International Business Chapter 3 - Sociocultural Forces Mini Test Task 1 - Choose The Correct Answer
International Business Chapter 3 - Sociocultural Forces Mini Test Task 1 - Choose The Correct Answer
International Business Chapter 3 - Sociocultural Forces Mini Test Task 1 - Choose The Correct Answer
3. _____ may be the result of the host government's insistence that foreign investors
import only the most modern machinery.
A) Technological dualism
B) High import duties
C) High underemployment
D) Low labor costs
4. Which of the following is not one of the six rules of thumb for going business across
A) establish trust.
B) be prepared.
C) do things quickly.
D) understand the importance of language.
5. Culture is the sum total of beliefs, rules, techniques, institutions and artifacts that
characterize human populations. Culture is:
A) innate.
B) independent of various aspects of a society.
C) shared.
D) unique.
6. The belief in the superiority of one's own ethnic group is referred to as:
A) ethnocentricity.
B) egotism.
C) biocentricity.
D) culturalism.
7. In order to learn to live with other cultures, an international business manager's first
step is to:
A) visit the country as a tourist.
B) learn the language.
C) do extensive research.
D) realize that other cultures exist and are often different from one's own.
11. The cultural characteristic that probably presents more adaptation problems for
Americans overseas than does any other is attitudes toward:
A) time.
B) religion.
C) authority.
D) money.
13. Probably one of the most vexing problems for the newcomer to Latin America is:
A) the laziness of the workers.
B) the poor working conditions.
C) the government corruption.
D) the manana attitude.
17. Technological superiority is the goal of most companies, but is especially important
to international companies because it:
A) Technological superiority is the goal of most companies, but is especially important to
international companies because it:
B) holds the international division of labor constant.
C) can hinder the formation of competitive alliances.
D) can give a firm confidence to enter a foreign market when other companies are
already established there.
18. The fear of the boomerang effect has caused some American firms to:
A) restrict the sale of their technology to the Japanese.
B) cancel plans to enter the Chinese market.
C) pull operations out of Russia.
D) avoid Australia all together.
1. What sociocultural factors should be considered when you enter the Middle East