International Journal of Engineering (IJE) Volume 4 Issue 6

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International Journal of

Engineering (IJE)

Volume 4, Issue 6, 2011

Edited By
Computer Science Journals
Editor in Chief Dr. Kouroush Jenab

International Journal of Engineering (IJE)

Book: 2011 Volume 4, Issue 6
Publishing Date: 08-02-2011
ISSN (Online): 1985-2312

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Editorial Preface

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Editorial Board Members

International Journal of Engineering (IJE)
Editorial Board

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Dr. Kouroush Jenab
Ryerson University (Canada)

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AssociateProfessor. Khalifa Saif Al-Jabri
Sultan Qaboos University (Oman)
Table of Content

Volume 4, Issue 6, December 2011


463 - 477 Modeling of Gas Turbine Co-Propulsion Engine to Ecotourism

Vessel for Improvement of the Sailing Speed
O. Sulaiman, A. H. Saharuddin, A. S. A. kader, M. Zamani

478 - 490
Abrasive Wear of Digger Tooth Steel
Hussein Sarhan sarhan, Nofal Al-Araji, Rateb Issa ,
Mohammad Alia

491 - 506
Prediction the Biodynamic Response of the Seated Human Body
Using Artificial Intelligence Technique
Mostafa Abdeen, Wael Abbas

International Journal of Engineering, (IJE) Volume (4): Issue (6)

O. Sulaima, H. Saharuddin, A.S.A.kader & M.Zamani

Modeling of Gas Turbine Co-Propulsion Engine to Ecotourism

Vessel for Improvement of the Sailing Speed

O. Sulaima [email protected]
Department of Maritime Technology,
Faculty of Maritime Studies and Marine Science,
University Malaysia Terengganu, Terengganu, Malaysia

H. Saharuddin
Department of Maritime Technology,
Faculty of Maritime Studies and Marine Science,
University Malaysia Terengganu, Terengganu, Malaysia

A.S.A.kader [email protected]
Department of Mechanical Engineering,
University Technology Malaysia,
Skudai, Johor. Malaysia

Department of Mechanical Engineering,
University Technology Malaysia,
Skudai, Johor. Malaysia


Sailing speed is important an factor in choosing marine engines. The uses of gas
turbine as co-propulsion engine for improving sailing speed of ecotourism
vessels to fulfill requirement of SAR operation. Gas turbine co-propulsion engine
have an advantage of high power to weight ratio in comparative to other heat
engines. This paper presents the results and study on diesel engine, simple cycle
gas turbine and regenerative gas turbine performances The relation between the
thermal efficiency of heat engine to fuel consumption is used to estimate fuel
consumption rate. The design of heat engine can be determined the specific heat
ratio and pressure ratio of the operation cycle which will give necessary impacts
to the thermal efficiency of the heat engine. Results from the numerical
calculation for the implementation of gas turbine will provide he decision support.
The paper also discusses the impact of co-propulsion engine to the ships stability
and proper power rating of gas turbine co-propulsion engine estimated by
numerical calculation in order to achieve maximum sailing speed up to 35 knots.

Keywords: Gas Turbine, Regeneration, Sailing Speed Thermal Efficiency, Fuel Consumption

The sailing speed of ecotourism can be improved by several methods. In this research
implementation of gas is proposed as co-propulsion engine to improve the ecotourism vessel
sailing speed up to 35knots. The vessel under study is the important transport connecting the
mainland from Mersing jetty to Tioman Island. High speed sailing is necessary for the vessel to

International Journal of Engineering (IJE), Volume (4): Issue (6) 463

O. Sulaima, H. Saharuddin, A.S.A.kader & M.Zamani

carry out the search and rescueoperation in open sea under emergency circumstances. Besides,
improving passenger ferry sailing speed will overcome the problem of vessels shiftment delays
during peak season inMay.
Gas turbine also called a combustion turbine is a rotary engine that extracts energy from a flow of
combustion gas. In order to adapt the function, the gas turbine composes of four important
components, which are compressor, combustion chamber, turbines and exhaust. Energy is
added to gas stream by combustor through ignition of the mixture of atomized fuel and air. The
gaseous streams are then directed through a nozzle toward a turbine. The hot gases stream will
spin the turbine and empower the compressor.
Comparative to others heat engine, gas turbine will have the advantages of high power to weight
ratio. The gas turbine provides the same output power as the diesel engine having more compact
design and smaller in sizes and weight in comparison with diesel engine. However, under certain
circumstances, the diesel engine will show higher in fuel efficiency in comparative to gas turbine
[1, 2].
The design of gas turbine will give impacts to the performances of gas turbine. Design must take
into account on specific heat ratio and the pressure ratio in order to produce high performance
gas turbine co-propulsion engine. These two variables give significant change of thermal
efficiency of gas turbine co-propulsion engine.

The thermodynamic properties of the each heat engine were emphasized three types of heat
engine were selected and put into study. Diesel cycle, Bryton cycle and combine cycle are
studies to examine the properties of individual heat engine.

FIGURE 1: thermodynamic properties of co-propulsion engine

A survey is done by a visiting the passenger Fast Ferry Company located at Mersing jetty,
Johor. Data collections are done on the vessel understudy. These included ship’s particular
general arrangement, propulsion engine specification, sailing speeds and fuel consumption rate

International Journal of Engineering (IJE), Volume (4): Issue (6) 464

O. Sulaima, H. Saharuddin, A.S.A.kader & M.Zamani

The thermodynamic properties of the following heat engine were presented in curve to examine
the properties of each heat engine. The plotting tools; Mathlab is applied for plotting purposes.
The thermodynamic formula needs to translate to the M-code in order to present a relation curve
[5,6]. Table 1-4 show the M-code for propulsion engines.

TABLE1: Thermal efficiency of co-propulsion engine

Types of co-propulsion engine Thermal efficiency formula

Diesel engine

Simple cycle Gas turbine

Regeneration gas turbine

TABLE 2: M-code for Diesel engine

code for thermodynamic properties of diesel engine
k=1.4; r=[2:2:24];
rco=2; a=r.^(k
1); b=(rco^k)
1; c=k*(rco
1); e=b./(a*c);
e; plot(r,nD,'red');
legend('at k=1.4'); xlabel('compress
ratio,r'); ylabel('Dieselefficiency,nD');
title('thermal efficiency vs comprssion ratio');

TABLE 3: M-code for simple cycle gas turbine

%M-code for thermodynamic properties of simple gas turbine
k=1.4; rp=[1:2:24];
x=(k-1)/k; nB=1-
rp.^-xplot(rp,nB,'magenta'); xlabel('pressure ratio,rp');
ylabel('Thermal efficiency,nB'); legend('at
k=1.4'); title('Thermal
efficiency of gas turbine vs pressure ratio');

TABLE 4: M-code for regeneration gas turbin

%M-code for thermodynamic properties of regeneration gas turbine

xlabel('pressure ratio,r');
ylabel('Thermal efficiency,n');
legend(‘regen turbine at k=1.4’);

title(‘regen gas turbine thermal efficiency’);

International Journal of Engineering (IJE), Volume (4): Issue (6) 465

O. Sulaima, H. Saharuddin, A.S.A.kader & M.Zamani

The fuel consumption rate of each heat engine will then translate from the thermal efficiency
using formula state below:

After determining the types of co-propulsion engine to implement, the power output selection can
be performed by numerical calculation by using the related formula follow the sequence as shown
in Figure 2.

FIGURE 2: Arrangement of machinery onboard ship

TABLE5: Formula for numarical power calculation

Types of power Simplified Formula

Effective horse power (EHP) EHP=RV Effective horse power required to tow a hull without a propeller.

Thrust horsepower (THP) thrust horsepower is power delivered by propeller to the water

Delivered Horsepower Delivered horsepower (DHP) is the power that is delivered by the
shaft to the propeller.

International Journal of Engineering (IJE), Volume (4): Issue (6) 466

O. Sulaima, H. Saharuddin, A.S.A.kader & M.Zamani

Shaft horsepower Shaft horse power is the power delivered by engine to the shaft
after gearing and thrust bearing.

Brake horse power The power delivered by the prime mover at its connection flange
is called brake horsepower.


The data acquired during the survey are presented in tablelar form. The table 6 below shows the
detail of the passenger ferry company. Bluewater Express ferry services are a company
established in 1999. The core business offered are the ferry services to the passengers coming to
Pulau Tioman. The company currently owned 8 fast ferries for the passenger services. Besides,
the company owned a few cargo ships modified from the ordinary fisherman boat to transfer
cargoes in between Pulau Tioman to the mainland to full fill the demands in the Tioman Island.
(Refer to Table 6, and Table 7).

