Motivation On Job Satisfaction and Employee Performance
Motivation On Job Satisfaction and Employee Performance
Motivation On Job Satisfaction and Employee Performance
This study aims to study the effect of motivation on job satisfaction and
Submitted: 09 May 2020 employee performance. The population in this study was 505 Cooperativa Café
Revised: 18 June 2020 Timor employees in Timor-Leste by determining saturated samples at 6
Accepted: 27 July 2020 company locations, namely the NT Factory, Comoro, Manleuana, Railaco,
Tibar, and at the Head Office as many as 202. This study used a quantitative
approach with data collection methods using interviews and questionnaires.
Data that has been collected and verified valid are analyzed using descriptive
Keywords: analysis techniques and using a variance-based or component-based approach
company; with Partial Least Square (PLS) analysis tools. The results show that
employee performance; motivation has a significant positive effect on job satisfaction and employee
job satisfaction; performance. The findings of this study also state that job satisfaction has a
motivation; significant positive effect on employee performance. The implications of this
organization; study emphasize the need to improve adaptive performance so that companies
can always keep abreast of developments in the face of increasingly fierce
IOB Post Graduate Program, East Timor, Timor-Leste
IOB Post Graduate Program, East Timor, Timor-Leste
IOB Post Graduate Program, East Timor, Timor-Leste
14 ISSN: 2395-7492
1 Introduction
Employee performance is a performance result that can be achieved by a person or group in an organization both
qualitatively and quantitatively (Robbins & Judge 2017). All activities carried out to improve the business of a
company or organization is a form of performance. Success in achieving superior performance requires the strategic
role of employees as actors in every company activity (Raineri, 2017). Therefore, companies need to monitor the
performance of each employee, whether or not they have carried out their duties and obligations as expected. Efforts
to improve employee performance are a management challenge because success in achieving the goals and survival of
the company depends on the quality of the performance of the human resources that are in it (Oliveira & Honório,
Employee performance can be influenced by some factors, one of which is motivation. Employee motivation at the
company must be a serious concern in managing human resources (Village & Asaari, 2020). Companies must pay
attention to how to maintain and manage employee motivation at work so that they always focus on company goals.
Maintaining employee motivation is very important because motivation is a driving force for every individual who
underlies employees to act and do something. Employees will not do things optimally if they do not have high
motivation from within themselves to excel at work. Motivation can be divided into two (Danvila-del-Valle et al.,
2019), namely positive motivation and negative motivation. Positive motivation is the process of influencing people
by giving the possibility of getting gifts while negative motivation is the process of influencing someone through the
power of fear such as loss of recognition, money, or position. Research by Rizaldi (2017), which examines the effect
of motivation on employee performance shows that motivation has a positive effect on employee performance.
Furthermore, research by Olusadum & Anulika (2018) about the effect of motivation on employee performance found
that motivation has a positive and significant effect on employee performance.
In addition to motivation, another factor influencing performance is employee job satisfaction. Robins & Judge
(2017) state that job satisfaction is related to personal level satisfactions. Therefore, the level of satisfaction of each
person is different and what happens if several factors are met, namely individual needs and their relationship with the
degree of employee preference and dislike (Luthans, 2006; Lu et al., 2002; Beebe et al., 2009; Saner & Eyüpoğlu,
2013). Job satisfaction can be one of the main reasons for the continuity and success of a company. Job satisfaction is
one of the attitudes that has been extensively studied in the field of organizational behavior to understand various
organizational outcomes (Krishnan et al., 2010). Luthans (2006) explains that job satisfaction is the employee's
perception of how well the job provides what is considered to be important and positive. Some research findings
suggest that motivation has a significant effect on job satisfaction (Khalid et al., 2011; Singh & Tiwari, 2011). This
study aims to analyze the relationship between motivation and job satisfaction and employee performance.
Literature Review
According to Kaye & Evans (2000), maintaining human resources is one of the key challenges in managing an
organization. Success in solving various human resource problems can produce an effective organization because
employees who are motivated and more satisfied tend to be more cooperative and that they are more productive in the
workplace. Research by Octaviann et al. (2017) examined the effect of motivation on employee performance. Larasati
& Gilang (2014) found that motivation had a positive effect on employee performance at Witel Bekasi. Research
conducted by Rizaldi (2017) examined the effect of motivation on employee performance shows that motivation has a
positive effect on employee performance. Research by Badrianto & Ekhsan (2019) about the effect of motivation on
employee performance found that motivation has a positive effect on employee performance.
Hidayah (2018) shows that intrinsic motivation plays an important role in increasing employee job satisfaction.
Octaviann et al. (2017) state that motivation has a positive and significant effect on job satisfaction. Hidayah (2018)
also stated the need for employees to have the motivation to increase job satisfaction. Research result by Prabu (2005)
states that combined motivations have a positive influence on job satisfaction. Research conducted by Akmal &
Aslinda (2015) shows that motivation has a positive effect on employee job satisfaction.
