebral palsy is impacted significantly by their neuromuscular and neurodevelopmental
disabilities, leading them to have a higher risk of dental disease due to the greater difficulty for them to perform or
receive effective oral hygiene and oral care. In addition parents anxiety in relation to the problem associated with the
child‘s disability frequently delays dental care which causes significant oral disease to develop. 3 It is often a great
challenge for a dental practitioner to manage a patient with cerebral palsy and deliver a successful outcome. A
detailed knowledge, innovative and problem solving approach play an important role in promotion of the oral health
in these individuals. The dentist should also focus on educating and encouraging the parents and the caregivers of
the child for good home oral health practice and maintenance of oral hygiene. Once the dentist becomes familiar
with the special needs of the child and with the parent‘s concern, the dental management can also be quite pleasing
and rewarding.
Cerebral palsy describes a group of permanent disorders of the development of movement and posture, causing
activity limitation, that are attributed to nonprogressive disturbances that occurred in the developing fetal or infant
brain. The motor disorders of CP are often accompanied by disturbances of sensation, perception, cognition,
communication, and behavior; by epilepsy, and by secondary musculoskeletal problems (Rosenbaum et al ,2007)
The average incidence of cerebral palsy is estimated to range between 1.5 and 3.0 per 1000 live births. These values
change among selected groups of patients, depending on various risk factors. Although there have been some
changes in patterns of cerebral palsy in the last four decades in developed countries, there has been a disappointing
lack of significant decrease in frequency of CP. The numbers of children with more severe forms of CP are
increasing, mainly in the group born prematurely as a result of greater survival of these children to an age when CP
can be diagnosed.4 Researchers have theorized that a greater incidence of multiple births and increased survival rates
for extreme low birth weight infants in recent years may account for some of this inability to lower CP rates. An
estimated 87% to 93% of children who have CP are now living into adulthood, which increases prevalence in the
adult population.
Dr.William John Little, an English surgeon was the first person to study cerebral palsy extensively. In 1853, he
published lectures in a monograph entitled, ‗‗On the Nature and Treatment of the Deformities of the Human
Frame‘‘. This was perhaps the first book dedicated entirely to the subject of deformities in children, which later
came to be known as cerebral palsy. He highlighted that the condition was caused by problems during delivery and
believed that it resulted from post-partum asphyxia, which distorted the blood flow and in this way damage the
child‘s brain.
It was until 1887 that the term cerebral palsy was applied to the condition that Dr. Little studied. The term was
coined by Sir William Osler, who wrote a book entitled ― Cerebral Palsies of Children‖.5 To some extent, Osler
agreed with Little on the etiology of cerebral palsy. He favored the hypothesis that trauma leading to ‗‗meningial
hemorrhage and compression of brain and spinal cord‘‘ was a major cause of cerebral palsy.
The third major contribution to the cerebral palsy literature was that of Sigmund Freud (1856–1939). Agreeing with
Little, Freud asserted that asphyxia and birth trauma could lead to brain damage; however, Freud went a step further.
Extending Little‘s explanations, he noted that since the same abnormal processes of birth frequently produce no
effects, diplegia still may be of congenital and may be merely a symptom of deeper effects influencing the
development of the fetus. He proposed that difficulties during labor and delivery, including asphyxia might be the
result of early developmental defects of the brain rather than the causes of cerebral palsy
Fig1:-(A,B,C): A:Dr.William Little John(1810-1894), B:Dr. williamosler (1905-1919), C:Dr. Sigmund Frued (1856-
A. Based On The Body Parts Impaired
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Following is the brief overview of the causes and risk factors for cerebral palsy.
