_LI .
Nathan Klein D
" ~DTIC :L.:
February 1985 P
Reproduced From B
Ljj Best Available Copy
Nathan Klein.
US Army Ballistic Research Laboratory
Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD 21005-5066
US Army Ballistic Research Laboratory February 1985
Aberdeen Proving Ground. MD 21005-5066 38
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Io INTRODUCTION . ....................................................... 5
IIo BACKGROUND .... o ... . ..... o.oo,.~~o.. o .. 7
A. Solution Structure *.. o o........ ...... ....... o....... ....... o... o.... I
B 'Acid-Base Reactions.. ..... .o ... . ... ....... .o. .......... 12
C. Nitrate Salts as Oxidizers......... ...... .. .... .... -,....14
C. StabilityFla...
D To i c t . .o
oo '28
E. Vicosty .. 29
F. Cost and Producib3lity.. ......... .. ...
ooie 29
G. Demilitarization and Disposal-...... ...... ................ 29
H. . . ... ........
Muzzle Flash and Blastooo
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ..... ... .... ...... o.............. ......... o.... t..... .30
REFERENCES o . .. . o . o o o~ . o o o ~ o . .* . o. . oo . s31
Rationale -or the development of a liquid propellant gun, as with any new
weapons system, must invoke some substantial improvement over systems already
in existence.; Historically, the use of caseless ammunition, a significant
increase in wizzle velocity, and improved logistics, have been the incentives
for developnnt of this fairlv radical gun concept. Caseless ammunition
presents a inumber of potential advantages to the user since it is more
versatile. /
For example, artillery zoning is controlled by the quantity of
propellant 4metered into the gun rather than by the use of fixed bag charges
and is th Is infinitely variable. In addition, propellant is shipped and,
handled it; bulk requiring substantially less space both in storage depots and
in 'the vehicle that houses the gun. Commonality of propellant for guns of
differentv caliber is readily obtained. In a vehicle, the propellant can be
stowed in tanks of virtually any shape rather than in racks and, of course,
cartridg.'e case disposal is non-existent. As to increased muzzle velocity, a
matter pf considerable importance if the weapon system is to be either a tank
or anti-aircraft gun, it was generally felt that the higher energy content
availaole in a number of the propellant formul'ations considered would
translate in some reasonably straight-forward way into increased muzzle
/4B.A. Niemeier, D.L. Swanson, and H.B. Forney, "Liquid Propellant Small
/ Caliber Gun With Repetitive Fire," Experiment Inc., Richmond, VA, T.P.No 58,
/ 1953.
5W.F. Morvison, J.D. Knapton, and M.J. Bulman, "Liquid Propellant Gans," in
ru, Pwnuls,1p3, ZaahAinnlay,, L.StiefeZ, ed., Progress i:n Aeronautics 'nd
Astronautics Series, (in press).
capable of releasing significant amounts of energy by itself. In contrast,
unplanaed initiation of a monopropellant, can ! quite dangerous. The
separation of fuel and oxidizer also permits consideration of mixtures with
extremely high energy content. Comparable energy content in a monopropellant
is beyond practical. consideration because stability generally decreases as
energy content increasrs. Hypergolic bipropellants consisting of hydrazine
and hydrogen peroxide, or hydrazine and nitric acid, 6 were examined in the
1950s, showing the strong dependence of this early work on rocketry and, not
3urprisingly, abandoned because the mixtures were exceedingly difficult to
handle and control. Non-hypergolic biprope.lants, cr•nsisting of nitric acid
and various hydrocarbons, have been studied in greater
detail and reasonably
successful results obtained,7 although this system was also eventually
abandoned. The logistics of a bipropellant system are far more complex since
two liquids must be stored, transported,, and accurately pumped into the gun
chamber and the extremely high energy contenc achievable is often through use
of materials with sufficiently noxious properties as to be practical only in
certain unique applications, usually ones in which operating personnel have no
direct contact with the gun, such as an aircraft cannon. Although both bi-
and monopropellants have been considered for use in liquid propellant guns,
the logistic and engineering difficulties associated with bipropellant use are
such that present emphasis in liquid propellant development: centers almost
exclusively' on monopropellants and, therefore bipropellants will not be
discussed further.
