Lec 9

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Renewable Energy Engineering Solar Wind and Biomass Energy Systems

Prof. Dr. R.Anandalakshmi

Department of Chemical Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology – Guwahati

Lecture - 09
Practice Problems

Good morning everyone today in renewable energy engineering solar wind and biomass energy
system we are going to discuss about lecture 6 again on practice problems whatever we learned
in lecture 4 and lecture 5. We are going to do this problem for liquid flat plate collector. So
before going into the problem we will review whatever we have done on week 1 there also
lecture 3 we had a practice problem. So that was on calculating solar radiation parameters some
of the parameters we are going to use here as well. So first we will review and then go to lecture
(Refer Slide Time: 01:03)

In lecture 3 we learned how to calculate angle of incidence, hour angle sunrise sunset day length
local apparent time, monthly average of daily, hourly global and diffusive radiations and hourly
global beam diffusive radiation under clear sky and solar radiation or tilted surfaces. So this is
the important parameter today also we would require to calculate incidence efficiency for liquid
flat plate collector and local apparent time is another parameter.
And solar radiation of tilted surfaces. So here if you see all the (())(01:43) for monthly average as
we learned solar energy is slow pace process. So the instantaneous efficiency or instantaneous
value will be less useful it is not that it would not be useful but it would be meaningful if we do it
for daily or hourly calculations. So because of that we learnt how to calculate monthly average of
daily and hourly radiations.

And global and diffusive radiation if we get to know then from there we will always calculate
beam radiation. But these are all we learnt for horizontal surfaces. But today whatever we are
going to discuss is for tilted surface this also we already mentioned normally collectors are tilted
at an angle of beta to gain maximum solar radiation. So in that way the calculation of I T is going
to be useful in today is problem as well.

So in short in this particular lecture we got to know how to get the angle of incidence local
apparent time and daily or hourly global diffusive radiation from there we will calculate beam
radiation and then using tilted factors we learnt how to calculate I T as well. Under clear sky we
used a certain model of ASHRAE because here in calculating H g and H d the actual formula
was H c bar. So that was under clear sky.

Since we did not have defined a parameter we converted that into H naught bar that is monthly
average of daily extra terrestrial radiation and the same way for I g I d we used I naught that was
monthly average hourly extra terrestrial radiation. So using this we calculated H d H g and I d I g
but there was ASHRAE model which predicted global beam and diffusive radiation under clear
sky but that was based on US. For India it might be matching. So we can check it with actual
experimental data. So this is the short recap of what we have done and we know how to calculate
theta and how to calculate LAT. We also learned how to calculate I T.
(Refer Slide Time: 04:46)
So using these 2 already we learned in lecture 3 now the new one is transmissivity absorptivity
product of beam and diffusive radiation incident flux absorbed by absorber plate what we learned
is I T that is solar flux incident on collector but what we need is incident flux absorbed by
absorber plate. So that we are going to calculate and then collector the heat removal factor and
overall loss coefficient which is a F R and U L.

From here we will also calculate water outlet temperature and the final goal is to calculate
instantaneous efficiency. So this see if you see this I can put it as a performance analysis of flat
plate solar collector as said an lecture 4 this may be of liquid type or air that is solar air heater.
So here we are going to use water as a liquid. The performance analysis nothing but you were
given the collector dimensions and absorber plate details or dimensions.

And then tube collector tube details, glass cover details to calculate radiation parameters,
radiation data as well we are given. So given all this we are going to calculate the instantaneous
efficiency of the liquid flat plate solar collector. So in a way once we are done with the problem
then you would be comfortable to change the various properties. For example if you are given
fluid inlet temperature is 55 degree.

So for that if you are calculating instantaneous efficiency and you can change this fluid inlet
temperature to lower value or higher value and check how the efficiency increases or decreases
in that way you will learn what is the dependency of fluid inlet temperature on liquid flat plate
collector. So instead of me drawing the graph and explaining you so you might be able to do all
this performance analysis however we are going to do this problem for 1 set of values.
(Refer Slide Time: 08:00)

So before going into that details of given data we are going to see certain parameters whatever
we learnt in lecture 4 flat plate collector. Whatever the plate area into this is solar radiation Flux
observed on absorber plate. So this is plate area which is equivalent to q u + q l what is q u this is
nothing but useful heat gained what is that? That is nothing but rate of heat transfer to the
working fluid then this is q l which is nothing but heat losses.

This may be of 2 types one is convection and re radiation losses from the top if you remember
the design so this is glass cover this is absorber plate here you have tubes in which working fluid
is flowing and all the casing is insulated this is a simple drawing I am saying. So this is glass
cover absorber plate this is insulation this is absorber tubes the second one is convection
conduction losses from bottom and side. And bottom plate.

