CYCLE-2:Experiment 1 Steady-State Performance of A 3-Phase Induction Motor

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CYCLE-2:Experiment 1

Steady- state performance of a 3-phase Induction Motor.

a) Obtain equivalent circuit parameter by conducting open circuit, short circuit and
resistancemeasurement test,
b) Conduct load test and draw various performance characteristic i) speed vs. output power, ii) stator
current vs. output power, iii) power factor vs. output power, iv) efficiency vs. output power.


A large percentage of the electrical power generated in the world is consumed by induction
motors, as they are the main drive motors used in the industries. Practicing engineers should be
conversant with the performance characteristics. Equivalent circuit parameters of the machine should
be accurately known for predicting the performance. While motor designer calculates the parameters
using design details, measured values are preferable for prediction. All parameters would not be
constant under all operating conditions, as they would be affected by temperature, winding currents,
saturation, skin effect etc., and these have to be accounted for as far as practicable.


It can be shown by means of either traditional theory or generalized theory that the steady-
state performance of poly-phase induction motor can be represented by equivalent circuit of Fig.1.1,
which represents one phase of the machine. The symbols are:
V1= input voltage per phase
R1, X1= resistance and leakage reactance of stator per phase
R2, X2= resistance and leakage reactance of rotor referred to stator
Xm= magnetizing reactance
Rc= core loss resistance
I1, I2= stator and rotor currents (referred to stator) per phase

R1 X1 X2

I1 I2
Ic Im
V1 Rc Xm R2/s

The developed torque is given by,
3I2 2 R 2
T N .m.
( ss )
s = synchronous speed in radians/sec.
s= p.u. slip.
It can be easily seen from the equivalent circuit that at constant voltage V 1, I2 is dependent on
the slip s. The developed torque will depend on the slip, supply voltage and the equivalent circuit
parameters. The typical shape of the torque speed characteristic is shown in fig.1.2, where Ts, Tm and
Tfare starting torque, pull-out (maximum) torque and full load torque respectively. sf is the slip at full
load torque, and sm is the slip at maximum torque. The stable and unstable operating regions are also
indicated in the figure. Input current, power factor and developed power can be computed from the
equivalent circuit. Thus all the performance characteristics will be available with the knowledge of
parameters and the losses.
T Unstable region
Stable region


0.0 N Sm Sf 1.0 N


The parameters of the machine will not be constant under all operating conditions.
Resistances are affected by temperature and ‘skin effect’. After calculating the hot d.c. resistance, a
multiplication factor of the order of 1.5 should be used to determine the a.c. resistance. Considerable
variation in rotor resistance with speed is observable especially in cage motors, since the rotor current
is at supply frequency at starting and near zero frequency under running conditions. Appropriate
value of R2 should be taken for calculating the performance under these two different conditions. The
leakage reactances X1 and X2 depends on the leakage fluxes produced by stator and rotor currents
respectively. At high current some of leakage flux paths saturate leading to decrease of leakage
reactance. Thus X1 and X2 would assume vastly different values at starting, running and pull out
conditions. The magnetizing reactance Xm and the core loss resistance Re depends on the operating
mutual flux in the machine. Owing to magnetic saturation these also would vary with the air gap flux.
The parameters could be determined by ‘no load’ and ‘blocked-rotor’ tests, the former
determines Rc and Xm while the latter yields R1, R2, X1, X2. Though no load test is sufficient to
calculate Ro and Xm at rated voltage, a ‘synchronous-speed’ test adds to the accuracy, as it ensures
zero slip. ‘Blocked rotor’ tests at different winding currents helps in evaluating leakage reactances at
these currents which could be used for calculations.
The performance of the induction motor can be predicted using the parameters by different
methods depending on the required accuracy. Following methods could be used:
a) The Thevenin’s equivalent circuit, for the induction motor could be derived from which all the
performance quantities such as current, torque, power, power factor etc. could be calculated for
different speeds. Here core loss is generally neglected. Suitable parameters could be used at different
b) The circle diagram could be drawn using ‘no load’ and ‘blocked rotor’ test readings. This is likely to
give inaccurate results as diameter of the circle being decided by the total leakage reactance will not
be constant at all operating conditions. A circle of constant diameter would yield very approximate
c) For very accurate prediction, the performance equations in terms of input voltage, machine
parameters and speed have to be simulated on a digital computer. A simple computer program would
yield the results. Following equations could be used for simulation:
Z1  R1  jX1
Z2   jX 2
jRc X m
Zm 
Rc  jX m

Z2 Zm
Z  Z1 
Z2  Zm
I1 
I1Z m
I2 
Zm  Z2

Torque, T= ( I 2 2 R2 / s)

Power factor, 𝑝. 𝑓. = cos (tan−1 (𝑅 ))

Where R= real (Z)

X= imag (Z)
Input power 𝑃𝑖𝑛 = 3𝑉1 𝐼1 × 𝑝. 𝑓.

Output power Po= (1- s) ωsT

Efficiency = Po/Pin

Equipments and Components

a) A three phase induction motor (cage or wound rotor).
b) Three phase auto transformer.
c) Measuring instrument- ammeters, voltmeters, wattmeters and tachometer.

