Katuutu Hilda

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I declare that the work contained in this research report is mine and has never been presented before
any academic institution for any award.


Signature ………………….……………………………



This research report titled, “Knowledge, attitude and practices towards utilization of insecticide
treated mosquito nets in prevention of malaria among the residents of Namuwongo Zones A and
B”, was under my supervision as the University supervisor. It is now ready for submission.


Signature ……………………..………………………



I dedicate this work to my parents Mr. and Mrs. Kawamara Mishac, my brother Kawamara Ronnie,
niece Kawamara Ariana and friend Baliremwa Sandra.


I thank my parents Mr. and Mrs. Kawamara Mishac and my brother Kawamara Ronnie for all the
financial and material support in my life and throughout this course. I also give a standing ovation
to their parental love to me. They have really been a cordial compliment to my life.

I applaud the efforts of my workplace superior Professor Tumwine Stanley for his parental,
administrative and moral guidance that have positively contributed to my success in my work and
study life.

I am grateful to my supervisor Mr. Kajjabwangu Ronald for his tireless efforts and enthusiasm that
have always encouraged me to carry on with this study. His advice was both parental and educative
which guided me positively in this study.

I appreciate the efforts of my friends and classmates; Baliremwa Sandra, Namusisi Zulaika, Batani
John, Birungi Patience and Wembabazi Hannah. They have been very instrumental in the
completion of this course. Their advice was very vital in overcoming the different challenges during
the course of study.

I acknowledge all the authors from whom the information that backed this study was got. Thank
you a lot for the efforts. God bless you all.


Declaration ............................................................................................................................................ i

Approval .............................................................................................................................................. ii

Dedication ........................................................................................................................................... iii

Acknowledgement .............................................................................................................................. iv

Table of Contents ................................................................................................................................. v

List of Figures ................................................................................................................................... viii

List of Tables ...................................................................................................................................... ix

Operational Definitions ........................................................................................................................ x

Abbreviation Of Terms ....................................................................................................................... xi

Abstract .............................................................................................................................................. xii


1.0 Introduction .................................................................................................................................... 1

1.1 Background .................................................................................................................................... 1

1.2 Problem statement .......................................................................................................................... 2

1.3 Purpose of the study ....................................................................................................................... 3

1.4 Specific objectives of the study ..................................................................................................... 3

1.5 Research questions of the study ..................................................................................................... 3

1.6 Significance of the study................................................................................................................ 4

1.7 Conceptual framework of the study ............................................................................................... 5


2.0 Introduction .................................................................................................................................... 7

2.1 An overview of malaria and ITNs ................................................................................................. 7

2.2 Related Literature........................................................................................................................... 7

2.2.1 Knowledge of residents towards utilization of mosquito nets in prevention of malaria ............ 7

2.2.2 Attitude of residents towards utilization of mosquito nets in prevention of malaria ................ 12

2.2.3 Practices of residents towards utilization of mosquito nets in prevention of malaria .............. 19


3.0 Introduction .................................................................................................................................. 26

3.1 Research Design........................................................................................................................... 26

3.2 Sources of data ............................................................................................................................. 26

3.3 Study setting................................................................................................................................. 26

3.4 Study Population .......................................................................................................................... 27

3.5 Sample Size Calculation .............................................................................................................. 27

3.6 Sampling ...................................................................................................................................... 28

3.6.1 Sampling Technique ................................................................................................................. 28

3.6.2 Sampling procedure .................................................................................................................. 28

3.7 Study variables ............................................................................................................................. 28

3.8 Data Collection techniques .......................................................................................................... 29

3.9 Data Collection tools.................................................................................................................... 29

3.9.1 Interview guide Questionnaires ................................................................................................ 29

3.9.2 Observation checklist ................................................................................................................ 29

3.10 Data Collection Procedure ......................................................................................................... 29

3.11 Data analysis .............................................................................................................................. 30

3.12 Quality Control .......................................................................................................................... 30

3.12.1 Pilot study ............................................................................................................................... 30 Inclusion Criteria ................................................................................................................. 30 Exclusion Criteria ................................................................................................................ 30

3.12.3 Validity of the tool .................................................................................................................. 30 Reliability of the tool ........................................................................................................... 31

3.14 Ethical Issues ............................................................................................................................. 31

3.15 Limitations of the study ............................................................................................................. 32


4.0 Introduction .................................................................................................................................. 33

4.1 Findings on the social demographic characteristics of the respondents ...................................... 33

4.2 Findings on the knowledge of respondents towards the utilization of ITNs in the prevention of
malaria................................................................................................................................................ 34

4.3 Findings on the attitude towards the utilization of ITNs in the prevention of malaria ................ 35

4.4 Findings on the practices of respondents towards the utilization of ITNs in the prevention of
malaria................................................................................................................................................ 37


5.0 Introduction .................................................................................................................................. 40

5.1. Discussion of findings................................................................................................................. 40


6.0 Introduction .................................................................................................................................. 50

6.1 Conclusion ................................................................................................................................... 50

6.2 Recommendations ........................................................................................................................ 50

REFERENCES .................................................................................................................................. 53

APPENDICES ................................................................................................................................... 53

APPENDIX I: Consent Form............................................................................................................. 63

APPENDIX II: Interview Guide ........................................................................................................ 64

APPENDIX III: Map Showing Study Area ....................................................................................... 70

APPENDIX IV: Introductory Letter .................................................................................................. 71


Figure 1: Conceptual Framework of the study .................................................................................... 5


Table 1: Social demographic characteristics of the respondents N=276 ....................................... 33

Table 2: Knowledge of respondents towards the utilization of ITNs in the prevention of malaria
N=276 ................................................................................................................................................ 34

Table 3: Knowledge of respondents towards the utilization of ITNs in the prevention of malaria ... 35

Table 4: Findings on the attitude towards the utilization of ITNs in the prevention of malaria ........ 36

Table 5: Findings on the attitude towards the utilization of ITNs in the prevention of malaria ........ 37

Table 6: Practices of respondents towards the utilization of ITNs in the prevention of malaria ....... 38


Attitude - This was the perception of respondents about the use of ITNs in the
prevention of malaria. It can be positive or negative.

Knowledge - This was the level of understanding respondents had on the use of ITNs in
the prevention of malaria.

Practice - This meant the different ways how respondents used ITNs in the prevention
of malaria.


CVI - Content Validity Index

DRC - Democratic Republic of the Congo

DDT - Dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane

ITNs - Insecticide Treated Mosquito Nets

LLIN - Long-lasting insecticide-treated net

KAP - Knowledge, Attitude and Practices

KCCA - Kampala Capital City Authority

MOH - Ministry of Health

SP - Sulfadoxine - Pyrimethamine

RDT - Rapid Diagnostic Blood Testing

UBOS - Uganda Bureau of Statistics

UDHS - Uganda Demographic Household Survey

UMIS - Uganda Malaria Indicator Survey


In several African settings, ITNs reduced the death of children less than 5 years by about 20%
(WHO, 2014). In Sub Saharan Africa (SSA), more than one malaria case occurred per 1000 which
accounted for 90% of global death and ITN use was less than 35% by 2014 in the region. This
indicates poor rate of ITNs use.

The main aim of the study was to assess knowledge, attitude and practices towards utilization of
insecticide treated mosquito nets in prevention of malaria among the residents of Namuwongo
Zones A and B.

The study employed a descriptive cross sectional study using quantitative method of data collection.
A total of 276 respondents were randomly selected and data was collected using interview guided

The study found relatively good knowledge about ITNs use where; majority 259(94%) of the
respondents had ever heard of ITNs, and 243(88%) knew they were used to prevent malaria. A
slack awareness was evident where 179(65%) thought that shops and markets were the best places
to get ITNs while 193(70%) wrongly thought that ITNs were not retreatable.

Attitudes were generally negative, because majority believed that; 171(62%) it was not important to
sleep under an ITN every day, 160(58%) mosquitoes could still bite through ITNs, 152(55%) ITNs
could make it difficult for them to get up during the night, 171(62%) it took much time to tuck the
net each night, 166(60%) ITNs could lead to suffocation, 201(73%) ITNs had bad odour and
178(64%) drugs used to retreat ITNs were unsafe.

Practices were poor since; 152(85%) did not always check for holes in their ITNs, 120(67%)
displayed ITNs at time of convenience, 110(61%) did not have ITNs on all beds, 168(94%) never
retreated their ITNs and 118(66%) had untidy ITNs, 129(72%) households had no ITN hangs,
132(74%) had unfavourable sleeping arrangements to enable good display of ITNs, 104(58%) had
ITNs with holes, in 107(60%) households, ITNs were not folded and 113(63%) of the respondents
could not make a good illustration of ITN display.

In conclusion, respondents had fairly good knowledge about ITNs use, but with negative attitude
which could have led to the poor practice. The researcher therefore suggests that; government
should reinforce education to the public on the importance of ITN use in prevention of malaria so as
to change the attitude which will in turn improve on practice.


1.0 Introduction
This chapter presents the background, problem statement, purpose, specific objectives, research
questions, significance and conceptual framework of the study.

1.1 Background
Insecticide-treated mosquito nets (ITNs) are a form of personal protection that repel and prevent
mosquito bites that would cause malaria (World Health Organization (WHO), 2012). Malaria is an
intermittent and remittent fever caused by a protozoan parasite that invades the red blood cells and
is transmitted by infected female anopheles mosquitoes in many tropical and subtropical regions
(Terefe, Ayanto and Gurmano, 2015).

ITN is one of the most effective and cost friendly malaria prevention measures (WHO, 2013a). This
is because it reduced malaria cases by 18% (262 to 214 million) and deaths from an estimated
839,000 in 2000 to 438 000 in 2015, a decline of 48% worldwide (WHO, 2015). Of these, 90%
deaths occurred in Africa (where ITNs were not properly used), 7% in South-East Asia and 2% in
Eastern Mediterranean Region (WHO, 2015). Malaria costs an estimated $12 billion in lost
productivity in Africa (Terefe et al., 2015) which made it imperative to study the utilization of

Globally the actual use of ITNs was 70-73% where 85% was in urban areas and 57% to 73% in
rural areas (WHO, 2014). In North America, ITNs use was 98% (WHO, 2012), in Latin America ie;
Guatemala, Chile and Bolivia, ITNs use was less than 50% in 2014 (Obol, Atim and Moi, 2013a).
In Asia, ITN use generally was at 68% where; in Saud Arabia, India, China, Japan and Korea, it
ranged between 65 and 88%. In Indonesia, Bangladesh, Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan, ITN use was
less than 50% (WHO, 2013b) and 90% in China malaria risky areas (China Centre for Diseases
Control and Prevention, 2011).

In Africa, ITNs reduced the death of children under 5 years by about 20% (WHO, 2014). Sub
Saharan Africa (SSA) had less than 35% ITN use, less than 5% of children slept under ITNs
(Sangare et al., 2012). Malaria accounted for 60% of outpatient visits, 30% of hospitalizations
among children under 5 years of age, and 11% maternal mortality (Vijayakumar et al., 2009) and
only 55% of the population accessed ITNs by 2014 (WHO, 2015).

In West Africa, ITN coverage was; Sierra Leone (87.6%), Togo (96.7%) and in the „Horn of Africa;
Ethiopia, Eritrea and Somalia (91%) (Bennett, 2014). The gap was; in 2014, an estimated 269
million of the 834 million (32.3%) people at risk of malaria in Sub-Saharan Africa lived in
households without any ITNs (WHO, 2015). Household ITN access was 56% in 2014 and 67% in
2015, usage was 46% in 2014, 55% in 2015 among children under 5 years (WHO, 2015). Up to 3.8
billion dollars could be saved over 10 years by increasing the lifespan of nets from 3 years to 5
years (Uganda Malaria Indicator Survey (UMIS), 2012).

In East Africa, ITNs use was 30-50% and below 5% in rural areas (Abol et al., 2013). In Tanzania,
ITNs use was less than 35% (Mazigo et al., 2010), in Kenya malaria was estimated at 18% of
outpatient consultations and 6% of hospital admissions, about 80% of the population was at risk for
malaria due to low ITN use, 27% (about 12 million people) lived in areas of epidemic and seasonal
malaria transmission. Uganda ranked 3rd in malaria deaths in Africa with 52% in children (Obol,
Atim and Moi, 2013a). ITNs use was 35% in households, 43% in children under age 5, and 47% in
pregnant women, 10% in the rest of the population (WHO, 2014). There were 28% of households
who had at least one net for every two people (UDHS, 2011) and only 8% of households had three
or more ITNs which fell far short of the 2010 target of 50% (UBOS, 2010).

ITNs use in Namuwongo Zone was low basing on evidence that over 60% of hospital visits to
Kisugu Health Centre III located in Namuwongo were malaria cases. This made it necessary for the
researcher to carry out this study to assess the knowledge, attitude and practices of the community
members towards the utilization of ITNs in the prevention of malaria since it is the most cost
effective method of malaria control as per the standard of living of people in the area.

