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HVDC Performance Analysis According To ER-Filter and Single Tuned Filter

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HVDC Performance Analysis According to ER-Filter and Single

Tuned Filter
Chan-Ki Kim*, Byeong-Ma Yang*, Yoon-Ho Kim**, Hang-Woo mew* 3

*KEPRI (Korea Elecfric Power Research Znsfitute), ** Dept. ofEE, Chung-Ang Univ.
*103-16, Munji-Dong, Yusung-Ku, Daejon, 305-380, KOREA ** 221 Huksuck-Dong, Dongiack-Gu, Seoul, 156-
756, KOREA

power to AC network, used to replace with the damped

Abstract - This paper deals with the novel HVDC filter
topology. The proposed method is the combination the active filter.
filter with ER-filter (Energy Recovery-filter). The active filter
of the proposed method Is a kind of hybrid filter, consists of II. Calculation of Harmonic Currents Generated by
the passive filter and the voltage source. Also, the single tuned the Converter
active filter to eliminate ll'b/13'Lharmonics is proposed. This
proposed active filter is very useful to reduce the cost of the
active filter. ER-filter is to return the filter power to AC A converter inherently draws non-sinusoidal current
network, used to replace with the damped filter. Consequently, because of firing and commutation delays and smoothing
PSCADEMTDC is used to investigate the validation of the of the direct current by the DC reactor and the DC line.
proposed topology.
The direct current is almost independent of small AC
Keywords: ER-filter, Active Filter, Damping filter, harmonic voltage distortion and the converter can
PSCAWEMTDC reasonably be considered to be a harmonic current source.
The harmonics produced by a converter are characterized
I. INTRODUCTION by their origin:
AC harmonic filters connected to the terminals of
HVDC schemes fulfil two primary functions: to A. Characteristic harmonics
compensate for part or all of the reactive.power absorbed
by the converter, and to limit to an acceptable level the These harmonics are of order Kp f l where p is the
voltage distortion caused by the converter harmonics. pulse number (i.e. 12) and K is any integer. These
However, being of relatively low impedance and harmonics thus have order 11, 13, 23, 24 etc. Their origin
consisting of inductors and capacitors resonate at the some is the firing and commutation delays and the smoothed DC
frequency regions, also the filters play a major role in current. The commutation delay and hence the
determining the amplitude and wave-shape of transient
characteristic harmonic generation are both load
over-voltages on the converter AC bus-bar Numerous
different filter solutions are possible for any DC scheme, dependent.
and the final choice is generally based on cost
comparisons. B. Non-Characterirfic Harmonics.
The double tuned filter design is likely to offer the lowest
cost (capital and losses) solution. It is suggested however Unfortunately neither converters nor AC systems are
that the extra cost of the active filters and damped filters perfect. They both contain unbalances that will result in
may be justified by the benefits offered by this type of harmonics of all orders being produced. The various
filter configuration. sources are:

Following recovery from a 3-phase fault at a converter, I ) Unbalanced AC system fundamental voltage
significantly lower over-voltages have been shown to represented by a negative sequence component.
occur with the damped filter design than with the 2) Pre-existing harmonic distortion on the AC system.
conventional double tuned filter design. 3) Commutation reactance unbalance between 6-pulse
If the extent of present or future harmonic pollution is bridges.
unknown, a filter design capable of absorbing harmonic 4) Commutation reactance unbalance between phases
currents at all frequencies is desirable. within 6-pulse bridge.
This paper deals with a novel HVDC filter topology. The 5 ) Firing angle jitter within a 12-pulse group.
proposed method is the combination the active filter with
ER-filter (Energy Recovery-filter). The active filter of the Items (3) to (4) are under the manufacturers control and
proposed method is a kind of hybrid filter, consists of the can normally be reduced economically such that their
passive filter and the voltage source. Also, the single tuned effects are small.
active filter to eliminate 1 l'h/13'h harmonics is proposed. ,
This proposed active filter is very useful to reduce the cost Voltage distortion caused by other harmonic sources in
ofthe active filter. ER-filter is to return the filter the AC system (pre-existing distortion) may result in the

0-7803-7906-3/03/$17.0002003 IEEE. 2655

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generation of harmonic currents. In this example pre-
existing distortion has been assumed to be negligible.

. .
111. Filter Designs
11th 12111 llih f'
The filters described in this paper are two; the single
tuned active filter is to reject a characteristics harmonics Fig. 2. Detuning charaateristics of 12Ih filter.
and to supply a reactive power to HVDC. And ER-tilter is
to reject a high frequency harmonics and can produce
significantly different transient over-voltages during fault
recovery when the converters are inactive from those
developed by tuned filters.

