Unit 1 Mcqs
Unit 1 Mcqs
Unit 1 Mcqs
The widening set of interdependent relationships among people from different parts of the
world is known as ________.
A) globalization
B) offshoring
C) franchising
D) outsourcing
5. Devon, an accounts manager at a large electronics firm, does not have any direct international
responsibilities; however, Devon would most likely benefit from studying international business
issues so that he can ________.
A) conduct better job interviews
B) better understand how foreign operations affect the company's competitive position
C) supervise and evaluate subordinates who have global assignments
D) understand the legalities of importing and exporting products overseas
6. The shifting of national borders has most likely created which of the following situations for
international business?
A) It has left rural residents more isolated from technology.
B) It has complicated the understanding of behavioral factors affecting business.
C) It has increased physical barriers to exporting.
D) It has slowed communications between a company's headquarters and foreign operations.
8. Which of the following has NOT been a major force increasing globalization in recent
A) liberalization of cross-border trade
B) increase in and expansion of technology
C) growing pressure from consumers
D) decreasing prices of natural resources
9. Which of the following best explains why international business has grown rapidly in the past
few decades?
A) the end of the political division between the Communist and non-Communist blocs
B) greater income equality in most countries
C) growing concern about climate change
D) increased concerns about terrorism
10. Imported flowers are now a stronger competitor to U.S. grown flowers in the U.S. market.
Which of the following is likely the MOST important factor for this increase in imports?
A) more effective production techniques
B) advances in communication systems
C) advances in transportation and logistics
D) cross-national cooperation
11. Because consumers want a greater variety of goods and services at lower prices, many
governments have ________.
A) reduced their restrictions on the international movement of goods and services
B) acted to tax most imports at a lower rate than domestic products
C) sought to eliminate reciprocal advantages negotiated through international organizations and
D) increased their participation in multinational problem-solving efforts
12. Which of the following best explains recent governmental relaxation of restrictions on cross-
border trade or resource movements?
A) Most countries face shortages of workers, so they seek immigrants who can help them
produce more.
B) Governments believe that this will decrease the need to make their own companies more
C) Consumers increasingly want to buy goods and services produced in their own countries,
making restrictions less necessary.
D) Governments believe that domestic producers will become more efficient as a result of
foreign competition.
13. All of the following are areas in which commercial activities take place outside the territory
of any nation EXCEPT ________.
A) noncoastal areas of the oceans
B) the Panama and Suez Canals
C) outer space
D) Antarctica
14. Which of the following statements would most likely be made by a SUPPORTER of
A) Globalization encourages the adoption of uniform and superior standards for combating
environmental problems.
B) Economic growth created by globalization is largely in services, which involves the use of
few nonrenewable resources.
C) Global competition discourages resource-saving technologies, which are costly.
D) Air pollution and toxic runoff problems increase with global economic growth.
15. Businesspeople seeking to understand more about another culture in order to successfully
conduct business within that culture would be best advised to do which of the following?
A) observe the behavior of people who have gained respect within that cultural environment
B) rely on stereotypes, which are based on averages, to gain an understanding of the culture
C) avoid cultural research studies because they perpetuate unjustified stereotypes and behaviors
D) memorize the cultural variations that are typically encountered in a specific cultural
16. It is most accurate to say that within most nations' borders, people largely share such
essential attributes as ________ and ________.
A) work attitudes; occupations
B) lifestyles; education level
C) education level; ethnicity
D) values; language
17. Contact among countries brings about cultural change, which is a process called ________.
A) cultural collision
B) cultural imperialism
C) cultural diffusion
D) polycentrism
18. Which of the following languages has the most NATIVE speakers?
A) English
B) Mandarin
C) Spanish
D) Hindi
19. ________ people account for the largest percentage of global production.
A) English-speaking
B) Mandarin-speaking
C) French-speaking
D) Spanish-speaking
21. The term "________ culture" describes a country in which the norm is a money-and-things
orientation and a belief that it's better to "live to work" than to "work to live."
A) high masculinity
B) physiological
C) non-fatalistic
D) high-femininity
22. People generally prefer little consultation between superiors and subordinates in cultures
where ________ is high.
A) power distance
B) fatalism
C) individualism
D) self-actualization