1.2 Problem statement

ITNs should be regularly and properly used by every member of the family in order to control
malaria (WHO, 2012). In Uganda, malaria accounted for about 30–50% of the outpatient burden,
35% of hospital admissions and 9-14% of inpatient deaths (Kampala Capital City Authority Report,
2014). In Namuwongo Zone, malaria accounted for over 60% of admissions and caused severe
anaemia in children, placental malaria, death, abortion, and stillbirth to the pregnant mothers
(Kisugu Health Centre III, 2015).

The Ministry of Health distributes ITNs free of charge to all people especially the vulnerable groups
that included children under 5 years and pregnant mothers in their communities (MOH, 2012).
There were two methods for malaria control especially during pregnancy. These were
chemoprophylaxis using sulfadoxine - pyrimethamine (SP) and ITN use (MOH, 2014). Despite
those efforts, malaria was still prevalent.

If ITN use is not given adequate attention; outpatient burden, hospital admissions and inpatient
deaths may increase in the area and other parts of the country with the same problem. A positive
move may enhance the social and economic development of communities. This thus attracted the
researcher to carry out this study to contribute to sustainable control of the disease.

1.3 Purpose of the study

The study assessed the knowledge, attitude and practices towards utilization of insecticide treated
mosquito nets in prevention of malaria among the residents of Namuwongo Zones A and B between
2000 and 2016 with the aim of enhancing awareness to create positive perception and right use of
ITNs that would promote ITN use thus good health.

1.4 Specific objectives of the study

The specific objectives included the following;
i. To examine the level of knowledge of Lower Namuwongo Zone residents towards utilization
of mosquito nets in prevention of malaria.

ii. To assess the attitude of Lower Namuwongo Zone residents towards utilization of mosquito
nets in prevention of malaria.

iii. To examine the practices of Lower Namuwongo Zone residents towards utilization of
mosquito nets in prevention of malaria.

1.5 Research questions of the study

The study answered the following research questions;
i. What is the level of knowledge of Lower Namuwongo Zone residents towards utilization of
mosquito nets in prevention of malaria?

ii. What is the attitude of Lower Namuwongo Zone residents towards utilization of mosquito nets
in prevention of malaria?

iii. What are the practices of Lower Namuwongo Zone residents towards utilization of mosquito
nets in prevention of malaria?

1.6 Significance of the study
The study findings will help the Ministry of Health get more information about ITNs utilization and
this will assist in allocating adequate resources aimed at increasing ITNs coverage and use. This
will include delivering more free of charge ITNs to communities most especially those most hit by

The ministry will also base on the results to reinforce information dissemination about the
prevention of malaria through ITN utilization. This could be through empowering residents‟
knowledge, attitude and practices towards mosquito net use in malaria prevention by using the
different mass media channels; such as televisions, radios and newspapers.

The study findings will be based upon by policy makers to design appropriate policies that will help
to increase mosquito net use. For instance, giving free mosquito nets to every malaria patient
discharged from the health centres and following them up in their communities to ensure proper
ITNs use.

Also the findings will help the health care service providers assess the level of knowledge, attitude
and practices of patients towards mosquito net use in the prevention of malaria and apply the
necessary help. This could be through advising them about better ways of using ITNs; such as when
the net should be displayed, how it should be hanged, when and how to be retreated among other
issues. This will improve service delivery thus clients satisfaction.

Society members who will access study findings will have better awareness about the knowledge,
attitude and practice gaps that hinder them to effectively use ITNs to prevent malaria. This will be
based upon to adapt the recommended knowledge, attitude and practice for better malaria

Results will be a source of reference that will help other researchers, students and other individuals
who may undertake similar studies about ITNs use and malaria prevention.

Findings will help the researcher to identify the level of knowledge, attitude and practices of the
community members towards ITNs use which information will be based on to know the general
population utilization of ITNs. It will be upon this that the researcher will develop recommendations
that will be suitable to increase ITN use in the study area.

1.7 Conceptual framework of the study
Figure 1: Conceptual Framework of the study
Independent Variable Dependent Variable Independent Variable

Knowledge Practice Attitude

 ITNs use is one of the most
(Use of mosquito nets to  Belief that malaria could be
prevent malaria) prevented by sleeping
effective malaria control
under ITNs
method  Possession of ITNs
 Cultural-Social perception
 Regularity of sensitization  Maintenance of ITNs of ITNs
about ITN use
 Way of displaying ITNs  Perception about drugs for
 Sources and mode of retreating ITNs
information dissemination  Effective and regular use
of ITNs  A mind-set that ITNs cause
about ITNs use.
 Information about where to  Time of displaying ITNs
 A thought that mosquitoes
procure good ITNs  Actual retreating of ITNs can still pass through ITNs
 Source of ITNs and and periods of retreating  A feeling that ITNs cause
retreating drugs  Way of drying ITNs skin itching
 Awareness of maintenance after wash  Preference to the source
of ITNs  Folding of ITNs after where ITNs are acquired
sleep from
 Knowledge about ITNs
 A belief that retreating
chemical are poisonous
 Familiarity with retreating  A mind-set that ITNs are
drugs and their importance sold at unfair prices
 Characteristics of ITNs  Sensitivity to odour
(repelling and barring

Source: Developed by the Researcher

Knowledge and attitude towards ITN utilization were the independent variables that led to practice
which was the dependent variable.

Indicators of knowledge were; ITNs use was one of the most effective malaria control methods,
regularity of sensitization about ITN use, sources and mode of information dissemination about
ITNs use, information about where to procure good ITNs, source of ITNs and retreating drugs,
awareness of maintenance of ITNs, knowledge about ITNs lifespan, familiarity with retreating
drugs and their importance, and characteristics of ITNs (repelling and barring mosquitoes).

Indicators of attitude were; belief that malaria could be prevented by sleeping under ITNs, cultural-
social perception of ITNs, perception about drugs for retreating ITNs, a mind-set that ITNs caused

suffocation, a thought that mosquitoes could still pass through ITNs, a feeling that ITNs caused skin
itching, preference to the source where ITNs were acquired from, a belief that retreating chemical
were poisonous, a mind-set that ITNs were sold at unfair prices and sensitivity to odour.

Indicators of practice were; possession of ITNs, maintenance of ITNs, way of displaying ITNs,
effective and regular use of ITNs, time of displaying ITNs, actual retreating of ITNs and periods of
retreating, way of drying ITNs after wash and folding of ITNs after sleep.


2.0 Introduction

This chapter presents information reviewed from acknowledged studies by scholars, researchers,
reporters and academicians among others. This was cited in relation to study specific objectives that
included; examining the level of knowledge, assessing the attitude and practices of residents
towards utilization of mosquito nets in prevention of malaria.

2.1 An overview of malaria and ITNs

Malaria was an entirely preventable and treatable disease, provided the currently recommended
interventions were properly implemented. Vector control through the use of insecticide-treated nets
(ITNs) was one of the preventive measures against malaria (WHO, 2015).

In developing countries, malaria problem became more critical with the development of multi-drug
resistance in P. falciparum, vector resistance of Dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT) and Organo
Phosphorous (OP) compounds of insecticides (WHO, 2015).

This development made the governments to direct their efforts to developing vector control
programs. These included; selective spraying, personal protection methods including Insecticide
Treated Nets (ITNs) that could be carried out by the communities themselves within the primary
health care system in conformity with the global malaria control strategy of WHO and environment
protection strategies (Myat et al., 2014). There was inadequate time and funding to study the
behaviour of vector mosquitoes and vector resistance to insecticide. So, locally appropriate vector
control strategy was needed to allow cost effective vector control. ITNs were considered as an
added tool in combating malaria since it was very effective, had very negligible adverse effects and
cost friendly (Njau et al., 2013).

2.2 Related Literature

2.2.1 Knowledge of residents towards utilization of mosquito nets in prevention of malaria High knowledge ITN one of the most effective tool

In a study on malaria knowledge, attitude and practices among migrants from malaria-endemic
countries in Evrotas, Laconia, Greece, out of 130 respondents, 117(90%) were trained in the use of

ITNs and knew ITNs as one of the most effective malaria preventive strategy if used regularly
(Evlampidou et al., 2013). They knew ITNs were supposed to be retreated after some use and could
properly illustrate how to hang an ITN. Knowledge about the signs and symptoms of malaria

In a study on knowledge, attitudes and practices regarding malaria control in an endemic area of
southern Iran, it was observed that, majority of the respondents had good knowledge about use of
ITNs. They were aware that ITNs were the most effective malaria prevention strategy and knew
malaria signs and symptoms due to sensitization about malaria (Hanafi-Bojd, 2011). Similar
findings were in Swaziland where out of 320 households surveyed, 289 (93.1%) of the respondents
reported that the effective use of ITNs prevents malaria (Khumbulani et al., 2009). Also in a study
in south-western Tanzania, all participants reported they had heard of malaria, and 178(80.2%)
knew that the ITNs prevented malaria infection and the disease is transmitted by mosquitoes. Knowledge about where ITNs should be bought from

A study carried out in West Africa that assessed household possession and use of insecticide-treated
mosquito nets in Sierra Leone 6 months after a national mass-distribution campaign by Bennett et
al. (2012) found that, majority of the respondents had good knowledge about ITNs use in the
prevention of malaria. This was because 66.7% of respondents knew that an ITN was a major tool
in mosquito bites prevention and best ITNs could be bought from pharmacies and health centres
basing on the information they had acquired during hospital visits. Majority of them had used them
before and had experienced less malaria incidents compared to the past when they did not use them. Awareness that ITNs were good for children

In a prospective hospital-based study about exploring the impact of targeted distribution of free bed
nets on households bed net ownership in Sub Saharan Africa, Njau et al. (2013) found out that
respondents showed high knowledge about ITNs utilization. Awareness of ITNs was found among
184(80%) of the 230 respondents. Of 130 participants, 117(90%) reported having heard about ITNs
as a preventive strategy against malaria and knew ITNs were good for their children. Respondents
knew that children were very vulnerable to malaria due to low immunity and could mention the
advantages of having children sleep under ITNs which included good health and regular attendance
to school.

8 Knowledge about how to use ITNs
Audrey et al. (2009) in a study done in central Africa on free distribution of insecticide treated bed
nets to pregnant women in Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) revealed that, majority
of the respondents had good knowledge on the practices that influenced the durability of ITNs.
They knew that having good sleeping arrangements, proper hangs, and well furnished houses
favored the durability of ITN and vice versa. This was because they knew the basic requirements for
effective ITNs use which knowledge was acquired from the health education talks during hospital
visits. Understanding of the right sources of information

In a study on knowledge and misconceptions about malaria among pregnant women in a post-
conflict internally displaced persons' camps in Gulu District, Northern Uganda, majority of
respondents had high knowledge on the use of ITNs. They reported to have ever heard about
malaria and ITNs as one of the preventive strategies with the main source of information being from
health centres followed by radio (Obol et al., 2011). Health workers were reliable sources of
information because in most cases, it was certified information. Knowledge about maintenance of ITNs

Luyiga (2013) in a study that assessed the level of knowledge, attitudes and practices on malaria
prevention and control in Uganda among community members in Nsaabwa Village, Mukono
District, found out that, 97.1% of the respondents had good knowledge that ITNs were very
effective in malaria prevention and knew that malaria had great danger to human life and it was
known to be a disease that could easily kill if not prevented. They mentioned that it was wise of
somebody to always check for holes in the ITN and if found, they advised on mending it with a
needle and thread to avoid mosquitoes entering the ITNs when one was asleep. Low Knowledge Lack of knowledge about the correct period to retreat ITNs

However, some studies showed low knowledge about ITNs utilization as illustrated below. San, Soe
and Shwe, (2013) in a study on knowledge, attitude and practices on Insecticide Treated Nets in
Myanmar, found out that, majority of the respondents had fairly low knowledge about retreating
ITNs. Out of 256 respondents studied, 54.3% did not know the correct period of use before

retreating an ITN. They did not know ITNs were supposed to be retreated between 6 to 9 months or
after 10 to 20 washes. Low knowledge about retreating ITNs

In a study about knowledge, attitude and practice on insecticide treated nets in Myanmar, San et al.
(2013) reported that, majority of the respondents showed low knowledge about retreating ITNs.
Although 174(68.0%) of the respondents had heard about ITN tablets, 83.6% did not know where
they could buy the ITN tablets because they had received inadequate training on ITNs use and those
that had received training had not taken enough initiative to ask during the free ITNs distribution. Did not need more information on ITN use

In a study carried out in Greece, Evlampidou et al. (2013) found out that majority of the respondents
had low knowledge regarding information about the use of ITNs. Majority 86(66%) reported that
they did not need any more information about malaria and use of ITNs. They thought that they had
acquired enough information from their neighbours and friends who used ITNs. This was not safe
because some members of the community depended on misconceptions about ITNs use.