TABLE 6: Details of the ferry company

1 Company name: BlueWater Express

2 Location: Mersing,Johor

3 Name of Company's owner: En.Rizam Bin Ali

4 Types of business: passenger fast ferry

5 Routine: Mersing jetty to Tioman

6 Distance: 35n miles

7 Name of Vessel: Gemilang 1

8 Types of vessel: Fiber single hull vessel

PT.Bintan Shipping Bioteknik Tanjung
9 Vessel Manfacturer: Pinang Shipyard
10 Maximum number passenger: 100 passengers

TABLE 7: Ship Hull details

1 Length overall 23.7m

2 beam 5.20m

3 draft 2.20m

4 Hull types: Single hull

5 Materials Fiber class

6 Detail of lighting system 12fluerecent light(45watt),12 others light bulb(24watt)

6 batt pump,1 electrical pump,2 mechanical pump(ramp
7 Number of pump required pump)

8 Vessel average sailing speed 20knots

9 DWT(base on dimension) 271.2tonnes

International Journal of Engineering (IJE), Volume (4): Issue (6) 467

O. Sulaima, H. Saharuddin, A.S.A.kader & M.Zamani

The vessel under studies named Gemilang 1. The vessel was constructed by PT. Bintan Shipping
Bioteknik in Tanjung Pinang, Indonesia. The ship hull has the dimension as shown in the Table.
The machinery used onboard was drafted for the reason of recommendation on the
implementation of co-propulsion engine ( See Figure 3 and 4 ).

FIGURE 3: Machinery arrangement in Gemilang 1 engine room

FIGURE 4: Mechanism of CI diesel propulsion engine in Gemilang 1

International Journal of Engineering (IJE), Volume (4): Issue (6) 468

O. Sulaima, H. Saharuddin, A.S.A.kader & M.Zamani

FIGURE 5: GA-plan of Gemilang 1 (general arrangement plan)

Gemilang1 is equipped with 2 propulsion engines and capable to propel the ship at sailing speed
up to 20 knots. In order to fulfill the demand of the machinery that is necessary for sailing the
desired sailing speed, redundant systems such as water pump system, lighting system, and the

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O. Sulaima, H. Saharuddin, A.S.A.kader & M.Zamani

electronics devices for the navigational purposes are installed. The vessel is also equipped with a
generator power rating up to 50kW. The properties of the propulsion engine are presented in the
Table 8 below.

TABLE 8: Propulsion engine specification

In predicting the efficiency of gas turbine and diesel engine, assumption has been made in order
to standardize the condition at where the cycles performed. In comparing the performance of gas
turbine versus diesel engine; we need to make some assumption on the working fluid for both of
the system. The air is necessary in carrying out the combustion process. Fresh air entering the
combustion chamber was considered under the cold air standard assumptions[10, 11]. Where by
the specific heat ratio k, is represented by k=1.4 (specific heat ratio value under room
temperature) (See Figure 6).

FIGURE 6: Thermal efficiency of each types co-propulsion engine

Besides, assumption is made on that the pressure ratio and cutoff ratio are similar in term of
working condition. Compression ratio r, is defined as the ratio of the volume of its combustion
chamber; from its largest capacity to its smallest capacity. It is a fundamental specification for
many common combustion engines. While the pressure ratio , for gas turbine is defined as ratio
of the pressure at the core engine exhaust and fan discharge pressure compared to the intake
pressure to the gas turbine engine.

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O. Sulaima, H. Saharuddin, A.S.A.kader & M.Zamani


The study involved the feasibility of implementing a gas turbine to improve the vessel sailing
speed up to 35 knots. The study relates the operation of the gas turbine and diesel engine with
thermal efficiency of the cycle.

Figure 7 illustrates the relation between thermal efficiency with pressure ratio for simple cycle of
gas turbine and diesel engine. It shows that at the early state of the curve, gas turbine show
steeper increment in thermal efficiency with the increasing pressure ratio.

FIGURE 7: Thermal efficiency of each types co-propulsion engine

The performance of gas turbine and diesel engine overlaps at pressure ratio 5. In the middle state
of the curve, the diesel engine has higher thermal efficiency with the increasing pressure ratio.
From the curve shown, it is observed that the simple cycle gas turbine engine is less efficient in
comparison to diesel engine.
The gas turbine operation can be improved by applying the regeneration cycle. The temperature
of exhaust gas leaving the turbine is higher than the temperature of the air leaving the
compressor. By leading the heat exhaust gaseous through the heat recuperates to preheat the
compressed air from the compressor can improve the thermal efficiency of the gas turbine. Figure
8 shows the thermal efficiency curve between diesel engine, simple cycle gas turbine and the
regenerative gas turbine at variable temperature ratio [6, 7].

Figure 8 illustrates the regenerative gas turbine with the minimum temperature ratio between the
exhaust gas and the compressed air shows higher thermal efficiency in the early stage, the
thermal efficiency of the following gas turbine decrease gradually with the increasing of the
pressure ratio. From the diagram it is that the gas turbine withregenraton is the ideal selection
for the co-propulsion engine because it shows high thermal efficiency in low pressure ratio. Low

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O. Sulaima, H. Saharuddin, A.S.A.kader & M.Zamani

pressure ratio carries significant information of low back work ratio and horse power of the
following engine [8, 9].

FIGURE 8: Thermal efficiency of each types co-propulsion engine

Fuel consumption of co-propulsion engine

The fuel consumption always the criteria to consider during the marine engine selection, the
optimum usage of fuel will ensure profits to the passenger company. By using the formula as
stated below, the thermal efficiency of co-propulsion engine can be interrelated.

In this case, we select the diesel fuel as the source for the heat engine. The diesel fuel having the
net heating value of 130000btu/gallon. Substitute the net heating value, then the fuel
consumption rate can be represented by the curve plotted by MATLAB as shown in Figure 9.

International Journal of Engineering (IJE), Volume (4): Issue (6) 472

O. Sulaima, H. Saharuddin, A.S.A.kader & M.Zamani

FIGURE 9: Fuel consumption (gallon) of each types co-propulsion engine

From the curve shown in Figure 9 it can be concluded that the fuel consumption rate versus
estimated ratio for the diesel engine, simple cycle gas turbine, and regenerative gas turbine
shows the similar trend. The regeneration gas turbine with the temperature ratio 0.3 showing a
moderate fuel spent over the power production. Hence, the regenerative gas turbine will be the
ideal selection as co-propulsion engine among the others. Location for the regeneration gas
turbine in engine room [8, 10].

FIGURE 10: Recommendation for distribute the co-propulsion engine

International Journal of Engineering (IJE), Volume (4): Issue (6) 473

O. Sulaima, H. Saharuddin, A.S.A.kader & M.Zamani

3.2 Power calculation

The current existing diesel engines remain as a main propulsion engine to sail the ship at
economic speed. The minimum power required to propel the vessel is computed theoretically.
The numerical modeling involve assumption on the numbers of crews, weight of luggage and
cargoes carried to estimate the dead weight tones of the vessel under studies. The brake horse
power obtained base on theoretical calculation at variable speed is shown in the Table 9.

FIGURE 11: Brake horse power at various speeds

TABLE 9: Validation on the power calculation

From the diagram the power rating of the diesel engine calculated based on theoretical
calculation are closed to the diesel engines currently applied on that following vessel. From the
survey, we knew that there were 2 diesel engines with power rating of 700hp each applied on the
vessel to propel the vessel to sail at optimum speed. On economy aspect, the selection of higher
horsepower propulsion engines is necessary for the vessel to sail at optimum speed instead of
sailing a vessel with full speed at engine maximum performances. The speed control can be done
by adjusting on the throttling valve located at fuel pump attached to diesel engine. Besides, in real
environment, there are some other factors to take into consideration. Air resistant due to the size
of the superstructure of the vessel may require higher power propulsion to propelling the vessel to
move forward [11,12].
For the co-propulsion engine, the output power becomes the terminology chosen in select the
marine engine. Referring to the curve shown, the resistances of the vessel differ at variable
speed. Hence, numerical calculation on the power at various speeds is necessary in order to
ensure the vessel can sail at desired speed (See Figure 12).

International Journal of Engineering (IJE), Volume (4): Issue (6) 474

O. Sulaima, H. Saharuddin, A.S.A.kader & M.Zamani

FIGURE 12: Types of resistances at variable speed

Figure13 shows the types of power at various speed. The minimum power required to propel a
vessel to move forward is the effective horse power. The brake horsepower is the highest power
and will encounter power loss in each transition state from the engine to the shaft following with
the propeller.

FIGURE 13: Types of power at variable speed

The result from the numerical calculation on the power output of co-propulsion engine shown that
the minimum brake horsepower required for the co-propulsion engine is 1274.85hp.The
recommended horse power for co-propulsion to implement is 1300hp.That is 10% margin of
power excess to suit the speed of vessel. The regeneration gas turbine is selected after
performing the analysis by plotting curve. The exhaust gas released by regeneration gas turbine
was retracted and used to reheat the compressed gas existing from the compressor.

