Twelfth Night Act 3 Sc. 2

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Act 3 Scene 2
• Dear venom – The word “ venom” means poison. Sir Toby addresses Sir
Andrew as “ dear venom” because sir Andrew has just said in an emphatic
tone that he will not stay in this place any longer. Thereupon Sir Toby,
addressing him jokingly as “my dear spiteful friend”,asks him to state his
reason for the decision which he has taken.
• A great argument of love- strong evidence to show that she(Olivia)is in love
(with Sir Andrew). Fabian cleverly interprets Olivia’s kindness towards Cesario
as a proof that actually she is in love with Sir Andrew and that by showing her
favour to Cesario openly, she merely wished to provoke Sir Andrew into
becoming more active and energetic in his wooing of her. Sir Toby and Fabian
are befooling Sir Andrew who is an idiot, easily taken by them.
• Slight- God’s light
• Dormouse- a sluggish kind of mouse
• Brimstone- sulphur to serve as fuel for the fire.The fire in this case is
the fire of love.
• In your liver- The liver was in those days regarded as the seat of
passion just as it was regarded as the repository and the source of
blood in the human system.
• This was balked – This desire of hers was thwarted or frustrated.
• As lief- a common expression meaning “as readily” or instead of.
• In a martial hand- in the handwriting of warrior.
• Be curst- The word “curst here does not mean “Cursed” but “curt”.
Sir Toby urges Sir Andrew to write his challenge to Cesario in a curt or
rude manner.
• The bed of Ware In England- This is a reference to a famous large bed
made of oak- wood which was found in the English town of Ware. It
was eleven feet long and equally wide. It was subsequently shifted to
the Victoria and Albert Museum in London .
• A goose pen- a fool’s pen
• Wainropes- wagon- ropes
• Hale them together- drag them by force in order to bring them face to face.
• His opposite, the youth- Sir Andrew’s opponent, the young man by the name of
• Presage- indication
• The youngest wren of nine- the last to be born and therefore the smallest of a brood
of nine. Sir Toby refers to Maria as the smallest in size of her brothers and sisters. We
are of course to understand here that Maria is not a tall woman but a short one.
• If you desire the spleen- if you wish to have a prolonged laugh
• Heathen- pagan
Sir Andrew complains to Sir Toby that Olivia has been showing more favour
to the Duke’s emissary than she has ever shown to him ( Sir Andrew), and
says that now he would not stay at this place even a moment longer.
However, Fabian is able to convince Sir Andrew that actually Olivia is
more interested in him (Sir Andrew) than anybodyelse, and that she had
been showing more favour to the Duke’s emissary only stimulate Sir
Andrew’s passion for her and to encourage him to become more active in
wooing her. Sir Toby then suggests that Sir Andrew should take his revenge
upon the Duke’s emissary by challenging him to a duel and inflicting at
least eleven wounds on him. Sir Andrew gets ready to write a challenge
addressed to Cesario.
Sir Toby tells him to make his challenge sharp and insulting enough to
hurt Cesario. When sir Andrew has gone away,sir Toby tells Fabian that
they would be able to enjoy a lot of fun at sir Andrew’s cost because Sir
Andrew is no fighter, and that the challenge written by him would
provide both of them with a lot of mirth. Fabian thereupon says that even
Cesario does not seem to be a war-like fellow.
Maria comes and informs Sir Toby and Fabian that Malvolio has put on
yellow stokings and cross gartered them, and that he is also wearing a
smile on his face, a smile which does not seem to end. She says that now,
When Malvolio goes before Olivia in this state, she would certainly slap
him.Sir Toby and Maria who says that she
Would show them the absurd behaviour of Malvolio.
This scene is wholly comic. The gullingof Sir Andrew begins in
this scene; he has already agreed to write a challenge to the
Duke’s emissary, namely Cesario, who has received a favourable
treatment from Olivia. Maria’s description of how Malvolio is
now behaving amuses us greatly
Sir Toby and and Fabian here provide still more evidence of
their wit. Fabian tells sir Andrew that the latter should have
first accosted Olivia and then banged Cesario into dumbness
with some excellent jests. Sir Toby, urging Sir Andrew to write a
challenge to Cessari.Almost every speech in this scene, whether
short or long, is amusing.
There is no development in the main plot of the play in this
scene.But there is certainly a development in the subplot
pertaining Malvolio;Malvolio, having taken the suggestions
seriously ,has put yellow stokings and cross gartered them.
In what ways does William
Shakespeare present act 3
scene 2 of the play Twelfth
Night as an amusing one?
Support your answer with
relevant examples from the

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