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NETZSCH North America

Overview, Capabilities and Commitment

Technology fascinates

Selb, Germany

The Gebrüder NETZSCH Maschinen- Pumps & Systems, operate indepen-

fabrik (NETZSCH Brothers Machine dently with the goal to offer the
Works), founded in 1873, was the customer the best solution for his
starting point for today‘s NETZSCH particular application. The result of
Group still head-quartered in Selb, over 130 years of engineering experi-
Germany, which has since become an ence is both technological and market
international enterprise with 130 leadership.
locations in 23 countries on four Under the umbrella of the Erich
continents. NETZSCH GmbH & Co. Holding KG,
the synergies between the Business
The three Business Units, Analyzing & Units are ensured through worldwide
Testing, Grinding & Dispersing and communication.

Our Company

We are a mid-sized, family-owned pool of knowledge and expertise. We

German company engaging in the encourage and nurture their professional
manufacture of machinery and instru- growth in order to help master the
mentation with worldwide production, dynamic challenges faced in our inter-
sales, and service branches. We are national competitive arena. This in turn
conscious of the responsibilities we bear enables us to provide our entire staff
for the regions in which we are active, with stable and secure employment.
as well as for our environment. We are
dedicated to respect the interests of the We are a reliable partner to our
common good. suppliers and strive to cultivate long-
term collaborative relationships.
Our products and services are held We abide by the respective laws across
in high regard by our customers. the world and avow ourselves to the
We view it as our foremost duty to practice of fair and just competition.
uphold and cultivate this esteem.
NETZSCH works with the utmost Our systematic, continuous improvement
respect for the confidentiality of your of our resources and processes ensures
proprietary process. that the growing needs of our business
partners, employees and social environ-
Our employees are an important factor ment will continue to be addressed and
in our success and they are a veritable met into the future.

Business Unit Business Unit Business Unit

Analyzing & Testing Grinding & Dispersing Pumps & Systems

 Thermal Analysis  Wet and Dry Grinding  NEMO® Progressing Cavity Pumps
 Adiabatic Reaction Calorimetry  Mixing and Kneading  TORNADO® Rotary Lobe Pumps
 Determination of Thermophysical  Dispersing  Dosing Systems
Properties  De-aeration  Barrel Emptying Units
 Classifying  Macerators
 NETZSCH-Beads®  Accessories


Company Performance

As a family-owned company, we place Founded

great importance on the crisis-resistance 1873 by Thomas and Christian Netzsch
of the NETZSCH Group. in Selb, Germany
Our primary objective is to increase the
value of the company through fair, pro- Sales
fessional and trusting cooperative effort. approximately 483 MIL US$
This is our means of securing long-term, (consolidated)
sustainable success.
Through the attractive employee approximately 2,500 worldwide
incentive scheme, our employees can
also participate directly in the financial NETZSCH subsidiaries
success of NETZSCH. More than 50 worldwide in 23 countries

Turnover in MIL US$

Employees Analyzing & Testing

94 MIL

*Based on exchange rate 1 EUR = 1.40 US$






Turnover Distribution

in FY 2010/2011 Grinding & Dispersing

126 MIL
(Fiscal Year
from Jul 1 to Jun 30)

Pumps & Systems

2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 266 MIL

Business Fields Matrix

Industries and Applications A&T G&D P&S

Aerospace   - Synergy Among Markets
Agricultural/Crop protection -  
We collect and structure applications
Automobile, train, aircraft and ship manufacturing   
knowledge and make it available within
Beverage and breweries/Wine -   our organization. The resulting ability
Bio fuels    to carry out a differentiated applica-
Building/Construction    tions analysis and to tailor the design of
our machines and instruments to our
Cell disruption -  -
customers’ needs is what sets us apart
Ceramic and glass   
from our competitors.
Chemical/Biochemical/Chemical additives   
Chemical mechanical polishing -  -
Coal bed methane (Upstream) - - 
Dyes and paints/Coatings/Colorants/Pigments/Ink jet inks   
Environmental technology   
Electronic industry   
Emulsions -  
Energy/Battery materials/Fuel cells   
Food/Dairy/Fish/Vegetables/Fruit/Food additives   
Galvanic/Electro-plating - - 
Industrial minerals   
Marine equipment -  
Mining -  
Nuclear   -
Oil production On-/Offshore (Upstream, Downstream) -  
Paste/Fillers -  
Petrochemical/Refineries   
Pharmaceutical/Cosmetic   
Polymer manufacturing and processing   -
Pulp and paper/Wood processing/Cellulose   
Renewable Energies (Biogas, Solar, Windpower, Hydropower)   
Rust Inhibitors   
Sugar and starch   
Thermal water/Geothermal energy (Upstream) - - 
Textile/Leather/Tanneries -   A&T – Analyzing & Testing
Water treatment (Potable water, waste water, desalination, etc.) -   G&D – Grinding & Dispersing
P&S – Pumps & Systems

