The Mediating Effect of Debt Equity Ratio On The Effect of Current Ratio, Return On Equity and Total Asset Turnover On Price To Book Value
The Mediating Effect of Debt Equity Ratio On The Effect of Current Ratio, Return On Equity and Total Asset Turnover On Price To Book Value
The Mediating Effect of Debt Equity Ratio On The Effect of Current Ratio, Return On Equity and Total Asset Turnover On Price To Book Value
The research conducted here has two aims: firstly, it endeavors to examine the impacts of
liquidity, Profitability, and activity ratio on capital structure as well as the firm value; and,
secondly, it attempts to examine the role of capital structure as a mediator. We conduct the
test with multiple regression and path analysis over 2020 – 2021 quarterly, with Eviews 8
software. Some companies in the technology sector are taken as samples. Besides, we also
analyze financial statement data from Indonesia Stock Exchange. The result indicates
Current Ratio, Return on Equity, Debt Equity Ratio significantly affect the Price Book
Value, while Total Asset Turnover does not. The Current Ratio does not significantly affect
the Debt Equity Ratio, while Total Asset Turnover and Return on Equity have significant
negative effects. Path Analysis has confirmed that the Debt Equity Ratio cannot mediate
the effect of the Current Ratio and Return on Equity on Price Book Value. However, it fully
mediates the effect of Total Asset Turnover on Price Book Value. This finding of the present
study supports the pecking order and static theory. The novelty of this research is that there
is still little research on debt equity ratio as a mediator. There is no research especially on
the technology sector, using those factors to determine the firm value. This research also
uses the latest data of financial statements.
The Covid-19 Pandemic has hit Indonesia for almost two years since March 2020.
Industrial sectors were mostly affected, production was significantly reduced, many
employees lost their jobs (Coker-Farrell et al., 2021). The COVID-19 will affect the economic
environment and investor sentiment as a consequence of stock price changes (He et al.,
2020). The lowest Jakarta Composite Index (JCI) was 3,937.63 on March 24, 2020. That
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means it was declined by 37% from early 2020 before the pandemic. Despite the soaring
cases of Covid-19, the bleak economic condition, and the inevitable financial problems in
2020 and 2021, the Indonesian Stock Market is still holding up. In July 2021, COVID-19
cases in Indonesia reached their peak: 56,757 cases were recorded on July 15, and 2,069
deaths were reported on July 27. It was even higher than the high record in January 2021.
Therefore, the government decided to enforce a restriction on community activities from
July 3, 2021.
Figure 1. The comparison between Average New Covid-19 Cases and Monthly Jakarta Composite
Index in Indonesia.
Table 1 shows that although the average of new Covid-19 cases rises sharply in June
and July 2021, the Jakarta Composite Index can still hold on. It could be because of some
stocks' rising prices, which can cover the declined price of some other stocks. Hence, we
can understand better if we take a deeper look at each category of stocks in the Indonesia
Stock Exchange (IDX). There are 11 sectors in IDX: (1) Basic Materials, (2) Consumer
Cyclicals, (3) Consumer Non-Cyclicals, (4) Energy, (5) Financials, (6) Healthcare, (7)
Industrials, (8) Infrastructures, (9) Property & Real Estate, (10) Technology, (11)
Transportation & Logistic.
The data above tells us that from 11 sectors mentioned previously, it turns out that
the most contributed sector is Technology with the growth of almost 1 thousand percent
(951.36%) in a year. Concludingly, the rising of the Covid-19 cases in Indonesia was
followed by the rising of the stock price in the Technology sector.
Investors must know whether the rising of the stock price is really supported by the
firm's value or just due to the market trend. Further investigation of the fundamental
analysis of those companies in the Technology Sector is needed. A firm's value is an
indicator of assessment to be used by the investor in assessing whether companies are
worthy of being invested or not. The firm value can be measured by a stock price or using
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ratios like Price to Book Value, Tobin's Q, and Price Earnings Ratio. Some researchers have
found that some factors affect the firm value; those are the Liquidity Ratio (Nurwulandari
et al., 2021; Suhendry, 2021), Profitability Ratio (Nurwulandari et al., 2021), Activity Ratio,
and also Leverage Ratio (Bahraini et al., 2021). We can employ all the factors as
determinants of firm value, and especially for the leverage ratio, which can be proxied by
Debt Equity Ratio can also be used to mediate the Effect of Profitability, Liquidity, and
Activity Ratios on Stock Prices (Lumbantobing & Salim, 2021).