In a study on knowledge, attitudes and practices on malaria prevention in project areas of malaria
centres of OVHA (Orissa Voluntary Health Association) carried out in Pakistan, out of 256
respondents, majority 221(86.3%) had low knowledge about ITNs use. The 221 respondents did not
use ITNs and presented low knowledge about ITNs utilization. Majority 69(31.2%) did not use
ITNs because they did not know about them, 67(30.3%) did not have ITNs (Dutta, 2012). They did
not know the right places from where to buy ITNs. Majority thought that a genuine ITN can be
acquired from any where such as markets. All the respondents reported that they had inadequate
sensitization and education about ITNs partially due to unreliability of health care services in rural
areas. Misuse
Minakawa et al. (2008) in a study on unforeseen misuses of bed nets in fishing villages along Lake
Victoria posed low knowledge about the use of ITNs. They revealed that, there were weaknesses in
information dissemination and communication activities in some areas near water bodies during
ITNs distribution campaigns. This lowered the value that community members placed on the correct
use of nets as some thought that even if they do not sleep under ITNs, they would not suffer from

10 Life span of ITNs
In a study in Gambia, on awareness and knowledge about Insecticide Treated Nets (ITNs) amongst
pregnant mothers, knowledge about ITNs use was relatively low. Out of 256 respondents studied,
166 (64.8%) had heard about ITNs. Among them, 54.7% did not know the life span of ITNs.
Although 174 (68%) of the respondents had heard about ITN tablets, most of the respondents did
not know where they could buy the tablets for retreating the ITNs (83.6%) (Runsewe-Abiodun et al,
2012). Also in a study in Oromia and Amhara regional states, Ethiopia, some respondents never
knew where to procure ITNs from as illustrated by 32.5%, and 38(8.7%) of the respondents did not
think that they needed ITNs (Baume et al., 2009).

In a study on free distribution of insecticide treated bed nets in Kinshasa, majority of the
respondents had low knowledge on the durability of ITNs because they could not actually tell the
life-span of ITNs. Majority revealed that it could last for 3 months while the least 28.1% reported 6-
9 months which was a low lifespan yet it could last beyond one year according to WHO standards
(Audrey et al., 2009). Malaria could be prevented by good sanitation not ITNs

In a total of 398 respondents who participated in the study that assessed the knowledge, attitude and
practice about malaria and ITNs utilization among pregnant women in Shashogo District in
Southern Ethiopia, Fuge et al., (2015) revealed that, their overall knowledge towards use of ITNs
was low. There were only 15.6 % of the mothers who associated mosquitoes with malaria and knew
ITNs as a major preventive measure. Majority of them (65.6 %) opposed ITNs as a major
preventive strategy to malaria and revealed good environmental sanitation would prevent malaria
other than use of ITNs. Characteristic of ITNs

In a study on utilization of insecticide treated nets among pregnant women in Gulu, northern
Uganda in the post conflict IDP camps of Gulu district, it was found that pregnant women had low
knowledge regarding the characteristics of ITNs in prevention of malaria since they could not
identify them. They did not know that ITNs repelled mosquitoes and acted as barriers to mosquitoes
(Obol et al., 2011). This indicated low knowledge about ITN use which influenced its utilization.

11 Light threatens mosquitoes
In a study about the utilization of insecticide treated nets in households with children under 5 years
in Muhorro Sub County, Kibaale District, Uganda, respondents had low knowledge on utilization of
ITNs in the prevention of malaria. They thought that, sleeping in a room with electricity would not
necessitate them to use ITNs because mosquitoes would be scared away by the light and heat
(Bashinyora, 2010). Most effective in malaria prevention

Luyiga (2013) in a baseline study on malaria in Uganda among districts of Mukono, Jinja, Mbarara
and Arua, found out that, there was relatively low knowledge on ITNs use as an effective way to
prevent malaria. Nearly half (51.7%) of the urban respondents did not know that the use of nets was
the most effective way to prevent malaria and some respondents from low income families never
knew that ITNs were retreatable. While among rural respondents, there was limited knowledge of
the best method for malaria prevention.

2.2.2 Attitude of residents towards utilization of mosquito nets in prevention of malaria

Runsewe-Abiodun et al. (2013) in a study about awareness and Knowledge about Insecticide
Treated Nets (ITNs) amongst pregnant mothers in Ogun State, Western- Nigeria, found a positive
attitude towards ITNs use in malaria prevention. Out of 256 respondents; 133(52.0%) perceived that
malaria could be prevented even if one resided in a malaria endemic area, 139 (54.3%) believed that
malaria could be prevented if one slept inside a mosquito net, 221(86.7%) believed that sleeping
inside an ITN at night reduced mosquito bites and 192(75%) expressed willingness to buy ITNs if
they did not get one for free. They also believed that the drugs used to retreat ITNs were safe. Believed that it was comfortable for the to sleep under ITNs
In a descriptive study on the assessment of knowledge, attitude and practice about malaria and ITNs
utilization among pregnant women in Shashogo District, Southern Ethiopia, Fuge, Ayanta and
Gurnamo (2015) showed that, attitude towards ITNs use was positive. It was found out that, 70% of
the respondents perceived ITNs use was comfortable and saved them from malaria infection.
Majority who had suffered from malaria in the recent past revealed that ITNs use was not as a
discomfort as suffering from malaria.

Nkondjio et al. (2013) in a study on the impact of cyfluthrin (Solfac EW050) impregnated bed nets
on malaria transmission in the city of Mbandjock, Cameroon found out that, majority of the

respondents who had receive enough education about ITNs use knew that ITNs, if used properly
could not lead to suffocation. They revealed that ITN users who suffocated had other health
complications. Good to use ITNs regularly

In a cross-sectional study about knowledge, attitudes, and practices about malaria and its control
carried out at Iringa Regional Hospital in south-western Tanzania, Humphrey (2011) reported that
respondents had a general positive attitude towards ITNs use because they were scared of malaria
since it was regarded a serious disease. They highly believed that regular ITN use was very
advantageous if malaria infection was to be controlled. They did not suspect any health problem
related to drugs used to retreat ITNs and were ready to retreat their nets if they got the drugs.

2.2.2..3 ITNs scent

Wanzira et al. (2013) in a study on Long-lasting insecticide-treated bed net ownership and use
among children under 5 years of age following a targeted distribution in central Uganda, found out
that ITNs were manufactured with a good scent that could attract people to use them. This was
because earlier ITNs were complained of having bad odour that could at times lead to vomiting. Training about ITN use

A study in Muhorro Sub County, Kibaale District by Bashinyora (2010) reported that, majority of
the respondents who had got enough training about the use of ITNs had a positive attitude towards
their use. They believed that their children could easily suffocate at night due to poor hanging of
ITNs despite the fact that less than 5% of the respondents had reported children suffocating at night
due to net contact. They also never believed that when they were sick, ITNs would make them
sweat too much to lose a lot of body fluids that would make them sick. Trained respondents also
believed that, a sick child should always sleep under an ITN as it reduced mosquito bites and the
drugs did not lead to a chemical reaction to intensify the sickness. Respondent attributed suffocation
to other factors such as respiratory tract infections and defects other than sleeping under an ITN. Prevented mosquito bites

In a study about utilization of insecticide treated nets among pregnant women in Gulu: a post
conflict district in northern Uganda, majority of the respondents (98%) believed that ITNs use was
good. Up to 95% of the respondents believed ITNs prevented mosquito bites and hence controlled
malaria transmission. Majority (97%) perceived ITNs as effective at preventing mosquito bites; they

believed that no mosquito could pass through an ITN in good condition. Majority 96% of the
respondents who possessed ITNs were willing to continue using them (Obol et al., 2013b). Time to tuck the ITN

Kulkarni et al. (2010) in a study on contribution of integrated campaign distribution of long-lasting
insecticidal nets coverage of target groups and total populations in malaria-endemic areas in
Madagascar, showed good attitude regarding the effectiveness of regular and correct ITNs use.
Respondents were worried that they might become seriously ill with malaria if they did not use
ITNs regularly and correctly. They also revealed that it did not take much time to tuck in a net to
prevent mosquitoes from entering into the net. Good history of use

Graves et al. (2009) in their study about factors associated with mosquito net use by individuals in
households owning nets in Ethiopia found out that, ITN users believed that a well displayed ITN
prevented mosquitoes from accessing its user during sleep. Majority of the respondents had a good
attitude towards the use of ITNs since 91.3% believed that they needed ITNs because they had ever
used them and were saved from malaria infection. Unsafety of retreating drugs

Despite being educated about the importance of ITNs, some people just felt that they did not need
them as reported by Zewdneh et al. (2011) in a study on knowledge, attitude and practices about
ITNs, in Sri Lanka. Some communities in limited resource countries of South America and Asia;
Bolivia and Bangladesh respectively felt that they did not need ITNs hence negative attitude. They
had a mind-set that the drugs used to treat the net were unsafe and could easily suffocate them to
death. Mindset the ITNs are only necessary to some people

In a study carried out in Myanmar, about the challenges in universal coverage and utilization of
insecticide-treated bed nets among migrant plantation workers, Myat et al. (2014) found out that
majority of the respondents had negative attitude towards ITNs use. Respondents had a mind-set
that ITNs were only good for them (the migrant workers). They were thought to have less resistance
to malaria and other environmental conditions. Majority did not believe that a mere mosquito bite
would make them very sick with malaria.

14 Itching of ITNs
It was believed that ITNs itched some of the users. A study in Piron, Mali, on use of Insecticide
treated nets following a malaria education intervention by Rhee et al. (2005) observed that, majority
of the respondents had negative attitudes towards ITNs use among children. They believed that they
itched them and caused excessive heat which made them cry. The parents were disturbed by the
noise which disrupted their sleep. So they left them to sleep without ITNs which portrayed negative
attitude. Hanging of ITNs

A study in Nigeria by Adekanmi and Foluso (2015) found that, majority (66.7%) of the respondents
had negative attitude towards ITNs. They did not use ITNs because they felt inconvenienced with
the daily hanging yet mosquitoes were not plenty every day. Tucking in the net at night was an
inconvenience to many respondents who had ITNs. However, ideally a well hanged ITN is thought
to be more effective in denying mosquitoes access to ITN users compared to a poorly hanged ITN.
If it is cone shaped, it should be hanged directly above the bed and if triangular, it should have four
well stretched strings. A feeling that one has enough information about ITNs use
A prospective study by Skarbinski et al. (2011) on the impact of health facility-based insecticide
treated bed net distribution in Malawi, found out that respondents showed poor attitude towards
acquiring additional information about ITNs use. This was because they did not need any more
information about malaria because they had heard it before. This was not good attitude because
malaria prevention trends change over time and thus the need to always get updated information.

In a study that assessed the level of knowledge, attitude and practices of pregnant women
concerning the use of ITNs in Anambra State, South-east Nigeria, majority of the respondents
refused to use ITNs due to misconceptions from their neighbours which led to negative attitude.
These included suffocation, skin itching and irritation (Ukibe et al., 2014). Similar findings were in
a study carried out in Bhutan where respondents reported itching after using ITNs (Zangypo et al.,
2011). Itching from the use of ITNs could result from the chemical components or as a
manifestation of hypersensitivity reaction from the physical component of the nets.

15 Increased Heat
A study on international population movements and regional Plasmodium falciparum Malaria
elimination strategies done in Ghana, found negative perceptions about sleeping under a bed net
among the respondents. These included; too much heat at night was due to sleeping under ITNs,
mosquitoes could still bite through ITNs and bed nets could not allow in enough air which led to
suffocation (Tatem and Smith, 2010). However, most of the respondents that gave such answers
based their fears on rumours and misconceptions hence negative attitude. Level of education about ITNs

In Niger, some of the respondents refused to use ITNs simply because they “heard” ITNs killed
someone or they “did not work”. This notion suggested high degree of misconception and
misinformation as reported by Isah and Nwobodo (2009) in a study carried out on awareness and
utilization of insecticide treated mosquito nets among pregnant mothers at a tertiary health
institution. This reason for non-use of ITNs was popular among women with poor educational
background and was a very important barrier militating against the use of ITNs in this part of the
world. This made them to develop a negative attitude towards ITNs use.

Iwashita et al. (2010) in a study on sleeping arrangement and house structure effect on bed net use
in villages along Lake Victoria, revealed that majority of the respondents had poor attitude on the
use of ITNs. Majority thought that ITNs increased bed temperatures and this was a general problem
in most homesteads in the study which was feared to increase if they slept under ITNs. Attitude about the odour of ITN

In a study on community knowledge, attitudes and practices (KAP) on malaria prevention in
Swaziland, it was observed that some respondents developed a negative attitude towards ITNs use
because of the odour suspected to be from the drugs used to treat them. Different people were
allergic to different things in their environment where smell was one of the major allergies people
had (Khumbulani, 2009). The odour from ITNs caused some people to vomit or get sleepless nights
which made them uncomfortable and hated sleeping under them.