Though it is insulated there may be some losses. So if you see this is in watt per meter squared so
this is meter squared. So q l and q u would be in Watts because whatever the I T is flux falling
and out of which this is absorbed by absorber plate which is multiplied with the plate area would
give you the total rate of energy and that is divided into 2 parts one is useful heat gain that is
given actually given to the working fluid and other one is heat losses.

And to calculate this S we might be using tau alpha what is tau? tau is nothing but transmissivity
which is nothing but solar radiation coming through after reflection at the glass air interfaces. So
this is filled with air and absorption in that glass upon solar radiation on the glass cover system
this is the transmissivity of the glass cover system glass cover alpha is nothing but absorptivity of
the plate of the plate.

So this tau alpha product should be calculated for beam as well as diffusive radiation. So we
know now how to calculate I T using tau alpha how to calculate S and collector plate area is
given how to calculate q u and q l and check whether both matches. And to calculate q l there are
certain correlations again we are going to use for calculating heat transfer coefficient between
plate and collector system and heat transfer coefficient on the cover system that is h w. Because
the space between glass cover and absorber plate is filled with air there may be convection
(Refer Slide Time: 14:06)

After doing that we are going to calculate instantaneous efficiency which is nothing but q u upon
I T into A c this A c is nothing but grass area of the collector which includes the topmost cover
as well. In calculating this q u and q l we might require certain other parameters which are phi F
dash and F R. So what are all these phi nothing but plate effectiveness which is he transferred
through the plate to the fluid upon heat that would have been transferred if K p that is thermal
conductivity of the plate material is infinity that is plate effectiveness.

So how much heat it is able to transfer through the plate to the fluid. So fluid is there in the
absorber tube. So the same to the it is the ratio of heat transferred through the plate to the fluid
which is flowing through the absorber tube to heat that would have been transferred if K p which
is nothing but thermal conductivity of the plate is infinitely the second parameter is F dash which
is nothing but collector efficiency factor.
(Refer Slide Time: 16:53)

Which is defined as actual useful heat gain rate per tube per unit length upon gain, gain in the
sense useful heat gain that would have been gained by gained if absorber plate was at local fluid
temperature local fluid temperature F dash is actually useful head gained rate per tube per unit
length to useful head gained that would have been gained if absorber plate was at local fluid
temperature which is nothing but T f.

And then another parameter all these parameter we learnt in lecture 4 I am just reminding you F
R with this collector removal factor which is nothing but actual useful heat gain upon useful heat
gain that that would have occurred if the collector absorber plate was at the T fi. So this is
nothing but fluid inlet temperature. So F R is the ratio of actual useful heat gain upon useful heat
gain that would have occurred if the collector absorber plate was that T fi which is nothing but
fluid inlet temperature.

Now we might be wondering then why I would require phi F dash and F R so what is the use. So
if you see here just before we define A p into S which is nothing but useful heat gain plus heat
losses. So how to calculate heat losses because this you might be knowing as m dot that C p T
out – T in that is useful heat gains given to the working fluid. So here this might be knowing
what is mass flow rate what is fluid inlet temperature and what is C p.

To know T out because that is unknown to me for the given absorber plate flux and absorber
plate area at least I require q l to know q l this is nothing but U l will A p T pm T pm is nothing
but mean plate temperature minus T a T a is nothing but surrounding temperature or atmospheric
temperature. So to calculate q l would require U l which is nothing but overall loss coefficient
and A p which is nothing but plate area and T pm which is nothing but mean plate temperature
and T a surrounding temperature.

So here this I might be knowing this I can even calculate because the overall heat loss coefficient
again if you see. So there is a losses from top U t there is a losses from site U s there is a losses
from bottom as well U b. So U l is U l comprises of top loss bottomless as well as side loss
overall coefficient can be an addition of all these that I should know and plate area I am available
with and this plate mean temperature is very much difficult to calculate at the first instance. So,
to replace them in terms of known quantities for example if you see here T fi that is very much
known to the user so T fi.
(Refer Slide Time: 22:05)
So if you remember useful heat gain formula in terms of F R q u is nothing but a F R A p S - U l
A p T fi - Ta this is one of the formula from this a few define a F R which is nothing but q u
upon A p S - U l A p T fi - T a. So this is nothing but if you compare them with q u + q l which is
equivalent to A p into S. So, for q u you can write them as A p s - q1 but q l is always defined
with U l A p T pm - T a.