The paper aimed to improve ecotourism vessel sailing speed by implement a gas turbine as co-
propulsion engine. The objective of the to improve the speed of vessel up to 35 knots with
minimum fuel consumption is demonstrated in the power curve. Numerical calculation on the
power output of co-propulsion engine shown that the minimum brake horsepower required for the
co-propulsion engine is 6263.35hp 13,14]. The recommended horse power for co-propulsion to

International Journal of Engineering (IJE), Volume (4): Issue (6) 475

O. Sulaima, H. Saharuddin, A.S.A.kader & M.Zamani

implement is ranging from 6890hp up to 6900 hp. That is 10% margin of power excess to suit the
speed of vessel. The result of regenerative gas turbine have an advantages by reduces the heat
release to the environment. In economy aspect, although gas turbine co-propulsion engine
display higher initial cost, but the lower operating and maintenances cost will reduced the
payback period of the following investment.

The paper proposed to improve ecotourism vessel sailing speed by implementing a gas turbine
as co-propulsion engine. The study of feasibility of implementing a gas turbine as co-propulsion
engine relates the performances of the gas turbine to the thermal efficiency and fuel
consumption. The objective of this research is to improve the speed of vessel up to 35 knots with
minimum fuel consumption. From the result of this study, the gas turbine is a practical system
recommended to install into ecotourism vessel. The recommended gas turbine to be installed lay
in the power output ranging 6890hp to 6900 hp.

Acknowledgement: The author thanks Mr. Ong See Ha for his direct contribution to this research

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International Journal of Engineering (IJE), Volume (4): Issue (6) 476

O. Sulaima, H. Saharuddin, A.S.A.kader & M.Zamani

14. I.G.wright and T.B.Gribbons.,(2006) “Recent Development in Gas Turbine and Technology
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International Journal of Engineering (IJE), Volume (4): Issue (6) 477

Hussein Sarhan, Nofal Al-Araji, Rateb Issa & Mohammad Alia

Abrasive Wear of Digger Tooth Steel

Hussein Sarhan [email protected]

Faculty of Engineering Technology, Department
of Mechatronics Engineering,
Al-Balqa' Applied University,
Amman, PO Box: 15008, Jordan

Nofal Al-Araji [email protected]

Faculty of Engineering, Department of
Materials and Metallurgical Engineering,
Al-Balqa' Applied University,
Al-Salt, Jordan

Rateb Issa [email protected]

Faculty of Engineering Technology, Department of
Mechatronics Engineering,
Al-Balqa' Applied University, Amman,
PO Box: 15008, Jordan

Mohammad Alia [email protected]

Faculty of Engineering Technology, Department
of Mechatronics Engineering,
Al-Balqa' Applied University, Amman,
PO Box: 15008, Jordan


The influence of silicon carbide SiC abrasive particles of 20, 30, 40, 50 and
60 µm size on carburized digger tooth steel was studied. Four types of steel, with
different hardness, were tested at two constant linear sliding speeds and under
various loads of 10, 20, 30, 40 and 50N. Tests were carried out for sliding time of
0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0 and 2.5min. Experimental results showed that there was
consistent reduction in abrasive wear as the hardness of the materials was
increased. It was found that wear increased with the increase of applied load,
linear sliding speed and sliding time. Also, it was noticed that the wear increased
with increase in abrasive particle size, and the most effective size was 40 µm .
SEM observations of the worm surface showed that the cutting and ploughing
were the dominant abrasive wear mechanisms.

Keywords: Abrasive Wear, Wear Resistance, Carburized Digger Tooth Steel.

Wear processes in metals have been classified into many types depending on the mechanism
responsible for removal of material from the surface. Experiments have revealed that wear is a
very complex process. Wear predictions, even through flawed, can be used in a number of ways
besides estimating the wear rate. First, an equation for wear indicates the relative influence of
various parameters, such as load, hardness, linear sliding speed, and surface roughness that

International Journal of Engineering (IJE), Volume (4): Issue (6) 478

Hussein Sarhan, Nofal Al-Araji, Rateb Issa & Mohammad Alia

suggest changes in wear that might result, if the sliding system is changed. Second, component
of the wear is also important in the failure analysis or in the study of any worn component of a
system. Quantitative analysis of wear starts with the concept that while a sliding system may be
loosing material in more than one way, another mechanism will dominate the overall wear rate
The failure of components in service can be often attributed to wear, erosion or corrosion-
enhanced wear and erosion. The phenomenon contributing to failure under all these conditions is
complex and often specific to the particular application. Material properties determining resistance
to wear and erosion are correspondingly complex, making it difficult to predict the service
behavior of a particular material. Generally, high hardness, rapid work hardening, and good
oxidation and corrosion resistance can all contribute to wear and erosion resistance. Common
materials currently used in sever wear and erosion applications include cobalt-based alloys, high
manganese stainless steels, and other chromium containing alloys [2]. Under different testing
conditions, all results showed that there was a decreasing trend in wear with increasing hardness
of hard metals [3]. In experiments testing wear mechanisms, once equilibrium surface conditions
have been established, the wear rate is normally independent of the area of contact. The wear
rate is therefore proportional to the load for only a small numbers of variations, but there is still a
small deviation between wear rate and load that forms a direct proportionality. Published
literatures concluded that wear rate is proportional to the load and independent of pressure
unless the area of contact was equivalent to one third of materials' hardness [4]. The most widely
used quantitative relationship among abrasive wear rate, material properties, load and sliding
speed, at the interface of two bodies loaded against each other in relative motion, was formulated
[5]. Also, it was reported that wear rates of some materials vary linearly with the applied load and
independent of pressure over a wide range. It was shown that there is an inverse relationship
between wear rates and hardness. Wear is quantified by weight or volume loss per unit of time or
per sliding distance. These simple results are marked in contrast to the majority of wear
experiments reported in literature. They suggest that wear is dependent on a large number of
variables and there is no general agreement about how the wear depends on such variables as
applied load, linear sliding speed, and apparent area of contact. Generally, the abrasive wear of
alloy steel is characterized by two modes, designated sever wear and mild wear. This has been
recognized by many investigators for a long time [6]. It has been found that, at the constant linear
sliding speed used, in the load range, where equilibrium mild wear operates, the sliding distance
for initiation of mild wear decreases logarithmically with the load. The slope of this decrement is
termed the running-in coefficient and is a quantitative measure of the running-in behavior of the
steel. The presence of 3% Cr markedly decreases the running-in coefficient, i.e. increases the
sliding distance required for the initiation of mild wear at a given load [7].

Hard metals could be an ideal solution for wear resistance. At present, hardened steel or some
technical ceramic materials, in bulk or as a surface coating, are often used. The main purpose of
these materials is to extend the life time of existing devices and/ or components by decreasing
their wear rate. A significant disadvantage of these materials is their relatively high friction
coefficient in dry contact conditions (heat development and energy loss). Moreover, their high
hardness renders them intrinsically difficult to shape and to finish using conventional methods [8].
High chromium content white cast irons have generally good wear resistance and toughness
properties. These types of cast irons are generally used in slurry pumps, brick dies, and several
mine drilling equipment. Rock chromium content cast iron materials have higher toughness than
have low chromium ones [9]. Investigations of the wear behavior of white cast irons under
different compositions were conducted against SiC and Al2O3 abrasive paper, and the results
showed that the wear rate was affected by the composition of white cast iron [10]. White cast iron
containing copper under erosive wear testing has been devised, and the results showed that a
linear relationship has been established between the percentage of copper and the amount of
erosion. Relative erosion is directly dependent on the carbide volume, carbide particle size and
also the angle of impact [7]. The results of wear test of hard boron carbide B4C thin films, and the
data obtained from pin-on-disc tests show that the abrasiveness of a contact is proportional to the
number of asperities in the contact and the effect of increasing the load is to enlarge the initial

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Hussein Sarhan, Nofal Al-Araji, Rateb Issa & Mohammad Alia

apparent contact region, and the dependence of the wear rate on load follows relationships that
are similar to Hertzain relationships [11].

The aim of this work is to investigate the role of abrasive particles size and other factors on the
wear properties of carburized digger tooth steel. There are a number of different types of wear
testing methods. Low stress or scratching abrasion is probably the most predominate in the
mining industry. A quantitative method of measuring a materials resistance to this scratching type
abrasion is the pin-on-disc apparatus, (ASTM G99-05, 2006). This test characterizes materials
removed in terms of weight loss under a controlled set of laboratory conditions. Correlation to
actual field conditions which may be influenced by other wear parameters, such as the amount of
impact, corrosion, galling, etc. is required.

