Complete English Batch Reading Comprehension: English by Vishal Parihar

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English By Vishal Parihar

cutbacks do not affect the quantum of teaching

that existing lecturers are being asked to work
Direction: Read the following passage longer. Obviously, the quality of teaching and
carefully and answer the questions given academic work in general will decline. While it is
below it. Certain words in the passage are true that some college teachers do not take their
printed in bold to help you to locate them classes regularly, the UGC and the Institutions
easily while answering some of the concerned must find a proper way to hold them
questions. accountable. An absentee teacher will continue
The University Grants Commissions directive to to play truant even if the number of hours he is
college and university lecturers to spend a required to teach goes up. All of us are well
minimum of 22 hours a week in direct teaching is aware of the unsound state that the Indian higher
the product Of budgetary cutbacks rather than education system is in today. Thanks to years of
pedagogic wisdom. It may seem odd, at first sustained financial neglect most Indian
blush, that teachers should protest about universities and colleges do no research worth
teaching a mere 22 hours. However, If one the name. Even as the number of students
considers the amount of time academics require entering colleges has increased dramatically,
to prepare lectures of good qualify as well as the public investment in higher education has
time they need to spend doing research, It is actually declined in relative terms. Between 1985
clear that most conscientious teacher’s work and 1997, when public expenditure on higher
more than 40 hours a week. In university education as a percentage of outlays on all levels
systems around the world, lecturers rarely spend of education grew by more than 60 percent in
more than 12 to 15 hours In direct teaching Malaysia and 20 percent in Thailand, India
activities a week. The average college lecturer in showed a decline of more than 10 percent.
India does not have any office space. If Throughout the world, the number of teachers in
computers are available, internet connectivity is higher education per million population grew by
unlikely. Libraries are poorly stocked. Now the more than 10 percent In the same period in India
UGC says universities must implement a it fell by one percent. Instead of transferring the
complete freeze on all permanent recruitment, burden of government apathy on to the backs of
abolish all posts which have been vacant for the teachers, the UGC should insist that the
more than a year, and cut staff strength by 10 needs of the country’s university system are
percent. And it is in order to ensure that these adequately catered for.


English By Vishal Parihar

Q1. Q3.
Why does the UGC want to increase the direct Which of the following statements/s/are
teaching hours of university teachers ? TRUE in the context of the passage ?
(A) Most colleges do not carry out research
1. UGC feels that the duration of worth thename.
contact between teacher and the (B) UGC wants lecturers to spend minimum
taught should be more. 22 hours aweek in direct teaching.
2. UGC wants teachers to spend (C) Indian higher education system is in unsound
more time in their depart merits. state.
3. UGC wants teachers to devote
1. Only (A) and (C)
some time to improve university
2. All (A), (B) and (C)
administration. 3. Only (A)
4. UGC does not have money to 4. Only (B)
appoint additional teachers. 5. Only (B) and (C)
5. None of these
Q2. Besides direct teaching University
Which of the following is the reason for the sorry teachers spend considerable time in/on
state of affairs of the Indian Universities as ………..
mentioned in the passage ?
1. administrative activities such as
1. The poor quality of teachers admissions
2. Involvement of teachers in extracurricular 2. supervising examinations and
activities correction of answerpapers
3. carrying out research in the area of their
3. Politics within and outside the
4. maintaining research equipment and
4. Heavy burden of teaching hours on the
5. developing liaison with the user
5. Not getting enough financial assistance
organizations B.


English By Vishal Parihar

Q5. c) Indian Universities are asked to reduce

Which of the following statements is NOT staff strength by 10%.
TRUE In the context of the passage?
d) Public investment in higher education
a) UGC wants teachers to spend
has increased in India.
minimum 40 hours in a week in
teaching e) Malaysia spends more money on
b) Some college teachers do not education than Thailand.
engage their classes regularly Q8.
c) The average college teacher in India What is the UGC directive to the universities?
does not have any office space
d) UGC wants universities to abolish all a) Improve the quality of teaching.
posts which have been vacant for b) Spend time on research activities.
more than a year c) Do not appoint any permanent teacher.
e) All are true
d) Provide computer and internet facilities.
Between 1385-1997, the number of teachers e) Do not spend money on counselling
in higher education per million population, in services to the students.
Direction: Read the following passage
a) Increased by 60% carefully and answer the questions given
b) Increased by 20% below it. Certain words phrases are printed
c) decreased by 22%
in bold to help you locate them while
d) decreased by 10%
answering those questions.
e) decreased by 1%
At one time it would have been impossible to
Q7. imagine the integration of different religious
Which of the following statements is NOT thoughts, ideas and ideals. That is because of
TRUE in the context of the passage ? the closed society, the lack of any
communication or interdependence on other
a) Indian universities are financially
neglected. nations. People were happy and content
b) All over the world, the university amongst themselves; they did not need any
lecturers hardlyspend more than 12 more. The physical distance and cultural barriers
to 15 hours a week in direct teaching. prevented any exchange of thought and beliefs.
But such is not the case today. Today, the world


English By Vishal Parihar

has become a much smaller place, thanks to the systems claim that they contain the revelation of
adventures and miracles of science. the very core and center of truth and the
Foreign nations have become our next-door acceptance of it is the exclusive pathway to
neighbors. Mingling of population is bringing heaven, conflicts are inevitable. In such conflicts
about an interchange of thought. We are slowly one religion will not, allow others to steal a
realizing that the world is a single cooperative march over it and no one can gain ascendancy
group1. Other religions have become forces with until the world is reduced to dust and ashes. To
which we have to reckon and we are seeking for obliterate every other religion than, ones is a sort
ways and means by which we can live together of Bolshevism in religion which we must try to
in peace and harmony. We cannot have prevent. We can do so only if we accept
religious unity and peace so long as we assert something like the Indian solution, which seeks
that we are in possession of the light and all the unity of religion not in a common creed but
others are grouping in the darkness That very in a common quest. Let us believe in a unity of
assertion is a challenge to a fight. The political spirit and not of organization, a unity which
ideal of the world is not so much a single empire secures ample liberty not only for every
with a homogeneous, Civilization and single individual but for every type of organized life
communal will a brotherhood of free nations which has proved itself effective. For almost all
differing profoundly in life and mind, habits and historical forms of life and thought can claim the
institutions, existing side by side in peace and sanction of experience and so the authority of
order, harmony and cooperation and each God. The world would be a much poorer thing if
contributing to the world its own unique and one creed absorbed the rest. God wills a rich
specific best, which is irreducible to , the terms harmony and not a colorless uniformity. The
of the others. The cosmopolitanism of the comprehensive and synthetic spirit of Indianism
eighteenth century, and the nationalism of , the had made it a mighty forest with a thousand
nineteenth are combined in our ideal of a world waving aims each fulfilling its function and all
commonwealth, which allows every branch of directed by the spirit of God. Each thing in its
the human family to find freedom, security and place and all associated in the divine concert
self-realization in the larger life of man , kind. I making with their various voices and even
see no hope for the religious future of the world, dissonance, as Heraclitus would say, the most
if this ideal is not extended to the religious, exquisite harmony should be our ideal.
sphere also?, When two or three different


