AFWAL-TR-81-4097: Reference Document For The Analysis of Creep
AFWAL-TR-81-4097: Reference Document For The Analysis of Creep
AFWAL-TR-81-4097: Reference Document For The Analysis of Creep
Richard Rice
Battelle-Columbus Laboratories
505 King Avenue
Columbus, Ohio 43201
September 1981
L RE0 99_
APR 0..) 1991
914 08071
This technical report has been reviewed and is approved for publication.
T. D. Cooper, ief
Materials In rity Branch
Systems Support Division
Air Force Wright Aeronautical Laboratory
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17. DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT (of the abstract entered in Block 20, it different from Report)
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4.1 Intntrodutction
0 000.o6 00 0 0.a .*00 0 0... oo 69 00 0 0 0a0 00 00 6 .
0o 21
4.2 Objectives of Data~nlss................ 21
APPENDIX A............................................................. 38
(3) Log-Log Plots are used to graph observations drawn from a distribution
whose underlying density function is log normal, Weibull, or extreme
value. Data from these distributions will graph a straight line. An
example would be stress rupture life in hours as a function of stress.
GLOSSARY (concluded)
(8) Residual is the difference between the observed value and the corres-
ponding fitted or predicted value. Residuals are highly useful for
studying whether a given regression model is appropriate for the data at
hand. They can be used to locate areas of inconsistency in model
building. The sum of the residuals is zero.
bj = regression coefficients
f - degrees of freedom
h = heat index
m - thickness
LIST OF SYMBOLS (concluded)
t W time, hours
VB W between-heat variance
VT W total variance
Vw = within-heat variance
x M independent variable
y M dependent variable
turbines are developed from data not specifically generated to produce mathe-
matical models. The data, if excessive, raise costs; and if not sufficient,
decrease reliability. Often creep and stress rupture data are both excessive
and inefficient because the observations, although more than required, do not
adequately cover the temperature-life matrix. In practice, mathematical
models are derived and curves are drawn from those models. Product reliabil-
ity depends on the accuracy of these curves. To develop precise and accurate
models, a system of test planning for regression analysis is required. It is
the purpose herein to present one simplified method of experimental design
that will enable engineers to produce a more precise model at less cosL. The
production of the models is not covered in this section since it is discussed
in detail in Section 4.
2. From estimated log-log or Larson-Miller typical (average) life
plots select and record the stress expected to produce the column
life at the row temperature.
3. If no stress-temperature or time related interactions are
expected, some of the experiments can be omitted, so long as no
less than 20 experiments remain.
4. Omitted blocks must be selected randomly as follows:
a. Omit blocks of experiments in sets equal to the number of
temperatures In the model.
b. In each set, omit one observation from each temperature level
in the rows. (See the example given in Section 2.3.)
c. Do not omit more than one value in any life (hours) columns.
5. For small designs do not omit any of the corner experiments (in
the matrix).
6. If interactions are suspected or found, the entire matrix must be
completed (no omitted blocks are allowed).
7. Perform the experiments in random order, mixing temperatures,
machines, operators, heats, etc., to ensure that unaccounted for
(nuisance) variables are randomized.
8. Small differences in the experimental life obtained and the
estimated life are to be expected. Reset the stress levels and
readjust the matrix if an experimental life is off by more than
two columns from the estimate. All experimental results may be
used in the final regression.
Before the test matrix, as shown in Figure 2.1, can be formed, the
interval sizes must be selected, first for test temperatures, and then for
desired lifetimes.
(a) Temperature - A range of temperatures is usually required. For
example, if the test range is from 1000 F through 1500 F, the
basic question is: should tests be performed at six levels
(1000 F, 1100 F, 1200 F, 1300 F, 1400 F, 1500 F) or at three
levels (1000 F, 1300 F, 1500 F)? The decision can be quite
complicated and based on such considerations as:
(1) The expected spacing of the isothermal lines
(2) The likelihood of parallel or divergent isothermal lines
(3) Anticipated precipitation of secondary phases during the
life ranges of interest.
3 6 K)15 UB356 100116013201560 1000 F
w T6
(b) Life - A log life cycle should normally be divided into four
equal intervals. For example, between 100 hours and 1000 hours,
the divisions would be approximately 180, 320, and 560 hours on
the log scale.
These divisions are far enough apart to insure a well defined
curve and a minimum overlap of data. To convert from tempera-
ture and life desired to temperature and test stress requires
some prior knowledge of the time-temperature-life relation-
ship. If there is no prior knowledge, a series of "probe" tests
must be made to locate the isothermal lines on a log-log plot.
An example of an experimental design for the purpose of develop-
ing regression models is given in Section of Appendix A.
I °
Heat Label
Table 2.2 shows standard computations (see Reference 2-2) that par-
tition the total sum of squared deviations TSSD into two components: the
between-heat component, BSSD, and the within-heat component, WSSD. These com-
ponents are defined in algebraic terms, together with their associated compu-
tational formulas, as follows:
h 1( 2 h S /n h 12/h
h 2 Ih SI I I ni
i- i( .I (Jl=
h ni 2 h
WSSD I I (Xij - i - WSSDJ
im imll i )/i-
h ni 2 hhh
and TSSD I j-_ S, IS In
From the algebraic expressions, it is seen that the TSSD consists of the sum
of the squared differences between each observation xij (the jth observation
in the ith heat) and the mean taken over all observations, T.
In contrast, the WSSD is seen to consist of the sum of the squared
differences between each observation, within a given heat, xij, and the mean
for that heat, xi" These within-heat sums of squared deviations, WSSD i are
then summed over the h heats to obtain the final WSSD. The between-heat term,
BSSD, is obtained by summing the squared differences between the mean of each
heat xi and the overall mean x. These differences are weighted in accord
with the number of observations in each heat ni. An algebraic expansion of
these expressions shows that
The right-hand side of the defining expressions gives the conventional compu-
tational formulas, where the symbol Si denotes the sum of the observations in
the ith heat, and SSi denotes the sum of the squares of the observations in
0N 0%
a- ~ 4 4-
r- Les
1-4s ~ 0%-
"4 a, I- 1. *0
z W 0E 0
Z- C en 0 I.: IA
z0 Ei r -O
enr ,
s 'C 00 C0
eq I..~ VIN ..
w 0 1
C.N .
