NETZSCH Pump-Brochure - Web
NETZSCH Pump-Brochure - Web
NETZSCH Pump-Brochure - Web
Technology fascinates
Selb, Germany
Our Company
Thermal Analysis Wet and Dry Grinding NEMO® Progressing Cavity Pumps
Adiabatic Reaction Calorimetry Mixing and Kneading TORNADO® Rotary Lobe Pumps
Determination of Thermophysical Dispersing Dosing Systems
Properties De-aeration Barrel Emptying Units
Classifying Macerators
NETZSCH-Beads® Accessories
Company Performance
94 MIL
Turnover Distribution
Business Fields Matrix
Business Unit Analyzing & Testing
Burlington, MA Facility
NETZSCH Instruments North America is application support to customer, as well Customer Testimonial
responsible for sales, service and support as paid contract testing with the full
I have purchased several NETZSCH
of NETZSCH thermal analysis products suite of instruments. The sales offices
thermal analysis and calorimetric
in the United States, Canada and are spread throughout the United
instruments over the years and they
Mexico. NETZSCH Instruments North States. Highly technical sales engineers
continue to run accurately giving us
America is proud to support its large provide the best adapted (sometimes
the precision needed in our appli-
instrument-installed base customers customized) solutions to the customers.
cations. We value the design of
with a well-trained team of Customer Four product lines are manufactured in
NETZSCH equipment. These
Support engineers solely dedicated to Burlington, MA: LFA (Thermal conduc-
instruments allow for robust student
the product line, and covering the entire tivity), HFM (Heat Flow Meter), DEA
use enabling hands on learning all
territory. Application lab engineers and (Dielectric measurement) and ARC
the while giving us the ability to
technicians located in Burlington, MA (Calorimeters). The US headquarters also
conduct state of the art measure-
are offering advanced training and hosts the North American R&D team.
ments and analyses. Our colleagues
at NETZSCH don’t simply provide
the equipment... they are collabora-
tors allowing us to push the enve-
lope associated with the technology
and the methodology for high
temperature thermal analysis.
Sales Evolution (2005 – 2010)
Linda Ellen Jones, Ph.D.
Assoc. V.P. of Statutory Affairs at Alfred
University, Head of the New York State
College of Ceramics, Professor of Materials
Business Unit Analyzing & Testing
Key Products for the US Market
The versatile premium DSC 204 F1 The LFA 457 MicroFlash® is the most The STA 449 F1 Jupiter® unites extreme
Phoenix® is based on a unique concept: modern and versatile Laser Flash System flexibility and outstanding performance
all of the essential functional modules for the characterization of basic and in one instrument.
are integrated into the instrument, and high-performance materials in auto-
any desired extensions can be added on motive engineering, the aerospace Advantages
location at any time. industry and energy management. Vertical top-loading design with
detachable sample carrier hoist for
Advantages Advantages free and safe access to crucible
Three-dimensional symmetrical Fast testing times Exceptionally precise nanobalance
construction with homogeneous Broadest measurement range allows detection of smallest mass
heating High accuracy and repeatability changes with high reproducibility
Sensors with high calorimetric Standardized technique Specific heat measurements: accu-
sensitivity, short time constants and rate cp data (700°C ±1%, 1400°C
a condensation-free sample chamber Additional information: ± 2.5%, 1500°C ± 3.5%)
in the DSC cell guarantee high OTS® Oxygen Trap System allows
detection sensitivity reduction of the oxygen concentra-
Ease of use tion at the sample to below 1 ppm
HFM 436 Lambda MMC 274 Nexus® Service/Support
Heat Flow Meter Multiple Module Calorimeter All over the world, the name NETZSCH
Accurate Thermal Conductivity Various Modules in One Calorimeter stands for comprehensive support and
Testing of Insulation Materials competent, reliable service, before and
after sale. Our vision is to offer you the
best possible support at all times,
With the HFM 436 Lambda, the thermal The MMC 274 Nexus® is comprised of wherever you may be.
conductivity of large-sized, plate-formed two components: the base instrument
insulators is investigated at a fixed or with integrated electronics and the
adjustable temperature gradient. easy-to-exchange calorimeter module. Technical Service
this configuration guarantees maximum
Advantages flexibility. Study our comprehensive service
Patented plate temperature control spectrum and select from: Installation
yields unmatched testing speeds and Advantages and commissioning, hotline service,
highly accurate results Multiple testing modes in one preventive maintenance, calibration
The instrument is stable within 0.10 instrument for wide application service, on-site repair, emergency service
to 0.25% over the course of several coverage for NETZSCH components, moving
days, providing excellent repeatability Exchangeable calorimeter modules in service, technical information service,
Ideal for QC/QA one table-top instrument spare parts and exchange service.