OT.M. Broxholm, £.C. Elmore, and W.H. Giedt, "Liquid Propellant Gun Systems,"
Detroit Controls Corp., Redwood City, CA, RC No. 170, 1955.
-J NH 3 , NH 4 +
-2 N2 H4 , N2 H5 +N 2 H6 ++
-1 NH2014, NH3 OH+
0 N2
+1 N2 0, N2 H2 0 2 .
+2 NO
+3 HONO, NO2 7
+4 NO2 , N2 0 4
+5 HNO 3 , NO3 -, NO2 , R-NO3
which produces nitrate and accounts for the acidic properties of the acid.
The reaction shown in equ&tion [2) is oversimplified, and is, in fact,
incorrecL. The hydrogen ion, commonly written H+, is always associated with
some solvent,, usually water, and is never observed as a -free proton under
conditions in which chemical reactions are usually considered. The
equilibrium that Is the combination of reactions (1] at..! (21 is strongly
8 Chem. and Eng. News, A-m ichn Chmian-a-y-, Washi•ngton, DC, Vol. 62,
No. 18, p 11, 1983.
• ... i. >...:...
•. .•,: .• ... .... •..> .• . .. !,.• . •, •. -,.-.:.' 8 . . . .. . ,
influenced by the type and quantity of other materials. The presence, in
nitric acid, of a base. of which water is an example, strongly favors reaction
[21 whereas the presence of acids, such as H SO4 or F favors reaction [11,
a matter that will repeatedly be stressed in much of the discussion of
propellant chemistry that will be presented. The cor:osivity of the acid is
due, in part, to both reactions [1) and [2] with one or the other being
dominant under specific circumstances.
CH 3 -NO 3 77 -82 65 d
CH3 -CH 2 -NO 3 S1 -94 88
CH3 -CH 2 -CH 2 -NO 3 105 lII
(CH 3 ) 2 -CH-N0 3 105 -82 102
CH 3 -('H, 2 -CH 2 -CH 2 -NO 3 119 07 136
(CH 3 -CH 2 )(CH 3 )CH-NO 3 119 124
(CH3)2-CH-CH2-NO3 119 - 123
(CH 3 ) 2 -C-Nih 3 119 21 (5 mm)
CH OH3)-CH N0 3 '107 <-20 91 (20 mm)
.... ,,lII.... . .. . . ..
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
The nitrate e3ters do not exhibit the corrosivity of the acid because they are
not ionic although the energy of the nitrate group is, to a large extent,
retained. This well recognized property leads to tneir use in solid
propellants, liquid and solid exDpisives, and to their early consideration as
liquid propellant ingredients 10.LI As seen from the Table, a limited number
of nitrate ester. oxhitit both sufficiently iQw freezing point and high
boiling point to be used as the pure compounds and most of the formulations
considered 1 2 were mixtures.
Many of the nitrate esters are readily detonable, a trait far less common
in ionic nitrates. Possibly. the fact that nitrate esters are uniiolecular,
covalent compounds relates to their tendency toward detonability. Discrete
species migration and combination, both requiring a finite time for
completion, is not needed for reaction of these compounds as it is with ionic
nitrates. in any case, these materials mugc be either fairly foel rich, thus
decreasing their sensitivity, or dilute. with more or less inert organic
material, or both, in order to be used. Either of these courses of action
lowers the energy contenlt of the propellant and make this type of material
less than an ideal choice for the use intendied. In addition, the. nitrate
esters are physiologically active causing profound changes in cardiovascular
function and, in Fact, compounds closely related to materials that have been
considered are used as drugs. The toxicity of nitrate esters is avoided as a
practical matter in solid propellants, in which they are the major, energetic
components, either because vapor pressures are extremely low or because the
charge is packaged in such manner that the propellant is not handled directly
by opirating personnel. Since the method of employment envisioned for liquid
propellarnts is fundamentally different, i.e., the use of caseless ammunition,
toxicity considerations are far mere restrictive and nitrate ester containing
mixtures can not be seriously considered as candidate propellants. They have
been extensively used in test fixtures, however, because or their ready
availability, non-corrosivity, and the fact that maaiy of the parameters that
must be determined in detail in the working gun can De determined using this
type of formulation. Thus, the propellant OTTO 11, which contains propylene,
glycol dinittate as a major component, has been employed rather extensively in
gun development studies. 1 3 This mixture is fuel rich in order to decrease
detonability and tbUs does not burn cleanly. Based on the results obtained,
it would appear doubtful that a non-aqueous monopropel ant could be used in a
fielded weapon system.