English By Vishal Parihar

Q9. c) God wants a genuine similarity in

According to the passage, religious unity and thoughts, ideals and values rather
peace can be obtained if than an artificial appearance
a) We believe that the world is a single d) People interacting with each other is
cooperative group bringing about a change in their attitude.
e) None of these
b) We do not assert that we alone are in
possession of the real knowledge Q12.
c) We believe in a unity of spirit and not of According to the passage, the political ideal of
organization. the contemporary world is toll create a single
d) We believe that truth does matter and will empire with a homogeneous civilization
e) None of these a) foster the unity of all the religions of the
b) create a world common wealth
Which of the following, according to the preserving religiousdiversity of all the
passage, is the Indian solution ? Unity of nations
religions in a common c) create brotherhood of free nations who
a) Belief believe in one religion
d) None of these.
b) Organization
e) All of these
c) Creed
d) Search Q13.
e) None of these According to the passage, the world would be
a much poorer thing if
According to the author, which of the following a) one religion swallows all other religions
is NOTTRUE ? b) one religion accepts the supremacy of
other religions
a) Acceptance of Indianism is the
c) religions adopt toleration as a principle
exclusive pathway to heaven of spirituallife
b) We should not assert that other d) we do not achieve the ideal of
religions have no definite pathway or brotherhood of free nations
goal e) None of these


English By Vishal Parihar

Q14. a) believes that anyone who disagrees

Which of the following statements is/are with it ought to be silenced
stated or implied in the above passage ? b) wants to steal a march over others
(A) People today are happy and content c) claims to possess a complete
amongstthemselves. and exclusiveunderstanding of
(B) There is no freedom and security in the truth
religioussphere in the world today. d) believes that the view held Strongly
(C) Indianism is directed by the spirit of God. by many need not be a correct view
e) None of these
a) Only (A) & (C)
b) Only (B) Direction: Read the following passage
c) Only (C) carefully and answer the questions given
d) Only (A) below ft. Certain words phrases are printed
e) None of these in bold to help you to locate them while
answering some of the questions.
Q15. The debt swap scheme is one among the various
According to the passage, what is market based debt restructuring measures
Bolshevism in the religion ? available to provide debt relief without
hampering the Interest of the creditor. The basic
a) To ridicule the views sincerely held by
notion of debt swap/conversion is relatively
simple. The principle is that instead of continuing
b) To accept others religious beliefs and
to make interest 1 payments on outstanding
doctrines asauthentic as ours
loans contracted in past at a very high rate, the
c) To adhere to rigid dogmatism in religion
debtor is able to find some other means of
d) To make change in a religion so that it
settling the debt which is satisfactory to both the
becomes more acceptable
debtor and creditor. The debt swap can be of
e) None of these
various types, the most prominent being the debt
Q16. equity swaps, or debt-to-debt swaps. Debt equity
According to the passage, the conflict of swaps are exchange of bonds or bank loans for
religions is inevitable mainly because each ownership rights to equity. Such debt equity
religion swaps have formed part of private corporations


English By Vishal Parihar

restructuring process for some time. The debt swapping No foreign debt with domestic debt
swap whether internal or external has an array can be expensive. If the debt is swapped through
of macroeconomic effects. It is to be noted that money financing, it leads to an expansion of
in any debt swap scheme, the debtor must money supply. If the government can run
surrender an asset in return for having a liability sustained deficits, the fiscal side provides a key
extinguished. For example, in case of debt equity link through which swaps can create
swap, debt is exchanged by a claim on capital macroeconomic disequilibrium. In a deficit
stock owned by the debtor. In the case of situation, if the supply of bond is increased to
external debt, if the government retires external swap the debt, and if the discounts obtained by
debt by issuing domestic bonds, in a balanced the government due to interest rate differential
budget there are no real effects beyond those are not large enough to cover the deficit,
created by the initial wealth effect 1 the economy government will have to issue fresh bonds, which
will display a current account surplus, in turn may push up the interest rate. Finally, if
accompanied by an initial appreciation of parallel the government continues to run a fiscal deficit
exchange rate and a high real interest rate. and to avoid inflationary effects if it relies mostly
These effects are independent of the discounts on debt for bonds swapped and if this in turn
received by the government. The practice of debt leads to an accumulation of domestic debt,
equity swap or debt to debt swap particularly in which the public expects will eventually be
the context of external debt has given rise to monetized, the domestic rate of inflation will
active controversy. The debate covers wide immediately begin to rise. In the case of the debt
ranging issues such as welfare characteristics of swap scheme between central and state
such swaps, their potential for reducing net governments in India, states can restructure their
capital flows, and the degree to which swap can debt by prepayment of high cost central debt with
reduce the negative incentive effects of debt additional market borrowing at a lower rate of
overhang. Attention has also been paid on the interest. Essentially, this should result in the
effect of debt swap on the secondary market reduction in the average cost of debt of the state
prices of debt. In the case of external debt, government, However, that would largely
Mexico and Brazil suspended the debt depend on the volume of savings in the Interest
conversion programme, because they can be cost in relation to the outstanding debt stock
inflationary as they put excessive pressure on available for swapping. Despite the savings in
the free market for foreign exchange or because interest cost due to debt swap, if a large gap is


English By Vishal Parihar

to be filled by additional borrowing, there is a a) State Government should stop borrowing

possibility that swap induced additional market from Central Government.
borrowing may put pressure on the interest rate. b) The debt restructuring should be done at
Also, in an extreme case, continuous financing bare minimum level.
of swappable debt through bond financing may c) The foreign debts should be swapped
fuel inflation if the holder of the bond expects that
d) The debt equity swap should be banned.
debt will eventually be monetized. It is evident
e) None of these
from this discussion that aggressive debt
restructuring proposed to reap the benefit of low Q19.
interest rate regime a times may itself become Which of the following best describes the notion
the cause of hardening of future interest rates. of debt conversion ?

Q17. a) It is a relatively simple theory.

Which of the following measures had been b) To substitute high interest debts with
lour interest debts.
adopted by private Corporations in
c) The awarding of Ownership right to
restrictions in restructuring process ?
mortgaged assets to the debtor.
a) Exchange of bonds for d) Reduction of liabilities of the creditor
e) None of these
ownership rights with
shareholders. Q20.
b) Providing debt relief to bond holders What affect will be visible on the economy if
without raising the interest rate. Government decides to issue domestic bonds ?
c) Settling the debt in exchange of reserves.
d) Borrowing from banks by mortgaging a) The government will get discount on the
equity shares. public debt.
e) None of these b) The currency exchange rate will
Q18. c) A current account surplus will be more
Which of the following is the prominent.
d) The interest on real estate advances will
recommendation of the author to stabilize
be high
the interest rates ?
e) None of these


English By Vishal Parihar

Q21. a) The microeconomic equilibrium will shift

Which factors compelled Latin American to negative side.
countries to keep in abeyance the debt swap
b) The price of initial bonds will decrease.
program ?
c) This step will mess up the economy
a) The welfare characteristics of the completely.
programme were unfavorable. d) The interest rates will start increasing.
b) The conversion with foreign debts was
e) None of these
perceived to be expensive.
c) Net capital flow started increasing.
d) Positive incentive effects of debt started
Which factors may raise the inflation rate on
e) None of these. domestic side ?