Procedure, Connection Diagram, Experimentation and Precautions

a) Note down the name plate details of the machine and observe the constructional features. Note the
type of rotor used and the winding connections.

b) Measurement of Stator Winding Resistance

Make the connections as shown in fig.1.3 for a star-connected stator. Similar connections can
be used for a delta-connected stator. Apply low voltage so that current through the winding is well
below rated value.

220V V Rotor


c) Measurement of Rotor Winding Resistance

If the machine has slip ring rotor, measure winding resistance of the rotor as in (b) above.
(This test does not apply for squirrel cage motors).
d) Light Running Test
Connect the machine as shown in fig.1.4. Start the motor by applying the normal frequency
reduced voltage to the stator and gradually increase the voltage to its rated value. In case of slip-ring
motor short circuit the slip-rings before starting. Note down the readings of voltmeter, ammeter,
wattmeters and tachometer at different voltages.

Auto Rotor



e) Blocked Rotor Test

With the above connections, keep the rotor blocked, and record the readings of various
instruments for different steps of input current varying from zero to 1.5 p.u. If values changes
noticeably for different rotor positions, an average set of readings should be taken. Since very low
value of voltage can inject rated current under this condition precaution should be taken not to apply
high voltages.

Data Sheet*
a) Name Plate Details of the Machine
Name of manufacturer: Rated Output:
Rated voltage: Supply frequency:
No. of phases: Rated speed:
No. of poles: Rated current:
Type of rotor: Type of starting method:
Winding connections for stator/ rotor:

b) Average stator winding resistance/ phase= ……ohm

c) Average rotor winding resistance/ phase = ……ohm
Table. 1.1 Light running test

S. No. Input Voltage Input Current Input power Speed

(Vo) (Io) W1W2 W0   W1  W2  (N)

Table. 1.2Blocked rotor test

S. No. Input Voltage Input Current Input power Speed

(Vo) (Io) W1W2 Wsh   W1  W2  (N)

Data Processing And Analysis

Parameters of the Equivalent Circuit
The no load power input mainly represents core losses, as copper losses could be ignored.
R c  Vo 2 / Pc
Now, Ic 
Im2 = Io2- Ic2
Knowing Im, Xm can be calculated from the relation,
Xm= Vo/ Im

In the case of blocked rotor test, the equivalent series impedance referred to stator is given by,
(Voltage per phase)
Z sc  Rsc  jX sc 
(Short circuit current per phase)
The equivalent series resistance referred to stator is
(Input power per phase)
Rsc  R1  R2 
(current per phase) 2

And X sc  X1  X 2  Zsc 2 – R sc 2

The a.c. resistance R1 is known by multiplying d.c. resistance by ‘skin effect’ factor.
Thus, R2 can be evaluated. The separation of stator and rotor leakage reactance is difficult. For
most machines of normal design it is sufficiently accurate to take
X1= X2= sc
In blocked-rotor test, the magnetizing branch has been neglected.
a) Plot no load power input vs. applied voltage. Find out iron loss at rated voltage. Calculate R c and Xm
at different voltages and plot them vs. voltage.
b) Plot blocked rotor input power vs. input current. Calculate Rsc and Xscand plot them vs. current.
c) Determine the parameters of the exact equivalent circuit at different conditions.
d) Predict the performance of the machine using the above parameters using the methods (a), (b), and (c)
of the ‘Theory’ mentioned earlier
Plot a) Torque vs. speed
And b) Input current vs. speed, for braking, motoring and braking regions. Calculate the starting
current, starting torque, pull-out torque and slip at pull-out.

For the stable region,

a) Torque 
b) Speed 

c) Power factor 
 vs. Power output
d) Efficiency 
e) Power Input 

f ) Input current 

Experimental Quiz

a) Why should there be a difference between d.c. and a.c. resistance?

b) Will the magnetizing branch parameters remain constant at all voltages? Explain.
c) Are the core loss and mechanical losses constant for all operating conditions? Comment.
d) How does the core loss vary with applied voltages and why?
e) Did the blocked rotor loss vary exactly proportional to square of the current? Explain the deviation if
f) What are the possible errors due to the approximate equivalent circuit?
g) Critically comment on the characteristics you obtained.
f) What will happen if one line of the supply is cut off (a) when the motor is supplying full load, (b)
when the motor is at standstill?
g) What are the normal values of break down and locked rotor torques for general purpose motors?
h) Does the no load current steadily decrease as the supply voltage is reduced? If not, explain why?
a) Fitzgerald, Kingsley and Kusko, Electric Machinery, McGraw-Hill, (1971).
b) M.G. Say, Performance and Design of A.C. Machines, ELBS (1961).
c) V. Deltoro, Electromechanical Devices for Energy Conservation and Control Systems, Prentice Hall,
India (1975).
d) Puchstein, Lloyd and Conard, Alternating Current Machines, Asia.
e) P.C.Sen Principles of Electrical machines and Power Electronics, John Wiley.
CYCLE-2: Experiment 2

Steady-state performance of a 1-phase squirrel cage Induction motor

(a) Obtain equivalent circuit parameter by conducting open-circuit, short-circuit and resistance
measurement tests.
(b) Conduct load test and draw various performance characteristics: torque-vs.-speed, current-vs.-
speed, current-vs.-output power etc.