Pins of 8mm diameter and 80mm length for wear test were prepared by machining them from
digger tooth steel. The composition of the digger tooth steel used for this study is listed in Table
1. All pins were case hardened under pack carburizing conditions given in Table 2.

C% Si% Mn% Mo% Ni% Al% P% S% HRC

0.40-0.42 0.40 0.90-0.95 0.25 0.20 0.04 0.03 0.02 45

TABLE 1: Composition of the Digger Tooth Steel.

Group No. Holding time, h Cooling medium Heating temperature, oC HRC

1 16 Air 980 64
2 12 Air 850 58
3 10 Air 750 52

TABLE 2: Carburizing Conditions of Test Pins.

The carburized pins were heated to 850oC for 30min then water-hardened. Abrasive wear tests
were carried out at room temperature on a pin-on-disc apparatus shown in Figure 1. The steel
disc, φ 230mm, was covered with abrasive papers of different SiC particles size of 20-30-40-50-
60 µ m. Pins were pressed on the disc with different normal loads of 10-20-30-40-50N. Wear
data were collected after 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, and 2.5min. Wear tests were carried out at two
different linear sliding speeds of 1.5 and 2.5m/s. Abrasive wear was determined from the change
in the weight using 1.00x10 g precision digital scale. For each wear test a new pin has been
used in a new sliding position. Microscopic views of the test pins were taken, also worn surfaces
of pins were examined using scanning electron microscope.

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Hussein Sarhan, Nofal Al-Araji, Rateb Issa & Mohammad Alia

FIGURE 1: Schematic Diagram of a Typical Pin-on-Disc Tester.


Effect of Sliding Time On The Total Weight Loss
The relationship between total weight loss TWL and sliding time for the specimens used in the
tests is shown in Figures 2-6. The specimens used in these tests were all subjected to the same
load (10N), linear sliding speed (1.5m/s), and abraded against SiC papers with different particle
size (20-60 µ m). These plots showed that the total weight loss increased as the sliding time
increased. This increase in total weight loss was sharper until sliding time of 2.0min, and then the
relationship behaved as steady state, especially for the SiC particles size of 50-60 µ m. This trend
may be due to the increase in temperature of the worn surface and the work hardening effects.
Thus, the specimen hardened to 64HRC will exhibit better wear resistance comparing with the
same specimen hardened to 45HRC [12].

HRC=64 HRC=58 HRC=52 HRC=45

Total weight loss, mg

0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3
Sliding time, min

FIGURE 2: Effect of Sliding Time on the Total Weight Loss for Load = 10 N, Linear Sliding Speed = 1.5 m /s
and SiC Particles Size = 20 µ m.

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Hussein Sarhan, Nofal Al-Araji, Rateb Issa & Mohammad Alia

HRC=64 HRC=58 HRC=52 HRC=45


Total weight loss, mg

0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3
Sliding time, min

FIGURE 3: Effect of Sliding Time on the Total Weight Loss for Load = 10 N, Linear Sliding Speed = 1.5 m /s
and SiC Particles Size = 30 µ m.

HRC=64 HRC=58 HRC=52 HRC=45

Total weight loss, mg

0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3
Sliding time, min

FIGURE 4: Effect of Sliding Time on the Total Weight Loss for Load = 10 N, Linear Sliding Speed = 1.5m /s
and SiC Particles Size = 40 µ m.

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Hussein Sarhan, Nofal Al-Araji, Rateb Issa & Mohammad Alia

HRC=64 HRC=58 HRC=52 HRC=45


Total weight loss, mg

0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3
Sliding time, min

FIGURE 5: Effect of Sliding Time on the Total Weight Loss for Load = 10 N, Linear Sliding Speed = 1.5m /s
and SiC Particles Size = 50 µ m.

Effect Of Abrasive Articles Size On The Total Weight Loss

This means that the specimen with 64HRC is more abrasive wear resistant than that with the total
weight loss for four specimens with different hardness as a function of SiC particles size is shown
in Figure 6. The specimens were subjected to the same load (10N), sliding speed (1.5m/s), and
abraded against SiC papers with different particles size (20-60 µ m) for 2.5min sliding time.

HRC=64 HRC=58 HRC=52 HRC=45

Total weight loss, mg

0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3
Sliding time, min

FIGURE 6: Effect of Sliding Time on the Total Weight Loss for Load = 10 N, Linear Sliding Speed = 1.5 m/s
and SiC Particles Size = 60 µ m.

Figure 7 shows that the specimen with 45HRC is the most worn one, while the specimen with
60HRC is the least worn one, and the total weight loss has been increased with increasing in SiC
particles size. It is considered that the total weight loss for all specimens is maximum when they
are abraded by SiC of 40 µ m size, which is the critical size, and then the effect of SiC particles

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Hussein Sarhan, Nofal Al-Araji, Rateb Issa & Mohammad Alia

size has been decreased due to the change in their mechanical action from cutting to scratching
and deformation [13].

FIGURE 7: Effect of SiC Particles Size on the Total Weight Loss for Load = 10 N, Linear Sliding Speed =
1.5m/s and Sliding Time = 2.5 min.

Figures 8 and 9 show the worn surfaces of the specimens of 64HRC abraded under the same
abrasive wear conditions (load =10N, sliding speed=1.5m/s and sliding time=2.5min).

FIGURE 8: SEM Micrograph of Worn Surface of 64HRC Specimen Exposed to Abrasive Wear with 40 µm

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FIGURE 9: SEM Micrograph of Worn Surface of 64HRC Specimen Exposed to Abrasive Wear with 60 µm

Figures 10 and 11 show the SEM micrographs of worn surfaces of digger tooth steel before case
hardening (45HRC) and after case hardening (64HRC) abraded under the same abrasive wear
conditions (applied load =50N, linear sliding speed =2.5m/s, and sliding time =2.5min). It is clear
from Figs. 10 and 11 that the surface damage before case hardening is more than that after case

FIGURE10: SEM Micrograph of Worn Surface of 45 HRC Specimen Exposed to Abrasive Wear with 40 µ m
SiC Particles, 50 N load, and 2.5m/s Linear Sliding Speed.

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FIGURE11: SEM Micrograph of Worn Surface of 64 HRC Specimen Exposed to Abrasive Wear with 40 µ m
SiC Particles, 50 N Load, and 2.5m/s Linear Sliding Speed.

Effect Of Load On The Total Weight Loss

The total weight loss of the specimens as a function of applied load after 2.5min sliding time with
1.5-2.5m/s sliding speed and SiC particles size of 40 µ m is shown in Figures 12 and 13. The
plots on the mentioned figures show that the total weight loss for all specimens has been
increased with increasing the applied load at constant linear sliding speed. Also, the plots show
that the total weight loss has been increased with increasing the linear sliding speed under
constant test conditions. Transition curve has been obtained for each specimen. The transition
curves show three distinct regions: mild wear, transitional wear indicating a possible change in
wear mechanism, and sever wear. These regions become clearer as the HRC of the specimens
increases. The transitional wear region occurs between 20-40N loads for 1.5m/s linear sliding
speed, and 20-30N loads for 2.5m/s linear sliding speed. This trend is related to the temperature
effect at the worn surface [3].

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Hussein Sarhan, Nofal Al-Araji, Rateb Issa & Mohammad Alia

HRC=64 HRC=58 HRC=52 HRC=45


Total weight loss, mg






0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Applied load, N

FIGURE 12: Effect of Applied Load on the Total Weight Loss under Sliding Speed =1.5m /s, Sliding Time
=2.5 min and SiC Particles size =40 µ m.

HRC=64 HRC=58 HRC=52 HRC=45

Total weight loss, mg






0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Applied load, N

FIGURE 13: Effect of Applied Load on the Total Weight Loss under Sliding Speed =2.5m/s, Sliding Time
=2.5min, and SiC Particles Size =40 µ m.

Effect Of Specimens Hardness On The Total Weight Loss

As mentioned earlier, wear depends on a number of parameters including material hardness. The
specimens used in wear tests were all subjected to the same test conditions, but due to their
individual hardness, some of them, such as specimen with 64HRC, were more resistant to wear
than others [11]. Figure 14 shows a trend for decreasing wear with increasing specimens'
hardness and the wear in specimen of 45 HRC is twice greater than the wear in specimen of 64
HRC. The microstructure of heat treated test specimens before case hardening is shown in
Figure 15. Concerning Figure 16, it shows the optical microscope photograph of steel carburized
16h to surface carbon content 0.9%, while Figure 17 shows the optical microscope photograph of
water-hardening steel-case hardness was 64HRC and core hardness was 45HRC. Figures 16

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Hussein Sarhan, Nofal Al-Araji, Rateb Issa & Mohammad Alia

and 17 show the appearance of carbide layer on the surface, which increases the hardness, and
as a result, the abrasive wear has been reduced comparing with the digger tooth steel
microstructure shown in Figure 15, before case hardening.