Q22. (A) If accumulated internal debts start

what is the suggestion me author to the State getting monetized. (B)If interest rates
Governments? start reducing for public borrowings. (C)If

a) Borrow from the market and pay Central debt swap is done through issue of
Government immediately. bonds in a deficit situation.
b) Pay market debts first, thereafter a) Only (A)
think for Central Government. b) Only(B)
c) Swap the domestic debt with foreign
c) Only (A) and (B)
d) Present a balanced budget. d) Either (A) or (C)
e) None of these e) Both (A) and (C)

Q23. Q25.
What will happen if government , decides to In order to achieve expansion of money
issue fresh bonds in deficit situation ?
supply the Central Government should—


English By Vishal Parihar

a) exchange public debts with foreign For more than three, years, Anna Feng didn’t tell
debts. her husband that she had sunk nearly half of
b) swap foreign debts with issue of bonds. their savings into the Shanghai stock market.
While he thought all their money was safely
c) convert debts through money financing.
sitting In a bank, the value of the stocks plunged
d) insist on State government for
by almost 75%. But over the past couple of
prepayment of debts.
months, the Shanghai market has shown signs
e) Not clearly mentioned in the passage. of life, and Feng, a 56yearold retiree, has
recouped half her losses. Shes, quietly hopeful
that may be shell make it all back. Everyone
seems to be so optimistic about the markets
Which of the following will be the now, she says. ,Around the world, stocks have
consequences if domestic bonds are been on a tear. In Asia, for example, the Tokyo
issued in a balanced budget ? (A)A current TOPIX stock index hit a 14 year high last week
account surplus will be displayed. (B)Real as a bull run in once dormant Japan gathered
interest rate will get appreciation. momentum Mumbai’s main equity index hit f an
all-time high in trading early Friday amid Indians
emment will become Independent. continuing economic boom and Hong Kong
shares reached a five-year high while indices in
. Singapore, Jakarta and Sydney set new
(a) All (A). (B) and (C)
records. And though stock in Asia, in particular,
(b) Only (A) and (BJ
are on fire, they are not alone. From Germany to
(c) Only (A) and (C) Venezuela to South Africa, equity markets in
(d) Neither (A) nor (B) nor (C) both mature and emerging markets , have
(e) Only (B) and (C) moved up sharply this year—and show little sign
of slowing. The underpinning for stocks strong
Direction: Read the following passage performance, global bulls say, is straightforward.
carefully and answer the questions given Economic growth continues to be strong in
below it. Certain words phrases have been places where it has been buoyant for several
years (the U.S., China and India) and is finally
printed in bold to help you locate them while
picking up in places where it had been notably
answering some of the questions.
absent—Japan and parts of old Europe.


English By Vishal Parihar

Moreover, earning and corporate balance sheets beginning to tick upward last week the U.S.
around the world are as healthy, as they have 30year treasury bond reached 5.04% its highest
been in years. In Japan, corporate profits have level since late 2004i and the housing market is
climbed for four straight years and consumer cooling off—potentially triggering an economic
spending is rising briskly on the back of declining slowdown as homeowners cut their spending.
unemployment. Economists say that Japan is Q27.
now in a golden cycle. for now, is much of the According to the passage, what makes people
world. It comes down to very simple hopeful about the markets ?
macroeconomics. saysSubirGokam. an
economist at CRISIL, India’s largest credit rating a) The descent in the value of stocks
firm. The global economy is growing without b) The trend of substantial increase in value
much inflationary pressure is anything wrong of stocks
with this picture ? One very big thing, warn the c) Safety provided by banks to their
skeptics. Interest rates are rising nearly deposits
everywhere, and if there is one simple adage that d) Optimism of the stock market players
many Investment advisers live by, Its this When e) The interest rates are going up
rates are high, stocks will die. Indeed, one of the
most impressive—or scariest— aspects of the
Which of the following is TRUE about the
current global bull run is that it has come in the
comparison between market indices of Mumbai
teeth of central bank tightening, most importantly
and Hong Kong on the one hand and
by the U.S. Federal Reserve, which could slow
Singapore, Jakarta and Sydney on the other ?
growth in the world’s key economic locomotive.
The Fed has increased key short-term interest a) The indices in the former case are
rate— the so-called Fed funds rate— 15 times Increasing while those in the latter are
dating back to June 2004, and is widely expected decreasing,
to raise it one or twice more over the next few b) There is no remarkable trend visible
months. A brief recession and the Sept. 11 between the two sets of Indices
terrorist attacks In 2001 spurred a prolonged c) Indices in both the groups of exercises
period of very low interest rates. That boosted are stab leaver a period of last five years
U.S. consumption—In particular the rate d) The markets in both the ground of
sensitive housing market—and kept the global countries have shown upward trend
economy humming. But long-term rates are now e) None of these


English By Vishal Parihar

Q29. Q32.
What is the Impact of increasing long term Which of the following statements is are
interest rates? FALSE in the context of the passage ?

(A) Demand in housing market is gradually (A) Economic growth in US, China, India,
diminishing, Japan and old European countries
(B) Retardation in economic growth. started to show a downward trend.
(C) Restrictions imposed by central bank. (B) (B)Higher interest rates help boost
a) only A stock value
b) only B (C) Sceptics firmly believe that, economic
c) only C growth is a boon from all the angles.
d) Only A and C
e) None of these (a) All the three
(b) (A) and (B) only
(c) (B) and (C) only
In what way did the terrorist attack in the US
(d) (A) and (C) only
influence, the markets?
(e) None of these
a) It led to a brief recession
b) It increased long term need for housing
How do the stock values in Asian countries
c) It helped Increase the Interest rates on
compare with that in the other countries of
the global?
d) It prolonged the low interest rate regime
a) It cannot be inferred on the basic of the
e) None of these
context of the passage
b) There is general decline in the market
How are the interest rates associated with the
stocks ? indices all over the globe
(a) In direct proportion c) Markets show a general rise ill the indices fill
(b) In Inverse proportion over the globe
(c) No relation d) Markets only in Asian countries have shown
(d) Dependent upon the Investors upward trend
(e) None of these e) None of these


English By Vishal Parihar

Q34. (a) It will improve the standard of living of those

Which of the following is are the reasons farmerswho can afford to repay their loans
for the statement that Japan is now in but are exempted.
golden cycle ? (b) Other government relief measures have
It is an economic growth n without much provedineffective.
inflationary pressure. (c) Suicide rates of farmers have declined
Japan witnessed a substantial increase in after the announcement of the waiver.
corporate profits for the last four years. (d) Farmers will be motivated to increase the size
There are more employment avenues of their family holdings not individual
open and consumers spending has holdings.
increased significantly. (e) The government will be forced to re-
(a) All the three (A), (B) and (C) examine and improve the public
(b) (A) and (B) only distribution system.
(c) Either (B) and (C) only Direction: Read the following passage
(d) (A) and (C) only carefully and answer the questions given
(e) Either (A) or (C) only below it. Certain words have been printed in
bold to help you locate them while
Q35. answering some of the question.
According to the content of the passage, the Political ploys Initially hailed as
spurt in stock markets appears to be— masterstrokes often end up as flops. The
(a) a healthy sign of growing world peace Rs. 60,000 crore farm loan waiver
(b) an indication of eradication of global poverty announced In the budget writes off 100% of
(c) a proof of a negligible number of overdoes of small and marginal farmers
holding up to two hectares, and 25% of
people belowpoverty line
overdoes of larger farmers. While India has
(d) a transition from under development to
enjoyed 8%9% GDP growth for the past
enrichment .
few years, the boom has bypassed many
(e) None of these
rural areas and farmer distress and
suicides have made newspaper headlines.
Q36. Various attempts to provide relief
Why do economists feel that loan waivers will (employment guarantee scheme, public
benefit farmers in distress? distribution system) have made little