S C I .~ p8
the ith heat. The computational formulas are used to reduce round-off errors
in hand calculations.
Based on the totals shown in Table 2.2, it is seen that
WSSD - 0.244
Sum of Degrees
Squared of Mean
Deviations Freedom Square
Source of Variance SSD f SSD/f
Total 0.406 18 -
The components of variance are obtained from the mean squares as fol-
lows (see Reference 2.3). Let MSB and MSW denote the mean squares for the be-
tween-heat variation and the within-heat variation. Next, let W2 and 0
denote the components of variance for the between-heat and within-heat
variations. The expected value of MSW is given by a 2 , so that an estimate of
02 is equal t- 0.0163 for this example. The expected value of MSB is given by
2 n , where i is an "average" number of observations per heat and is
computed using
n 1[n, - ( ni /ni)]/(h-1)
n - (19-(99/19))/3 - 4.60
(1) When the heat-to-heat component of variance is less than 25 per-
cent of the within-heat variance, use at least two heats equally
for the sample sources.
(2) When the heat-to-heat component of variance is between 25-65
percent of the within-heat variance, use at least three heats
(3) When the heat-to-heat component of variance is greater than 65
percent of the within-heat variance, use at least five heats
For the sample set of data examined above in Tables 2.2 and 2.3, data on at
least three heats of material would be recommended by MIL-HDBK-5 for analysis
When regression models are developed from data that were not taken
from an experimental design, the heats are rarely chosen randomly. Therefore,
unless there are large quantities of data in all areas of the regression
matrix, this imbalance of heat sample sizes must be accounted for. The manner
in which this is done will not be covered here; one method is described in
Reference 2.4 and is also briefly reviewed in Appendix B.
2.4 Summary:
3.2 Detailed Uses for Data Generated and Correlative Information
3.3. Nature of Correlative Information to be Provided with Property Data
(2) Tensile property and fracture toughness data generated at
mill or elsewhere to assure that product conformed to
specification requirements
(3) Hardness
(3) Crack propagation data (da/dN) if available
e. Quality aspects
(3) Cleanliness rating data (AMS 2300, 2301)
(3) Macroetch rating
(2) Ultrasonic class to which product conforms if required
(AA, A, B)
(2) Radiographic rating, as applicable
(2) Eddy current rating, as applicable
f. Heat treatment
(1) Conducted by whom (producing mill, forge shop, user, etc.)
(1) Final heat treatment conducted on as-produced stock,
rough-machined stock, or finish-machined part
(2) In air, vacuum, inert gas, cracked gas, etc.
(2) Statement of time, temperature, quenching, tempering,
aging, etc., if not adequately covered elsewhere
(1) Sequence and nature of mechanical working if such is
associated with achieving desired heat treat condition
Information relating to specific products
(1) Results of any microstructural studies made on the
specific product tested, or on specimens from it
Aspects of melting and casting process used in producing
ingot from which final product is made (usually applies
only to iron-and titanium-base alloys)
(1) a. Melting process
(2) b. Number of remelt cycles, as applicable, especially if number
is abnormal
(3) c. Special aspects of melting and casting, if applicable (all
high purity melting stock; inert gas used over ESR slag
layer, etc.)
(3) d. Ingot size, especially if abnormal
(3) e. Conditioning of ingot surface, especially if abnormal
(2) a. Hammer, hydraulic press, HERF machine, ring
(1) b. Forging practice: Closed die, pot forging, hand (Smith)
forging, ring rolling, loose mandrel ring forging
(1) c. Forging stock used: Forging billet, forging ingot, powder
metallurgy preform
(3) d. Size of forging stock used
e. Out-of-the-ordinary aspects, as applicable:
(1) Low forging temperatures in HERF product (initial and
(2) Creep forging in superalloy dies
(2) Ausforming time-temperature sequence
(3) Time-temperature-percent reduction of powder metallurgy
(3) a. Size of press used
(1) b. Extrusion stock used: Billet, ingot, powder metallurgy
(3) c. Size of extrusion stock used
(2) d. Out-of-the-ordinary aspects, e.g., low or high reduction
Impact extrusion (impact forging, cold forging)
(3) a. Kind and size of press used (mechanical, hydraulic)
(2) b. Type of extrusion: forward, backward, forward and backward
(3) c. Shape and design of preform
(1) d. Stock used in fabricating preform
(3) e. Temperature of preform
(1) a. Process: green sand, baked sand, shell mold, plaster,
investment, etc.
(3) b. Type of cores used
(3) c. When available, location of gates and risers (as they can
affect properties in their vicinity)
(1) d. Whether casting was repair welded before final heat
treatment (very common), and if so where and how
(1) b. If specimen is from a casting, does it have as-cast surfaces
or was it machined all over
(1) c. If specimen represents a cast product, was the specimen cast
(1) d. Does the specimen retain some surfaces from the original
product, e.g., as forged and as-heat treated surface of a
die forging
(3) e. Sequence followed in rough machining, finish machining, and
heat treatment
(1) Sequence and nature of mechanical working if such is
associated with achieving desired heat treat condition
Information relating to specific products
(1) Results of any microstructural studies made on the specific
product tested, or on specimens from it
Aspects of melting and casting process used in producing
ingot from which final product is made (usually applies
only to iron-and titanium-base alloys)
(1) a. Melting process
(2) b. Number of remelt cycles, as applicable, especially if number
is abnormal
(3) c. Special aspects of melting and casting, if applicable (all
high purity melting stock; inert gas used over ESR slag
layer, etc.)
(3) d. Ingot size. especially if abnormal
(3) e. Conditioning of ingot surface, especially if abnormal
(1) f. Heat treatment practice followed, if such was conducted on
the machining blank or on the finished specimen, thickness
of blank heat treated
(3) g. Heat treat oxide left on or removed; if removed, how was it
(1) h. Identity of any surface-finishing processes used, and
surfaces on specimen so affected: Dissolving
surface-damaged layer in beryllium; peening (specification
used and practice followed)
(2) i. NDT of finished specimen, including radiographic quality of
Specimen proper
(1) a. Basic design and dimensional tolerances
(1) b. Location of specimen in product, including orientation with
respect to grain flow and with respect to weld direction
(1) c. Notch orientation with respect to L, LT, and ST directions
(2) d. Precracking practice
(1) e. Sequence of precracking and heat treatment.