Business Unit Analyzing & Testing

Burlington, MA Facility

Experts in Thermal Analysis for over 50 Years

NETZSCH Instruments North America, analytical instruments. The Business

LLC (NIB) is the US subsidiary of Unit “Analyzing & Testing” offers a
NETZSCH’s worldwide Thermal Analysis complete high-precision instrument line
business. NIB’s headquarters is located for thermal analysis, thermophysical
in Burlington, MA, (near Boston on properties measurement, adiabatic
the “technology highway”). NETZSCH calorimetry, as well as offering world
Instruments North America was built class commercial testing services,
through the merger of NETZSCH seminars, training and consulting. Our
Instruments, Inc and Holometrix- instrumentation is employed for research
Micromet (Bedford, MA) in 2001, and and quality control in the polymer
the acquisition of the Calorimetry sector, the chemical industry, the
business of TIAX (Cambridge, MA) nuclear industry, in the areas of metals,
in 2009. The Analyzing and Testing ceramics, inorganics and building
business of NETZSCH was created materials, and environmental analysis.
in 1952 and has established itself Cutting edge technology, premium
as one of the world’s best-known service, and high quality standards make
suppliers of high-performance thermo NETZSCH a leading manufacturer.


NETZSCH Instruments North America is application support to customer, as well Customer Testimonial
responsible for sales, service and support as paid contract testing with the full
I have purchased several NETZSCH
of NETZSCH thermal analysis products suite of instruments. The sales offices
thermal analysis and calorimetric
in the United States, Canada and are spread throughout the United
instruments over the years and they
Mexico. NETZSCH Instruments North States. Highly technical sales engineers
continue to run accurately giving us
America is proud to support its large provide the best adapted (sometimes
the precision needed in our appli-
instrument-installed base customers customized) solutions to the customers.
cations. We value the design of
with a well-trained team of Customer Four product lines are manufactured in
NETZSCH equipment. These
Support engineers solely dedicated to Burlington, MA: LFA (Thermal conduc-
instruments allow for robust student
the product line, and covering the entire tivity), HFM (Heat Flow Meter), DEA
use enabling hands on learning all
territory. Application lab engineers and (Dielectric measurement) and ARC
the while giving us the ability to
technicians located in Burlington, MA (Calorimeters). The US headquarters also
conduct state of the art measure-
are offering advanced training and hosts the North American R&D team.
ments and analyses. Our colleagues
at NETZSCH don’t simply provide
the equipment... they are collabora-
tors allowing us to push the enve-
lope associated with the technology
and the methodology for high
temperature thermal analysis.
Sales Evolution (2005 – 2010)
Linda Ellen Jones, Ph.D.
Assoc. V.P. of Statutory Affairs at Alfred
University, Head of the New York State
College of Ceramics, Professor of Materials

FY05 FY06 FY07 FY08 FY09 FY10

Business Unit Analyzing & Testing
Key Products for the US Market

DSC 204 F1 Phoenix® LFA 457 MicroFlash® STA 449 F1 Jupiter®

A Differential Scanning Calorimeter Laser Flash Apparatus Simultaneous TGA-DSC, Fascinating

for all Requirements State-of-the-art technology for Flexibility in Thermal Analysis
Thermophysical Properties