Meets all required industrial Wide temperature range up to
standards 500°C Applications Measurements
Wide pressure range up to 100 bar Training & Seminars
Additional information: (10 MPa) Service in Regulated Areas (Compliance)
Additional information: Consulting Service Contract Testing Service
Additional information:
Business Unit Grinding & Dispersing
Exton, PA Facility
The products of the former Premier products, and the PMD Mixer series for Customer Testimonial
Mill are now fully incorporated into the high volume production. Premier Mill
As a contract manufacturing
NETZSCH family. products include Model 50 laboratory
company, Custom Processing
disperser, and the MasterMill Basket Mill.
Services, Inc requires both high
NETZSCH Premier Technologies is the
performance and flexibility. We
specialist within the Business Unit for Key dry powder processing products
have chosen to work with NETZSCH
Pharmaceutical applications. The US for the US market included the CGS
Premier Technologies to install
based sales and engineering group Fluidized Bed Jet Mill for production of
NETZSCH mills that fulfill both our
meets the highly detailed specifica- powders in the low micron range and
dry grinding and wet media milling
tions of the pharmaceutical industry, the s-Jet® Steam Jet Mill for production
needs. The reliability and consistent
from machine design, manufacturing of powders in the submicron range. The
results from the NETZSCH mills
and assembly, factory acceptance and jet mills are supplemented by impact
and the ability to configure
site acceptance tests (FAT and SAT), mills such as the Condux® Impact Mill,
the equipment for a variety of
including all validation protocols. CSM Classifier Mill, CFS/HD-S High
applications have enabled our firm
Dispersion Classifier, and the SecoMy™
to excel in providing particle size
Key products for the US market are Fine Cutting Mill.
reduction services.
the new DeltaVita® System, designed
in the US specifically for the phar- All equipment is available in small scale Gregg Shemanski
President, Custom Processing Services, Inc.
maceutical industry. For industrial laboratory versions. The company has
markets the Zeta® Mill and Zeta® RS are a modern applications laboratory to
the state of the art small media mills conduct small scale bench top trials to
to achieve particle sizes in the nano- moderately sized production testing.
meter range. Mixing technology is also NETZSCH grinding machines are used
important in the product line with the in markets including pharmaceutical,
Ψ-Mix® Inline Disperser, a revolutionary cosmetic, ceramic, electronic materials,
system for dispersing solids in liquids; industrial minerals, paints and coatings,
the PMH/PML Planetary Mixers and ink jet inks, battery materials, renewable
Kneading machines for high viscosity energy, and many others.
Business Unit Grinding & Dispersing
Key Products for the US Market
Ψ-Mix® CGS Condux®
Further Information
Business Unit Pumps & Systems
Exton, PA Facility
For more than six decades, NETZSCH In 1951, the NETZSCH Group acquired
has manufactured positive displacement the Progressing Cavity Pump license
pumps worldwide. Designed specifically to manufacture and distribute NEMO®
for difficult pumping situations, Progressing Cavity Pumps according
NETZSCH pumps range in size from the to the Moineau pump system. NEMO®
industry’s smallest metering pumps to received its name from this system
high volume pumps. invented by Professor René Moineau:
NEtzsch + MOineau = NEMO®.
Two Major Product Lines Mold the NETZSCH Product Range: Customer Testimonial
NEMO® Progressing Cavity Pumps and TORNADO® Rotary Lobe Pumps
Our NETZSCH pumps have been
operating for over 25 years, without
a single problem or repair. Over the
Every NETZSCH NEMO® pump can be All NETZSCH pumps are used in a
years, people ask who supplied our
assembled using a modular system variety of applications including:
replacement parts. They’re always
which incorporates a choice of different
amazed when we say we have
materials of construction, stators, Chemical/Base Chemicals
never had to purchase any parts.
