09931275D L265 UV Lab Software Users Guide
09931275D L265 UV Lab Software Users Guide
09931275D L265 UV Lab Software Users Guide
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PerkinElmer shall not be liable for errors contained herein for incidental consequential
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Copyright Information
Registered names, trademarks, etc. used in this document, even when not specifically marked
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CONTENTS .................................................................................................................... 1
I. INTRODUCTION ...................................................................................................... 1
I-1. Overview 1
I-2. Specifications of UV Lab 2
I-3. UV Lab Software Interface 6
I-3-1. Window Title 6
I-3-2. Main Menu 6
I-3-3. Toolbar 7
I-3-4. View Bar 7
I-3-5. Main Window & Spectral Display Function Tool 8
I-3-6. Result window 9
I-3-7. Trace bar 9
I-3-8. Spectrum Radar 9
I-3-9. Spectrum List & Comment 10
I-3-10. Experiment Setup 13
I-1. Overview
This manual provides step-by-step instructions for the use of UV Lab software with a Lambda 265
UV Lab software must be installed onto a Microsoft® Windows 7 operating system to function
The following icons are used throughout this manual to emphasize important information.
? Message contains helpful supplementary information
Operating Environment
Control Accessories
Operating System
· Microsoft® Windows 7
Output Device
General Mode
· The full spectrum (200 ~ 900 nm) of each sample is extracted at once
Equation · Allows the user to enter support equations for the evaluation of the data
Calculation · Supports Functions: +, - , /, *, ABS, Exp, LN, LOG10, SQRT
Quantification Mode
Thickness Mode
. Measure the thickness of thin film using the Reflectance Module
Kinetics Mode
Time Based · 3D Display: Time Display(X Axis), Zoom In/Zoom Out, Rotate Chart
Kinetics · Full Spectrum
· Time Unit: Min, Sec, Msec
· Zero Order, Initial Rate, First Order, Delta Au
· Data from single wavelength (using the multi-cell) or multiple wavelengths
(using the single cell) can be extracted for the rate calculation
Temperature · 3D Display: Time Display(X Axis), Zoom In/Zoom Out, Rotate Chart
Based · Temperature Unit: ℃
Kinetics · Temperature Limit: from -5℃ to 100℃
Bio Mode
Nucleic Acid · General Ratio with two wavelengths for the calculation of user specified
Analysis ratios.
· Determine concentration of protein and nucleic acid using coefficients
· Baseline Correction
Enzyme · Michaelis-Menten
Mechanism · Lineweaver-Burk
· Hanes-Woolf
· Eadie-Hofstee
· Calculate Km, Vmax from each plot
Validation · Automatic Validation Wizard assists with the validation across the UV and
Visible range
· Includes Photometric, Wavelength, Stray Light, Stability and Dark Current
View Bar
Main Window
Result Window
Experiment Information
▣ Display the title of an active window or file. If data is saved as a specific file, its name will become
the window title; otherwise, the title will be assigned automatically as [Untitled-1], [Untitled- 2],
▣ The Main Menu consists of a File Menu, Edit Menu, Measure Menu, View Menu, Math Menu,
Window Menu and Help Menu.
▣ The toolbar provides quick access to basic commands without opening a menu. Users can modify
the configuration of the toolbars as desired.
Undo Ctrl + Z
▶ See II. File Menu, III. Edit Menu and IV. Measure Menu for more details.
▣ There are four types of modes in the UV Lab software that can be selected by the user to analyze
samples and manipulate collected data.
Mode Functions
▣ Display the spectral data. If there are several spectra in the window, only an active red spectrum
can be edited.
▣ Display the spectrum window and calibration curve in the quantification experiment, or the 3D
spectrum and 2D spectrum in kinetics and bio experiments.
▣ Display a main window as required.
The following table provides a brief description of each Display Function Tool.
View 3D graphic mode May be used in Kinetics & some Bio Modes
▣ Display X-axis and Y-axis values of the mouse pointer on the spectrum.
▣ Display the specified range of spectrum. In the Time Based Kinetics, Enzyme Activity, Enzyme
Mechanism modes, the overlay of all spectra is displayed in the Spectrum Radar window during
the entire measurement.
1. By clicking the Range Set button, the X axis(wavelength) and Y axis (A, %T, %R
and I) range are set.
