Rules For The Classification of Ships, Pt. 1, Ch.1, 2014

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Part 1 - General requirements
Chapter 1 - General information

All major changes in respect to 2013 edition, as amended with July 2013 edition throughout the text are shaded (if
The grammar and print errors, have been corrected throughout the subject chapter of the Rules and are not subject
to above indication of changes.


The subject Chapter of the Rules includes the requirements of the following international Organisations:
International Association of Classification Societies (IACS):
Unified Requirements (UR): L2 (2000, rev. 1), Z11 (2011, rev. 4)

Procedural Requirements (PR): PR1C (June 2012, rev. 2), PR11 (2010, rev. 1), PR29 (2009, rev. 0)

Unified Interpretations (UI): HSC9 (March 2013), LL78 (March 2013), SC256 (June 2012), MPC100 (June 2012), MPC104
(March 2013)




1 THE RULES ..........................................................................................................................................................1

2 DEFINITIONS.......................................................................................................................................................4

3 CLASSIFICATION SURVEY .............................................................................................................................6

4 CLASS NOTATIONS ...........................................................................................................................................8

4.1 GENERAL PROVISIONS ......................................................................................................................................................... 8
4.2 HULL ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 8
4.3 MANDATORY SHIP TYPE AND ENHANCED SURVEY PROGRAMME (ESP) NOTATIONS....................................... 13
4.4 MACHINERY INSTALLATION ............................................................................................................................................ 18
4.5 REFRIGERATING PLANT ..................................................................................................................................................... 19

5 CLASSIFICATION PROCEDURE...................................................................................................................20
5.1 REQUEST FOR CLASSIFICATION....................................................................................................................................... 20
5.2 ISSUING OF THE CERTIFICATE OF CLASS ...................................................................................................................... 20
5.3 MAINTAINING THE VALIDITY OF CERTIFICATE OF CLASS ....................................................................................... 20
5.4 PERIOD OF VALIDITY.......................................................................................................................................................... 21
5.5 EXTENSION OF THE PERIOD OF VALIDITY .................................................................................................................... 21
5.6 SUSPENSION OF CLASS....................................................................................................................................................... 22
5.7 WITHDRAWAL OF CLASS ................................................................................................................................................... 23
5.8 NOTIFICATION TO THE OWNERS AND FLAG STATES ................................................................................................. 23
5.9 REINSTATING THE VALIDITY ........................................................................................................................................... 23
5.10 DOUBLE CLASSED VESSELS.............................................................................................................................................. 23
5.11 DUALLY CLASSED VESSELS.............................................................................................................................................. 23
5.12 REGISTER BOOK ................................................................................................................................................................... 23
5.13 ASSIGNING THE DATE OF BUILD ..................................................................................................................................... 23
5.14 DATE OF CONTRACT FOR CONSTRUCTION ................................................................................................................... 24
5.15 DATE OF INITIAL CLASSIFICATION ................................................................................................................................. 24
5.16 DATE OF DELIVERY UNDER SOLAS AND MARPOL CONVENTIONS......................................................................... 24
5.17 KEEL LAYING DATE ............................................................................................................................................................ 24

6 APPLICATION OF STATUTORY REQUIREMENTS .................................................................................25

7 EXTERNAL AUDITS / INSPECTIONS...........................................................................................................26


.2 Existing cargo ships, with no consideration

1 THE RULES of date of built if converted in passenger
1.1 Rules for the classification of ships (hereafter .3 Existing ships, in cases of significant re-
referred to as: the Rules) developed by the CROATIAN pairs, modifications, reconstruction or al-
REGISTER OF SHIPPING (hereafter referred to as: the ternations of the equipment, as well as,
Register) are prescribing requirements for classification of when the purpose of the ship, navigation
ships on the basis of internationally adopted maritime area or number of the passengers which
standards. the ship is allowed to carry has been
changed, in extent deemed necessary by
1.2 The Rules are divided into parts, and exception- the Register considering each case sepa-
ally Part 1 is furthermore divided into chapters (see Figure rately.
1.2-1). .4 Existing ships, except for those stated in
Parts of the Rules (or Chapters for Part 1) are 1.3.2 and 1.3.3, solely if it is explicitly
divided in sections, heads, items and sub-items. For this pur- specified in the Rules.
pose a maximum of six digit decimal system has been adopted .5 Floating units and technical floating units,
throughout, e.g.: in extent as deemed necessary by the
indicates section number Register considering each specific case
indicates head number separately.
indicates item number
indicates sub-item number 1.4 The Rules are prescribing adopted standards for
design, construction and maintenance related to:
.1 Structural strength and where necessary
x.x.x.x the watertight integrity of all essential
parts of hull and its appendages.
Title numbers of Parts of the Rules (and Chap- .2 Safety and reliability of the propulsion and
ters for Part 1) are given in page headers. steering system and those features and
The cross-referencing within the text is as fol- auxiliary systems for establishing and
lows: maintaining basic conditions on board.
.1 If the text is in the same Part and in the In addition to the above mentioned the Rules are
same Chapter of the Rules, e.g. see re- prescribing requirements related to:
quirements in (i.e. down to sub- .3 Stability.
item number). .4 Subdivision (additional notation).
.2 If the text is in the same Part, but in differ- .5 Fire protection.
ent Chapter of the Rules, e.g. see require- .6 Refrigerating plant.
ments as stated in the Rules, Chapter 2 -
Survey during construction and initial 1.5 The Rules are not applicable to:
survey, 4.1 (i.e. down to head number). .1 Mobile offshore drilling units.
.3 If the text is in the Rules, but in another .2 Liquefied gas carriers.
Part of the Rules, e.g. see requirements as .3 Tankers for oil comprised with Condition
stated in the Rules, Part 25 – Metallic Assessment Scheme (CAS) according to
materials, 2.3 (i.e. down to head number). IMO Res. MEPC.94(46), as amended.
The cross-reference for Figures, Tables and 1.6 During Initial survey (first classification survey
Formulas is as follows: for the purpose of admission to class) of the existing ship
.1 If the Table (Formula or Figure) is in the which has not been surveyed during construction by the Reg-
same Part and in the same Chapter of the ister, the following criteria are applied:
Rules, e.g. as shown in Table 3.4.2-1 (ta- .1 Applicable standards (standards being ap-
ble number is composed of section number plicable at the time of the construction) of
(3), head number (4), item number (2) and the classification society which supervised
table number (1)). the ship during construction.
.2 If the Table (Formula or Figure) is in the .2 Requirements of the Rules based on the
same Part, but in different Chapter of the regulations of the internationally adopted
Rules, e.g. as shown in the Rules, Chap- documents related to existing ships.
ter 1 - General information, Table 4.2.2- .3 Requirements of the some parts of the
1. Rules which are explicitly related to ex-
.3 If the Table (Formula or Figure) is in the isting ships.
Rules, but in another Part of the Rules, e.g.
as shown in the Rules for tonnage meas- 1.7 Compliance with the class related requirements
urement of sea-going ships, boats and does not relieve the Owner (Company), or any other interested
yachts, 2. party from compliance with any statutory requirement de-
manded by the Flag State Administration.
1.3 The Rules are applicable, with no consideration In the case of fittings, appliances, details or gen-
of navigation area, to: eral finish of the ship, not covered by the Rules, but specially
.1 New ships.


demanded by the Owner, the Register does not bear any con- under SOLAS and MARPOL Conventions see 5.16 and 5.17 respec-
sequences for possible discrepancy of such demands with Flag tively.
State Administration statutory requirements.
Interpretation of the Rules
1.8 Technical Rules are adopted by the General
Committee of the Register on the basis of the decision of the
1.12 Competent interpretations of the requirements
Technical Committee.
stated in the Rules, or in any other regulation published by the
1.9 If not explicitly stated otherwise, the new Rules, Register, are exclusively in jurisdiction of the Head Office,
as well as the amendments to existing Rules, shall enter into regardless of other possible interpretations of surveyors in the
force, after they have been adopted by the General Committee Branch offices.
of the Register, on the date indicated on the inside page of the In cases where detailed requirements are not
Rules or the in the relevant Chapter of the Rules. given in the Rules, specific approval by the Register is to be
As a general rule, the Rules are printed either in based on the principles of the Rules, and is to give a safety
Croatian, or in English. Notwithstanding before stated, in standard equivalent to that of the Rules.
cases of dispute, and when the Rules are exceptionally printed
1.13 In general, criteria of the equivalence is applica-
both in English and Croatian, English version should have
ble for the requirements of the Technical Rules and according
precedence and should be taken as the relevant one, while the
to that, any other mode or method of surveys, examinations,
Croatian version should be considered as a translation only.
calculations or production processes equivalent to those stated
in the Rules may be accepted.
Application of the Rules
Acceptance of the above mentioned criteria is
exclusively in jurisdiction of the Head Office and its approval
1.10 The applicable Rules for the assignment of class
in some cases may be subjected to special conditions.
to a newbuilding are those being in force at the date of con-
tract for construction, as specified in the "Request for survey
during construction" (for the definition of date of contract for Objections against conclusions and interpretations of the
construction see 5.14). Register
Above stated is also applicable to existing ships
1.14 Any objections against the line adopted by any
when undergoing major conversions, or to the altered part of
of the Register's servants in fulfilling their duties or against
the ship in the case of partial alterations.
the conclusions reached are to be raised to the Register by the
1.11 For ships in service requirements of the Rules interested party as soon as possible.
related to class assignment, maintenance and withdrawal of If interested parties are not satisfied with final
class, are applicable from the date of their entry into force and conclusions and interpretations by the Register the final arbi-
are determined by the assigned main characters of class. tration lays upon the Commission for appeals for the classifi-
NOTE: For the purpose of the application of SOLAS and MARPOL cation and statutory certification, which is to be formed ac-
regulations for newbuildings and ships in service refer to IMO MSC- cording to the regulation 39 of the Charter of the Register.
MEPC.5/Circ.8 (Unified interpretation of the application of regula-
tions governed by the building contract date, the keel laying date and
the delivery date for the requirements of the SOLAS and MARPOL
Conventions). For the definition date of delivery and keel laying date


Figure 1.2-1
Graphic layout of the Rules for the classification of ships



Chapter 4 - APPROVAL OF




Part 26 - WELDING


Part 2 - HULL









* Until publication of subject Parts of the Rules as classification rules corresponding Chapters of the Rules for statutory certification of ships
made of wood, aluminium alloys and reinforced plastics and corresponding Chapters of the Rules for statutory certification of fishing ves-
sels shall apply.


