Smaet Vehicle Detector Using Arduino Uno & Ultrasonic Sensor
Smaet Vehicle Detector Using Arduino Uno & Ultrasonic Sensor
Smaet Vehicle Detector Using Arduino Uno & Ultrasonic Sensor
A winter morning is a cold morning of the winter season. The environment is dull and dismal. It
is covered with mist and fog. One can hardly see and identify things at a distance. So the
vehicle drivers also can’t see objects at a small distance. So, in a winter morning road accidents
frequently happen. In our project we have developed a Smart Vehicle detector which can
detect objects or vehicles within a given range of distance in the foggy winter morning where
we used ARDUINO and some other sensors. This system is highly efficient with high accuracy
and low cost. It consumes low power which makes it a resource efficient technology.
Figure2: LED
2.3 ULTRASONIC SENSOR: measured and displayed.
The working process of our system is very
Figure5: PIEZO Buzzer. simple. The supply is given through the
power jack. From the ARDUINO we take a
5V power supply and connect with the
Ultrasonic sensor’s VCC and also connect
2.6 LCD: the ground pin with ARDUINO’s ground.
Next we connect the trigger pin and echo will be lighten up and the driver will be
pin with the digital pins of ARDUINO. warned by the sound made by the buzzer.
& the distance of the object will be shown
The trigger pin is in OUTPUT MODE and on the LCD display.
Echo pin is in the INPUT MODE of the The maximum range of this project is 4
ARDUINO. The trigger pin generates sound meter. However here we have made a
wave after some time. Let the echo pin prototype of the model. It can detect
receives the sound wave after every ‘t’ objects or vehicles from more than 4
time. So this time ‘t’ is an input of the meters distance if we can use powerful
ARDUINO. Ultrasonic sensor or if we use laser sensor.
This distance can increase up to 100 meter
We have to divide this t by 1000000 to if we use Powerful Ultrasonic sensors or
convert it into seconds. laser sensors.
t = (t/1000000);
Next we use LM-35 heat sensor to measure
the temperature of the environment. It has 4.1 DETECTING OBJECTS
3 pins. We connect the VCC pin with the 5v Since we already know that every year a
power supply of the ARDUINO and ground large number of road accidents occur in the
with ground and its Output pin is connected winter season because of high fog density.
to one of the analog pins of ARDUINO. The Our main purpose was to reduce the
LM-35 sensor will calculate the percentage of road accidents by detecting
temperature. Let us save the temperature any vehicle or object within a given range &
in a variable ‘temp’. We have to multiply making aware the driver during the foggy
the output with (500/1024) to convert it in winter season.
So temp = (temp*500/1024);
Drivers sometimes illegally park their cars
So we can calculate the velocity of sound by or other staffs in the no parking slot. Using
the given formula, smart vehicle detector will help to detect
the presence of any kind of vehicles in the
v = (332+0.61*temp);
no parking slot through making sounds
Now we can calculate the object distance by when any vehicle is parked. Thus it will help
using the formula, the authority know about the driver who
parked his/her vehicle in the no parking
S = (v*t)/2;
So this is how we can know the distance of
the object or vehicle that might cause any
kind of accident.