According to Ukibe et al. (2014) in a study in Anambra state, South-East Nigeria, findings showed
negative attitude. Out of 420 respondents who owned nets, 235 (56%) refused to use them. They
had a mind-set that, they had inadequate space to hang nets, their houses had door and window nets

thus did not need any other nets, ITNs did not work (Kilian et al., 2013), nets caused itching, heard
ITNs killed someone as also reported by Isah and Nwobodo (2009). Perception about the time to use ITNs

In a study on evaluation of the 2011 long-lasting insecticide-treated net distribution for universal
coverage in Togo, people had different negative perceptions on the use of ITNs. These included;
ITNs were perceived to be expensive, it was difficult to mend holes, they were inconvenient by
increasing heat hence sweating, caused suffocation and that it was impossible to buy a net for
everybody in a big family (Stevens et al., 2013). Some people were of a view that use of bed nets
was necessary when mosquitoes were plentiful and were not aware that even a few mosquito bites
led to malaria. Attitude about the cost of an ITN

Soleimani-Ahmad et al. (2014) in a study on the community knowledge and practices regarding
malaria and long-lasting insecticidal nets during malaria elimination programme in an endemic area
in Iran, showed that, there was a high awareness of ITNs utilization, but did not influence the actual
ITNs usage. Majority were of a view that ITNs were sold at unfair prices and that it did not
necessarily mean that whoever slept under an ITN would not get infected with malaria. It was upon
this argument that some respondents never used ITNs. This also indicated negative attitude towards
ITNs use. Preference of the shape of the ITN

In a study that investigated the use of rectangular insecticide-treated nets for malaria control in
Chipinge District, Zimbabwe, the use of ITNs was dependent on ones preference to its shape.
Respondents would rather not sleep under an ITN if it was not the preferred shape despite high
knowledge on its effectiveness in the prevention of malaria. Rectangular mosquito nets were
preferred to conical shaped nets because they were believed to cover a large surface area (Sande et
al., 2012). This meant that they could hardly come in contact with the skin thus prevented mosquito
bites compared to other shapes of mosquito nets. A belief the ITNs prevented malaria

According to Magha et al. (2013) in nationwide studies on ownership and use of ITNs in Sub
Saharan Africa, there were high doubts about the effectiveness of ITNs in the prevention of malaria.
Participants mentioned that some people slept under mosquito nets but their children still died of
malaria. They revealed that, whether mosquito nets helped in the prevention of malaria or not
remained a myth to them. Though ITNs were of low quality

In a study in rural Northwest Tanzania, Humphrey, (2011) reported that, respondents had a negative
attitude towards the use of ITNs in regard to the source. It was found that 53% preferred to use
mosquito nets they had bought themselves to ones they had acquired free of charge and only 18.5%
could not afford buying a mosquito net themselves if they had not got one for free. They thought
that, free of charge ITNs were of low quality and could expose them to mosquito bites and the
eventual malaria infection. The study further noted that this was due to the fact that some people
that slept under ITNs also suffered from malaria. ITNs meant for females

Karema et al. (2012) in the study on the trends in malaria cases, hospital admissions and deaths
following scale-up of anti-malarial interventions between 2000 and 2010 in Rwanda, reported poor
attitude of respondents towards ITNs use. Respondents believed that, ITNs were only meant for
females and children because they were more at risk of malaria than other people in the community.
This was poor attitude because malaria affected every community member indiscriminately. Save money for ITNs for other basic needs

In a study carried out about the use of insecticide treated bed nets among pregnant women in Kilifi
District, Kenya., Njoroge et al. (2009) found negative attitude towards ITNs use in regard to the
price they are sold. Some respondents never used ITNs because they thought that were sold very
expensively and that they would rather use that money for other personal more pressing needs.
Some respondents (45%) revealed that, they could not go without taking alcohol because they want
to save money to buy a mosquito net from which they do not derive a direct benefit. Others revealed
that, they could not go without stocking enough food in their houses and divert the money to buying
mosquito nets. However they were ready to utilize ITNs if they could access them for free of
charge. A perception that some people are too strong for ITNs
Some respondents especially males believed that they were too strong to be infected by malaria
which did not necessitate them to use ITNs as observed in a study in Eastern Rwanda by Kateera et

al. (2015). This showed a negative attitude towards ITNs use. As a result, they believed that
sleeping under ITNs daily was not necessary which predisposed them to malaria infection. Unsafe to ill people

According to Obol et al. (2013) in a study done in northern Uganda, respondents knew the
importance of ITNs but never regularly used them because they believed that the drugs used to treat
and retreat them had dangerous chemical components to their lives. They preferred falling sick from
malaria and treat it rather than inhaling chemical components that would make them develop
dangerous diseases such as cancer, that they would not be able to treat. They did not recommend
critically ill patients to sleep under newly acquired ITNs because they thought that, the chemicals in
ITNs would worsen their condition. This illustrated negative attitude towards ITNs use. Preference to mosquito repellants

Kiwuuwa and Mufubenga (2008) in a study on the use of insecticide treated bed nets by pregnant
women in Luwero district, Uganda, found out that ITNs were not as effective as other malaria
preventive strategies thus negative attitude towards ITNs use. They preferred using mosquito
repellants such as mosquito coils and planting mosquito repellant plants around their homes than
actually sleeping under ITNs which they thought were dangerous to their lives.

2.2.3 Practices of residents towards utilization of mosquito nets in prevention of malaria

In a study carried out in Myanmar, Myat et al. (2014) noted that, majority 53% of the respondents
consistently utilized ITNs. This was mostly influenced by the geographic location of the
respondents. People who were in mosquito infested areas consistently used ITNs because they never
wanted mosquito bites which could predispose them to malaria. Ownership of ITN

In households containing pregnant women, ownership of ITNs ranged from 3 to 44%, in a summary
article of data from 2003 to 2007 from 15 African nations (Eisele et al., 2009). In Ethiopia overall
household ownership of ITNs reduced from 66% in the 2007 to 49% (Deressa et al., 2011). Washing of ITN

A study by Stevens et al. (2013) on evaluation of the long-lasting insecticide-treated net distribution
for universal coverage in 2011 in Togo revealed that, majority of the respondents had good
practices towards ITNs use. Findings showed that, 97.7% of the respondents owned bed nets and

94% used and regularly washed them. They used them all seasons through even if mosquitoes were
not plenty. Mending of holes

In a study on Insecticide-treated net (ITN) ownership, usage, and malaria transmission in the
highlands of western Kenya, Atieli et al. (2010) found out that, LLINs that developed holes were
frequently washed but were mended. Mending holes was good because it controlled mosquitoes
from accessing inside the ITNs which could lead to mosquito bites. Time of display

Emmanuela et al. (2011) in a study on knowledge, attitudes and practices regarding malaria and
mosquito net use among women seeking antenatal care in south-western Tanzania, found out that
respondents had good practice in the use of ITNs. They displayed ITNs when entering the bed and
immediately folded them after sleep to avoid mosquitoes entering the nets during the day. This
study investigated whether community members folded their bed nets after sleep to assess the level
of blocking mosquitoes from entering the nets. Folding of ITN

A study carried out in Zambia by Eisele et al. (2011) showed that, respondents used ITNs very well
because they folded them well after use which portrayed good practice. Folding ITNs meant that
there were fewer chances of mosquitoes entering and staying inside the ITNs which could
predispose the users to mosquito bites. Way of hanging an ITN

In a study on use of insecticide treated nets by pregnant women and associated factors in a pre-
dominantly rural population in northern Ethiopia, practice on use of bed nets and ITNs was reported
to be high. Mebrahtom and Wakgari (2008) revealed that, 97.7% of the respondents owned bed nets
and 94% were sleeping inside the nets and took enough time to hang them properly. ITNs use was
more among pregnant mothers who knew the importance of ITNs right from the information given
during antenatal care. Holes in ITNs

In a study on the utilization of insecticide treated nets in households with children under 5 years in
Muhorro Sub County, Kibaale District, good practice was portrayed. It was found that majority of
respondents used ITNs. More than 90% of the household members were using nets and always took
time to mend them when they developed holes. They were always very careful when hanging them
to avoid the nets being torn (Bashinyora, 2010). They in most cases used threads and needles to
mend all the holes that developed to ensure that no mosquito enters at night during sleep (Ochomo
et al., 2013). They revealed that, an ITN which had holes was far more dangerous than sleeping
without a mosquito net because whichever mosquito entered found it difficult to get out which
increased the frequency of biting and possibilities of catching malaria. Number of times to wash an ITN before retreating

In a study carried out in Northern Uganda, majority of the respondents had good practice regarding
retreating ITNs. They washed ITNs the recommended 20 times before retreating them. They
revealed that, ITN retreatment helped in restoring the protective value of ITNs as the chemicals
were potent enough to kill or repel mosquitoes (Obol et al., 2013). On the other hand, in a study
done in Luwero district in central Uganda, half of the respondents retreated nets with an insecticide
within the last 6 months yet they had washed it more than the 20 recommended times which
indicated fair practice (Kiwuwa and Mufubenga, 2008). Should target households

Eisele et al. (2009) in a cross-national analysis of 15 survey datasets, having sufficient intra-
household access to an ITN, defined having more than one ITN per two household occupants as a
strong determinant of individual use of ITNs. Households in Sierra Leone with more than 5 people
were less likely to have sufficient ITN to occupant ratios. This highlights a limitation of the mass
distribution campaign, in that households were limited to a maximum of three LLINs. Given that
greater intra-household access to an ITN was a strong predictor of use, this suggests an effort should
be made to target large households with additional nets if possible. Similarly, households without at
least one child under five years and households without a woman of reproductive age were less
likely to own more than one ITN which indicated poor practice. Washing of ITNs

Zewdneh et al. (2011) in a study done in Ethiopia revealed that, majority of the respondents had
poor practice towards ITNs use. 90(81.8%) of those who had bed-nets had never treated them with
an insecticide. Participants who had bed nets washed them once in a year. Majority (40%) however

washed ITNs twice in a year. This made them very dirty and uncomfortable to sleep in. This
increased the chances of malaria infection among people in malaria infested areas. Hanging of ITNs

Findings in a study on claims about the misuse of insecticide-treated mosquito nets, by Eisele et al.
(2011) showed that, in Malaysia, majority of the respondents did not use mosquito nets if they did
not have anywhere to hang them. This was because majority of the respondents reported that ITNs
came in contact with them during sleep due to poor hanging. Other people especially men did not
bother using ITNs. This portrayed poor practice. Possession of ITNs

There were poor practices regarding possession and use of ITNs among some respondents. In Achi,
a rural community in Enugu state of Nigeria, only 11.4% had ever heard of ITNs. A study
conducted in the 6 geopolitical zones of Nigeria showed household ownership of ITN to be 10.1%,
but only 1.7% of children under the age of 5 slept under them (Oreanya et al. 2008). Also in kenya,
O'Meara et al. (2011) noted that, few people in Western Kenya owned ITNs in relation to the
national expected coverage estimates. Hanging
Findings from two cross-sectional surveys in thirteen malaria endemic districts of Bangladesh
entitled, „free distribution of insecticidal bed nets improved possession and preferential use by
households‟ carried out by Ahmed et al. (2011) found out that, 51% of the respondents did not own
ITNs and 71% did not sleep under ITNs the night before data collection and 75% reported irregular
use of ITNs. They did not use ITNs because they felt inconvenienced with the daily hanging of
ITNs yet not all days mosquitoes were plenty. Life span of ITNs

In a study about community knowledge and practices regarding malaria and long-lasting
insecticidal nets during malaria elimination programme in an endemic area in Iran, Asia, it was
found out that frequent washing of ITNs and direct drying from sunlight reduced their life span as
they easily developed holes. It was found out that 92% had poor practices because they dried bed
nets in direct sunlight and they got torn within three months and only 18.5% of households slept
under bed nets the night before the survey (Ahmadi, 2014). This use rate was lower than the
targeted coverage (80%) which was recommended by WHO.

22 Number of ITNs in the household
Still in Iran, Hanafi-Bojd (2011) in a study on the knowledge, attitudes and practices regarding
malaria control in an endemic area of southern Iran Asia, despite a high bed net coverage, over 25%
of members reported not to have slept under a bed net the night before the survey. Some males
irregularly used ITNs because they had fewer nets compared to the number of household members.
Household socio-economic status, number of bed nets, type and amount of sleeping spaces were
key determinants of bed net use (Wiseman et al., 2007). Misuse of ITNs

Widespread ITN misuse in Africa was overblown by media report as shown by Allan et al., (2012)
in an observational study of material durability of three World Health Organization-recommended
Long-Lasting Insecticidal Nets in Eastern Chad. Reports noted that ITNs were used for fishing, and
covering crops which was not actually true in many cases. However, in different areas, ITNs were
put to different uses that included, caging animals, catching silver fish and fencing seedling from
damage by animals. This incident was investigated in the present study and respondents revealed
that ITNs were mainly meant for prevention of malaria. Misuse of ITNs for other purposes

In a longitudinal study on freely distributed bed-net use among Chano Mille residents, south
Ethiopia, it was found out that ITNs were poorly used which led them to wear out so easily. Others
misused them in activities like fishing and covering crops instead of sleeping under them (Loha et
al., 2013). Some of them also complained that after a few months of using the ITNs, they could no
longer block and repel mosquitoes which forced them to irregularly use them (WHO, 2011). Most
of the ITNs were poorly managed after sleep which made them to be cut by different sharp objects
that led to development of holes. Folding of ITNs

Masangwi et al. (2012) in a study on community knowledge variation, bed-net coverage and the
role of a district healthcare system, and their implications for malaria control in southern Malawi,
found out that, the poor sleeping arrangement reduced the life span of ITNs because they were
poorly stored after use. Some nets were folded in windows which highly predisposed them to
tearing faster than expected.

