RA7394 Summary

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— A food shall also be deemed mislabeled: a) if its labeling or advertising is false or misleading
in any way; b) if it is offered for sale under the name of another food; c) if it is an imitation of
another food, unless its label bears in type of uniform size and prominence, the word “imitation”
and, immediately thereafter, the name of the food imitated; d) its containers is so made, formed,
or filled as to be misleading; e) if in package form unless it bears a label conforming to the
requirements of this Act: Provided, That reasonable variation on the requirements of labeling
shall be permitted and exemptions as to small packages shall be established by the regulations
prescribed by the concerned department of health; f) if any word, statement or other information
required by or under authority of this Act to appear on the principal display panel of the label or
labeling is not prominently placed thereon with such conspicuousness as compared with other
words, statements, designs or devices in the labeling and in such terms as to render it likely to
be read and understood by the ordinary individual under customary conditions of purchase and
use; g) if it purports to be or is represented as a food for which a definition or standard of identity
has been prescribed unless: 1) it conforms to such definition and standard; and 2) its labels
bears the name of the food specified in the definition or standards, and insofar as may be
required by such regulations, the common names of optional ingredients other than spices,
flavoring and coloring, present in such food; h) if it purports to be or is represented as: 1) a food
for which a standard of quality has been prescribed by regulations as provided in this Act and its
quality fall below such standard, unless its label bears in such manner and form as such
regulations specify, a statement that it falls below such standard; or 2) a food for which a
standard or standards or fill of container have been prescribed by regulations as provided by this
Act and it falls below the standard of fill of container applicable thereto, unless its label bears, in
such manner and form as such regulations specify, a statement that it falls below such standard;
i) if it is not subject to the provisions of paragraph (g) of this Article unless its label bears: 1) the
common or usual name of the food, if there be any; and 2) in case it is manufactured or
processed from two or more ingredients, the common or usual name of such ingredient; except
the spices, flavorings and colorings other than those sold as such, may be designated as spices,
flavorings and colorings without naming each: Provided, That to the extent that compliance with
the requirement of clause (2) of this paragraph is impracticable or results in deception or unfair
competition, exemptions shall be established by regulations promulgated by the concerned
department of health; j) if it purports to be or is represented for special dietary uses, unless its
label bears such information concerning its vitamin or mineral or other dietary properties as the
concerned department determines to be, or by regulations prescribed as necessary in order fully
to inform purchasers as its value for such uses; k) if it bears or contains any artificial flavoring,
artificial coloring, or chemical preservative, unless it bears labeling, stating that fact: Provided,
That to the extent that compliance with the requirements of this paragraph is impracticable,
exemptions shall be established by regulations promulgated by the concerned department.
2. c) if any word, statement or other information required by or under authority of this Act to appear
on the principal display panel of the label or labeling is not prominently placed thereon with such
conspicuousness as compared with other words, statements, designs or devices in the labeling
and in such terms as to render it likely to be read and understood by the ordinary individual
under customary conditions of purchase and use; d) if it is for use by man and contains any
quantity of the narcotic or hypnotic substance alpha-eucaine, barbituric acid, beta-eucaine,
bromal, cannabis, carbromal, chloral, coca, cocaine, codeine, heroin, marijuana, morphine,
opium, paraldehyde, peyote or sulfonmethane, or any chemical derivative of such substance,
which derivative has been designated by the concerned department after investigation, and by
regulations, as habit forming; unless its label bears the name and quantity or proportion of such
substance or derivative and in juxtaposition therewith the statement “Warning — May be habit
forming”; e) its labeling does not bear: 1) adequate directions for use; and 2) such adequate
warning against use in those pathological conditions or by children where its use may be
dangerous to health, or against unsafe dosage or methods or duration of administration or
application, in such manner and form, as are necessary for the protection of users: Provided,
That where any requirement of clause (1) of this paragraph, as applied to any drug or device, is
not necessary for the protection of the public health, the concerned department may promulgate
regulations exempting such drug or device from such requirement; f) if it purports to be a drug
the name of which is recognized in an official compendium, unless it is packaged and labeled as
prescribed therein: Provided, That the method of packing may be modified with the consent of
the concerned department; g) if it has been found by the concerned department to be a drug
liable to deterioration, unless it is packaged in such form and manner, and its label bears a
statement of such precautions, as the concerned department, shall by regulations, require as
necessary for the protection of the public health; h)1) if it is a drug and its container is so made,
formed or filled as to be misleading; or 2) if it is an imitation of another drug; or 3) if it is offered
for sale under the name of another drug; i) if it is dangerous to health when used in the dosage,
or with the frequency of duration prescribed, recommended or suggested in the labeling thereof;
j) if it is, purports to be or is represented as a drug composed wholly or partly of insulin or of any
kind of penicillin, streptomycin, chlortetracycline, chloramphenicol, bacitracin, or any other
antibiotic drug, or any derivative thereof, unless: 1) it is from a batch with respect to which a
certificate of release has been issued pursuant to regulations of the concerned department; and
2) such certificate of release is in effect with respect to such drug: Provided, That this paragraph
shall not apply to any drug or class of drugs exempted by regulations promulgated under
Authority of this Act.