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balancing the benefits of tax shields on usage debt against the cost of bankruptcy. The goal
of theory Static is balancing own capital with outside capital. As long as the benefits of the
use of debt are still larger than the cost, the debt can be increased, but if the sacrifice of
using debt is already greater than the benefits, debt is no longer optimal to add. Meanwhile,
the pecking order theory explains that funding is based on the order of funding preference
with the smallest risk: retained earnings, debt, and issuance of equity (Myers, 1983). This
theory prefers internal funding sources to external ones. The previous research has stated
that the average family firms still use POT in Indonesia in the capital structure's application
(Oktavina & Manalu, 2018).
Besides the theory gap mentioned above, some research gaps are underlying this
research. Based on previous research, Profitability has no impact on firm value
(Nurwulandari et al., 2021). Debt to Equity Ratio, managerial ownership, and institutional
ownership has no significant effect on the firm value. In comparison, the Return On Equity
significantly affects the firm value (Trafalgar & Africa, 2019). The debt to equity shows that
Portfolios performed better with lower debt to equity (Berk & Tutarli, 2021). When the debt
ratio is too high, firm performance decreases (Bui et al., 2021). There is a positive
relationship between Profitability and firm value (Akhmadi, 2021). The debt to equity does
not mediate the impact of return on equity on stock prices. Profit produces an increase in
the retained earnings as internal funding, reducing dependence on external funding
(Akhmadi et al., 2021). The liquidity, firm size, and Profitability have negative and
significant effects on capital structure, while liquidity, Profitability, and firm size do not
affect firm value. Capital structure has a negative and significant effect on firm value.
Capital structure mediates the impact of liquidity, firm size, and Profitability on firm value
(Nurwulandari et al., 2021).
Based on the contradictive results of the study earlier, along with the description that
has been described above, the author wants to do the research which is entitled " The Effect
of Current Ratio, Return on Equity and Total Asset Turnover on Price to Book Value
Mediated by Debt Equity Ratio (Case Study in Technology Sector Listed on Indonesia Stock
Exchange in The Period of 2020-2021 Quarterly". The novelty brought about by this
research is that there is still little research on the debt-equity ratio as a mediating variable.
There is no specific research on the technology sector using those factors to determine the
firm's value. In addition, this research also uses the latest data of financial statements.
Current Ratio and Price to Book Value
The greater the current ratio, the higher the firm's ability to handle its short-term
liabilities. The current ratio has significantly affected the stock price (Andreas et al., 2021).
Previous research also asserted that liquidity (Current Ratio) had a significant positive
effect on firm value (Jihadi et al., 2021). From the explanation above, hypothesis 1 can be
written as follows:
H1: The current ratio positively affects the price book value.
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company. Previous research confirmed that Profitability positively affected firm value
(Jihadi et al., 2021). Profitability had a significant positive effect on firm value (Setyabudi,
2021). ROE had a positive and significant effect on the firm value (Susanti & Restiana, 2018).
From the explanation above, hypothesis 2 can be written as follows:
H2: The return on equity ratio positively affects the price book value.
Total Asset Turnover and Price to Book Value
The TATO had a positive and significant effect on DER (Lumbantobing & Salim,
2021). TATO had a significant positive effect on PBV (Firdaus, 2020). From the explanation
above, hypothesis 3 can be written as follows:
H3: The total asset turnover positively affects the price book value.
Debt Equity Ratio and Price to Book Value
A debt-equity ratio negatively influences the firm value (FV) (Subing & Susiani,
2019). The capital structure had a significant and negative impact on firm value (Paramitha,
2020). DER negatively affects Tobin's Q (Kartika et al., 2020). From the explanation above,
hypothesis 4 can be written as follows:
H4: The debt-equity ratio negatively affects the price book value.
Current Ratio and Debt Equity Ratio
The current ratio had a negative and significant effect on the solvency ratio
(Lumbantobing & Salim, 2021). Liquidity directly had a significant negative effect on
capital structure (Nurwulandari et al., 2021). From the explanation above, hypothesis 5 can
be written as follows:
H5: The current ratio negatively affects the debt-equity ratio.
Return on Equity and Debt Equity Ratio
Profitability negatively affects the capital structure (Sutomo et al., 2020).
Profitability directly has a significant and negative effect on the capital structure
(Nurwulandari et al., 2021). The Capital Structure has a significant negative relationship
with Profitability (Ahmed & Sabah, 2021). From the explanation above, hypothesis 6 can be
written as follows:
H6: The return on equity ratio negatively affects the debt-equity ratio.