Single phase induction motors have many applications such as driving fans, blowers,
compressors etc. Most of the fractional horse power motors are single phase induction motors. These
account for millions of motors, about 20-30% of the total commercial value.
The knowledge of the performance of such a machine is thus essential.

a) Principle of operation
The behavior of a single phase induction machine can be studied by (i) double revolving field
theory or (ii) cross field theory. As the double revolving field theory is simpler and gives a clearer
physical concept, it is preferred for the analysis of single phase machines.
In double revolving field concept, a pulsating mmf produced by the stator (main) winding of a
pure single phase machine can be resolved into two oppositely rotating mmfFf and Fb of constant
and equal magnitude which can be mathematically expressed by;
𝐹= [cos(𝜔𝑡 − 𝜃) + cos(𝜔𝑡 + 𝜃)]
= Ff+Fb
Where N= effective number of turns for main winding.
I= main winding current.
However fluxes ϕf and ϕb produced by the mmf’sFf and Fb respectively are of equal magnitude
only at standstill. Under running condition (at all speeds) ϕf>ϕb. Each component of flux produces
electromagnetic torque i.e. forward torque Tf is produced by forward flux ϕf and backward torque Tb
by backward flux ϕb. Net torque produced by induction machine being = (Tf – Tb), which is positive
along the direction of rotation.
The electromagnetically generated torque Jf and Jb can be mathematically expressed in term of
induction machine equivalent circuit parameters as described later.
The behavior of single phase motor can also be explained using the symmetrical component
theory by first deriving the equivalent circuit for three-phase induction motor connected to a single-
phase supply as shown in Fig.2.1. Here the terminal relations are;
V= Va- Vc Ia + Ic = 0 Ib= 0

VC VB Rotor


Using symmetrical component relations it can be shown;

IA 
Z1  Z 2
Where Z1 and Z2 are the positive and negative sequence impedance of the induction motor. If only
one phase is connected across the voltage source, the input current I would be given by;
Z1 Z 2

2 2
Which verifies with the equivalent circuit.
(b) Equivalent Circuit
The equivalent circuit of a single phase induction machine as obtained by double revolving
field theory is shown in Fig. 2.2. This equivalent circuit is drawn for any machine speed
(corresponding slip being s). Here the core loss is neglected. The core loss can be taken into account
by placing core loss resistor in parallel with the magnetizing reactance branch.
r1 X1 I

I2 I3
Zf Xm/2

I4 I5
Zb Xm/2

Fig.2.2. Equivalent circuit of a pure single phase induction

Motor at any slip s.
From Fig.7.2 the forward impedance Zf and backward impedance Zb can be obtained.
j (r2 / 2s  jX 2 / 2)
Z f  R f  jX f  2
 X  X 2 
r2 / 2s  j  m 
 2 
 r  jX    jX 
  2  2  in parallel with  m 
 2s 2   2 
j m (r2 / 2(2  s)  jX 2 / 2)
Zb  Rb  jX b  2
 X  X 2 
r2 / 2(2  s)  j  m 
 2 
 r2 jX    jX 
  2  in parallel with  m 
 2(2  s) 2   2 

Where Zf and Zb are complex impedances.

Therefore net impedance offered by single phase induction motor to supply is;
Ztotal = Z1+ Zf + Zb
The impedances are referred to stator. The impedance of rotor r2 and X 2 are actual rotor
values in stator terms, as used in transformer.
Fig2.3 and Fig.2.4 show the equivalent circuit at no load and blocked rotor conditions,

(c) Stator current

The motor current at any slip s will be
Ztotal at slip s
Where V is the supply voltage at given frequency.
r1 X1 r1 X1


r2'/4 r2'/2

X2'/2 X2'/2

Fig.2.3. Equivalent circuit of a pure single phase Fig.2.4. Equivalent circuit of an induction motor
induction motor under no load (s~0) under blocked rotor condition (s=1)
(d) Torques
The forward torque Tf in synchronous watts, following the reasoning results from
polyphase induction machine analysis is.
Tf  I32 .r2 / 2s (synchronous Watts)
The backward torque Tb is;
Tb  I52 .r2 / 2(2  s) (synchronous Watts)
Where I3 and I5 are as shown in Fig.2.2.
The torque speed characteristic of single phase induction motor due to each component
field and their resultant have been shown in Fig.2.5 (corrected to actual flux condition).

Fig.2.5.Complete torque speed characteristic of a single phase induction motor

due to forward and backward fields.

