Semi Converter
Semi Converter
Semi Converter
Single Phase Semi Converter is also known as a half-controlled converter. A single-
phase half controlled or semi converter utilizes SCRs(thyristor) and diodes to convert
AC power to DC power. Due to the utilization of diodes and thyristors, it provides
limited control over the level of DC output operates in two modes
(i)symmetric mode
(ii)asymmetric mode
in semiconverter we use two diodes and two thyristors .in symmetric mode one diode
and one thyristor is connected in each asymmetric mode one leg contain two
thyristor and other leg contain two diode.thecircuit diagram of symmetric mode is
Here the free wheeling diode is connected so that the energy stored in the inductor is
again fed back to the r load during the discharge of the L load.
The diagram for asymmetric mode is
Consider highly inductive load and same firing angle α . Let γT = conduction angle of
thyristor and γD = conduction angle of diode in period of 2π.
In case of symmetric model the conduction angle for both the diode and thyristor is
same and is equal to π.
In case of asymmetric model the diode conduction time is π+ α and thyristor conduction
time is π- α.
1. average and RMS thyristor current in symmetrical configuration is higher. So
SCR current rating should be higher in symmetrical configuration.
2. average and RMS diode current in asymmetrical configuration is higher. So
diode current rating should be higher in asymmetrical configuration.
load α R (Ω) L E (V) RMS Mean Form Ripple THD
(°) (H) Voltage Voltage Factor Factor (%)
(V) (V)
R Load 30 10 - - 68.21 57.78 1.18 0.626 -
RL Load 30 10 0.1 - 68.2 57.63 1.183 0.631 27.09
RLE Load 30 10 0.1 10 68.56 58.24 1.177 0.62 27.32
In the above experiment we studied about the output wave form of single
phase semi-converter(symmetric and asymmetric) with R, RL and RLEload.
In ths semi-converter we have used two thyristors and two diodes.By simply
varying the gate pulse of thyristor we can control the output of the device.
RMS and average value was calculated for different loads R,RL,RLE.
Durgadutta das