Women Executives On Work-Life Balance: An Analytical Study
Women Executives On Work-Life Balance: An Analytical Study
Women Executives On Work-Life Balance: An Analytical Study
Abstract Women executives regularly try to fulfill the demands of their offices and once the day is over, they carry a greater amount of
obligations and duties at home. Life is a balancing act for them. The balance between work and an individual’s life is significant in modern
society. In organisations and on the home front, the challenge of work-life balance is rising. Human resource professionals are trying to retain
the employees by providing them the highest level of job satisfaction. The present paper examines the role of work-life balance practices in
context of women executives in different sectors. The researcher has analysed the different stressors that arise due to improper work-life
balance and the different policies adopted by the organisations to make their women employees more flexible, satisfied and productive.
as changes in marital patterns and smaller families. This has employees and extend the helping hand whenever required.
led to an increase in the number of working women and,
Bharat (2003) postulates that work-life balance is a key
hence, working mothers.
issue in all types of employment as dual-career families
Marks and MacDermid (1996) state that work-family have become ommon and high work demands with long
balance reflects an individual’s orientation across different working hours have become the norm. The importance of
life roles, an inter-role phenomenon. helping employees achieve a balance between the demands
of their work and their home lives has been emphasized.
The issue of work-life balance has been stimulated by writers
Demographic changes as seen in the increasing number
advocating he arrival of Generation X (Tulgan, 1996), a
of women in the workplace and dual career families have
cohort of workers who give greater priority to seeking a
generated an increasingly diverse workforce and a greater
balance between work and the rest of life.
need of employees to balance their work and non-work lives.
Scott, Moore, and Miceli (1997) have linked it to three
relatively stable personality types, the achievement-oriented, Research Methodology Adopted for
the perfectionist and the compulsive-dependent.
Current Study
Clark (2000) has dissected the concept of “family friendly”
to distinguish practices associated with temporal flexibility Research Design
which give workers some control over the work, operational
flexibility which give control through autonomy over the Analytical Research Design
content of work, and supportive supervision which allows
for rules to be flexible in the case of family crises, illness This type of research emphasizes on the analysis of certain
and so on. points/theories/issues to find out the facts about given
situation. Analysis helps to clarify certain facts and to react
There are some organisations who need to create Human
on it accordingly.
Resource policies which create positive,developing and
cooperative environment so that work-life balance can be Sample: 272 questionnaires were selected out of 350
well taken care of. Perry-Smith and Blum (2001) report a US respondents.
study on “bundles” of family-friendly practices and corporate
performance. They find, in line with other research on HRM,
that isolated family-friendly practices will have little impact Collection of Data
but that a comprehensive bundle of practices are associated
with superior ratings of corporate performance. Research has Primary data have been collected through questionnaire.
concentrated on the demands of work rather than home.
Hochschild (1997) suggests that the use of progressive Analysis of Data
human resource practices to generate commitment to work
can risk making work almost too attractive. In contrast, the The collected data have been suitably classified and tabulated
life of the American parent is increasingly programmed to in the form of table and graph with the appropriate statistical
meet a series of time-based obligations to transport children, technique SPSS 15 software has used for necessary statistical
meet specific needs and set aside “quality” time. Nowadays test. The data analysis and conclusion were drawn on the
human resource practices are needed to be designed in such basis of parametric test at 5% level of significance.
a manner that the employee could meet the demands of
office and home simultaneously. This type of environment Objectives of the Study
will make the job attractive and retention of employee will
become easy. 1. To find out the benefit of work-life balance for women
employees and the organisations.
Study by Kossek, Colquitt, and Noe (2001), building on
2. To find out the relation of work-life balance with the
some of Kossek’s earlier work, has examined the influence
productivity of employees.
of both work and family climate on aspects of work-life
balance and related outcomes. The main focus of the study 3. To find out the role of employer in creating a balance
was based on the fulfilling the requirement of dependent between career and personal life of the employee.
family members. The key issues are where they should be 4. To find out the different ways of managing stress arise
cared for and by whom. due to improper work-life balance.
