Capítulo 3 - Balance de Calor (Presentación)

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Atmospheric Dynamics

Chapter 3: Heat Introducción

Energy cannot be created or destroyed.

However, it can change form. Heat is one form.

Energy in the Earth system:

- Enters the atmosphere as short-wave radiation from the sun.
- Change form and drive the weather.
- Leaves as long-wave terrestrial radiation.

First law of thermodynamics

Energy conservation law

Lagragian budget: control volume Eulerian budget: control volume fixed

E.g.: Clouds formation (we follow an air E.g.: Prediction of temperature at a location
parcel as it moves about in the atmosphere) (transport (flux) of energy to and from the
fixed volume)


Atmospheric Dynamics

Chapter 3: Heat


1. Sensible and latent heat

2. Lagrangian heat budget

3. Potential temperature and thermodynamic diagrams

4. Eulerian heat budget

5. Surface heat budget

Atmospheric Dynamics

Chapter 3: Heat


1. Sensible and latent heat

2. Lagrangian heat budget

3. Potential temperature and thermodynamic diagrams

4. Eulerian heat budget

5. Surface heat budget

Atmospheric Dynamics

Chapter 3: Heat

1. Sensible and latent heats

1. Sensible and latent heats 2 Lagrangian heat budget 3.Tthermodynamic diagrams 4. Eulerian heat budget 5. Surface heat budget
Atmospheric Dynamics

Chapter 3: Heat 1. Sensible and latent heats

Sensible heat
Sensible heat can be sensed by humans. It is associated with temperature
 C p T S.I.: (J/kg) Sensible heat per unit mass of air.

Cp: Specific heat at constant pressure, depends on the material. J/(kg K)

Cpd Dry air 1004.67 J/(kg K)

Cpliq Liquid water 4200 J/(kg K)
Cp Moist air, it depends on relative humidity C p  C pd  1  0.84r 
r = mixing ratio of water vapor, gvapor/gdry air

1. Sensible and latent heats 2 Lagrangian heat budget 3. Potential temperature 4. Eulerian heat budget 5. Surface heat budget
Atmospheric Dynamics

Chapter 3: Heat 1. Sensible and latent heats

Latent heat
Latent heat is a hidden heat, until water phase changes occur.
E.g. Evaporation: cools the air by removing sensible heat and storing it as latent heat.

QE S.I.: (J/kg) Amount of heat per unit mass of phase-changed water.
mwater (at constant pressure)
L: latent heat factor

Process Transformation Effect Latent heat

Vaporization/ liquid-vapor(-)/ Cools the air/

𝐿𝑣 = ±2.50 ∙ 106 𝐽 ∙ 𝑘𝑔−1
Condensation vapor-liquid(+) Warms the air
Melting/ ice-liquid(-)/ Cools the air/ 𝐿𝑓 = ±3.34 ∙ 105 𝐽 ∙ 𝑘𝑔−1
Solidification liquid-ice(+) Warms the air
Sublimation/ solid-vapor(-)/ Cools the air/ 𝐿𝑑 = ±2.83 ∙ 106 𝐽 ∙ 𝑘𝑔−1
Deposition vapor-solid(+) Warms the air

In a control volume with moist air, a temperature change is possible without transport across the volume
boundaries, if a phase change occurs.

1. Sensible and latent heats 2 Lagrangian heat budget 3. Potential temperature 4. Eulerian heat budget 5. Surface heat budget
Atmospheric Dynamics

Chapter 3: Heat


1. Sensible and latent heat

2. Lagrangian heat budget

3. Potential temperature and thermodynamic diagrams

4. Eulerian heat budget

5. Surface heat budget

Atmospheric Dynamics

Chapter 3: Heat

2. Lagrangian heat budget

The thermodynamic state of an air parcel as it moves in the
Unsaturated conditions: water vapor content in the control
volume not suffer phase changes (condensation or
evaporation). Dry processes

1. Sensible and latent heats 2 Lagrangian heat budget 3. Potential temperature 4. Eulerian heat budget 5. Surface heat budget
Atmospheric Dynamics

Chapter 3: Heat 2. Lagrangian heat budget

First Law of Thermodynamics

The temperature of an air parcel of mass mair changes ∆T (K) when heat (∆QH) is added
and change when work is done on or by the parcel (expansion or contraction due to
pressure changes)
∆𝑄𝐻 ∆𝑃
= 𝐶𝑝 ∙ ∆𝑇 −
𝑚𝑎𝑖𝑟 ρ
Sensible heat Work per unit mass