Total weight loss, mg 200




0 20 40 60 80
Hardness, HRC

FIGURE 14: Effect of Hardness on the Total Weight Loss under Applied Load =50N, Sliding Time =2.5min,
Linear Sliding Speed =2.5m/s, and SiC Particles Size = 40 µ m.

FIGURE15: Optical Microscope Photograph of Heat Treated Digger Tooth Steel before Case Hardening
Showing Fine Grain of Ferrite and Pearlite.

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FIGURE16: Optical Microscope Photograph of Steel Carburized 16h to a Surface Carbon Content 0.9%
Showing Carbide Surface Layer.

FIGURE 17: Optical Microscope Photograph of Water-Hardening Steel. Case Hardness = 64HRC; Core
Hardness=45HRC Showing Light Gray Martensitic Zone.

Effect Of Linear Sliding Speed On The Total Weight Loss

Figures 12 and 13 show the effect of linear sliding speed on the total weight loss. The total weight
loss in all specimens abraded under the same abrasive conditions increased as the linear sliding
speed increased from 1.5m/s to 2.5m/s. This is due to the increase of the contact surfaces
temperature, which leads to softening of the worn surface.

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Hussein Sarhan, Nofal Al-Araji, Rateb Issa & Mohammad Alia

Based on the results of this study, the following conclusions can be made:
1. The total weight loss increases with increase of abrasive particles size, and the maximum wear
occurs with a critical abrasive particles size of 40 µ m.
2. There is a significant reduction in wear as the hardness of materials increases.
3. Abrasion resistance of materials depends at the same time on a number of factors, such as
their hardness, microstructure, applied load, sliding time, sliding speed, and other wear test
4. The total weight loss increases as the exposed time to abrasive surface, linear sliding speed,
and applied load increases.
5. The transitional wear region decreases as the linear sliding speed increases.
6. As the hardness of abraded materials increases the three types of wear regions (mild,
transitional, and sever) become more distinct.
7. Examination of worn surfaces shows that ploughing, cutting, and fracture are the dominant
abrasive wear mechanism.

1. Carrie K. Harris, Justin P. Broussard and Jerry K. Keska. “Determination of Wear in a Tribo-
system”. In Proceedings of the ASEE Gulf-South Western Annual Conference, 2002

2. Carima Sharma, M. Sundararaman, N. Prabhu and G.L. Goswami. “Bull. Mater. Sci.”, vol. 26,
No. 3, Indian Academy of Sciences, 311-314, India, 2003

3. M.G. Gee, A.J. Gant. “CMMT (MN) 046 Rotating Wheel Abrasion Tests on Hard Metals and
Ceramics”. National Physical Laboratory, 20:170-190, UK, May 1999

4. J.F. Archard, W. Hirst. “The Wear of Materials under Unlubricated Conditions”. In Proce.
Royal Soc., A-236: 71-73, June 1958

5. ASTM. “Standard Test Method for Wear Testing with a Pin-on-Disc Apparatus”. May 2000

6. Q.M. Farrell, T.S. Eyre. “The Relationship between Load and Sliding Speed Distance in the
Initiation of Mild Wear in Steels”. Wear, 15: 359-372, March 1970

7. F.M. Borodich et al. “Wear and Abrasiveness of Hard Carbon-Containing Coatings under
Variation of the Load”. Surface and Coatings Technology, 179:78-82, 2004

8. A.G. Evans, D.B. Marschall and D.A. Rigney. “Fundamentals of Friction and Wear of
Materials”. ASM, p. 439, 1981
9. “Metals Handbook”, 9 ed. 15 Casting, (1988)

10. N. Al-Araji. “Erosion Resistance of White Cast Iron”. Journal of Engineering and Technology,
34: 70-80, University of Technology, Baghdad, Iraq, 1984

11. “Timken Latrobe Steel, Wear Resistance of Tool Steels”, Marlborough, MA, (2002)

12. N. Al-Araji, H. Sarhan. “Abrasive Wear of Al-Mn Alloys”, Dirasat, Engineering Sciences, 32(1):
68-77, Jordan University, 2005

13. Cetinkaya. “An Investigation of the Wear Behaviors of White Cast Irons under Different
Compositions”. Material and Design, 2004.

International Journal of Engineering (IJE), Volume (4): Issue (6) 490

Mostafa A. M. Abdeen & W. Abbas

Prediction the Biodynamic Response of the Seated Human Body

using Artificial Intelligence Technique

Mostafa A. M. Abdeen [email protected]

Faculty of Engineering/Dept. of Engineering
Mathematics and Physics
Cairo University
Giza, 12211, Egypt

W. Abbas [email protected]
Eng. Physics and Mathematics Dept.,
Faculty of Eng. (Mataria)
Helwan University
Cairo, Egypt


The biodynamic response behaviors of seated human body subject to whole-

body vibration have been widely investigated. The biodynamic response
characteristics of seated human subjects have been extensively reported in
terms of apparent mass and driving-point mechanical impedance while seat-to-
head vibration transmissibility has been widely used to characterize response
behavior of the seated subjects exposed to vibration. These functions (apparent
mass, driving-point mechanical impedance) describe “to-the-body” force–motion
relationship at the human–seat interface, while the transmissibility function
describes “through-the-body” vibration transmission properties. The current study
proposed a 4-DOF analytic biomechanical model of the human body in a sitting
posture without backrest in vertical vibration direction to investigate the
biodynamic responses of different masses and stiffness. Following the analytical
approach, numerical technique developed in the present paper to facilitate and
rapid the analysis. The numerical analysis used here applies one of the artificial
intelligence technique to simulate and predict the response behaviors of seated
human body for different masses and stiffness without the need to go through the
analytic solution every time. The Artificial Neural Network (ANN) technique is
introduced in the current study to predict the response behaviors for different
masses and stiffness rather than those used in the analytic solution. The results
of the numerical study showed that the ANN method with less effort was very
efficiently capable of simulating and predicting the response behaviors of seated
human body subject to whole-body vibration.

Keywords: Biodynamic Response, Analytic Seated Human Body Model, Numerical Simulation Model,
Artificial Neural Network.

The biodynamic responses of seated human occupant exposed to vibration have been widely
characterized to define frequency-weightings for assessment of exposure, to identify human

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Mostafa A. M. Abdeen & W. Abbas

sensitivity and perception of vibration, and to develop seated body models [1]. The biodynamic
response of the human body exposed to vibration have been invariably characterized through
measurement of force motion relationship at the point of entry of vibration ''To-the-body response
function'', expressed as the driving-point mechanical impedance (DPMI) or the apparent mass
(APMS) and transmission of vibration to different body segments ''Through-the-body response
function'', generally termed as seat-to-head transmissibility (STHT) for the seated occupant.
Considering that the human body is a complex biological system, the ''To-the-body'' response
function is conveniently characterized through non–invasive measurements at the driving point

The vast majority of the reported studies on biodynamic response to whole-body vibration have
considered vibration along the vertical axis alone. In many of the early studied, such as those
conducted by Coermann [2], Vogt [3], and Suggs [4], the numbers of subjects was usually
relatively small, and only sinusoidal excitation was used, not generally representative of the type
of excitation and levels of vibration usually encountered in practice. In many of these studies, the
feet of the subjects were either not supported or supported but not vibrated, a condition not
common in most driving situations. Fairley and Griffin [5], reported the vertical apparent mass of
60 seated subjects including men, women and children, which revealed a large scatter of data
presumably owing to large variations in the subject masses. Boileau et al. [6] investigated the
relationships between driving point mechanical impedance and seat-to-head transmissibility
functions based upon 11 reported one dimensional lumped parameter models. The majority of the
models showed differences in frequencies corresponding to peak magnitudes of the two
functions, which were expressed as resonant frequencies. Toward [7], summarized that a support
of the back caused higher resonance frequency and slightly lower peak magnitude of the APMS
response for subjects sitting on a horizontal plane. Wang et al. [8], study the vertical apparent
mass and seat-to-head transmissibility response characteristics of seated subjects are derived
through measurements of total biodynamic force at the seat pan, and motions of the seat pan and
head along the applied input acceleration direction, using 12 male subjects. The data were
acquired under three different back support conditions and two different hands positions
representative of drivers and passengers-like postures. Steina et al.[9], analyzed apparent mass
measurements in the y- direction with a group of 13 male test subjects exposed to three
excitation intensities.

In early studies, various biodynamic models have been developed to depict human motion from
single-DOF to multi-DOF models. These models can be divided as distributed (finite element)
models, lumped parameter models and multi-body models. The distributed model treats the spine
as a layered structure of rigid elements, representing the vertebral bodies, and deformable
elements representing the intervertebral discs by the finite element method. Multi-body human
models are made of several rigid bodies interconnected by pin (two-dimensional) or ball and
socket (three-dimensional) joints, and can be further separated into kinetic and kinematic models.
It is clear that the lumped-parameter model is probably one of the most popular analytical
methods in the study of biodynamic responses of seated human subjects, though it is limited to
one-directional analysis. However, vertical vibration exposure of the driver is our main concern.
Therefore, this paper carries out a thorough survey of literature on the lumped- parameter
models for seated human subjects exposed to vertical vibration.