3. — The following acts and the causing thereof are hereby prohibited: a) the manufacture,
importation, exportation, sale, offering for sale, distribution or transfer of any food, drug, device
or cosmetic that is adulterated or mislabeled; b) the adulteration or misbranding of any food,
drug, device, or cosmetic; c) the refusal to permit entry or inspection as authorized by Article 36
to allow samples to be collected; d) the giving of a guaranty or undertaking referred to in Article
41(b) hereof which guaranty or undertaking is false, except by a person who relied upon a
guaranty or undertaking to the same effect signed by, and containing the name and address of,
the person residing in the Philippines from whom he received in good faith the food, drug,
device, or cosmetic or the giving of a guaranty or undertaking referred to in Article 41(b) which
guaranty or undertaking is false; e) forging, counterfeiting, simulating, or falsely representing or
without proper authority using any mark, stamp, tag, label, or other identification device
authorized or required by regulations promulgated under the provisions of this Act; f) the using
by any person to his own advantage, or revealing, other than to the Department or to the courts
when relevant in any judicial proceeding under this Act, any information concerning any method
or process which as a trade secret is entitled to protection; g) the alteration, mutilation,
destruction, obliteration, or removal of the whole or any part of the labeling of, or the doing of
any other act with respect to a food, drug, device, or cosmetic, if such act is done while such
product is held for sale (whether or not the first sale) and results in such product being
adulterated or mislabeled; h) the use, on the labeling of any drug or in any advertising relating to
such drug, of any representation or suggestion that an application with respect to such drug is
effective under Article 31 hereof, or that such drug complies with the provisions of such articles;
i) the use, in labeling, advertising or other sales promotion, of any reference to any report or
analysis furnished in compliance with Section 19 of Executive Order 175, series of 1987; j) the
manufacture, importation, exportation, sale, offering for sale, distribution, or transfer of any drug
or device which is not registered with the Department pursuant to this Act; k) the manufacture,
importation, exportation, sale, offering for sale, distribution, or transfer of any drug or device by
any person without the license from the Department required in this Act; l) the sale or offering for
sale of any drug or device beyond its expiration or expiry date; m) the release for sale or
distribution of a batch of drugs without batch certification when required under Article 34 hereof.
4. c) if it is, or bears or contains a color additive which is unsafe under existing regulations:
Provided, That the Department shall promulgate regulations providing for the listing of color
additives which are harmless and suitable for use in food for which tolerances have been
established; d) if it is confectionary, and it bears or contains any alcohol or non-nutritive article or
substance except harmless coloring, harmless flavoring, harmless resinous glass not in excess
of four-tenths (4/10) of one per centum (1%) natural gum and pectin: Provided, That this clause
shall not apply to a safe non-nutritive article or substance if, in the judgment of the Department
as provided by regulations, (1) such article or substance is of practical functional value in the
manufacture, packaging or storage of such confectionery, (2) if the use of the substance does
not promote deception of the consumer or otherwise results in adulteration or mislabeling in
violation of any provision of this Act, and (3) would not render the product injurious or hazardous
to health: Provided, further, That this paragraph shall not apply to any confectionery by reason of
its containing less than one-half (1/2) of one per centum (1%) by volume of alcohol, derived
solely from the use of flavoring extracts, or to any chewing gum by reason of its containing
harmless non-nutritive masticatory substance: Provided, finally, That the Department may, for
the purposes of avoiding or resolving uncertainty as to the application of this clause, promulgate
regulations allowing or prohibiting the use of particular non-nutritive substances; e) if it is
oleomargarine, margarine or butter and any of the raw materials used therein consists in whole
or in part of any filthy, putrid or decomposed substance, or such oleomargarine, margarine or
butter is otherwise unfit for food; f) if it has not been prepared in accordance with current
acceptable manufacturing practice established by the Department through regulations.