(e) Parameters of equivalent circuit

(i) The a.c. values of the main winding resistance r1 motor resistance r2 and stator and rotor
leakage reactances X1 and X2, are determined under blocked rotor condition (s=1), the equivalent
can be approximated as shown in Fig.2.4 referred to stator.
Impedance referred to stator Zbl is given by
Zbl = Vbl/Ibl
Equivalent resistance
re  (r1  r2)
Where Vbl = Blocked rotor voltage across stator main winding in volts.
Ibl = Blocked rotor current into stator main winding, in amps.
Wbl = Power input under blocked rotor condition in Watts.
 r2  re  r1
Where r1 is measured by d.c. measurement vdc/Idc, where vdc is d.c. voltage across the main
winding and Idc is winding current.
Equivalent leakage reactance
X e  Zbl 2  re 2
 X1  X 2
X1  X 2
 X1  X 2  Xe / 2
(ii) Determination of magnetization reactance Xm,
At no load, slip s=0 (approx.) equivalent circuit can be approximated as in Fig.2.3. No
load power factor is given by;
cos 0 
Vnl * I nl
where Vnl is no load voltage across the stator windings in volts,
Inl is no load current into stator winding in amps., and
Wnl is no load power input in watts.
Voltage Vab across a and b is given by;
Vab  Vnl  I nl {(r1  r2 / 4)  j ( X 1  X 2 / 2)}

Thus, Xm=2Vab/Inl

(f) Prediction of performance characteristics using the parameter

Forward torque, Tf= I2.R2'/2s synchronous Watts
Backward torque, Tb= I2. R2'/2(2-s) synchronous Watts
Net torque developed,T= Tf- Tb =Wsynch
Power output = (1-s) Wsynch.
The air gap powers due to forward field and backward field are,
Pgf  I12 R f
Pgb  I12 Rb
The corresponding torques are,
Tf 
Tb 
The resultant torque is,
T  T f  Tb  ( R f  Rb )
The mechanical power developed is,
Pmech  T m
 T synch 1  s 
  Pgf  Pgb  1  s 

Power input = V.I cosϕ

Efficiency = (1-s) Wsynch./ V.I cosϕ
Equipment and Components
(a) Single phase induction motor with proper starting arrangement.
(b) a.c. and d.c. ammeters and voltmeters.
(c) Single element wattmeter (i) low power factor (ii) ordinary.
(d) Stroboscope of tachometer.
(e) Rheostat of suitable rating.
(f) Single phase auto-transformer.

Procedure, Connection Diagrams, Experimentation and Precautions

(a) Note the name plate details and constructional feature. Study the motor starting arrangement.
(b) Measure the resistance of the stator winding (using d.c. measurements) and find the effective
a.c. value after accounting for skin effect, temperature rise etc.
(c) No load test- Make connection as shown in Fig. 2.6. Apply 1.2 p.u. voltage to the machine
and note the current, power and speed. Reduce the voltage in steps of 0.2 p.u. Measure
corresponding input current, power and speed.
(d) Blocked rotor test- Disconnect the auxiliary winding and block the rotor. Apply a voltage
such that 1.2 p.u. current flows in the stator winding and note the applied voltage and input
power. Reduce the rotor current keeping the rotor blocked in steps of 0.2 p.u. Note the
corresponding applied voltage and input power.
(e) Direct load test- Single phase motor can be directly loaded with mechanical load or using a
d.c. dynamometer or a d.c. generator, as is done for three phase motor. The dynamometer is
loaded using a loaded rheostat. Start the motor using the available starting method and bring
it to rated speed at normal voltage. Gradually load the motor from no load to full load (i.e.
when motor draws rated current) in regular steps. Measure input current, input power, speed,
torque and output power at all loading conditions.
2 C.S.
50 Hz
230V V 1 Starting
1-phase capacitor

Squirrel cage

Fig.2.6. Connection diagram for blocked rotor and light run test on single phase IM
1. Main winding 2. Auxiliary winding C.S. Centrifugal switch
Data Sheet
(a) Name plate details of the machine,
(b) Main winding resistance (a.c. value), r1= …… ohms

Table.3.1 No-load test readings

S.No. Input voltage V1 Input current I1 Input power W1 Speed

volts amps watts N rpm

Table.3.2 Blocked-rotor test readings

S.No. Input current Isc Input voltage Vsc Input power Wsc
amps volts watts

Table.3.3 Direct load test readings

S.No. Voltage Input Input Speed Output Torque
applied current power N

Data Processing and Analysis

(a) Calculate impedance parameters of stator and rotor leakage.
(b) Calculate magnetizing reactance parameter.
(c) Predict performance characteristics using the parameters.
(d) Calculate performance from load test.
(e) Plot (i) efficiency (ii) power factor (iii) stator current (iv) input power (v) speed (vi) torque as
a function of output power.
Experimental Quiz
(a) What are the approximations made while evaluating the equivalent circuit parameters? How
are these approximations justified?
(b) While evaluating the performance from the equivalent circuit for different values of slip, the
backward impedance Zb, need only be found for one value of slip and the same can be
assumed constant for normal other values of slips. Why?
(c) Comment on the agreement between the performance characteristics obtained theoretically
and those obtained from the load test.
(d) How does the efficiency of the test motor compare with that of a three phase motor of same
rating? Comment.
(e) Compare to the three phase induction motor, the single phase motor has a torque falling to
zero at a speed slightly below synchronous speed, and slip tends to be greater. Why?
(f) What are the effects of the backward field on the performance of the test motor?
(g) A double frequency torque production results in higher noise in single phase motors. Explain.
(h) List various applications of single phase motors.

