Advanced Races Vampire
Advanced Races Vampire
Advanced Races Vampire
v. 1.1
Written by JOSH GENTRY
Formatted with THE HOMEBREWERY
Screenshot captured by DARWIN AHOY!
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This work is copyright 2016 by Kenneth Joshua Gentry and the text is published in its entirety under the the Open Gaming
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A dark legacy Restored
ew beings are as quintessential to fantasy as
vampires. Novices to fantasy role-play may not
always be able to tell you the difference between
a gnome and an elf, but odds are they know
about vampires. With the new vampire race, you
can play as a vampire from level 1, or
transmogrify your character into one. You can
also use the damphyr background to dip your toe in vampyric
flavor, or explain your vampire character's ascension.
In the moonlight opposite me were three young women,
ladies by their dress and manner. I thought at the time that I
must be dreaming when I saw them, for, though the
moonlight was behind them, they threw no shadow on the
floor... All three had brilliant white teeth that shone like pearls
against the ruby of their voluptuous lips. There was
something about them that made me uneasy, some longing
and at the same time some deadly fear... They whispered
together, and then they all three laughed—such a silvery,
musical laugh, but as hard as though the sound never could
have come through the softness of human lips. It was like the
intolerable, tingling sweetness of water-glasses when played
on by a cunning hand...
“He is young and strong; there are kisses for us all.” I lay
quiet, looking out under my eyelashes in an agony of
delightful anticipation. The fair girl advanced and bent over
me till I could feel the movement of her breath upon me.
Sweet it was in one sense, honey-sweet, and sent the same
tingling through the nerves as her voice, but with a bitter
underlying the sweet, a bitter offensiveness, as one smells in
blood. Marked by Undeath
I was afraid to raise my eyelids, but looked out and saw Many distinct changes occur when a humanoid becomes a
perfectly under the lashes. The girl went on her knees, and vampire, but their over-all size and shape remain the same.
bent over me, simply gloating. There was a deliberate They grow retractable fangs and claws which reflect their
voluptuousness which was both thrilling and repulsive, and feral nature. Their skin takes on an un-lively tint, and may
as she arched her neck she actually licked her lips like an become exceptionally sallow, pale, or gray. Their eyes often
animal, till I could see in the moonlight the moisture shining appear sunken and take on a supernatural glow. Some
on the scarlet lips and on the red tongue as it lapped the vampire eyes may even take on a vibrant red color. Certain
white sharp teeth. Lower and lower went her head as the lips vampire lineages reduce these "uglifying" effects. Instead
went below the range of my mouth and chin and seemed they bestow certain giveaways, such as causing nearby
about to fasten on my throat. Then she paused, and I could shadows grow darker, not casting a shadow themselves, and
hear the churning sound of her tongue as it licked her teeth failing to appear in a mirror's reflection.
and lips, and could feel the hot breath on my neck. Since vampires can be recognized on sight and are
maligned for the wanton destruction perpetrated by their
—Bram Stoker, Dracula
brethren, those that go into public may choose to don a
disguise to avoid unwanted attention. Full-body disguises are
Vampires are undead ruled by their thirst for blood. Most favored because they help ward off the rays of the sun to
people think of them as monsters who feed on unwitting which all vampires are allergic. Such disguises include full-
victims in their sleep—or ransack villages at the head of an body hooded cloaks, dark robes complete with concealing
undead horde. Once bitten, a victim may become a vampire in cowl, and masquerade masks. Disguise self spells are
turn. Even though this sanguine appetite is difficult to resist, especially helpful during extended visits away from home.
the vampyric disease—or curse—does not revoke humanity
entirely. Vampires are one with their passions and longings,
and with their dark powers they machinate and scheme in the
shadows until the time to strike.
Legacies of Darkness
Though vampires have never formed an entire society of their Man vs. Monster
own, they are known to leave impressive legacies. Over the Vampires as a race have considerably reduced
course of many mortal lifetimes, certain vampire lords are weaknesses (and power) than vampires as
able to carve out and support a small kingdom—where they monsters. Why are you so different from your
loom over all as their master. Many vampires, including monstrous kin? Are your powers less developed
due to time away from your sire? Maybe your
vampire lords, take fledgling vampires they sire under-wing to
vampyric linage is different from local vampires. Or
form enclaves. Vampire enclaves of any size are feared by all, perhaps you restrain your power to maintain
and certain military and religious organizations exist solely to control over your least desirable aspects.
oust them.