Total Asset Turnover and Debt Equity Ratio
The total asset turnover has a significant positive effect on the debt-equity ratio
(Lumbantobing & Salim, 2021). A high asset turnover can result from purchasing assets
that can be funded by debt, and the impact is the increasing debt ratio. From the
explanation above, hypothesis 7 can be written as follows:
H7: The total asset turnover positively affects the solvency ratio
The Debt Equity Ratio mediates The Effect of Current Ratio on Price to Book Value
Leverage is a variable that mediates liquidity's effect on the firm value (Zuhroh, 2019).
There is no relationship between the current ratio and firm value mediated by a debt-equity
ratio (Kartika et al., 2020). The capital structure mediates the influence of liquidity on firm
value (Nurwulandari et al., 2021). capital structure can mediate the influence of liquidity
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on firm value (Sari, 2020). From the explanation above, hypothesis 8 can be written as
H8: The debt-equity ratio mediates the effect of the current ratio on price book value.
The Debt Equity Ratio mediates The Effect of Return on Equity on Price to Book
Leverage is a variable that mediates the effect of Profitability on the firm value
(Zuhroh, 2019). The debt-equity ratio is a variable mediating between Profitability and firm
value (Kartika et al., 2020). The capital structure mediates the effect of Profitability on firm
value (Nurwulandari et al., 2021). Capital structure is able to mediate the effect of
Profitability on firm value (Sari, 2020). From the explanation above, hypothesis 9 can be
written as follows:
H9: The debt-equity ratio mediates the effect of return on equity ratio on price book value.
The Debt Equity Ratio mediates The Effect of Total Asset Turnover on Price to
Book Value
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Direct β1 β2 β3
Suppose the total effect (exclude direction + or -) is greater than the direct effect. In that
case, it means the debt-equity ratio strengthens the current ratio's effect, return to equity
ratio. Total asset turnover ratio on price book value, or if the total effect is lower than the
direct effect, means the debt-equity ratio weakens the effect of current ratio, return to equity
ratio, and total asset turnover ratio on price book value.
We use Eviews 8 to conduct the multiple regression analysis and the path analysis.
From table 3, we can see the mean for current ratio (CR) is 3.868030, return on equity (ROE)
is 0.033485 or 3,3485%, total asset turnover (TATO) is 1.675152, debt-equity ratio (DER) is
one, and price-book value (PBV) is 2.008788. We also can see the maximum, minimum,
median, and other descriptive statistical results for CR, ROE, TATO, DER, and PBV in table
Table 3. Descriptive Statistics
Mean 3.868030 0.033485 1.675152 1.000000 2.008788
Median 2.410000 0.040000 0.760000 0.650000 1.200000
Maximum 16.53000 0.440000 15.74000 4.920000 15.16000
Minimum 0.030000 -0.840000 0.040000 0.080000 0.020000
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Table 4. Correlated Cross-Section Random Effects (Hausman Test) for Equation 1, PBV as
dependent variables
Chi-Square Chi-Square
Summary Probability
Statistic d.f.
The Probability of Cross-section random is 0.7860 > 0.05. It means that we need to use a
random-effect test. Table 4 is a Correlated Cross-Section Random Effects (Hausman Test)
for Equation 1, PBV as dependent variables.
1. H1: The current ratio positively affects the price book value.
From Table 5, the probability value for CR is 0.0000 < 0.05, so at the alpha 5%, it indicates
that CR has a significant positive effect on PBV.
2. H2: The return on equity ratio positively affects the price book value.
From Table 5, the probability value for the ROA is 0.000 < 0.05, so at the alpha 5%, it
indicates that ROE has a significant positive effect on PBV.
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3. H3: The total asset turnover positively affects the price book value.
From Table 5, the probability value for the TATO is 0.7650 > 0.05, so at the alpha 5%, it
indicates that there is not enough evidence to show TATO has a positive effect on PBV.
4. H4: The debt to equity ratio negatively affects the price book value
From Table 5, the probability value for DER is 0.0000 < 0.05, so the alpha 5% indicates that
DER has a significant and positive effect on price book value. The results show the opposite
effect that DER positively affects the PBV. So we can conclude that the research hypothesis
H4 is inconclusive. Table 6 is a Correlated Cross-Section Random Effects (Hausman Test)
for Equation 2, DER as dependent variables.
Table 6. Correlated Cross-Section Random Effects (Hausman Test) for Equation 2, DER as
dependent variables
Summary Chi-Square d.f. Probability
Cross-section random 4.596449 3 0.2038
The Probability of Cross-section random is 0.2038 > 0.05. It means that we need to use a
random-effect test.