Risk Factors
a. Infection to the mother - Rubella, Cytomegalovirus and Toxoplasmosis. 7,8
b. Intrauterine infection
c. Medication - medications like Phenytoin, that is used to treat epilepsy
d. Teratogens- alcohol, nicotine, cocain ETC
e. Injury to fetal brain
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IVH because their cerebral circulation is sensitive to changes of blood pressure. Large GMH/IVH, in turn,
causes obstruction of the terminal veins, resulting in hemorrhagic infarction. 9 Loss of oligodendrocytes affects
nerve cell growth, which, in turn, impairs myelination.(Fig:3)
Fig 4:- Events leading to cerebral palsy in term infants due to birth asphyxia.
b. kernicterus– Neonatal jaundice is the most common complication of the newborn period, usually caused by
unconjugated hyperbilirubinaemia
c. Epilepsy –. A seizure may cause irreversible brain damage. Epilepsy is often associated with cerebral palsy.
d. Hydrocephalus - Hydrocephalus is a condition where there is excessive accumulation of fluid in the ventricles
(cavities) of brain.
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4. Early Childhood
a. Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) – Injury to the head or brain of a child due to physical trauma (falls, accidents etc.)
may result in cerebral palsy..
b. Infections – Infection to the brain of the infant like meningitis and encephalitis
c. Epilepsy – Seizures that occur within the first year of life may lead to severe irreversible brain damage leading to
cerebral palsy(Flowchart 1).
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Hypotonia– Characterized by reduced tension in the muscles, exhibited as flaccid, relaxed and floppy babies
Hypertonia – Characterized by increased muscle tension. The movements are slow and laborious and sometimes not
possible as the antagonist muscles fail to relax.
Dystonia – Dystonia is characterized by fluctuating muscle tone. At rest the tone may seem normal but initiation of
voluntary activity may lead to sudden stiffness.
Mixed tone– In some children arms and legs may show increased tone on voluntary movement whereas the trunk
may be hypotonic.
Clonus – clonus is uncontrolled jerky muscle contractions that cause rapid tapping movement of the feet or flapping
movement at the wrist.
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• Palmer grasp reflex – This reflex should disappear between 4 to 6 months. It is characterized by closing of the
fist as the palm of the infant is touched.
• Tonic labyrinthine reflex – This reflex should disappear by three and half years of age. The tonic labyrinth
reflex shows the baby with abducted shoulders, flexed elbows, adducted extended hips, and extended knees and
ankles. This posture primarily occurs with the baby in the supine position.
Associated Conditions
While the motor deficit in cerebral palsy is predominant, a number of associated conditions are frequently present
and must be considered in the overall developmental needs of the affected child.A systemic review in 2012 11comiled
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information on the rates of co-occuring impairments, diseases and functional limitations in children with cerebral
palsy. The result showed:
1. 3 in 4 were in pain
2. 1 in 2 had an intellectual disability
3. 1 in 3 could not walk
4. 1 in 3 had a hip displacement
5. 1 in 4 could not talk
6. 1 in 4 had epilepsy
7. 1 in 4 had a behaviour disorder
8. 1 in 4 had bladder control problems
9. 1 in 5 had a sleep disorder
10. 1 in 10 were blind
11. 1 in 15 were tube-fed
12. 1 in 25 were deaf (Fig 6)
Fig 6:- the comordities of cerebral palsy and evidence based treatment.
The diagnosis of cerebral palsy involves the following steps:
a. Observations by parents: It is important for the parents to observe the child for presence of any of the early
signs and symptoms of cerebral palsy. If the child presents with any of suspected signs or symptoms, attention
needs to be sought.
b. Birth history: A detailed birth history should be taken in which series of questions regarding the risk factors
for cerebral palsy are asked to identify the probable risk factors.
c. Developmental history: The developmental history of the child is asked to find out about any delay in
performing motor tasksin comparison with normal standards.
d. Motor examination: A detailed physical examination is carried out to evaluate ability to perform various motor
tasks, variations in the tone of muscles, impaired coordination and presence of abnormal involuntary
e. Reflex testing: Clinician will then check for the presence of any abnormal reflexes or persistence of primitive
reflexes later than the normal age.
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f. Administering special tests: If there are any abnormalities identified in the above, special investigations such
as MRI and CT scan are done to identify the cause and the area of brain damage.
The diagnosis of CP however is not always straightforward. Only those Children who are severely affected, or who
have a known risk factor, are diagnosed at an early age. Children with mild symptoms are often diagnose very late.