Pressure of the parcel = pressure of surrounding environment

Using the hydrostatic equation:
 . g
𝑔 ∆𝑄𝐻 z
∆𝑇 = − ∙ ∆𝑧 +
𝐶𝑝 𝑚𝑎𝑖𝑟 ∙ 𝐶𝑝
2 1

First Law of Thermodynamics = heat conservation law

The temperature of an air parcel do not change, unless:
- Heat is added or removed. (1)
- The parcel is raised or lowered (2)  implications in atmospheric circulations and
in cloud development.

1. Sensible and latent heats 2 Lagrangian heat budget 3. Potential temperature 4. Eulerian heat budget 5. Surface heat budget
Atmospheric Dynamics

Chapter 3: Heat 2. Lagrangian heat budget

Adiabatic process
There is no heat transfer to or from the air parcel (∆QH = 0)

Abiabatic lapse rate

An air parcel that rises adiabatically with not cloud formation (dry) experiences a
temperature change given by:

𝑔 ∆𝑄𝐻 𝑑𝑇 𝑔
∆𝑇 = − ∙ ∆𝑧 + =−
𝐶𝑝 𝑚𝑎𝑖𝑟𝑒 ∙ 𝐶𝑝 𝑑𝑧 𝐶𝑝

The “dry” adiabatic lapse rate for a rising air parcel is:
“dry” adiabatic process: is also
applied to humid air, but only if
= 9.8 𝐾 ∙ 𝑘𝑚−1
there is no condensation, clouds, or
Γ𝑑 = − precipitation in it (unsaturated air)

*(A different adiabatic lapse rate (“moist” lapse rate) must be used if there is liquid or solid water in the parcel).

1. Sensible and latent heats 2 Lagrangian heat budget 3. Potential temperature 4. Eulerian heat budget 5. Surface heat budget
Atmospheric Dynamics

Chapter 3: Heat 2. Lagrangian heat budget

Adiabatic process
There is no heat transfer to or from the air parcel (∆QH = 0)

Substituting the ideal gas law into the first law of thermodynamics for an adiabatic
∆𝑄𝐻 ∆𝑃
ρ=Ρ 𝑅𝑑 ∙𝑇 = 𝐶𝑝 ∙ ∆𝑇 − 𝑑𝑃 = ρ ∙ 𝐶𝑝 ∙ 𝑑𝑇
𝑚𝑎𝑖𝑟 ρ

𝑅𝑑 𝑅𝑑
∆𝑇 ∆𝑃 𝐶𝑝 𝑇2 𝑃2 𝐶𝑝
= or =
𝑇 𝑃 𝑇1 𝑃1

where = 0.28571 (dimensionless) for dry air, temperature in K.

1. Sensible and latent heats 2 Lagrangian heat budget 3. Potential temperature 4. Eulerian heat budget 5. Surface heat budget
Atmospheric Dynamics

Chapter 3: Heat


1. Sensible and latent heat

2. Lagrangian heat budget

3. Potential temperature and thermodynamic diagrams

4. Eulerian heat budget

5. Surface heat budget

Atmospheric Dynamics

Chapter 3: Heat

3. Potential temperature and thermodynamic


1. Sensible and latent heats 2 Lagrangian heat budget 3. Potential temperature 4. Eulerian heat budget 5. Surface heat budget
Atmospheric Dynamics

Chapter 3: Heat 3. Potential temperature

Potential temperature ϴ(z)

Potential temperature is defined to remove the effect of dry adiabatic temperature
changes experienced by air parcels during vertical motion.
Temperature that parcel would potentially have if it where moved adiabatically to the
ground or to a reference pressure, P0=100 kPa.

𝜃 𝑧 = 𝑇 𝑧 + Γ𝑑 ∙ 𝑧 T(z) in K or °C
𝑃0 𝐶𝑝
𝜃=𝑇∙ T(z) in K

To include the buoyant effects of water vapor and liquid water in air, a virtual
potential temperature for non-cloudy and cloudy air is defined:
r: mixing ratio of water vapor
𝜃𝑣 = 𝜃 1 + 0.61𝑟 rs: saturation mixing ratio
rL: mixing ratio of liquid water
𝜃𝑣 = 𝜃 1 + 0.61𝑟𝑠 − 𝑟𝐿 (cloud and rain drops).