Suggestions For Further Studies

(a) Conduct suitable tests and obtain performance characteristics of;
(i) Capacitor start and run motor.
(ii) Split phase motor.
(iii)Shaded pole motor.
(b) Determine the complete torque speed characteristics of the single phase motor using ‘Ward-
Leonard’ method.
(c) Devise an experiment to study the air gap fields of single phase motor using stand still and
running conditions.
(d) Study the behavior of three-phase induction motor fed from a single phase supply.

(a) A.F. Puchstein, T.C. Lloyd and A.G. Conrad, Alternating Current Machines, Asia, Third
(b) V. Deltoro, Electromechanical Devices for Energy Conversion and Control System, Prentice-
Hall (1975).
(c) C.G. Veinott, Theory and Design of Small Induction Motors, McGraw-Hill (1959).
(d) A. Fitzgerald, C. Kingsley and A. Kusko, Electric Machinery, McGraw-Hill, Third
(e) P.C.Sen Principles of Electrical machines and Power Electronics, John Wiley.
CYCLE-2: Experiment 3

Steady- state performance of a 3-phase alternator.

By conducting suitable tests (O.C.C., S.C.C, Load tests) obtain voltage regulation at different
resistive loads.

The terminal voltage of an alternator changes with load. The consumer’s voltage,
however, must be maintained within pre-specified limits. This demands that the machine be
designed with low voltage regulation. But a machine with low voltage regulation is
uneconomical and is subjected to much mechanical and electrical stresses in case of accidental
short circuits. However, in most cases low voltage regulation is not necessary since automatic
voltage control equipment is normally used to avoid voltage fluctuations with load. The voltage
regulation is an important characteristics of an alternator and its predetermination is essential for
its normal operation as well as for designing suitable excitation control schemes.

The voltage regulation of an alternator is the per unit voltage rise at its terminal when a
given load at a given power factor is thrown off, the excitation and speed remaining constant.
Regulation is governed by the armature resistance, leakage reactance and to a large extent by the
armature reaction can be pre-determined by one of the following methods:

Synchronous Impedance Methodfor calculating regulation

The synchronous impedance method of determining regulation is based on the simple
equivalent circuit and phasor diagram given in Figs.3.1 and 3.2 respectively. In this method the
effect of armature reaction is expressed as voltage drop, IaXar (Xar is commonly called the
armature reaction reactance). The leakage reactance and the armature reaction reactance
combined together is called synchronous reactance of the machine, i.e. Xs= Xl + Xar (Xar is
related to the mutual flux produced by the armature currents while X l relates to the leakage flux).
The corresponding per phase impedance Zs= Rs+ jXs is called the synchronous impedance of the
machine where Rs represents the effective resistance per phase. The determination of the
synchronous impedance requires the knowledge of open circuit and short circuit characteristics.

If the generator is short circuited the whole voltage E is absorbed in the synchronous
impedance of the machine, that is, E= Isc* Zs. Thus for a given field current, the ratio of open
circuit armature voltage to the short circuit current gives the synchronous impedance of the
machine. From the nature of open circuit and short circuit characteristics, it is obvious that the
value of synchronous reactance is not constant but decreases as the saturation sets in. since Zsis
Xar Xl Re

 Xs
D 


Fig.3.1. Equivalent circuit Fig.3.2 Phasor Diagram

V Rated Voltage


Isc Zs

Field current

Fig.3.3. Regulation by Synchronous Impedance Method

varying with excitation, for proper application the value of Zs chosen should correspond to the
degree of saturation at which the machine is operating. In practice Zs is chosen corresponding to
the rated value of field current as shown in Fig.3.3. However for laboratory purposes Zs is chosen
corresponding to the field current for the rated value of open circuit voltage.

Equipment and Components

a) One three-phase alternator coupled to d.c. motor.
b) One three-phase autotransformer.
c) Ammeters: One a.c. ammeter.
One d.c. ammeter.
d) One a.c. voltmeter.
e) One wattmeter.
f) Rheostat of suitable range for field control.
g) Tachometer.

Procedure, Connection Diagram, Experimentation and Precautions

a) Open Circuit Test

Make the connection as shown in fig.3.4. Start the d.c. motor and adjust it to synchronous
speed. Keeping the speed constant, starting from zero increase the field current of the alternator
in steps till saturation is achieved to a good extent. Note the simultaneous readings of the field
current and the open circuit armature voltage of the alternator.

b) Short Circuit Test

Drive the alternator at the synchronous speed with the armature terminals short circuited.
Gradually increase the alternator field current from its initial value of zero until full load
armature current is achieved. Measured the corresponding values of armature current and plot the
short circuit characteristic. During the test keep the speed constant at synchronous speed.


Z1 Z2


A X1

Fig.3.4. Open circuit and Short circuit Test

c) Load Test
Make the connection diagram as shown in fig.3.4 except that instead of short circuiting the
three terminals (of the alternator) after the ammeter, connect these terminals to a 3-phase load.
Start the d.c. motor and bring it to synchronous speed. Adjust the alternator field current to get
the rated terminal voltage. Now change the load such that the current through the alternator
varies from zero to full-load current. At every load condition, note the terminal voltage, current
and the input power to the DC motor. This will allow you to compute the efficiency and voltage
regulation at UPF condition. Calculate these theoretically from the equivalent circuit parameters
and compare the two.

c) Measure the armature resistance by using a low voltage d.c. supply. Take effective resistance as
1.5 Rdc.