*J. Manday, I. Magoon, W.F. Norrison, and J.D. Knapton, "Preliminary Report
on Test Firing of a 105 MM Regenerative Fixture," Pro eedingaof 2Oth JANNAF
Combustion Meeting, CPIA Pub. 383, Vol II, p 161,. 19 3.
"-. ......
. .. ... ..... . "
. .. . . *.'.*.".."..-*..... .
A summary of the discussion to this point indicates that there seems
little potential application for either bipropellants or for mortopropellants
containing significant quantities of the nitrate esters in a liquid propellant
gun. This essentially leaves one class of prope'lants to be considered,
namely, the ionic mixtures in which miscibility with water is the common
feature. The oxidizer of choice remains nitrate and, in. subsequent
discussion, the choice of counter-ions for nitrate will be reviewed.
A. Solution Structure
B. Acid-Base Reactions
The ammonia molecule contains three covalent N-H bonds and a lone pair of
electrons. Protonation of the lone electron pair produces the ammonium ion,
. NH4 +. The three covalent bonds are capable of undergoing substitution for the
hydrogen, thus producing a variety of compounds, many with chemical and
physical properties markedly different from those of ammonia. Replacement of
one or more of the hydrogens with carbon results in the amine's, a large family
of organic compounds. most of which are basic. In addition, an N-H bond can
be replaced by N-N forming the hydvazines, or by an N-0 forming the
* hydroxylamines. The limitation that only the elements C,H,O, and N be used in
*. propellant formulation thus still leaves a fair number of compounds to serve
as candidates.
[H201 S[HB+]151
Kb [B] [H3 0+]"
The species HA, B, and their ions are in equilibrium and the concentrations of
the various entities in solution under a given set of conditions is a result
"of such equilibria. For convenience, the, equilibrium constants are often
given as pK, where pK - -log K. A list of such values, pertinent to the
discussion at hand is given in Table 3.
*Compound pKb
The table is arranged in order of decreasing basicity. One sees that all of
the simple, aliphatic amines are more basic than is ammonia, differences being
"due primarily to steric effects. The presence of an Olt group on the beta
carbon of the amine causes trie~hanolamine, (CHi(OH)-CH 2 ) 3,N, to be 30 times
less basic than ammonia and replacement of an amine hydrogen by an, OH group
causes hydroxylamine, NH2OH, to be-almost 2000 times less basic than ammonia.
A strong acid when reacted with a strong base, results in a mixture that
' consists almost, exclusively of the salt, HB+A7. If either the acid, the base,
or both are weak, then the 'result of their mixing could contain significant
quantities of the original materials at the expense of the desired salt.
Considering that' the physical and chemical properties of the starting
* materials are usually quite different from those of their salts, this latter
" point becomes far from trivial. Ammonia and its homologs are basic, although
to different degrees. Thus, all of these compounds are capable of forming
salts with acids and, except for hydroxylamine, these salts would be expected
to be stable even if the acids were fairly weak. Since hydroxylamine is a
a15'ange' ,Handbook of Chemistry," 12th ed., J.A. Dean, ed., pp 5-15, Mc Graw
Hill Book Co., New York, 1979.
very much weaker base than are the other compounds, stable salts would be
formed only with strong acids. Attempts to produce the hydroxylammonium salts
of the carboxlic acids, for example, fail to give stable products even with
formic acid,1 the strongest acid in this group. All of the ba,--ýs listed in,
Table 3 would, however,. be expected to yield the appropriate nitrates and,
*- indeed, this is the case.