So instead of unknown plate mean temperature if I want to substitute with known fluid inlet
temperature then the factor the ratio is nothing but collector heat removal factor. So that is the
reason we wanted to calculate F R it is again the function of F dash and phi which is nothing but
collector efficiency factor and plate effectiveness.
(Refer Slide Time: 23:34)
So by using all these things and the given data we are going to do the problem to calculate
instantaneous efficiency. So here collector data is given length of the collector width of the
collector back insulation thickness that is bottom insulation thickness and bottom insulation
thermal conductivity is given 0.04 watt per meter Kelvin and for sight loss coefficient instead of
calculating it is given here to assume 10 percentage of bottom loss coefficient.

This is assumption again and location of the collector is given latitude longitude and date and
time for which we are going to calculate instantaneous efficiency that is also given and collector
tilt angle is given as 30 on absorber plate side length of the absorber plate width of the absorber
plate, plate to cover spacing thermal conductivity of the plate material plate thickness plate
absorptivity of solar radiation and plate emissivity for radiation are given.

On glass cover side glass cover emissivity absorptivity extension coefficient of the glass
thickness of the glass cover refractive index of the class relative to air is given collector tube side
out diameter of the tube inner diameter of the tube, tube center to center distance adhesive
resistance is negligible again. So we need not take into account while calculating resistance we
need not take into account adhesive resistance.

Basically this resistances are going to be calculated in calculating F R which is nothing but the
collector heat removal factor and then fluid to heat transfer coefficient is given as 200 watt per
meter squared Kelvin water flow rate and water inlet temperature is also given and we can take
the gamma as 0 degree because the collector is pointing dues of so if any other data is required
then we may assume while doing problems.

And radiation properties are given I b is 725 I d is 230 reflectivity of the surrounding surfaces
given us 0.2 ambient temperature is given us 25 degree wind speed is given us 3.1 meter per
second if any other data is required we will assume and proceed the problem to calculate
instantaneous efficiency.
(Refer Slide Time: 26:09)

The first step is calculating local apparent time because we supposed to calculate angle of
incidence So far that we would be requiring this particular information. So local apparent time
you have already done the same problem in your lecture 3 the same thing we are going to do here
Indian Standard Time has given us 1043 hours in the morning and IST longitude is given and
longitude of the location is given and the data is given. So first we supposed to calculate B.

So n is April 1st so 91st minus 1 and into 360 upon 365 So you would be getting 88.76 then he
was supposed to substitute in EOT the same thing you have done with for same given data in
your lecture 3 I am just repeating it here what you would be getting us -4.4 minutes then after
that we supposed to find out LAT. LAT is Indian standard time that has given us 1043 hours. So
this is in eastern hemisphere the IST of longitude is an eastern hemisphere. So -4 into standard
time longitude 82.50 minus longitude of the location 72.85 - 4.4 minutes. So if you calculate this
1043 hour - 43 minutes so LAT is 10 hours.
(Refer Slide Time: 28:58)

And then using this we would be calculating delta which is declination angle 23.45 sin 360 upon
365 284 + 91. So if you call it this would come around 4.02 degree. So omega is solar time that
is 10 -12 into 15 since it is in the morning it should be in plus so 30 degree then substitute the
same and 19.2 sin 4.02 cos 30 + cos 4.02 and the collector is facing due south.

So here itself he will say that collector is facing due south for which gamma is 0 degree and also
we have seen a we have said that 1 glass color system is cos of 0 and cos 30 sin 30 + cos of
19.28 cos 4.02 cos omega cos beta which is again 30 sin 4.02cos 0 sin 30 5 delta beta delta
gamma omega beta 5 delta omega beta delta gamma and sin beta. So here sin gamma becoming
so this term goes so you would get theta is 33.29 degree.
(Refer Slide Time: 31:19)
And then we are going to calculate solar radiation on tilted surfaces it is instantaneous value rate
for which we are going to first to calculate r b which is nothing but a factor sin 4.02 sin 19.28-30
+ cos 4.02 cos 30 cos of 19.28 - 30 upon sin 4.02 sin 19.28 is cos 4.02 cos 30 cos 19.28. So if
you calculate this particular parameter it is coming around 0.9967 and then this also we we have
calculated for previous problem.

So this is 0. 9330 and this is cos 30 upon 2 into rho is given here in the problem as 0.2 which is
0. 0134. So we have calculated here the r b r d and r r parameters then we will calculate I T for
calculating I T the I b and I d is given which is nothing but beam and diffusive radiation. So we
can substitute the same 725 into r b 0.9967 + 230 into r d 0. 9330 + 725 + 230 I b + I d into r r 0.
0134. So if you calculate this particular value I T is coming around 950 watt per meter squared.
So we have calculated solar radiation on tilted surface I T which is coming as 950 watt per meter
square. Rest of the part we will continue in next lecture. Thank you.
(Refer Slide Time: 34:02)

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