2. Allow the auto scale of Y-axis (A, %T, %R and I) by clicking the Y Auto button
3. By clicking the Reset button, reset the Y-axis to the original size.
▣ Display the Name, Date, Mode and Scan No. of spectrum in the main window.
▣ Procedure
a. Spectrum List.
1. Change a spectrum name by clicking it.
b. Spectrum Comment
1. Select the sample to comment in the spectrum list.
2. Enter a comment by selecting a spectrum, typing a comment and clicking Enter. You can check
spectrum comment at the print.
▣ Display and modify the experimental setup of Method, Accessory Type, Spectra No.
Parameter Function
Mode Fast, Faster, Fastest and User defined Values may also be set for
each mode. See IV-4-1. Mode for more details.
Command Function
II-1. New
3. Select OK.
II-2. Open
2. Select Open.
3. The selected files can be displayed in a new window by selecting Open in New Window at
the bottom of the box.
II-3. Close
▣ Use the Close command to close a window.
▣ Verify the data was saved before closing the window.
II-5. Save
▣ Use the Save command to save the data in the current window.
▣ Procedure
1. To save data, select a folder to save data in, enter a file name, and select Save.
II-6. Save As
▣ Use the Save As command to save data using a new file name.
▣ Procedure
1. To save data with a new file name, select a folder to save the file in, enter a file name and
select Save.
II-9. Export
▣ Use the Export command to export the data to another program such as Microsoft Excel or other
windows programs.
Export 3D Spectrum
Clipboard(Copy) Copy the 3D spectrum as the picture
Bitmap Format File Export a 3D spectrum as *.bmp file
Window Meta File Format File Export a 3D spectrum as *.wmf file
▣ Use the Print command to print or preview data in the current window.
▣ Procedure
1. The following print-preview window will be displayed.
Function Description
Pre Page Pre Page allows you to go back to the previous page
Next Page Next Page allows you to go to the next page
Zoon In Zoom In allow you to maximize the window
Zoom Out Zoom Out allows you to revert the maximized the window to
the standard size
II-11. Exit
▣ Use the Exit command to close UV Lab Software.
▣ The Edit menu includes commands to perform spectrum functions as shown in the following
Command Function
III-1. Undo
▣ Use the Undo command to undo a previous edit operation.
▣ Procedure
1. To undo an edit, select Undo in the Edit menu.
III-2. Cut
▣ Use the Cut command to remove the selected spectra and place the cut items on the clipboard.
▣ Procedure
1. Select a spectrum to cut.
3. Place the cut spectrum in another location using the Paste command.
III-3. Copy
▣ Use the Copy command to duplicate the selected items onto the clipboard.
▣ Procedure
1. Select a spectrum to copy and click Copy in the Edit menu.
2. Paste the copy into another location using the Paste command.
III-4. Paste
▣ Use the Paste command to place a cut or copied item in the desired location.
▣ Procedure
1. Cut or copy a spectrum to paste into a window.
2. Select Paste in the selected window. Copies of the same item can continue to be pasted
until another item is cut or copied.
III-5. Delete
▣ Use the Delete command to delete the selected spectrum from the active spectrum window.
▣ Procedure
1. Select a spectrum to delete or click Select All to delete all spectra in the window.
2. Select Delete.
▣ The Measure menu includes commands to perform measurement and diagnostic functions as
shown in the following table.
Command Function
2. Select Blank.
Measure a new blank spectrum each time parameters for an experiment are changed.
2. Select Sample.
▶ This icon is activated after a blank is measured.
IV-3. Method
▣ Use the Method command to set modes and parameters to control data collection.
▣ Procedure
1. Select File menu.
4. The following method window is displayed. Set each parameter and select OK.
IV-4. Options
▣ Use the Options command to select the measurement and instrument settings and for automatic
interface setup.
IV-4-1. Mode
1. Set customized parameters for each mode by entering a value in each box as shown and
select OK. Default settings are shown below. Refer to V-1-1. Wavelength Monitoring for
more details.
Use automatic function to save, smooth and correct data automatically. Select the
functions to apply and click OK.
▣ Use instrument setting to setup the interface and peristaltic pump when necessary. Select OK
when finished.
▣ As to the Peristaltic Pump Setup, refer to Lambda 265,365 and 465 Auto Sipper manual.
IV-4-3. Path
▣ Use Path to designate the default data or method folder. Select OK when finished.