R.A. Robinson and V.E. Borher, J. Phys. Chem.,Vol 65, p 1279, 1961.
1 7N. klein and E'. Freedman, ýfA New. Class of Improved Liquid Grun Propellants,"
Proceedings 1984 JANNAF Propulsion Conference, CPIAPublication (in press).
18 Grayson, ed.,
"Kirk-•Othmer Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology," 3rd ed., M.
Vol 2,, p. 525, J.Wiley Sons, New York, 1978.
S19AL.F. Audrieth and B.A. Ogg, The Chemistru of Hydrazine, J.Wiley Sons, New
York, 1951.
R.P. Seward, .J. Am. Chem.. Soc., Vol 77, p 905, 1955.
* 1L. Medard, , •mnria ( Poudres (Paris), Vol 34, p 147, 1952.
S M. Berthelot and B. Andre, Comot. Rendues, Vol 110, p 830, 1890.
although rather poor -ones because of theit excess oxygen content and
additional fuel is needed to extract the energy available from the, system.
Equation [6] does not represent the chemistry of the system. Products
obtained from various ex erimental studies in,-lude all of Ithe *oxides of
nitrogen as. well as NH4 and indicate an extrenely 'complex sequence of
p iThe -fuel selected for use with HAN should not compromise the excellent
physical properties of 'the HAN-water system and be totally compatible with
it. Compounds of choice for this purpose are the nitrate salts of simple,
j Cruice, "Classification of Liquid Gun Propellants and Raw Materials for
Transportat ion and Storage," ARBRL-CR-00454, U.S. Army Ballistic Research
Laboratory, Aberdeen Proving Ground, Md., 1981..(AD A1O0 729)
aliphatic amines. Since such amines are somewhat more basic than ammonia,
their nitrate salts are expected to be highly ionized and not "subject to
hydrolysis to any significant extent. Saturated, aliphatic functional groups
are also sufficiently insensitive to oxidation that their presence would not
be expected to compromise the stability of the mixture under normal handling
and storage conditions.
0 C O nO 3n+1
.2 (-) N22H444 4 + a(2n+4)N203
C N 2 nCO22 + (3n-- N2 + (4n+l) H20 [7]
2 4AC. Cranz, Leh'buch der Baltistik, Vol 2, J.Sp'inge' VerlLng, Berlin, 1926.
J. Corne., Theory of the Interior Ballistics of Guns pp .35-129, J.WiZey,
and Sons, New York, 1950.
I* E. Freedman, "BLAKE, a Ballistic Thermodynamic Code Based on TIGER,"
Proceeding of International Symposiwn on Gun Propellants, 1973.
"" 16
, 950
"CL 25%
E 900
1 I .
2. 3 4
Although not shown in the Figure, the calculations also indicate that
propellants formulated in accordance with equation [7] will have essentially
the same flame temperature and impetus regardless of the structure of the
amine used or of the value of n. Impetus is proportional to the pressure,
volume, and temperature of the product gases. It thus, follows that a
propellant that generates hotter gases, or gases with a lower average
molecular weight will produce h gher impetus values. The matter is
substantially more complex than wo ild bei inferred from this rather simple'
statement. One observes from the calculation that impetus values are strongly
dependent on water content. For the most part, the water is considered in the
calculation as in inert diluent so hat it would be reasonable to expect that
: . impetus decreases with increasing wvter content. A more critical inspection
of the data- reveals that not only is maximum impetus always obtained when the
mixture contains a slight excess of fuel, but that the fuel/oxidizer ratio at
" maximum impetus is also dependent an water content. One can assume' that a
decrease in oxidizer/fuel ratio ca ses a decrease in the average molecular
weight of the product gases because fuel-rich mixtures favor the production of
carbon monoxide and hydrogen, rat er than carbon dioxide and water (the
"water-gas" reaction), and thus, max mum impetus appears on the fuel rich side
"cf stoichiometry for these, as for almost all, propellants. This, however,
should not cause the location of t maximum impetus value in Figure 1 to be
water dependent. The water apparently plays a larger role than that of an
inert diluent, acting possibly as a heat. absorber and thus lowering the
temperature of the product gases, or possibly, that the water-gas equilibrium
is disturbed by the presence of additional water. The combination of these
various effects is neither readil; predicted nor easily explained.