Early diagnosis of CP is important. It enables timely access to diagnostic specific early intervention when the
greatest neuroplastic gains are possible. The 3 tools with best predictive validity for detecting cerebral palsy at an
early age, before 5 months‘ corrected age are:
(1) Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) (86%-89% sensitivity)
(2) The Prechtl Qualitative Assessment of General Movements (GMs) (98% sensitivity) and
(3) The Hammersmith Infant Neurological Examination (HINE) (90% sensitivity) 12
From 11 to 16 weeks post birth, GMs present as so-called fidgety movements that are described as being a
continuous stream of small and fluent movements occurring irregularly over the body. The appearance of fidgety
movements represents a phase in the re-organization of motor function that leads to the goal-directed motor
activities. According to various research evidences, absent or abnormal fidgety movements are predictive of CP
with 95–98% accuracy. Combining GMs with brain MRI has reportedly led to sensitivity and specificity of up to
100% in a cohort of extremely preterm infants. 12,14
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N O YES Periventricular white matter injury
Cerebral malformation
Grey matter injury
Intracranial hemorrhage
NOT Infection
CEREBRAL Non specific
Flowchart 2:- Evidence-based decision-making algorithm for diagnosing cerebral palsy early.
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1. Rehabilitation
A. Physical Therapy
One of the first interventions recommended for a CP patient is physical therapy. Physical therapists (PT) are health
care professionals specializing in movement that aims to optimize quality of life through exercises, hands-on care,
and education (American Physical Therapy Association, 2019). Physical therapists will begin by doing an initial
assessment of the patient to evaluate what skills will need to be addressed for each patient and come up with a plan
of care. Physical therapists prescribe individualized plans of care for patients with a goal of managing pain,
promoting movement, increasing function, and decreasing chances of future complications. Various physical therapy
includes :
i. Gait analysis
Gait analysis is a systematic measurement used to identify and evaluate human movement. Modern gait are based
on four disciplines: Visual inspection, quantitative analysis, biomechanical analysis and electromyography(EMG).
Observing the patient‘s gait analysis enables the physical therapist to watch the patient‘s coordination, balance,
strength, posture, flexibility and endurance all at once.
ii. Constraint-induced movement therapy
It involves restraint of the unaffected limb to encourage the use of affected limb during the therapeutic tasks. This is
particularly useful in management of hemiplegic patient, wherein the patient tends to use only the limb that is
iii. Hand-arm bimanual intensive training (HABIT)
It is also benificial for hemiplegic CP where the child is trained to use both hands together through repetitive tasks
such as drumming, and pushing a rolling pin.
iv. Electrical stimulation
The electrical stimulations used to increase muscle strength in children with CP are neuromuscular electric
stimulation and threshold electrical stimulation (Kerr et al., 2004). 15
B. Occupational Therapy
An occupational therapist works with patients to develop the skills needed for activities of daily living . Activities
of daily living typically include self-care (grooming, dressing, feeding, etc.), play, and fine motor skills (writing,
holding small items etc.) (Rezaie&Kendi, 2020). An Occupational therapist will spend more time on smaller, fine
motor skills such as the movement of the fingers as opposed to a physical therapist who tends to work on bigger,
gross motor skills such as walking. However, this does not mean that there will never be any overlap between these
two—an occupational and physical therapist can both be working on the same skills with the patient (Cerebral Palsy
Guide, 2020).
C. Speech Therapy
Another type of intervention commonly utilized by patients is speech and language pathology, or speech therapy.
Speech therapy has a goal of improving the patient‘s capacity for communication, saliva control, and eating,
drinking, and swallowing (Cerebral Palsy Alliance Research Foundation). Speech and language therapists observe,
diagnose, and treat the communication disorders associated with CP. Speech therapist help improve your child‘s
ability to speak clearly or communicate using alternative means such as an augmentative communication device or
sign language. They may also help with difficulties related to feeding and swallowing.
2. Drug Treatments
Some of the most common oral medications prescribed for CP patients are: centrally acting drugs such as Baclofen
and Tizanidine; peripherally acting drugs such as dantrolene sodium; and anticonvulsants such as Benzodiazepines
and Diazepam. Medications may also be administered through injections or pumps, which include botulinum toxin
injection, intrathecal baclofen pump, and alcohol or phenol injections—that all have chemodenervation effects
(Chang et al., 2013).
