Assessment in Learning 2: Preliminary Examination

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Preliminary Examination
NAME: Alenain, Donna F. SCORE: __________
DATE: MARCH 17,2022

GENERAL INSTRUCTION: Read and analyze each direction carefully and answer the following

Direction: Discuss/define on your own word the word/phrase/sentences below.

A. Emergent Assessment (5pts)
Emergent Assessment is a unique type of assessment that is not focused on goal but rather
than the effects of the lesson to the students. Some examples of the activities are writing
reflection papers or brainstorming with groups.
B. Alternative Assessment (5pts)
Alternative Assessment focuses mainly on the demonstration of student's proficiency
through tasks rather than their knowledge. The teacher will be able to assign performance
tasks instead of the usual paper and pencil tests.
C. Developmental Assessment (5pts)
Developmental Assessment is primarily done to children of younger years. This assessment
is done to determine the development of a child, their cognitive function, motor
movements, social skills etc. It can also be done to assess a child/students mental ability
most especially for those with special needs or within the spectrum.
D. Authentic Assessment (5pts)
Authentic Assessment is like using real-life situation or something similar to that to assess a
students, especially in a new environment or situation. Best samples will be situational test
where students will have to find a way to solve a problem or they will have to device their
own plan on how they can come out of the situation. With this type of situation, students
are developing their creativity and innovation.
E. Using the given criteria in determining if an assessment task or activity is authentic or not,
choose a topic and design an activity. Discuss the details of the activity. (30pts)

Title of the Activity: Point by Point

How the activity will be used:

in light of the current situation of the Philippines, where the National Election is up coming.
I will task the students to have their own debate mirroring each candidates. The class will
be grouped in 8 and will be assigned each presidential teams where they will need to
research about the presidentiable assigned to them, their platforms, achievements and
standing on certain national issues. The students will have to answer different questions
asked by me (the teacher) as the panelist of the debate and they will have to defend their
own presidential team despite of their own personal bias or preference on the presidential

The students are expected to give real-life and authentic responses anchored in their
assigned presidential candidate in order to defend their team.
Each team will be graded defending on how well they represented the candidate and how
they answered questions given to them.

F. Choose a topic (related to your major), create a plan considering the Educational Objectives
in Cognitive, Affective and Psychomotor. For each domain, provide a learning target,
description and the learning outcome related to the content.
Sample template
Title of Lesson: Classifying Different types of sentences
Cognitive Domain Lesson Content Learning Target Description Learning
Creating Writing Student are able Students will be Students are
sentences to write different asked to write down able to
depending on types of 4 different differentiate
the type: sentences sentences: sentences
Interrogative, Declarative, based on
Declarative, Imperative, their types
Exclamatory, etc. Exclamatory and and uses
Evaluating Simple quiz Students will be Four different Students
where students able to answer sentences will be successfully
identify the typeand idenfity all given and students identified
of sentence types of are expected to each
sentences given identify each. sentences.
Analyzing Given the sample Students will be Analyzing each Students are
sentences, able to see and sentences given for able to
students will understand the each type of understand
analyze the difference of sentence. 1 for each
difference of each sentences. each. differences.
each sentence.
Applying Create sentences Students can 4 pictures will be Students are
based on the form an shown in class. Each able to apply
picture shown appropriate students will form different
sentence based different sentences techniques
on the scenario based on the based on new
on the picture. picture. information
Understanding students will Students can the teacher will call Students
provide different categorize 4 students to know the
characteristics sentences describe the characteristic
that define the characteristics of s of a
type of each sentence. sentence
Remembering Students will Students can Students will be students can
recall different memorize the called to recite all 4 recall all the
sentences type of types of sentences. types.

Psychomotor Lesson Content Learning Target Description Learning

Domain Outcome
Creating Writing different students will be The class will be students are
stories that will able to write grouped into 4 and able to create
show all 4 types each will be their own
of sentences assigned a type of story.
they will use for the
story making.
Evaluating Peer review Students know All 4 groups will Students are
how to critic exchange the able to
other people's stories they've evaluate the
work written with the other group's
other group. work
Analyzing Comparison and Students will be Each group will Students are
contrast able to analyze compare and able to
the differences contrast the stories analyze the
of the sentences. made by the other high and lows
group with their of the other
own story. group's work.
Applying Act out Students are able Each group will act students are
to demonstrate in front of the class able to apply
their using the skit they their learning
understanding of made to the skit
the sentences by
acting it out.
Understanding choosing your Students will Each group will vote Students
type of sentence understand the for the best skit but understand
differences of they cannot choose what a good
the sentences. their own skit is.
Remembering Recall the first Students are able One group Students are
sentence to recall the topic representative will able to recall
provided in the discussed. have to recall the sentences
skit first sentence on heard
the winning group's

Affective Domain Lesson Content Learning Target Description Learning

Creating Students will Understanding Students are tasked Students
create the emotions in to draw an emoji of correctly
emoticons/emoji each sentences the emotions based matched the
s representing on the sentence emoticons
the sentence given
Evaluating Peer review differentiating Students will check Students are
the emotions if the group was able to check
from the able to put proper the other
sentences emojis based on the group's work.
G. Search for a performance assessment tool and check whether it is a good one or otherwise.
Paste the tool and write down your comments.


School fairs is a good example of a performance assessment. Student's work will be showcased
during the fair, this is especially useful for subjects like science and arts, where experiments and
artwork can be displayed while other students look around and check the student's work.
Nowadays even products and produce can be displayed in a fair. This is a good performance
assessment as this can be judged not just by teachers but by other students as well.

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