universal joints, housings and seals. Water and Wastewater Treatment
NETZSCH pumps, they just keep
Pulp and Paper Manufacturing
With a NEMO® progressing cavity pump, Environmental Technology
you can be assured of: Pharmaceutical, Cosmetic Industries Robert Dodson
Offshore Plants and Oil Production County Superintendent, City of Durham, NC
Low shear rate on fluid being Paints and Varnishes
pumped Food and Beverages
Non-pulsating, accurate, reliable
metered flow
Volume practically unaffected by Today, NETZSCH pumps are
varying solid content manufactured at the main factory in
Flow that is proportional to the Germany as well as other production
pump’s operating speed sites in the United States, Brazil, China,
High viscosity and solids content and India. Additionally, sales offices in
pumping capabilities many European countries, Canada, Rus-
Self-priming sia, Singapore, South Africa, Thailand,
Non-vapor and air locking operation as well as in the United Arab Emirates
Low noise levels and representatives in many other
Flexibility in operation and mounting countries market NETZSCH NEMO®
options Progressing Cavity and TORNADO®
No valves or close clearances to clog Rotary Lobe Pumps.
Business Unit Pumps & Systems
Key Products for the US Market
High Performance Rotary Lobe Pump For difficult pumping situations Gentle conveyance of sanitary
The TORNADO® Rotary Lobe pump is NEMO® Progressing cavity pumps are Each component of the NEMO®
designed for intermittent or continuous utilized in various industries to pump Sanitary Pumps have been designed
operation and provide gentle pumping many types of fluids in a continuous, to strict standards of hygene and
of the pumped product and are ideally low pulsating manner, while maintaining cleanability.
suited to transfer, process and dosing an accurate flow.
applications. Advantages
Advantages Flow rates up to 600 gpm (140 m3/h)
Advantages Capacities up to 2,200 gpm (500 m3/h) Pressures up to 270 psi (18 bar)
Maximum operational reliability: the Number of stages ranging from 1 to Pumps designed, manufactured and
NETZSCH GSS-Technology 8 for pressures from 90 psi up to tested according to EJEDG, QHD,
Small installation and maintenance 720 psi (6 to 48 bar) as standard, 3A and GOST-R standards
envelope up to 3,400 psi (240 bar) as special FDA-certified elastomers
High suction lift capability – up to design High corrosion-resistant, crevice-free,
26 ft wc (8 mwc) High suction lift capability – up to wear-free, and maintenance-free
12 sizes for flowrates from 5 to 30 ft wc (9 mwc) flexible rod
4,400 gpm (1 m3/h to 1,000 m3/h) High solids content (maximum Product and cleaning temperature
up to 85 psi (6 bar) particle size up to 6”) and free of up to 302°F (150°C)
solids Explosion protection according to
Low to high viscosity ATEX
(1cps – 3 million cps) CIP and SIP capable
NEMO® Downhole Progressing NETZSCH Dosing M-Ovas®
Cavity Pump Systems Technology Macerators
Oil & Gas Upstream NEMO® Dosing Systems Macerator to prevent pipe blockage
and damage
These systems are simple in structure, NETZSCH belongs to the trend-setting The NETZSCH M-Ovas® is useful in
have very few moving parts, low problem solvers for the most difficult all industries, where particles in the
hydraulic losses and high efficiency in applications, from simple dosing to medium endanger process reliability.
performance. Normal overall efficiency automatic application. Our products
is between 40% and 70% as compared integrate seamlessly into your process Advantages
to 30% efficiency for plunger pumping regardless of whether it is six axis or is Flow capacities up to 1,300 gpm
units and 35% for electrical submerged linear. We offer customized solutions for (300 m3/h) with up to 15% dry solid
centrifugal pumps. The typical volumetric your requirements. content
efficiency of a NETZSCH downhole PC Simple maintenance
pump system is 75% – 95% Advantages Easy handling
Low shear pumping and dosing of High operational reliability
Advantages high viscosity, highly abrasive and Compact design
Production = up to 80,000 gpd filled products High energy efficiency especially at
(1,900 bpd) (300 m3/day). Product remaining in barrel after high flow rates
High sand content − up to 40% emptying < 1-2% of the total volume
at the suction side No pressure or flow hiatus in the
High viscosity oil − up to 5,000 cP system
at the well head Valveless dosing system ideal for
Pressure − up to 4,500 psi (300 bar) filled products
NETZSCH Presence in North America
Headquarters Headquarters
Sales Office Sales Office
Service Center
Business Unit
Pumps & Systems
Headquarters Headquarters
Sales Office Sales Office
Service Center
The NETZSCH Group is an owner-managed, internationally operating technology
company headquartered in Germany.
The three Business Units – Analyzing & Testing, Grinding & Dispersing and Pumps &
Systems – provide tailored solutions for highest-level needs. Over 2,500 employees
at 130 sales and production centers in 23 countries across the globe guarantee that
expert service is never far from our customers.