3. Surgery
Though this is typically not the first intervention chosen, surgical procedures are still an option for some CP
patients. Surgery is discussed with the patient‘s health care team and caregiver(s) when the other treatment
interventions are no longer helping the patient. The common operations include muscle lengthening, tendon
lengthening, tendon transfer, tenotomy/myotomy, osteotomy, arthrodesis, selective dorsal rhizotomy, and operations
to address comorbidities of CP such as cochlear implants and gastrostomy (Cerebral Palsy Guide, 2020).
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Table 2:- Examples of orthoses, adaptive equipment and assistive technology devices.
Dental Management
Children with CP are more prone to caries, periodontal disease, inadequate oral hygiene, and decreased access to
daily preventive care and routine dental visits. To compound this problem, delivery of dental care for these patients
can be challenging.Consequently, dentists dealing with them should possess thorough knowledge of the medical and
orofacial abnormalities and their implications and should liaise with different medical specialists in order to
formulate safe and effective dental preventive and treatment plans.
The latest revised recommendations (AAPD) to reduce the risk of developing oral diseases and oral health care for
children with Special health care needs (SHCN) include:
(1) Establishing dental home at an early age.
(2) Patient assessment.
(3) Creating an environment conducive for the child to receive care.
(4) Providing comprehensive oral health education and anticipatory guidance to the child and caregiver.
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(5) Providing preventive and therapeutic services including behavior guidance and a multidisciplinary approach
when needed.
(6) Attention to detail for all aspects of care including scheduling appointments, assessment, treatment planning,
consent, education and anticipatory guidance, treatment, recalls, and transition of care when the patient reaches
Some Important Considerations During Dental Examination And Treatment Of A Child With CP:
1. The dental chair must be adjusted carefully, and most of these patients are best treated with the chair tipped
back to give a position of security, especially to those with ataxia. The spastic type of a patient having fairly
severe head-and-neck involvement will require even more control and support and can be achieved by seating
the child in knee to knee position of the dentist and the parent/caregiver(fig6)
2. If the patient is using a wheelchair, he/she should be considered to be treated in the wheelchair itself.
3. The first dental visit should be used mainly to establish mutual confidence and have a preliminary assessment.
The following appointments should be made early in the day so as to allow sufficient time to establish
appropriate interaction between the child and the dentist.
4. Open mouth can be obtained and maintained with the use of mouth props
5. The dentist should try to be gentle and caring, and he should avoid sudden movements which may trigger
muscle stiffening or spasm.
6. A finger guard and a use of steel mirror are preferred to avoid injury. Sharp instruments when used should be
used with extreme caution so as to prevent injury.
7. The approach should be a team effort involving mutual efforts between dentists, hygienist, assistant, patient,
family, and other persons who are having impact on patient‘s life. 16
Bruxism is a common occurrence in children with CP. There is no definitive treatment or cure for bruxism, and it is
important to recognize the reasons behind each patient‘s habit in order to choose an effective treatment modality.
Mouthguards can be used to protect the teeth but they will not stop or cure the condition. Botulinum toxin has been
used with some success in children and adults with CP. Cognitive and behavioral approaches (stress reduction,
counseling, lifestyle changes, etc. show promise, but at this point, there are many limitations to their application.
Sialorrhea (drooling or ptyalism) refers to unintentional saliva leakage outside of the mouth. It is considered normal
physiological phenomenon in healthy infants. It typically diminishes by 1.5–3 years of age, at the time of maturation
of orofacial motor functions. Persisting beyond age of 4 years, the salivary incontinence is deemed pathological.
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Dental Erosion
Dental erosion is defined as an irreversible loss of tooth structure associated with chemical dissolution of
hydroxyapatite crystals, caused by extrinsic or intrinsic acids, without involvement of cariogenic microorganisms or
acid produced by plaque bacteria. Medical referral can help with management of GERD, modification of dietary
choices, and reduction of harmful habits and behaviors. Dental management involves enhancement of protective
factors and improvement of salivary mechanisms. Topical application of fluoride agents and remineralizing products
[e.g., casein phosphopeptide–amorphous calcium phosphate (CPP–ACP)]18 can improve the resistance of the tooth
structures to acidic challenges. Regular patient recall for professional fluoride therapy and prescription of high-
concentration (5000 ppm) fluoride toothpaste can also help prevent dental erosion.