The versatile premium DSC 204 F1 The LFA 457 MicroFlash® is the most The STA 449 F1 Jupiter® unites extreme
Phoenix® is based on a unique concept: modern and versatile Laser Flash System flexibility and outstanding performance
all of the essential functional modules for the characterization of basic and in one instrument.
are integrated into the instrument, and high-performance materials in auto-
any desired extensions can be added on motive engineering, the aerospace Advantages
location at any time. industry and energy management.  Vertical top-loading design with
detachable sample carrier hoist for
Advantages Advantages free and safe access to crucible
 Three-dimensional symmetrical  Fast testing times  Exceptionally precise nanobalance
construction with homogeneous  Broadest measurement range allows detection of smallest mass
heating  High accuracy and repeatability changes with high reproducibility
 Sensors with high calorimetric  Standardized technique  Specific heat measurements: accu-
sensitivity, short time constants and rate cp data (700°C ±1%, 1400°C
a condensation-free sample chamber Additional information: ± 2.5%, 1500°C ± 3.5%)
in the DSC cell guarantee high  OTS® Oxygen Trap System allows
detection sensitivity reduction of the oxygen concentra-
 Ease of use tion at the sample to below 1 ppm

Additional information: Additional information:

HFM 436 Lambda MMC 274 Nexus® Service/Support

Heat Flow Meter Multiple Module Calorimeter All over the world, the name NETZSCH
Accurate Thermal Conductivity Various Modules in One Calorimeter stands for comprehensive support and
Testing of Insulation Materials competent, reliable service, before and
after sale. Our vision is to offer you the
best possible support at all times,
With the HFM 436 Lambda, the thermal The MMC 274 Nexus® is comprised of wherever you may be.
conductivity of large-sized, plate-formed two components: the base instrument
insulators is investigated at a fixed or with integrated electronics and the
adjustable temperature gradient. easy-to-exchange calorimeter module. Technical Service
this configuration guarantees maximum
Advantages flexibility. Study our comprehensive service
 Patented plate temperature control spectrum and select from: Installation
yields unmatched testing speeds and Advantages and commissioning, hotline service,
highly accurate results  Multiple testing modes in one preventive maintenance, calibration
 The instrument is stable within 0.10 instrument for wide application service, on-site repair, emergency service
to 0.25% over the course of several coverage for NETZSCH components, moving
days, providing excellent repeatability  Exchangeable calorimeter modules in service, technical information service,
 Ideal for QC/QA one table-top instrument spare parts and exchange service.
 Meets all required industrial  Wide temperature range up to
standards 500°C  Applications Measurements
 Wide pressure range up to 100 bar  Training & Seminars
Additional information: (10 MPa)  Service in Regulated Areas (Compliance)
Additional information:  Consulting Service  Contract Testing Service

Additional information:

Business Unit Grinding & Dispersing

Exton, PA Facility

Experts in Grinding and Dispersing for over 40 Years

NETZSCH Premier Technologies LLC., NETZSCH-CONDUX Mahltechnik GmbH,

located in Exton, PA, USA is part of the the world‘s leader in the processing of
Business Unit Grinding & Dispersing of dry materials. The product line spans
the NETZSCH Group. It was founded machines and plants for fine grinding
in 1969 to provide wet grinding and and fine classification of solids of any
dispersing equipment to the growing hardness, for any required end fineness.
US market. The NETZSCH Business Unit NETZSCH-CONDUX is located in Hanau,
Grinding & Dispersing is the world’s Germany.
leader in wet and dry grinding,
classifying, mixing and kneading with Until 2010 the US operating unit
headquarters in Selb, Germany. was known as NETZSCH Fine Particle
Technology. In May of that year the
NETZSCH Premier Technologies company acquired Premier Mill and
also supplies dry grinding and merged the product lines to become
classifying machines and systems from NETZSCH Premier Technologies, LLC.