English By Vishal Parihar

impact, thanks to huge leakages from the negative effects of the waiver encouraging
governments lousy delivery systems. So, willful , default in the future and
many economists think the loan waiver is a discouraging fresh bank lending for some
worthwhile alternative to provide relief. years. Instead of trying to reach the needy,
However the poorest rural folk are landless through a plethora of leaky schemes we
laborers, who get neither farm loans nor should transfer cash directly to the needy
waivers. Half of the small and marginal using new technology like biometric smart
farmers get no loans from banks and cards, which are now being used in many
depend entirely on moneylenders, and will countries, and mobile phones bank
not benefit. Besides, rural India is full of the accounts. Then benefits can go directly to
family holdings rather than Individual phone accounts operable only by those
holdings and family holdings will typically with biometric cards, ending the massive
be much larger than two hectares even for leakages of current schemes. The political
dirt poor farmers, why will, therefore, be benefits of the loan waiver have also been
denied the 100% waiver. It will thus fall In exaggerated since if only a small fraction of
both economic and political objectives. farm families benefit , and many of these
IRDP loans to .the rural poor In the 1980s have to pay bribes to get the actual benefit,
demonstrated that crooked bank officials will the waiver really be a massive vote
demand bribes amounting to one third the winner ? Members of Joint families will feel
Intended benefits. Very few of the intended aggrieved that, despite having less than
beneficiaries who merited relief received it, one hectare per head , their family holding
After the last farm loan waiver will similarly is too large ,to qualify for the 100% waiver
slow down fresh loans to deserving All finance ministers, of central or state
farmers. While over dues to cooperatives governments, give away freebies in their
may be higher, economist SurjitBhalla says last budgets, hoping to win electoral
less than 1 5% of farmer loans to banks are regards . Yet, four fifth of all incumbent
overdue l.e. over dues exist for only 2.25 governments are voted out. This shows
million out of 90 million farmers. If so, then that beneficiaries of favors are not notably
the 95% who have repaid loans will not grateful , while those not so favored may
benefit. They will be angry at being feel aggrieved, and vote for the opposition.
penalised for honesty. The budget thus That seems to be Why election budgets
grossly overestimates the number of constantly fall to win elections in India and
beneficiaries , It also underestimates the the loan waiver will not change that pattern.


English By Vishal Parihar

Q37. Q39.
What message will the loan waiver send to What was the outcome of IRDP loans to the rural
farmers who have repaid loans?
a) The Government will readily provide them
with loans in the future. a) The percentage of bank loan sanctioned
b) As opposed to money lenders banks are a to family owned farms increased.
safer and more reliable source of credit. b) The loans benefited dishonest
c) Honesty is the best policy. moneylenders not landless laborers.
d) It is beneficial to take loans from
c) Corrupt bank officials were the
cooperatives since their rates of interest are
lower. unintended beneficiaries of the loans.
e) They will be angry at being penalised for d) It resulted In the Government sanctioning
honesty thrice the amount for the current loan
Q38. waiver.
What is the authors suggestion to
e) None of these.
provide aid to farmers?
a) Families should split their joint Q40.
holding to take advantage of the What are the terms of the loan waiver ?
loan waiver. (A) One fourth of the overdue loans of landless
b) The government should increase laborers will be writ ten off.
the reach of the employment
(B) The Rs. 60,000 crore loan waiver has been
guarantee scheme.
sanctioned for 25 million marginal farmers.
c) Loans should be disbursed directly into
bank account of the farmers using the (C) Any farmer with between 26 percent to
latest technology. 100 percent of their loan repayments
overdue will be penalised.
d) Government should ensure that loans
waivers can beimplemented over the (a) Only (A)
number of years. (b) Only (B)
(c) Both (B) and (C)
e) Rural infrastructure can be improved
(d) All IA), (B)and (C)
using schemes which were successful
(e) None of these


English By Vishal Parihar

Q41. Q43.
What is the authors view of the loan waiver? Which of the following will definitely be an impact
(a) It will have an adverse psychological impact of loan waivers ?
on thosewho cannot avail of the waiver. (A) Family holdings will be split into
(b) It is a Justified measure in view of the high individual holdings not exceeding one hectare.
suiciderate among landless laborers (B) The public distribution system will be
(c) It makes sound economic and political revamped.

sense in theexisting scenario. (C)Opposition will definitely win the

(d) It will ensure that the benefitsof India’s high election.

GDParefelt by the rural poor.

(a) None
(e) None of these
(b) Only (A)
(c) Both (A) and (B)
Which of the following cannot be said about loan (d) Only (C)
waiver? (e) All (A), (B) and ( C)
(A) Small and marginal farmers will benefit the
most. Q44.
(B) The loan waiver penalises deserving What impact will the loan waiver have on banks?
(a) Banks have to bear the entire brunt of the
(C) A large percentage i.e. ninety five
write off.
percent of distressed farmers ,wifi
(b) Loss of trust in banks by big farmers.
(c) Corruption among bank staff will
(a) Only (C)
(b) Both (A) and (C)
(d) Farmers will make it a habit to default on
(c) Only (A) loans
(d) Both (B) and (C) (e) None of these
(e) None of these


English By Vishal Parihar

Q45. green revolution for excessive exploitation of

According to the author what is the water and land resources through overuse of
governments motive in sanctioning the loan fertilizers, it did bring about a wheat surplus and
waiver? prosperity in certain pockets of the country. In
rural India today, there is a dire inadequacy of
a) To encourage farmers to opt for both science (i.e. knowledge) and technology
bank loans from moneylenders. (which derives from science and manifests itself
b) To raise 90 million farmers out of In physical form). The scope to apply
Indebtedness. technology to both farm and nonfarm activities
in rural areas is huge, as are the potential
c) To provide relief to those marginal
benefits. In fact, crop yields are far lower than
farmers who havethe means to but
what they are In demonstration farms, where
have not repaid their loans
science and technology are more fully applied.
d) To ensure they will be re-elected
Technologies that reduce power consumption
e) None of these of pumps are vital unfortunately, their use is
minimal, since agricultural power is free or
Direction: Read the following passage
largely subsidized. Similarly, there is little
carefully and answer the questions given
incentive to optimize through technology or
below it. Certain words phrases are given otherwise water use, especially in irrigated
in bold to help you locate them while areas (a third of total arable land), given the
answering some of the questions. water rates. Postharvest technologies for
Rural India faces serious shortages power, processing and adding value could greatly
water, health facilities, roads, etc. these are enhance rural employment and incomes, but at
known and recognised. However, the role of present deployment of technology is marginal.
technology in solving these and other problems Cold storage and cold chains for transportation
is barely acknowledged and the actual to market is of great importance for many
availability of technology in rural areas is agricultural products particularly, fruits and
marginal. The backbone of the rural economy is vegetables but are nonexistent. These are
agriculture which also provides sustenance to clearly technologies with an immediate return
over half the country’s population. The green on investment, and benefits for all the farmer,
revolution of the 1970s was, in fact, powered by the end consumer, the technology provider.
the scientific work in various agricultural However, regulatory and structural barriers are
research Institutions. While some fault the holding back investments. Power is a key


English By Vishal Parihar

requirement in rural areas, for agricultural as (a) Only (A),

well as domestic uses. Technology can provide (b) Only (C)
reliable power at comparatively low cost .ln a
(c) Both (A)and (B)
decentralized manner. However this needs to
be upgraded and scaled in a big way, with (d) Both (A) and (C)
emphasis on renewable and nonpolluting (e) Nope of these
technologies. Reliable and low cost means of Q47.
transporting goods and people is an essential Which of the following is NOT an impact of
need for rural areas. The bullock cart and the
the green revolution ?
tractor-trailer are present vehicles of choice.
Surely, technology can provide a better, (a) Over utilization of water resources
cheaper and more efficient solution? (b) Application of scientific research
Information related to commodity prices, only indemonstration farms
agricultural practices, weather etc. are crucial (c) Wealth creation restricted to certain areas
for the farmer. Technology can provide these
(d) Damage caused to land by inordinate use of
through mobile phones, which is a proven
technology however the challenge to ensure fertilizers
connectivity remains. Thus there is a pressing (e) Supply of wheat surpassed demand
need for technology as currently economic Q48.
growth though skewed and iniquitous has Why is there no motivation to reduce
created an economically attractive market in
power consumption ?
rural India.
Q46. (a) Freely available renewable sources of energy
According to the author, which of the following is (b) Government will have to subsidies the
are the problem(s) facing India’s rural cost oftechnology required to reduce
population? power consumption
(A) Unavailability of healthcare facilities.
(c) Power distribution has been
(B) The technological advancements which have
been borrowed from abroad have not been decentralised
suitably adapted to the Indian scenario. (d) The cost of implementing power saving
(C) Lack of awareness about the importance technology is exorbitant for the customer.
of utilising technology in the agricultural (e) None of these