NOTE: In terms of EU regulations RO denotes the organization being

2 DEFINITIONS recognized according to EU Regulation 391/2009 and EC Directive

2.1 IMO - International Maritime Organisation. 2.15 The Owner - party having requested classifica-
tion or having assumed ownership of a classed ship. In cases
2.2 IACS - International Association of Classifica- where owners have authorised another party to operate the
tion Societies. ship on their behalf, such party is regarded as the Company.
2.3 Classification - in general it comprises all the 2.16 Product - machinery, arrangement, equipment,
activities and services rendered by the Register in accordance devices, outfit, as well as their parts and materials to which
with the Rules. the requirements of the Rules are applicable while manufac-
Classification of ships is conducted in accor- turing.
dance with the Rules and any other standards to which refer-
ence therein may be made. 2.17 Ship - a floating unit intended for sea-going
service with length greater than 12 meters and with gross ton-
2.4 Class term - period of validity of the Certificate nage greater than 15, or which carries more than 12 passen-
of class, i.e. time interval between two Renewal surveys (time gers. The term ship comprises the following: passenger ships,
interval may be up to 5 (five) years and depends upon the cargo ships, technical floating units, fishing vessels, ships
navigation area, building material, general condition, age, used by Authorities and research ships. The present definition
etc.). does not apply to ships of war and troopships.
2.5 Certificate of class - certificate which proves 2.18 Passenger ship - a self-propelled ship with per-
compliance with the requirements of the Rules. In the Certifi- mission to carry more than 12 passengers.
cate of class are stated all main and additional characters of
class assigned by the Register, including descriptive notes and 2.19 Cargo ship - a ship intended for the transport of
service restrictions, if any. cargo, with or without mechanical propulsion.

2.6 Statutory certificates - certificates issued under 2.20 Self-propelled ship - a ship with mechanical
provisions of different IMO instruments (e.g. SOLAS 74, means of propulsion not requiring assistance from another
MARPOL 73/78, ILLC 66) or some other national certificates ship during normal operation.
issued by the Flag State Administration or on its behalf. 2.21 Fast ship - a ship capable of achieving maxi-
2.7 Maritime Administration or Flag State Ad- mum speed in knots equal to or exceeding:
ministration - the Administration of the Government of the 7.1922 ∇ 0.1667 (2.21-1)
State whose flag the ship is entitled to fly.
where ∇ is displacement corresponding to the
2.8 To the satisfaction of the Administration - as design waterline in [m3], excluding vessel the hull of which is
in various documents such interpretations are vaguely worded, supported completely clear above the water surface in non-
the Register shall, when acting on behalf of a Flag State Ad- displacement mode by aerodynamic forces generated by
ministration, follow guidance issued by IMO (Resolutions, ground effect.
Circulars, etc.), or by IACS through Unified Interpretations
This comprises the following:
(UI), unless Flag State Administration has instructed other-
.1 High-speed craft (HSC) - a craft com-
plying with the requirements of IMO Res.
2.9 To the satisfaction of the Register - expresses MSC.36(63) or IMO Res. MSC.97(73),
the state that corresponds to the requirements of the Rules or and capable of achieving maximum speed
additional requirements imposed by the Register. in knots equal or exceeding the value cal-
culated from the formulae 2.21-1. High
2.10 At the discretion of the Surveyor - expresses speed (HSC) crafts can be divided as fol-
that the opinion of the Surveyor responsible for the survey or lows:
testing shall be considered competent. - Category A craft - a high-speed pas-
2.11 Additional requirements - requirements not senger craft as defined in Chapter 1,
provided for by the Rules, but imposed by the Register during item 1.4.12 of the HSC Code,
the survey. - Category B craft - a high-speed pas-
senger craft as defined in Chapter 1,
2.12 Condition of class - a requirement to the effect item 1.4.13 of the HSC Code,
that specific measures, repairs, surveys, etc. are to be carried - Cargo craft - a high-speed craft other
out within a specific time limit in order to retain class. than passenger craft as defined in
2.13 Recognized classification society - IACS mem- Chapter 1, item 1.4.10 of the HSC
ber classification society having valid agreement on mutual Code.
cooperation with the Register. .2 Dynamically supported craft (DSC) - a
craft complying with the requirements of
2.14 Recognised organisation (RO) - organisation IMO Res. A.373(X) as amended, i.e. a
being authorised to act on behalf of the Flag State Admini- craft which is operable on or above water
stration of the Government of the State whose flag the ship is and which has characteristics different
entitled to fly. from conventional displacement ships.


Within aforementioned generality, a craft

which complies with either of the follow-
ing characteristics would be considered a
dynamically supported craft:
- its weight, or significant part thereof,
is balanced in one mode of operation
by other than hydrostatic forces,
- craft capable of achieving maximum
speed in knots equal or exceeding the
value calculated from the formulae
Among others, the aforementioned in-
cludes mono-hull or multi-hull crafts such
- Hydrofoil – a non-displacement craft
which is supported above the water
surface by hydrodynamic forces gen-
erated by foils.
- Surface Effect Ship - SES – an air-
cushion vehicle whose air-cushion is
partially or completely preserved by
permanently immersed hard elements
of the hull.
.3 Fast craft - a craft not being High-speed
craft (HSC) or Dynamically supported
craft (DSC) but capable of achieving
maximum speed in knots equal or ex-
ceeding the value calculated from the for-
mulae 2.21-1.
NOTE: Passenger ships engaged on domestic voyages shall not be
considered as high-speed passenger craft when:
- their displacement corresponding to the design waterline is less
than 500 m3, and
- their maximum speed, as defined in formulae 2.21-1, is less than
20 knots.

2.22 Modification or conversion on the existing

.1 which substantially alters the dimensions
of the ship, or
.2 which substantially alters carrying capac-
ity of the ship; or
.2 which changes the type of the ship; or
.3 the intent of which is substantially to pro-
long life of the ship; or
.4 which otherwise so alters the ship that it
becomes reasonable to apply requirements
as if it were a new ship, or
.6 which changes the navigation area of the
ship, or
.7 which changes the maximum allowable
number of passengers on the ship.
Repair or substitution of the elements (compo-
nents) of the ship with the identical elements (components) is
not to be considered as a modification.
NOTE: For the purpose of application of certain IMO instruments
(e.g. SOLAS 74, MARPOL 73/78, ILLC 66) the term "conversion"
may be defined differently than above.


and protection of the sea environment, i.e. if such equipment

3 CLASSIFICATION SURVEY not being required by the Rules, they are to be permanently
removed from the ship. Exceptionally, the Register may not
3.1 Classification survey is comprising a set of ac- require their removal under condition that on such arrange-
tivities during which the ship (or other floating unit) is sur- ments or equipment it is clearly posted (locally and in control
veyed during construction on the basis of design approval, room) that they are not being in use.
tested before being taken into service, and surveyed regularly 3.7 Classification surveys are not performed as a
during its whole operational life, until it is laid-up or substitute for the Owner's, Company's or any other party’s
scrapped. own quality and safety control of the ship, or their obligations
Classification covers ship's hull and machinery to third parties, nor to relieve them of any responsibilities for
installations (including electrical installations). not maintaining the ship in good and seaworthy manner.
The aim of the classification survey is to verify The Owner is to ensure that the condition of the
that the required Rules standards regarding maintenance of the ship and maintenance of its equipment is such that the ship is
ship, its equipment, electrical and machinery installations are in any case capable for navigation with no hazards for the
applied, with a special consideration to the navigation area ship, personnel, passengers, cargo and the environment, as it
and service of the ship. is stated by the Rules.
3.2 Structural systems and equipment determining Therefore, the Rules, classification surveys per-
the ship type, are subjected to examination within the scope of formed, reports, certificates and other documents issued by the
classification only if the type of the ship is specified in the Register, are in no way intended to replace or alleviate the
class notation. duties and responsibilities of other parties such as actual or
prospective owners or operators, charterers, brokers, cargo-
Nevertheless, if structural system and equipment
owners, underwriters, Flag State Administrations, Port State
has impact to the safety of ship itself, human life, property at
Controls, designers, shipbuilders, manufacturers, repair yards
sea or to sea environment, the Register reserves the right to
or suppliers.
extend the scope of classification survey to such items.
Certain installations may be classed separately 3.8 Classification survey of existing ships is per-
(e.g. refrigerating installations), and therefore are subjected to formed on the basis of a request submitted by the Owner or
classification survey also. his representative.

3.3 Activities and requirements concerning classifi- 3.9 It is the responsibility of the Owner (or the
cation survey are stated in relevant Parts of the Rules. Company) to ascertain the presence of his representative while
surveys of existing ships are performed.
3.4 Shipyards, manufacturers, shipowners, etc. are
to provide safe access and necessary facilities for the Survey- 3.10 While performing surveys of existing ships, i.e.
ors while performing classification survey. In addition to that, during surveys of the parts or systems of the ship, the extent
shipyards, manufacturers, shipowners, etc. are responsible for of the survey may be enlarged if there are reasonable doubts
the organisation of the survey in prescribed time schedules. as to accuracy or reliability of surveyed parts or systems, as
well as in the cases of additional requirements imposed by the
3.5 In general, classification survey is performed by Register.
the Surveyors of the Register.
3.11 The Owner, Company or the Master of the ship
If deemed necessary and reasonable by the Reg-
is to notify the Register immediately:
ister, performing of classification survey may be entrusted to
.1 When docking a ship.
other recognised classification society (IACS member class
.2 In cases of changing the purpose of a ship,
society), in accordance with the agreement on mutual coop-
conversion and alternation to the hull, ma-
eration between the Register and that classification society.
chinery installations and other equipment
No certificates, statements or attestations with influencing the class of the ship assigned
regard to compliance of technical facts or products with the by the Register. Conversions and alterna-
Rules of the Register shall be given or issued by any entity tions are to be performed under the Sur-
other than the Register. veyor's supervision, and are to be in ac-
Statement or attestation given or certificate is- cordance with the requirements of the
sued by the Register shall not release the Owner, Company, Rules and/or additional requirements of
manufacturer, etc. from his contractual obligations towards the Register.
third parties. .3 In cases when parts of the ship's structure
normally difficult to access are exposed,
3.6 After completing the survey during construction (e.g. when any part of the main or auxil-
or alteration, or after completing any survey of materials or iary machinery, including boilers, insula-
products, no alteration on the ship construction, machinery in- tion cement or wooden ceilings, etc. is re-
stallation, equipment or other parts, to which the requirements moved). These activities are to be in ac-
of the Rules are applicable, is to be carried out without per- cordance with the requirements of the
mission of the Register. Rules and/or additional requirements of
If certain arrangements or equipment of the ship the Register and under the Surveyor's su-
are out of order, and consequently not being in use, and if they pervision.
have no major influence on the safety of life, property at sea


