Defoe + Swift
Defoe + Swift
Defoe + Swift
Daniel Defoe
Authors and Texts 1719
Robinson Crusoe
Key idea The main character in Defoe’s novel is
Robinson Kreutznaer, anglicised Crusoe, born
in York in 1632 of a German father and an
A spiritual English mother. At the age of 19 he decides to
autobiography leave his home, his family and the prospect of 1
a comfortable life as a member of the trading
middle class in order to travel around the
Robinson Crusoe is full of
world and make his fortune. His first voyage The hero, Robinson, belongs to the middle
religious references to God,
leads him to Guinea and then back to England. class, he is restless and wants to find his own
sin, Providence and salvation
During his second voyage he is captured by identity as an alternative to the model provided
(→ T36). The novel can be read
as a spiritual autobiography Moorish pirates but manages to escape; he by his father (→ 3.8). Actually the story begins
where the hero reads the Bible is finally rescued by a Portuguese ship and with an act of transgression, of disobedience,
to find comfort and guidance, brought to Brazil. There he becomes the owner which places the character in a situation of
experiences the constant of a plantation and, needing more labour, sets separation that will culminate with his isolation
conflict between good and evil, out on a voyage to Africa to get more slaves. on the island after the shipwreck. Robinson’s
and keeps a diary to record During this journey he is shipwrecked on a life on the island develops the issue of the
events to see God’s will in them. desert island (→ T35) where he will remain relationship between the individual and
Robinson prays to God to be for 28 years. The rest of the novel tells how he society, between the private and the public
freed from sin rather than to be gradually re-builds the same kind of society spheres. The society Robinson creates on the
rescued from the island. What as exists in his country. He writes a diary island is not an alternative to the English one;
Defoe explores is the conflict where he records his experiences and debates on the contrary, it can be read as an exaltation of
between economic motivation contemporary ideas addressing himself, the 18th-century England and its ideals of mobility,
and spiritual salvation. Is the reader and even God. After 12 years of solitude material productiveness and individualism.
concern with making money he finds a human footprint on the shore. As Defoe shows that, though God is the prime
and dealing with worldly time goes by, he also finds some human bones cause of everything, the individual can shape
matters incompatible with and flesh left by cannibals. Once Robinson his destiny through action. Man can overcome
religious faith and spiritual decides to attack them: they escape and leave doubt and modify reality through his work and
welfare? The Puritans found the one of their captives, whom he calls Friday, after the interpretation of his achievements in the
answer to this question in doing the day of his rescue. When other cannibals light of the Bible and God’s will. Robinson has
their best to increase the gifts land on the island, Robinson and Friday attack a pragmatic and individualistic outlook. His
that God had given them as them and free two of their prisoners, one of objective and rational approach to reality (→
a sign of His grace. whom turns out to be Friday’s father. The novel T35) is demonstrated by his journal-keeping.
ends with Robinson’s return to England and His progress re-invents the learning processes
his discovery that his plantation in Brazil has of baking, ship-building, carpentry and farming.
prospered and made him very rich. Friday is the first native character to be
portrayed in the English novel, he is attractive
and lively. The moment Robinson rescues
The setting of most of the story, the island, him, he teaches him the word ‘master’, Western
is the ideal place for Robinson to prove his culture and to read the Bible; so Friday
qualities, to demonstrate that he deserved becomes the symbol of the colonised.
to be saved by God’s Providence. Robinson
organises a primitive empire on the island,
thus becoming the prototype of the English The novel shows an objective approach to the
coloniser (→ T37): his stay on the island is not events through clear and precise details. Defoe
seen as a return to nature, but as a chance to concentrates his description on the primary
exploit and dominate nature (→ T36). qualities of objects (→ T36), especially their
solidity, extension and number, rather than on
the secondary ones (colour, texture, flavour).
The language is simple, matter-of-fact and
1. Frontispiece to the first
edition of Robinson Crusoe concrete to reinforce the impression of reality
(1719). conveyed by the first-person narration.
Jonathan Swift
Authors and Texts 1726
Gulliver’s Travels
Gulliver’s Travels was printed in London in The novel consists of four books.
1726, though most of it was certainly written Book 1. Gulliver sails from Bristol on 4th May
in the years 1721-25. 1699; after six months his ship is wrecked
The novel has four settings, each linked somewhere in the South Pacific and he is cast
to one of Lemuel Gulliver’s four voyages. upon the shore of Lilliput, where he falls asleep.
When Gulliver’s ship is wrecked during his The inhabitants of the land, the Lilliputians,
first voyage, he reaches the land of Lilliput, carry his huge body to the capital and house
a childhood fantasy world built for very him in an unused temple (→ T38). Gulliver
small people, the tallest being only about six gradually learns their language, their customs
inches high. Here Gulliver plays the role of a and institutions, and gains the favour of the
benevolent giant for a little people who have king. After several amusing experiences, he
exaggerated ideas about their self-importance. manages to return to England.
On his second voyage, Gulliver lands on the Book 2. On 20th June 1702 Gulliver sails for
land of Brobdingnag, where he finds himself India but finds himself in Brobdingnag, a
surrounded by a race of giants, making him feel country Swift located in Alaska. Here the
like a Lilliputian. In both worlds, Gulliver finds natives are giants, and Gulliver becomes the
1 that he must use his wits to survive. Gulliver’s king’s pet and is carried around in a cage.
third voyage to the island of Laputa allows The king enjoys talking with him about
1. Poster of the film Gulliver’s
Travels (1939) directed by
Swift to satirise the scientific community in the system of government in England and
Dave Fleischer. Great Britain. The fourth voyage to the land Europe. One day Gulliver’s cage is lifted up by
of the Houyhnhnms, a country governed by a huge bird and dropped in the middle of the
intellectual horses, gives Swift the opportunity ocean. He is rescued by a ship and returns to
to criticise humanity. These four settings England.
provide Swift with the opportunity to discuss
everything he feels is wrong with mankind in
general and British society in particular.
1 4.9 LISTEN and complete the plot of Book 3 and Book 4 with the missing information.