Powder metallurgy end product
(2) a. Powder production method
(3) b. Powder size and, if applicable, shape characteristics
(3) c. Pressing method (axial ram-type, isostatic, hot or cold,
pressure, time)
(3) d. Sintering temperature, time, and atmosphere
(3) e. Special aspects, e.g., use of activators with powder
(3) f. Pressing and sintering practice: pressures, atmospheres,
density as pressed, sintering time-temperature-atmosphere,
density after sintering
(1) a. Process: TIG, MIG, EB, coated-electrode, etc.
(2) b. Weld face preparation
(1) c. Filler metal used: kind, size, procurement spec.
(2) d. Practice: number of passes, preheat, interpass temperature,
postheat, amperage, voltage, type current, limitation on
joules per inch, etc.
(1) e. Heat treat condition: as welded, reheat treated, etc.
Identity of stock from which specimens were machined
(1) a. Virgin product, e.g., plate as produced by the mill
(2) b. Product subject to prior testing, e.g., tests on a
field-retired part, or on a statically tested forging
(1) a. If applicable, identity of any nontraditional (non-
mechanical) machining process used, such as EDH
(electrical discharge machining) or ECG (electrochemical
grinding). Some of these processes, such as EDM, may
alter test surfaces significantly
(1) b. If specimen is from a casting, does it have as-cast surfaces
or was it machined all over
(1) c. If specimen represents a cast product, was the specimen cast
(1) d. Does the specimen retain some surfaces from the original
product, e.g., as forged and as-heat treated surface of a
die forging
(3) e. Sequence followed in rough machining, finish machining, and
heat treatment
(1) f. Heat treatment practice followed, if such was conducted on
the machining blank or on the finished specimen, thickness
of blank heat treated
(3) g. Heat treat oxide left on or removed; if removed, how was it
(1) h. Identity of any surface-finishing processes used, and
surfaces on specimen so affected: Dissolving surface-
damaged layer in beryllium; peening (specification used
and practice followed)
(2) i. NDT of finished specimen, including radiographic quality of
Specimen proper
(1) a. Basic design and dimensional tolerances
(1) b. Location of specimen in product, including orientation with
respect to grain flow and with respect to weld direction
(1) c. Notch orientation with respect to L, LT, and ST directions
(2) d. Precracking practice
(1) e. Sequence of precracking and heat treatment.
4.1 Introduction
highest variability.* Least squares regression minimizes the sum of the
squares of the differences between observed and predicted logarithms of
life. The analysis must minimize fitting error to ensure that predicted lives
lie in the central part of the envelope of the observed data over the range of
test conditions.
Once the equation is obtained, it may be used to predict the stress
to obtain a given life at a given temperature, or to predict the temperature
to obtain a given life at a given stress. Either prediction can include
appropriate statistical limits.
A second objective is to present the results in a form having high
utility to the users-especially those in design engineering. In addition to
graphs of the relationship, the results may be presented in the form of equa-
tions allowing predictions of probable creep or stress rupture life at any
condition of design interest.
Any limitations on the range of applicability of published equations
can be indicated on associated graphs by terminating the curves at the limit
of applicability. Equations made available by publication or storage in com-
puter programs require a definition of circumscribing limits, for example,
stress and temperature limits on reliable extrapolation.
A third objective is to use the results of the analysis to improve
the data mix to be obtained in the same or subsequent experiments. Principal
interest lies in identifying test conditions which will optimally determine
curve shape. Test conditions most frequently lacking in a creep or stress
rupture analysis are those resulting in long lives. Other test conditions can
frequently be found where cost-effective contributions to curve shape deter-
mination can be made.
4.3 Guiding Principles
A few words are in order about the recommendation to use a cubic log
stress function in the screening equations. A cubic equation implies a sig-
moidal shape on a logarithmic plot, and is usually concave downward at high
stress and concave upward at low stress (the coefficient of the cubic term is
negative). The high-stress curvature is needed in order for the equation to
approach the ultimate tensile strength at reasonably short life and is
generally accepted as valid. The curvature at the low stress end is ques-
tioned; some highly qualified observers favor an asymptotically linear curve
in this region or even one with concave-downward curvature. With typical air-
craft engine alloys the cubic representation is generally successful.
The inflection point of cubic analyses, where the curve is nearly
straight, occurs near the low-stress limit of typical sets of data. Such data
will not provide sufficient information to allow selection between the cubic
and other curve shapes essentially linear in the low-stress region. This lack
of definition is especially severe if long-time data are excluded from the
analysis in order to test extrapolation capability. Relatively few data sets
clearly show the existence of an inflection point; most show only a tendency
toward linearity in this region. The use of the cubic may provide unconserva-
tive predictions with extrapolations greater than a decade toward longer creep
or stress rupture lives if the linear or concave-downward assumption is really
correct and data are simply not available to demonstrate this trend. The
cubic is normally acceptable for moderate extrapolation, however.
One method that can be used to improve the fit is to use a double
cubic, or cubic spline fit, in log stress to allow different curvatures at
high and low stresses. The selection of the location of the knot (or value of
log stress where the two cubic equations join) is arbitrary, but not generally
cricical. Frequently the log stress value from the mid-range of the data is
effective. When a cubic spline fit is used, both cubic coefficients for the
equation of the line should be negative.
Analysis of data covering a limited range of stress will occasionally
determine a positive coefficient of the cubic term in the parametric equa-
tions. This effect can be caused by unusual experimental error in a few data
points strategically located to affect curve shape, and is not considered to
represent a true relationship between stress and life. The following steps
should force the coefficient of the cubic term to be negative. First, elimin-
ate the second order term in log stress. Second, by inspection of a log-log
plot of the data, select a reasonable stress for the inflection of the
curves. Divide all stresses by the value of the inflection stress before
taking logarithms. This will force the inflection to the selected stress and
allow the data to determine the curve shape under this restraint.
If insufficient high-stress data exist to determine curve shape,
ultimate tensile strength data may be entered as rupture data at a short time,
such as 0.01 hour, to control extrapolation in short times. Since the curve
is extremely flat in the region of ultimate strength, the time assigned to
these entries is not critical.