.4 When the ship is put out of service or on previously performed surveys, or commencing surveys, as
when the ship is laid-up. well as with conditions for the classification.
.5 In cases of changing the name, changing
the port of registry, changing the flag or 3.14 After every performed survey the Register will
selling the ship. send to the Owner a Report concerning conditions of class and
.6 In cases when the ship sustains damage of related time limit for undertaking necessary repairs, improve-
such extent that it is presumed that ship’s ments or other measures, i.e. time limit for adjusting the ship,
class is affected and that safety and integ- equipment, machinery installations or other relevant arrange-
rity of the ship is endangered. In that case ments and systems with the requirements of the Rules.
the ship is to be surveyed in the first port 3.15 It is the Owner’s responsibility to decide
of call or according to further instructions whether and which spare parts will be carried on board. As
from the Register. The survey is to be of spare parts are outside the scope of classification, the will not
the extent which the Register considers be checked during classification surveys that they are kept on
necessary taking into account the amount board, maintained in satisfactory condition, or suitably pro-
of the damage. tected and lashed. However, in the case of replacement, the
.7 In cases when class related deficiencies spare parts used are to meet the requirements of the Rules as
and/or defects are found as a result to Flag far as practicable.
State inspection or Port State Control.
Should the Owner or Company fails to in-
form the Register on detention of the ship
by Port State Authorities due to class re-
lated deficiencies, the Register reserves
the right to suspend or withdraw Certifi-
cate of class.
3.12 The Register keeps complete files on all ships
classed by the Register.
The Register maintains confidentiality with re-
spect to all documents and other kinds of information received
in connection with the classification entrusted to it by the cli-
The Register is obliged not to dispose docu-
ments or any other information concerning ship's classifica-
tion to third parties without prior consent of the client. How-
ever, this shall not apply to:
.1 the obligations the Register has towards
the Flag State Administrations and other
international organisations;
.2 the obligations the Register has towards
legal requirements and international con-
.3 technical data of ships contained in the
Register Book;
.4 status of ship surveys and certificates, in
the scope and as defined in IACS PR3 -
Transparency of Classification and Statu-
tory Information;
.5 the obligations of the Register has towards
the EU Commission regarding access to
the information necessary for the purposes
of the assessment referred to in Article
8(1) of the Regulation (EC) No. 391/2009
of the European Parliament and of the
Council on common rules and standards
for ship inspection and survey organisa-
Before mentioned, as far as applicable, applies
to files related to approval of manufacturers, products, service
suppliers or testing laboratories also.
3.13 The service of the Register is available to the
Owner at any time when needed, in connection with reports


4.1.4 Class notation for refrigerating plant comprises:

4 CLASS NOTATIONS .1 Main character of class, comprising:
a) character denoting survey during con-
4.1 GENERAL PROVISIONS .2 Additional character of class, comprising
as far as applicable:
4.1.1 The Register will assign appropriate class nota- a) character denoting ability of refriger-
tion to the ship which meets the requirements of the Rules. ating plant.
Class notation consists of main and additional If for instance the Register assigns the following
characters of class, which are denoting the degree of reliabil- class notation for refrigerating plant:
ity that ship deserves as well as ship's main particulars.  R + C, main character of class is:  R, and additional
Apart from class notation the Register reserves characters of class are: + C (for further explanation see 4.5).
the right to add special descriptive notes, as stated but not
limited to ones in the following section. 4.2 HULL
The Register can assign class notation related to
the following: 4.2.1 Main character of class for hull denoting survey
.1 Hull. during construction and when after construction is maintained
.2 Machinery installation. in a condition considered satisfactory by the Register. One of
.3 Refrigerating plant. the following characters:
4.1.2 Class notation for hull comprises:  - is to be assigned to a ship if:
.1 Main character of class, comprising: a) the hull has been built under survey
a) character denoting survey during con- and to the satisfaction of the Register
struction, in accordance with the Rules, or
b) character denoting quality of hull. b) the hull has been built in accordance
.2 Additional character of class, comprising with the Rules, but under survey and
as far as applicable: to the satisfaction of another recog-
a) character denoting navigation area, nized classification society,
b) character denoting ice strengthening
category,  - the hull has been built under survey, in compli-
c) character denoting ship type, ance with the rules and to the satisfaction of an-
d) character denoting constructional other recognized classification society.
characteristics. No - if the hull has been built without survey of the
If for instance the Register assigns the following symbol Register or any recognized classification society
class notation for hull: no symbol is assigned.
 100A1 1 (unrestricted service) 1B Tanker for oil ESP 4.2.2 Main character of class denoting quality of hull.
CREST SD, main character of class is:  100A1, and addi- One of the characters of class stated in or is to
tional characters of class are: 1 (unrestricted service) 1B be assigned. Class term for this character of class is 5 years.
Tanker for oil ESP CREST SD (for further explanation see
4.2). One of the following characters for ship whose
hull is made of metallic materials is to be assigned (for other
4.1.3 Class notation for machinery installation com- related requirements see Table 4.2.2-1):
.1 Main character of class, comprising: 100A1 - is to be assigned to a ship intended for naviga-
a) character denoting survey during con- tion area notations 1 and 2 if general condition
struction, found by survey fully complies with require-
b) character denoting quality of machin- ments of the Rules.
ery installation. 100A2 - is to be assigned to a ship intended for naviga-
.2 Additional character of class, comprising tion area notations 1 and 2, but whose construc-
as far as applicable: tion due to general condition found by survey do
a) character denoting automation level, not comply, or do not fully comply with re-
b) characters IGS and COW. quirements of the Rules.
If for instance the Register assigns the following
class notation for machinery installation: 90A1 - is to be assigned to a ship intended for naviga-
tion area notations 3 and 4 if general condition
 M1 AUT 1 IGS COW, main character of class is:  M1, found by survey fully complies with require-
and additional characters of class are: AUT 1 IGS COW (for ments of the Rules.
further explanation see 4.4).
NOTE: Class notation  100A1 (for hull),  M1 (for machinery in- 90A2 - is to be assigned to a ship intended for naviga-
stallation) and  R (for refrigerating plant) are to be considered the tion area notations 3 and 4, but whose construc-
highest class notations that might be assigned by the Register. tion due to general condition found by survey do
not comply, or do not fully comply with re-
quirements of the Rules.


50A1 - is to be assigned to a ship intended for naviga- ble from the sea) extending between Gi-
tion area notations 5, 6, 7 and 8 if general con- braltar and Babb el Mandeb straits, in-
dition found by survey fully complies with re- cluding the Black and Azov seas and out
quirements of the Rules. of Mediterranean sea to the ports of Lis-
bon and Casablanca in the Atlantic ocean,
50A2 - is to be assigned to a ship intended for naviga- and the Red sea to the ports of Aden and
tion area notations 5, 6, 7 and 8, but whose con- Berbera.
struction due to general condition found by sur- .3 3 - (short coastal service) - international
vey do not comply, or do not fully comply with navigation during which the ship shall
requirements of the Rules. navigate at the distance not more than 50 One of the following characters for ship having nautical miles from the nearest coast, land
hull made of non-metallic materials (wood, fiber-glass, ferro- or island.
cement, etc.) is to be assigned (for other related requirements NOTE: For Croatian flagged ships this navi-
see Table 4.2.2-1): gation area denotes navigation in the Adriatic
sea and in part of the Jonian sea (and waters ac-
90B1 - to a ship intended for navigation area notations 3 cessible from the sea) to the line connecting
and 4 if general condition found by survey fully Cape Santa Maria di Leuca (including the port
complies with requirements of the Rules. of Taranto) and the Cape of Catacolo (including
the port of Catacolo), Jonian islands and bays:
NOTE: In some exceptional cases, for ships having 90B1 of Patras, of Corinth (including the Corinth
character of class assigned, navigating area notation 1 or 2 may be af- channel) and of Athens up to the line connecting
fixed, considering each case separately. capes of Kolona and Skilli.
.4 4 - (coastal service) - international navi-
90B2 - to a ship intended for navigation area notations 3
gation during which the ship shall navigate
and 4, but whose construction due to general
at the distance not more than 20 nautical
condition found by survey do not comply, or do
miles from the nearest coast, land or is-
not fully comply with requirements of the Rules.
50B1 - to a ship intended for navigation area notations NOTE: For Croatian flagged ships this navi-
5, 6, 7 and 8 if general condition found by sur- gation area denotes navigation through the
vey fully complies with requirements of the Adriatic sea (and waters accessible from the sea)
Rules. it means navigation up to the line connecting
Cape of Santa Maria di Leuca and Cape Kefali
50B2 - to a ship intended for navigation area notations on island Corfu and Cape of Scala (near Butrin
5, 6, 7 and 8, but whose construction due to gen- bay). When planning the voyage between east-
eral condition found by survey do not comply, ern and western coast of the Adriatic sea, the
or do not fully comply with requirements of the terms coast, land or island do not include coasts
of islands Palagruža, Galuila, Pianosa, islands of
Tremiti, island Sazan and coast of Albania from
4.2.3 Additional character of class denoting naviga- the Cape of Gjuhes (Sqepi i Gjuhes) to the Cape
tion area is a number which denotes permissible navigation of Panormes (Sqepi i Panormes).
area of the ship. .5 5 - (national service) - navigation in ter-
ritorial sea and waters accessible from the
The Register may assign appropriate character sea, during which the ship shall navigate at
denoting navigation area for the geographical areas different the distance not more than 12 nautical
from those stated below, if the Register considers that the sea miles from the nearest coast, land or is-
conditions, distance from the nearest coast, or distance from land.
the nearest port of refuge are equivalent to the geographical
NOTE: For Croatian flagged ships this navi-
areas stated below. In that case a geographical navigation area
gation area denotes internal sea water navigation
is added to the character denoting navigation area (e.g. 3 - Red and navigation in territorial sea of the Republic
Sea). of Croatia and waters accessible from the sea.
Also, geographical navigation area may be ad- .6 6 - (national coastal service)
ditionally restricted by stating the maximum distance from the
NOTE: This navigation area is exclusively ap-
nearest harbour or safe anchorage in nautical miles, and/or by plicable for Croatian flagged ships.
the sea state conditions, which is to be indicated in the Certifi- 6 - (national coastal service) - navigation in
cate of class. internal sea waters of the Republic of Croatia
Observance of the navigation area restrictions (and waters accessible from the sea) as pre-
and sea state conditions restrictions if any, is a prerequisite for scribed by the Maritime Code of the Republic of
maintaining the validity of the Certificate of class.
Within the time period from 1st April till 31st
Characters denoting navigation area are: October this area is extended to:
.1 1 - (unrestricted service) - international − navigation within 1.5 nautical miles from
ocean-going service navigation in all seas the base line in direction of the economic
and waters accessible from the sea. line,
.2 2 - (great coastal service) - international − navigation through Channel of Vis to is-
navigation in the seas (and waters accessi- lands of Vis and Biševo, then close to the
said islands navigating at the distance not