English By Vishal Parihar

Q49. Q51.
What effect will the implementation of post- Which of the following is NOT TRUE in the
context of the passage?
harvest technologies such as cold storages
(1) In recent times the benefits of science and
have? technologyhave not been felt in agriculture
(2) The current means of rural transportation
(a) Regulatory procedures will have to be are ideali.e. low cost and non-polluting
more stringent (3) Agriculture provides livelihood to over 50
(b) Prices of commodities like fruits and percent ofthe Indian population.
vegetables willfall since there is no a) Both (A) and (B)
b) Only (B)
wastage from spoilage
c) Only (C)
(c) Incomes of rural population will fall d) Both (A) and (C)
(d) Pollution of the environment e) None of these
(e) None of these Q52.
What has hampered investment in post-
Q50. harvest technologies ?
The authors main objective in writing the
a) Cost of implementing such technology
passage is to is higher than the returns
b) No tangible benefits to technology
a) Censure scientists for not undertaking suppliers
research c) Obstacles from statutory authorities
b) Criticize farmers for not utilising d) Rapid economic growth has drawn
experimental, lowcost post harvesting investors away from agriculture to
technology more commercially viable sectors
e) None of these
c) Exhort the government to
subsidies the cost of utilising, Q53.
technology What is the role of mobile technology In
d) Promote a second green the rural economy ?
(A) It will not play a large role since the
technology islargely untested.
e) Advocate broadening the scope of (B) It provides opportunities for farmers to
research and use of technology in manipulatecom modity prices.
agriculture (C) It will largely be beneficial since such
technology is cheap.


English By Vishal Parihar

(a) Both (A) and (C) Direction: Read the following passage
(b) Only (A) carefully and answer ±he questions given
(c) Both (B) and (C) below it. Certain words have been printed in
(d) Only (B), bold to help you Ideate them while answering
(e) None of these some of the questions.
Q54. Giving loans to Impoverished women to make
Which of the following is currently NOT a threat ceramics or to farmers to buy milk cows were not
to the rural economy? seen as great business. Microfinance was an
(A) Inadequate rural infrastructure , such industry championed by antipoverty activists.
as roads. Today it is on the Verge of a revolution, with
billions of dollars from big banks, private equity
(B) Excessive utilization of technology.
shops and pension funds pouring In, driving
(C) Fluctuating power supply.
growth of 30% to 40% this year alone. In 1998, a
(a) Only (C) nonprofit microfinance organisation in Peru,
(b) Only (A) converted into bank (called Mibanco). This
(c) Both (B) and (C) demonstrated that the poor Eire good risks who
(d) Only (B) repay lotions on time and getting them together,
(e) None of these not only chips away at poverty but also turns a
Q55. profit. The success of Mibanco has piqued the
Which of the following is TRUE in the context interest of commercial banks, which had
previously shunned the countries poor. Now big
of the passage?
banks are going after Milbank’s clients with low
(A) About 33 percent of arable land in India is
rate loans and realising it likes special know how
irrigated. to work with the unbanked Eire hiring away
(B) There is hardly any motivation to utilize Milbank’s staff. But with the emergence of
technology to optimize water usage among players who are only out for profit, microfinance
farmers. schemes could end up milking the poor. This
(C) Climatic Information can easily be made could happen in countries where lenders don’t
available to farmers. have to disclose interest rates. When a Mexican
(a) All (A) (B) and (C) micro financer went public, revealing its loans
(b) Both (A) and (B) had rates of about 86% annually, the
Consultative Group to Assist the Poor (CGAP)
(c) Only (A)
criticised it for putting shareholders ahead of
(d) Both (B) and (C)
clients. The pressure of turn a profit also forces
(e) None of these micro financiers to change their business models


English By Vishal Parihar

In ways that depart from the industries core with providing capital to aspiring entrepreneurs
mission to help poor people lead better lives. —just increasing household debt.
Such shifts have caused the average loan size Q56.
to triple. Moreover smaller loans being costlier to What does the transformation of Perus non-profit
service, a lower percentage of loans go to organisation into bank illustrate?
women because they tend to take out similar a) To compete with commercial banks,
sums. According to CGAP, with the flood of new microfinance Institutions should convert
large entities there is the risk that a large into banks and offer a wide variety of
percentage of cross border funds go to Latin services.
America and eastern Europe, the world’s most b) Microfinance institutions turn higher profits
developed microfinance markets. The poorest of as banks since interest rates on loans are at
the world’s poor, who are predominantly in Asia their discretion.
and Africa get left out, says the CEO of the c) The poor prefer to go to large banks rather
nonprofit Grameen Foundation, which helps than NGOs to obtain loans.
develop microfinance Institutions. Segmenting (A) None
the Industry, might be worthwhile if It allows (B) Both (A) and (B)
more of the poor to get access to credit. (C) All (A), (B) and (C)
Multinational corporations could take the top (D) Only A
microfinance institutions to the next level, and (E) None of these
the remainder could be the responsibility of
development groups and regional banks. Yet Q57.
making loans to poor people is hardly a poverty Why did most microfinance institutions initially
cure. Property rights and the rule flaw matter too, provide only credit services?
One cannot over idealize what microfinance (A) They were unable to compete with the
alone can do. Most nonprofits started with interest rates offered on deposits by
lending simply because local laws prohibited commercial banks.
nonbanks from offering deposit accounts. With
an increase in competition and marketing efforts, (B) They have to operate purely on a non-profit
poverty alleviation experts are concerned that basis.
people will be talked into loans they would not (C) Government restrictions prevented
otherwise want, For example, organizations like them fromoffering additional services.
Mibanco are providing consumer loans. There is (D) To ensure the poor have access to modern
nothing wrong with buying TVs and micro waves necessities like microwaves.
on credit, but certain markets, like Mexico, have (E) None of these
been flooded with loans that have nothing to do


English By Vishal Parihar

Q58. (D) It is a disadvantage since microfinance’s

What was the impact of the non-disclosure use any means possible to recover
of their interest rates by lending institutions?
(A) The government issued sanctions against
(E) None of these
such firms.
(B) Shareholders’ interests were not protected Q61.
(C) More microfinance institutions were Which of the following is are challenges
motivated to go public. faced by Mibanco at, present from big
(D) The poor were exploited banks?
(E) None of these (1) Ensuring loyalty of their customers.
(2) Retention of employees
What is CGAPs fear with respect to new
(3) Maintaining low interest rates.
entities providing microfinance?
(A) NGO will be unable to survive in an (A) Only (C)
environment of cut throat competition (B) Both (A) and (B)
(B) The poor will hesitate to take advantage (C) Both (B) and (C)
of credit facilities because of the (D) Only B
formalities involved. (E) None of these
(C) The poor in the developed world will be
(D) The interests of the most deserving among
the poorwill be neglected. Which of the following is are con sequences
(E) Shareholders interest will be ignored of micro financiers altering their business
Q60. models ?
What is the authors opinion about the (A) Larger loan amounts get sanctioned.
competition for customers among (B) Debt among the poor has fallen in some
microfinance’s ?
(A) It benefits the poor by providing them
(C) Drop in the loans awarded to women.
with loans would have otherwise riot had
access to. (A) Both (A) and (B)
(B) It is futile since the poor have to pay high (B) Both (A) and (C)
rates of interest on property loans, (C) Only (C)
(C) It is not beneficial since firms waste their (D) All (A) (B) and (C)
profits on marketing rather than helping the (E) None of these