▣ Method parameters in this mode can be modified after a measurement is complete. For example,
users can modify the parameters of a Find Peak/Valley method after the measurement is
complete and monitor their effect on the results.
▣ Results in this mode are interchangeable. For example, data measured using Equation Calculation
method can be opened in a Wavelength Monitoring method.
▣ Use Wavelength Monitoring to collect data over the full spectral range of the instrument, or a
specified interval. Perform this type of experiment.
▣ Procedure
1. Select New.
2. Select Wavelength Monitoring in Experiment Type. The method dialog box will be
5. Select Monitoring Wavelength and then the following dialog box will be displayed.
6. Enter the wavelengths to be monitored using Insert or Delete and select OK.
9. Measure samples.
To edit a sample name, double click the sample line to be changed in the list.
? Baseline Correction
Baseline Correction is a technique that can be used to improve the precision of results by
minimizing the effects of any changes that cause a linear baseline shift, for example, a drift
in lamp intensity. This technique is particularly useful for samples with low absorbance. The
value is calculated by method suited to each condition. The Result spectrum is presented
that eliminates baseline values from the absorbance.
There are three methods of calculating the baseline values.
▶ Single Point
Use when the baseline shift is the same at all wavelengths. A reference wavelength on
the baseline is selected. Baseline value is eliminated by subtracting the absorbance at
the reference wavelength from the absorbance of the full wavelength.
Result spectrum
λ λR
fλ = Aλ - ARλ
▶ Range Average
An extension of the single point method, it is used when it is difficult to select a
reference wavelength as a point. The reference wavelength replaces the single
wavelength absorbance value with the average absorbance value over a wavelength
▶ Three Points
Use to correct a slant baseline. The absorbance values from the two reference
wavelengths, AR1 and AR2, define a straight line, which is used to calculate the reference
absorbance(ARλ) at the wavelength(λ). Resulting spectrum are calculated using the
following equation.
λR1 λ λR2
▣ Use Equation Calculation to collect data for a calculated result using a specified equation.
▣ Procedure
1. Select New.
2. Select Equation Calculation in Experiment Type. The method dialog box is displayed.
3. Setup Experiment setup and Baseline Correction parameters. See V-1-1. Wavelength
Monitoring for more details.
6. Enter the wavelengths, which will be monitored using Insert and Delete.
7. Enter the equation to apply to the data using the calculator keys and select OK.
Key Function
Wavelength Use the absorbance result at the selected wavelength.
Equation can contain up to nine.
+ Add
- Subtract
/ Divide
* Multiply
ABS Calculate the absolute value
EXP Calculate e(exp)
LN Calculate the natural logarithm
LOG10 Calculate the common logarithm
SQRT Calculate the square root
8. After setting parameters for Experiment Setup, Baseline Correction and Equation Calculation,
click OK in the method setup window.
▣ Use Find Peak/Valley to determine the maxima and minima of Y-values in the defined
wavelength range of the spectrum.
▣ Procedure
1. Select New.
2. Select Find Peak/Valley in the Experiment Type. The method dialog box is displayed.
5. After setting parameters for Experiment Setup, Baseline Correction and Find Peak/Valley,
click OK.
8. For manual peak finding, use the following icons to pick peaks and valleys or seek data.
Select Pick Peak/Valley icon. See VIII-3. Pick Peak/Valley for more details.
4. Select OK.
7. Film thickness calculations are performed automatically using the following equation.
8. Zoom in this extracted spectrum to see start and end wave positions precisely. In this
example, the start wave is 310.7 nm and the end wave is 572.4 nm.
9. In some cases, the software may not find the peak because the wave of the spectrum is too
small. In this case, thickness can be calculated manually.
a. Click Experimental Setup and zoom in on the area of the wave in the spectrum.
b. Count the number of waves and define the start and end wavelength.
c. To compare the manual result with the result of an automatic calculation of thickness,
enter the value of the start wavelength (310.7 nm), end wavelength (572.4 nm) and
Manual Number of wave and select OK.
d. The result of the manual thickness calculation is shown. In this example, the thickness
calculated is 0.45949 um and is the same as the automatic thickness calculation.
▣ Use Color Analysis to measure Color Scale values including CIE color (L*, a*, b*) and Hunter
(Lab). The test can be used for:
• Quality Control of the color difference
• Variable Color Indices
• Confirming an Yxy chromaticity diagram.