Runouts, or tests not run to completion for any reason, can be used
in two ways. The first is to treat the data as censored and use a computer
program which calculates the maximum likelihood relationship between the vari-
ables. This method is rather cumbersome, however, and tends to underestimate
the standard error. Therefore it should generally be avoided. The method
found more suitable, though less rigorous, is to include in a second regres-
sion only those runout data that lie above the curve calculated for completed
tests (valid failures). It is reasonable to asswne that runouts below the
curve for valid failures contribute little to the determination of curve
shape, while the inclusion as failures of those above the curve will tend to
raise the curve where they occur. While not proven, this approach is consid-
ered to give conservative results on the average.
The use of higher order polynomials should be avoided because of
their typically very poor extrapolative characteristics. When interaction
terms between auxiliary variables are needed, these should generally be formed
by multiplying the auxiliary variable by one of the stress or temperature
terms already in the equation, thereby keeping the curve shape as simple as
The usual temperature term is either linear, or the reciprocal of
absolute temperature. If it is necessary to improve the fit with temperature,
other powers than I or -1 can be used to give a simple curve shape with lower
error. If the optimum exponent appears to be close to zero, the logarithm of
temperature is suggested since very small exponents cause roundoff errors in
computer calculations.
y -y i ij-X )
2 3
S 2 3
) +
y -y a b (T-L-)+b (T- ) +b (X -!E b (- 2E) (4.1)
1 T T 2 T T 3 T -T)+ 4 -- ) (4.1
y -y - bIX 1 + b2X 2 + b3 X3 + b4 X4
where X - log stress and the subscripted X's have an average value of zero.
The bis are the regression coefficients. The sum of squares of the deviations
(or sum of squares error) of observed y from predicted y is
SSE - (y -2- 1
bIX 1 - b2X2 - b3X3 - b4 X4 ) (4.2)
The solution for the values of bi can be obtained by setting the de-
rivative of the last equation with respect to each bi equal to zero, and
obtaining a set of equations called the normal equations. For the example
given in Equation 4.1 these are:
SIX (y-y)J - b Z X 1 + b2 Z X1X 2 + b3 X1X 3 + b4 XX
The summations on the right side of these equations form the X matrix
which can be inverted to provide a solution for the bi's; the solution mini-
mizes the SSE, independent of the form of the distribution of error in y.
A more accurate solution can be obtained if, before inversion, the X
matrix is first converted to the correlation matrix. In the correlation
matrix all entries on the principal diagonal are 1, and the off-diagonal
entries are between -1 and +1. the Inverse of the correlation matrix can be
converted to the inverse of the X matrix without significant loss of accuracy.
With this approach and occasional rewriting of variables to reduce
correlation among the "independent" variables, it is normally not necessary to
use double precision or complete orthogonalization of the independent
variables to obtain good results.
It is generally not possible to identify suspect data until at least
a preliminary curve is obtained, either graphically or by regression. Any
data unusually distant from this curve, called outliers, are suspect. If re-
view of the original test record indicates any serious question as to their
validity, the data should be removed from further analysis.
Data may also appear to be outliers because of the selection of the
wrong model for the analysis. However, if unusual deviations occur for
several customary curve fits, the data may be deleted even if no experimental
cause is found. This is a judgment decision. Although there is a certain
probability of valid outliers, inclusion of outliers can cause the prediction
for the material to be in error. The reasons for any deletions should be made
a part of the record of the analysis.
The R2 static, or coefficient of multiple determination is also
useful in evaluating the quality of a regression fit. Lipson and Sheth (2-2)
provide a clear definition of this statistic and its uses.
Yhjyh i (lbiCXij-Xih) (4.4)
where h is the index of the heat to which it belongs, and Yhj is the predicted
value of log life for a specific heat. The heat separation results are iden-
tical to those obtained with the use of dummy variables, but are more pre-
cisely and efficiently determined. Including tensile data as very short-time
stress rupture data has only a minor effect on determiningthe differences be-
tween heats since all data are used for this purpose.
When the method of heat separation is used, the sum of squares mini-
mized by regression is based on the differences between observed values and
the predicted values of log life for each heat. Variability between heats is
accounted for, and an average constant for the material is calculated, by
additional operations (described below) on the values of
Chh - (b 'i h )
analyzed together without regard to heat, specification point data can sig-
nificantly distort curve shape.
The analysis by heat separation techniques gives an equation with a
separate constant term for each heat and a set of common coefficients. The
relationship between the constant terms represents the relationship between
the logarithm of life among the heats at any test condition. When the heats
included in the analysis were not preselected for any particular characteris-
tic, the constants may be considered to be a random sample from the population
of all heats, and are assumed to have a normal distribution. When sufficient
heats are present, a good measure of between-heat variance may be obtained.
The next step is to determine the constant for the material. It
obviously should be based on some average of the constants for the individual
heats. One way to do this is a simple arithmetic average of the heat con-
stants. This is correct only when the between-heat variability is much larger
than the within-heat variability. The second approach is to weight each heat
constant by the number of data points in that heat. This procedure is correct
only when the between-heat variability is much smaller than the within-heat
variability. The heat separation method includes these two approaches as
extreme cases and also correctly treats the more usual case where the between-
and within-heat variabilities are of the same order of magnitude. Logically
consistent between-heat variance is calculated at the same time as the average
equation (material) constant.
Mandel and Paule (2-1) studied the situation where several labora-
tories measure a given property, but do not each make the same number of mea-
surements. A mathematically simple iterative procedure was reported for
estimating the "best" single value to represent the property, and of the be-
tween-laboratory variance. Creep or stress rupture data can be made to fit
Handel and Paule's model if "heats" (or other subsets of data) are substituted
for "laboratories," "heat constants" for the "average property value from each
laboratory," and the "square of the standard error from the regression" for
the "pooled within-laboratory variance." A short paraphrase of this analysis
is presented in Appendix B. Applied to creep or stress rupture data, the
method is simple, iterates quickly, and gives results which stand up well to
engineering inspection.