The lumped parameter models consider the human body as several rigid bodies and spring-
dampers. This type of model is simple to analyze and easy to validate with experiments.
However, the disadvantage is the limitation to one-directional analysis. Coermann [2], measured
the driving-point impedance of the human body and suggested 1-DOF model. Suggs et al. [4],
developed a 2-DOF human body. It was modeled as a damped spring-mass system to build a
standardized vehicle seat testing procedure. A 3-DOF analytical model for a tractor seat
suspension system is presented by Tewari et al. [10]. It was observed that the model could be
employed as a tool in selection of optimal suspension parameters for any other type of vehicles.
Boileau et al. [11] used an optimization procedure to establish a 4-DOF human model based on
test data. It is quite clear from the literature mentioned previously the amount of effort

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Mostafa A. M. Abdeen & W. Abbas

(experimentally or analytically) required to accurately investigate and understand the biodynamic

response behaviors of seated human body subject to whole-body vibration of different types and
magnitudes. This fact urged the need for utilizing new technology and techniques to facilitate this
comprehensive effort and at the same time preserving high accuracy.

Artificial intelligence has proven its capability in simulating and predicting the behavior of the
different physical phenomena in most of the engineering fields. Artificial Neural Network (ANN) is
one of the artificial intelligence techniques that have been incorporated in various scientific
disciplines. Ramanitharan and Li [12] utilized ANN with back-propagation algorithm for modeling
ocean curves that were presented by wave height and period. Abdeen [13] developed neural
network model for predicting flow depths and average flow velocities along the channel reach
when the geometrical properties of the channel cross sections were measured or vice versa.
Allam [14] used the artificial intelligence technique to predict the effect of tunnel construction on
nearby buildings which is the main factor in choosing the tunnel route. Allam, in her thesis,
predicted the maximum and minimum differential settlement necessary precautionary measures.
Azmathullah et al. [15] presented a study for estimating the scour characteristics downstream of a
ski-jump bucket using Neural Networks (NN). Abdeen [16] presented a study for the development
of ANN models to simulate flow behavior in open channel infested by submerged aquatic weeds.
Mohamed [17] proposed an artificial neural network for the selection of optimal lateral load-
resisting system for multi-story steel frames. Mohamed, in her master thesis, proposed the neural
network to reduce the computing time consumed in the design iterations. Abdeen [18] utilized
ANN technique for the development of various models to simulate the impacts of different
submerged weeds' densities, different flow discharges, and different distributaries operation
scheduling on the water surface profile in an experimental main open channel that supplies water
to different distributaries.

To investigate the biodynamic response behaviors of seated human body subject to whole-body
vibration (sinusoidal wave with amplitude 5 m/s2 ), analytical and numerical techniques will be
presented in this study. The analytical model and its results will be described in detail in the
following sections. The numerical models presented in this study utilized Artificial Neural Network
technique (ANN) using the data and the results of the analytical model to understand the
biodynamic response behaviors and then can predict the behaviors for different data of the
human body without the need to go through the analytical solution.


3.1 Biomechanical Modeling

The human body in a sitting posture can be modeled as a mechanical system that is composed of
several rigid bodies interconnected by springs and dampers. (Boileau, and Rakheja [11]). This
model as shown in Fig. 1 consists of four mass segments interconnected by four sets of springs
and dampers. The four masses represent the following four body segments: the head and neck
(m1), the chest and upper torso (m2), the lower torso (m3), and the thighs and pelvis in contact
with the seat (m4). The mass due to lower legs and the feet is not included in this representation,
assuming they have negligible contributions to the biodynamic response of the seated body. The
stiffness and damping properties of thighs and pelvis are (k4) and (c4), the lower torso are (k3) and
(c3), upper torso are (k2) and (c2), and head are (k1) and (c1).

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Mostafa A. M. Abdeen & W. Abbas

FIGURE 1: Biomechanical Boileau and Rakheja 4-DOF model.

The equation of motion of the human body can be obtained as follows:


The system equations of motion, equation (1), for the model can be expressed in matrix form as


where , and are mass, damping, and stiffness matrices, respectively; is

the force vector due to external excitation.

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Mostafa A. M. Abdeen & W. Abbas


By taking the Fourier transformation of equation (2), the following matrix form of equation can be


where, are the complex Fourier transformation vectors of

, respectively. ω is the excitation frequency. Vector contains complex
displacement responses of n mass segments as a function of ω
( ). consists of complex excitation forces
on the mass segments as a function of ω as well.

3.2 Biodynamic Response of Human Body

The biodynamic response of a seated human body exposed to whole-body vibration can be
broadly categorized into two types. The first category "To-the-body" force motion interrelation as
a function of frequency at the human-seat interface, expressed as the driving-point mechanical
impedance (DPMI) or the apparent mass (APMS). The second category "Through-the-body"
response function, generally termed as seat-to-head transmissibility (STHT) for the seated
The DPMI relates the driving force and resulting velocity response at the driving point (the seat-
buttocks interface), and is given by [1]:


where, is the complex DPMI, and or ( ) are the driving force and
response velocity at the driving point, respectively. is the angular frequency in rad/s , and j
= is the complex phasor.

Accordingly, DPMI for the model can be represented as:

In a similar manner, the apparent mass response relates the driving force to the resulting
acceleration response, and is given by [19]:

where, is the acceleration response at the driving point.
The magnitude of APMS offers a simple physical interpretation as it is equal to the static mass of
the human body supported by the seat at very low frequencies, when the human body resembles
that of a rigid mass. The above two functions are frequently used interchangeably, due to their
direct relationship that given by:

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Mostafa A. M. Abdeen & W. Abbas


APMS for the model can be represented as:


The biodynamic response characteristics of seated occupants exposed to whole body vibration
can also be expressed in terms of seat-to-head transmissibility (STHT), which is termed as
"through-the-body" response function. Unlike the force-motion relationship at the driving-point, the
STHT function describes the transmission of vibration through the seated body. The STHT
response function is expressed as:


where, is the complex STHT, is the response acceleration measured at the

head of seated occupant, and is the acceleration response at the driving point. According
to equation (9) seat-to-head transmissibility for the model is:

The above three functions have been widely used to characterize the biodynamic responses of
the seated human subjects exposed to whole body vibration.


On the basis of anthropometric Boileau data [19], the proportion of total body weight estimated for
different body segments is 7.5% for the head and neck, 40.2% for the chest and upper torso,
12.2% for the lower torso, and 18.2% for the thighs and upper legs. For a seated driver with mean
body mass, maintaining an erect back not supported posture, 78% of the weight was found to be
supported by the seat. The biomechanical parameters of the human model (Stiffness, Damping)
are listed in Table 1.

Stiffness Coefficient Damping coefficient

(N/m) (N.s/m)
k1 = 310000 c1 = 400
k2 = 183000 c2 = 4750
k3 = 162800 c3 = 4585
k4 = 90000 c4 = 2064

TABLE 1: The biomechanical parameters of the Boileau and Rakheja model.

4.1 Response Behaviors of the Human Body

In the following subsections the effect of body's mass, stiffness coefficient, and damping
coefficient on the response behaviors of the human body (STHT, DPMI, and APMS) will be
investigated using the analytical solution presented in the current study.

4.1.1 Effect of Human Body’s Mass

Three different total body masses (65, 75, and 85 kg) are used to investigate the effect of mass
on the response behaviors of human body (STHT, DPMI and APMS) as shown in Fig. 2 (a, b, and
c) respectively. From these figures, one can see that by increasing the human body mass, the
biodynamic response characteristics of seated human body (STHT, DPMI, and APMS) are

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Mostafa A. M. Abdeen & W. Abbas

2 3500 120

D r iv in g -p o in t m e c h a n ic a l im p e d a n c e
: 65Kg : 65Kg : 65Kg
1.8 : 75Kg : 75Kg : 75Kg
S ea t-to-he a d Tr ans m is s ibility

: 85Kg : 85Kg 100 : 85Kg


A pp aren t m as s
1.4 80

1.2 2000
0.8 40
0.4 500

0.2 0
0 5 10 15 20 0
0 5 10 15 20 0 5 10 15 20
Frequency (Hz) Frequency (Hz)
Frequency (Hz)
(a) (b) (c)
FIGURE 2: Effect of human body’s mass on the biodynamic response behavior (Analytic Results)((a) STHT,
(b) DPMI and (c) APMS).