Difficulty in swallowing or dysphagia is a condition in which muscles used for swallowing are weakened. Some
children with cerebral palsy may be completely unable to swallow or may find it difficult to swallow liquids, foods
or saliva. ● Medicines – drugs such as metaclopramide may help gastrointestinal motility and improve swallowing.
●Oromotor exercises – Speech therapists will evaluate and plan an exercise program to facilitate swallowing.
Temporomandibular Disorders
Temporomandibular disorder (TMD) is a group of conditions affecting the temporomandibular joint (TMJ), the
muscles of mastication, and the associated anatomical structures. Temporomandibular management strategies are
focused on reduction/elimination of pain, improvement of function, and ultimately of the patient‘s quality of life.
Conservative approaches include:
1. Patient education and behavioral management—such as modifying habits, training in relaxation and conscious
avoidance of excessive jaw movements,
2. Physical therapy—such as muscle exercise regimens, application of transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation,
massage, thermo-/coolant therapy and iontophoresis.
3. Therapeutic medication—nonsteroidal anti-inflammatories, muscle relaxants, and anxiolytics.
4. Occlusal splints, which reduce parafunctional habits due to occlusion alteration, providing orthopedic stability
of the TMJ.
Dental Caries
Increased prevalence of dental caries is seen in patients with cerebral palsy. 19,20The common risk factors for these
increased prevalence includes mouth breathing, sialorrhea, effects of medication, enamel hypoplasia, food pouching
and inability to maintain proper oral hygiene. Caution patients or their caregivers about medicines that reduce saliva
or contain sugar. Suggest that patients drink water often, take sugar-free medicines when available, and rinse with
water after taking any medicine. Advise caregivers to offer alternatives to cariogenic foods and beverages as
incentives or rewards. For people who pouch food, talk to caregivers about inspecting the mouth after each meal or
dose of medicine. Remove food or medicine from the mouth by rinsing with water, sweeping the mouth with a
finger wrapped in gauze, or using a disposable foam applicator swab. Recommend preventive measures such as
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fluorides and sealants, silver diamineflouride and calcium phosphopeptide amorphous calcium phosphate (CCP-
Periodontal Disease
Periodontal disease is common in people with cerebral palsy due to poor oral hygiene and complications of oral
habits, physical abilities, and malocclusion. Another factor is the gingival hyperplasia caused by medications.
Involve the patient in hands-on demonstrations of brushing and flossing. Talk to caregivers about daily oral hygiene.
A power toothbrush or a floss holder can simplify oral care. Emphasize that a consistent approach to oral hygiene is
important. Explain that some patients benefit from the daily use of an antimicrobial agent such as chlorhexidine.
Recommend an appropriate delivery method based on your patient‘s abilities. Rinsing, for example, may not work
for a patient with swallowing difficulties or one who cannot expectorate. In such cases, Chlorhexidine applied using
a spray bottle or toothbrush can be equally efficacious.
Cerebral palsy is the most common physical disability in children and so there is increase interest in CP and its
search for better possible treatments has been on the rise. Knowing the possible causes and risk factors for CP can
help to diagnose this disorder, as well as possible associated disorders, at an earlier age.
Children with CP have a considerably higher prevalence of oral diseases as compared to otherwise healthy childrens
due to lack of oral health education, exposure to treatment, and prevention measures such as fluoride supplements
and dental sealants. The oral health of children with CP has always been found poor when compared to otherwise
healthy children. The establishment of dental care for these individuals presents a unique challenge. As it is rightly
said ― Oral health is the mirror to General health‖ , therefore the role of a dentist is enormous. Dentists dealing with
them should possess thorough knowledge of the unusual medical and orofacial abnormalities and their implications
in order to formulate safe and effective dental preventive and treatment plans.
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