A batch program in a version of FORTRAN is recommended when data are
retrieved from a data storage system or large amounts of data are supplied on
punched cards. Several standard analysis packages are available. These
include Statistical Analysis System (SAS) and Biomedical Computer Programs
It is recommended that a standard version of a batch program perform
the analysis of the screening equations described previously. The batch
program should be capable of operating on these screening equations with or
without additional terms in auxiliary variables, or even with completely non-
standard equations. The minimum output should include the standard error of
estimate, the coefficients with their standard errors, and a table of pre-
dicted average lives for each heat and the average material curve. Some
analysts may also wish to define a lower level tolerance bound on the average
curve. Two plots of the data (coded by heat) should be generated, one with
curves for all equations on isothermal plots and another with all isotherms on
a single plot for the equation with the smallest standard error. Isothermal
deviation plots should also be produced for this equation. The table of aver-
age deviations for five cells of predicted lives for each temperature can be
printed for each equation. These recommendations reflect experience in
obtaining the minimum necessary information in a labor-efficient manner with-
out overwhelming the analyst with both paper and information.
and in comparison with the data at 700 C from the other heats. The remaining
78 points from five heats were used in the analysis.
Separate analyses of each heat using a Larson-Miller equation with a
cubic function of the logarithm of stress had a pooled standard error of
0.092, an adequate measure of experimental error. Only one of these
individual heat analyses resulted in an equation with acceptable extrapolative
A plot of the data shows that the logarithm of time is approximately
linearly related to the logarithm of stress, which may account for the unac-
ceptable extrapolation of the cubic fits. The plot also shows a systematic
variation in the relationship between heats. Although this indicates that the
individual heat curves are not parallel, the. assumption of parallelism was re-
tained since it was expected to produce a reasonable curve for average
The first step taken to arrive at the final equation was to use a
Larson-Miller equation that was linear in the logarithm of stress. The tem-
perature exponent was adjusted from -1 to -0.1. Finally an exponential term
of the form exp [A • (T-1202) 2]/a , was added with T in degrees F and a in
MPa. The within-heat standard error of the final equation is 0.127. The
square root of the total variance is 0.175.
The final within-heat standard error is higher than the pooled stan-
dard error of the individual heat analyses (0.092) largely because of non-
parallelism of the five heats tested. Two heats, AE and AF, fell above the
average curve except at low stress and high temperature. The other three
heats behaved generally in the opposite manner.
Figure 4.1 shows the data plotted as solid symbols for heats AAE and
AAF and open symbols for the other heats. The curve for average material is
also shown, extrapolated to 10 5
hrs. Its equation is
logt-b 1b
° + b/T0 log
+ b2 loaT /T0 1
200* *
U -25
50 C5
00 C))2
0 AA 5
310 102 4o5
Rupture Life, hours
A better analysis could have been performed on the two groups of
heats separately, with considerably less lack of parallelism in each case, but
this was not done because two or three heats are insufficient to accurately
determine between-heat variance, and because there was no way to describe the
subpopulation of heats to which each analysis would belong.
The exponential term in the equation represents an effect centered at
1202 F (650 C). This temperature was determined from the data upon itera-
tion. It may be coincidence that 1202 F is also the center of the temperature
range in which carbide precipitation and intergranular corrosion occur in this
material, although the negative exponential term may be reflecting such a
The statistical significance of the variation between heats under the
assumption of parallelism is very high. The ratio of between-heat and within-
heat mean squares is 11.6 with 4 and 70 degrees of freedom, and is significant
with greater than 99.9 percent confidence. These data result in a somewhat
unsatisfactory analysis in the absence of information about the differences
between the two groups of heats (and the sixth heat which was not included in
the analysis). The method of heat separation, however, can be expected to
approach the true rupture relationship better than the simpler approach of
analyzing all data as one population irrespective of heat, especially with
only some of the heats being tested at some conditions of stress and temper-
ature. The lack of parallelism did cause the standard error to increase, and
consequently the prediction limits to expand, so as to compensate at least
partially for this defect in the model.
4.9 Summary
2-1 Myers, R., Response Surface Methodology, Library of Congress Catalog No.
71-125611, 1976.
2-2 Hald, A., Statistical Theory With Engineering Applications, John Wiley &
Sons, Inc., 1952 (See Chapter 9, Table 16.4, Table 16.5, p. 426).
4-1 Draper, N. R. and Smith, H., Applied Regression Analysis, John Wiley &
Sons, Inc., 1966.
October, 1979
9.3.6 Creep and Creep-Rupture Data
general, deformation is much larger than that developed during a
creep test.
Stress Rupture Test - A stress-rupture test is one in which time for
rupture is measured, no deformation measurement being made during the
Total Strain - The total strain at any given time, including initial
loading strain (which may include plastic strain in addition to elas-
tic strain) and creep strain, but not including thermal expansion.
Loading Strain - Loading strain is the change in strain during the
time Interval from the start of loading to the instant of fill-load
application, sometimes called initial strain.
Plastic Strain During Loading - Plastic strain during loading is the
portion of the strain during loading determined as the offset from
the linear portion to the end of a stress-strain curve made during
load application.
Creep-Strain - The time-dependent part of the strain resulting from
stress, excluding initial loading strain and thermal expansion.
Total Plastic Strain - Total plastic strain at a specified time is
equal to the sum of plastic strain during loading plus creep.
Creep Stress - The constant load divided by the original cross-
sectional area of the specimen.
Elapsed Time - The time interval from application of the creep stress
to a specified observation.
Creep Rupture Strength - The stress that will cause fracture in a
creep test at a given time, in a specified constant environment.
Note: This is sometimes referred to as the stress-rupture strength.
Creep Strength - The stress that causes a given creep in a creep test
at a given time in a specified constant environment.
Rate of Creep - The slope of the creep-time curve at a given time
determined from a Cartesian plot.
Creep-Rupture Curve - The results of material tests under constant
load and temperature; usually plotted as strain versus time to
rupture. A typical plot of creep-rupture data is shown in Figure The strain indicated in this curve Includes both the
initial deformation due to loading and the plastic strain due to
' -Rupture
"'"-Tronsition point
Slope: minimum creep rate
Creep intercept
''"Deformation due to loading
Time, hours
40 Data Generation - The following paragraphs provide guide-
lines on testing methods and designing an experimental matrix for developing
creep and creep-rupture data.
Test Methods - Test methods must conform to ASTM E-139. However, it
is recognized that this standard allows considerable latitude in
procedures such that both the level and scatter of results can be
significantly affected.
