FS 6 Episode 4
FS 6 Episode 4
FS 6 Episode 4
Target: At the end of this episode, we will gain insights and describe the characteristics of a
global teacher.
Map: The high speed advancement of technology has linked peoples of different nations ever
closer. We have all become part of the global village. An effective teacher therefore should
also be global.
To reach your target, do the following tasks.
1. Conduct online interview to a teacher about his/her ideas about the knowledge, skills and values
that a global teacher has.
2. Analyze and synthesize his/her responses.
3. Reflect on how you can become a global teacher in the future.
Read the following carefully before you begin to interview.
1. Interview a teacher. He/she can be:
a. A cooperating teacher
b. A master teacher
c. A teacher who has experienced a teacher exchange program in another country
d. A teacher who studied in another country
e. A teacher who has taught in another country
f. A teacher awarded as “Outstanding Teacher” of your school or city
g. A Metrobank Outstanding Teacher
2. Ask him/her what makes a global teacher. Specifically ask about the knowledge, skills and
values that a teacher should have to be considered a global teacher.
3. Ask him/her about the experiences and challenges he/she met and how he/she managed the
4. Use the Global Teacher Matrix to present your interview data and your analysis and synthesis.
1. From the responses of the teacher, what conclusions can you make about the
knowledge that a global teacher should have?
2. From the responses of the teacher, what conclusions can you make about the
skills that a global teacher should have?
3. From the responses of the teacher, what conclusions can you make about the
values that a global teacher should have?
1. Write a song about your insights as to the knowledge, skills and values that make
up a global teacher. Make it to the tune of “It’s a Small World” or create your own
2. Make your own game plan about how you can work towards becoming a global
teacher. Write on the Future Global Teacher Life-line the things you will work on
to become a global teacher, starting NOW!
Now, l will…