Self-Assessment Tool: Part 1: Reflection Questions
Self-Assessment Tool: Part 1: Reflection Questions
Self-Assessment Tool: Part 1: Reflection Questions
Tool Registration #:
Forming & Establishing relationships with families, children, and colleagues in a new
employment setting.
Applying the Code of Ethics and Standards of Practice regularly in my practice
Lack of self-awareness and confidence about my ability to work with children.
Being a male in the field of ECE where majority is female.
Covid-19 pandemic and restrictions.
Noticing and becoming aware of community organizations/resources that support ECEs,
children & families.
Advocacy for creative outdoor learning programs & experiences for children.
2. Think about the role of others in your professional practice. How do you seek, offer and
consider feedback from others? What have you learned from others? What do others learn
from you?
I often ask questions and feedback from my colleagues & peers that work in the same classroom as me.
I value their opinions and suggestions because they have been in the field for a long time and see my
flaws and what I can improve on better than anybody.
As a staff, we often have meaningful conversations about our field & practice, and how to further
support children, and their families through our learning and pedagogical approach.
As one of very few males in the ECE field, I offer a different perspective and sometimes approach to
how children learn. I am passionate about activities, especially outdoor activities, and my colleagues
see that. I love to explain and show the importance of an outdoor learning environment for children,
primarily preschoolers.
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College of Early Childhood Educators | CPL Portfolio Cycle | Self-Assessment Tool | 2019 1
Self-Assessment Registration #:
3. Based on your professional practice and notes above, what additional knowledge, skills or
resources do you need to support your strengths, areas for growth, leadership development
or professional learning interests?
1. Before you begin Part 2, read the Code of Ethics and Standards of Practice.
2. Indicate, by ticking the corresponding boxes below, that you have read both the Code of
Ethics and each of the Standards of Practice.
3. Respond to the statement that accompanies each standard and reference the standards.
When responding, consider your reflections from Part 1.
Code of Ethics
☒ I have read the Code of Ethics on page 7 of the Code of Ethics and Standards of Practice.
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College of Early Childhood Educators | CPL Portfolio Cycle | Self-Assessment Tool | 2019 2
Self-Assessment Registration #:
Identify your strengths and any areas for growth, leadership development or professional
learning interests from Standard I. Reference the specific standards (e.g., Standard I: C.4).
Need to grow and develop further awareness to be attuned and responsive to the holistic needs
of children. (C.1)
Strong in engaging, supporting, and having respectful interactions with children to ensure they
feel a sense of security and belonging.
Identify your strengths and any areas for growth, leadership development or professional
learning interests from Standard II. Reference the specific standards (e.g., Standard II: B.3).
I am passionate especially about outdoor curriculum and learning, and understand that each
child is unique, capable, and enthusiastic learners with different skills, personalities, &
interests. (B.4)
I have a keen eye for detail and regularly observe children to identify individual or group
needs & interests. (C.1)
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College of Early Childhood Educators | CPL Portfolio Cycle | Self-Assessment Tool | 2019 3
Self-Assessment Registration #:
Identify your strengths and any areas for growth, leadership development or professional
learning interests from Standard III. Reference the specific standards (e.g., Standard III: C.8).
With Covid-19 restrictions going down, most of the play stuff we had to take down in the
preschool classroom prior to Covid-19 we got back, and now it’s just finding the balance of
setting up the classroom. I need to learn and find more knowledge on new set-ups for the
indoor play environment, to create a more natural, and inclusive environment. (C.6)
The preschool children go on walks every day, depending on the weather. Outdoor walks are
amazing and can be a great learning experience. I would like to further explore the different
variety of outdoor experiences and how it would support the preschoolers in their
developmental well-being and physical activity.
Identify your strengths and any areas for growth, leadership development or professional
learning interests from Standard IV. Reference the specific standards (e.g., Standard IV: C.7).
I am supporting and collaborating with ECE student’s, to raise and teach a new generation of
Early Childhood Educators. Children are the future, but we also need amazing RECEs already
in the field to train future ECE’s to continue the growth. (C.6).
I do not know too much of the area, in my pre-school placement. I would like to learn more
about the variety of resources available in area. (B.4).
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College of Early Childhood Educators | CPL Portfolio Cycle | Self-Assessment Tool | 2019 4
Self-Assessment Registration
Registration #: #:
Identify your strengths and any areas for growth, leadership development or professional
learning interests from Standard V. Reference the specific standards (e.g., Standard V: C.6).
I take this standard of practice very seriously. I have set clear boundaries with the children,
their parents, & my colleagues while maintaining professionality, and supporting relationships.
I will be aware of the complications that a dual relationship can bring into the professionality
of the ECE field. I will talk with my colleagues and supervisor to discuss possible scenarios
and to maintain professionalism. (C.5, C.7).
Identify your strengths and any areas for growth, leadership development or professional
learning interests from Standard VI. Reference the specific standards (e.g., Standard VI: C.2).
I know and will continue to uphold my duty to report and keeping confidentiality in the field.
Talking about certain things in the field can be tempting and I have dealt with that, however it
is in my strength to keep things confidential and report when needed. (B.4).
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College of Early Childhood Educators | CPL Portfolio Cycle | Self-Assessment Tool | 2019 5
Part 3: Professional Learning Goals
2. Complete the chart below by identifying three goals for your professional learning over the
next two years.
4. You will work towards these three goals during this two-year portfolio cycle.
Grow knowledge and skills about the different Standard II: C.3
All content is the sole copyright of the College and changes to this document are not allowed without the permission of the College.
College of Early Childhood Educators | CPL Portfolio Cycle | Self-Assessment Tool | 2019 6
Self-Assessment Registration #:
All content is the sole copyright of the College and changes to this document are not allowed without the permission of the College.
College of Early Childhood Educators | CPL Portfolio Cycle | Self-Assessment Tool | 2019 7