In case of significant difference in results from different testing
sources, the following should be evaluated:
Material Condition (see Section
Specimen Dimensions and Configuration (geometry effect)
Specimen Surface Preparation (residual stresses)
Specimen Alignment (concentricity, fixturing, load train, and loading
Temperature Control (number, type, and location of sensors, reference
junction temperature control, monitoring and recording)
Extensometers (type, fixturing, and recording)
Strain Recording (records inelastic strain on loading and creates a
record that can be evaluated for test stability)
Documentation (testing procedures)
General Laboratory Conditions, Personnel Qualifications, Calibration
The submittor of a proposal should be prepared to provide documenta-
tion sufficient to permit a comparative evaluation of data. Inability to do
so may cause the rejection of some of the associated data or the entire
Design of Experiments - A design of experiments approach to creep
data development is highly recommended because it provides the maximum amount
of useful data for the least expenditure of time and testing funds. If such
an approach is not used, it is quite likely that several times as many test
data will not serve as well in developing the desired mathematical models of
creep behavior as data developed through design of experiments. This section
is devoted to a description of the design of experiments approach which can be
used to develop regression models to mathematically portray creep rupture life
and creep as a function of temperature and stress.
One method for planning testing is to develop a test layout in matrix
form with temperatures in rows and expected creep lives in columns. Then
through testing, simply fill out" the blocks within the matrix. There should
be a minimum of eight observations per isothermal line or twenty observations
per Larson-Miller or other regression model. This ensures coverage of all of
the conditions of interest. Further explanation of this method, by way of an
example, is provided in Section
Choosing the Number of Temperatures and Life Intervals - Before the
test matrix can be formed, the interval sizes must be considered, first for
temperature and then life.
(a) Temperature - A range of temperatures is usually required. For
example, if the experiments must range from 1000 F through
1500 F, a choice must be made whether to perform tests at six
levels (1000 F, 1100 F, 1200 F, 1300 F, 1400 F, 1500 F) or maybe
at three levels (1000 F, 1300 F, 1500 F). The decision for this
can be quite complicated and based on such phenomena as:
(1) The relative closeness of the isothermal lines
(2) Parallel or divergent isothermal lines
(3) The precipitation of secondary phases within the life ranges of
However, this selection can be greatly simplified with very little
user risk. Start with the lowest temperature and then choose the
next temperature line such that at least one level of testing stress,
on the log stress - log life plot, will be common to both tempera-
tures. Then, proceed to the next temperature line, etc., ensuring
like stress values on adjacent temperature levels.
(b) Life - Divide a log-life cycle into four equidistant segments.
For example, between 100 hours and 1000 hours, the division
would be approximately 180 hours, 320 hours, and 560 hours on
the log-life scale. These divisions are far enough apart to
insure a well-defined curve and a minimum overlap of data. To
convert from temperature and life desired to temperature and
test stress requires that there be some prior knowledge of this
relationship. If there is not prior knowledge, a series of
"probe" tests must be made to locate the isothermal lines on a
log-log plot.
Choosing the Number of Heats - Batch variations in chemistry, heat
treating, etc., can cause considerable variations in the mechanical properties
of an alloy. This difference is referred to as the heat-to-heat component as
opposed to the within-heat components of variance. * Heat-to-heat standard
deviation is usually 50-70 percent of the within-heat standard deviation. The
root sum square of the two components of variance produce a measure of scatter
about the regression that when added to the curve fitting error gives the re-
gression parameter called the SEE (Standard Error of Estimate). The SEE is a
product of the regression analysis; it is rarely determined as defined above.
It is this parameter which fixes the design minimums about the regression
estimates of the typical or mean values.
To make a mathematically sound decision on the minimum number of
heats that should be used in a given analysis, it is necessary that an esti-
mate of heat-to-heat and within-heat variance be known. This can usually be
estimated from like alloys, or calculated from development data. Simulation
has shown the following minimum number of heats to be satisfactory:
(1) When the heat-to-heat component of variance is less than 25
percent of the within-heat variance, use two heats equally for
the sample sources.
(2) When the heat-to-heat component of variance is between 25-65
percent of the within-heat variance, use three heats equally.
(3) When the heat-to-heat component of variance is greater than 65
percent of the within-heat variance, use five heats equally.
Heats should be distributed randomly and essentially equally throughout the
test matrix to ensure an unbiased heat distribution.
*The within heat variance is the pooled variability of data from all heats,
where the variability for each heat is calculated about its own average
regression line. The heat-to-heat variance is calculated from the vari-
ability of each heat's average regression line about the overall average
regression line of all heats. All heat average curves are assumed to be
parallel in log life.
When regression models are developed from data that were not taken
from an experimental model, the heats are rarely chosen randomly. Therefore,
unless there are large samples of data in all areas of the regression matrix,
this imbalance of heat sample sizes must be accounted for as described in
Section The order of testing must also be randomized so that
anytime-oriented, operator-oriented, or machine-oriented effects are randomly
distributed within the test matrix as described in Reference
data. Some materials exhibit such low elongation in certain time-temperature
regions that normally reasonable values of design creep strain cannot be
achieved without risk of fracture.
The interpretation of creep and rupture data should also include the
variables that are reflected in the background data reporting requirements
(discussed in the next subsection). Depending on the information content of
the data and the type of variable, it may be desirable to develop a series of
equations or to include additional physical variables in the regression
analysis. The proposal should demonstrate that these additional variables
have been evaluated and appropriately treated in the analysis.
The individual interpreting the data should also take note of the
following special types of data, and consider the following recommendations on
their use:
Specification Data - Virtually all alloys used for high-temperature
applications are controlled and purchased by a process control vari-
able generally called the "spec point." Therefore, there will often
be large quantities of data available from quality control data re-
cords at the specification condition. The data will contain many
heats and serve as an excellent measurement source in regression
equations of what is referred to as "scatter." Therefore, in regres-
sion modeling, specification data are often the major source of the
scatter measurements. The slope measurements must come from the ex-
perimental design matrix.
Specification data can also be used to (1) determine through
analysis-of-variance techniques the fractions of the scatter due to
heat-to-heat variations, etc., (2) determine through distribution
analysis if the data are normal, log normal, etc., and (3) find out,
if it is not normal, what transformation is required.
Outliers - These can be excluded only if the tests are demonstrably
invalid or if the effect on the equation and the statistical param-
eters is unreasonable. Since the exclusion of outliers normally in-
volves a certain degree of judgement, it should only be done by a
knowledgeable and experienced individual.