Research by Saputra (2016) regarding the effect of job satisfaction on employee performance shows a positive
effect on employee performance. This concept is supported by Sanuddin & Widjojo (2013) which states that job
satisfaction has a positive effect on employee performance. Research by Tobing (2009) about the effect of job
satisfaction on employee performance found that job satisfaction has a positive effect on employee performance. Inuwa
(2016) explains that there is a significant influence on job satisfaction on employee performance. Job satisfaction is
also an important predictor in increasing employee effectiveness (Riana et al., 2018). According to Anwar et al. (2015),
This research conducted at the Cooperativa Café Timor (CCT) with a total population of 505 employees. The sample
was determined using sample techniques Random Sampling Cluster among others, to examine a thing in different parts
of an object. The calculation resulted in a total sample of 202 employees. Quantitative and qualitative data, both from
primary and secondary sources were collected by conducting interviews and distribution of questionnaires. The
questionnaire was arranged based on some question items, namely employee performance variables adopting research
(Koopsmans et al., 2016; Robbins & Judge, 2017), the job satisfaction variable adopting research Cekmecelioglu et
al. (2012), and motivation variables adopting research question items (Deci & Ryan, 2000; Tremblay et al., 2009).
Before the data was collected as a whole, a data quality test was conducted on the research instrument using 30 samples.
The results of the data quality test show the moment product correlation value ≥ 0.30 and the Cronbach alpha value ≥
0.60 so that the research instrument is valid and reliable (Sugiyono, 2013). Furthermore, the data collected was
analyzed using descriptive analysis and inferential analysis of the SmartPLS software. Furthermore, the profile of
research respondents is described in Table 1, as follows.
Carvalho, A. da C., Riana, I. G., & Soares, A. de C. (2020). Motivation on job satisfaction and employee
performance. International Research Journal of Management, IT and Social Sciences, 7(5), 13-23.
16 ISSN: 2395-7492
Table 1
Characteristics of Respondents
The convergent validity calculation aims to find out the instrument items that can be used as indicators of all latent
variables. Convergent validity test results are measured based on the value of the loading factor of the construct
indicator, where the loading factor limit of 0.5 is used. The convergent validity test results are presented in Table 2.
Table 2
Outer Loading
All indicators of the research variable show an outer loading value above 0.50 (> 0.50), which means that the model
meets the convergent criteria. Furthermore, the variable mean (mean), the results of the composite validity and
discriminant validity test can be seen in Table 3.
Table 3
Mean, Composite Reliability, and AVE
Based on Table 3 above, it can be seen that of the three variables having AVE values above 0.5 and value√ AVE greater
than the correlation coefficient between one variable with another variable. So, it can be concluded that the
measurements made meet the discriminant validity requirements. The results of the outer model evaluation testing as
a whole have met the accuracy criteria of the model so that it can be interpreted further because it meets the validity
and reliability criteria of the model.
Goodness of Fit (GoF) testing of structural models in the inner model uses the value of predictive-relevance Q2 (Q2)
to test the variables used in the model so that it can be seen how much influence exogenous variables have on
endogenous variables. R2 values for each endogenous variable in this study can be seen in the following Table 4.
Carvalho, A. da C., Riana, I. G., & Soares, A. de C. (2020). Motivation on job satisfaction and employee
performance. International Research Journal of Management, IT and Social Sciences, 7(5), 13-23.
18 ISSN: 2395-7492
Table 4
R2 Value of Endogenous Variables
The calculation results show a predictive-relevance value of 0.785 (> 0). That means that 78.5%. These results indicate
that the structural model has a good (Goodness of Fit Model). Also, this result implies that 77.8% can be explained by
the variables used in the research model, while the remaining 21.5% is explained by other variables outside the research
The results of data analysis using PLS showed that the second model was obtained by analyzing again using smartPLS
software. The results of the analysis are shown in Figure 1, below.
Table 5
Hypothesis Test Results
No Original sample
Inter-Variable Relationship T-Statistics Information
1 Motivation (X) -> Employee Performance
0.237 2,211 Significant
2 Motivation (X) -> Job Satisfaction (Y1) .626 1031 Significant
3 Job Satisfaction (Y1) -> Employee
0.633 5,589 Significant
Performance (Y2)
The coefficient path test results show that between motivation and employee performance shows a positive and
significant relationship with a coefficient value of 0.237 and a T-statistic value of 2.211 where the value is greater than
Every company always expects high employee performance so that it must be balanced with the capabilities possessed
by employees, employee hard work, cooperation between employees, as well as a good leadership system. The results
of this study show that motivation has a positive and significant effect on employee performance (Abdi Mohamud et
al., 2017). This means that a high level of motivation possessed by employees can have an impact on increased
performance. Motivation, which includes intrinsic motivation, integrated regulation, identified regulation, and
introjected regulation able to improve employee performance (Hartati, 2020). The results of this study are in line with
research Rizaldi (2017) that examined the effect of motivation on employee performance and shows that motivation
has a positive effect on employee performance (Waiyaki, 2017). Further research by Yusrisal & Heryanto (2019) about
the effect of motivation on employee performance shows that motivation has a positive and significant effect on
employee performance. Employees with high motivation tend to make various efforts in the workplace so that it can
improve the resulting performance (Chien et al., 2020).
