Rcs 2 Assignment 1 PDF

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Name M.

Akesh Reddy

Rendno: 318s0630lo02
ASSitnNMENT- 2 3bcav
a Last and dasev9s Vav?eu typea of Rekaining walla
AVaxiou tup Pelalning walla ase
Otnvaualy oald
-The auiky
oallpveuid stabulbtyvlve d
oon weiq
weigt heetove ivaher mannive
n 30Be
&uvally botlt n stene Manonw and
setaniovaluy t
plain ovevte
Caunalvev wall: The tawelavev
wall mest eomnoy yp
vthaiinq svuvhuve &i
qenexaly tonomiLa fov hesh
upo &m.The avouuve onaista
vevkal slem, a bareslab
madevp o 2 disne veiqiovns hul slab
G>toe slal
COvndevfovt eoall Fov lae heighs move hau
Calivev veaning oal, Hh mtn
Gm tn aa
bending memenka develaped
skem, heel slab toe slab betome
vey lavje vvve
avqe Hikness. The
bendivg memewt Can be tonavdeably
veved by nhvoducangq
tvanAver Ae Avppevts talled tovnkaiovs
The tounewovhs
Loncetaled wtho velanedeawhh talled
cbuevov veaining wald
BHvas wall. The bottvess wall iy Almalay to he covnfert
wall erupt ha tvanavevae atm taled
SUppovta outtvess a
loaled n vonsde ukevtonnetong Hhe sem waoe slah
b tovile He
snteance p sheavie2
Ashea eya ave deaianed pvovided n vavieun
stvvvvy to
pvovide vesishane agains laleral londs like
loads slding fovten in vaviows shrrtwy
Disinguish blo panAive eavh pveaavve f airve eavhh pveavre
A)KThepveauve enevd by bakall Soil on vehaining wall ib
calles a auive eavth pvenauve
k The Pvesaove exevked by velainin wabl o Sol a nown a
Pan Aive ea prhaore

KAive caxhh pvnavve

devlo ped dvr to mo vemen et
oall auway fvom batBU
shevld be less tov sBab1y
overasnin shovuv
Pansive taxh
pvuaure develeped du o movemend o
all too ds backf
shovld be move to enswe
stobilehy o veaonina shudovs
ves dEtplaan in bvief vavi0w typ t of waley tants
eva wake tana
ae qenwally anasled a)
ake Elevored tanwts LoVexhead tanka)
On vevd tanks
Underg veund taw
s Undevqvevnd tawks ave
mosHy made ovesloved tontrd~
Va Cv ovnd elevaed tanks avi
novmally made rom
shvess ented
ayh eYulay ger
warer bwk
Revtanqulay 0ahev tavn cona niv a
ba ot Lonstan densy
visto ligvid
movey hovi zowtall toviqh wiha
Constan aeulevason
Diskinquish between end
ple beaving&vition vtu?nkance
Auohen pile tvanstey oad
s shvaa toa suable
oburlaina Haroush a soltse
beaing sharom a qveare dephs
alled a beading ptle He
when pleu thansher he
loads cy by eann
vesisamee whovt
o skan
any end beavina Hhen
Pvi oren paley prlen ave alled a
n end
beavtn prle had shato
med fo tvanstev oad attetvacally
vevived 7 acteavicall,
Roeugh wakey
ov Sol Sol

-In Arkon veisante ple havd svala no essenvally

vequved t d med 4o tvavsey loads vouqh

A) Name Hhe dabeen typn e pel haed on malevil

A Ditloxtn ypa o pole baMed on malevia ave

Timber pley
2 Coveve piley
3)sleol pily
Lown posle prla
gwha apputalens opvesyessed oneve

A Presvessed Loncvee
hophly vesale tonshuwhon maeve

QA vnvlt
veAvlf ot i
bein almosdeak tombonado dhl

two man consabveds:

hghshwenh sd, Preshvehed to
all vls ol
stvenglh to be cany veakatd meden
Con tv pve tomponed do mtnim)aL vaukt na undey lensile
lovees. D% orde vange of
aPpbtayson bvelleched
9 noOvpeva tun wo mafov
duign Cpde coveyig hos
Oavean o sfvvuwal
Cru engindstng, nelvding
byidaes dams, foundarons, pavemens les bealds
pi Hant
eontvek wth vetkoveed conevete
Cempav e pvestvessed pvesvess
Pvesessed conerefe ts tomposle o
sess ha been
tenwle tendons. In PsL Hhe nernal
wvodvced Undev Convelled vcmstante belove loadeng to
of ton cvele 6 avord
wmpvove he shv nhaqe V?ance
coves are
hetenndle evacks- Hagh fenala stvenplh
tmed 9n Pse

Pesnroved compoaite of tonevere

ten ne tonevee

ovdinavy mldsheel veimeveermer a deBor med bavs ha

tan vuhe dlfeve pen a load, vuh a conwpvesne
tensile shear Fovee Rcc havin Fembionad v a t
Capacoe agains ove
Osev ?be He valou sqaems Pvestvess Ong
A) Pretnsioning 3yshem: Ln pve enAioninq
Syshem, h
ten dona ove avs
pvestvessed berween Hhe vigd anchov
bleekA Thne blouks ave cashed on Vovnsd
Pesttenaiowing yakerm Ln Haid oy sbenm He ontvee
Lased vs and Uneis
having a pvovision oP dvels tn
Covpovai on a voove ohone he
ReteMSioned wnwehe Mes
. hutavon o Ommoulq ues ov ho
stwewal beams lov slabs
tO nvele Ppe. oakex tanls and
Post-Fensio nfnq b ned
oHhex Fov ms eemivey in bvidge Hoovslabg,
Contvee tonshvecken
Disevss VavBouy
Cyps oLoaaey tonnidered
loAe in tn
DShovt tevm tov
vmmediale lo%%
ImnmeA ?at loss otwv
tvanstey o
dvinq pveslvessenq ov tendons
pvestvens to tonorde mewnber
Lenq bvm tov) TRme
dapenden loAe
dependen lonnss our
stuuhuve 9evvice lole d
kmmedsafe loAAt) Gnelode Elasie
) Anhovage slip
T me
dependent loaues fnelode (
&) Shviwage
D Rdoawo
Distinquish butwen pvetenkioni nj 1 pos tengi
A Pve tenaienBg s heapev betaume he tos o sheahing

no tnvewed in itheveas post-tenaiening in tostlev bee

-a e ouke oB sheahing
Petensle ninq move dova ble veliable but in tane e
post tensiow ing, He dovabaliby deponds ou anthovage
memanl sh

3- Becawe o-Shmalu
easytanspavt o sudval elemut
he pvetenstoning pvelevved most populav a tompaved
to pos tensionine

Pre tensioning move sulable ov pvetas conshrvehioun

wo vhs k becane done n tatovies whale pos.

tenaionivg can be done 9n Factov?es an well a on he

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