A. Active Filter

Active filter as shown in fig. 1, consists of a

controllable voltage source that is connected via a
Fig. 3 Single tuned acti<e filter
conventional AC filter to the AC bus.
It was reported that active.filter as shown in fig. 1 has a
B. Active Filter Controller
characteristics that can compensate the passive filter
detuning. As it is very important meaning, the only single
The voltage of active filter may be controlled in two
12" tuned filter can use eliminate ll'/l3' harmonic using
different methods, that is, voltage control and current
the detuned compensating capability as shown in fig. 2.
control. To comprise two methods, consider the following
Therefore, the single tuned active filter like fig. 3 is
harmonic model the AC network including filter and
proposed to eliminate 1 l'I13'harmonics.
HVDC system.

& & A
(a) Active filter structure
Fig.4 Equivalent circuit of AC network including filters and
HVDC system

From fig. 4., to calculate individual distortions for voltage

and current, let set two source:; to zero.

- Converter equivalent (U
-0 , = 0)

- Grid equivalent ( - 0, 1,

-Active filter equivalent (U =0, fa =o)


The equ. (1) is the convert'sr equivalent equation, the

equ.(2) is the grid equivalent and the equ.(3) is the active
filter. Fig. ( 5 ) shows the final phase sum of each
subsystem according to control methods. The equ.(4) and
(b) Active filtercontroller the equ.(5) are the equation related to voltage control and
current control.
Fig. 1 Principle ofactive filter


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R,@) = -v,

Then the Q factor of the ER-link is:


Z (3)
= -z& .(Zq+Z,)


"0,- ram, ."IC",

Fig. 7 Relation between Q factor and current
The steady state conditions of the low Q tuned filter can be
Fig. 5 Phase diagram according to control methods calculated according to the system parameters.
The AC network bus voltage is v, (1-1 [rms]), the
fundamental voltage (I-g [rms]) drop on the filter resistor

C. ER Filter (Energy Recovery Filter)

It is known that the amount of the power flow through the
ER-Filter reflects the Q factor or the filter. The more the The current flow in the filter is
power flow in the filter, the lower the Q factor of the filer
due to higher damping. So if the power flow in the ER-
filter can be controlled, the Q factor of ER-filter is
Fig. 6 shows the concept of ER-filter. From fig. 6, the Q
factor of the filter is vaned by the resistor R, the resistor R
The power consumption in the filer resistor is:
can be replaced with the converter using thyristor or IGBT

Mw =311, /I -v. I (10)

Tv. Simulation Results

Fig. 6 . The concept of ER-Filter.
In this paper, to verify the proposed topology, CIGRE
model was used on EMTDC program. Table 1 shows the
parameter of CIGRE model used in the simulation. Fig. 8
shows the conventional C E R E model of rectifier side.

Table 1. The Parameter of C E R E Model

As the DC current in the ER-filter is controlled, changing 2.5L-87" 2.51-75"
the DC current of the ER-link will affect the power flow in 1.88L-86" 1.9L-70.04'
the ER-filter and thus its Q factor. BusVolta e L-L 345Kv 230Kv
Thus the equivalent Q factor can be derived as shown Filter VAR Su I 625MVAR 625MVAR
below: Nominal Angle
The inverter is operated as a conventional voltare source
converter. Assume that the inverter has AC voltage of the
equivalent resistance of the ER-link is:


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AC system Filters Tuned filter

Fig. 8 CIGRE Model of Rectifier Side

The selection procedures of component values for ER-

filter are as following:
The ER-filter DC Link should be operated to perform as
the resistors in the tuned filter.

1) Filter DC link sending end L-L voltage as

viewed from the filter must he the same as the
voltage drop on the resistor in the tuned low Q
filter (i.e. 68.35 kV 1-1 rms). I

2 ) 2) The power rating of filter DC link must be the

same as the power consumed in the filter resistor.
c) DC current (at inverter)
Fie. 9 shows the modified CIGRE model with the
proposed filter topology. The proposed filter topology is
the combination of ER-filter and 12' active filter. Fig. 10
shows the simulation results of the conventional CIGRE
mode. And Fig. I 1 shows the simulation results of the
modified CIGRE model. In fig. IO, the results show a 05

worst response characteristic; this reason is that CIGRE : U

model has a resonance characteristics. -e I

restiflsr so bw lish flltcr
t omping mtrr

E n q y flow
0, 01
0 )

d) 12* active filter output

:ig. 10 Simulation results of a. conventionalClGRE model

1 2
AC m""
Fig. 9 Modified C E R E Model of Rectifier Side

In the same condition with fig. IO, fig. 11 shows a good .:


response characteristics due to the propose filter topology. 0.


-0 z
05 0.6 0, 08 01)

a) AC voltage (RMS)

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05 06 01 011 o*

d) 12’ active filter output

Fig. I I Simulation results of a modified C E R E model


[ I ] CIGRE working Group 14.30” Guide to the

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P.Kunder, 1994.


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