▣ Procedure
1. Select New.
2. Select Color Analysis in the Experiment Type. The method dialog box is displayed.
d. Color Difference Scales: For color difference measurements, select the Color
Difference Scale. CIE dE*ab is a common choice as it returns the widely used “Delta E”
e. CMC(l:c): Value “l” and “c” are “2” and “1” respectively. For example, CMC(2:1) is
generally used in textile and dye industry. The l, c value can only be set for CMC and
BFD scales.
f. SCI/SCE: The Diffuse Reflector Accessory Integrating Sphere uses a 0/d (normal
illumination/diffuse viewing) geometry. All measurements with this accessory exclude
the specular component of the reflection and are therefore SCE.
SCI Specular Component Included
(spin) Specular reflectance is included
7. Measure the Blank . This is typically a clear, colorless solution for transmission work.
8. Measure the Target and check the color scale result. Only one Target can be
measured in each window. All samples are compared to the Target for the purpose of
calculating Delta E (dE) values in color comparison measurements.
11. Analyze and interpret your data using the information in the fields in the window described
e. Color Result Values: Display results of Target, Standard, and Sample in accordance
with the preset parameters.
f. Result Data View: Select ‘Color Quality Result’ or ‘Color Indices Result’ to see various
color difference values.
ⅰ. Color Quality Result: Used to see the general color difference value.
ⅱ. Color Indices Result: Used to see the result for Whiteness, Yellowness,
Brightness, Opacity, ASTM, APHA, Gardner, ASBC-10, EBC-10.
1. Check APHA/Gardner Use in the [Parameter Setting]→[Color Index Setup]. Click the edit
button to setup the measurement.
7. If the difference value between target and each sample is needed, measure the Target.
▣ Procedure
1. Select New.
2. Select Multi-Component Analysis in the Experiment Type. The method dialog box will be
displayed. Click MCA Configurations.
3. The standard measurement window will be displayed. Click the New icon.
4. Select Experimental Setup in the Multi-Component Analysis window. If you do not want
to measure the new standards, click Open Standard and choose the
saved standards data.
▶ Instrument Setting
Enter the instrumental parameters. (Data Type, Scan No., Derivative)
a. Data Type: Select Absorbance or Transmittance.
b.Scan No.: This parameter determines how many scans are performed during a data
collection. If a number of greater than one is specified, the collected data is averaged.
This increases the signal-to-noise ratio and also the total collection time.
c. Apply Derivate: Check (√) Apply Derivative to obtain the data after applying
derivative and enter the derivative order number (1~4).
ⅱ. Range Wavelength: Enter the wavelength range to use for the test and click OK.
8. Measure the standards. Click the Standard icon. Enter the name of the
Standard and click the Enter key.
If the standard measurement value is not saved, the sample concentration is calculated
with the standard values saved as Default after measuring an unknown sample.
10. To measure the unknown sample, save standards data and select Go To Measure
13. Measure samples. Contents of each standard component in the unknown sample and its Chi
Square value are displayed.
14. Change the name of the sample. Double-click the sample. Change the sample name and
select OK.
15. Save the data. Print or export data and spectrum as required.
The following statistic can be used as a tool to measure the discrepancy between observed
frequency and expected frequency:
if χ2> 0, they do not correspond exactly. That is, the larger the value of χ2, the larger
discrepancy between the observed frequency and the expected frequency.
▣ Use Quantification to calculate calibration coefficients using the measured data from a set of
▣ Method parameters in this mode can be modified after a measurement is complete. For example,
users can modify the wavelength at which the test is performed after the measurement is
complete and monitor its effect on the linearity of the calibration curve used to quantify the
▣ Perform a Quantification Method measurement as follows:
1. Select measurement mode.
2. Set method parameters.
3. Measure blank.
4. Measure standards.
5. Measure samples.
6. Save or print results as required.
2. Select Quantification standard in Experiment Type. The Method dialog box is displayed.
There are two ways to check the sample measurement result. Select Measure →
Options in the Main menu.
g. Curve Order: Select a 1st, 2nd or 3rd order fit for the calibration curve.
h. Derivative Order: Choose the Derivative Order among 1st, 2nd and 3rd. The Y-axis of
spectrum and calibration curve is changed as selected.