B. Fuel Components
Mixtures of HAN with specific fuel's can be easily prepared since the
components are miscible in almost all proportions. Stoichiometry fixes the
oxidizer/fuel ratio but the water content is determined by the desired
properties of the mixture. A water content below 5% by weight is generally
not considered practical because the temperature range over which the mixture
will remain liquid will be too small. Virtually any amine can be use. as the
fuel source. Aromatic amines are not sufficiently reactive to be. seriously
considered and the quaternary ammonium salts have been found to be almost
totally unreactive in formulations of the HAN type. Heterocyclic amines could
potentially serve as fuels but have not been thoroughly investigated at this
time. The aliphatic amines, the basis of the. formulation described in
equation [7], hz.:e been investigated and are the fuels of choice at present.
These compounds for-s stable nitrate salts only if the molecular weight of the
amine is fairly low. As the number of carbon atoms in the aliphatic chain
increases, the salts !end to become thermally unstable, undergoing internal
oxidation-reduction and producing tars and heavy oils. There is no reason, a
prio'i, to restrict the presence of functional groups on the aliphatic
amine. In fact, a formulation containing the nitrate salt of triethanolamine
is currently in use. Equation [71 is, of course, not applicable if such
functional groups are F•tesent.
D.L. Kaplan, D.J. Emerson, P. Riley, and A.M. Kaplan, "Decomposition of Four
Ammonium Nitrate Propellants," NAT1CK/TR-83/045, U.S. Army Natick Research
and Development Center, Natick, MA, 1983.
. . .. ~ .. .' 4t . . . . . . ~ ~ ,~*****. % . . . . . . . . .
The required characteristics of propellants are determined by their
intended use and physical properties must be consistent with these
characteristics. The physical properties themselves, however, are determined
by the materials that comprise the formulation and cannot be changed unless
the formulation is changed. Thus, it becomes necessary to identify a specific
formulation before its physical properties can be described. Some general.
statements relevant to all HAN-based formulations can, however, be made. The
presence of the OH group in the hydroxylammonium cation will encourage
hydrogen bonding with the water present thus increasing the -structure" of the
mixture. This, in turn, should increase miscibility with water and discourage
crystallization at low temperature producing Instead, amorphous glasses, if
the temperature is low enough. A disadvantage associated with such hydrogen
bonding would be an increase in viscosity, a point to be seriously considered
if OH groups are also to be present in the aliphatic amines that comprise the
A. Experimental Studies
S4 I.- 0
o 160
140 -
100 I I I I- I I.
0 2 4 6 8 10 '12 14
• %..-" . ,o o °°.,.% %' - ' °' '... . a-.••. .' o. . .-o o..o .-... . o . . '. .. .. . . . . % -
appearing as an excellent approximation over the range of con.entrations
studied. In fact, initiation temperature is a function not of HAN, hut of
nitrate concentration, since propellants containing various aliphatic ammonium
.i!rate salts begin to decompose at precisely the same temperature as does HAN
of equal nitrate content', Ignition is more complex than reaction initiation
3ince the observation of self-sustaining reaction is also dependent on a
number of physical phenomena such as droplet concentration, residence time,
heat transfer, etc.
Z"N. Klein, F.J. Weinberg, and F.B. Cnrleton, "Ignition Phenomena in Energetic
Liquids," ARBRL-TR-02514, U.S. Army Ballistic Research Laboratory, Aberdeen
Proving Ground, MD, 1933. (AD B0?? 357L)
N.Ktein, "Liquid Propellant Ignititn Studiee," Proceedings of 20th JANNAF
Combustion Meeting, CPIA Pub. 383, Vol 1, p 473, 1983.
o. ....
oX•. - . .o2
.o.° ... . .. •. . . , ° . ,.••= . % "., , . , . , ° . ,-•.% .o , . .°., .• .•.°,. -
effects from those observed when the stimuli are delivered singly. IgnitLon
of propellant, by pulsed plasmas is currently being considered for use in a
liquid propellant gun 3 0 because it offers a number of advantages over other
techniques. Pressure, in the absence
of heating, does not induce reaction,
even at values greater than 700 MPa.
