kikaku'sViperAttackProfileCalculator For DCS-Manual
kikaku'sViperAttackProfileCalculator For DCS-Manual
kikaku'sViperAttackProfileCalculator For DCS-Manual
I. Introduction 1
VI. References 15
Glossary 15
I. Introduction
I wrote this software with the intention of creating a useful tool for the DCS community in general and
the F-16 e-pilots specifically that would help with the planning of “pop-up” attack runs. What I wanted
to take advantage of was the unique set of symbology built-in (both in reality and in the DCS model) to
the F-16 FLCS that can guide a pilot through the various stages of this type of bombing run. I’ve included
a bit at the end about how I found out about this unique bit of the F-16 and why I was interested in
planning attack runs in general but I figure we have enough to cover as it is so I’ll bore you with personal
anecdotes once we’ve gotten through all the important bits!
kikaku August 17, 2022
kikaku August 17, 2022
This doesn’t seem too bad when you think about it briefly but now imagine even the simple task of
giving your friend directions to your house using only the bearing and range from your house to your
friend with the added bonus that despite any instructions you provide any device your friend uses to
follow the instructions (e.g. compass , map, whatever) is going to provide him with his bearing relative
to himself to your house – the opposite of what you provided him...And now provide these instructions
such that your friend arrives at your house traveling from a specific direction at a specific speed...
Don’t despair! I may not be the best pilot but what I do have are a very particular set of skills. Skills
I have acquired over a very long career [time in grad school]. Skills that make me a nightmare for [math
problems like this]...If there is an interesting unsolved physics problem I will look for it, i will find it and
I will solve it....
OK OK, this software does all the hard math for you and helps you plan pop-up attack profiles. Then
it gives you all the extra details found while doing the math. You don’t need those but it’s fun to know.
Then, most importantly, it exports a kneeboard that contains a) an outline of the attack plan with key
distances, headings and points marked, b) what to enter into the various DED screens to set the helper
waypoints to guide you through your attack plan and c) A summary of the parameters of the attack run.
If you want to get to mission planning ASAP and you are familiar with pop-up attack terminology
you can skip to the specific software instructions now – If you are like I was; a complete n00b, the
following section will help in defining the terms used in the software instructions and give you better
insight into the types and limitations of pop-up attacks.
Figure 1: Schematic example of a “Pop-up” attack run with some of the features and symbology labeled.
Bottom image is the final phase of the attack run.
kikaku August 17, 2022
C. Terminology
While I’ve included a glossary at the end of this manual I’ll mention a couple of terms here that are used
often enough that I feel I should define them now (some of them are illustrated in Figure 1:
• VRP: Visual reference point; A poorly named term that indicates the beginning of the attack
run. Rather than via external landmarks I’ve found that this point is easiest set and reached via
HUD/HMD symbology. While I prefer the term Initial Point the F-16’s systems use this term so it’s
here to stay.
• VIP: Visual initial point: A poorly named terms that indicates the beginning of the attack run.
This is why I think these terms are poorly named. They are different (explained below) but their
difference has nothing to do with their acronyms.
• AP:Action point: this is the point in the attack run where the offset turn is made.
• PUP: Pull-up point; it would be logical for this to be the point where the climb portion of the
attack begins, and that is the case on paper. However this is also the name of a unique HUD/HMD
symbol that is often used to indicate the AP rather than the PUP.
• PDP: Pull-down point: The point in space where the desired altitude is reached and the jet is
rolled to place the lift vector on the target and the final angled turn into the diving attack is taken.
• OA1/2: Offset Aimpoint 1 and 2: These name specific symbols seen in the HUD/HMD and the
symbols can be used as the name implies such that putting the flight path marker on this point
means the bombs fall on the target, however, often these are used as utility symbols with different
roles based on the type of pop-up attack run being planned. In my case OA1 always corresponds
to the PDP and OA2 can be either the PUP or an actual offset aimpoint.
• Dive Angle: The angle of the aircraft during the final leg of the attack just prior to weapons release
• Tracking/VTD/HTD: Tracking segment of the attack run in which the pilot visually acquires the
target and repositions the aircraft for weapons delivery. The period(usually 5-7s) begins as soon
as the aircraft rolls out from the pull-down maneuver and lasts until weapons release. Horizontal
and Vertical Tracking Distance are the terms given to the distance the aircraft travels in those axes
during this time.