Discontinued Tests - These can be included if longer lived, or ex-
cluded if shorter lived, than the average life of the data subset
(lot, section thickness, etc.) to which they belong. (Also, see
censored distributions in Section on Data Analysis
Stepped-Tests - If the load on the specimen had been increased or
decreased after the initial loading, this test result shall be
Truncating Data - Certain equations, notably the parametrics, are
often unable to properly represent a mix of shorter and longer time
data; these equations can severely over-predict creep and rupture
lives less than ten to thirty hours. Similarly a preponderance of
short time data can cause longer lives to be over-predicted. Elimin-
ating such data requires truncating the data (or subset): this is
done by removing all data above (or below) a fixed stress level, even
though normally acceptable data are excluded.
Background Data Reporting - The significance and reliability of creep
data generated at elevated temperatures for heat-resistant alloys are, to a
major extent, a function of detailed factors which relate to the material, its
processing, and its testing. Hence it is necessary to evaluate not only the
property data, but also correlative information concerning these factors.
It is not possible to specify the individual items of correlation in-
formation, or the minimum thereof, which must be provided with elevated tem-
perature property data to make those data properly meaningful. Individual
alloy systems, individual product forms, and individual testing practices can
all be quite unique with regard to associated information which should be pro-
vided with the data. A certain minimum amount of information is required for
all data, including:
(1) Identity of alloy
(2) Chemical composition of the specific material tested
(3) Form of product (sheet, forging, etc.)
(4) Heat treatment condition
(5) Producer(s)
(6) Specification to which the product was produced
(7) Date when part was made.
Lack of such information is a sufficient basis for rejection of a particular
data set.
In addition, it is vital that the individual submitting data consider
those factors which contribute to the uniqueness of the alloy, the processing,
and/or the testing, and give thought to information which is pertinent to that
uniqueness. Thus, grain size can be a significant variable not only between
cast turbine blades but within a single blade; thermomechanical working pro-
cesses may result in significar' 'y different properties (not only higher, but
lower as well); and test specimen design can affect resultant data. It is
mandatory that knowledgeable personnel be involved when data are submitted for
evaluation and potential use. Any correlative data that can be provided will
aid the analyst in identifying valid reasons for rejection of data which may
not fit the trends of the other data (outliers). Such apparent outliers may be
indicated through the analysis of between-heat variance as described in
These examples illustrate the need for adequate information:
(1) Creep-rupture specimens are being machined from cast high-
strength nickel-base alloy turbine blades. At center span
location, specimens are 0.070 to 0.090 inch diameter, while at
the trailing edge specimens are flat and 0.020 inch thick. The
flat specimens are typically about one Larson-Miller parameter
weaker than the round specimens, which is attributable both to
the thickness effects of the thin specimens and to the finer
grain size at the trailing edge. In addition, the trailing edge
specimens exhibit more scatter. Hence, the availability of
associated information is vital when considering data from
specimens machined from cast turbine blades.
(2) Comparison of the creep-rupture properties of Waspaloy and
Superwaspaloy shows that the latter is much weaker at temper-
atures approaching the upper bounds of utility of the alloy.
The significantly lower properties at higher temperatures are
attributed to a finer grain size of the Superwaspaloy and also
to a recovery process that may well be occurring at these tem-
peratures. This alloy is subjected to extensive thermome-
chanical working, and some of the strengthening gained by the
associated warm working is lost at the higher testing tempera-
tures. This effect clearly indicates that processing history
significantly affects the levels of mechanical properties and
hence must be adequately documented when property data are
variables may occur as discrete subsets that require modifying the regression
analysis (this is discussed under Subsets of Data). In such cases, it may be
necessary to group the data per subset for data reporting if the regression
analysis cannot easily accommodate the observed subsets.
Selection of Equations - For iso-strain and rupture time, as a func-
tion of stress and temperature, a number of relationships have been proposed.
Some useful ones are:
not recommended) so other general equations must be checked for unusual behav-
ior beyond the data - this can be done in many cases by differentiating to ob-
tain maxima and minima. In general, short times should give strengths approx-
imately corresponding to tensile yield and ultimate strength; zero stress
should predict infinite life.
Metallurgical instabilities and transition regions may present diffi-
culties in some analyses. Methods for handling such problems have been dis-
cussed by L. H. Sjodahl in a paper, "A Comprehensive Method of Rupture Data
Analysis With Simplified Models", published in Reference
Optimum Fit - Guidelines for an optimum fit are:
(1) A minimum number of terms. With two independent variables
(a, T), six regression variables are reasonable, with each
additional physical variable allowing two additional regression
(2) Reasonable curve characteristics for material behavior,
including extrapolation.
(3) Minimum standard error and maximum correlation coefficient (as
long as I and 2 are not violated). Standard errors are
typically between 0.1 and 0.2.
(4) Uniform deviations (see a later paragraph on Weights for a brief
discussion of nonuniform deviations and their analytical
Subsets of Data - A nonnormal or multi-modal population, or an
excessive standard error may indicate the presence of subsets. However, an
apparently typical data set may contain subsets that should receive special
One type can be treated by adding physical variables to the regres-
sion analysis. For example, different thicknesses of sheet material may give
different average lives. Including sheet thickness in the regression should
not only improve the fit but also avoid the risk of misrepresenting the behav-
ior of the material. Section thickness, distance from surface, and grain
size, are other examples of subsets that can be treated as regression varia-
bles. Section thickness and distance from surface refer to the location of
the specimen in terms of the geometry of the original material, e.g., finish
work thickness, final heat treat thickness, etc. .
A second type is not typically subject to use as a regression vari-
able. Examples of these are orientation (L, LT, and ST), or different heats
(chemistry). A decision must be made whether to treat these as unique subsets
to be analyzed separately (if properties are different) or as randomly dis-
tributed subsets. Orientation will usually be analyzed separately while heats
will usually be randomly distributed subsets.
The theory of the treatment of randomly distributed subsets has been
developed in Reference while the application to lots of material
(actually "heats" based on chemistry) is considered in a paper by L. H.