A second set of data, obtained with the small pressure vessel, is shown
in Figure 3 which presents the rate of gas evolution from a group of HAN-,
aliphatic ammonium nitrate (AAN) mixtures that differ only in the chemical
structure of the aliphatic amine used.
0 ! N .
30 - a HAN SIBAN
• o II/rJ.113AN
25- 2 -
O 11AF6'-D[AN
7)N. Klein, F.B. Carleton, and F.J. Weinberg, "Methods for Evaluation of
Ignition Stimuli for Liquid Propellants," Proceedings of 19th JANNAF
Combustion Meeting, CPIA Pub. 366, Vol 1, p5O5, 1982.
.3 C.A. Van Dijk, "Characterizationof'Hydroxylannonium Nitrate at Various
Pressures and Temperaturee," Geo- Cernters, Inc., Newton Upper Falls, MA,
'Rpt GC-TR-83-266, 1983.
.. ..-
.°'..--:..':. ": "i... ...-.- > --.-. •-. '. ..-.-... . .. .: .. . ,. .'. .
The mixtures used to obtain the Figure 3 data all are 11 Molar in nitrate
concentration, are stoichiometric, and consist of HAN,' water, and one of the
AAN salts that have the empirical formula C4 H1 2 N2 0 3 , of which eight exist. 3 2
The amines that produce these salts are listed in Table 4.
the reduction of the NO3 - ion. The residue from these early reactions is
substantially more acidic than is the starting material, indicating formation
o~f the hydronium ion as a reaction product. This is not surprising since the
nitrate concentration originally present is sufficient for total oxidation of
thu mixture which, of course, has not yet occurred.
,Both the acids and ketones are sufficiently unreactive that they can be
recovered as intermediate products.• When they finally become involved in the
reaction sequence, conditions are usually sufficiently severe that reaction
goes to compiezion and the only products obtained are N2 , C02 , and H2 0.
Tertiary amines cannot undergo deamination, although carbonium ions are
formed, and, early reaction products are instead the nitrosamines:
'If the sample is contained, so that the evolved gases can cause a
significant increase in pressure or, if the origintal sample container is at
elevated pressure, the reaction sequence continues and the final'coahustion
products are obtained. The mode of transition to the combustion phase and the
rate of gas evolution are dependent on the structure of the AAN salt used in
formulating the mixture since the nitrosamines aud their oxidation products,
the nitraminee, are much less stable than are carboxylic acids and ketones and
therefore decompose more readily. No build-up of intermediate products takes
place resulting in a smoother rate of gas generation without the "steps" seen
in the primary and secondary amine mixtures. This is clearly illustrated in
Figure 3, Analysis of chamber residue and comparison of observed and
calculated peak pressure both indicate that reaction proceeded to completion
in the mixture containing the tertiary ammonium salt. This was not the case
for the other mixtures,. 2
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.... ''.-'...v ~ .. "...: . . '•.-: -•.'...-.. .".".": " .-" ..'- .." '.-.'."....'. .- ...':..- "" '
A word of caution is in order regarding the use of thermodynamics for the
prediction of propellant performance. Since energy content is the same for
all of the mixtures shown in Figure. 3, thermochemical calculations predict no
difference in performance. The various thermochemical codes produce results
based only on' thermodynamics, kinetics of reaction not being considered. The
wright assigned to such results should, therefore, be kept in proper
perspective, to wit, negative findings bode badly for the system being
evaluated but favorable results give little or no indication that the system
will perform satisfactorily.
water being added to control the energy content and to create more acceptable
physical properties. This propellant is unique among the monopropellants in
that it contains no carbon. Normally, at stoichiometry, the only product
gases from combustion of a propellant containing carbon would be N2 , H2 0, and
C0 2 , with CO2 having, by far, the, highest molecular weight. Since impetus is
closely related to the average molecular weight of the product gases, it would
be expected that N2 H4 -N 2 H5 N03 -H 2 0 mixtures be very efficient in transferring
energy to a projectile. In addition, calculations indicated that these
mixtures would have unusually lcw flame temperatures thus improving gun
life. Unfortunately, the same mixture presented such poor performance with
regard to the rate of energy release, in addition to poor thermal stability
and extreme toxicity, that it could not be seriously considered.