more than 1.5 nautical miles from their " Dynamically supported passenger craft "
Ro-Ro passenger ship (Ro-ro putnički brod) - a
.7 7 - (national coastal service in sheltered
passenger ship provided with additional decks in the hull for
sea areas) - navigation in sheltered sea
the carriage of vehicles, which embarks and disembarks on
area of internal sea waters and waters ac-
their own wheels, access to which is by side/stern/bow ramps.
cessible from the sea.
.8 8 - (service in enclosed sea areas) - navi- General cargo ships
gation in ports, bays, river mouths and General cargo ship (Brod za opći teret) - a ship
lakes. intended for the carriage of general cargo which will not be
4.2.4 Additional characters of class denoting ice carried in containers.
strengthening category. If applicable, one of the following Ro-Ro ships
characters is to be assigned:
Ro-Ro cargo ship (Ro-ro teretni brod) - a ship
1AS - this strengthening is for ships intended to navi- specifically designed for the carriage of vehicles, which em-
gate in first year ice conditions equivalent to un- barks and disembarks on their own wheels, and/or goods on
broken level ice with a thickness of 1.0 m. pallets or in containers which can be loaded or unloaded by
means of wheeled vehicles.
1A - this strengthening is for ships intended to navi-
gate in first year ice conditions equivalent to un- Multipurpose ships
broken level ice with thickness of 0.8 m. Multipurpose ship is a ship specifically designed
1B - this strengthening is for ships intended to navi- and equipped for carriage of different kinds of cargo such as
gate in first year ice conditions equivalent to un- general cargo, containers, cars, bulk cargo, etc. Assigned
broken level ice with thickness of 0.6 m. character of class depends on combination of ship’s purposes
(e.g. Container ship/Ro-Ro cargo ship, Tanker for
1C - this strengthening is for ships intended to navi- oil/Chemical tanker, Tug/Supply vessel).
gate in first year ice conditions equivalent to un-
broken level ice with thickness of 0.4 m. Bulk carriers
Bulk carrier (Brod za rasuti teret) - see
1D - this strengthening is for ships intended to navi-
gate in light first year ice conditions in areas
other than the Northern Baltic. For bulk carriers contracted for new construction
on or after 1st July 2003, having a length of 150 m or above,
4.2.5 Additional character of class denoting ship type. and additionally complying with the Rules, Part 2 - Hull,
One of the characters of class stated in to is to 17.4.6 the following additional characters of class may be af-
be assigned. fixed, depending on the loading conditions, filling ratios of the
To ships with type notation Tanker for oil, cargo holds, etc.:
Product carrier, Chemical tanker, Bulk carrier, Ore car- BC-A - for bulk carriers designed to carry dry
rier, Ore/oil carrier or OBO carrier which are subjected to bulk cargoes of cargo density of 1.0 t/m3 and above with
the requirements of the Enhanced Survey Program, as stated specified holds empty at maximum draught in addition to BC-
in the Rules, Chapter 5 - Surveys of ships in service, 3, 5 and B conditions.
7, in addition to type notation the notation ESP shall be af-
BC-B - for bulk carriers designed to carry dry
fixed (see also, and For the ships en-
bulk cargoes of cargo density of 1.0 t/m3 and above with all
gaged in the international voyages (character denoting navi-
cargo holds loaded in addition to BC-C conditions.
gation area 1, 2, 3 and 4) type notation of the ship is to be en-
tered in the Certificate of class in English, and for all other BC-C - for bulk carriers designed to carry dry
ships in Croatian. bulk cargoes of cargo density less than 1.0 t/m3.
Exceptionally, for the ships not engaged in in- Depending on the limitations to be observed
ternational voyages, and not flying Croatian flag, class nota- during operation as a consequence of the design loading con-
tion is to be entered in English. ditions applied during the design phase, the following addi-
tional characters of class may be affixed:
Below stated type notations in English are given
in bold, while equivalent type notations in Croatian are given {no MP} - for bulk carrier having additional
in bold-italic. characters of class BC-A, BC-B and BC-C when the vessel
has not been designed for loading and unloading in multiple Passenger ships ports in accordance with the conditions specified in Rules,
Passenger ship (Putnički brod) - a self- Part 2 - Hull, 17.4.6.
propelled ship with a permission to carry more than 12 pas- {maximum cargo density ... t/m3} - for bulk
sengers, specially designed and equipped for that purpose, carrier having additional characters of class BC-A and BC-B
with a single or multi-deck hull and superstructure, and with if the maximum cargo density is less than 3.0 t/m3.
or without cabin accommodation for passengers.
{holds a, b, ... may be empty} - allowed com-
If a passenger ship complies with the require- bination of empty holds for bulk carrier having additional
ments of IMO Res. A.373(X), as amended (i.e. if a ship is character of class BC-A.
considered to be Dynamically supported craft), the following
descriptive note is to be entered into the Certificate of class:


GRAB [X] - additional character of class for intended primarily to carry chemicals in bulk, i.e. carriage of
bulk carriers having one of the additional characters of class any liquid product listed in IBC Code (International Code for
BC-A or BC-B and unladen grabs weight X equal to or the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying Dangerous
greater than 20 tons. For these ships the requirements for the Chemicals in Bulk), Chapter 17. See also.
this character of class are specified in Rules, Part 2 - Hull, 17. When a chemical tanker complies with the re-
For all other ships this additional character of class is not quirements of IBC Code, Chapter 2, item, the follow-
mandatory. ing descriptive note is to be entered into the Certificate of
If a bulk carrier complies with IACS Common class:
Structural Rules, the following descriptive note is to be en- "Chemical tanker – Type 1 "
tered into the Certificate of class:
When a chemical tanker complies with the re-
" Ship compliant with IACS Common Structural Rules quirements of IBC Code, Chapter 2, item, the follow-
(CSR)" ing descriptive note is to be entered into the Certificate of
Ore carrier (Brod za rudaču) - see class:
Cement carrier (Brod za cement) - a ship in- "Chemical tanker – Type 2 "
tended for carriage of cement in bulk with no weather deck When a chemical tanker complies with the re-
hatches, but pumping and piping arrangements for the loading quirements of IBC Code, Chapter 2, item, the follow-
and unloading of cement. ing descriptive note is to be entered into the Certificate of Combination carriers class:
Combination carrier - see This term "Chemical tanker – Type 3 "
comprises: Refrigerated cargo ships
Ore/oil carrier (Brod za rudaču/ulje) - see Refrigerated cargo ship (Brod za rashlađeni teret) - a ship (excluding liquefied gas carriers and fishing
OBO carrier (Brod za ulje / rasuti teret / ru- vessels) specially intended to carry permanently refrigerated
daču) - see cargoes and having fixed refrigerating installations and insu-
lated holds. Container ships
Container ship (Kontejnerski brod) - a ship High-speed crafts
specially designed and equipped with the appropriate facilities HSC - high speed craft meeting the require-
for carriage of containers. ments of the Rules, Part 28 – High speed craft. Tankers For a passenger ship defined as “Category A
craft” in respect to the HSC Code, the following descriptive
Tanker for non-toxic liquid cargo (Tanker za note is to be entered into the Certificate of class:
neškodljivi tekući teret) - a ship intended to carry in bulk non
dangerous/non-toxic liquids (such as wine, water, vegetable or " High-speed passenger Category A craft "
animal oils, etc.). For a passenger ship defined as “Category B
craft” in respect to the HSC Code, the following descriptive
Tanker for oil (Tanker za ulje) - see
note is to be entered into the Certificate of class:
If an oil tanker is intended exclusively for car-
" High-speed passenger Category B craft "
riage of liquid cargo with flash point above 60 °C (closed cup
test), the following descriptive note is to be entered into the For a ship other than above, the type of service
Certificate of class: may be specified as a descriptive note, and may be entered
into the Certificate of class (e.g. " High-speed cargo ship ").
" Not intended for carriage of liquid cargo having flash
point below 60 °C (closed cup test) " Tugs
NOTE: For the purpose of classification, an oil tanker is to be con- Tug (Tegljač) - a ship specially constructed and
sidered as a double hull oil tanker when it has been constructed pri- equipped for towing and/or rescuing and salvage of ships or
marily for the carriage of oil in bulk (cargoes declared in MARPOL other floating units.
73/78, Annex I), having the cargo tanks protected by a double hull
which extends for the entire length of the cargo area, consisting of Supply vessels
double sides and double bottom spaces for the carriage of water ballast
or void spaces. Supply vessel (Brod za opskrbu) - a ship mainly
intended and equipped for the carriage of special personnel,
If an oil tanker complies with IACS Common special materials and equipment which are used to provide fa-
Structural Rules, the following descriptive note is to be en- cilities to offshore units and other marine installations, as well
tered into the Certificate of class: as to provide assistance in performing special activities.
" Ship compliant with IACS Common Structural Rules For ships complying with IMO MSC/Circ.645
(CSR)" "Guidelines for vessels with dynamic positioning system", the
Product carrier (Tanker za prerađevine) - oil following descriptive note is to be entered into the Certificate
tanker intended for carriage of oil products, excluding crude of class:
oil. " Ship equipped with Dynamic positioning system (DPS) "
Chemical tanker (Tanker za kemikalije) - self-
propelled ship constructed generally with integral tanks and