4.1.2 Effect of Stiffness Coefficient

Three different values of pelvic stiffness k4 (Boileau value (B.V.), B.V. +40%, and B.V. -40%) are
used to investigate the effect of pelvic stiffness on the response behaviors of human body (STHT,
DPMI and APMS) as shown in Fig. 3 (a, b, and c) respectively. From these figures, it is clear that
by increasing the pelvic stiffness, the biodynamic response characteristics of seated human body
(STHT, DPMI, and APMS) are increased.

:k4=90000 3500 2
D r iv in g -p oin t m e c ha n ic a l im pe da n c e

:k4=90000 :k4=90000
:k4=90000 + 40%
80 :k4=90000 + 40% 1.8 :k4=90000 + 40%
:k4=90000 - 40% 3000 :k4=90000 - 40% S e a t-to -h e a d T r a n s m is s ibility :k4=90000 - 40%
70 1.6
A p pa ren t m as s

60 1.4
1500 1
30 1000
20 500
10 0 0.2
0 5 10 15 20 0 5 10 15 20 0 5 10 15 20
Frequency (Hz) Frequency (Hz) Frequency (Hz)
(a) (b) (c)
FIGURE 3: Effect of stiffness coefficient on the biodynamic response behaviors (Analytic Results) ((a)
STHT, (b) DPMI and (c) APMS).

4.1.3 Effect of Damping Coefficient

Three different values of pelvic damping coefficient C4 (Boileau value (B.V.), B.V. +40%, and B.V.
-40%) are used to investigate the effect of pelvic damping coefficient on the response behaviors
of human body (STHT, DPMI and APMS) as shown in Fig. 4 (a, b, and c) respectively. From
these figures, it is clear that by increasing pelvic damping coefficient, the biodynamic response
characteristics of seated human body (STHT, DPMI, and APMS) are decreased.

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180 6000 2.2

D r iv in g -p o in t m e c h a n ic a l im p e d a n c e
:C4=2064 :C4=2064 :C4=2064
160 :C4=2064 + 40% :C4=2064 + 40% 2 :C4=2064 + 40%

S e at-to -h ea d T ran sm iss ib ility

:C4=2064 - 40% 5000 :C4=2064 - 40% :C4=2064 - 40%
140 1.8

A p pa ren t m as s

120 4000
3000 1.2
60 2000
20 0.4

0 0 0.2
0 5 10 15 20 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 0 5 10 15 20
Frequency (Hz) Frequency (Hz) Frequency (Hz)
(a) (b) (c)
FIGURE 4: Effect of damping coefficient on the biodynamic response behaviors (Analytic Results)
((a) STHT, (b) DPMI and (c) APMS)


Neural networks are models of biological neural structures. Abdeen [13] described in a very
detailed fashion the structure of any neural network. Briefly, the starting point for most networks is
a model neuron as shown in Fig. (5). This neuron is connected to multiple inputs and produces a
single output. Each input is modified by a weighting value (w). The neuron will combine these
weighted inputs with reference to a threshold value and an activation function, will determine its
output. This behavior follows closely the real neurons work of the human’s brain. In the network
structure, the input layer is considered a distributor of the signals from the external world while
hidden layers are considered to be feature detectors of such signals. On the other hand, the
output layer is considered as a collector of the features detected and the producer of the

FIGURE 5: Typical picture of a model neuron that exists in every neural network

5.1 Neural Network Operation

It is quite important for the reader to understand how the neural network operates to simulate
different physical problems. The output of each neuron is a function of its inputs (Xi). In more
details, the output (Yj) of the j neuron in any layer is described by two sets of equations as

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Mostafa A. M. Abdeen & W. Abbas

U j = ∑  X w  (11)
 i ij 
Y j = Fth U j + t j ) (12)

For every neuron, j, in a layer, each of the i inputs, Xi, to that layer is multiplied by a previously
established weight, wij. These are all summed together, resulting in the internal value of this
operation, Uj. This value is then biased by a previously established threshold value, tj, and sent
through an activation function, Fth. This activation function can take several forms such as Step,
Linear, Sigmoid, Hyperbolic, and Gaussian functions. The Hyperbolic function, used in this study,
is shaped exactly as the Sigmoid one with the same mathematical representation, as in equation
3, but it ranges from – 1 to + 1 rather than from 0 to 1 as in the Sigmoid one (Fig. 6)
f (x ) = (13)
1 + e −x
The resulting output, Yj, is an input to the next layer or it is a response of the neural network if it is
the last layer. In applying the Neural Network technique, in this study, Neuralyst Software, Shin
[20], was used.

FIGURE 6: The Sigmoid Activation Function

5.2 Neural Network Training

The next step in neural network procedure is the training operation. The main purpose of this
operation is to tune up the network to what it should produce as a response. From the difference
between the desired response and the actual response, the error is determined and a portion of it
is back propagated through the network. At each neuron in the network, the error is used to
adjust the weights and the threshold value of this neuron. Consequently, the error in the network
will be less for the same inputs at the next iteration. This corrective procedure is applied
continuously and repetitively for each set of inputs and corresponding set of outputs. This
procedure will decrease the individual or total error in the responses to reach a desired tolerance.

Once the network reduces the total error to the satisfactory limit, the training process may stop.
The error propagation in the network starts at the output layer with the following equations:
wij = wij' + LR (e j X i ) (14)
( )(
e j = Y j 1−Y j d j −Y j ) (15)

International Journal of Engineering (IJE), Volume (4): Issue (6) 499

Mostafa A. M. Abdeen & W. Abbas

Where, wij is the corrected weight, w’ij is the previous weight value, LR is the learning rate, ej is
the error term, Xi is the ith input value, Yj is the output, and dj is the desired output.


To fully investigate numerically the biodynamic response behaviors of seated human body
subject to whole body vibration, several simulation cases are considered in this study. These
simulation cases can be divided into two groups to simulate the response behaviors due to
changing of human body’s mass and stiffness respectively. From the analytic investigation, it is
clear that the effect of damping coefficient is opposite to the effect of stiffness coefficient on the
response behaviors of the human body. So in the numerical analysis, the effect of stiffness
coefficient will be studied only in addition with the effect of human body’s mass.

6.1 Neural Network Design

To develop a neural network model to simulate the effect of mass and stiffness on the biodynamic
response behaviors of seated human body, first input and output variables have to be
determined. Input variables are chosen according to the nature of the problem and the type of
data that would be collected. To clearly specify the key input variables for each neural network
simulation group and their associated outputs, Tables 2 and 3 are designed to summarize all
neural network key input and output variables for the first and second simulation groups
It can be noticed from Tables 2 and 3 that every simulation group consists of three simulation
cases (three neural network models) to study the effect of mass and stiffness on the seat-to-head
transmissibility (STHT), driving point mechanical impedance (DPMI) and apparent mass (APMS).

Input Variables Output
DPMI m1 m2 m3 m4 Frequency DPMI

TABLE 2: Key input and output variables for the first neural network simulation group (effect of human
body’s mass)

Input Variables Output
DPMI k4 Frequency DPMI

TABLE 3: Key input and output variables for the second neural network simulation group (effect of stiffness

Several neural network architectures are designed and tested for all simulation cases
investigated in this study to finally determine the best network models to simulate, very
accurately, the effect of mass and stiffness based on minimizing the Root Mean Square Error
(RMS-Error). Fig. 7 shows a schematic diagram for a generic neural network. The training
procedure for the developed ANN models, in the current study, uses the data from the results of
the analytical model to let the ANN understands the behaviors. After sitting finally the ANN
models, these models are used to predict the biodynamic response behaviors for different
masses and stiffness rather than those used in the analytic solution.

International Journal of Engineering (IJE), Volume (4): Issue (6) 500

Mostafa A. M. Abdeen & W. Abbas

Table 4 shows the final neural network models for the two simulation groups and their associate
number of neurons. The input and output layers represent the key input and output variables
described previously for each simulation group.

Input # 1 Output # 1

Input # 2 Output # 2

Hidden layer Hidden layer

3 neurons 3 neurons

FIGURE 7: General schematic diagram of a simple generic neural network

No. of Neurons in each Layer

No. of
Simulation Group Input First Second Third Output
Layer Hidden Hidden Hidden Layer
STHT 5 5 6 4 2 1
Group DPMI
(mass) 4 5 6 4 - 1

Second STHT
Group DPMI 4 2 5 3 - 1
(Stiffness) APMS

TABLE 4: The developed neural network models for all the simulation cases

The parameters of the various network models developed in the current study for the different
simulation models are presented in table 5. These parameters can be described with their tasks
as follows:

Learning Rate (LR): determines the magnitude of the correction term applied to adjust each
neuron’s weights during training process = 1 in the current study.
Momentum (M): determines the “life time” of a correction term as the training process takes
place = 0.9 in the current study.
Training Tolerance (TRT): defines the percentage error allowed in comparing the neural
network output to the target value to be scored as “Right” during the training process = 0.001 in
the current study.
Testing Tolerance (TST): it is similar to Training Tolerance, but it is applied to the neural
network outputs and the target values only for the test data = 0.003 in the current study.
Input Noise (IN): provides a slight random variation to each input value for every training epoch
= 0 in the current study.

