HVDC Performance Analysis According To ER-Filter and Single Tuned Filter
HVDC Performance Analysis According To ER-Filter and Single Tuned Filter
HVDC Performance Analysis According To ER-Filter and Single Tuned Filter
Tuned Filter
Chan-Ki Kim*, Byeong-Ma Yang*, Yoon-Ho Kim**, Hang-Woo mew* 3
*KEPRI (Korea Elecfric Power Research Znsfitute), ** Dept. ofEE, Chung-Ang Univ.
*103-16, Munji-Dong, Yusung-Ku, Daejon, 305-380, KOREA ** 221 Huksuck-Dong, Dongiack-Gu, Seoul, 156-
756, KOREA
Following recovery from a 3-phase fault at a converter, I ) Unbalanced AC system fundamental voltage
significantly lower over-voltages have been shown to represented by a negative sequence component.
occur with the damped filter design than with the 2) Pre-existing harmonic distortion on the AC system.
conventional double tuned filter design. 3) Commutation reactance unbalance between 6-pulse
If the extent of present or future harmonic pollution is bridges.
unknown, a filter design capable of absorbing harmonic 4) Commutation reactance unbalance between phases
currents at all frequencies is desirable. within 6-pulse bridge.
This paper deals with a novel HVDC filter topology. The 5 ) Firing angle jitter within a 12-pulse group.
proposed method is the combination the active filter with
ER-filter (Energy Recovery-filter). The active filter of the Items (3) to (4) are under the manufacturers control and
proposed method is a kind of hybrid filter, consists of the can normally be reduced economically such that their
passive filter and the voltage source. Also, the single tuned effects are small.
active filter to eliminate 1 l'h/13'h harmonics is proposed. ,
This proposed active filter is very useful to reduce the cost Voltage distortion caused by other harmonic sources in
ofthe active filter. ER-filter is to return the filter the AC system (pre-existing distortion) may result in the
Authorized licensed use limited to: Velammal Engineering College. Downloaded on July 16,2010 at 05:39:46 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
generation of harmonic currents. In this example pre-
existing distortion has been assumed to be negligible.
. .
111. Filter Designs
11th 12111 llih f'
The filters described in this paper are two; the single
tuned active filter is to reject a characteristics harmonics Fig. 2. Detuning charaateristics of 12Ih filter.
and to supply a reactive power to HVDC. And ER-tilter is
to reject a high frequency harmonics and can produce
significantly different transient over-voltages during fault
recovery when the converters are inactive from those
developed by tuned filters.
A. Active Filter
& & A
(a) Active filter structure
Fig.4 Equivalent circuit of AC network including filters and
HVDC system
- Converter equivalent (U
-0 , = 0)
- Grid equivalent ( - 0, 1,
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R,@) = -v,
Z (3)
= -z& .(Zq+Z,)
Tv. Simulation Results
Fig. 6 . The concept of ER-Filter.
In this paper, to verify the proposed topology, CIGRE
model was used on EMTDC program. Table 1 shows the
parameter of CIGRE model used in the simulation. Fig. 8
shows the conventional C E R E model of rectifier side.
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restiflsr so bw lish flltcr
t omping mtrr
E n q y flow
0, 01
0 )
1 2
AC m""
Fig. 9 Modified C E R E Model of Rectifier Side
-0 z
05 0.6 0, 08 01)
a) AC voltage (RMS)
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05 06 01 011 o*
Authorized licensed use limited to: Velammal Engineering College. Downloaded on July 16,2010 at 05:39:46 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.