1. Sensible and latent heats 2 Lagrangian heat budget 3. Potential temperature 4. Eulerian heat budget 5. Surface heat budget
Atmospheric Dynamics

Chapter 3: Heat 3. Potential temperature

Thermodynamics Diagrams: Temperature – Pressure (“Dry” adiabatic processes)

Relation between thermodynamics variables:
Temperature, Pressure, Moisture

Process: Dry adiabatic, Moist adiabatic

Diagonal lines (dry adiabats or isentropes, constant potential temperature) show
the temperature decrease with height associated with air parcel raising adiabatically
from the surface.

q ( z) = T ( z) + G d × z

Âd C p Âd C p
æ P (z) ö æ P (z) ö
T(z) = T0 (z = 0) × çç ÷÷ = q × çç ÷÷
è P0 ø è P0 ø
æ P(z) ö

T z = (T0 + 273) ç
è 100
- 273

T(z) in ºC
T0 in ºC, surface temperature (in z = 0)
P0 in kPa, surface pressure in z = 0, or reference pressure Γ𝑑 = 9.8 𝐾 ∙ 𝑘𝑚−1
1. Sensible and latent heats 2 Lagrangian heat budget 3. Potential temperature 4. Eulerian heat budget 5. Surface heat budget
Atmospheric Dynamics

Chapter 3: Heat


1. Sensible and latent heat

2. Lagrangian heat budget

3. Potential temperature and thermodynamic diagrams

4. Eulerian heat budget

5. Surface heat budget

Atmospheric Dynamics

Chapter 3: Heat

4. Eulerian heat budget

Heat conservation equation on a fixed control

1. Sensible and latent heats 2 Lagrangian heat budget 3. Potential temperature 4. Eulerian heat budget 5. Surface heat budget
Atmospheric Dynamics

Chapter 3: Heat Review

The flux,  , is the rate of transfer of a quantity (mass, heat, radiation, momentum,
energy) per unit area (perpendicular to the direction) per unit time.
Amount   A  t
(x  y z )

Kinematic heat flux, FH

by dividing by both air density , ρair, and the specific heat for air, Cp, which
yields a quantity equal to temperature times wind speed.
FH  S.I.: (K·m·s-1)
air  C p
For dry air at sea level
Heat fluxes:
air  C p  1231 W  m2   K  m  s 1  - Radiative fluxes
- Advective fluxes
 12.31mb  K 1  1.231kPa  K 1 - Turbulent fluxes
- Conductive fluxes

1. Sensible and latent heats 2 Lagrangian heat budget 3. Potential temperature 4. Eulerian heat budget 5. Surface heat budget
Atmospheric Dynamics

Chapter 3: Heat 4. Eulerian heat budget

If the heat flux into one side of a fixed volume is

less than the flux out of the opposite side, then
some amount of heat ΔQ is removed from the

First law of thermodynamics.


Δ𝑭𝒙 + Fx rigth > Fx left  flujo divergente

- Fx rigth < Fx left  flujo convergente

1. Sensible and latent heats 2 Lagrangian heat budget 3. Potential temperature 4. Eulerian heat budget 5. Surface heat budget
Atmospheric Dynamics

Chapter 3: Heat 4. Eulerian heat budget

First law of thermodynamics.

- Assuming a dry atmosphere (not taken into account

the term associated with latent heat)

- Making a heat balance in the VC (Transport Theorem of

Reynolds )  Heat conservation equation:


Kinematic flux (F):

By separating direction and

1. Sensible and latent heats 2 Lagrangian heat budget 3. Potential temperature 4. Eulerian heat budget 5. Surface heat budget
Atmospheric Dynamics

Chapter 3: Heat 4. Eulerian heat budget

A. Advection (heat transport associated to mean wind speed)
The amount of advective flux of heat increases linearly with mean temperature and
with mean wind speed at each direction:

Fx adv  U  T Flux gradient:

Fy adv  V  T Fx adv U Tright  Tleft  T

 U 
x xright  xleft x
Fz adv  W  T
Fy adv T
V 
y y
Fz adv  T 
W   d 
z  z 
The dry adiabatic lapse rate Γd is added to
compensate the adiabatic temperature change that
normally accompanies vertical motion as parcels
move into regions of different pressure.