Mention has been made of the fact that the HAN-based propellants do not
reect to completion unless pressurized. Thermal initiation temperature is the
safe storage and handling limit of the mixture, which is 120 C when water
content is approximately 20%. If the mixtures are stored and shipped in
" R.D. Dwiggins, H.M. Sternberg, and D. Bosco, "Investigations of Mixtures of
Hydrazins, Hydrazine Nitrate and Water,," NAVOR) Report 2787, Naval Ordnance
Laboratoriy, White Oak, M), 1953.
t.,J. Evans, F.I. Given, and D.G. Doran, "Ignition and Combustion Properties
of Liquid Monopropeltants," Report for Contract DA 0.:-20G-Of-320, Poutter
Labs, Stanfovd Research Institute, Menio'Park, CA, 1956.
35 "NozzeZ Erosion, Burning Characteri'stics, Covotuw and Impetus of Liquid
PropeZZants, " R'port on, Contract DA 11-022-OR-1157, Armour Research
Foundation, Chicago, IL, 1955.
3 6 S. Wise, G. Beichter, and J. Dykstra, "The Vulnerability of Hydrazine Based
Liuid Monopropellants When Attacked By a 3.5 IN M28A2 Heat Round," BRLMR
1006, Ballistic Research Laboratory, Aberdeen Proving Ground, AD, 1956.
(AD 101 031)
.. "..'.'.,
% • %",.,'•......
• ... '." • •,.." . ,..............."............ '......................................."..........
HAN-based propellants are ionic and contain both oxidizing and reducing
species. As would be expected, they react readily with a wide variety of
raterials many of which could find their way into the mixtures as
impurities. Of cardinal importance in this regard are the salts of the
transition metals, notably iron, copper, and nickel. The reactions of such
salts should not be confused with the reactions of the metals themselves,
although both are important. The effect of transit SQn metal ions on the
thermal stability vf HAN-AAN mixtures has been studied and, generally, the
presence of such impurities in low concentrations tends to lower the stability
of the mixture. The effects are quite complex, however, b havior being
dependent on the particular metal present. The ferric ion, Fe , acts as a
catalyst, lowering the activation energy required for initi tion of HAN
decom osition. The reactions observed are the reduction of Fe1+ to Fe2+ by
NH 3 OI, followed by oxidation of the Fe 2 + to Fe 3 + by N0 3 -. Reaction products
are N2 and N2 0 exclusively andreaction proceeds ac a constant rate until'
essentially all of the HAN is destroyed.
In the case of the cupric ion, Cu 2 +, both reaction mechanism and the
products obtained are drastically different. This transition metal ion does
not show catalytic action because, although Cu 2 + is reduced to Cu+ by NH3 OH+,
the complex iou• formed is not. reoxidized by N0 3 . Thus, reaction rate
decreases as Cu+ is depleted and decomposition would eventually stop. It
happens, however, that NO is a reaction product together with N2 and N2 0. The
N. Klein,. "Liquid Propellant Stability Studies," Proc. 15th IrcernationaZ
ICT Conference on Technology of P-opellants and High Explosives, 1984 (In
NO formed would be converted to NO2 by reaction with air and then 2 facilitate
decomposition of the mixture even as the adverse effect of the Cu + impurity
was decreasing by iLs removal.