Yukich et al. (2009) in a study on costs and cost-effectiveness of vector control in Eritrea using
insecticide-treated bed nets noted that, 93 % of the houses visited had no ceiling, structures onto
which nets were usually hung. It was plausible that lack of a place to hang or a need to improvise,
such as by tying a long string from wall to wall onto which a net could be secured as well as
difficulty in securing nets around floor-based sleeping arrangements, were some reasons for reduced
likelihood of bed net use. Lack of bed net hangings increased the likelihood of poor bed net use. Hanging of ITNs

In a study in Zambia, it was found out that most respondents poorly hanged mosquito nets. Majority
did not properly display the nets to provide enough space for them to sleep. They poorly hanged the
nets which brought them in contact with people (respondents) during sleep which increased the
chances of mosquito bites (Pulford et al., 2011). ITN use among such households was not taken as a
must since majority who lacked ITN hangs slept without ITNs despite having them in their houses. Poor displaying of ITNs

In a study on free distribution of insecticidal bed nets in thirteen malaria endemic districts of
Bangladesh, showed that respondents had poor practice in the use of ITNs as regards displaying
them. Respondents made their beds and displayed their ITNs some hours before they got into the
bed (Ahmed et al., 2011). This was poor practice because this made it easier for mosquitoes to enter
into bed nets which exposed the respondents to mosquito bites. Frequency of washing

Atieli et al. (2011) found out that some respondents over washed their ITNs which made them to
easily tear. Frequent washing of nets increased loss of fabric integrity as majority washed them
more than 20 times in 6 months which led to more wearing out of nets compared to ones that were
not frequently washed. Frequency of retreating

Hlongwana et al. (2009) in a study on Knowledge, attitudes and practices (KAP) on malaria in
Swaziland: a country earmarked for malaria elimination, it was established that, some respondents
did not regularly retreat their ITNs after washing them the recommended number of times.
Majority, 70% never bothered to buy retreating drugs after the ones they were given during free
distribution got over even if they knew where to buy them. Many respondents were not well
conversant with genuine retreating drugs while others never knew where to acquire them from since
even the few available health centres never sold them.

24 Time of display
Matovu et al. (2009) in a study on equitability of bed net ownership and utilization in Tanzania
reported that, in homes that used candles, ITNs easily developed holes. This was because they
easily caught fire as these people were preparing their beds for sleep. Some respondents preferred
displaying their ITNs during the day when they had good sight of their beds than in the dark during
night when they did not have reliable sources of light. This was dangerous because it provided
chance for mosquitoes to hide in the nets.

In conclusion, majority of the respondents in the above studies had good knowledge about ITNs in
prevention of malaria, however they had negative attitude towards ITNs use which translated into
poor practice thus high malaria prevalence despite health sector measures that included distribution
of free ITNs.


3.0 Introduction
This chapter includes; research design, source of data, study setting, sample size calculation,
sampling technique, sampling procedure, study variables, inclusion criteria, exclusion criteria, data
collection techniques, data collection instruments and measurement, data collection procedure, data
analysis, quality control, dissemination of the study results, ethical issues and limitations of the

3.1 Research Design

The study adapted a descriptive cross sectional study design in which quantitative data collection
methods and analysis were used. Quantitative research approach was used because it enabled the
researcher to get much information from a big number of respondents (Shahrokh and Dougherty,

Descriptive cross sectional study design helped the researcher to collect data at a point in time about
the current use of ITNs in Namuwongo Zones A and B using interview guide questionnaires. The
study was carried out from 2nd July to 16th July 2016. This eventually enabled the researcher to
describe findings about knowledge, attitude and practices of respondents on the utilization of ITNs
with frequencies.

3.2 Sources of data

The study was based on both primary and secondary data.

3.2.1 Primary data; Here information was derived directly from the respondents by use of
structured interviews using structured interview guided questionnaires and observation checklist.
The researcher observed the study participants for a period of 2 weeks during which the study was
carried out.

3.2.2 Secondary data; This was information from acknowledged studies in relation to the study.
These mainly included; on-line journals, electronic books, library books, research dissertations,
learning websites, etc.

3.3 Study setting

The study was carried out in Namuwongo Zones (A and B) located in Namuwongo village,
Namuwongo Parish, in Makindye Division. Namuwongo village has a slum called "Soweto"; that is

divided into seven zones namely: Industrial Area View, Go-Down, Kasanvu, Namuwongo A,
Namuwongo B, Kanyogoga/Masengere and Yoweri Kaguta (YOKA). These zones had over 20,000
people living in very confined spaces, averaging 2 rooms for a family of at least 4 members
(Tenywa, 2013).

The area was bordered by Lugogo to the north, Nakawa to the northeast, Kiswa and Bugoloobi to
the east, Muyenga to the southeast, Kisugu and Kabalagala to the south, Kibuli to the west and
Kololo to the northwest (Kamukama, 2012). The neighborhood is located approximately 6
kilometres (3.7 mi), by road, southeast of the Kampala City. The coordinates of Namuwongo are:
0°18'29.0"N 32°36'44.0"E (Latitude: 0.308050; Longitude: 32.612223) (Nasasira, 2014).

3.4 Study Population

There is an estimated population of 2200 people in Namuwongo zones „A‟ and „B‟. These included
estimates of 892 adults and 1,308 children. Each household had an average of 6 members which
made an average of 366 households in the two zones. The study population was adult residents. The
target population comprised of all residents of Namuwongo A and B zones. From a target
population of 2200 people and accessible population of 892 adults were considered for the study
and it was from this that a sample size was drawn.

3.5 Sample Size Calculation

A total of 276 respondents who were household heads were selected from an accessible population
of 892 adult residents of Namuwongo Zones A and B. The researcher selected the 276 respondents
from 366 households in the area. Sample size was determined by the Slovenes formula because it
helped to derive samples from a relatively small accessible population that was below 1000 people.
n= N
1+ N (e)2

Where; n = Sample size

N = Population size
e = standard margin of error (5% or 0.05)

n= 892
1 + 892(0.05x0.05)

n= 892
1+ 892(0.0025)

n= 892
1+ 2.23

n= 892

n= 276 respondents

3.6 Sampling
3.6.1 Sampling Technique
The study used probability sampling to select respondents where every individual in the population
had an equal chance of being selected. The researcher used simple random sampling to select the
respondents from their homes. This method was very fair, unbiased and easy to carry out.

3.6.2 Sampling procedure

The researcher moved home to home and where an adult resident was found, he or she was
informed about the purpose of the study and requested to join the study. Ones who consented were
selected to take part in the study. The preferred members were household heads found at home
during the time of study. The researcher moved around the two zones until the required number of
276 respondents was achieved.

3.7 Study variables

The independent variables were knowledge and attitude towards ITNs use.

The dependent variable was practice towards ITNs use.

Indicators of knowledge were; ITNs use was one of the most effective malaria control method,
Regularity of sensitization about ITN use, sources and mode of information dissemination about
ITNs use, information about where to procure good ITNs, source of ITNs and retreating drugs,
awareness of maintenance of ITNs, knowledge about ITNs lifespan, familiarity with retreating
drugs and their importance, and identifying the characteristics of ITNs (repelling and barring

Indicators of attitude were; a belief that malaria could be prevented by sleeping under ITNs,
cultural-social perception of ITNs, perception about drugs for retreating ITNs, a mind-set that ITNs
caused suffocation, a thought that mosquitoes could still pass through ITNs, a feeling that ITNs

caused skin itching, preference to the source where ITNs were acquired from, a belief that retreating
chemical are poisonous, a mind-set that ITNs are sold at unfair prices and sensitivity to odour.

Indicators of practice were; possession of ITNs, maintenance of ITNs, way of displaying ITNs,
effective and regular use of ITNs, time of displaying ITNs, actual retreating of ITNs and periods of
retreating, way of drying of ITNs after wash and folding of ITNs after sleep.

3.8 Data Collection techniques

The researcher used different approaches of data collection that were guided by specific objectives
or research questions. Interview guided questionnaire and observations checklist were used.

3.9 Data Collection tools

The study used interview guide questionnaires and observation checklist to collect data for the study

3.9.1 Interview guide Questionnaires

The study used questionnaires to collect data. The researcher physically asked the respondents
questions and then recorded the information from them. Interviews were used because; they enabled
the researcher to establish rapport with potential participants and therefore gained their cooperation,
captured verbal and non-verbal responses such as body language, helped to keep the respondents
focused and also allowed the researcher to clarify ambiguous answers and where appropriate,
sought follow-up information. It had four sections; A which consisted of questions that assessed the
socio-demographic characteristics, section B consisted of questions that assessed knowledge,
section C consisted of questions that studied the attitude and D that consisted of questions that
examined the practices of community members towards ITNs use.

3.9.2 Observation checklist

The presence of nets in the household were confirmed by visual check by the interviewer (all
respondents had accepted the researcher to see their bed nets). Items of interest were; status of nets,
way they were hanged, number of ITNs in comparison with family members and sleeping
arrangements among other issues.

3.10 Data Collection Procedure

The researcher moved around the community from home to home with the help of the local leaders
while collecting data. On reaching the home, the former first inquired whether there was any adult
member most preferably a home head.

In homes where one of the two was found, the local administrator introduced the researcher and the
latter informed the home member of the study and its purpose then sought for the consent to
participate in the study. Strict confidentiality to all information received was assured to the
respondents before interviewing. Members who consented were interviewed and then moved to the
next household.

3.11 Data analysis

After data collection, the pre-coded data was entered manually questionnaire by questionnaire and
then analyzed using Statistical Package for Social Scientists (SPSS) computer program. Data was
run in this program where tables were developed and then transferred to Microsoft word where data
was interpreted in a written form. This was used to find the relationships between variables by use
of correlation (bivariate analysis). Univariate analysis was calculated using Chi-tests which helped
to establish the most significant factors within variables. This was based on whether a household
had any ITN or did not possess any. Multivariate analysis was done by regression analysis where
average mean from knowledge and attitude outcomes was regressed against the average mean from
the practice outcomes.

3.12 Quality Control

3.12.1 Pilot study
The research tool was pretested in a pilot study proposed to be carried out in Kamwanyi Zone
Kabalagala Parish. This helped to make necessary adjustments before the study was carried out in
Namuwongo Zones (A and B). Redundant questions that did not add any value to the study were
removed. Inclusion Criteria

The study included all adult residents of Namuwongo Zones, A and B who were found at home
during the time of study and consented to take part. Exclusion Criteria

The study did not consider all individual who were not in position to give valid data for the study.
These included; the sick and those that were not mentally sound.

3.12.3 Validity of the tool

The researcher tested the ability of the tool to yield dependable results through interviewing some
selected respondents in Kamwanyi zone about their knowledge, attitude and practice about

mosquito net use. The questionnaire was administered to different respondents to which helped to
validate the responses from the questions according to the objectives. After the assessment of the
interview guided questionnaire, the necessary adjustments were made bearing in mind the
objectives of the study. Then a Content Validity Index (CVI) was computed using the following

CVI = Number of questions declared valid

Total number of questions in the questionnaire

A minimum of 0.75 of CVI was used to test validity. Reliability of the tool

Here the researcher tested whether the interviewed respondents gave consistent results on the same
test questions. To ensure reliability of the instrument, the researcher used the test-retest method.
Here the interview guided questionnaire was given to 15 people and after one week, the same
questionnaire was given to the same people and the Cronbach Alpha was computed using SPSS.
Ranges of 0.8 to 0.99 were considered levels of significance in relation to the findings between the

3.13 Dissemination of the study results

Five copies of the findings were produced. One was submitted to International Health Science
University, School of Nursing, the second copy was submitted to IHSU Library, and the third and
fourth copies was submitted to local administrators of Namuwongo Zones (A and B) respectively
while the fifth copy was retained by the researcher for personal reference.

3.14 Ethical Issues

The researcher got a letter of introduction from IHSU Research Ethics Office that introduced her to
the local administrators of Namuwongo Zones (A and B). These granted the researcher permission
to carry out the study in the area. Administrators then introduced the researcher to the local
residents through home to home visit. Confidentiality was assured to all respondents before they
were interviewed. The respondents were only included in the study after they understood the
purpose of the study and had consented to take part. The study was voluntary and the respondents
deserved the right to withdraw at any time of his or her wish.

3.15 Limitations of the study
The researcher faced the following challenges during the course of the study
 Some respondents withheld information regarding mosquito net use because they feared being
ashamed of improper ITNs use.

 Poor weather conditions disturbed the researcher during home to home data collection. This
prolonged the time of study completion.

 Study completion was delayed by the reluctance of some respondents to answer the required
questions in time.


4.0 Introduction
This chapter presents the findings of the study based on the specific objectives that included;
assessing knowledge, attitude and practices of community members in Namuwongo Zones A and B
in the utilization of ITNs in the prevention of malaria in the study area.