Data Sheet
Name plate details of d.c. motor alternator set
Name of manufacturer:
BHP/kW: Class of insulation:
Voltage: RPM:
Frequency: Ampere:
Rating: Power Factor:
Excitation: Connections:

Table. 3.1. O.C.C. of the alternator

Rated Speed=
S. No. If Vtper phase

Table. 3.2 S.C.C. of the alternator

Rated Speed=

S. No. If Isc per phase

Table. 3.3. Load characteristics

Rated armature current= A If = A Speed = rpm Eg (open circuit voltage) = V

S. No. Ia Amp Vtper phase DC motor Input Power

Table. 3.4. Measurement of armature resistance

S. No. V I Rdc
Approximate effective resistance Ra= 1.5 Rdc

Data Processing and Analysis

Process all data on per unit basis.

a) Synchronous Impedance Method

Draw the open circuit and short circuit characteristics on the same graph sheet. Read the
field current for rated armature current (Isc) under short circuit from short circuit characteristic.
Read the open circuit terminal voltage (Vo) corresponding to this field current from the open
circuit characteristic. Calculate the synchronous reactance by using the formulae.
O.C.Voltage (Vo )
ZS 
S .C.Current (Isc )
X S  ZS2  RS2
Draw the phasor diagram and calculate the regulations at rated kVA at 0.8 lagging, unity and 0.8
leading power factors.

Compare the Efficiencies and regulations obtained at UPF by synchronous impedance

method and load test. Discuss the results.

Experimental Quiz
a) What do you understand by saturated and unsaturated synchronous reactances? Which of the two
values is higher?
b) What are the typical values of synchronous reactance in p.u.?
c) The synchronous impedance method gives a regulation that is higher than the actual value.
d) Explain why armature reaction is always compensated in d.c. machines but not in alternators.
e) Define short circuit ratio of an alternator and show its approximate relationship with the
synchronous reactance.
f) Discuss the effect of short circuit ratio on the design and performance of alternator.

Suggestions For Further Studies

a) Study the constructional details of Water-Wheel and Turbo-alternators. Study the method of
cooling of Turbo-alternators.
b) Compute the machine parameters from design data and calculate the regulation with the test
c) Conduct the direct load test on an alternator and find its regulation.
d) Draw and study the phasor diagram of salient pole alternator.

a) M.G. Say, The Performance and Design of Alternating Current Machines, ELBS and Pitman,
London (1969).
b) A.E. Fitzgerald, C. Kingsley and A. Kusko, Electric Machinery, McGraw-Hill, Kogakusha Ltd
c) A.F. Puchstein, T.C. Lloyd and A.G. Conrad, Alternating Current Machines, Asia, (1968).
d) P.C.Sen Principles of Electrical machines and Power Electronics, John Wiley.
CYCLE-2: Experiment 4

Synchronization of a synchronous machine with infinite bus and Steady-state

performance of a 3-phase synchronous motor
By conducting suitable tests synchronize the given synchronous machine with utility and then
obtain: “V” and inverted “V” curves.

Normally in a power system majority of loads work at lagging power factors while for
economic operation it is essential that the system power factor be made as close to unity as
possible. The property of a synchronous motor that its power factor varies with the variation of
its excitation can be used with advantage in improving the power factor of a system. Thus the
study of variation of armature current and power factor of a synchronous motor with its
excitation (which is known as V-curves) is very important.

For a synchronous motor the armature current phasor is given by;
V E
Ia 
Where V is applied voltage phasor and is constant.
E is induced emf phasor, the magnitude of which depends on the d.c. excitation.
Za is synchronous impedance
From the above relationship it is clear that the magnitude and angle of the phasorIa
depends on the value of d.c. excitation. The phasor diagrams of Fig.4.1 shows that synchronous
motor draws lagging current when it is under-excited and leading current when over-excited.
The approximate plots of armature current vs. field current have been sketched in Fig.4.2.
Because of their shapes these plots are called V-curves and inverted V-curves respectively.

E IaZs
V IaRa V V
IaRa IaRa
IaXs IaZs
IaXs E

Ia Ia

ϕ δ δ δ
(a) Leading p.f. (b) Unity p.f. (c) Lagging p.f.
Fig.4.1.Synchronous motor with Constant Output and Variable Excitation.

Fig.4.2.V-curve and Inverted V-curve.

Equipment and Components

(a) Synchronous machine coupled to a d.c. machine.
(b) d.c. /a.c. ammeters and voltmeters.
(c) Two wattmeters with reversing switch.
(d) Rheostats of suitable range for field control synchronizing board.
(e) Tachometer.