PART 1 - CHAPTER 1 Technical floating units experience to develop seafaring skills suitable for a profes-
Technical floating unit is a general term com- sional career at sea, and provided with special equipment and
prising following types of self-propelled or non-self-propelled arrangements suitable for that purpose (teaching rooms, ac-
ships intended for performance of technical activities. commodation spaces for teachers and trainees, etc.).
NOTE: Every training ship, having GT ≥ 500, applied for classifica-
Dredger (Jaružalo) - a ship provided with fixed
tion and for which Special Purpose Ship Safety Certificate has been
arrangements and equipment for dredging the sea floor, rivers, issued on or after 13 May 2008, should comply with the provisions of
lakes, canals or harbours, whether or not equipped with spaces IMO Res. MSC.266(84) also.
for receiving dredged material. Fishing vessels
Floating crane (Ploveća dizalica) - a ship with
pontoon hull and a lifting crane, specifically arranged and Fishing vessel (Ribarski brod) - a self-propelled
equipped for lifting of heavy cargoes. If the weather deck is ship intended and equipped for fishing or exploiting other
specially strengthened this may be intended for carrying living resources of the sea.
heavy cargoes. Floating units
Self-unloading hopper barge (Samoiskrca- Floating units are units generally engaged in
vajuća klapeta) - a technical floating unit (usually non-self- port areas or other enclosed areas, permanently moored, an-
propelled) arranged in such a way that the dredged material chored, or based on the sea bed, or wholly or partially buried
may be unloaded through special devices fitted on the bottom. below the sea floor and generally not intended for navigation.
Split hopper barge (Klapeta s uređajem za This term comprises:
rastvaranje dna) - a technical floating unit (usually non-self- Floating dock (Plutajući dok) - a non-self pro-
propelled) arranged such that the dredged material may be pelled floating unit, specifically designed, permanently
unloaded by splitting the hull into two halves. moored and anchored, equipped for lifting and/or launching
Dump barge (Prevrtaljaka) - a technical float- ships, floating units and non-self-propelled crafts, while dry-
ing unit (usually non-self-propelled) arranged such that the docking, repairs or modifications are performed.
dredged material may be unloaded inclining the hull. Floating storage (Plutajuće skladište) - a
Barge-solid bulk in cargo holds (Teglenica- floating unit specifically designed and equipped, permanently
rasuti teret u skladištima) - a technical floating unit (usually moored and anchored, intended for storage of cargoes in liq-
non-self-propelled) intended for carriage of solid bulk cargo in uid, or packed form or in bulk.
cargo holds. Floating restaurant (Plutajući restoran) - a
Barge-cargo on weather deck (Teglenica-teret unit specifically designed and equipped, permanently moored
na palubi) - a technical floating unit (usually non-self- and anchored intended for catering.
propelled) intended for carriage of cargo on weather deck. Ships used by Authorities
Barge-liquid bulk cargo in cargo tanks
(Teglenica-tekući teret u tankovima) - a technical floating Ship used by Authorities (Javni brod) - a ship
unit (usually non-self-propelled) intended for carriage of liq- owned by the State or its body, not being a war ship or a ves-
uid bulk cargo in cargo tanks. sel engaged in trade, and includes the following types: pilot
boats, rescue vessels, police boats, custom boats, etc. Ships for lifting and handling of heavy cargoes Yachts
Crane ship (Brod dizalica) - a ship specially
designed and equipped with a lifting crane for lifting and car- Yacht (Jahta) - recreational craft for personal or
riage of heavy cargoes. commercial use, having hull length greater than 12 meters,
having facilities and accommodation for extended navigation, Live stock carriers authorized to carry not more than 12 passengers, excluding
Live stock carrier (Brod za stoku) - a ship de- crew.
signed for carriage of live stock in holds and platforms above 4.2.6 Additional character of class is denoting ship's
the main deck divided in special compartments. constructional characteristics. If applicable, one or several of Research ships the following characters are to be assigned:
Research ship (Istraživački brod) - a ship with- CAR - CARRIAGE OF CARS. This character is to be
out cargo spaces, engaged in scientific research, non- assigned to a ship specially equipped for car-
commercial expeditions and surveys, carrying scientists, tech- riage of cars but not specifically designed for
nicians and members of expeditions, and provided with spe- this purpose.
cial equipment and arrangements suitable for that purpose (i.e.
laboratories, accommodation for research personnel, etc.). CON - CARRIAGE OF CONTAINERS. This character
is to be assigned to a ship equipped for carriage
NOTE: Every research ship, having GT ≥ 500, applied for classifica-
tion and for which Special Purpose Ship Safety Certificate has been
of containers not specifically designed for this
issued on or after 13 May 2008, should comply with the provisions of purpose.
IMO Res. MSC.266(84) also.
ESP - ENHANCED SURVEY PROGRAMME. This Training ships character is to be assigned to a ship with hull
subjected to enhanced survey program (applica-
Training ship (Školski brod) - a ship for train-
ble to the following types of ships: bulk carrier,
ing of marine personnel gaining training and practical marine


ore carrier, ore/oil carrier, OBO carrier, tanker 4.3 MANDATORY SHIP TYPE AND
for oil, chemical tanker and product carrier with
GT ≥ 500). See 4.3
MENT. This character is to be assigned to the
ship with the hull or hull equipment constructed 4.3.1 Preamble
in accordance with design, for which sufficient
experience is not available. The Register will The regime of enhanced surveys given in the
decide at what intervals the required surveys following IACS Unified Requirements (UR) (see the Rules,
will have to be carried out. If the experience Chapter 5 - Surveys of ships in service, also):
over prolonged period of time has proved the ef- .1 UR Z10.1 - Hull surveys of oil tankers
ficiency of design the character EXP may be which are not double hull oil tankers;
cancelled. .2 UR Z10.2 - Hull surveys of single side
FIR - FIRE FIGHTING EQUIPMENT. This character skin bulk carriers 1);
is to be assigned to a ship equipped with appro- .3 UR Z10.3 - Hull surveys for chemical
priate fire fighting equipment, which is to be ap- tankers;
proved by the Register, intended for fire fighting .4 UR Z10.4 - Hull surveys for double hull
on other vessels and harbour facilities. oil tankers;
.5 UR 10.5 - Hull surveys for double side
GRC - GRAIN CARRIAGE. This character is to be as- skin bulk carriers 1);
signed to a ship which complies with the re- .6 UR Z10.2 and/or Z10.5 - Hull surveys for
quirements of IMO Res. MSC.23(59) (Interna- ore carriers, depending on the structural
tional Code for the Safe Carriage of Grain in configuration;
Bulk). .7 UR Z10.2 and/or Z10.5 and Z10.1 and/or
Z10.4 Hull surveys for combination carri-
ers (ore/oil and oil/bulk/ore), depending on
character is to be assigned to a ship when all, or
the structural configuration;
some cargo holds are strengthened for carriage
of heavy cargoes. For additional requirements as appropriate, are applicable to a number of
related to this character refer to the Rules, Part 2 ship types falling within the broad definitions of oil tankers,
- Hull. chemical tankers and bulk carriers contained in above listed
HME - HOLDS MAY BE EMPTY. This character is to
be assigned to a ship when some of the cargo To clearly indicate to shipowners and the users
holds may be empty when carrying cargo (ex- of the Register Book of the Register those ships which are
ample shows the way of indication when holds subject to an enhanced survey programme, the following no-
1, 3 and 5, or 2 and 4 may be empty: HME tations shall be included within the class notation assigned to
1,3,5/2,4). all such ships, built and/or maintained in accordance with the
IWS - IN-WATER SURVEY. This character is to be
assigned to a ship with a hull specially marked
4.3.2 Ship type and enhanced survey pro-
and equipped for in-water surveys.
gramme (ESP) notations
TOD - TIMBER ON DECK. This character is to be as-
signed to a ship specially equipped for carriage Oil Tanker
of timber on deck. The ship type notation Tanker for oil, or
S - INTACT STABILITY. This character is to be equivalent, and the notation ESP shall be assigned to sea go-
assigned to a ship when intact stability file has ing self-propelled ships 2) which are constructed generally
been examined by the Register. with integral tanks and intended primarily to carry oil in bulk.
This type notation shall be assigned to tankers of both single
SD - DAMAGE STABILITY. This character is to be
and double hull construction, as well as tankers with alterna-
assigned to a ship when damage buoyancy and
tive structural arrangements, e.g. mid-deck designs. Typical
stability file has been examined by the Register.
midship sections are given in Figure 4.3-1 a).
acter is to be assigned to a ship the structural
condition of which is checked with 3D FEM 1)
calculation programme at design stage or after For bulk carriers with hybrid cargo hold arrangements, i.e. with
construction, according to the requirements of some cargo holds of single side skin and others of double side
skin, the requirements of UR Z10.2 are to apply to cargo holds of
the Register. Detailed technical requirements single side skin and Z10.5 to cargo holds of double side skin.
and conditions for assignment of this character
of class are contained in the CREST Guidelines Self-propelled ships are ships with mechanical means of propul-
of the Register. sion not requiring assistance from another ship during normal op-


NOTE: Oil tankers that do not comply with MARPOL, Reg. I/19 may Chemical tanker
be subject to International and/or National Regulations requiring
phase out under MARPOL, Reg. I/20 and/or MARPOL, Reg. I/21. The ship type notation Chemical tanker, or
equivalent, and the notation ESP shall be assigned to sea go- Bulk Carrier ing self-propelled ships 2) which are constructed generally with The ship type notation Bulk carrier, or equiva- integral tanks and intended primarily to carry chemicals in
lent, and the notation ESP shall be assigned to sea going self- bulk. This type notation shall be assigned to tankers of both
propelled ships 2) which are constructed generally with single single or double hull construction, as well as tankers with al-
deck, double bottom, hopper side tanks and topside tanks and ternative structural arrangements. Typical midship sections
with single or double side skin construction in cargo length are given in Figure 4.3-1 f).
area and intended primarily to carry dry cargoes in bulk.
Typical midship sections are given in Figure 4.3-1 b). Ore Carrier The ship type notation Ore carrier, or equiva-
lent, and the notation ESP shall be assigned to sea going self-
propelled ships 2) which are constructed generally with single
deck, two longitudinal bulkheads and a double bottom
throughout the cargo length area and intended primarily to
carry ore cargoes in the centre holds only. Typical midship
sections are given in Figure 4.3-1 c). Combination Carrier Combination carrier is a general term applied to
ships intended for the carriage of both oil and dry cargoes in
bulk; these cargoes are not carried simultaneously, with the
exception of oily mixture retained in slop tanks. The ship
types defined in and below shall be consid-
ered to be combination carriers. The ship type notation Ore/oil carrier, or
equivalent, and the notation ESP shall be assigned to sea go-
ing self-propelled ships 2) which are constructed generally with
single deck, two longitudinal bulkheads and a double bottom
throughout the cargo length area and intended primarily to
carry ore cargoes in the centre holds or of oil cargoes in centre
holds and wing tanks. Typical midship sections are given in
Figure 4.3-1 d).
NOTE: Ore / oil carriers that do not comply with MARPOL, Reg.
I/19 may be subject to International and/or National Regulations re-
quiring phase out. The ship type notation (Oil / Bulk / Ore) OBO

carrier, or equivalent, and the notation ESP shall be assigned
to sea going self-propelled ships 2) which are constructed gen-
erally with single deck, double bottom, hopper side tanks and
topside tanks, and with single or double side skin construction
in the cargo length area, and intended primarily to carry oil or
dry cargoes, including ore, in bulk. Typical midship sections
are given in Figure 4.3-1 e).
NOTE: Oil / Ore / Bulk carriers that do not comply with MARPOL,
Reg. I/19 may be subject to International and/or National Regulations
requiring phase out.