International Journal of Engineering (IJE), Volume (4): Issue (6) 501

Mostafa A. M. Abdeen & W. Abbas

Function Gain (FG): allows a change in the scaling or width of the selected function = 1 in the
current study.
Scaling Margin (SM): adds additional headroom, as a percentage of range, to the rescaling
computations used by Neuralyst Software, Shin (1994), in preparing data for the neural network
or interpreting data from the neural network = 0.1 in the current study.
Training Epochs: number of trails to achieve the present accuracy.
Percentage Relative Error (PRR): percentage relative error between the numerical results and
actual measured value and is computed according to equation (16) as follows:

PRE = (Absolute Value (ANN_PR - AMV)/AMV)*100 (16)

Where :
ANN_PR : Predicted results using the developed ANN model
AMV : Actual Measured Value
MPRE: Maximum percentage relative error during the model results for the training step.

Simulation Group MPRE RMS-Error
STHT 45931 1.213 0.0015
Group DPMI 7560 2.609 0.0022
APMS 7174 3.743 0.0023

STHT 14012 3.449 0.0014

Group DPMI 100185 3.938 0.002
APMS 101463 1.644 0.0012

TABLE 5: Parameters used in the developed neural network models


Numerical results using ANN technique will be presented in this section for the two groups (six
models) to show the simulation and prediction powers of ANN technique for the effect of human
body’s mass and stiffness coefficient on the biodynamic response behaviors (STHT, DPMI and
APMS) subject to whole-body vibration.

7.1 Effect of human body’s mass

Three ANN models are developed to simulate and predict the effect of human body’s mass on the
biodynamic response behaviors (STHT, DPMI and APMS). Figures 8, 9, and 10 show the ANN
results and analytical ones for different human body’s masses. From ANN training figures (Left), it
is very clear that ANN understands and simulates very well the biodynamic response behaviors.
After that the developed ANN models used very successfully and efficiently to predict the
response behaviors for different masses rather than those used in the analytic solution as shown
in the predicted figures of ANN results (Right).

International Journal of Engineering (IJE), Volume (4): Issue (6) 502

Mostafa A. M. Abdeen & W. Abbas

2 2
:Analytical 65Kg :ANN Predicted 60Kg
1.8 1.8

Seat-to-head Transm issibility

:ANN Training 65Kg :Analytical 65Kg
S eat-to-head Transm issibility

:Analytical 75Kg 1.6 :ANN Predicted 80Kg

:ANN Training 75Kg :Analytical 85Kg
1.4 :Analytical 85Kg 1.4 :ANN Predicted 90Kg
:ANN Training 85Kg
1.2 1.2

1 1

0.8 0.8

0.6 0.6

0.4 0.4

0.2 0.2
0 5 10 15 20 0 5 10 15 20
Frequency (Hz) Frequency (Hz)
FIGURE 8: ANN results for the effect of human body’s mass on STHT
(Left : ANN Training, Right : ANN Prediction)
3500 3500

D r iving-point m echanical im pedance

D riving-point m echanical im pedance

:Analytical 65Kg :ANN Predicted 60Kg

:ANN Training 65Kg :Analytical 65Kg
3000 :Analytical 75Kg 3000 :ANN Predicted 80Kg
:ANN Training 75Kg :Analytical 85Kg
:Analytical 85Kg :ANN Predicted 90Kg
2500 2500
:ANN Training 85Kg

2000 2000

1500 1500

1000 1000

500 500

0 0
0 5 10 15 20 0 5 10 15 20
Frequency (Hz) Frequency (Hz)
FIGURE 9: ANN results for the effect of human body’s mass on DPMI
(Left : ANN Training, Right : ANN Prediction)
120 120
:Analytical 65Kg :ANN Predicted 60Kg
:ANN Training 65Kg :Analytical 65Kg
100 :Analytical 75Kg 100 :ANN Predicted 80Kg
:Analytical 85Kg
:ANN Training 75Kg :ANN Predicted 90Kg
:Analytical 85Kg
A pparent m ass
A pparent m ass

80 80
:ANN Training 85Kg

60 60

40 40

20 20

0 0
0 5 10 15 20 0 5 10 15 20
Frequency (Hz) Frequency (Hz)
FIGURE 10: ANN results for the effect of human body’s mass on APMS
(Left : ANN Training, Right : ANN Prediction)

International Journal of Engineering (IJE), Volume (4): Issue (6) 503

Mostafa A. M. Abdeen & W. Abbas

7.2 Effect of stiffness coefficient

Another three ANN models are developed in this sub-section to simulate and predict the effect of
stiffness coefficient (k4) on the biodynamic response behaviors (STHT, DPMI and APMS).
Figures 11, 12, and 13 show the ANN results and analytical ones for different values of k4. From
ANN training figures (Left), it is very clear that ANN understands and simulates very well the
biodynamic response behaviors. After that the developed ANN models used very successfully
and efficiently to predict the response behaviors for different values of k4 rather than those used
in the analytic solution as shown in the predicted figures of ANN results(Right).

2 2
:Analytical at k4= 90000+40% :ANN Predicted at k4=90000+60%
1.8 :ANN Training at k4= 90000+40% 1.8 :Analytical at k4=90000+40%

S eat-to-head Transm issibility

Seat-to-head Transm issibility

:Analytical at k4=90000 :ANN Predicted at k4=90000+20%

1.6 :ANN Training at k4=90000 1.6 :Analytical at k4=90000-40%
:Analytical at k4= 90000-40% :ANN Predicted at k4=90000-20%
1.4 :ANN Training at k4= 90000-40% :ANN Predicted at k4=90000-60%

1.2 1.2

1 1

0.8 0.8

0.6 0.6

0.4 0.4

0.2 0.2
0 5 10 15 20 0 5 10 15 20
Frequency (Hz) Frequency (Hz)

FIGURE 11: ANN results for the effect stiffness coefficient on STHT
(Left : ANN Training, Right : ANN Prediction)

3500 3500
:Analytical at K4= 90000+40%
D riving-point m echanical im pedance

:ANN Predicted at K4=90000+60%

D riving-point m echanical im pedance

:ANN Training at K4= 90000+40% :Analytical at K4=90000+40%

3000 :Analytical at K4= 90000 3000 :ANN Predicted at K4=90000+20%
:ANN Training at K4= 90000 :Analytical at k4=90000-40%
:Analytical at K4= 90000-40% :ANN Predicted at K4=90000-20%
2500 :ANN Training at K4= 90000-40% 2500 :ANN Predicted at K4= 90000-60%

2000 2000

1500 1500

1000 1000

500 500

0 0
0 5 10 15 20 0 5 10 15 20
Frequency (Hz) Frequency (Hz)

FIGURE12: ANN results for the effect stiffness coefficient on DPMI

(Left : ANN Training, Right : ANN Prediction)

International Journal of Engineering (IJE), Volume (4): Issue (6) 504

Mostafa A. M. Abdeen & W. Abbas

90 90
:Analytical at K4= 90000+40% :ANN Predicted at K4= 90000+60%
:ANN Training at K4= 90000+40% :Analytical at K4= 90000+40%
80 80
:Analytical at K4= 90000 :ANN Predicted at K4= 90000+20%
:ANN Training at K4= 90000 :Analytical at K4= 90000-40%
70 :Analytical at k4= 90000-40% 70 :ANN Predicted at K4= 90000-20%
:ANN Training at k4= 90000-40% :ANN Predicted at K4= 90000-60%

Apparent mass
Apparent m ass

60 60

50 50

40 40

30 30

20 20

10 10
0 5 10 15 20 0 5 10 15 20
Frequency (Hz) Frequency (Hz)

FIGURE 13: ANN results for the effect stiffness coefficient on APMS
(Left : ANN Training, Right : ANN Prediction)

Based on the analytical investigation conducted in the course of the current research, it could be
concluded that the change in human body's mass, pelvic stiffness, and pelvic damping coefficient
give a remarkable change in biodynamic response behaviors of seated human body (direct
proportional for human body’s mass and pelvic stiffness coefficient and inverse proportional for
pelvic damping coefficient.)

Based on the results of implementing the ANN technique in this study, the following can be
1. The developed ANN models presented in this study are very successful in simulating the
effect of human body’s mass and stiffness on the biodynamic response behaviors under
whole-body vibration.
2. The presented ANN models are very efficiently capable of predicting the response behaviors
at different masses and stiffness rather than those used in the analytic solution.

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