Procedure, Connection Diagrams, Experimentation and Precautions

Make the connections as per the circuit diagram shown in Fig 4.3. Start the d.c. machine
as a motor and bring it to synchronous speed. Adjust the alternator field current to get the rated
terminal voltage and synchronize the alternator to the mains. For synchronizing the machine with
the mains, two bright lamp and one dark lamp method is used. Please read about this from the
internet and come prepared for viva-voce. Disconnect the d.c. machine from the mains. Now the
synchronous machine is working as a synchronous motor and d.c. machine as self-excited
With no load on d.c. generator, adjust the alternator field current so that its armature
current is minimum. This point corresponds to unity power factor. Note the field current,
armature current and wattmeter readings. Now vary the field current in both the direction in steps
and note the simultaneous readings of field current, armature current and wattmeters. These
readings will give V-curves under no load conditions. While increasing the field current, beyond
a particular point, one of the Wattmeters will kick back; at that point reverse the Wattmeter's
voltage coil with the help of the reversing switch and note that reading as a negative value.
Similarly, when the field current is decreased below the UPF condition, at some point, the other
wattmeter will kick back; at that point reverse the Wattmeter's voltage coil with the help of the
reversing switch and note that reading as a negative value. The two indicate leading and lagging
power factor conditions respectively.


L A1
A Z1 Z2

W1 X 1 X2

V Motor


Fig. 4.3.Determination of V-curve of Synchronous Motor.

Now load the synchronous motor by connecting load to the d.c. generator and again
repeat the experiment for constant output of 25%, 50% and 100% of full load.
Data Sheet
Name plate details of the synchronous machine and d.c. machine.
Name of the manufacturer:
Machine no.: Class of insulation:
Voltage: Amperes:
Frequency: Phases:
Rating: Connections:

Table.4.1 Readings with constant output (from the DC generator)

(constant output kW)
S.No. If Ia W1 W2 PF

Data Processing and Analysis

Calculate the power factor at each reading with the help of two wattmeter readings by the
(W  W1 )
tan   3 2
(W2  W1 )
Plot the armature current vs. field current for constant output conditions to get a
family of V-curves. Plot the power factor vs. field current to obtain inverted V curves for
constant output power conditions.

Experimental Quiz
(a) Why is it impossible to start a synchronous motor with its d.c. field energized?
(b) Can a synchronous motor be started as an induction motor?
(c) At what power factor is the current a minimum when the synchronous motor is running on
constant power output?
(d) Under conditions of normal excitation, describe the effects of increased load on a
synchronous motor’s power factor and armature current.
(e) Can a synchronous motor fall out of synchronism even without overloading its shaft?
(f) Discuss the effect of fluctuations in supply voltage and frequency on synchronous motor's
(g) Explain the phenomenon of hunting in a synchronous motor.
(h) Why are the synchronous motors normally provided with damper windings?
(i) What are the applications of synchronous motors in the field of electric drives?
(j) Explain the difference in the operation of a synchronous motor as a (i) motor, (ii)
synchronous condenser.
(k) What are the various methods of braking of synchronous motors?
(l) What is meant by inertia constant of synchronous machine? What effect has it got on
machine dynamics?
(m) Mention different types of synchronous motors- conventional and unconventional.

(a) A. Fitzgerald, C. Kingsley and A. Kusko, Electric Machinery, McGraw-Hill
(b) M.G. Say, The Performance and design of Alternating Current Machines, ELBS and Issac
Pitman, London (1969).
(c) A.F. Puchstein, T.C. Lloyd and A.G. Conrad, Alternating Current Machines, Asia, Third
(d) P.C.Sen Principles of Electrical machines and Power Electronics, John Wiley.
CYCLE-2: Experiment 5

Steady-state performance of a 3-phase variable frequency driven

squirrel-cage induction motor
By conducting suitable tests, run the given VFD at different frequencies and then observe
variable speed operation. Conduct load test (at different frequencies) and then obtain (i) speed-
vs.-output power, (ii) current-vs.-output power and (iii) efficiency-vs.-output power at any given
input frequency.

In many industrial applications, the speed control is required to be varied either in steps or
smoothly. In certain special applications such as textile and mining industry a group of motorsare
required to be run at different speeds with extremely good accuracy. In such applications DC
shunt motor is being used because of its characteristics and easy speed control. However, the use
of squirrel cage induction motor is desirable due to its well-known advantages over all other
motors namely rugged construction, low maintenance and high efficiency. The problem however
is that the speed of induction motor cannot be controlled easily. It requires additional expensive
equipment. The knowledge of a system whereby speed is controlled by varying the frequency is
important for applied engineers. The system is best suited for applications such as mining,
chemical industries and textiles.

From Faraday’s law, the air gap component of armature voltage in an AC machine is
proportional to the peak flux density in the machine and electrical frequency. Thus, neglecting
the voltage drop across the armature resistance and leakage reactance, the stator voltage can be
written as;
 f  Bpeak 
Va   e   Vrated Eq.5.1
 f rated  Brated 

where Va is the amplitude of armature voltage,

fe is the operating frequency,
Bpeak is the peak flux density and
frated, Brated, Vrated are the corresponding rated values.
The speed of induction motor can be precisely controlled by frequency control and can be made
independent of variation in supply voltage, field current and load. Therefore, keeping Va = Vrated,
Eq.5.1 can be rewritten as;
f 
Bpeak   rated  Brated Eq.5.2
 fe 
This demonstrates the constant voltage, variable frequency operation. In this mode, a machine
operating in saturation at rated voltage and frequency, any reduction in frequency will lead to
further increase in flux density. Higher flux density will result in increased core loss and higher
machine currents. Therefore, for frequencies less than or equal to rated frequency, the machine is
operated at constant flux density, i.e. Bpeak = Brated. This makes the Eq.5.1 as;
 f  Va Vrated
Va   e  Vrated   Eq.5.3
 f rated  f e f rated