The products of the former Premier products, and the PMD Mixer series for Customer Testimonial
Mill are now fully incorporated into the high volume production. Premier Mill
As a contract manufacturing
NETZSCH family. products include Model 50 laboratory
company, Custom Processing
disperser, and the MasterMill Basket Mill.
Services, Inc requires both high
NETZSCH Premier Technologies is the
performance and flexibility. We
specialist within the Business Unit for Key dry powder processing products
have chosen to work with NETZSCH
Pharmaceutical applications. The US for the US market included the CGS
Premier Technologies to install
based sales and engineering group Fluidized Bed Jet Mill for production of
NETZSCH mills that fulfill both our
meets the highly detailed specifica- powders in the low micron range and
dry grinding and wet media milling
tions of the pharmaceutical industry, the s-Jet® Steam Jet Mill for production
needs. The reliability and consistent
from machine design, manufacturing of powders in the submicron range. The
results from the NETZSCH mills
and assembly, factory acceptance and jet mills are supplemented by impact
and the ability to configure
site acceptance tests (FAT and SAT), mills such as the Condux® Impact Mill,
the equipment for a variety of
including all validation protocols. CSM Classifier Mill, CFS/HD-S High
applications have enabled our firm
Dispersion Classifier, and the SecoMy™
to excel in providing particle size
Key products for the US market are Fine Cutting Mill.
reduction services.
the new DeltaVita® System, designed
in the US specifically for the phar- All equipment is available in small scale Gregg Shemanski
President, Custom Processing Services, Inc.
maceutical industry. For industrial laboratory versions. The company has
markets the Zeta® Mill and Zeta® RS are a modern applications laboratory to
the state of the art small media mills conduct small scale bench top trials to
to achieve particle sizes in the nano- moderately sized production testing.
meter range. Mixing technology is also NETZSCH grinding machines are used
important in the product line with the in markets including pharmaceutical,
Ψ-Mix® Inline Disperser, a revolutionary cosmetic, ceramic, electronic materials,
system for dispersing solids in liquids; industrial minerals, paints and coatings,
the PMH/PML Planetary Mixers and ink jet inks, battery materials, renewable
Kneading machines for high viscosity energy, and many others.

Business Unit Grinding & Dispersing
Key Products for the US Market

DeltaVita® System Zeta® Type LMZ MasterMill

Agitator Bead Mills for High Performance Mill Basket Mill

Pharmaceutical Applications

Advantages Advantages Advantages

 The DeltaVita® line is designed  Continuously operating, horizontal  Basket mill that incorporates a
specifically for pharmaceutical high performance agitator bead mill milling chamber with independently
applications and can be scaled up with intensive peg grinding system powdered variable speed milling and
from drug discovery to clinical  The small ratio of grinding chamber mixing shafts providing exceptional
trials to full scale production length to diameter in combination flexibility in production
 Mild dispersion or grinding to with the highly effective centrifugal  Due to independent variable speed
particle sizes less than 100 nm with a separator system and the large mixing shafts, MasterMill can
narrow particle size distribution with cooling surface predestines this process a wide range of batch sizes
grinding media sizes from 50 µm to grinding system for circulation and and product viscosity
2 mm multi-pass operation into the nano  Side walls and bottom of the
 Grinding chamber volumes from meter range processing tank are jacketed along
15 ml to 60,000 ml for batch sizes as  Wear and corrosion resistant with the top of the milling chamber
small as 50 ml up to 4,000 liters materials are available to suit the for efficient control of product
 Wetted parts can be stainless steel application temperature
with a surface finish of Ra = 0.4 µm  Safe use of various grinding media
or high tech ceramic materials such from 0.05 mm to 3 mm in diameter
as yttrium stabilized zirconium oxide
or silicon carbide. All product contact
parts can autoclaved or sterilized in
place depending on machine size
 The DeltaVita® line offers a
completely reproducible, scalable
and validated process for all pharma-
ceutical applications

Ψ-Mix® CGS Condux®

Inline Disperser Fluidized Bed Jet Mill Impact Mill

Advantages Advantages Advantages

 Revolutionary inline mixing  Jet mill with integrated dynamic  High speed rotor impact mill for
system that wets finely-powdered air classifier for accurate and grinding various products up to a
solids with liquid components reproducible particle size control Mohs hardness of 3 to 3.5
within a controlled, emission  Size reduction via particle to particle  Grinding takes place between rotor
free process under vacuum and collisions, for materials of any and stator in various designs such as
microcavitation hardness wing beater, blast rotor, pin disks and
 Ideal for processing both low and  Contamination free processing attrition disks
high viscosity suspensions, covering  Designs include e-Jet® low energy jet  Possible end finesses from
the entire spectrum of applications milling and s-Jet® using superheated d97 30 µm to 1500 µm
for dispersion technology steam
 Easy integration into fully automatic  Finenesses from
production plants d97 2.0 µm to 120 µm with air and
d97 0.4 µm to 20 µm with steam

