Assignment HPGD3103 Instructional Technologies May 2021 Semester

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1. Answer in English or Bahasa Malaysia.

2. Number of words: 2500 – 3000 words excluding references.

3. Submit your assignment ONCE only in a SINGLE file.

4. Submit your assignment ONLINE.

5. Submission date : 13 JULY 2021

6. This assignment accounts for 60% of the total marks for the course.



The objective of this assignment is to enable you to develop a good understanding of the
theoretical and practical perspectives of instructional technology.

This course assignment consists of TWO tasks. You are required to answer both tasks.


Teaching and learning strategies are important aspect of instructional design models.

Discuss TWO (2) teaching and learning strategies that are suitable for an online learning
environment and how these strategies help in enhancing teaching and learning.

Your essay should include:

a) Introduction
Provide the role of teaching and strategies in instructional design.

b) Teaching and Learning Strategies for Online Learning Environment

Select TWO (2) teaching and learning strategies and describe the strategies or the
processes in the instructional design model; and provide relevant examples on how
these strategies assist in enhancing teaching and learning.

c) Conclusion
Synthesising the key issues that was highlighted in your discussion coherently.

(Description between 1250 - 1500 words)


Lesson Plan in a Google Classroom

This assignment question requires you to design a lesson plan based on an instructional
design model in a Google Classroom platform. The following steps will guide you:

1. Choose a lesson of your choice.

2. Select an instructional design model.
3. Design a lesson plan for your chosen lesson based on the selected instructional
design model.
4. Create the lesson in the Google Classroom.
5. Print screen the lesson and paste it in the MS Word file.
6. Include labels of all the elements in your lesson plan according to the components of
the instructional design.

Prepare a report on the lesson design. Include the followings:

1. Overview of the selected instructional design modeI.
2. Description of the components of the instructional design modeI and how it will be
useful in your lesson plan. Prepare a table for this section.

(Report: 1250 - 1500 words)


Excellent Good Fair Poor Or
QN CLO No response
Criteria Weightage Marks
4 3 2 1 0
1 3 Introduction 2 Comprehensive and Good descriptions of the Fair explanation Weak descriptions of No submission 8
Role of teaching and excellent descriptions of role of teaching and descriptions of the role the role of teaching
strategies in the role of teaching and learning strategies in of teaching and and learning
instructional design learning strategies in instructional design. learning strategies in strategies in
instructional design. instructional design. instructional design.
1 3 Teaching and Learning 4.5  Comprehensive and  Good description of  Fair description of  Weak No submission 18
Strategies for Online excellent description the 2 teaching and the 2 teaching and description of
Learning Environment of the 2 teaching learning strategies learning strategies the 2 teaching
which include: and learning and its function. and its function. and learning
 TWO (2) teaching strategies and its  Provided relevant  Few relevant strategies and its
and learning (T&L) function. examples to examples to function.
strategies  Provided relevant demonstrate how demonstrate how  Lack of relevant
 Description of the examples to these strategies these strategies examples.
strategies/ the demonstrate how assist in enhancing assist in enhancing  Lack or no
processes in the these strategies teaching and teaching and proper
instructional assist in enhancing learning. learning. references and
design model teaching and  Included references  Many missing in-text citations
 Discussion on how learning. and in-text citations references and in- according to APA
the strategies  Included references according to APA text citations and Citation Style.
assist in enhancing and in-text citations Citation Style. not according to
T&L according to APA APA Citation Style.
Citation Style.
1 3 Conclusion 1  Provided clear and  Provided a good  Provided a fair  Provided a No submission 4
Synthesising key issues complete synthesis amount of synthesis amount of limited synthesis
highlighted in the by describing the by describing the description of the of the learning

discussion coherently learning theories learning theories learning theories theories and
and their principles and their principles and their their principles
of learning. of learning. principles of of learning.
 Write-up had  Write-up had good learning.  Lack of
excellent coherency. coherency.  Write-up had little coherency.
Total 7.5 30
*QN = Question Number

Excellent Good Fair Poor Or
QN CLO No response
Criteria Weightage Marks
4 3 2 1 0
2 3 Design Lesson Plan in 3.75  The Instructional  The Instructional  The Instructional  The Instructional No submission 15
Google Classroom based Design Model was Design Model was Design Model was Design Model was
on the selected identified. identified. identified. not identified.
Instructional Design  All components of  Most components  Many components  Poorly designed
Model an instructional of an instructional of an instructional lesson plan and
design model were design model were design model were instructional
clearly indicated clearly indicated not clearly indicated design model
(labeled) and (labeled) and (labeled) and did components were
demonstrated their demonstrated their not demonstrate not clearly
application for the application for the their application for indicated or
lesson plan. lesson plan. the lesson plan. labeled.

2 3 Overview of the 1.25 Comprehensive and Good explanation of the Fair explanation of the ID Weak explanation of No submission 5
selected Instructional excellent explanation of ID Model Model the ID Model
Design Model the ID Model

2 3 Description of the 2 Comprehensive and Good description of the Fair description of the ID Weak description of No submission 10
components of the excellent description of ID model components model components and the ID model
instructional design the ID model and its usefulness in the its usefulness in the components and its
model how it will be components and its lesson plan lesson plan usefulness in the
useful in your lesson usefulness in the lesson lesson plan

Total 7.5 30
*QN = Question Number

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