English By Vishal Parihar

Q63. (E) Microfinance is the optimal solution to

Which of the following cannot be said about the alleviate poetry.
Grameen Foundation? Direction: Read the following passage
(A) It regulates the activities of microfinance carefully and answer the questions given
firms indeveloping countries.
(B) It functions primarily in Asia and Latin below it. Certain words are given in bold in
America(C)It approves of privatizing the passage to help you locate them while
microfinance institutions. answering some o£ the questions.
(A) Both (A) and (B) It is difficult to compare countries because
(B) Only B
various factors such as size, culture, history
(C) Both (A) and (C)
(D) All (A), (B) and (C) geography, natural endowment geopolitics and
(E) None of these internal polity comes into play. There are some
Q64. goals which can be achieved by smaller
What is the benefit of allowing multinational
countries but sometimes smaller countries find
corporations to participate in the microfinance
sector? it difficult to embark upon certain big
(A) It will ensure professional technological plans even if they have the funds,
management of theseinstitutions, because the size of the domestic market is too
(B) Development banks will no longer small. If we consider the bigger countries, the
have to be involved.
(C) The number of the poor who benefit from closest comparison to India is China, though
access to credit increases. there are many crucial differences. The Chinese
(D) Profitability of microfinance institutions will vision is to prepare the county for entry into the
increase drastically. ranks of midlevel developed nations by the
(E) None of these
middle of the twenty-first century. Acceleration
Which of the following can be said about of the nation’s economic growth and social
microfinance ? development by relying on advances in science
(A) The majority of microfinance around and technology is pivotal in this Documents
the world isprovided by NGOs.
describing the Chinese vision state that science
(B) Microfinance was riot profitable till
commercial bank endured the sector. and technology constitute premier productive
forces and represent, a great revolutionary
(C) Microfinance is experiencing a high power that cm propel economic and social
growth rate at present. development. It is interesting to note that the
(D) Microfinance institutions are governed by
guidelines setup by GGAP. main lessons the Chinese have drawn from their


English By Vishal Parihar

past performance is their failure to promote critical for Improving the features of key
science and technology as strategic tools for conventional weapons. Some technologies are
empowerment. They also point to the absence meant for enhancing future military capabilities.
of mechanisms and motivations in theft Other efforts are aimed at maintaining , the
economic activity to promote dependence on momentum to develop capabilities for cutting
science and technology. Similarly, they hold that edge defence technologies. They call for
their scientific and technological efforts were not unremitting efforts in this regard with the aim of
oriented towards economic growth. As a maintaining of festive self-defense and nuclear
consequence, they conclude a large number of deterrent capabilities and to enable parity in
scientific and technological achievements, were defence, science and technology with the
not converted into productive forces as they advanced world.
were too far removed from Chinas immediate Q66.
economic and social needs. The Chinese vision Comparison between two countries becomes
difficult because
is therefore aimed at exploiting state fart science
(A) the countries differ in their initial political
and technology to enhance the nation’s overall systems.
power and strength, to improve the peoples (B) each country has Its own culture and
living standards, to focus on resolving problems natural resources which differ from those
encountered in large-scale Industrial and of others.
(C) the countries with homogeneous
agricultural production and to effectively control
backgrounds are many in number.
and alleviate pressures brought on by (a) Only (A)
population, resources and the environment. By (b) only (B)
the year 2000, China had aimed at bringing the (c) only (A) and (B)
main industrial sectors up to the technological (d) All the three (A), (B) and (C)
levels achieved by the developed countries in (e) None of these
the 1970s or 80s and by, 2020 to the level they
Why can’t smaller countries take up big
would have attained by the early twenty-first technological planning ?
century. The aim is to bridge the overall gap with (a) They have other goals to achieve
the advanced world. There is a special (b) They have smaller domestic market size
emphasis on research and development of high (c) Smaller countries lack technological
technologies that would find defense
(d) Bigger countries do not permit them to do so
applications. Some of these technologies are (e) None of these


English By Vishal Parihar

Q68. Q71.
What is the goal of China to be accomplished by The scientific and technological
the middle of 21st century? accomplishments of China could
(a) To become one of the most developed (A) remain dysfunctional
nations (B) be transformed into productive forces
(b) To surpass, the level of all middle level
(C) be utilized for motivating economic activities
developednations by a good margin
(D) be promoted through political will
(c) To be the most Influential super power
(E) None of these
(d) To be the most developed nation
(e) None of these
Q69. Which of belong is are the expected re suits of
What according to the Chinese vision Chinas new visions?
can boost socioeconomic (E) To augment peoples standard of living.
development? (F) To tackle pressure effectively brought
(a) Science, and Technology on by the population.
(b) Minds united with revolutionary powers (G) To utilize modem technology for bringing
(c) Premier productive forces the latent power under control.
(d) A vision which propels development (A) only (A) and (B)
(e) None of these (B) only (B) and (G)
Q70. (C) only (A) and (C)
Which of the following have the Chinese (D) All the three (A), (B) and (C)
identified as their pitfall(s) from their past?
(E) None of these
(A) tack of orientation of Science and
Technology towards economic growth.
What according to the passage is the gap in
(B) Lack of mechanisms in their economic
terms of number of years between the targeted
activities to promote use of Science and
Technology. developments in China and in other developed
(a) Only (A) and (B) countries ?
(b) Only (B) and (C) (A) 510 years
(c) Only (A) and (C) (B) 2030 years
(d) All the three (A), (B) and (C) (C) 4050 years
(e) None of these (D) More than 50 years
(E) Less than 5 years


English By Vishal Parihar

Q74. announcing a relief package including

Which of the following is the essence of the compensation for those affected and then
contents of the passage ? forgetting all about it. There seems to be little
(A) Enormous population of the country can be attempt at drawing lessons from each disaster,
positively utilized for developments storing the knowledge for future use, long term
(B) Scientific and Technological principles planning for possible preemptive action.
may not necessarily be instrumental in Preparedness for disasters thus falls short of
economic growth what is possible using today’s technologies.
(C) Harmonious development of a country can Floods in many parts of India like the states of
take placeeven in the absence of technology Bihar and Assam are a yearly phenomenon. Yet
up gradation the government, seems to be caught, by
(D) Economic growth needs to be driven by surprise year after year. It is obvious that
science andtechnology tarpaulins, vaccines, medicines, clothes,
(E) Countries should not be compared with satellite phones, large numbers Of doctors and
each other paramedical staff etc. will be needed as will
Direction: Read the following passage boats and buses for evacuation. This is known
carefully and answer the questions given to all those who have combated emergencies
below it. Certain words are printed in bold to yet the no availability of these essential services
help you locate them while answering some and commodities occurs. Worse the
of the questions. organizational structure and mechanisms for
We have witnessed several disasters in recent dealing with disasters are lethargic and ill
times, some natural others man made. The defined. The National Disaster Management
frequency of such calamities has Injured us and Agency, set up a short time ago being a central
deadened our collective sensitivity, but that does government agency has limitations relating to
not reduce the enormity of thepersonal tragedy the jurisdiction of states. It could have
of each victims family and community. The aggregated and disseminated experiences and
economic loss is only secondary to the human knowledge, stocked many of the essential items
suffering, but is also substantial. The required in an emergency or worked with
Government whether State or Central has agencies to ensure sufficient stocks, but hasn’t.
standardized its response. This consists of While the reaction to major disasters is dismal,
reacting late, blaming others, visits by VIPs the response to emergencies like accident is