• MAP:Minimum Attack Perimeter; a circle centered on the target with a radius equal to the distance
at which the Tracking phase begins
kikaku August 17, 2022
connecting the IP and target the “ingress axis.” At a prescribed point (the previously mentioned Action
Point) prior to reaching the target the aircraft will make an “offset turn” to intentionally leave this axis
to set-up the correct horizontal spacing for its attack run. In a Type I attack this action point is as close
as possible to the target (<3-4NMi) such that as soon as the offset turn is taken and the aircraft arrives at
the offset heading it begins the pull-up or climb phase, followed immediately by the pull-down/attack
turn phase, tracking phase and finally weapons release. If we look at the top diagram in figure 8 we
note that the two turn angles θ1 and θ2 are roughly equal in magnitude for the Type I profile – this is a
property of Type I profiles that is not technically required but is very common.
In contrast, when flying a Type II profile, it is often the case that the IP and AP are a good deal further
( 10-12NMi) from the target. Like the Type I case the pilot turns to an offset heading at the AP, however,
unlike the Type I case, a climb is not immediately initiated and the pilot continues flying along this
new heading at the original ingress altitude. As the aircraft approaches the target (<3-4NMi) it reaches
a predetermined “pull-up point” (PUP) and now initiates the climb phase of the attack run. As with
the Type I attack the subsequent pull down/attack turn, tracking and weapons release phase all follow
immediately. The key feature to note is the delay period after the off-set turn and prior to the PUP
that is missing from the Type I attack run. Another feature to note is the clear difference in magnitude
between the two turn angles θ1 and θ2 in the bottom diagram of figure 8. Again this is not required but
is, however, a very common property of Type II attack runs. By initiating the offset turn much further
from the target than in the Type I case a smaller offset turn angle can still accrue the needed horizontal
spacing over this larger offset travel distance.
Fundamentally neither type is “better” than the other but one or the other attack type may be
better suited to the geography or anti-air threat situation of a specific mission. The type II attack could
be used to avoid a particularly nasty corridor of SAMs or take advantage of terrain by following below an
extended set of mountains. The type I attack works well against dense anti-air coverage where exposure
to threat needs to be minimized and is particularly useful against SAMs themselves as they may be
placed on or near abrupt geographical features for protection from aerial attack. Experiment! Have
fun! There are no right answers! (Although I claim that type I attacks are more fun to fly :))
Figure 2: Comparison of Type I and Type II attack runs [not to scale]. Note the locations of the PUP vs
AP and the distance over which horizontal separation is achieved
kikaku August 17, 2022
There are two “modes” of inputting information into the F-16 FCS that differ based on what is consid-
ered the “reference point.” In either case this reference point is always a steerpoint from which other
important points are indicated via a bearing, range and elevation. [For those of you who are familiar
with cylindrical coordinates the steerpoint is at the origin, and r, ϕ, z correspond to range, bearing and
elevation, respectively] The Visual Reference Point (VRP) setup places the reference steerpoint at the
target and the Visual Reference Point (VRP), Pull-Up Point (PUP) and 2x Offset Aimpoints (OA1/2) are
indicated from this steerpoint. The Visual Initial Point (VIP) setup places the reference steerpoint at an
“obvious” initial point from which bearing, range and elevation are used to determine the positions of
the target, PUP and OA1/2. The difference between the two is shown schematically in figure 3. While
there may be utility in the VIP setup, I have chosen to focus on the VRP setup as either through mission
planning, use of the TGP or the HAD system it is almost always easier to place a steerpoint on the target
and use this as the basis for setting up the attack run.
Figure 3: Definition of VRP and VIP from the MCH manual 3 . Note direction of arrows indicating zero of
reference system. [Image from 3 ]
kikaku August 17, 2022
know why this is the case OR whether or not this is an accurate reflection of the real system in the F-16
or an artifact in ED’s code. I just wanted to mention this ahead of time to avoid confusion down the
02 Mode Select: Picking either radio button either enables or disables tooltips for the parameter entry
fields and the Info Panel on the RHS.
03 Info Panel: Contains relevant and/or not so relevant bits of information on aspects of the program.
Also rants about random poor aircraft design.
kikaku August 17, 2022
07 Select Attack Type: Pick Type I or Type II – note that some input parameter options and the roles
played by the OA1 and OA2 points change based upon selected attack type
08 Select Alignment: Allows for the attack run to be aligned based either the ingress heading or
preferred final attack heading. Note that the first input parameter in the RHS panel changes based
upon this selection.
• Alignment Heading – either the ingress heading or the preferred heading for attack
• Distance VRP to AP: Sets the distance to travel along the ingress axis prior to the offset turn
• Distance TGT to AP: (Only for Type II attacks) Sets how far from the target to start the offset
turn in a Type II attack
• Which Map?: Drop down menu with DCS maps – choose in which one attack plan is to be used.