In addition to reaction with the ions of the ttansition metals, the HAN-
based propellants react readily with the metals themselves and with many of
their alloys. When exposed to copper or brass, RAN solutions turn blue and a
brown gas is evolved, indicating the presence of NO2 . Reaction becomes more
vigorous as it continues, eventually resulting in fume-off. of the sample. In
.contrast, reaction of HAN with iron and many of the carbon steels produces a
colorless gas and a yellow-brown solution. Reaction does not accelerate and
eventually stops when essentially all of the HAN is depleted. The apparent
similarity of reaction with the metals and with their respective ions could be
deceptive since reaction mechanisms might be different.
A. 'Impetus:
B. Vulnerability:
C. Stability:
D. Toxicity:
E. Viscosity:
Since the liquids are homogeneous, mixing and blending operations become
almost trivial and, obviously, casting or extruding is non-existent. Savings
expected from the absence of these production steps should be considerable and
should mkte than compensate for the increased handling and shipping costs
"associated with maintaining purity and compositional integrity while handling
the propellant in bulk. The HAN-based mixtures contain no critical materials
and are produced from raw materials for which a well established production
base already exists.
1. W.J. Barr, E.J. Wilson, Jr., et al, "Liquid Fuel Catapult" Experimen.t
Inc., Richmond, VA,T.P.No.31, 1947.
4. B.A. Niemeier, D.L. Swanson, and H.B. Forney, "Liquid Propellant Small
Caliber Gun With Repetitive Fire," Experiment Inc., Richmond, VA, T.P.No
58, 1953.
5. W.F. Morrison, J.D. Knapton, and M.J. Bulman, "Liquid Propellant Guns,"
in Gun Propulsion Technology, L.Stiefel, ed., Progress in Aeronautics and
Astronautics Series, (in press).
6. T.M. Broxholm, L.C. Elmore, and W.H. Giedt, "Liquid Propellant Gun
Systems," Detroit Controls Corp., Redwood City, CA, RC No. 170, 1955.
8. Chem. and Eng. News, American Chemical Society, Washington, DC, Vol.
61, No. 18, p 11, 1983.
15. "Lange's Handbook of Chemistry," 12th ed., J.A. Dean, ed., pp 5-15,
Mc Graw Hill Book Co., New York, 1979.
16. R.A. Robinson and V.E. Bower, J. Phys. Chem., Vol,65, p 1279, 1961.
19. L.F. Audrieth and B.A. Ogg, The Chemistry of Hydrazine, J.Wiley Sons,
New York, 1951.
20. R.P. Seward, J. Am. Chem. Soc., Vol 77, p 905, 1955.
22. M. Berthelot and B. Andre, Compt. Rendues, Vol 110, p 830, 1890.
23. W.J. Cruice, "Classification o. Liquid Gan Propellants and Raw Materials
for Transportation and Storage," ARBRL-CR-00454, U.S.Army Ballistic,
Research Laboratory, Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD, 1981. (AD A1O0 729)
27. D.L. Kaplan, D.J. Emerson, P. Riley, and A.M. Kaplan, "Decomposition of
Four Ammonium Nitrate Propellants," NATICK/TR-83/045, U.S.Army Natick
Research and Delrelopment Center, Natick, MA, 1983.
30. N. Klein, F.B. Carleton, and F.J. Weinberg, "Methods for Evaluation of
Ignition -Stimuli for Liquid Propellants," Proceedings of 19th JANNAF
Combustion Meeting, CPIA Pub. 366, Vol 1, p505, 1982.
*.. "* ••••• .. '.•....-.. ' . .... r ..... ,"" .• . _.. ' .. '.' ', - ' .. •..• ,..•. .:.-..,..... . .... •.... .,• . •
33. R.D. Dwiggins, H.M. Sternberg, and D. Bosco, "Investigations of
Mixtures of Hydrazine, Hydrazine Nitrate and Water," NAVORD Report 2787,
Naval Ordnance Laboratory, White Oak, MD, 1953.
34. M.J. Evans, F.I. Given, and D.G. Doran, "Ignition and Combustion
Properties of Liquid Monopropellants," Report for Contract DA 04-200-ORD-
320, Poulter Labs, Stanford Research Institute, Menlo Park, CA, 1956.
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