English By Vishal Parihar

equally sad. Victim lie unattended since (B) It is the responsibility of the driver of the
passersby are way of getting caught in a vehicle.
labyrinthine of police and legal systems. The (C) They are wary of cumbersome police
resulting delay in treatment converts injuries into formalities andlegal systems
deaths. Of late, unique and free service to (C) Medical attention via satellite
provide assistance in emergency cases is phones can be provided promptly
operational. Emergency Management and (D) None of these
Research Institute (EMRI) is a professionally Q76.
managed operation initiated by the vision and Which of the following is NOT TRUE in the
grant from RamalingaRaju. The service, which context of the passage ?
is a successful example of public private (A) Man-made disasters occur more
partnership likely to become operational in a few frequently than natural disasters.
states in the near future. Given the sad failure of (B) The Public Private Participation model
conventional government organizations in has been successful in handling
handling disasters, it is time we looked at the emergencies
PPP model as an alternative without the (C) Floods occur every year in some Indian
government seeking In any way to abdicate its states.
responsibility. While the state provides the (D) Analysis of previous disasters will help us
funding, private organizations will provide the cope withfuture ones
drive, professionalism, competent management (E) People have become indifferent to
and output linked efficiency of a good corporate disasters
organisation. Combining the sensitivity and Q77.
purpose of an NGO with private entrepreneurial Which of the following has been the customary
drive to handle disasters together is thus a government reaction to disasters ?
worthwhile challenge for both corporate and the (A) It has handled disasters with utmost
government. sensitivity.
Q75. (B) It responds in a professional efficient
Why do bystanders not help accident victims ? manner which has been standardized over
(A) They lack the necessary medical knowledge time.


English By Vishal Parihar

(C) It ensures monetary aid reaches those Q80.

afflicted by disasters. Why is there a lack of medical care at disaster
sites ?
a) Only (A)
(A) Inadequate transportation facilities
b) Only (B)
(B) Lack of disaster management training
c) Both (A) and (B)
for medical staff
d) Only (C) (C) Loss of medical supplies due to dangerous
e) None of these conditions
(D) (d)Safety of medical staff due to dangerous
Q78. conditions
(E) None of these

What is the authors view on the government’s

current reaction to natural disasters ?
What does the author consider a worthwhile
(A) The government has not been able to handle challenge for both corporate and the
disasters and should seek foreign aid. government ?
(B) A Central Government agency should be (A) Governments should gradually
set to speedup coordination in rescue transfer disastermanagement to
efforts effectively to provide relief. corporate,
(B) Their working together to manage
(C) The government is apathetic and has not
disasterscompletely keeping
managed to handle disasters effectively
public interests in mind
(D) None of these
(C) Reducing the, incidence of man made
(e) All of these disasters
(D) Mitigating the financial losses
Q79. sustained duringnatural disasters
Which of the following is TRUE about EMRI ? (E) None of these

(A) It is run by a philanthropist.

(B) It has widespread operations all over India.
Which of the following can be inferred
(c) The government has no say in its functioning.
about the National Disaster
(d) EMRI is a non governmentorganisation. Management Agency ?
(e) It is an emergency management service.


English By Vishal Parihar

(A) It has substantial experience in Q84.

dealing withdisasters. Which of the following has have, been the
(B) It has been successful in sharing impacts of consistently occurring natural
information withother disaster disasters ?
management agencies. (A) The Government has initiated a long term
planning process to handle them
(C) It disburses funds to disaster
(B) Use of technology in combating
managementorganizations to
disasters has increased in India,
procure emergency stocks.
(C) The Government is not caught unawares
(A) All (A), (B) and (C)
when such , disasters occur.
(B) Only (A)
(a) None
(C) Both (A) and (B)
(b) Only (B)
(D) None of these (c) Both (A) and (C)
(E) All of these (d) Both (A) and (B)
(e) All (A),(B) and (C)
Q83. Direction: Read the following passage
According to the passage, which of the carefully and answer the questions given
following will be the likely impacts of the public below it. Certain words have been printed in
private participation model of disaster bold to help you to locate them while
management ? answering some of the questions.
(A) Politicians will not be able to interfere We should recognize the indebtedness of the
country to its farm families who toil to safeguard
with reliefefforts
national food security. Loan waiver is the price
(B) Aid will be effectively
we have to, pay for the neglect of rural India over
deployed(C)Professional approach the past several decades. There has been a
to disaster management efforts. gradual decline in investment in key sectors
(A) Only (A) related to agriculture such as infrastructure,
(B) Both (B) and (C) marketing, post-harvest technology etc. The four
(C) All (A), B) and (C) crore farmers whose debt is to be relieved will be
eligible for institutional credit for their cultivation
(D) Only (C),
expenses during Kharif 2008. The into the debt
(E) None of these
trap again. For this purpose the Central and


English By Vishal Parihar

various State governments, should set up an Minimum Support Price is necessary for all not
Indebted Farmers Support Consortium, just for a few crops which is the case at present.
comprising scientists, panchayat raj officials and This is the single most effective step tomake loan
others relevant to assisting farmers to improve waivers history. There is another urgent step
the profitability and productivity of their, farms in which needs to be taken. The loan wave does
an environmentally sustainable manner. The not cover those who borrow from moneylenders.
smaller the farm the greater is the need for It will not be possible for the government to
marketable surplus to reduce indebtedness. The scrutinise the veracity of such private deals but
Indebted Farmers Support Consortium should steps can be taken such as giving them Srhart
aim to get all the four crore farmers all the Cards which will entitle them to essential inputs
benefits of the government schemes such as the like seeds and fertilizers. The gram sabha can be
RashtriyaKrishiVikasYojana, Irrigation Benefit entrusted with the task of identifying these
Programme and others. If this is done every farm farmers so that there is transparency in the
family released from the debt trap should be able process and elimination of the chances for
to produce at least , an additional half tonne per falsification and corruption. Fear of occasional
hectare of food grains. This should help increase misuse should not come in the way of enabling
food production by about 20 million tonnes by millions of poor farmers who have borrowed from
2008 10. At a time when global and national food informal sources if we are to achieve the goal of
Stocks are dwindling and prices are rising, this four percent growth in agriculture.
will be a timely gain for our national food security.
We need to ensure that the outcome of the debt Q85.
waiver is enhanced farmers income and What is the likely impact of ensuring farmers
production. The prevailing gap between potential benefit from government schemes ?
and actual yields In the crops of rain fed areas (A) They can use the credit from these
such as pulses and oilseeds is over 200 percent schemes to repay moneylenders.
even with the necessary technologies on the
(B) The government can control the price rise.
shelf. We are now importing without duty large
(C) Increased agricultural production.
quantities of pulses and oilseeds. If helped,
(a) Both (A) & (B)
farmers can produce these at a lower cost.
(b) All (A), (B) & (C)
Opportunities for assured and remunerative
marketing are essential if loan waiver is not to (c) Only (C)
become a recurring event leading to the (d) Both (B) & (C)
destruction of the credit system. This is why the (e) None of these