9. Measure the standards according to their concentrations. The spectra and resulting
calibration curve are displayed as follows. The equation and correlation coefficient for the
curve are displayed below the Standard Spectrum window.
13. If samples were diluted prior to measurement, the original concentration may be calculated
using a dilution factor as shown below:
▣ Use Kinetics to test reaction rate. This mode includes the following Experiment Types:
• Time Based Kinetics
• Temperature Based Kinetics
▣ Perform a Kinetics Method measurement as follows:
1. Select measurement mode.
2. Set method parameters.
3. Measure blank.
4. Measure samples.
5. Save or print results as required.
▣ Use Time Based Kinetics to test the reaction rate against time
▣ Procedure
1. Select New.
2. Select Time Based Kinetics in the Experiment Type. The method dialog box is displayed.
Kinetics mode provides multi-step interval time. Both single-step interval and
multi-step interval can be set by adding or delete step of interval.
c. Total Run Time: Show the total run time for testing samples.
d. Initial Delay Time: Set the holding time before the first sample measurement. If “0”
is entered for the initial delay time, the measurement is taken immediately.
e. Rate Calculation Type: Select the order for the rate calculation. Select form: Zero
Order, Initial Rate, First Order and Delta Au. See the end of this section for more
f. Rate Calculation Start Time: Enter the time to start calculating the rate.
g. Rate Calculation End Time: Enter the time to stop calculating the rate.
The Start and End Time must be within the total run time set for the test.
6. Enter the desired wavelength range for the measurement and select OK.
11. Measure samples. The overlay of all the full spectra is displayed in the Spectrum Radar
window during the entire measurement.
12. After the experiment is complete, the Regression Curve is generated as shown in the picture
? Rate Calculation Type
▶ Zero order
Uses a linear fit to calculate the rate, k, by linear regression using the equation:
At = A0 – kt
▶ Initial Rate
Uses a quadratic fit to calculate the rate, k, by linear regression using the equation:
At = A0 + kt + t2
▶ First order
Uses an exponential fit to calculate the rate, k, using the rate law:
▶ Delta AU
Uses the difference between the absorbance at the start of the calculation time range
and the absorbance at the end. This calculation is very simple and can be expressed as:
Delta AU = At A0
▣ Use Temperature Based Kinetics to test the reaction rate against temperature.
▣ Procedure
1. Select New.
2. Select Temperature Based Kinetics in Experiment Type. The method dialog box is
For more details of the Peltier Accessory temperature setting, refer to the Peltier
Temperature Control Unit (Single) manual.
The Calculation Start and Calculation End Temperature must be within the Start
and End Temperatures for the measurement.
6. Enter the wavelength range for the measurement and select OK.
The number of wavelength Range should be matched the number of Using Cell. If the
Wavelength Range is set as the picture below, peltier multi cell number should be selected
three cells and in numerical order on using cells in the 8 Multi-Cell Holder Setup window.
For example, Cell No.2 for wavelength 300 nm, Cell No.3 for wavelength 500 nm and Cell
No.5 for wavelength 700 nm.
8. Measure samples.
▣ Use Bio to perform pre-programmed biological test. This mode includes the following Experiment
• Nucleic Acid Analysis
• Protein Analysis
• Cell Density
• Enzyme Activity
• Enzyme Mechanism
• Thermal Denaturation
▣ Perform a Bio Method measurement as follows:
1. Select measurement mode.
2. Set method parameters.
3. Measure blank.
4. Measure samples.
5. Save or print results as required.
▣ Use Nucleic Acid Analysis Methods to perform ratio and concentration measurements on samples
containing proteins and nucleic acids.
▣ Procedure
1. Select New.
2. Select Nucleic Acid Analysis in the Experiment Type. The Method Open dialog box is
displayed. Select the cell pathlength in the Nucleic Acid method and click Open.
3. Setup Experiment Setup and Baseline Correction parameters. See V-1-1. Wavelength
Monitoring for more details.
The Nucleic Acid application is used for determining the concentration and purity of
nucleic acid samples. The reading at 260 nm allows to calculate the concentration.
A260 is Absorbance at 260 nm.
Extinction coefficient :
The generally accepted extinction coefficients for nucleic acids are:
Coefficient Value
dsDNA 50 ug/ml
ssDNA 37 ug/ml
RNA 40 ug/ml
Oligo DNA 33 ug/ml
▶ Warburg-Christian
The Warburg-Christian assay with pre-selected parameters calculates protein and nucleic
acid concentrations (in micrograms per ㎖) using the following equations with
absorptivities calculated by Warburg and Christian.