4.1 Findings on the social demographic characteristics of the respondents

Table 1: Social demographic characteristics of the respondents N=276
Indicators Category Frequency Percent
Gender of the respondent Males 70 25.4
Females 206 74.6
Age of the respondents 18-30 years 100 36.2
31-40 years 45 16.3
41-50 years 55 19.9
51 years and above 76 27.5
Marital status of the Single 61 22.1
respondents Married 168 60.9
Separated/divorced 19 6.9
Widow/widower 28 10.1
Occupation of the Housewife 179 64.9
respondents civil servant 28 10.1
self employed 54 19.6
Student 15 5.4
Education levels of the No formal education 55 19.9
respondents Primary 124 44.9
Secondary education 50 18.1
Tertiary 28 10.1
Others 19 6.9
Total 276 100.0

Out of the 276 respondents that participated in the study, majority; 206(75%) were females,
100(36%) were between 18 and 30 years, 168(61%) were married, 179(65%) were housewives, and
124(45%) had primary level of education.

4.2 Findings on the knowledge of respondents towards the utilization of ITNs in the
prevention of malaria
Table 2: Knowledge of respondents towards the utilization of ITNs in the prevention of malaria
Indicators Category Frequenc Percent
Respondents had ever heard of Yes 259 94
ITNs No 17 6
Source of information about ITN Health workers and 74 79
use community leaders
Family members and 20 21
Had routine education about ITN Yes 52 19
use in their communities No 224 81
Uses of ITNs Prevention of malaria 243 88
For fishing, wedding,
33 12
covering crops etc.
Best sources of ITNs Shops, markets 179 65
Pharmacy, Drug shop, and
97 35
health centre
Characteristics of a good ITN Should cover the whole bed,
sized holes to block 226 82
mosquitoes, repel mosquitoes

Coloured, elastic, able to

50 18
cover the head
Respondents knew that ITNs were Yes 83 30
retreatable No 193 70
Number of times an ITN should be Less than 20 times 77 28
washed before retreating More than 20 times 199 72
Life span of an ITN Less than a year 213 77
More than a year 63 23
Total 276 100.0

Majority 259(94%) of the respondents had ever heard of ITNs, 177(64%) were educated about
ITNs, 243(88%) knew that ITNs were used to prevent malaria, 179(65%) thought that shops and
markets were the best places to get ITNs, and 193(70%) never knew that ITNs were retreatable.

4.2.1 Measure of the independent variables (slept under ITNs in the last seven days before the

The study found out that out of 276 respondents that were included in the study, 179 respondents
regularly used ITNs while 97 never regularly used them. The researcher decided to measure the
utilization of ITNs in the prevention of malaria by comparing those who slept under ITNs in the last
seven days before the study against those that didn‟t.

Knowledge of respondents towards the utilization of ITNs in the prevention of malaria

Table 3: Knowledge of respondents towards the utilization of ITNs in the prevention of malaria
Characteristic Indicator Used ITNs Never Total Percent P-value
regularly used
Had routine Yes 42 10 52 19 0.00763
education about No 137 87 224 81
ITN use
Uses of ITNs Prevention of 163 80 0.0356
243 88
Fashion 16 17 33 12
Best sources of Shops, markets 111 68 179 65 0.1824
ITNs Pharmacy, Drug 68 29
shop, and health 97 35
Characteristics of a Should cover the 172 54 8.51752E-17
good ITN whole bed, sized (0.0000)
holes to block 226 82
mosquitoes, repel
Coloured, elastic, 7 43
able to cover the 50 18
Life span of an ITN Less than a year 121 92 213 77 4.5767E-06
More than a year 36 27 63 23 (0.0000)
Had knowledge Yes 56 27 83 30 0.549939
about retreating No 123 70
ITNs 193 70
When should an On entering beds 174 60 234 84 1.36812E-14
ITN be displayed Any time 05 37 42 16 (0.0000)
It was necessary to Yes 172 79 251 91 8.33879E-05
fold an ITN No 07 18 25 09 (0.0000)
Could make good Yes 117 10 127 46 8.64053E-19
display of ITNs No 62 87 149 54 (0.0000)
179 97 276 100

H-ITN Had slept under ITNs in the last seven days before the study

NH-ITN Never slept under ITNs in the last seven days before the study

Bivariate analysis from the table above shows that respondents‟ knowledge towards helmet was
highly associated with its use. Findings showed that, the following factors were significant; could
make good display of ITNs (P=0.0000), characteristics of a good ITN (P=0.0000), when should an
ITN be displayed (P=0.0000), it was necessary to fold an ITN (P=0.0000) and routine education
about ITN use in their communities (P=0.0076), awareness about life span of an ITN (P=0.0000)
and uses of ITNs (P=0.0356). However, knowing the best sources of ITNs and having knowledge
about retreating ITNs were not significant factors in the use of ITNs.

4.3 Findings on the attitude towards the utilization of ITNs in the prevention of malaria
Table 4: Findings on the attitude towards the utilization of ITNs in the prevention of malaria

Indicators Category Frequency Percentage

ITNs were of any benefit Yes 243 88%
No 33 12%
Whether it was important to sleep under an ITN Yes 105 38%
every day No 171 62%
Whether ITNs prevented against mosquito bites Yes 265 96%
No 11 4%
Whether ITNs prevented annoyance from Yes 22 8%
mosquitoes No 254 92%
Whether mosquitoes don‟t bite through the net Yes 116 42%
No 160 58%
Whether getting up in the night when using an ITN Yes 124 45%
was not difficult No 152 55%
Whether it did not take much time to stuck the net Yes 105 38%
each night No 171 62%
Whether ITNs could not lead to suffocation Yes 110 40%
No 166 60%
Whether ITNs should be free of charge Yes 235 85%
No 41 15%
Whether ITNs should be sold at affordable prices Yes 255 92%
No 21 8%
Whether mosquito nets had good odour Yes 75 27%
No 201 73%
Whether respondents thought that drugs used to Yes 98 36%
retreat were safe No 178 64%
Total 276 100.0

Majority 243(88%) of the respondents agreed that ITNs were beneficial, 265(96%) believed ITNs
prevented against mosquito bites, 235(85%) agreed that ITNs should be free of charge and
255(92%) said ITNs should be sold at affordable prices.

However, some respondents had negative attitudes towards ITNs use in the prevention of malaria,
where; 171(62%) believed that it was not important to sleep under an ITN every day, 254(92%) did
not believe that ITNs prevented annoyance from mosquitoes, 160(58%) had a mind-set that
mosquitoes could still bite through ITNs, 152(55%) believed ITNs could make it difficult for them
to get up during the night, 171(62%) believed that it took much time to tuck the net each night,
166(60%) believed that ITNs could lead to suffocation, 201(73%) were irritated by the ITN odour,
and 178(64%) believed that drugs used to retreat ITNs were unsafe.

Table 5: Findings on the attitude towards the utilization of ITNs in the prevention of malaria

Slept under Never Total P-value
ITNs slept
ITNs as one of the most Yes 170 70 240 87 1.84562E-07
effective tools in No 09 27 36 13 (0.0000)
malaria prevention
Everybody should Yes 76 15 91 33 7.62355E-07
sleep under an ITN No 93 82 185 67 (0.0000)
ITNs could not lead to Yes 89 21 110 40 3.618E-06
suffocation No 90 76 166 60 (0.0000)
Thought that drugs Yes 108 08 116 42 3.57486E-17
used to retreat were No 71 89 (0.0000)
160 58
179 97 276 100

The study found out that ITNs were among the most effective tools in malaria prevention
240(87%) with a significance level of (P=0.0000), they also believed that everybody should
sleep under an ITN 185(67%) (P=0.0000), they 166(60%) wrongly believed that ITNs could
lead to suffocation (P=0.0000) AND 160(58%) of the respondents believed that drugs used to
retreat ITNs were unsafe (P=0.0000)

4.4 Findings on the practices of respondents towards the utilization of ITNs in the prevention
of malaria
Table 6: Practices of respondents towards the utilization of ITNs in the prevention of malaria

Indicators Category Frequency Percent

Had ever used ITNs Yes 198 75
No 78 25
Had any ITNs Yes 157 57
No 119 43
Slept under ITNs in the last seven day Yes 179 65
before the study No 97 35
Total 276 100
Sources of ITNs Shops 72 40
Pharmacies 39 22
Health centres 32 18
Drug shops 27 15
Markets 9 5
Period respondents had slept under ITNs Days 11 6
Weeks 39 22
Months 70 39
Years 59 33
Had ever retreated their ITNs Yes 11 6
No 168 94
Washed their ITNs Yes 140 78
No 39 22
Total 179 100
Frequency of washing ITNs After 6 months 39 28
After 3 months 63 45
After a month 25 18
After a week 13 9
Total 140 100
Always checked for holes Yes 27 15
No 152 85
Time ITNs were displayed When entering the beds 59 33
Immediately it got dark, any time of 120 67
convenience, when mosquitoes were too many
All beds had ITNs Yes 110 61
No 69 39
ITNs were not only on children's beds Yes 98 55
No 81 45
ITNs had hangs Yes 50 28
No 129 72
Sleeping arrangements favored good Yes 47 26
display of ITNs No 132 74
ITNs never had holes Yes 75 42
No 104 58
ITNs had holes and were mended Yes 98 55
No 81 45
ITNs were tidy Yes 61 34
No 118 66
ITNs were folded Yes 74 40
No 107 60
Respondents could make good display of Yes 66 37
ITNs No 113 63
Total 179 100

Majority 179(65%) currently slept under ITNs at the time of the study, 72(40%) of the
respondents got ITNs from shops, 70(39%) had slept under ITNs for months, 140(78%) washed
their ITNs, 152(85%) did not always check for holes in their ITNs, 120(67%) displayed ITNs at
time of convenience, 110(61%) did not have ITNs on all beds, 98(55%) households ITNs were
not only on children‟s beds but even on other beds, 168(94%) never retreated their ITNs and
washing was done after months as reported by 63 (45%).

There were 179 respondents out of 276 who slept under ITNs in the last seven days before the
study. In 129(72%) households had no ITN hangs, 132(74%) had unfavorable sleeping
arrangements to enable good display of ITNs, 104(58%) had ITNs with holes, in 98(55%)
households, ITNs had holes and were mended, 118(66%) had untidy ITNs, in 107(60%)
households, ITNs were not folded and 113(63%) could not make a good illustration of ITN


5.0 Introduction
This chapter presents the discussions of results. They are based on study findings in relation to the
study specific objectives.

5.1. Discussion of findings

5.1.1 Discussion of findings on the knowledge of respondents in the utilization of ITNs in
prevention of malaria.
Bivariate analysis shows that respondents‟ knowledge towards helmet was highly associated with
its use. Findings showed that, the following factors were significant; could make good display of
ITNs (P=0.0000), characteristics of a good ITN (P=0.0000), when should an ITN be displayed
(P=0.0000), it was necessary to fold an ITN (P=0.0000) and routine education about ITN use in
their communities (P=0.0076), awareness about life span of an ITN (P=0.0000) and uses of ITNs
(P=0.0356). However, knowing the best sources of ITNs and having knowledge about retreating
ITNs were not significant factors in the use of ITNs

Routine education about ITN use was one of the significant factors (P=0.0076). Majority 259(94%)
of the respondents had ever heard of insecticide treated mosquito nets and 243(88%) knew that they
were used to prevent malaria. This implied good knowledge on use of ITNs because ideally an ITN
is designed to prevent malaria by acting as a barrier to mosquitoes during sleep. Since malaria is
caused by parasites spread by anopheles mosquitoes through biting, use of ITNs prevents mosquito
biting and thus malaria prevention. Respondents who had that knowledge had higher chances of
avoiding malaria infection compared to others who never had. Similarly, Evlampidou et al. (2013)
in a study in Evrotas, Laconia, Greece, also found out that respondents had high knowledge about
ITNs as one of the most effective malaria preventive strategies if used regularly. However, the
results are not in line with a study carried out by Luyiga (2013) in Uganda among districts of
Mukono, Jinja, Mbarara and Arua, who found relatively low knowledge about ITNs use as an
effective way to prevent malaria. Nearly half (51.7%) of the urban respondents did not know that
the use of nets was the most effective way to prevent malaria.

Policy implication: despite the fact that most respondents knew that ITNs were used to prevent
malaria, the Ministry of health should ensure that all community members know about the different
malaria preventive measures because malaria is the commonest illness in Uganda.

Being aware of the time an ITN should be displayed was associated with utilization of ITNs
(P=0.0000). Majority 234(84%) knew the time when an ITN should be displayed. Most of the
respondents with ITNs knew that an ITN should be displayed when one is entering the bed which
was right knowledge.

Policy implication: Having good knowledge about the time and way of displaying the ITNs should
be a government initiative through the different health talks through the health care service

Having facts about the necessity of folding ITNs was highly associated with the utilization of ITNs
in the prevention of malaria (0.0000). This was due to the fact they had received education about the
utilization of ITNs. Knowing that an ITN should be folded implied that the users realized its
importance where it would be kept free of ITNs.

Most of the respondents could explain how to display an ITN which was good knowledge about the
utilization of ITN. This was associated with ITN use (P=0.0000). This was because most of them
had received education about ITN use thus knew how to use them.

Policy implication: the Ministry of Health should disseminate information about ITN use through
printing brochures, flyers, calendars, and magazines among other media so that people can learn
how to display ITNs.