Strategies for Hunting Vamps
All According to Plan Taking advantage of Vampire Weakness is a key
strategy for any vampire hunter. NPCs can ward
Most vampires are monsters who are too obsessed with their themselves against members of this race and
own activities to cooperate with mortals. However, many exploit this advantage by revealing a weakness at
vampires do not share their brethren's disdain for mortals key moments. They always attack during the day.
and may cooperate with them if it suits their desires. For They can wear religious icons around their neck to
example, vampires outcast by their enclaves may seek the affect a vampire right away, or tuck it under their
help of mortals to defeat their blood kin. Vampires may also clothing and reveal it as a bonus action. Any place
become attracted to the life of adventurers—either sensually full of religious icons, such as a temple, makes a
or out of curiosity—and may join them on their quests. Just as fine place to destroy vampires—but most are
some vampires become adventurers, many adventurers also smart enough to avoid holy ground altogether.
become vampires. Many heroes receive blood exposure to Warding entryways with garlic slows vampires
vampires during battle, and their sheer power is down, which makes it ideal for setting traps. When
understandably tempting. If your character wants to become you eat garlic, a vampire cannot smell it until it is
a vampire, ask your GM before hand. That way the two of you adjacent, which is great for both defense and
can orchestrate an ideal time and explanation for this sudden
surge of darkness.
Vampire Names
Some vampires hold on to their previous name for the sake of
convenience. Many, however, prefer to discard their previous
name and assume an entirely new identity. Vampires who
achieve the status of lord delight in having their name
prefaced with honorifics such as Lady, Count, Baron, or
Moment of Truth
One day long ago, you did not know you were different.
However, a fateful event caused your vampyric qualities to
unmistakably arise and change your life—for better or worse.
You can choose or roll on the table below to determine your
moment of truth, or you can work with the GM to determine a Suggested Characteristics
how the truth came out to change your life forever. Damphyrs blur the line between mortal and monster. Some
exhibit this dichotomy as an inner conflict—others have no
d6 Moment of Truth confusion about what they truly want. Either way, damphyrs'
1 While researching my family tree, I identified my emotions and experiences are just as significant as any other
vampire ancestor. mortal's. Perhaps more so.
2 I once got so angry that my teeth and nails elongated d8 Personality Trait
out of control.
1 My thoughts often wander to what my legacy may be.
3 While hunting, I went berserk and killed my prey with Not even vampires live forever.
my teeth and bare hands.
2 I love to laugh, and I often play tricks on others. Aren't I
4 I saw the truth in a dream of blood and gore. scary? Hahaha!
5 A stranger—a priest, mercenary, or similar character— 3 I have a penchant for the most decadent luxuries. The
came to my home and started asking questions. more obscure or taboo, the better.
6 I was born normal, but an arcane experiment infused 4 The undead fascinate me. I collect any scrap of
me with vampire essence. necromantic lore I can find.
5 I wear hoods and makeup to hide my true nature. I have
Feature: Nocturnal Activity my reasons, so respect them.
While sunlight can be deadly to a normal vampire, for you it
presents a mere irritation. Like a vampire, you are most 6 Does my countenance frighten you, peasant? If you
would challenge my attire that honors my ancestors, I
energetic at night. When you take a long rest at night, you do would have you say so to my face.
not actually need to sleep—you can stand watch for up to 6
hours during a night-time long rest, though you cannot 7 I hunt almost every day. There are few things so
perform other strenuous activities. You can get your sleep in exhilarating and pure.
by napping during the day, such as during short and long 8 Why do you insist on being so loud at this unholy
rests taken during daylight hours. hour? Its noon—keep it down!
d6 Flaw
1 Animals loath me, and react to my presence with fear
or aggression.
2 When I see something I desire, my pursuit becomes a
consuming, uncouth obsession.
About the Author
3 I always take signs and omens seriously. The more
seemingly inconsequential the origin, the more Josh Gentry is a freelance author and writing tutor living in
relevant the message! Athens, GA. He is a Returned Peace Corps Volunteer who
served as an English teacher in the Philippines in 2013.
4 I throw fits or become depressed when things do not
go my way. I have a hard time letting go. Josh's previously published works include EN5ider articles
such as A Paladin's Dark Vows, The Art of Peace, Village of
5 Enemies abound. I tell my allies little, and strangers Dreams, and Friends Close, Enemies Closer. His favorite
less. class is warlock, but let's be real, he always GMs.
6 The sight of blood throws me into a violent rage. If you like my work, follow me on Twitter and check out my
Patreon campaign!