Unit - 1: Educational Measurement
Unit - 1: Educational Measurement
Unit - 1: Educational Measurement
1.1 Learning objectives
1.2 Introduction
1.3 Concept of Measurement
1.3.1 Meaning of Measurement
1.3.2 Definitions of Measurement
1.3.3 Types of Measurement
1.4 Meaning of Educational Measurement
1.5 Functions of Educational Measurement
1.6 Scope of Educational Measurement
1.7 Need of Measurement in Education
1.8 Let Us Sum Up
1.9 Further Reading
1.10 Answers to Check Your Progress
1.11 Model Questions
Physical Measurement:
Physical measurement exists in the physical and material world and
is concerned with dimensions like size, weight, length, volume, etc. In
case of physical measurement, we can measure the whole amount.
It is definite and absolute.
Q 1: What is measurement?
Q 2: Give a definition of measurement.
Q 3: Mention the two types of measurement.
ment. Identification and training of these abilities may only help to make
its effective utilisation. Mental measurement is an aid to this effect.
Working out of the concept of individual difference: All individuals are
not able to develop equally and in the same direction. There is the vital
point of individual difference in education and its attainment. Realising
the truth, attempt has been made at present to individualise the sys-
tem and method of modern education. This spirit of individualisation
in education today has been inspired by mental measurement.
Human resource development: Every man has his native potential
and resources to be trained and developed in his own way. It is through
such training that native potential may develop to the fullest extent
possible. Such fully developed individual can only make his original
contribution to the society or to the nation. Human resource develop-
ment of a country is the major objective of education today. Mental
measurement is the way to realisation of such objective.
Need based and productive oriented education: In the material
and practical world today education is expected to be made need based
and productive oriented. Subjective and theoretical nature of educa-
tion is now considered ineffective to solve the practical problems of
man's life. This need based and productive ideal of modern education
essentially depends upon objective measurement of mental ability of
Vocationalisation of education: In the light of psychology of indi-
vidual difference, it has been realised at present that man should be
given education for which he is best fitted. Every kind of vocation or
profession has its special trait, quality, potentiality and skills need to
be identified and training needed to be given accordingly. This act es-
sentially needs the use of mental test.
Diagnosis and treatment of mental patients: Mental measurement
not only studies the normal mind but also the abnormal mind and
behaviour of individuals. Diagnostic tests have been developed to
study learning difficulties of children. Intelligence tests have been used
to make diagnosis of the mental patients in the psychological clinics.
Ans to Q No1: Measurement aims at finding out the quantity of some com-