System Reports For Accounts Receivable Accounting Customers: Items Customer
System Reports For Accounts Receivable Accounting Customers: Items Customer
System Reports For Accounts Receivable Accounting Customers: Items Customer
Perform this procedure when you need to view a customer or range of customer's open items that
are past due and ensure that the proper dunning level is being used for these items.
Menu Path
Transaction Code
Helpful Hints
The R/O/C column in the field description tables below defines whether the field is required
(R), optional (O), or conditional (C).
On certain screens you may have to scroll to view some data entry fields.
If the reporting parameters entered on this report are used on a repeated basis, these
parameters can be saved as a report variant. To create a report variant enter all the desired data
selection & output display criteria. Click on the Customer Open Item Analysis by Balance of
Overdue Items screen.
Click on the Customer Open Item Analysis by Balance of Overdue Items screen to access
the reporting variant.
1. Start the transaction using the menu path or transaction code.
2. As required, complete/review the following fields:
Example: 1000025
Company code O Organizational unit within Financial Accounting
Enter: UC
Search help ID C The hot key permits the user to select data values based
on match code search functions defined in the system;
Match code search function is used to select data values
based on selection restrictions identified by the user
Example: A
Search string C Field used to restrict the selection of data based on free
form text entered by the user; Search strings are used in
conjunction with Search Help ID (match codes)
Example: 2005
Open items at key R Data selection criteria used to limit the open item search
date by a certain period; The system selects all items posted
up to and including the specified key date and open for
this period; The current date is the default setting
Example: 01/19/2005
Field Name R/O/C Description
Overdue items O Balance of the overdue debit postings and credit postings
balance of a customer in local currency
Example: 1,000
Example: 01/15/05
Fiscal period O The fiscal month for which this report is relevant
Example: 7
Field Name R/O/C Description
Balance O Balance of debits and credits for the specified period
Example: 1000
Absolute total O You can use this field to select only those customers
commitments whose total liabilities do not exceed the value entered
Example: 1000
Master Record O The reconciliation account in G/L accounting is the
Recon. Account account which is updated parallel to the subledger
account for normal postings (for example, invoice or
Enter: 130001
Line item O The reconciliation accounts under consideration here are
reconciliation acc those which were entered in the customer master records
on the day the posting was made or those which were
determined via the system configuration for the special
G/L transactions
Example: 225010
Field Name R/O/C Description
Authorized O The field contains the total of the authorized cash
Deductions discounts for all cleared items in the fiscal year
displayed; Therefore it is irrelevant as to whether the
cash discount has been taken advantage of or not
Example: 100
Unauthorized O This field contains the total amount of unearned cash
deductions discount claimed by customers for all the cleared items
in the fiscal year displayed
Example: 100
Accumulated yearly O Total of the cleared, sales-relevant postings in the fiscal
payments year
Example: 100
Posting Date O The date on which a transaction in SAP will be posted to
the appropriate accounts; SAP will default this field to
be the current date, but changes are allowed; For items to
be posted in a future or past period, you must enter the
posting date
Example: 1/15/02
Field Name R/O/C Description
Document Date O Specifies the issue or creation date of the document
Example: 1/15/02
Net due date O The due date for net payment is calculated from the
baseline date for payment and the maximum permissible
target dates in the terms of payment; It is not stored in
the document line item but is always recalculated during
ABAP evaluations via logical data bases (on the basis of
the current terms of payment) and displayed in this field
Example: 1/15/02
6. As required, complete/review the following fields:
Example: 1
Field Name R/O/C Description
Summarization R Parameter used to limit the list output.
level (0-6)
If You Then
Want to display by customer account
Select to the left of Corporate group
number (across company codes)
8. As required, complete/review the following field:
If You Then
Want to view branch activity
Select to the left of Only master acts
w/ open items.
Do not want to view branch activity
Deselect to the left of Only master acts
w/ open items.
10. As required, complete/review the following fields:
Example: 20/40/60/80
Rounding R Parameter used to control how the data in the amount
factor/decimal fields are displayed on the report
Example: 0/0
12. As required, complete/review the following field:
Example: A
If You Then
Want to view the report list display to
Select to the left of Sort by bal.of
sort the open line items invoice amount
overdue items.
(in descending order)
Do not want to view the report list
Deselect to the left of Sort by bal.of
display to sort the open line items invoice
overdue items.
amount (in descending order)
15. Perform one of the following:
16. Click to the left of the folder you want to expand.
19. Perform one of the following:
Variant Attributes
21. Click .
Print Screen List
Example: locl
26. Click .
27. Click .
28. Click .
29. Click until you return to the SAP Easy Access screen.