Bodily Fluids Spillage: Standard Operating Procedure
Bodily Fluids Spillage: Standard Operating Procedure
Bodily Fluids Spillage: Standard Operating Procedure
Approved by:
SCOPE: This procedure applies to employees who handle, prepare, or serve food.
Safety Precautions
Accidents and injuries don’t just happen, they are caused. Behind every accident is a
chain of events that leads up to an unsafe act, unsafe conditions, or a combination of
both. Safety in the workplace should be everyone’s concern. Communication between
supervisors and employees generates ideas and safety awareness that leads to accident
prevention. Safety programs, safety manuals, and safety meetings are essential in
providing the lines of communication that lead to a safe, accident-free workplace.
Bodily fluids are defined as:
- saliva
- blood
- vomit
- urine
- faecies
- any other fluids emanating from the body (coughing, sneezing, spitting).
Issue: 1 Ref No:
Approved by:
In the event of bodily fluid spillage within the production, storage, or warehouse areas,
the following must be adhered to in order to ensure product safety:
Approved by:
General Clean-up
1. All affected food equipment, utensils, linens, and single-service items must be
properly cleaned of.
2. Affected walls, floors, and equipment surfaces must be cleaned with soap and
water, rinsed, and sanitized.
3. Remove wet materials. Dispose of any materials that cannot be effectively cleaned
and sanitized.
4. Clean and sanitize any utensils and equipment in the affected area.
5. Use a detergent solution to clean floors, equipment, and other affected areas
followed by a clean water rinse.
a) Sanitize the floor and any other affected areas by using an approved chlorine
sanitizer/disinfectant to equal 500 parts per million chlorine solution or
b) Air-dry the affected area.
c) Discard mop heads and other cleaning aids that contacted the sewage.
Issue: 1 Ref No:
Approved by:
Disposal of Food
If it is determined that food must be discarded:
1. Remove to a designated condemned food storage area away from food preparation
and equipment storage and secured in covered refuse containers or other isolated
areas to prevent either service to the public or accidental contamination of the
facility and other food.
2. If the food must be retained until the distributor can credit the facility, it must be
clearly labeled as “NOT FOR SALE”.
3. Discarded refrigerated food may be stored in a refrigerated location separate from
other food and held for credit until recorded by food supplier/distributor.
4. The facility should document the type and amount of food, costs and the reason for
disposal for insurance and regulatory purposes.
5. Small volumes of food to be discarded can be denatured with a cleaning product
(such as bleach) and placed in a covered refuse bin outside the facility.
6. Large volumes of food should be stored in covered refuse containers in a secure
location and disposed of by a refuse disposal company as soon as possible.
7. All food waste is to be disposed of in accordance with state and local waste disposal
regulations in a licensed landfill.
8. Local landfills should be contacted prior to delivery of food from a private individual
or carrier to insure acceptance of the waste.
1. A designated employee will inspect employees when they report to work to be sure
that each employee is following this SOP.
1. Any employee found not following the procedures in this SOP to be retrained
2. Discard affected food.
Approved by:
3. Employees will record any discarded food on the Damaged or Discarded Product
The records applied to this procedure are to be kept on file for a minimum of 3 years.