Sjodahl in Reference Treating subsets as random affects the calcula-
tion of both the average curve and the standard error. While the effect on
the standard error may become insignificant as the number of subsets exceeds
ten (depending on the relative contribution to the total standard error), the
effect on the trend of the calculated average remains. Lots whose average
lives are uniformly displaced (parallel) in logarithm of life, or are not sig-
nificantly nonparallel, are discussed by L. H. Sjodahl in Reference
There is no known published reference for treating nonparallel lots. The data
permitting, individual lots can be fitted, the within-lot variances pooled,
and the average and variance of lot averages calculated for selected stress-
temperature combinations. After calculating the total variance and the desired
lower level tolerance limit* (X - ks) at each stress level curves can be drawn
and, if desired, equations be fit to the X's and (X - ks)'s. It should be
noted that the equation for (X - ks) is not likely to properly reflect uncer-
tainty in coefficients that would be obtained by normal fitting procedures.
Alternatively, all the data for nonparallel lots can be pooled and the var-
iance weighted, providing sufficient lots are represented and the average
curve is reasonably similar to that of the first approach.
Weights - Rupture and iso-strain creep curves will not normally re-
quire weights to obtain uniform variables. Analyses including strain as a
*Tolerance limits used here are one-sided and are normally developed for
tolerance levels of 90 or 99 percent at a confidence level of 95 percent.
variable frequently will. Variables other than strain, temperature, and
stress will require evaluation for uniform variance. A paper by L. H.
Sjodahl, Reference, provides further discussion of weighting.
logarithmic increments and, for each temperature, give the
algebraic sum of the deviation within that increment. If random
subsets are used, the deviations summed are to be those from
within the respective subsets.
(J) Data and Curve Comparison - Display the data against the calcu-
lated curves, giving both the average and, for proposal consid-
eration, at least 99 percent lower level tolerance limits lines
at 95 percent confidence level. Encode the data with symbols as
in the deviation plots. Scale the coordinates such that the
curves have an apparent slope of about -1.0. Use scales appro-
priate for the most significant form of the regression variable,
usually log stress versus log life, with life (the dependent
variable) on the abscissa and stress on the ordinate.
(k) Curve Extrapolation Tests - Exhibit the 99 percent probability
of exceedance curve from one hour to 106 hours and the average
curve for the corresponding stress levels. Representative
curves may be used that Include the extreme values of the inde-
pendent variables as represented in the data.
The above recommendations apply to the incorporation of new creep
and/or stress rupture curves in the Handbook. The incorporation of creep
monographs in the Handbook has been discontinued. The creep monographs in the
Handbook will be replaced as the data are reanalyzed and new analytically
defined creep and stress rupture curves are developed.
Alloy Designation:
Specimen Description:
Type Sheet
Gage Length 1.125 inches
Gage Width 0.250 inch
Gage Thickness 0.01 to 0.10 inch
Test Conditions:
The lines shown on Figure are limited to the available test
times and temperatures, because extrapolation in time or temperature has def-
inite risks. If extrapolation is necessary, the equation defining these lines
should not be used below 1300 F or above 60 ksi. (These extrapolation limits
will, of course, be different for each alloy.) The standard error of estimate
(SEE) is given on Figure, along with the associated degrees of free-
dom. This parameter can be used to compute desired minimum curves, e.g., 95
percent, 99 percent, etc.
40 0007.
0.3 8.
I ] il
0.4 9.
c,~170 thei
eqatonofth aerge
X~~ isE i is th
where 178
10s og 0
t ~~ ~ ~ ~
isthetorpurrnsor ie
Aofiins Th i verage
n h
co effiinentse eqaibi)th veae
4.3257E+y-0c4 +
3177E+0 + b.*j3E4 -I.3014+
b4 3Tb(2/-00055 9
Mean Values of Regression Variables
4.6704E-04 2.8074E-08 8.4749E-06 1.3323E+01 3.0104E-01
Within-Heat Variance 0.02713
Ratio of Between-To- 0.16787
Within-Heat Variance
Intermediate Variance Ratio 1.01029
100 _ _- - - - - -
*~ F)
Time, hours
3 6 10 15 32 56 100 180 1320 5601000 5600 F
TI 63 59 54 52 48 45 42 139 36 16001
T2 42 39 36 32 29 27 25 22 20 1750
T3 25 22 20 7 15 12 10 1900
w T6
*No interest.
@ 30 KSI/1800 F
-0 LA
40 42 44 46 48 50 52
Larson-Miller Parameter, C=19
100 _ _
X oerage
specimendata at-3 ki80---
REFERENCES Owen, D. B., "Tables of Factors for One-Sided Tolerance Limits for
a Normal Distribution", Sandia Corporation (April 1958).
9.3.4(b) "A Guide for Fatigue Testing and the Statistical Analysis of
Fatigue Data", American Society for Testing and Materials ASTM STP
91-A (1963).
60 "Military Standard, Fasteners, Test Methods, Test 13, Double Shear
Test", MIL-STD-1312, Department of the Navy, Naval Air Systems
Command, Custodians. "Military Standard, Fasteners, Test Methods, Test 20, Single Shear
Test", MIL-STD-1312, Department of the Navy, Naval Air Systems
Command, Custodians.
4 Sprowls, D. 0., and Brown, R. H., "What Every Engineer Should Know
About Stress Corrosion of Aluminum", Metals Progress, Vol. 81, No.
4 (April 1962). Owen, D. B., "Factors for One-Sided Tolerance Limits and for
Variables and Sampling Plans", Sandia Corporation Monograph
SCR-607 (March, 1963).
Mandel and Paule's analysis equates two expressions for the within-
heat variance, Vw . The first, from the regression, is hj
Z2 /hj-Yh)2/
where h and j are indices respectively of the heats (1 < h < H) and of points
in a heat (1 < J <nh), N is the total number of points (Enh), Yh is the
predicted value of the dependent variable for heat h, and k is the number of
independent variables.
The second expression for Vw is derived from the spacing between the
parallel heat curves. This can be measured at any point along the curves; for
convenience the constants, ch, of the individual heat equations can be used.
This is equivalent to adjusting all data to the test condition represented by
zero values of all variables.
The variance of each ch is given by Vh - VB + Vw/nh, where Vb is the
between-heat variance, since the within-heat variability contributes to the
observed scatter in the ch. By introducing the term A - VB/VW (the ratio of
between- to within-heat variance),