Principles SBM Assessment Tool
Principles SBM Assessment Tool
Principles SBM Assessment Tool
SBM Assessor/s
(Signature over Printed Name)
SBM Assessor/s
(Signature over Printed Name)
the school
Indicators 1 2 3 MOVs/Documents/ Rating Recommendation
3. The accountability The school Stakeholders are School community *Accountability System’
system is owned by the articulates the engaged in the stakeholders processes, mechanisms and
community and is accountability development and continuously and tools
assessment operation of an collaboratively - Attendance, Photos, Minutes
continuously enhanced
framework with appropriate review and of the Meeting of the
to ensure that
basic accountability enhance Enhancement and Review of
management components, assessment accountability M&E System
structures and including system. systems’ *School Report Card- State of
mechanisms are implementation processes, the School Address (SOSA)
responsive to the guidelines to the mechanisms and
emerging learning needs stakeholders. tools.
and demands of the
4. Accountability The school with Stakeholders are Stakeholders * Assessment Tools: Clients’
Assessment criteria The participation engaged in continuously and Satisfaction Survey,Checklist
and tools, feedback of stakeholders, development and Collaboratively Form, Survey Questionnaire,
mechanisms, and articulates an operation of an review and enhance Tracer Study Tool, School
information collection accountability appropriate accountability Report Cards
and validation assessment accountability systems; *Feedback Mechanisms: Gen.
techniques and framework with assessment processes, Assembly Meeting, Education
processes are inclusive basic system. Mechanisms and Summit, Stakeholders Forum,
and collaboratively components, tools. School Report Card, State of the
developed and agreed including School Address (SOSA),
upon. implementation Parents’ Conference, School
guidelines. Website, Home Visitation,
School Bulletin, Parenting
*Information Collection:
Sampling – Convenient &
Purposive, Suggestion Box,
Documentation, Conduct Survey
* Validation Techniques and
Processes: FGD, Participation,
Brainstorming, Interview,
Triangulation, Observation –
Direct& Indirect
- Attendance, Photos, Minutes
of the Meeting in the
development of accountability
assessment criteria
Indicators 1 2 3 MOVs/Documents/ Systems Recommendation
5. Participatory Schoolinitiates School School- community * M&E Process – Midyear/Annual
assessment of periodic initiates developed Review, SMEPA Institutionalization
performance is performance periodic performance focusing on Assessment of:
done regularly with assessments with performance assessment is - KPIs on Access (Enrolment &
the community. the participation assessments practiced and is the Drop- out rate) Quality (NAT) &
Assessment results of stakeholders. with the basis for improving Governance (SBM Assessment)
and lessons learned participation of monitoring and - School’s PPAs: WSRP Brigada
serve as basis for stakeholders. evaluation systems, Eskwela, WINS PROGRAM Gulayan
feedback, technical providing technical sa Paaralan, Guidance Program,
assistance, assistance, and ADM/DORP, LPP, Feeding Program,
recognition and recognizing and PPP, etc
plan adjustment. refining plans. * Assessment Results based on M&E
- Enhanced Implementation of
School’s PPAs
- Technical
Assistance: Remedial Instruction
Program, Training Program,
Proposed new Programs
- Recognition:
- Plan Adjustment: Catch-up Plan
of AIP or PPAs
- Attendance, Photos, Minutes of
the Meeting in the conduct of
Participatory Assessment
Performance (SMEPA)
SBM Assessor/s
(Signature over Printed Name)
SBM Assessor/s
(Signature over Printed Name)