Where, the absorbance at 260 nm and 280 nm are corrected for the baseline at 320 nm.
Where, the absorbance at 260 nm and 230 nm are corrected for the baseline at 320 nm.
5. After setting parameters for Experiment Setup, Baseline Correction and Nucleic Acid
Analysis is complete, click OK.
7. Measure samples.
▣ Use Protein Analysis to quantify the amount of protein in a sample. Select from pre-programmed
frequently used methods for quantifying proteins.
▣ Procedure
1. Click New.
3. Method Open dialog box is displayed. Choose the method and click OK.
4. The method dialog box is displayed. Setup test parameters and click OK.
6. Measure samples.
Method Name Reagents Range Method File
Bicinchoninic acid 562 4–400 BCA.mtd
acid (BCA)
Hydrochloric acid and
Sulfonate 416 0.5–100 TNBS.mtd
trinitrobenzene reagent
1. Biuret Method
Biuret (NH2-CO-NH-CO-NH2) produces a violet chelate compound when reacting with alkali
Using the theory that a compound which has more than two peptide bonds also produces a
chelate compound, by the same procedure as in the Biuret case, one can determine the
protein concentration. Approximately, 1~10 mg of protein can be quantified by the Biuret
method. Using a microassay one can measure as 0.25 mg~2.0 mg of protein. A chelate
compound is usually stable for 1~2 hours but its chromaticity gradually increases with time.
The absorbance of the sample in the test tube is measured at 540 nm.
3. Bradford Method
One of the most widely used methods was developed by Bradford; it is based upon a shift
in the absorption spectrum of Coomassie Brilliant Blue G-250 when the dye binds to protein
in an acidic solution. The method is fast, convenient, and produces an equivalent
absorbance change for many different proteins. The absorbance of the resulting solution is
measured spectrophotometrically at 595 nm and compared to a standard curve generated
using known quantities of a control protein in the dye solution. In this method, color
reaction is completed very quickly (in 2 min.) and it is stable for 1 hour. The Bradford
method is more sensitive than the Lowry method and can measure 1~20 g of protein
using micro assay. The Bradford method is faster and is seldom affected by non-protein
Factor and Multiplier define the conversion of the measured OD to the number of cells
per milliliter (e.g.: Factor 5, Multiplier: 100,000,000)
1 OD 600 = 5 x 108 cells/ml
6. Measure samples.
▣ Use Enzyme Activity Methods to calculate enzyme activity from a set of kinetic samples.
▣ Procedure
2. Select Enzyme Activity in the Experiment Type. The method dialog box is displayed.
3. Setup Experiment Setup and Baseline Correction parameters. See V-1-1. Wavelength
Monitoring for more details.
µmol produced 1 6
= △A *
10 µM
Unit = -1 -1
* * Vf (L)
min △t ε(M cm ) b M
6. Enter the wavelength range for each measurement and click OK. See V-3-1. Time Based
Kinetics for more information.
7. After setting parameters for Experiment Setup, Baseline Correction and Enzyme Activity is
complete, click OK.
9. Measure sample. The overlay of all the spectra is displayed in the Spectrum Radar window
during the entire measurement.
▣ Use Enzyme Mechanism Methods to collect the plots, Km and Vmax from a set of kinetic samples.
▣ Procedure
1. Select New.
2. Select Enzyme Mechanism in the Experiment Type. The method dialog box is displayed.
3. Setup Experiment Setup and Baseline Correction parameters. See V-1-1. Wavelength
Monitoring for more details.
6. Enter the wavelength range and substrate concentration for each test and click OK.
7. After setting parameters for Experiment Setup, Baseline Correction and Enzyme Mechanism
is complete, select OK.
9. Measure samples in the order of the Substrate Concentration. The overlay of all the full
spectra is displayed in the Spectrum Radar window during the entire measurement.
11. Click ▼ and select a plot type to open. ( Michaelis-Menten, Lineweaver-Burk, Hanes-Woolf,
Eadie-Hofstee Plot)
? Enzyme Mechanism Plots
▣ Use Thermal Denaturation modes to collect the temperature based data and perform a classical
DNA melting experiment.