Further Information

on our complete product line:

Business Unit Pumps & Systems

Exton, PA Facility

Experts in Pump Solutions for over 60 Years

For more than six decades, NETZSCH In 1951, the NETZSCH Group acquired
has manufactured positive displacement the Progressing Cavity Pump license
pumps worldwide. Designed specifically to manufacture and distribute NEMO®
for difficult pumping situations, Progressing Cavity Pumps according
NETZSCH pumps range in size from the to the Moineau pump system. NEMO®
industry’s smallest metering pumps to received its name from this system
high volume pumps. invented by Professor René Moineau:
NEtzsch + MOineau = NEMO®.

Two Major Product Lines Mold the NETZSCH Product Range: Customer Testimonial
NEMO® Progressing Cavity Pumps and TORNADO® Rotary Lobe Pumps
Our NETZSCH pumps have been
operating for over 25 years, without
a single problem or repair. Over the
Every NETZSCH NEMO® pump can be All NETZSCH pumps are used in a
years, people ask who supplied our
assembled using a modular system variety of applications including:
replacement parts. They’re always
which incorporates a choice of different
amazed when we say we have
materials of construction, stators,  Chemical/Base Chemicals
never had to purchase any parts.
universal joints, housings and seals.  Water and Wastewater Treatment
NETZSCH pumps, they just keep
 Pulp and Paper Manufacturing
With a NEMO® progressing cavity pump,  Environmental Technology
you can be assured of:  Pharmaceutical, Cosmetic Industries Robert Dodson
 Offshore Plants and Oil Production County Superintendent, City of Durham, NC
 Low shear rate on fluid being  Paints and Varnishes
pumped  Food and Beverages
 Non-pulsating, accurate, reliable
metered flow
 Volume practically unaffected by Today, NETZSCH pumps are
varying solid content manufactured at the main factory in
 Flow that is proportional to the Germany as well as other production
pump’s operating speed sites in the United States, Brazil, China,
 High viscosity and solids content and India. Additionally, sales offices in
pumping capabilities many European countries, Canada, Rus-
 Self-priming sia, Singapore, South Africa, Thailand,
 Non-vapor and air locking operation as well as in the United Arab Emirates
 Low noise levels and representatives in many other
 Flexibility in operation and mounting countries market NETZSCH NEMO®
options Progressing Cavity and TORNADO®
 No valves or close clearances to clog Rotary Lobe Pumps.

Our experience in engineering and

manufacturing progressing cavity pumps
is exemplified in our latest product –
the NETZSCH TORNADO® Rotary Lobe
Pump. This pump is an ideal addition
to our proven positive displacement
product line. Ideal for space saving
installations and skid/trailer mobile
applications, these pumps are compact
in design and offer high efficiency
pumping capabilities.

Business Unit Pumps & Systems
Key Products for the US Market

TORNADO® Rotary Lobe NEMO® Progressing NEMO® Sanitary Pumps

Pump Cavity Pumps

High Performance Rotary Lobe Pump For difficult pumping situations Gentle conveyance of sanitary

The TORNADO® Rotary Lobe pump is NEMO® Progressing cavity pumps are Each component of the NEMO®
designed for intermittent or continuous utilized in various industries to pump Sanitary Pumps have been designed
operation and provide gentle pumping many types of fluids in a continuous, to strict standards of hygene and
of the pumped product and are ideally low pulsating manner, while maintaining cleanability.
suited to transfer, process and dosing an accurate flow.
applications. Advantages
Advantages  Flow rates up to 600 gpm (140 m3/h)
Advantages  Capacities up to 2,200 gpm (500 m3/h)  Pressures up to 270 psi (18 bar)
 Maximum operational reliability: the  Number of stages ranging from 1 to  Pumps designed, manufactured and
NETZSCH GSS-Technology 8 for pressures from 90 psi up to tested according to EJEDG, QHD,
 Small installation and maintenance 720 psi (6 to 48 bar) as standard, 3A and GOST-R standards
envelope up to 3,400 psi (240 bar) as special  FDA-certified elastomers
 High suction lift capability – up to design  High corrosion-resistant, crevice-free,
26 ft wc (8 mwc)  High suction lift capability – up to wear-free, and maintenance-free
 12 sizes for flowrates from 5 to 30 ft wc (9 mwc) flexible rod
4,400 gpm (1 m3/h to 1,000 m3/h)  High solids content (maximum  Product and cleaning temperature
up to 85 psi (6 bar) particle size up to 6”) and free of up to 302°F (150°C)
solids  Explosion protection according to
 Low to high viscosity ATEX
(1cps – 3 million cps)  CIP and SIP capable

