Cultrue Lesson Plan

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Khadiga AboBakr

ESLS 503
Spring 2022

Title Egypt

Subject Area ELA

Grade Level College

Summary of the Students in this lesson will grow their knowledge of the culture,
Lesson language, and education system in Egypt along with developing
cultural sensitivity towards prospective Egyptian students in their

Standards Standard - 7.3.3.A

Identify the human characteristics of places and regions using the
following criteria: culture

Standard - 8.4.3.C
Compare and contrast selected world cultures.

Essential Question How does culture affect communication?

Objectives • Assess your knowledge about Egypt before and after the
lesson in terms of culture, language, and education system.
• Develop an awareness of the cultural and educational
differences between Egypt and the United States.

Vocabulary - Hijab

Estimated Time 30 minutes

Materials Required - Projector or IWB

- Handouts

Procedure Before:
- The teacher introduces Egypt as the topic of today’s lesson.
- The teacher displays the objectives of the lessons and reads
them out loud.
- The teacher displays an anticipation guide and asks students to
finish the “before the lesson” column.
- The teacher plays an introductory video about Egypt.
- The teacher displays a map to explain the location and the
geography of Egypt.
- The teacher explains the official language of Egypt along with
some facts about the Arabic language.
- The teacher then explains the culture and traditions in Egypt
- The teacher plays a video about family relations in the
- The teacher moves on to talk about the education system in
- The teacher explains the different stages of the education
system in Egypt.
- The teacher points out differences about the education system
in Egypt and the USA
- Students complete the “after the lesson” column in the
anticipation guide.
- Students answer a final question that assesses the development
of their cultural sensitivity towards Egyptian students they
might have in their future classrooms.

Formative - Students’ comprehension is being assessed 3 times throughout

Assessment the lesson.
- A question is asked after a thorough explanation of language,
and another question is asked after going through the culture
and the final question is asked after an explanation of the
education system in Egypt.

Student Resources - An anticipation guide handout

Accommodations Reference 504 & IEP documents

Assessment The assessment includes two parts:

- Completion of the anticipation guide
- A final question to assess students’ cultural sensitivity

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