▣ Procedure
1. Click New.
2. Select Thermal Denaturation in Experiment Type. The method dialog box is displayed.
3. Setup Experiment Setup and Baseline Correction parameters. See V-1-1. Wavelength
Monitoring for more details. In Sampling Type of Experiment Setup, select Single Cell
For more details of the Peltier Accessory temperature setting, refer to the Peltier
Temperature Control Unit (Single) manual.
Thermal mode provides multi-step ramping. Both single-step ramping and multi-step
ramping can be set by adding or delete step of interval.
If a DNA base pair length (K) is entered as ‘0’, then the equation becomes:
%G-C= 2.44 * ( Tm - 81.5- 16.66 * log(M) )
h. Calculation Start Temperature: Enter the start temperature for calculating the Tm
value using the selected method.
i. Calculation End Temperature: Enter the end temperature for calculating the Tm
value using the selected method.
6. Measure blank.
7. Measure samples.
▣ The View menu includes commands to change and customize software windows as show
Command Function
Move Select another experiment mode
Absorbance Display the unit of Y-axis by absorbance
Transmittance Display the unit of Y-axis by transmittance
Reflectance Display the unit of Y-axis by reflectance
Intensity Display the unit of Y-axis by intensity
VI-1. Move
▣ Use the Move command to select the experiment method. A new window and method will be
VI-2. Absorbance
▣ Use the Absorbance command to convert the unit of the Y-axis to absorbance mode.
▣ Procedure
1. Click Absorbance, and the unit of the Y-axis changes to absorbance mode.
▣ Use the Transmittance command to convert the unit of the Y-axis to transmittance mode.
▣ Procedure
1. Click Transmittance and the unit of the Y-axis changes to transmittance mode.
VI-4. Reflectance
▣ Use the Reflectance command to convert the unit of the Y-axis to reflectance mode.
▣ Procedure
1. Click Reflectance and the unit of the Y-axis changes to reflectance mode.
VI-5. Intensity
▣ Use the Intensity command to convert the unit of the Y-axis to intensity mode.
▣ Procedure
1. Click Intensity and the unit of the Y-axis changes to intensity mode.
2. Enter Company information and click OK. You can check User Information at the
▣ Use the customize command to hide and create the toolbars and disable all of the user's editing
▣ Procedure
1. Click Toolbars tab.
5. You can create a tab. Select Keyboard. The following dialog box will be displayed.
Command Function
3. After setting parameters is complete, select OK. The result is displayed in the main window.
UV Lab uses the Savitsky-Golay method for the data smoothing. Using the Savitsky-Golay
method results in the elimination of (window size)/2 points on each end of the smoothed
value in the middle of the window. It is the preferred method for noise reduction and is also
recommended for smoothing because no truncation of the data occurs.
VII-2. Derivative
▣ Use the Derivative command to obtain the derivative data of the spectrum.
▣ Procedure
1. Select Derivative. The following dialog box will be displayed.
2. Select OK after entering the Derivative Order number and selecting the Processing
Spectrum. The result will be displayed in the main window.
▣ Use the Scalar Divide command to divide the Y-axis of a spectrum by a value
▣ Procedure
1. Select Scalar Divide. The following dialog box will be displayed.
VII-7. Add
▣ Use the Add command to add the Y-axis values of selected spectra.
▣ Procedure
1. Select desired spectra to add together by clicking the spectra while holding down the Ctrl
VII-8. Subtract
▣ Use the Subtract command to subtract the Y-axis values of two spectra.
▣ Procedure
1. Select two spectra to subtract by clicking the spectra while holding down the Ctrl key. The
following dialog box is displayed.
VII-9. Average
VII-10. Area
4. The calculated area and range are displayed in the Area tab. If you check View Area value,
the area and range are displayed in the result window.
▣ Use the display function tools to modify the display of the main window as desired.
Y Axis
Auto Scale
View 3D for
kinetics mode
▣ Use these icons to zoom, reset and auto scale the selected area in the main window.
▣ Procedure
1. Select Zoom In.
▣ Use these icons to add, edit and delete labels in the main window.
▣ Procedure
1. Select Add Label.
2. Set the label at the required position using the mouse, as shown below.
5. Select OK.
6. To edit or delete the labels, click Edit Label and edit or delete the labels as desired.
2. Select the spectral range using the mouse. The labels of the peaks or valleys are displayed as
shown below.