5. — Hazardous substances shall be deemed mislabeled when: a) having been intended or
packaged in a form suitable for use in households, especially for children, the packaging or
labeling of which is in violation of the special packaging regulations issued by the concerned
department; b) such substance fails to bear a label: 1) which states conspicuously: (i) the name
and the place of business of the manufacturer, packer, distributor or seller; (ii) the common or
usual name or the chemical name, if there be no common or usual name, of the hazardous
substance or of each component which contributes substantially to the harmfulness of the
substance, unless the concerned department by regulation permits or requires the use of the
recognized generic name; (iii) the signal word “danger” on substances which are extremely
flammable, corrosive or highly toxic; (iv) the signal word “warning” or “caution” with a bright red
or orange color with a black symbol on all other hazardous substances; (v) a clear statement as
to the possible injury it may cause if used improperly; (vi) precautionary measures describing the
action to be followed or avoided; (vii) instructions when necessary or appropriate for first-aid
treatment; (viii) the word “poison” for any hazardous substance which is defined as highly toxic;
(ix) instructions for handling and storage of packages which require special care in handling and
storage; and (x) the statement “keep out of the reach of children”, or its practical equivalent, if
the article is not intended for use by children and is not a banned hazardous substance, with
adequate directions for the protection of children from the hazard involved.
6. — Whenever the concerned department determines that regulations containing requirements
other than those prescribed in Article 77 hereof are necessary to prevent the deception of the
consumer or to facilitate value comparisons as to any consumer product, it may issue such rules
and regulations to: a) establish and define standards for characterization of the size of a
package enclosing any consumer product which may be used to supplement the label statement
of net quality, of contents of packages containing such products but this clause shall not be
construed as authorizing any limitation on the size, shape, weight, dimensions, or number of
packages which may be used to enclose any product; b) regulate the placement upon any
package containing any product or upon any label affixed to such product of any printed matter
stating or representing by implication that such product is offered for retail at a price lower than
the ordinary and customary retail price or that a price advantage is accorded to purchases
thereof by reason of the size of the package or the quantity of its contents; c) prevent the
nonfunctional slack-fill of packages containing consumer products.
7. — It shall be unlawful for any person to: a) manufacture for sale, offer for sale, distribute in
commerce, or import into the Philippines any consumer product which is not in conformity with
an applicable consumer product quality or safety standard promulgated in this Act; b)
manufacture for sale, offer for sale, distribute in commerce, or import into the Philippines any
consumer product which has been declared as banned consumer product by a rule in this Act; c)
refuse access to or copying of pertinent records or fail or refuse to permit entry of or inspection
by authorized officers or employees of the department; d) fail to comply with an order issued
under Article 11 relating to notifications of substantial product hazards and to recall, repair,
replacement or refund of unsafe products; e) fail to comply with the rule prohibiting stockpiling.
8. — In addition to their powers, functions and duties under existing laws, the concerned
department shall have the following powers, functions and duties: a) to administer and supervise
the implementation of this Article and its implementing rules and regulations; b) to undertake
researches, develop and establish quality and safety standards for consumer products in
coordination with other government and private agencies closely associated with these products;
c) to inspect and analyze consumer products for purposes of determining conformity to
established quality and safety standards; d) to levy, assess, collect and retain fees as are
necessary to cover the cost of inspection, certification, analysis and tests of samples of
consumer products and materials submitted in compliance with the provisions of this Article; e)
to investigate the causes of and maintain a record of product-related deaths, illnesses and
injuries for use in researches or studies on the prevention of such product-related deaths,
illnesses and injuries.

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