Hermitage Escalator Company - Edited112

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Hermitage Escalator Company

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Hermitage Escalator Company

Question 1:

It is Hermitage's philosophy to put the right person in the right place at the right time, and this is

how they codify and manage the expertise of professional maintenance employees at their

facilities. In accordance with the principles of management, Hermitage is able to manage the

knowledge of skilled maintenance experts. The basic strategy to managing anything is to have

the right person in the right place at the right time. This is where Hermitage focuses its attention.

Hermitage makes good use of the expertise of professional maintenance technicians. Sensors,

cameras, a rotating chain, and other components make up the Escalator system. Hermitage also

makes use of IoT-generated big data, but it does it with caution. Experienced professionals with

the necessary technical know-how can perform predictive and preventive maintenance. This

technical knowledge must be competent in order for the right individual to solve the right

problem at the right time. This is how Hermitage manages the expertise of seasoned maintenance


Question 2:

In every industry on the planet, the Internet of Things (IoT) has had a significant impact.

Although it has numerous advantages, according to Hermitage, big amounts of data collected by

IoT can result in "False positives," which can lead to an increase in maintenance costs rather than

a decrease.  Even while the Internet of Things has a lot of potential in the future, Hermitage

warns that it might also result in false positives. Whenever a large amount of data from the

Internet of Things (IoT) is collected for escalator maintenance, it is possible that the indicators

will indicate that something is wrong when there isn't. Technicians will have a difficult time

discriminating between a genuine and a bogus warning in this situation. It is precisely this type

of situation that, rather than cutting maintenance costs, actually increases them. As a result, the

factor associated with the Internet of Things is false positives. As a result of the use of big data

analytics, the cost of maintenance increases.

Question 3:

The specific and real value: 

It is possible that analyzing data from previous repair visits will assist you in doing proactive and

preventative maintenance procedures. Using historical data from past maintenance calls, it is

possible to identify a specific pattern for how technical knowledge should be applied to the

system in the most effective manner possible.

The exact date: 

The precise date for the examination of previous maintenance calls should be within an

acceptable time frame in today's technological environment. In this instance, it is possible that

the data analysis of previous maintenance calls will take ten years.

 The substantial reason:

The evolution of the Internet of Things serves as the explanation for selecting a time frame of ten

years as the exact time frame. We may now see the world from two different perspectives

because of the Internet of Things, which has revolutionized every business. The first depicts the

world prior to the Internet of Things, and the second depicts the world after the Internet of

Things. Predictive and preventative maintenance are values that can be obtained by reviewing

previous maintenance calls. It gave me a better knowledge of the problem and a more efficient

method to solve it. Past maintenance call data analysis lays the way for past mistakes to be

corrected, as well as providing many future maintenance dimensions. All future maintenance

systems must be based on the results of data analysis from previous maintenance calls in order to

provide a true picture of the state and problem.


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