Table 4.2.2-1
Characters denoting quality of hull and relating class term

Character Exemptions related to ship's equipment and

Building Class term Character denoting
denoting quality navigation area
material of hull (years) navigation area
of hull (applicable to all ships excluding fishing vessels)
100A1 5
1 or 2 No exemptions
100A2 5
90A1 5 Mooring and anchoring equipment is to be defined
METALLIC 3 or 4 according to equipment number as defined in the
MATERIALS 90A2 5 Rules, Part 3 – Hull Equipment
50A1 5 Anchoring equipment for navigation area notations
5, 6, 7 and 8 is to be defined according to equip-
5, 6, 7 or 8 ment number as defined in the Rules, Part 3 – Hull
50A2 5

90B1 5 Mooring and anchoring equipment is to be defined

1 1), 2 1)
, 3 or 4 according to equipment number as defined in the
90B2 5 Rules, Part 3 – Hull Equipment
METALLIC 50B1 5 Anchoring equipment for navigation area notations
MATERIALS 5, 6, 7 and 8 is to be defined according to equip-
5, 6, 7 or 8 ment number as defined in the Rules, Part 3 – Hull
50B2 5

In some exceptional cases, for ships having 90B1 character of class assigned, navigating area 1 or 2 may be affixed, considering
each case separately.


Figure 4.3-1
Typical transverse sections for ships with ESP notation affixed

a) Oil tankers

b) Bulk carriers

c) Ore carriers


d) Ore / oil carriers

e) Oil/bulk/ore (OBO) carriers

f) Chemical tankers


4.4 MACHINERY INSTALLATION .1 Propulsion engines are to be type ap-

proved by the Register (or by some other
recognized classification society 3)).
4.4.1 Main character of class for machinery installa-
.2 Generators for electrical power are to be
tion denoting survey during construction and when after con-
type approved by the Register (or by some
struction is maintained in a condition considered satisfactory
other recognized classification society 3)).
by the Register. One of the following characters:
.3 Machinery and associated systems are de-
 - is assigned to a ship if: signed and manufactured according to the
a) the machinery installation has been requirements of the Rules.
built under survey and to the satisfac- .4 Machinery and equipment is manufactured
tion of the Register in accordance with under the recognized quality system.
the Rules, or .5 Propellers, propeller shafts and multiple
b) the machinery installation has been input/output gearboxes are excluded from
built in accordance with the Rules, but above stated, i.e. will not be found accept-
under survey and to the satisfaction of able if supplied with the manufacturer's
another recognized classification soci- certificate.
EXP - this character of class is to be assigned to a ship
 - the machinery installation has been built under whose machinery installation is constructed in
survey, in compliance with the rules and to the accordance with design, for which sufficient ex-
satisfaction of another recognized classification perience is not available. The Register will de-
society. cide at what intervals the required surveys will
have to be carried out. If the experience over
No - the machinery installation has been built without prolonged period of time has proved the effi-
symbol survey of the Register or any other recognized ciency of design the character EXP may be can-
classification society. celled.
4.4.2 Main character of class denoting quality of ma- 4.4.3 Additional character of class denoting automa-
chinery installation. Class term for this character of class is 5 tion level. If applicable, one of the following is to be assigned:
years. One of the following is to be assigned:
AUT 1 - this character of class is to be assigned to a ship
M1 - this character of class is to be assigned to a ship having automation level requiring unattended
if main propelling and essential auxiliary en- machinery spaces and control room.
gines are fully complying with requirements of
the Rules. AUT 2 - this character of class is to be assigned to a ship
having automation level requiring unattended
M2 - this character of class is to be assigned to a ship machinery spaces but requiring attended control
if main propelling and essential auxiliary en- room.
gines are not fully complying with requirements
of the Rules. AUT 3 - this character of class is to be assigned to a ship
having total machinery power output not ex-
Assigning of [No symbol] M2 character of class ceeding 1500 [kW] and automation level re-
quiring unattended machinery spaces. Notwith-
Assigning of [No symbol] M2 character of class, standing above stated in the case of ships which
excluding for: are not intended for unrestricted navigation this
- ships intended for navigation in navigation class notation may be assigned even if total ma-
area 1 or navigation area 2; chinery power output exceeds 1500 [kW].
- ships having more than 300 GT;
- passenger ships; 4.4.4 Additional characters of class IGS and COW. If
- ships falling under the scope of HSC applicable, one of the following is to be assigned:
Code; IGS - this character of class is to be assigned to a ship
- fishing vessels having length more than 24 equipped with inert gas system.
meters and falling under the scope of EU Oil tankers (Tanker for oil or Product carrier)
Directive 97/70/EC, as amended; having 20,000 tons deadweight and above in-
may be assigned on the case-by case basis sub- tended for the carriage of liquid cargo with flash
ject to special consideration of the Register. In that case as- point below 60 oC (closed cup test) and all ships
signing of the subject class notation is utilised by accepting with crude oil washing arrangement regardless
the manufacturer's certificates for items of propelling and es- of their size shall be fitted with permanently in-
sential machinery (including gearing with single input/output stalled inert gas system.
arrangements) and for electrical power generators, subject to
the following requirements:

In this case term "recognised classification society" comprises EU


COW - this character of class is to be assigned to a ship

equipped with crude oil washing system.
Ships carrying crude oil having 20,000 tons
deadweight and above are to be fitted with cargo
tank cleaning system using crude oil washing ar-
rangement complying with MARPOL 73/78,
Annex I, Reg. 33 and Reg. 35, which refers to
"Revised Specifications for the Design, Opera-
tion and Control of Crude Oil Washing Sys-
tems", adopted by IMO Res. A.446(XI), as
amended by A.497(XII) and as further amended
by A.897(21).


4.5.1 Main character of class for refrigerating plant
denoting survey during construction and when after construc-
tion is maintained in a condition considered satisfactory by the
Register. One of the following characters:
R - is assigned to a ship if:
a) the refrigerating plant has been built
under survey and to the satisfaction of
the Register in accordance with the
Rules, or
b) the refrigerating plant has been built in
accordance with the Rules, but under
survey and to the satisfaction of an-
other recognized classification society.
R - the refrigerating plant has been built under sur-
vey, in compliance with the rules and to the sat-
isfaction of another recognized classification so-
No - the refrigerating plant has been built without
symbol survey of the Register or any other recognized
classification society.
4.5.2 Additional characters of class denoting ability of
refrigerating plant. If applicable, one or both characters are to
be assigned:
+ - this character of class is assigned to a ship hav-
ing the refrigerating plant with a cooling capac-
ity sufficient to reduce on board the temperature
of non-pre-cooled cargo during a period of time,
providing preservation of the cargo
C - this character of class is assigned to a ship hav-
ing the refrigerating plant with a cooling capac-
ity sufficient to deliver pre-cooled air of the re-
quired temperature to refrigerated cargo con-
tainers during a period of time, providing pres-
ervation of the cargo.
4.5.3 For refrigerating plant a 5 year class term is re-


5.2.6 All new ships with a length of 24 meters and

5 CLASSIFICATION above will be assigned class only after it has been demon-
PROCEDURE strated that their intact stability is adequate for the intended
Adequate intact stability means compliance with
5.1 REQUEST FOR CLASSIFICATION standards laid down by the relevant Flag State Administration
or those of the Register taking into account the ship’s size and
type. The level of intact stability for ships of all sizes in any
5.1.1 A request for issuing the Certificate of class, i.e.
case should not be less than that provided by IMO Res.
a "Request for the classification" is to be submitted to the
A.749(18), Chapter 3.1, 3.2 and 4.1, as amended by
Register by the Owner (or by the Company) in writing.
MSC.75(69), or by "International Code on Intact Stability,
5.1.2 Assigning class to ships having GT < 100 is 2008" (2008 IS Code), as applicable.
subjected to special consideration of the Register. Evidence of approval by the Flag State Admini-
stration concerned may be accepted for the purpose of classi-
5.1.3 Either the Owner (or the Company), or the Reg-
ister can terminate as of right the requested service after giv- IACS UR L2
ing the other party thirty days' written notice, for convenience,
and without prejudice to the provisions in 5.2.7 The Register reserves the right to add special de-
scription notes on the Certificate of class, as well as any other
5.1.4 The class granted to the concerned ship and pre- information or restrictions having influence on the ship opera-
viously issued certificates remain valid until the date of effect tion relevant for the classification.
of the notice issued according to 5.1.3 subject to compliance
with 5.3.3 and
OF CLASS 5.3.1 It is the responsibility of the Owner (or the
Company) to ensure that all surveys necessary for the mainte-
5.2.1 After completion of the survey during construc- nance of class are carried out at proper time in accordance
tion, and when the attending Surveyor is of the opinion that all with the Rules.
the requirements for the class assignment have been met, the
Interim certificate of class shall be issued. 5.3.2 Validity of the Certificate of class is determined
with class term with a condition of surveys (Annual, Interme-
Interim certificate of class has 5 (five) months
diate, Renewal, Docking, etc.) to be carried out in specified
validity, i.e. until ship's class is verified by the Head Office of
intervals as prescribed in the Rules, Chapter 5 - Surveys of
the Register through issuing the full term Certificate of class.
ships in service, and to be completed to the satisfaction of the
5.2.2 Survey during construction may be considered Register.
to be completed with some minor items unverified, provided After completion of Initial or Renewal survey to
that such items are stated as the conditions of class, including the satisfaction of the Register, the Register will issue the
related time limits for their rectification. At the same time the Certificate of class.
attending Surveyor will document the completion of the sur-
After completion of Annual and Intermediate
vey during construction by issuing the Interim certificate of
surveys, to the satisfaction of the Register, the Register will
class and sending conditions of class to the Head Office of the
endorse the Certificate of class.
5.3.3 The ship, machinery installations and related es-
5.2.3 In case of admission to class of an existing ship
sential arrangements and systems are to be adequately manned
which has not been built under survey of the Register, or in
and competently handled and maintained at a standard com-
the case of re-classification of an existing ship, the Interim
plying with the requirements of the Rules.
certificate of class will be issued after the satisfactory com-
pletion of the Initial class entry survey, and when the attend- The ship is to be loaded and operated taking into
ing Surveyor is of the opinion that all the requirements for the respect distribution of cargo and ballast, if necessary to the se-
class assignment, or transfer of class have been met. curing of cargo, as well as to the operation of ship in heavy
weather, including any limitation or restriction imposed by the
5.2.4 The class will be assigned to a ship and a full Register.
term validity Certificate of class will be issued to a ship after
examination of the Surveyor’s reports and records, and verifi- 5.3.4 Any damage or excessive wastage of the ship’s
cation that the requirements of the Rules corresponding to the structure (i.e. shell frames and their end attachments, shell
class have been met. plating, deck structure, deck plating, bottom structure, bottom
plating, watertight bulkheads, oiltight bulkheads, hatch
5.2.5 The Head Office may not issue the Certificate of coamings and hatch covers) beyond allowable limits affecting
class if it is presumed that all requirements of the Rules have ship’s class are to be immediately and permanently repaired
not been fulfilled, even if the Interim certificate of class has after the survey.
been previously issued.
For locations where adequate repair facilities are
not available, consideration may be given to allow the ship to


