ET - Formal and Non Formal Education

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Educational technology in formal and

non-formal system of education

Unit I
Technology in Education Technology of Education
Hardware in educational processes Software aspect of educational technology

Hardware + Software=
Educational technology
Application of Educational technology in the
Formal Education

1. Function

Technology is used to aid in visual

representation in the classroom and can be
used as a teaching tool in conjunction with
software programs and the Internet.
Technology can be used to test student skills.
Application of Educational technology in the Formal Education

2. Visual Technology Aid

Smart Boards are a technologically-advanced type of chalkboard.
Special "markers" are used to write on the boards to display. Interactive
media can display website pages and software programs so the class
can see the program's applications.
Application of Educational technology in the Formal Education

3. Computer Technology Aid

Many students need more than just the
traditional direct teaching method in
order to be successful in the classroom.
Computer technology allows students
to work on programs that enhance
learning. There are a variety of
programs that help students practice
skills and test specific skills.
Application of Educational technology in the Formal Education

4. Internet Technology Aid

The Internet can provide resources and websites for
practicing skills and monitoring student progress. It also
has resources for teachers pertaining to student
management and lesson plans.
Application of Educational technology in the Formal Education
Application of Educational technology in the Formal
5. Considerations
The Internet is a valuable
technology tool, but must be
used with caution. Student
computer use should be closely
Types of Technology Used in the Classroom

1. Projectors

1.Video Projectors
2.Slide Projectors
3.Overhead Projectors
4.Opaque Projector (book reader) 

Types of Technology Used in the Classroom

2. SMART Technologies

SMART Technologies are leading the way in classroom

interaction between students and teachers using computers.
SMART boards are a fantastic way for students to stay
engaged in lessons. Graphs and tables are available
templates in SMART boards. SMART boards can store lessons
and digitally enhance plain templates into customised
learning tools. Hundreds of applications are possible with
this technology, and students are benefiting immensely from
Types of Technology Used in the Classroom

3. Mimio Boards(Interactive-whiteboards)

Mimio boards are similar to SMART boards. They are

interactive white boards that allow the teacher to
manipulate computer functions on the white board
in the front of the room.
Types of Technology Used in the Classroom

4. Classroom PCs

PCs can store a student's work more efficiently than

folders. A paperless classroom can be organised as well as
environmentally friendly. Finally, students become empowered
in their education by having their own personal tool to
better their academic outcomes.
Types of Technology Used in the Classroom

5. Technology Education forTeachers

Teachers should be properly trained.Interactive

instruction is the most useful and engaging way to
reach a student and enhance his or her learning
potential. Technology can enhance potential even
Application of Educational technology in the
Non-Formal Education
Computer Assisted Learning (CAL)
Application of Educational technology in the
Non-Formal Education
Internet Technologies- IT, ICT
Application of Educational technology in the
Non-Formal Education

Computer Assisted Learning (CAL)

Internet Technologies- IT, ICT
Digital Learning Resources
Computer Mediated Communication (CMC)
Computer Aided Assessment (CAA)
Application of Educational technology in the Non-
Formal Education
Digital Learning Resources
Application of Educational technology in the
Non-Formal Education
Computer Aided Assessment (CAA)
Application of Educational technology in the
Non-Formal Education
Internet Relay Chat (IRC)
Application of Educational technology in the
Non-Formal Education

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