Additional information: Additional information: Additional information:

Brochure NPA 080 Brochure NPA 300 Brochure NPA 308

NEMO® Downhole Progressing NETZSCH Dosing M-Ovas®
Cavity Pump Systems Technology Macerators

Oil & Gas Upstream NEMO® Dosing Systems Macerator to prevent pipe blockage
and damage

These systems are simple in structure, NETZSCH belongs to the trend-setting The NETZSCH M-Ovas® is useful in
have very few moving parts, low problem solvers for the most difficult all industries, where particles in the
hydraulic losses and high efficiency in applications, from simple dosing to medium endanger process reliability.
performance. Normal overall efficiency automatic application. Our products
is between 40% and 70% as compared integrate seamlessly into your process Advantages
to 30% efficiency for plunger pumping regardless of whether it is six axis or is  Flow capacities up to 1,300 gpm
units and 35% for electrical submerged linear. We offer customized solutions for (300 m3/h) with up to 15% dry solid
centrifugal pumps. The typical volumetric your requirements. content
efficiency of a NETZSCH downhole PC  Simple maintenance
pump system is 75% – 95% Advantages  Easy handling
 Low shear pumping and dosing of  High operational reliability
Advantages high viscosity, highly abrasive and  Compact design
 Production = up to 80,000 gpd filled products  High energy efficiency especially at
(1,900 bpd) (300 m3/day).  Product remaining in barrel after high flow rates
 High sand content − up to 40% emptying < 1-2% of the total volume
at the suction side  No pressure or flow hiatus in the
 High viscosity oil − up to 5,000 cP system
at the well head  Valveless dosing system ideal for
 Pressure − up to 4,500 psi (300 bar) filled products

Additional information: Additional information: Additional information:

Brochure NPA 311 Brochure NPA 300 Brochure NPA 040

NETZSCH Presence in North America

Along with the headquarters of all

three Business Units and numerous
sales offices in the US and Canada,
a large and growing number of
distributors help us maintain close
customer contact all over North

Business Unit Business Unit

Analyzing & Testing Grinding & Dispersing

NETZSCH Instruments North America, LLC NETZSCH Premier Technologies, LLC

129 Middlesex Turnpike 125 Pickering Way
Burlington, MA 01803 Exton, PA 19341
Tel.: 781 272-5353 Tel.: 484 879-2020
Fax: 781 272-5225 Fax: 610 280-1299
[email protected] [email protected]

Headquarters Headquarters
Sales Office Sales Office
Service Center

Business Unit
Pumps & Systems

NETZSCH Pumps North America, LLC NETZSCH Canada, Incorporated

119 Pickering Way 740 Huronia Road, Unit 10
Exton, PA 19341 Barrie, ON L4N 6C6
USA Canada
Tel.: 610 363-8010 Tel.: 705 797-8426
Fax: 610 363-0971 Fax: 705 797-8427
[email protected] [email protected]

Headquarters Headquarters
Sales Office Sales Office
Service Center

The NETZSCH Group is an owner-managed, internationally operating technology
company headquartered in Germany.

The three Business Units – Analyzing & Testing, Grinding & Dispersing and Pumps &
Systems – provide tailored solutions for highest-level needs. Over 2,500 employees
at 130 sales and production centers in 23 countries across the globe guarantee that
expert service is never far from our customers.

NPA · 904 · 02 · 12/11 · 02 · Technical specifications are subject to change.

Erich NETZSCH GmbH & Co. Holding KG

Gebrüder-Netzsch-Straße 19
95100 Selb
Tel.: +49 9287 75-0
Fax: +49 9287 75 208
[email protected]

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