proceed directly to repair yard. For such intended voyage dis- valid from the date of completion of the
charging of the cargo and/or immediate temporary repairs may renewal survey to a date not exceeding
be required. allowable period of validity of the Certifi-
If concluded by the Register that such damage or cate of class counting from the date of
wastage is not immediately affecting ship’s class, it’s safety completion of the Renewal survey.
and integrity, safety of the crew, passengers, or sea environ-
ment, the ship may be allowed to be temporarily repaired for a 5.5 EXTENSION OF THE PERIOD OF
period to be defined, which as a result may have issuing of a
new Certificate of class with a reduced period of validity,
and/or imposing of appropriate conditions of class.
5.5.1 Under "exceptional circumstances" 4) the Regis-
5.3.5 After the survey has been completed, the Regis- ter may grant an extension not exceeding 3 (three) months to
ter will send to the Owner (or to the Company) all reports allow for completion of the Renewal survey provided that the
concerning performed survey. Each condition of class will be vessel is attended and that attending Surveyor so recommends
assigned a due date for completion. after the following has been carried out:
For ships subjected to Enhanced Survey Pro- .1 Annual survey.
gramme an Executive Hull Summary of the survey and results .2 Re-examination of conditions of class.
is to be issued to the Owner (or to the Company) and placed .3 Progression of the Renewal survey as far
on board the ship for reference at future surveys. The Execu- as practicable.
tive Hull Summary is to be endorsed by the Head Office of .4 In the case where dry docking is due prior
the Register. to the end of the class extension, an un-
derwater examination is to be carried out
5.3.6 The Register may, in cases of serious deficien- by an approved diving company. An un-
cies, suspend or withdraw existing ship’s Certificate of class derwater examination by an approved
and replace it with new certificate having reduced period of company may be dispensed with in the
validity, during which such deficiencies are to be dealt with. case of extension of dry-docking survey
In cases when deficiencies are of such extent that it is pre- not exceeding 36-months interval provided
sumed that ship’s class, it’s safety and integrity, safety of the the ship is without outstanding condition
crew, passengers, or sea environment is endangered, the Reg- of class regarding underwater parts.
ister shall suspend or withdraw ship’s Certificate of class and
shall require the ship to be surveyed in the first port of call 5.5.2 In the case that the Certificate of class will ex-
where necessary repairs are to be carried out. pire when the ship is expected to be at sea, an extension to
allow for completion of the Renewal survey may be granted,
5.3.7 Certificate of class as well as other documents provided there is documented agreement to such an extension
issued by the Register (such as reports on surveys performed) prior to the expiry date of the Certificate of class, and pro-
to the ship are to be kept on board for the lifetime of a ship vided that positive arrangements have been made for atten-
and should be readily available for the Surveyor. dance of the Surveyor at the first port of call, and provided
that the Register is satisfied that there is technical justification
5.4 PERIOD OF VALIDITY for such an extension. Such an extension shall be granted only
until arrival at the first port of call after the expiry date of the
Certificate of class.
5.4.1 Period of validity of the Certificate of class
(class term) is normally not longer than 5 (five) years. However, if owing to “exceptional circum-
stances” the Renewal survey cannot be completed at the first
5.4.2 When the Renewal survey is completed: port of call, the requirements stated in 5.5.1 may be applied,
.1 Within 3 (three) months before the expiry but the total period of extension shall in no case be longer
date of the existing Certificate of class, the than 3 (three) months after the original due date of the Re-
new Certificate of class shall be valid from newal survey.
the date of completion of the Renewal sur-
vey to a date not exceeding allowable pe- 5.5.3 The period between inspections of the outside of
riod of validity of the Certificate of class the ship’s bottom may be extended for a period not exceeding
counting from the date of expiry of the 3 (three) months (or one month for ships engaged on short
existing certificate. voyages) when a Certificate of class is extended under provi-
2. After the expiry date of the existing Cer- sions stated in 5.5.1.
tificate of class, the new Certificate of 5.5.4 However, no extension should be permitted of
class shall be valid from the date of com- 36 (thirty-six) months between any two such inspections. If
pletion of the Renewal survey to a date not the first ship’s bottom inspection is carried out between 24
exceeding allowable period of validity of (twenty-four) and 27 (twenty-seven) months, then the 36-
the Certificate of class counting from the
date of expiry of the existing Certificate of
.3 More than 3 (three) months before the ex- 4)
"Exceptional circumstances" means unavailability of dry-docking
piry date of the existing Certificate of facilities; unavailability of repair facilities; unavailability of es-
class, the new Certificate of class shall be sential materials, equipment or spare parts; or delays incurred by
action taken to avoid severe weather conditions.


month limitation may prevent the Certificate of class being 5.6.3 Vessels laid-up: In accordance with the Rules
extended by the periods permitted in 5.5.3. prior to surveys coming due vessel need not be suspended
when surveys addressed above become overdue.
5.5.5 Other requirements regarding bottom survey of
the ship are stated in the Rules, Chapter 5 - Surveys of ships in However, vessels which are laid-up after being
service, 2.4. suspended as a result of surveys going overdue, remain sus-
pended until the overdue surveys are completed.
When a vessel is intended for a single voyage
from laid-up position to repair yard with any periodical survey
overdue, the vessel's class suspension may be held in abey-
5.6.1 Classification is automatically suspended and ance and consideration may be given to allow the vessel to
Certificate of class shall becomes invalid in the following proceed on a single direct ballast voyage from the site of lay
cases: up to the repair yard, upon agreement with the Flag State Ad-
.1 When the Renewal survey has not been ministration, provided the Register finds the vessel in satis-
completed or is not under attendance for factory condition after surveys, the extent of which are to be
completion prior to resuming trading, by based on surveys overdue and duration of lay-up. A short term
the due date. Class Certificate with conditions for the intended voyage may
.2 When the Annual survey has not been be issued. This is not applicable to vessels whose class was al-
completed within 3 (three) months of the ready suspended prior to being laid-up.
due date of the annual survey, unless the
vessel is under attendance for completion 5.6.4 Force Majeure: If, due to circumstances rea-
of the Annual survey. sonably beyond the Owner (Company) or the control of the
.3 When the Intermediate survey has not Register (limited to such cases as: damage to the ship, unfore-
been completed within 3 (three) months of seen inability of the Register to attend the ship due to the gov-
the due date of the third annual survey in ernmental restrictions on right of access or movement of per-
each periodic survey cycle, unless the ves- sonnel, unforeseeable delays in port or inability to discharge
sel is under attendance for completion of cargo due to unusually lengthy periods of severe weather,
the Intermediate survey. strikes, civil strife, acts of war, or other cases of force ma-
In above mentioned cases classification will be jeure) the ship is not in a port where the overdue surveys can
reinstated upon satisfactory completion of the surveys due. be completed at the expiry of the periods allowed above, the
Such surveys are to be credited from the date originally due. Register may allow the ship to sail in class, directly to an
However, the ship is disclassed from the date of suspension agreed discharge port and, if necessary, hence, in ballast, to an
until the date class is reinstated. agreed port at which the survey will be completed, provided
that the Register:
Additionally, classification is automatically sus- .1 Exams the ship’s records.
pended and Certificate of class shall become invalid in the .2 Carries out the due and/or overdue surveys
following cases also: and examination of conditions of class at
.4 When conversions or alternations are car- the first port of call when there is an un-
ried out without the approval of the Reg- foreseen inability of the Register to attend
ister (as stated in 3.6). the vessel in the present port, and
.5 If the Register has not been informed .3 Has satisfied itself that the vessel is in
when the ship sustains damage or defect, condition to sail for one trip to a discharge
as stated in 3.11.6. port and subsequent ballast voyage to a re-
.6 If the ship is not loaded and operated to pair facility if necessary. (Where there is
the conditions or limitations stated in the unforeseen inability of the Register to at-
Certificate of class and other pertinent tend the vessel in the present port, the
documents (e.g. draught, area of naviga- master is to confirm that his ship is in con-
tion, sea state condition, type of cargo, dition to sail to the nearest port of call).
main engine power output).
If class has already been automatically sus-
5.6.2 The ship’s class will be subject to a suspension pended in such cases, it may be reinstated subject to the pre-
procedure in following cases: viously prescribed conditions.
.1 When Continuous survey items due or
overdue at time of Annual or Intermediate 5.6.5 When a vessel is intended for a demolition voy-
survey, have not been dealt with or post- age with any periodical survey overdue, the vessel's class sus-
poned by agreement. pension may be held in abeyance and consideration may be
.2 When recommendations or conditions of given to allow the vessel to proceed on a single direct ballast
class have not been dealt with, or post- voyage from the lay up or final discharge port to the demoli-
poned by agreement. tion yard. In such cases a short term Certificate of class with
.3 When non-payment of fees occurs. conditions for the voyage noted may be issued provided the
.4 When the Owner (Company) fails to no- attending surveyor finds the vessel in satisfactory condition to
tify the Register on the voyage repairs and proceed for the intended voyage.
maintenance duly in advance.



5.7.1 The decision to suspend or withdraw a ship's 5.11.1 A dually classed vessel is one which is simulta-
Certificate of class is made by the Head Office of the Regis- neously classed by the Register and some other recognised
ter. classification society and where, when one of the societies
undertakes class surveys, it also acts on behalf of the other so-
5.7.2 When the class of ship has been suspended for a ciety.
period of 6 (six) months due to overdue surveys, recommen-
dations and/or conditions of class, the class shall be with- 5.11.2 When a vessel is dually classed and in the event
drawn. A longer suspension period may be granted when the that one of the societies involved takes action to suspend the
ship is not trading, as in cases of lay-up, awaiting disposition class of the vessel for technical reasons, the society concerned
in case of casualty or attendance for reinstatement. will advise the other society of the reasons for such action and
the full circumstances within five working days.
5.7.3 Class may be also withdrawn at the Owner's (or the
Company's) written request. 5.11.3 The second society will, upon receipt of this ad-
vice, also suspend class of the vessel, unless it can otherwise
5.7.4 Upon the decision of the Head Office of the Register document that such suspension is incorrect.
the class of the ship may be suspended or withdrawn if the
Owner (or the Company) does not fulfil or fails to comply 5.11.4 When either society decides to reinstate class, it
with the requirements stated in 5.3.6. is to inform the other society.