Γ𝑑 = 9.8 𝐾 ∙ 𝑘𝑚−1
1. Sensible and latent heats 2.Tthermodynamic diagrams 3. Eulerian heat budget 4. Surface heat budget 5 Lagrangian heat budget
Atmospheric Dynamics

Chapter 3: Heat 4. Eulerian heat budget

B. Conduction (heat transport by individual molecules bouncing into each other)
- Conduction process works in solids, liquids and gases, and works with or without
turbulent wind.
- It is the primary way heat is transferred from the earth’s surface to the
atmosphere, and also the primary way that the heat is transported down into the
- It is a diffusive process: T
k: molecular conductivity of the material z cond  k 
For air: k = 2.53·10-2 (W·m-1·K-1)
- Temperature gradients in the troposphere are relatively small. Then molecular
conduction is negligible:
Fx cond Fy cond Fz cond
  0
x y z
- But molecular conduction is important at the ground.
Difficult to quantify  turbulence and conduction
are often combined into an effective surface
turbulent heat flux, FH.
(Turbulence is zero at the ground, while it is important in
the rest of the lower atmosphere)

1. Sensible and latent heats 2 Lagrangian heat budget 3. Potential temperature 4. Eulerian heat budget 5. Surface heat budget
Atmospheric Dynamics

Chapter 3: Heat 4. Eulerian heat budget

C. Turbulence (quasi-random movement of air parcels by small swirls of motion called
- The net effect of turbulence is to mix together air parcels from different initial
locations, generating a mixed layer, ML.
- It is more relevant in vertical direction, z.
- The effect of turbulence can be estimated by counting flow at the top and bottom of
this mixed layer.

Fair weather:
Fz turb Fz top  Fz bottom 1.2  FH
  0 < z < zi, fair weather
z zi zi
Fz turb
0 z > zi, fair weather

The effect of turbulence is null in the surface (conduction

predominant) and above the troposphere.

Nigth: negligible, except in the first 100 meters

1. Sensible and latent heats 2 Lagrangian heat budget 3. Potential temperature 4. Eulerian heat budget 5. Surface heat budget
Atmospheric Dynamics

Chapter 3: Heat 4. Eulerian heat budget

C. Turbulence (quasi-random movement of air parcels by small swirls of motion called
Storming weather:

Fz turb zT 1 z 
 
   ps   sa     
z t  2 zT 

∆𝑡 : lifetime of the thunderstorm (order of 1h)

zt: troposphere depth (order of 11 km)
Γ𝑠𝑎 : standard atmospheric lapse rate (-ΔT/Δz=6.5 K/km)
Γ𝑝𝑠 : pre-storm lapse rate (-ΔT/Δz)

Fx turb Fy turb

 0
x y

1. Sensible and latent heats 2 Lagrangian heat budget 3. Potential temperature 4. Eulerian heat budget 5. Surface heat budget
Atmospheric Dynamics

Chapter 3: Heat 4. Eulerian heat budget

B-C. Combined effect of conduction-turbulence (“diffusive transport”)

Both effects can be accounted in terms of cinematic sensible heat flux, FH.

- On windy days:
M: mean wind speed at 10 m.
FH  CH  M   sfc  air  CH: bulk heat transfer coefficient. It varies with

FH  CH  M  Tsfc  Tair 
surface conditions and turbulence intensity
(from 2∙10-3 for smooth surface to 2∙10-2
for rough or forested surfaces).
Tair: air temperature at 10 m.
Tsfc: surface temperature.

1-2 km of the troposphere = Atmospheric boundary layer (ABL)

1. Sensible and latent heats 2 Lagrangian heat budget 3. Potential temperature 4. Eulerian heat budget 5. Surface heat budget
Atmospheric Dynamics

Chapter 3: Heat 4. Eulerian heat budget

B-C. Combined effect of conduction-turbulence (“diffusive transport”)

- Calm days: with strong solar heating and conduction, warm air ascension occurs. The
ABL is called mixed layer (ML)

FH  bH  wB   sfc  ML 
aH and bH: transport coefficients in the ML
aH = 0.0063; bH = 5·10-4

FH  aH  w   sfc   ML  ϴML: potential temperature of the air at 500 m.

Buoyancy velocity scale Deardorff velocity

12 13
 g zi   g zi 
wB    v sfc  v ML   w    FH 
 v ML   vT 

zi: thickness of ABL.

