Pedodontics Notes 2
Pedodontics Notes 2
Pedodontics Notes 2
as if you are looking at the tooth from occlusal or inscisal view. The posterior tooth is represented by a shape which has 5 surfaces (occlusal, buccal, lingual or palatal, , mesial and distal). The anterior tooth is represented by a shape which has 4 surfaces and a line (the line for the incisal edge and the other surfaces for the lingual or palatal, labial, mesial and distal) In the dental chart we use shapes to represent several different things (dot for example to represent filling) and draw this shape on the representative surface of the tooth. The shapes that are used are as the following : _ : tooth not present : filling o : cavity + : remaining root / : tooth needs extraction X : extracted tooth (not exfoliated) <,>,v,^ : caries (the different orientations represent different tooth surfaces) Diet chart : For 3 consecutive days (one day at least should be a holiday), the patient writes down what he/she ate in (breakfast, lunch and dinner & the snacks in between). This is done to evaluate what's cariogenic (cariogenic point of view). Caries in radiographic report : e.g. 46 O = lower right first molar (occlusal caries) 75 MO = primary lower left second molar (mesio-occlusal caries) 64 DO = primary upper left first molar (disto-occlusal caries) Photographs : 4 Extraoral (1 anterior, 1 anterior smile, 2 lateral i.e one from each side) 6 Intraoral Dx = Diagnosis, e.g. caries, gingivitis, cellulitis, class II malocclusion Note : poor oral hygiene is not a diagnosis, diagnosis is a defined dental or medical term. Extension sheet : Contain 6 things1- C/C = Cheif compliant 2- MH : Medical history 3- MP,FP,GmP,GfP = Who's present with the child (MP = mother present, GmP = Gr and mother present, etc.) 4- Tx done = Treatment done 5-Beh = Behaviour (specific for paediatric dentistry) 6- N.V. = Next visit --------** some abbreviation were in the lecture : OHI = Oral Hygiene Instructions PRR = Preventive Resin Restorations THANK YOU Mu'ad S.Al-Zou'bi