There were 193(70%) of the respondents who never knew that ITNs were retreatable and 53(64%)
thought that ITNs were supposed to be washed more than 20 times before retreating which was low
knowledge. Retreating and minimum washing (between 10 to 20 times before retreating within six
months) could maintain ITNs with properties that repel mosquitoes and thus minimize mosquito
bites. If an ITN is frequently washed, it loses its tone making it easy to get torn and at the same
time, loses drugs that repel mosquitoes. Similarly, in a study done in Myanmar, San et al. (2013)
found out that majority of the respondents had low knowledge about retreating ITNs though most of
them had ever heard of ITN tablets. Also 83.6% did not know where they could buy the ITN tablets
because they had received inadequate training on ITNs use. Also in a study by Luyiga (2013) in
Uganda among districts of Mukono, Jinja, Mbarara and Arua, found out that, some respondents
from low income families never knew that ITNs were retreatable. However, Evlampidou et al.
(2013) in a study done in Greece, found out that respondents knew that ITNs were supposed to be
retreated after some time of use and could properly illustrate how to hang an ITN.

Majority 179(65%) of the respondents thought that shops and markets were the best places from
where to buy ITNs. This showed low knowledge which could lead respondents to buy ITNs of poor
quality because not all shops and markets sell genuine products. Also majority of the shop keepers
do not have adequate knowledge on the products they sell, thus they could lack facts about the good
ITNs and how to use them. Further still, shops and markets have different products and if put
together with ITNs could reduce their efficacy and thus lower their quality to perform the desire
purpose. Similarly, Dutta (2012) noted that respondents did not know the right places from where to
buy ITNs. Majority thought that a genuine ITN can be acquired from any where such as usual
markets. However, in a study done in Sierra Leone in West Africa, Bennett et al. (2012) found that,
majority 66.7% knew the right places where to buy ITNs from. They knew ITNs could be bought
from pharmacies where there were health workers who could educate them about their right use.

Policy implication: Despite the fact that the government ensures provision of ITNs to the vulnerable
people such as children and pregnant mothers in health facilities, the health care providers should
also take the initiative to always provide free of charge ITNs in communities and even have
subsidized ITNs in health facilities under the cost sharing program in health care. The government
should also regulate on the laws regarding importation of ITNs basing on their quality. Also ITNs
should be produced locally to save the amount of money spent on importing them since malaria is a
problem that will not stop in Uganda since mosquito breeding is very difficult to control.

5.1.2 Discussion of findings on the attitude towards the utilization of ITNs in the prevention of
The study found out that ITNs were among the most effective tools in malaria prevention 240(87%)
with a significance level of (P=0.0000), they also believed that everybody should sleep under an
ITN 185(67%) (P=0.0000), they 166(60%) wrongly believed that ITNs could lead to suffocation
(P=0.0000) and 160(58%) of the respondents believed that drugs used to retreat ITNs were unsafe

Majority 265(96%) of the respondents believed that ITNs prevented against mosquito bites and
243(88%) agreed that they were beneficial to the users and believed that everybody should sleep
under an ITN 185(67%) (P=0.0000). This was positive attitude because ITNs repelled and barred
mosquitoes from reaching the users during sleep. There was low malaria incidence among
respondents who were currently using ITNs as compared to others who never used them. This
implied that they had less expenditure and more time for work compared to those who had malaria.

Similarly in a study in Shashogo District, Southern Ethiopia, Fuge et al. (2015) found positive
attitudes towards ITNs use whereby 70% of the respondents perceived ITN use as beneficial
because it saved them from malaria infection. In contrary Ukibe et al. (2014) in a study in Anambra
state, South-East Nigeria, findings showed negative attitude on the effectiveness of ITNs as they
believed that mosquitoes could still bite through ITNs.

Policy implication: the government should emphasis on disseminating information on the need for
everyone to regularly use ITNs because they are effective in prevention of malaria. The government
should also ensure that good quality ITNs that do not easily tear are allowed on the market. This
will attract the public to develop positive attitude towards their use.

A good number of respondents 235(85%) agreed that ITNs should be free of charge or be sold at
affordable prices so that every community member gets access to them. This indicated positive
attitude because this would attract more community members to possess and use ITNs. Similarly, in
a study done in Sierra Leone, Eisele et al. (2009) in a cross-national analysis of 15 survey datasets,
having sufficient intra-household access to an ITN, defined having more than one ITN per two
household occupants, as a strong determinant of individual use of ITNs. Households in Sierra Leone
with more than 5 people were less likely to have sufficient ITNs to occupant ratios though they
were free of charge. In contrary a study carried out in Ethiopia by Fuge (2015) showed that, ITNs
were sold at unfair prices and this could potentially have discouraged them from buying ITNs.

Policy implication: despite the fact that the government freely distributes ITNs to the public, a few
people access them and it done on an irregular basis. There are malpractices in the distribution
program where a single person can get more than 5 ITNs while there are people that go without any
which all jeopardize malaria prevention program.

Poor attitude was shown where 171(62%) did not believe that it was important to sleep under an
ITN every day and 254(92%) did not believe that ITNs could prevent annoyance from mosquitoes.
To ensure effective malaria prevention, ITNs should be properly used daily to minimize chances of
mosquito bites. Irregular use of ITNs led to malaria infection which blame was shifted to quality of
ITNs which was not ideally right. In relation, a study done in Eastern Rwanda by Kateera et al.
(2015) showed that majority of the male respondents had negative attitude towards ITNs use. This
was because they believed that sleeping under ITN was not necessary because they were too strong
to get malaria from mosquito bites. Also Singh et al. (2013) in nationwide studies on ownership and

use of ITNs in Sub Saharan Africa, found high doubts about the effectiveness of ITNs in the
prevention of malaria. Participants mentioned that some people slept under mosquito nets but their
children died of malaria. However, a study in Nigeria, Runsewe-Abiodun et al. (2013) revealed that
majority 139 (54.3%) perceived that malaria could be prevented if one slept inside a mosquito net,
221(86.7%) believed that sleeping inside an ITN at night reduced mosquito bites and 192(75%)
expressed willingness to buy ITNs if they did not get one for free.

Suffocation was among the most feared side effects of sleeping under an ITN as reported by
166(60%) respondents (P=0.0000). Medically, an ITN is designed to allow enough fresh air to
enable good respiration. It could be that respondents, who suffocated when they used ITNs, had
other health complications or never followed the proper instructions of using an ITN. Similar
findings by Khumbulani et al. (2009) in a study carried out in Swaziland showed that, different
people were allergic to different things in their environment where smell was one of the major
allergies people had. On the contrary, Antonio-Nkondjio et al. (2013) in a study done in the city of
Mbandjock, Cameroon found out that, majority of the respondents who had received enough
education about ITNs use knew that if used properly, ITNs could not lead to suffocation. They
revealed that ITN users who suffocated had other health complications.

Policy implication; the government should ensure that they make enough research about the
complaints such as inadequate aeration of the ITNs and suffocation to discover the cause of the
problem because ideally suffocation is not one of the challenges an ITN user expected to find. It
could be that these people use them wrongly which causes them complications.

Most 160(58%) of the respondents believed that drugs used to retreat ITNs were unsafe (P=0.0000).
They thought that if the drugs can repel a stubborn mosquito, then what of human life. They
believed that drugs could cause lung cancer and other respiratory difficulties. This was negative
attitude because the drugs were tested and proven safe for use. The same findings were found in a
study done in Northern Uganda by Obol et al. (2013) who showed that, respondents never regularly
used ITNs because they believed that the drugs used to treat and retreat them had dangerous
chemical components to their lives which were thought to cause cancer. On the contrary, Runsewe-
Abiodun et al. (2013) in a study done in Ogun State, Western- Nigeria, found a positive attitude
about ITNs and malaria prevention. Out of 256 respondents, 192(75%) expressed willingness to buy
ITNs if they did not get one for free and also knew that the drugs used to retreat ITNs were safe.

Policy implication: the Ministry of health should ensure that should make enough sensitization
about the benefits of sleeping under treated ITNs and should be made aware of the safety of the
drugs used to retreat them. This could be through public sensitization from health care providers so
that the general public develops confidence in them.

Negative attitudes still prevailed where 160(58%) of the respondents thought that mosquitoes could
still bite through ITNs. This could be true in cases when an ITN is not well displayed., but when a
mosquito net is well displayed and is in good condition, mosquitoes cannot have chances into the
net thus have no access to the user to bite them and predispose them to malaria infection. It could be
that, those who that believed mosquitoes could still bite through ITNs did not have well displayed
net or their nets were in poor conditions (having holes). In contrast, in a study carried out in Gulu;
Obol et al. (2013b) found out that up to 95% of the respondents believed ITNs prevented mosquito
bites and no mosquito could bite through an ITN which is well displayed.

Policy implication: the government should educate the public about the quality of ITNs they should
buy if they fail to get one for free. They should also ensure proper handling so that they did not
develop holes that users might blame on the quality of ITNs.

Further still, 171(62%) of the respondents minded about the time they spent to tuck the net each
night while others found it inconveniencing to wake up at night if they had slept under an ITN. This
was poor attitude which indicated laziness because it takes very little time to tuck an ITN or to get
out of it during the night. This could have led to reluctance to display the net thus provided
mosquitoes chance to sneak into the net and bite them. Similarly, a study done in Bangladesh by
Ahmed et al. (2011) found that, majority 66.7% felt inconvenienced with the daily hanging of ITNs
yet mosquitoes were not plenty every day. Tucking the net at night was an inconvenience to many
respondents who had ITNs. On the contrary, Kulkarni et al. (2010) in a study done in Madagascar,
showed positive attitude regarding the effectiveness of regular and correct ITNs use. Respondents
were worried that they might become seriously ill with malaria if they did not use ITNs regularly
and correctly. They also revealed that it did not take much time to tuck a net to prevent mosquitoes
from entering the net.

Policy implication: the healthcare sector should disseminate information on the best ways users should tuck
their ITNs so that they do not allow mosquitoes inside.

Up to 201(73%) of the respondents believed that ITNs had a bad odour. ITN drugs were given a
scent that could not irritate the user. It could be that respondents who were inconvenienced by the
odour of ITNs were just allergic to it. This created fear among ITNs users which could have
contributed to their low use thus high malaria prevalence. Similarly, Zewdneh et al. (2011) in a
study done in Sri Lanka found out that most of the respondents had a mind-set that the drugs used to
treat the nets were unsafe and could easily suffocate them to death which was negative attitude. The
odour from ITNs caused some people to vomit or get sleepless nights which made them
uncomfortable and hated sleeping under ITNs. However, in a study done in central Uganda,
Wanzira et al. (2013) found out that ITNs were manufactured with a good scent that could attract
people to use them. This was because earlier ITNs were complained of having bad odour that could
at times lead to vomiting.

Policy implication; ITNs should be designed with a good scent that may not cause nausea and
vomiting among the users. This may attract more people complaining of bad odour to utilize ITNs

5.1.3 Discussion of findings on the practices of respondents towards the utilization of ITNs in
the prevention of malaria.
Majority 198(75%) of the respondents reported that they had ever used ITNs and 179(65%) were
currently sleeping under them. This indicated good practice because regular use of ITNs prevented
mosquito bites. It could be from the benefits of not having suffered from malaria in the recent past
when they used ITNs. In contrast, Ukibe et al. (2014) in a study in Anambra state, South-East
Nigeria, showed that out of 420 respondents who owned nets, 235 (56%) refused to use them.
However, Kulkarni et al. (2010) in a study done in Madagascar, showed good practice regarding the
effectiveness of regular and correct ITNs use. Respondents were worried that they might become
seriously ill with malaria if they did not use ITNs regularly and correctly.

Majority 72(40%) of the respondents got ITNs from shops and 70(25%) had been with them for just
months which meant that they had just started using ITNs by the time of the study. This implied that
respondents could have had poor quality ITNs because the best ITNs could be acquired from health
facilities where there were health workers who knew about their storage and instructions of use.
Researchers personal findings also proved that most mosquito nets sold in local shops are of low
quality because the shop keepers are profit oriented. On the contrary, Duta (2012) revealed that,

majority of the respondents had good practices towards ITNs use. Findings showed that, 97.7% of
the respondents owned bed nets and 94% used them and regularly washed them.

Findings showed that 168(94%) of the respondents had never retreated them and majority washed
them after a long period of time. This was a poor practice because ITNs are supposed to be retreated
after at least 6 months of use. This could have reduced the effectiveness of ITNs thus could no
longer repel mosquitoes and lowered the quality of ITNs since untidy ITNs could not favour good
sleep. In line with these findings, Hlongwana et al. (2009) in a study in Swaziland established that,
some respondents did not regularly retreat their ITNs after washing them the recommended number
of times. However, Atieli et al. (2010) in a study in the highlands of western Kenya, found out that
some respondents over washed their ITNs which made them to easily tear. Different findings still
showed in a study done in Myanmar where respondents consistently used ITNs because these areas
had a lot of mosquitoes and consistently retreated them so that they could repel mosquitoes (Myat et
al., 2014).

Policy implication: the Ministry of Health has not done enough to ensure that retreating drugs are
available to the general at the health facilities so that people easily access them. The public should
even be informed about the way they should use those drugs to that they dnot cause them any harm.