The findings of this study also inform that motivation has a positive and significant effect on job satisfaction
(Stefurak et al., 2020). This means that the higher the motivation of employees, the easier it will be for employees to
increase their satisfaction at work. Motivation is proven to be able to encourage employees to increase job satisfaction.
The results of this study are in line with the research conducted Sobaih & Hasanein (2020) shows that intrinsic
motivation plays an important role in increasing employee job satisfaction. Furthermore, research conducted by Ihsani
& Wijayanto (2020) also states that motivation has a positive and significant effect on job satisfaction, which means
the higher the motivation tends to make employees more easily feel job satisfaction (Syamsir, 2020; Lubis, 2020).
The results of this study provide evidence that job satisfaction has a positive and significant effect on employee
performance (Andjarwati et al., 2019). This means that job satisfaction felt by employees can have an impact on
increasing employee performance. Job satisfaction is felt when employees believe that the work done is fun, they feel
that the received salary is following the workload and that they have the same opportunities as other colleagues to
achieve a good position, they feel comfortable with supervision from the leadership, which always provide them with
the support, technical assistance and motivation, all of which can increase job satisfaction (Inuwa, 2016). Moreover,
the existence of work colleagues who are always willing to help each other when facing difficulties at work, creating
a work environment conditions that are very pleasant and supportive will also improve employee performance. The
results of this study are in line with research conducted by Yuliandi (2019) about the effect of job satisfaction on
employee performance where it was found that job satisfaction has a positive effect on employee performance. Also,
research conducted by Marliani (2016) and Eliyana & Ma'arif (2019) also found that there is a significant positive
influence between the job satisfaction variable on employee performance variables.
This research has clarified some previous studies related to the concepts of motivation, job satisfaction, and
employee performance. The analysis shows that motivation can increase job satisfaction and employee performance
(Roberts & David, 2020). This study also provides important implications related to theories about motivation, job
satisfaction, and their impact on employee performance. Furthermore, the results of this study also confirm previous
studies related to the relationship between motivation, job satisfaction, and performance employees (Rinny et al., 2020:
Saban et al., 2020). The findings of this study further clarify the important role of motivation in increasing job
satisfaction. The results of the analysis explain that employees who feel the work done as part of personal life believe
that motivation is an important factor in increasing satisfaction work (Ramli, 2019). Also, employees who successfully
complete challenging tasks can lead to increased job satisfaction (Mira et al., 2019). Therefore, the company
management needs to pay attention to factors that can accommodate various characteristics of individual employees,
such as providing opportunities for employees to learn new skills, create a more conducive working atmosphere,
provide basic needs, and maintain better working conditions.
Furthermore, this study emphasizes the importance of motivation, especially introjected regulation (Ryan & Deci,
2000) because it is considered capable of improving employee performance, therefore, it must always be maintained
Carvalho, A. da C., Riana, I. G., & Soares, A. de C. (2020). Motivation on job satisfaction and employee
performance. International Research Journal of Management, IT and Social Sciences, 7(5), 13-23.
20 ISSN: 2395-7492
and improved. A motivated employee will always try to perform every job in every best way possible to achieve
success. Also, satisfied employees will always try to promote mutual help work-environment between employees,
which will in turn improve job performance by the employees.
4 Conclusion
Motivation has a significant effect on employee performance, this means that motivation is needed to support all
company activities better. Employees who have high motivation tend to contribute all their abilities to the company to
improve performance both in quality and quantity. Motivation has a positive and significant effect on job satisfaction,
this means that employees need to have motivation in carrying out work activities. Also, the company is deemed
necessary to create and maintain a condition where their employees are always feeling motivated to work. Employees
who have high motivation tend to be easier to feel satisfaction at work. Job satisfaction has a positive and significant
effect on employee performance, this means that company management needs to pay attention to the job satisfaction
of its employees. Satisfied employees with work and the environment will have increased motivation to improve its
capabilities, which in turn will increase its job performance.
Statement of authorship
The authors have a responsibility for the conception and design of the study. The authors have approved the final
We are grateful to two anonymous reviewers for their valuable comments on the earlier version of this paper.
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