TV: average virtual temperature in the ABL.

Both gives the effectiveness of thermals in producing vertical heat transport.

Typical vertical velocities are about 0.02·wB.
Typical values of w* are 1 to 2 m·s-1.

1. Sensible and latent heats 2 Lagrangian heat budget 3. Potential temperature 4. Eulerian heat budget 5. Surface heat budget
Atmospheric Dynamics

Chapter 3: Heat 4. Eulerian heat budget

D. Radiación

- Horizontal radiation gradients are negligible. Vertical flux can be considered constant:

Fx rad Fy rad Fz rad

 0   0.1 a  0.2  K h 
x y z

1. Sensible and latent heats 2 Lagrangian heat budget 3. Potential temperature 4. Eulerian heat budget 5. Surface heat budget
Atmospheric Dynamics

Chapter 3: Heat 4. Eulerian heat budget

• NET HEAT BUDGET (Eulerian Formulation)

We can get the net balance by substituting each flows in the initial equation.
- Negligible vertical advection
- Negligible horizontal turbulent transport
- Negligible conduction

T  T T  K 1.2  FH
  U  V    0.1 
t x, y , z  x y  h zi
advection turbulence

1. Sensible and latent heats 2 Lagrangian heat budget 3. Potential temperature 4. Eulerian heat budget 5. Surface heat budget
Atmospheric Dynamics

Chapter 3: Heat 4. Eulerian heat budget

Until now it had only taken into account the part referring to sensible heat. If we
introduce latent heat, we should add to the balance:

1 S0 Lv mcond
 
C p t C p maire  t

where S0 includes to all internal energy consumption (phase changes, exothermic

chemical reactions...)

Net balance equation is:

T  T T  K 1.2  FH Lv mcond
  U  V    0.1   
t x, y, z  x y  h zi C p maire  t
advection turbulence latent heat

1. Sensible and latent heats 2 Lagrangian heat budget 3. Potential temperature 4. Eulerian heat budget 5. Surface heat budget
Atmospheric Dynamics

Chapter 3: Heat


1. Sensible and latent heat

2. Lagrangian heat budget

3. Potential temperature and thermodynamic diagrams

4. Eulerian heat budget

5. Surface heat budget

Atmospheric Dynamics

Chapter 3: Heat

5. Surface heat budget

1. Sensible and latent heats 2 Lagrangian heat budget 3. Potential temperature 4. Eulerian heat budget 5. Surface heat budget
Atmospheric Dynamics

Chapter 3: Heat 5. Surface heat budget

Surface heat budget  zero thickness  all fluxes must sum to zero.

During daytime, the net radiative flux over the

surface is:

This flux is balanced by three ouput fluxes from

the surface:

Into the air:

- Turbulent sensible heat transport
(sensible heat flux, FH)
- Turbulent latent heat transport
(latent heat flux, FE)
Into the ground:
- Molecular conduction, FG
  H  E  G
At night, the directions (signs) of the fluxes are

1. Sensible and latent heats 2 Lagrangian heat budget 3. Potential temperature 4. Eulerian heat budget 5. Surface heat budget
Atmospheric Dynamics

Chapter 3: Heat 5. Surface heat budget

A. Molecular conduction
This flow is proportional to the net radiation on the surface:

G  X   Day X = 0.1
Night X = 0.5

B. Turbulent sensible heat flux – latent heat

Both flows are related by Bowen rate:

on the sea 0.1

H FH irrigated crop 0.2
B  grass 0.5
E FE semiarid soil 5.0
desert 10.0

1. Sensible and latent heats 2 Lagrangian heat budget 3. Potential temperature 4. Eulerian heat budget 5. Surface heat budget
Atmospheric Dynamics

Chapter 3: Heat 5. Surface heat budget

This rate can be expressed as:

γ = Cp/Lv = 0.4 (gwater vapor/kgair)·K-1

B   ∆θ = T2 - T1 + (0.0098 K·m-1)·(z2-z1),
r ∆r = r2 – r1

Substituting in the equation of heat balance, sensible and latent fluxes are:

( X  1)   ( X  1)  
H  E 
r   
1 1
   r
Sensible Latent

1. Sensible and latent heats 2 Lagrangian heat budget 3. Potential temperature 4. Eulerian heat budget 5. Surface heat budget

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