A good number 152(85%) of the respondents did not always check for holes in their ITNs which
was poor practice. Given the poor sleeping arrangements they had, it was easy for ITNs to develop
holes thus they needed to regularly check for holes. This could not have provided enough chance to
users to take the initiative to check for holes in the ITNs because ITNs were completely removed
and hide somewhere during the day. They only had to bring them when time for sleeping had
reached. However in a study in Muhorro Sub County, Kibaale District, located in South Western
Uganda, good practice on ITNs use was portrayed. It was found that majority 90% of the household
members were using nets and always took time to check and mend holes in ITNs. They were always
very careful when hanging them to avoid the nets being torn (Bashinyora, 2010)

Displaying ITNs was in most cases done at any time of convenience or when mosquitoes were too
many as reported by 120(67%) of the respondents. This was poor practice because displaying an
ITN at any time gives mosquitoes chance to enter and bite the user during sleep. However, in a
study carried out in south-western Tanzania, there was good ITN use because respondents displayed
ITNs when entering the bed and immediately folded them after sleep to avoid mosquitoes entering
the nets during the day (Emmanuela et al., 2011).
In 179(65%) households, there was at least one ITN and ITNs were not on children‟s beds only.
This implied that respondents at least knew that ITNs were beneficial and needed by every family
member. This was good practice because every member of the family is vulnerable to malaria
infection. it could be that, some beds that never had ITNs was due to the fact that household heads
did not have enough money to buy for all of them. Similarly Stevens et al. (2013) in a study done in
Togo, revealed that, majority of the respondents had good practices towards ITNs use. Findings
showed that, 97.7% of the respondents owned bed nets and 94% used them and regularly washed
them. They used them all seasons through even if mosquitoes were not plenty.

Majority 107(58%) of the observed ITNs had holes which gave mosquitoes to enter into the nets
thus increasing the chances of mosquito bites. However, some 102(55%) ITNs had holes and were
mended but not all of them. It is a good practice to always check for holes in ITNs and get mended
if found but according to observations, not all holes were mended which still predisposed the ser to
mosquito bites. Majority of the respondents had good practice which could have reduced malaria
incidence. In a closely similar study done in Western Kenya, Atieli et al. (2010) found out that,
respondents always mended holes in their ITNs to avoid mosquito bites. Mending holes was good
because it controlled mosquitoes from accessing inside the ITNs which could lead to mosquito

There were 133(72%) households without ITN hangs which made ITNs use difficult. Given the
inadequate space and the poor sleeping arrangements in most households, it was not easy to have
proper ITN hangs. Lack of hangs could lead to poor display which could let the mosquitoes into the
net. In line with these findings, a study done in Zambia, showed that most respondents poorly
hanged mosquito nets. Majority did not properly display the nets to provide enough space for them
to sleep which brought them in contact with the users during sleep thus eased and increased
mosquitoes bites. In contrast, a study carried out in Enugu, Nigeria, Edelu et al. (2010) showed that
respondents were always very careful during hanging and spreading the ITNs over their beds before
they slept. Also Bashinyora (2010) in a study carried out in Uganda noted that, respondents were
always very careful when hanging nets to prevent them from being torn. They in most cases used
threads and needles to mend all the holes that developed to ensure that no mosquito enters at night
during sleep (Ochomo et al., 2013).

There were unfavourable sleeping arrangements to enable good display of ITNs in 137(74%)
households which made regular ITN use difficult. The study area was a slum with a high population

with congested ram shackled houses that were small yet had large families. This led to inadequate
space especially during sleeping which led to poor sleeping arrangements. Most houses had
congested rooms that a bed was shared by more than two people especially the children which made
ITN display difficult. In contrast, in a study in Zambia, Pulford et al. (2011) revealed that majority
of the respondents displayed ITNs well which prevented mosquito bites and malaria because their
houses were spacious enough to enable them display their ITNs well.

ITNs were generally dirty as observed from 122(66%) households, not folded 107(60%) and
respondents could not make a good illustration of ITN display 113(63%). Dirty ITNs could not
attract respondents to regularly use them which could have increased malaria incidence in the area.
Unfolded ITNs and failure to make a good illustration of ITN display could have haboured
mosquitoes during the day or allow mosquitoes inside the nets even if they were in good conditions
hence biting respondents during sleep. On the contrary, a study in Zambia, Eisele et al. (2011)
showed that respondents used ITNs very well because they folded them after use which portrayed
good practice.


6.0 Introduction
This chapter presents the conclusions and recommendations of the study. They are based on study
findings in relation to the study specific objectives.

6.1 Conclusion
The study assessed the level of knowledge, attitude and practices of community members in
Namuwongo zones A and B in the utilization of ITNs in the prevention of malaria.

The study found relatively good knowledge about ITNs use because respondents had ever heard of
ITNs and knew they were used to prevent malaria. However, lack of awareness on; the right places
from where to buy ITNs and retreating them created doubt about their awareness on the efficacy
and effectiveness of ITNs.

Generally respondents had negative attitude towards the utilization of ITNs in the prevention of
malaria. Majority believed that; mosquitoes could still bite through ITNs, could make getting up at
night difficult, took much time to tuck the net each night, could lead to suffocation, ITNs had a bad
odour, drugs used to retreat ITNs were unsafe, did not believe that ITNs prevented annoyance from
mosquitoes and believed that it was not important to sleep under an ITN every day.

Majority never retreated their ITNs, did not get them from right places as majority got them from
shops within a few past months, did not always check for holes, display was in most cases done
when it immediately got dark and washed them after 3 months which was a very long period. This
indicated poor practice.

However, majority of the respondents reported that they had ever used ITNs and were currently
sleeping under them.

From the observation, ITNs utilization was also poor where; majority never had hangs, never had
favorable sleeping arrangements to enable good display, some had holes while others had been
mended, were untidy, not folded and majority could not make a good display of an ITN. However,
majority of households had at least one ITN and were not only on children‟s beds.

6.2 Recommendations
The study suggests the following reforms to be done

6.2.1 The government/Ministry of Health
 Should emphasize education talks on the benefits of sleeping under an ITN over fears such as
suffocation and perceptions that mosquitoes can still bite through ITNs. This should be done
over the different media channels such as radios, televisions and newspapers.

 Drugs used to retreat ITNs should even be made more available to the public more especially
through health care facilities so that people can access them free of charge.

 The Health care teams in different communities should be empowered to give door to door
education on utilization of ITNs in the prevention of malaria. They should physically visit the
households and check the state of ITNs and advise them accordingly.

 Both print and visual media such as newspapers, posters, flyers, brochures, radios and
televisions would be instrumental in educating the public on use of ITNs. This would enable
majority of the community members to get the information easily since the processes followed
in ITNs use would be illustrated.

6.2.2 Health workers

 They should inform all the patients with malaria about the use of ITNs, the right places where to
buy them from and how to maintain them. They should be informed that the right ITNs should be
bought from pharmacies and health centres. This is because ITNs from such places meet the
health care standards set by the Uganda Bureau of Standards (UBOS).

 They should provide the governments with periodical reports on malaria prevalence, so that
proper arrangements are done to provide more free of charge ITNs to the public through mass
distribution campaigns.

 They should educate community members on the safety of drugs used to retreat ITNs. All myths
that associate ITNs with suffocation, cancer and skin irritation should be nullified and users
should be informed that if they face any of them, they should first seek medical advice before
putting the blame on ITNs.

 They should mobilize more ITNs from the Ministry of Health so that they distribute them to the
community members. This will significantly increase the proportion of people having them
which may in the end attract many to use ITNs.

6.2.3 Community members in Namuwongo
 Before using an ITN, they should read all the instructions so that they do not make any mistakes
during use.
 They should ensure that they get the right information on use and efficacy of ITNs to rule out
rumours such as; mosquitoes can still pass through the ITNs and that drugs used to retreat ITNs
are not safe.
 They should always wash ITNs before use to minimize the odour caused by the retreating drug
which may discourage them to use ITNs.
 They should wash and retreat ITNs regularly so that they remain effective (bar and repel
 They should always sleep under ITNs even if mosquitoes are few.

 They should ensure that every bed in the home has an ITN so that everyone sleeps under it and
should be on a regular basis.

 Should ensure that ITNs are displayed when one is entering the bed and that every one displays it
well by firmly tucking it at every end of the bed.


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Dear Respondent, I am Katuutu Hilda, a student of International Health Sciences University

Kampala pursuing a bachelor‟s degree in Nursing Science. You are requested to participate in this
study about; Knowledge, Attitude and Practices towards utilization of insecticide treated
mosquito nets in the prevention of malaria among residents of Namuwongo Zones (A and B).
Information provided will be confidential and strictly for research purpose only. Your time and
cooperation will be highly appreciated.

Respondent: I agree to participate in this research project. I will be orally interviewed in privacy by
the researcher and she will record my responses. The study is to identify the utilization and
hindrances to ITNs use in order to enhance use of ITNs to promote health. My name will not
be used; the exercise will take a short time and I may decline to answer any question or quit.

It is entirely voluntary and does not entail any foreseeable risks. I will be given a copy of the dated
and signed consent form to keep.

Signed/Thumb print……………………………… Date……...…………….………………

Investigator ……..………………………………… Date………….….……………………..


Title: Knowledge, Attitude and Practices of Namuwongo Zones (A and B) residents towards
use of insecticide treated mosquito nets in prevention of malaria.


1. What is your gender?

a) Male b) Female

2. How old are you?

a) 18-30 years b) 31-40 years

c) 41-50 years d) 51 years and above

3. What is your current Marital Status?

a) Single b) Married

c) Separated d) Divorced

e) Widow/widower f) Others (specify) ………………………

4. What is your occupation?

a) House wife b) Civil servant

c) Self-employed d) Student

f) Others, (specify)………………………

5. What is your level of education?

a) No formal education b) Primary

c) Secondary d) Tertiary education

e) Others, (specify) …………………………………………………………………………….


Knowledge of residents towards use of mosquito nets in prevention of malaria

Instruction: Tick the most appropriate answer or give your own view where applicable

1. Have you ever heard of insecticide treated mosquito nets?

a) Yes b) No

2. What are ITNs used for?

a Prevention of malaria

b Fishing, wedding, covering crops, increase heat at night

around the bed, caging animals, others

3. What is the best source of the net?

a Shop, market

b Pharmacy, Drug shop, health centre, others.

4. i) Do you get routine education about the use of ITNs in your community?

a) Yes b) No

5. What are the characteristics of a good ITN?

a Should cover the whole bed, sized holes to block

mosquitoes, repel mosquitoes

b Coloured, elastic, able to cover the head

6. Are ITNs retreatable?

a) Yes b) No

7. Where should ideal retreating drugs be acquired from?

a Health centres, pharmacies and drug shops

b Markets, vendors, hardwares and pesticide shops

8. How many times should ITNs be washed before retreating?

a Less than 10 times

b Between 10 and 20 times

C Above twenty times

9. How long should an ITN last?

a Less than a year

b More than a year


Attitude of residents towards utilization of mosquito nets in the prevention of malaria

No Item SD D NT A SA

1 ITNs are of benefit

2 It is important to sleep under an ITN every day

3 ITN is one of the most effective tools in the

prevention of malaria

3 ITNs prevent against mosquito bites

4 ITNs prevent annoyance from mosquitoes

5 Mosquitoes don‟t bite through the net

6 Getting up in the night when using an ITN is

not difficult

7 It does not take much time to tuck the net each


8 Nets cannot lead to suffocation

9 ITNs should be free of charge

10 ITNs should be sold at affordable prices

11 Mosquito nets have a good odour

12 Drugs used to retreat are safe



Practices of residents towards utilization of mosquito nets in the prevention of malaria

Instruction: Tick the most appropriate answer or give your own view where applicable

1. Have you ever used an insecticide treated mosquito net?

a) Yes b) No

2. Do you currently sleep under an ITN?

a) Yes b) No

3. Where did you obtain your ITN from?

a) A shop b) A pharmacy

c) A drug shop d) A health center

e) A market

4. For how long have you had bed nets in this house?

a) Days b) Weeks

c) Months d) Years .

5. Have you ever retreated your ITN?

a) Yes b) No

6. How many times have you retreated your net in the last one year?

a Once or twice

b More than two times

7. Do you wash your ITN?

a) Yes b) No

8. How often do you wash your bed nets?

a After a week

b After a month

c After 3 months

d After 6 months

e Others ( specify)

9. Do you always check for holes in your ITN?

a) Yes b) No

10. At what time do you actually display your ITN?

a When entering the bed

b Immediately when it gets dark, any time of convenience,

when mosquitoes are too many, others (specify)……

The researcher will also use the observation checklist below on issues regarding respondents‟ practices
towards use of mosquito nets in prevention of malaria. Only those respondents who will accept the researcher
to observe their nets will be tested using this method.

No Question Response

Item Yes No

11 Do respondents have any ITN on the bed?

12 Do all beds have ITNs?

13 ITNs are not only on children‟s beds

14 Do ITNs have hangs?

15 Does sleeping arrangements favour good display of ITNs?

16 ITNs don‟t have holes.

17 ITNs had holes and were mended.

18 Are ITNs clean?

19 Are ITNs folded?

20 Can respondents make a good illustration of displaying an ITN?

Thanks for your cooperation




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