This is constant voltage per hertz (V/f) operation. It is typically maintained from rated frequency
to the low frequency at which armature resistance drop becomes significant component of the
applied voltage. For frequencies higher than the rated f, with the voltage at its rated value, the
air-gap flux density will drop below its rated value (referring Eq.5.1). Thus, to maintain the rated
flux density the voltage has to be increased, which may result in insulation failure. Therefore, for
frequencies above the rated frequency, the terminal voltage is kept at rated value. Assuming that
machine cooling is not affected by rotor speed, the maximum permissible terminal current will
remain constant at its rated value Irated. Therefore for frequencies below rated frequency the
machine power will be proportional to feVratedIrated. Fig.5.1 shows the typical characteristics with
variable frequency drive.

Fig.5.1. Torque-Speed curve.

Equipment and Components

(a) Three-phase induction motor coupled to separately excited DC motor.
(b) Variable voltage- variable frequency AC drive.
(c) Wattmeter, ammeter, and voltmeter
Constant torque region Constant power region


Fig.5.2. Operating regions with V/f operation.

Procedure, Connection Diagrams, Experimentation and Precautions

No-load test: Fig.5.3 shows the connection diagram for speed control of induction motor using
variable frequency AC drive. Apply the rated voltage to AC drive using variac. As soon as the
rated voltage reach rated AC voltage, the green indicator will start glowing. Push the start button
and slowly increase the speed controller knob to observe the rise in induction motor speed.
Record the results (speed, frequency, stator voltage, stator current and power factor) using Fluke
43B analyzer OR Wattmeter, Voltmeter and Ammeter at different speed and tabulate in
Table.5.1 for no load speed.

Load test: Switch on the field DC supply of separate DC generator. Start the AC drive and
increase the speed till motor frequency reaches 25 Hz. Now switch on the load on DC generator
step-wise and record the result in Table.5.1.
Reduce the load on the generator to minimum and then increase the speed of motor till
frequency reaches to 50 Hz. Now switch on the load at DC generator step wise and record the
results in Table.5.2.

V/f Contol Controller

fe Ve

S1 S3 S5 Motor
3-phase variac

3 phase S1’ S3’ S 5’ La

415V A
Supply Vdc Lb

S4 S6 S2 Resistive
S 4’ S 6’ S2’ G V Load
A DC Gen
Fluck Fluck
Multimeter Multimeter
220V dc
Fig.5.3. Connection diagram of variable frequency AC drive
Data Sheet
Name plate details of the machine
Name of the manufacturer: Rated output:
Rated voltage: Rated current:
Supply frequency: No. of phases:
Rated speed: No. of poles:


S.No. Speed of I.M. Input Line Power input Frequency Power factor


S.No Torque Speed Input Power Input Armature Armature Field

on I.M. of I.M. current current voltage Excitation
IL W1 W2 Ia Va If

Data Processing and Analysis

(a) Determine the equivalent circuit parameters of the Induction motor.
(b) Draw the following characteristics: (i) Speed vs. Output power, (ii) Current vs. Output
power, (iii) Power factor vs. Output power and (iv) Efficiency vs. Output power at 25 Hz and
50 Hz.
(c) Compute the starting torque and the starting stator current for (i) constant V/f from 5 Hz to
50 Hz, (ii) constant flux from 5 Hz to 50 Hz.
(d) Draw the following characteristic: (i) torque-speed, (ii) stator current-speed at 10 Hz, 25 Hz
and 50 Hz keeping constant V/f ratio.

Experimental Quiz
(a) What will be the change in torque speed characteristics of the induction motor if there is
change in V/f ratio?
(b) Can higher starting torque be obtained at very low frequencies? Comment on the basis of the
(c) Can constant torque speed characteristics be achieved at different frequencies?
(d) What are the advantages and disadvantages of this method of speed control?
(e) How are the equivalent circuit parameter affected by frequency?
(f) What is the effect of variation of frequency on maximum torque, starting torque, slip at
maximum torque, if V/f is kept constant?
(g) At constant V/f, is the developed power at all frequency same at rated input current?

(a) S.K.Bhattacharya “Electrical Machines” Tata McGraw-Hill Pub. Co. Ltd., New Delhi, 2009.
(b) Arthur Eugene Fitzgerald, Charles Kingsley, Stephen D.Umans “Electrical Machinery” Tata
McGraw-Hill Pub. Co. Ltd., New Delhi, 2009.
(c) G.K.Dubey “Fundamentals of electric Drives”, Narosa Publishing.
(d) Say.M.G. “Alternating Current Machines”, Fifth Edition,London, Pitman (1983).
(e) I.J.Nagrath and D.P.Kothari, “Electric Machines”, TMH, New Delhi, 2004.
(f) P.C.Sen Principles of Electrical machines and Power Electronics, John Wiley

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