3. To delete a peak/valley, select the peak/valley in the result window and click the right
▣ Use these icons to change chart properties in the main window, such as the chart color, display
interval, grid, X Axis, Y Axis and line properties.
▣ Procedure
1. Click Properties.
▣ It is possible to use the 3D the graphic mode in the kinetics modes: Time Based Kinetics and
Temperature Based Kinetics, and the Bio modes: Enzyme and Thermal Denaturation. Click Veiw
3D to use this feature.
▣ The Window Menu to arrange the windows and show the current windows.
Command Function
▣ Use the Tile Horizontally command to align the windows in the horizontal tile modes as below.
▣ Use the Tile vertically command to align the windows in the vertical tile mode as below.
IX-3. Cascade
▣ Use the Cascade command to align the windows in the cascade mode as below.
▣ Procedure
1. To view a different window, click the window you want to view and the selected window is
2. When the data in the window is saved, the file titles are listed.
▣ The Help Menu contains the Help contents for UV Lab software.
Command Function
X-1. Contents
▣ Use the help section for suggestions on using UV Lab software more effectively.
X-2. About...
▣ About UV Lab contains information on the version of the software and name of software, as
shown below.
▣ Use System Monitoring to check the overall condition of the instrument. It provides a
step-by-step explanation with figures, for the wavelength calibration of the spectrophotometer
and the position calibration Multi Cell Holder.
Command Function
General Use to test sample simply for checking the instrument, to set the
parameters for the measurement. This mode for Service Engineer.
Used to calibrate the cell position of the Water Jacketed 8-Position
Multi-Cell. This option only appears if 8-Position Multi-Cell
accessory is recognized by the instrument mode appears.
XI-1. General
▣ Use this mode for service engineer.
1. Select Wavelength Calibration in the System Monitoring. Then following dialog box will be
2. The “Standard.dat” file, which is stored in the Standard folder as the default, is opened. These
values correspond to the wavelength positions of the absorbance peaks of the standard
samples. Check these values for accuracy. Change the values to match those in the calibration
certificate of the standard samples used, if necessary, and select OK.
5. Place standard sample 1 (Holmium oxide solution) in the cell holder and click Absorbance.
7. Place the Standard Sample 2, F1 (Holmium Oxide) filter in the cell holder and click
8. Select Add Sample to save the data for Standard Sample 2 and select 2 for the Sample No.
9. Place the Standard Sample 3 (Didymium filter) in the cell holder and click Absorbance.
11. After measuring and adding all standard samples, select Calibration.
14. Find 12 peaks for Standard Sample 1 (Holmium oxide solution) and add them as shown
16. Find 4 peaks for Standard Sample 2 (F1 Filter) and add them as shown below.
18. Find 2 peaks for Standard Sample 3 (Didymium filter) and add then as shown below.
20. Click Calib Proc. . Check the result of the calibration curve and verify that all of the
data fits in the following Wavelength Error Trend window. If the calibration result is
acceptable (R2 > 0.9999 Error Max. and Min. < ±1), select OK. If the result is not acceptable,
repeat the calibration procedure.
After measuring and adding all standard samples, select Calibration. The following dialog box is
displayed. Peak points can be found and added for each standard sample here.
▶ Open: Use the Open command to retrieve data for a standard sample stored in a
current windows.
▶ Save: Use the Save command to save data in the current window. The save window
showing the storage position will appear when Save is clicked.
▶ Save As: Use the Save as command to save data using a new file name. Select the
folder to save file in. Input the file name, and click Save.
Peak finding is used to manually identify the correct peaks in the reference samples to use for
wavelength calibration as shown.
2. Select Mouse Find. Click and drag the mouse from the upper-left to the lower-right over
the tip of a peak. A small blue square appears at the peak position identified.
If it is difficult to find the correct peak, unclick Mouse Find, repeat step 1 designating a
smaller area of the spectrum and try again.
▶ Auto Find Peak / Peak No.: Use to find peaks with Auto Find Peak. Designate a peak
finding area and enter the number of peaks to find. Click the Auto Find Peak. The amount of
peaks can be found by the order of their value.
1. Select Multicell Calibration in the System Monitoring. The following dialog box is displayed.
2. Select Multicell Calibration. Remove all samples from cell holder and select OK.
3. The cell holder Calibration will start. The current process of calibration is shown.