English By Vishal Parihar

Q86. (B) It has to devise new government

Writer does the author fact that rural in schemes for farmers.
overlooked in the past ? (C) It has to track farmers eligible for
(A) Institutional credit was only made government schemes.
available for Kharif crops. (D) It has to evaluate government schemes
(B) crops in investment In central areas and weed out the inefficient ones.
related to agriculture (E) None of these
(C) Records of those eligible for loan waivers
have not been maintained over time. Q89.
(a) Only (B) What does the author mean by the phrase
(b) Both (A) & (B) indebtedness of the country to its farm families?
(c) Only (C) (A) If farmers are in debt it impacts the entire
(d) All (A), (B) & (C) country
(e) None of these
(B) Citizens should be grateful to farmers and
theirfamilies for the hardships borne by
them to cultivate crops and safeguard
How can small farmers avoid debt?
national food security
(a) They need to acquire additional land
holdings. (C) India’s food production has fallen causing
(b) They need to take advantage of both it to be in debt since it has to import food.
governmentschemes as well credit (D) The number of farmers descendants
from moneylenders. taking up agriculture has fallen.
(c) They have to ensure a sufficient amount of (E) None of these
their farmproduce is sold.
(d) The Government should provide Q90.
periodic loanwaivers. What is the authors opinion of recurring loan
(e) None of these waivers?
(A) They are beneficial to farmers.
Q88. (B) They are detriment to the system of lending.
What is the objective of the Indebted Farmers
(C) They will reduce the need for a Minimum
Support Consortium?
SupportPrice for agricultural products.
(A) It is a support group for the families of
indebted farmers.


English By Vishal Parihar

(D) Farmers will no longer be in debt to Q93.

moneylenders. Why is there a vast gap in actual and potential
(E) None of these yields of crops in rain fed areas ?
(A) The government prefers to import
Q91. these crops at a lower rate.
(B) No technological advances have
Which of the following is TRUE in the context
been made to improve the growth
of the passage ?
of crops in these areas.
(A) The Minimum Support Price for agricultural
(C) There is no Minimum Support Price
products is yet to be implemented.
available forthese crops.
(B) Loan waiver is a permanent solution to (D) Farmers are forced to sell these crops at a
Indebtedness of farmers. low rate.
(C) Current agricultural growth is below four (E) None of these
(D) India’s food productionhas increased in Q94.
2008. How does the government intend to
(E) Moneylenders benefit from loan waivers. ensure transparency in the Smart card
issuance process?
Q92. (A) Screening private players involved in the
Why does the loan waiver not cover credit scheme.
taken from money lenders? (B) Granting access to those farmers who
register withtheir local moneylenders.
(A) It is difficult to verify these contracts
(C) Providing cards which cannot be forged.
betweenfarmers and moneylenders.
(D) Regularly rotating members of the gram
(B) It will increase the deficit in the
sabha sothere is no corruption.
budget.(C)There is a risk that the funds may
(E) The gram sabha can be entrusted with
be misappropriated. the task ofidentifying farmers.
(A) Both (A) & (C)
(B) All (A), (B) & (C) Direction: Read the following passage
(C) Only (B) carefully and answer the questions given
(D) Both (A) & (B) below it. Certain words are printed in bold
(E) None of these to help you locate them while answering
some of the questions.


English By Vishal Parihar

John Maynard Keynes, the trendiest dead Obartias sing Arnericah Recovery and
economist of this apocalyptic moment, was the RenentPlan. It will include a mix cuts, pid to
godfather of government stimulus. Keynes had beleaguered state a governments, and
the radical idea that throwing money at spending rests needs ranging from food to
recessions through aggressive deficit spending computerized health records repairs to
would resuscitate flat lined economies and he broadband net D energy efficiency retrofits, all d
wasn’t too particular about where the money to save or create 3 million to in jobs by the end
was thrown. In the depths of the Depression, he of 2010. has said speed is his top cause the
suggested that the Treasury could fill old bottles faster Washington ash into the financial blood
with banknotes, bury them at suitable depths in the better it stands to help multiyear slump with
disused coal mines then sit back and watch a double employment and deflation. But v ants to
money mining boom create jobs and it above use the stimulus to his long-term priorities
would be better Barrack Obama throw money at reduce use and carbon emissions, middleclass
the cur item a stimulus package it about $800 taxes, upgrading infrastructure, reining in e
billion, plus the 350 billion chunk of the bailout costs and eventually reduced get deficits that
we all really do see may Nissans now. Just exploded irge W. Bush. Obamas goal this crisis
about expert agrees that pumping $ 1 into a in the best sense d, to start pursuing his veneer,
moribund economy will p the ethereal goods fairer, more compete sustainable economy was
and services re that Keynes called aggregate megaton has demonstrated an impressive
and stimulate at least some rattan activity, even ability to spend money quickly, it has yet to
if it is all tendon money pits. But Keynes was prove that it can spend money wisely. And the
right that there would be more able ways to chum of a 1 with 12 zeros is already creating a
spend it. A trillion its worth of bad ideas sprawl feeding frenzy, for the ages. Lobbyists for shoe
rig highways and bridges to no e, ethanol plants companies, zoos, catfish fanners, mall owners,
and pipelines accelerate global warming, tax for airlines, public broadcasters, car dealers and
overleveraged McMahsidrters and burdensome everyone else who can afford their retainers are
new long federal entitlements would be than lining up for a piece of the stimulus. States that
mere waste. It would beer to buy every embarked on raucous spending and tax cutting
American an iPod,) Ginsu knives and 600 sprees when they were flush are begging for
Subv$yngs would be smarter still to the money bailouts now that they’re broke. And politicians
at things we need to which .is the goal of are dusting off their unfunded mobster


English By Vishal Parihar

museums, watersides and other pet projects for (C) Filling old bottles with banknotes and
rebranding as shovel ready infrastructure burying the misanatrocious proposal
investments. As Obamas aides scramble to (D) Creating jobs and prosperity during
assemble something effective and recessions is almost an impracticable
transformative as well as politically achievable, proposal
they acknowledge the ten between his desires (E) None of these
for speed and reform.
Q95. The author of the passage calls Barrack
John M. Keynes was advocate of which of the Obama and his team . Keynesians because
following suggestions ? BARACK OBAMA has been reluctant to follow
(A) Spending money recklessly during Keynes philosophy
recessions is suicidal , (A) His team is advising Barack to refrain
(B) Exorbitant spending during recessions is from Keynes philosophy
likely to boost Economy (B) Barack Obama and his team have
(C) Aggressive deficit spending is likely to be decided to fill old bottles with banknotes
fatal for economic meltdown. (C) Building houses has been under
(D) Government stimulus to economy may not the active consideration of
help be cause of red tapism. Barack Obama and his team
(E) None of these (D) None of these
(E) All a,b,c
Which of the following is TRUE about Keynes Q98.
philosophy? What, according to Keynes, is the aggregate
(A) Actual spending money during meltdown demand ?
is more important than where and on what (A) Goods and Services Sector
it is spent (B) Stimulation of a short-term activity
(B) Government should be selective in (C) Attempting to rev up the sluggish economy
approach forspending money during (D) Pumping one trillion dollars into economy
recession (E) None of these


English By Vishal Parihar

Highways, bridges, ethanol plants, etc. are
considered by the author as
(A) reasonably appropriate propositions to spend
(B) measures that affect the environment
(C) imprudent proposals to waste money on
(D) tax saving schemes bestowed on builders
(E) None of these


Obamas upcoming American Recovery and

Reinvestment Plan focuses on which of the
(A) Recovery of all debts from the debtors in
a phased manner.
(B) Pumping money very liberally in projects
that are mandatory.
(C) Investing money recklessly in any project
regardless of its utility.
(a) (A) only
(b) (B) only
(c) (C) only
(d) (B) and (C) only
(e) All (A), (B) and (C)


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