Table 7. Multiple Regression (Cross-section random effects) for Equation 2, DER as dependent
Dependent Variable: DER
Panel EGLS Cross-section random
2020Q1 2021Q2
Periods: 6
Cross-sections: 11
Total panel observations: 66
Variables Coefficients Standard Error t statistic Probability
C 1.154617 0.314635 3.669700 0.0005
CR -0.006687 0.055143 -0.121272 0.9039
ROE -1.552343 0.543834 -2.854440 0.0059
TATO -0.045829 0.011997 -3.819915 0.0003
Equation 2 is stated as follows:
Z = α1X1 + α2X2 + α3X3 + E2 is
DER = -0.006687CR - 1.552343ROE - 0.045829TATO + 0.456931DER (2)
Based on the results of the multiple regression coefficients in Table 7, the independent
variables (CR, ROE, TATO) that affect the dependent variable (DER) are as follows:
5. H5: The current ratio negatively affects the debt-equity ratio.
From Table 7, the probability value for CR = 0.9039 <0.05, so at the alpha 5%, indicates that
the data used in this research is not enough to prove that the CR negatively affects the DER.
6. H6: The return on equity ratio negatively affects the debt-equity ratio.
From Table 7, the probability value for ROA is 0.0059 <0.05, so at the alpha 5%, it indicates
that ROE had a significant negative effect on DER.
7. H7: The total asset turnover positively affects the debt-equity ratio
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From Table 7, the probability value TATO is 0.0003 < 0.05, so at the alpha 5%, it indicates
that TATO has a negative and significant effect on DER. The results show the opposite
effect: TATO has a positive effect on DER. So we can conclude that the research hypothesis
H7 is inconclusive.
Path Analysis
Path analysis determines independent variables' direct or indirect effect (CR, ROE, TATO)
on an independent variable PBV, where DER is a mediator.
Table 8. Path Analysis
Effect CR to PBV ROE to PBV TATO to PBV
Live 0.264738 4.219706 -0.032379
Indirect -0.006687 (0.456931) -1.552343 (0.456931) -0.045829 (0.456931)
Total 0.2617 3.5104 -0.0533
The CR has a positive and significant effect on PBV
The result confirms that the higher the current ratio, the higher price to book value.
We can assume that if the company has a higher current ratio means the company has
greater liquidity which means the company has a lower risk, and it can affect the firm value,
which is presented in the higher stock price of the company, as well as price to book value.
This finding supports the research performed by Andreas et al. (2021), Jihadi et al. (2021)
but is contradictory to the study conducted by Sari (2020), Paramitha (2020), Zuhroh (2019).
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Paramitha (2020), Firms & Akhmadi (2021), Jihadi et al. (2021), but inconsistent with the
study performed by Susanti & Restiana (2018).
The TATO does not have an effect on PBV
TATO can represent the activity of the company. In this research, TATO does not
have an effect on PBV. This result is consistent with research performed by (Saragih &
Hakiman, 2021) but is inconsistent with the study performed by Firdaus (2020).
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proved that the effect of return on equity on stock prices cannot be mediated by debt
Nurwulandari et al. (2021).
This research tests the mediating effects of DER on the impact of CR, ROE, and TATO
on PBV. The unit of analysis used is Companies in Technology Sector listed in IDX
(Indonesia Stock Exchange) with the periods of 2020 and 2021 quarterly. Two equations
have been used in multiple regression analysis and path analysis to conduct the analysis.
First, PBV becomes the independent variables with CR, ROE, TATO, and DER. Second,
DER becomes the independent variables with CR, ROE, TATO as independent variables.
The result indicates CR, ROE, DER significantly affect the PBV, while TATO does not. The
CR does not significantly affect DER, while ROE and TATO have significant negative
effects on DER. From Path Analysis, we can interpret that DER cannot mediate the effects
of CR and ROE on PBV but fully mediates the effect of TATO on PBV. This study result
supports the pecking order theory and also static theory. The implication for the investor
is the need to pay attention to liquidity, leverage, and Profitability, which significantly
affect the value of the firm. The Management of technologies company has to keep the
leverage / DER in optimum.
Limitation and suggestions
This research only investigates financial ratios as independent variables towards
mediating and independent variables, and future research can use macroeconomics factors
as moderating or control variables. The unit of analysis of this research is the Technology
sector; for better reliability and generalizability, we can use a broader unit of analysis.
Moreover, this research has small samples, which are only 11 companies with a total of 66
observations, so the next researcher can add the total of the samples to be observed.
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