ABZU in SAP - Post Write-Up of An Asset
ABZU in SAP - Post Write-Up of An Asset
ABZU in SAP - Post Write-Up of An Asset
If you have gone through my last couple of posts, I explained about the Unplanned
Depreciation and Asset Revaluation. Both of these processes are used to post asset
adjustments. Today, I will show you another process that the companies use to post the asset
adjustments. I will show you how you can post the write-up of an asset using t-code ABZU
in SAP.
A write-up is an increase posted to the net book value of an asset. For example, during the
mergers and acquisitions of a company, a write-up is done to increase the NBV of acquired
company assets to their fair value.
Now, the steps for performing ABZU are quite similar to other asset transactions like
ABAW, ABAA, etc. For example, the depreciation posted for an asset was high in the past
and needs to be corrected. In this tutorial, I will show you how you can write up the
depreciation amount.
Table of Contents
Step 1: Take an Existing Asset
Step 2: Execute ABZU in SAP to Post Asset Write-Up
Step 3: Post the Asset Write-Up Document and Run AFAB
But, in the last post, I posted the revaluation amount of $1500. Hence, the new acquisition
value is showing as $2500.
Display Asset Values in AW01N
I had also posted the depreciation amount of $62.50 for 3 periods using t-code AFAB. Since I
already have the acquisition value and the depreciation amount for this asset, I can post the
write-up for the depreciation amount.
Display Posted Depreciation Values
SAP Accounting -> Financial Accounting -> Fixed Assets -> Posting -> Manual Value Correction -> Write-
Path Up
Navigation Path
Enter the company code, asset code, and transaction type in the pop-up screen.
For asset write-up, there are many transaction types that you can use. For example, 700 is for
posting the write-up for ordinary and special depreciation, 710 for posting asset write-up for
ordinary depreciation only.
You can select the transaction type according to the type of write-up that you want to
Asset Write-Up Transaction Types
You need to enter the document date, posting date, and asset value date on the next screen.
These are the dates on which you are posting the write-up in the system. The accounting
principle and depreciation fields are optional. You can use them if you want to post the write-
up to a specific accounting principle or a depreciation area.
In the Write-Up Specification section, you can enter the write-up amount for both the
ordinary and special depreciation. In this example, I will only post the write-up amount for
Ordinary depreciation.
ABZU Initial Screen
Moving on to the ‘Additional Details‘ tab will give you an option to enter additional
information in the Reference and Assignment fields. These fields are optional and can be left
By default, the system uses document type AA to post the asset documents. In case, you need
to change it, you can specify a different document type here.
ABZU Additional Details
During simulation, the system will show if there are any errors. You need to resolve all the
errors before proceeding further.
If there are no errors, you can click on the ‘Post‘ button to post the asset document. Please
note that the system will only post the asset document and not the accounting document till
this point. You need to run the depreciation for the next period to post the accounting entry
for the write-up.
That’s it!!! We have just finished this short tutorial on a write-up of an asset using
transaction code ABZU. If you have liked it, please share it with others and stay tuned
for more!!!