This information serves to translate between the F10 map heading (True North based) and the
Heading Tape shown on the HUD in the F-16 (Magnetic North based). The magnetic declination
that determines the offset between the two heading types varies both with location and
time. The corrections made via selecting the map from the drop-down list corresponds to
the default mission date of 2016. The 7th option in the list allows for the entry of a custom
declination offset.
• Pick whether offset turn is to the Left or Right when looking towards the target
• Enter the elevation of the Target above MSL.
kikaku August 17, 2022
kikaku August 17, 2022
• Symbology Scheme: Not enabled yet
• Calculate Attack – Press this button to start the numerical solver and view the results of the
calculation in the RHS panel that appears on this tab. Pressing this button will also generate
a kneeboard in the third tab. After pressing this button to perform the calculation if a
parameter is changed on this or a previous tab then this button must be pressed again in
order to redo the calculations based upon the changed parameter.
11 Panel (not initially visible) with some of the calculated parameters based on user input. Please see
below where some of these parameters are explained in more detail.
13 Export Panel: When the top-most textbox is clicked a dialog box appears to set the export file name
and location. If both of these values are determined to be sensible the Export button is enabled.
Clicking the button saves the Kneeboard to the file/dir specified above. The bottom portion of
this panel is a slightly experimental option for creating sets of Kneeboards across which single
parameter is varied. This could be useful if the situation surrounding the planned attack run is not
known precisely. One of five parameters can be chosen from the drop down list. When a parameter
is chosen the Start:Step:End boxes are populated. Currently changing the step parameter is
kikaku August 17, 2022
kikaku August 17, 2022
disabled (this was to prevent attempting to output thousands of images by accidentally setting
a very tiny step parameter), however the upper and lower bounds (ie Start and End) can be set
for the variable to be varied. Once the parameters are set click the lower filename textbox and a
dialog will open allowing the user to specify the location and file name stem to be used for the set
of kneeboards to be output. If the location and filename are valid the Export Sequence button will
be enabled and pressing it will output a set of kneeboards based upon the programmed upper and
lower bounds.
kikaku August 17, 2022
C. Generated Kneeboard
The kneeboard generated by the program should have the standard3:4 aspect ratio of DCS kneeboard
and can be divided into 3 sections:
2. DED Entry
The four recreations of the DED panel correspond to the data to be entered via the DED to accurately
place the 4 visual cue points. Note that the roles played by the points vary slightly between a Type I and
Type II attack and this should be reflected in the title above that DED image.
3. Parameter Summary
A few of the parameters used to generate this kneeboard are copied to this section to preserve the
information if needed in order to produce a similar attack run in the future.
kikaku August 17, 2022
kikaku August 17, 2022
VI. References
[1] Cars “Falcas” Burgers, Weapon Delivery Planner Manual V1.3 for Open Falcon
[3] US Air Combat Command, F-16 Combat Aircraft Fundamentals: Multi-command Handbook, 11-
F16,Vol. 5, (1996)
[4] US Air Combat Command, F-16 Combat Aircraft Fundamentals: Multi-command Handbook, 11-
F16,Vol. 1, (2021)
[5] US Air Combat Command, F-16 Combat Aircraft Fundamentals: Multi-command Handbook, 11-
F16,Vol. 2, (2021)
[6] US Air Combat Command, F-16 Combat Aircraft Fundamentals: Multi-command Handbook, 11-
F16,Vol. 3, (2021)
[7] Korean AF BEM, Basic Employment Manual F-16C, Volume 5, Oct (2005)
[8] Air, Land and Sea Application Center, Multiservice procedures for the joint application of firepower,
FM 90-20, Nov (1997)
[9] Lockheed Martin Corporation, F-16 C/D Block 50, Avionics and nonnuclear weapons delivery flight
manual, T.O.GR1F-16CJ-34-1-1 June (1997).
AP Distance from target where offset turn to approach heading is taken
APX Highest elevation point achieved during attack run. Occurs after pull-down point and before
tracking begins
AtH Heading flown after pull down, during tracking and just prior to weapons release
HTkD Distance traveled across ground during the visual tracking period of dive
IH Initial heading of the aircraft that defines the neutral axis of the attack run
kikaku August 17, 2022
IP Initial reference point of attack run. In most cases this will be the Visual Reference Point
MAP Radius from the target at which the jet rolls wings level and visual tracking of target begins. Sum
of horizontal tracking distance and bomb range
PDP Position during attack run, after offset turn and climb, where the jet is inverted and transition
from climb to dive starts
PUP Position during attack run, after action point and offset turn, where the wings level climb begins
VRP Point set w.r.t. target location along the ingress heading axis which determines the beginning of
the attack run.