5.12.1 When the class has been assigned to a ship, its
5.8.1 The Register shall give timely notice to a Owner main particulars and class notation will be entered in the Reg-
(or to a Company) about forthcoming surveys. ister Book of the Register. Other than the main and additional
characters of class, details related to the ship's hull, machinery
The omission of such notice however does not installation and refrigerating plant are entered in the Register
absolve the Owner (or the Company) from his responsibility Book indicating ship's particulars, it's deadweight, construc-
to comply with Register’s survey requirements for mainte- tion material, main and auxiliary machinery power output, etc.
nance of class.
Register Book is published periodically by the
5.8.2 The Register shall confirm in writing the sus- Register.
pension of class and reinstating the ship's class to the Owner
(Company) and to the Flag State. Data contained in the Register Book are regu-
larly updated and are available on-line for public at large on
5.8.3 The Register shall confirm in writing the with- the official web site of the Register also.
drawal of class to the Owner (Company) and to the Flag State.
5.8.4 For ships constructed on or after 1st July 1998 5.13 ASSIGNING THE DATE OF BUILD
under SOLAS, Reg. II-1/3.1, confirmations according to 5.8.2
and 5.8.3 are to state that certain statutory certificates are im- 5.13.1 The Certificate of class and the Register Book
plicitly invalidated by suspension / withdrawal of class. shall indicate the “Date of Build” as defined below:
.1 For New Construction - the year, month
5.9 REINSTATING THE VALIDITY and day at which the new construction
survey process is completed shall be speci-
fied as the “Date of Build”.
5.9.1 The validity of a certificate ceased to be valid or
Where there is substantial delay between
suspended will be reinstated upon satisfactory completion of
completion of construction survey process
the surveys due, and/or upon verification that the overdue
and the ship commencing active service,
conditions have been satisfactorily dealt with, as stipulated for
the date of commissioning may be also
each particular case in 5.6.1, 5.6.2, 5.6.3, 5.6.4 or 5.6.5. Such
surveys are to be credited from the date originally due.
.2 After Modifications - after modifications
5.9.2 However, the ship is considered not to have are completed, the “Date of Build” shall
valid Certificate of class issued by the Register from the date remain assigned to the ship.
of ceasing of validity, or suspension until the date when the Where a complete replacement, or addi-
validity of the certificate has been reinstated. tion of a major portion of the ship 5) is in-
volved, the following shall apply:
5.10.1 A double class ship is one which is classed by 5)
For example, a major portion of the ship may include a complete
two class societies, where each one works as if it is the only forward or after section, a complete main cargo section (which
society classing the ship, and does all surveys in accordance may include a complete hold / tank of a cargo ship), a complete
with its own requirements and schedule. block of deck structure of a passenger ship or a structural modifi-
cation of a single hull to a double hull ship.


a) the “Date of Build” associated with amendment to the contract is to be considered as a "new con-
each major portion of the ship shall be tract" to which 5.14.1 and above apply.
indicated, where it has been agreed
that the newer structure shall be on a 5.14.4 If a "contract for construction" is amended to
different survey cycle; change the ship type, the date of "contract for construction" of
b) survey requirements shall be based on this modified vessel, or vessels, is the date on which revised
the “Date of Build” associated with contract or new contract is signed between the Owner, or
each major portion of the ship; Owners, and the shipbuilder.
c) survey due dates may be aligned at the
discretion of the Register. 5.15 DATE OF INITIAL
CONSTRUCTION 5.15.1 As a general rule, for newbuildings the date of
initial classification coincides with date of build.
The Rules that will be applied for class assign- 5.15.2 For the definition of the date of initial classifi-
ment to newconstruction are generally those being at force at cation for existing ships see the Rules, Chapter 2 - Survey
the date of "contract for construction". For the purpose of de- during construction and initial survey, 2.5.
fining the date of "contract of construction", the following
shall apply:
5.14.1 The date of "contract for construction" of a ves- SOLAS AND MARPOL CONVENTIONS
sel is the date on which the contract to build the vessel is
signed between the prospective owner and the shipbuilder.
This date and the construction numbers (i.e. hull numbers) of
all the vessels included in the contract are to be declared to the Under certain provisions of the SOLAS and MARPOL Conventions,
classification society by the party applying for the assignment the application of regulations to a new ship is governed by the dates:
of class to a newbuilding. .1 For which the building contract is placed on or
after dd/mm/yyyy, or
5.14.2 The date of "contract for construction" of a se- .2 In the absence of a building contract, the keel of
ries of vessels, including specified optional vessels for which which is laid or which is at a similar stage of
the option is ultimately exercised, is the date on which the construction on or after dd/mm/yyyy, or
.3 the delivery of which is on or after dd/mm/yyyy.
contract to build the series is signed between the prospective
owner and the shipbuilder. For the purpose of determining the application of man-
datory requirements of the SOLAS and MARPOL Conventions to a
For the purpose of the Rules, vessels built under new ship, the date of "delivery" means the completion date (day,
a single "contract for construction" are considered a "series of month and year) of the survey on which the certificate is based (i.e.
vessels" if they are built to the same approved plans for classi- the initial survey before the ship is put into service and certificate is-
fication purposes. However, vessels within a series may have sued for the first time) as entered on the relevant statutory certificates.
design alterations from the original design provided:
.1 such alterations do not affect matters re-
lated to classification, or 5.17 KEEL LAYING DATE
.2 if the alterations are subject to classifica-
tion requirements, these alterations are to Interpretation
comply with the classification require-
For the purpose of the application of the IMO Conventions and Codes
ments in effect on the date on which the
(Performance Standards, Technical Standards, Resolutions and Circu-
alterations are contracted between the pro- lars) for:
spective owner and the shipbuilder or, in .1 Steel ships the term “the keel of which is laid or
the absence of the alteration contract, which is at a similar stage of construction”
comply with the classification require- should be interpreted under provisons of MSC-
ments in effect on the date on which the MEPC.5/Circ.8. The term "under similar stage
alterations are submitted to the Register of construction" means the stage at which:
for approval. a) construction identifiable with a specific
ship begins; and
The optional vessels will be considered
b) assembly of that ship has commenced com-
part of the same series of vessels if the op- prising at least 50 tonnes or one per cent of
tion is exercised not later than 1 (one) year the estimated mass of all structural material,
after the contract to build the series was whichever is less.
signed. .2 Fibre-Reinforced Plastic (FRP) Craft, the term
"the keel of which is laid or which is at a similar
5.14.3 If a "contract for construction" is later stage of construction" should be interpreted as
amended to include additional vessels or additional options, the date that the first structural reinforcement of
the date of "contract for construction" for such vessels is the the complete thickness of the approved hull
date on which the amendment to the contract, is signed be- laminate schedule is laid either in or on the
tween the prospective owner and the shipbuilder. The mould.


other recognised organisation so authorised by the Flag State

6 APPLICATION OF Administration.
STATUTORY REQUIREMENTS 6.6 In the case of dually or double classed ships,
statutory certificates may be issued by the other classification
6.1 When authorized by the Flag State Administra- society with which the ship is classed, provided that this is
tion concerned, the Register will act on its behalf within the recognized in a formal dual or double class agreement with
limits of such authorization. In this respect, the Register will the Register, and provided that the other classification society
take into account the relevant national requirements, survey is authorized by the relevant Flag State Administration.
the ship and issue or contribute to issue of the corresponding
6.2 The above surveys do not fall within the scope
of the classification of ships, even though their scope may
overlap in part and may be carried out concurrently with sur-
veys for assignment or maintenance of class.
6.3 In the case of a discrepancy between the provi-
sions of the applicable international and national regulations
and those of the Rules, the former shall take precedence.
6.4 In statutory matters in the course of statutory
certification on behalf of Flag State Administrations the Reg-
ister applies available IACS Unified Interpretations (IACS
Notwithstanding above stated, IACS Unified
Interpretations shall only be applied to ships whose Flag State
Administrations have not issued different and/or definite in-
structions on the interpretations of IMO regulations concerned
(i.e. when the Flag State Administration has not provided an-
other interpretation, another requirements or decides other-
wise). This does not require the application of IACS UIs to
ships retroactively, except for those UIs which explicitly re-
quire retroactive application.
6.5 For ships, the arrangement and equipment of
which are required to comply with the requirements of:
.1 International Convention on Load Lines,
1966, (ILLC 66),
.2 International Convention for the Safety of
Life at Sea, 1974 (SOLAS 74),
.3 International Convention on Tonnage
Measurement of Ships (TMC 69),
.4 International Convention for the Preven-
tion of Pollution from Ships, 1973, as
modified by the Protocol of 1978 relating
thereto (MARPOL 73/78),
.5 International Code for the Construction
and Equipment of Ships Carrying Danger-
ous Chemicals in Bulk (IBC Code),
.6 International Safety Management Code
(ISM Code),
.7 International Ship and Port Facility Secu-
rity Code (ISPS Code),
.8 Applicable conventions of the Interna-
tional Labour Organization (ILO),
.9 International Convention On The Control
Of Harmful Anti-Fouling Systems On
.10 Maritime Labour Convention, 2006 (MLC
and applicable amendments thereto, the Register
requires that the applicable statutory certificates are to be is-
sued by the Register, Flag State Administration, or by some



7.1 In cases of external audits or inspections of pro-

cesses of the Register, for the certification of the Register and
in order to verify compliance of such processes against appli-
cable rules, regulations and quality standards, and in addition
to stated in 3.12, the following parties have for access to the
.1 authorised representatives of the Flag State
.2 authorised audit teams (i.e. Accreditation
Body or EC auditors).
NOTE: According to the Regulation (EC) No. 391/2009 of the
European Parliament and of the Council on common rules and stan-
dards for ship inspection and survey organisations, the issue of statu-
tory certificates or class certificates to a ship is conditional on the par-
ties not opposing the access of the Commission inspectors on board
ships for the purposes of Article 8(1) of said Regulation.

7.2 For that purpose representatives / auditors may

accompany Surveyors of the Register at any stage of their
classification and/or statutory work, which may necessitate
the representatives / auditors having free access to the ship, or
to the premises of the manufacturer / shipbuilder. Shipowners,
Companies, Shipyards or manufacturers shall provide repre-
sentatives / auditors with the safe access to the premises / ship.


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