The work climate needs to be cooperative and cordial. The
employee should take into consideration the need of other
My job gave me enough time to take care of my relatives and friends, when
My job gave me enough time for the welfare of the society.
The responses of the respondents were statistically analysed. The higher mean score in
more time is available for that task. If the overall average score is more than 3, it is pr
Women Executives on Work-Life Balance: An Analytical Study ... 45
that the person is able to balance her work and life otherwise not.
Analysis and Interpretation of Data Table 1: Age of the Respondents
<Table head> Table 1: Age of the Respondents
350 respondents gave response on the questionnaire but few Age No. of respondants Percentage
questionnaires were incomplete, that’s why only 272 was No. of Percentage
under 30 97 36
selected and others were excluded. Maximum respondents Age respondants
30-39under 30 82 97 30 36
are under the age of 30 and least number of respondents are
40-49 30-39 74 82 27 30
above 50. Table 1 shows the detail of age of respondents.
To find out the level of work-life balance among female above 40-49
50 19 74 7 27
employees the respondants were asked to give their response above 50 19 7
Source: Questionnaire
Source: Questionnaire
to most of the questions based on the 5 point Likert scale
ranging from strongly disagree (1) to strongly agree (5).
These questions covered statements consisting of following
1. Efficiency and Effectiveness at Work
• I usually meet all my targets.
• I am an effective and efficient employee.
• I am satisfied with my job.
• My performance is as per the expectation of my
2. Time for self <Figue head> Fig. 1: Chart Showing Age-Wise Distribution of Respondents
• My job gave me enough time to take rest and have Fig. 1: Chart Showing Age-Wise Distribution of
sufficient sleep. For the purpose of comparison depending upon their age, the respondents were divided in
groups. First group- under 30, second group-30-39, third group-40-49 and the last group w
• My job gave me enough time for entertainment.
above 50.
• My job gave me enough time for hobbies. For the purpose of comparison depending upon their age,
• My job gave me enough time for personal<Table
care. head> theTable
respondents werethat
2: Factors divided into four
Hinders groups. First
Work-Life group-
Balance (in Percentage)
3. Family commitments under 30, second group-30-39, third group-40-49 and the
last group was above
Factors Long50. Meetings Travelling
• My job gave me enough time for the routine work working after office Away
of home. / Table
Rank2: Factors hours hours
that Hinders Work-Life Balance
• My job gave me enough time for teaching and 1 58 (in Percentage)56 16
playing with my child. 2 27 34 21
• My job gave me enough time for shopping. 3
Long working
4 - 5 20
• My job gave me enough time for outing with my / Rank hours after office Away
5 - -
family. Source: Questionnaire
• My job gave me enough time for attending the 1 58 56
family functions. 2 27 34 21
4. Social Commitments 3 15 5 20
• My job gave me enough time for attending the 4 - 5 20
social functions. 5 - - 23
• My job gave me enough time to take care of my Source: Questionnaire
relatives and friends, when required.
From Table 2, it is clear that irrespective of the age, long
• My job gave me enough time for the welfare of the working hours is the foremost impediment in balancing the
society. life of a female employee. Meeting after office hours is the
The responses of the respondents were statistically analysed. second most factor that causes imbalance and the last rank
The higher mean score indicates more time is available for goes with travelling away. It doesn’t effect much as travelling
that task. If the overall average score is more than 3, it is happens once in a while for most of the female employees.
presumed that the person is able to balance her work and life
otherwise not.
46 Journal of Strategic Human Resource Management Volume 5 Issue 3 October 2016
Factors Vacations/paid Maternity leave/ Support from Colleaques Family sup- Other external support
/ Rank holidays child care leave and superiors port like
<Table head> Table 5: Work-life Balance oncrèches, maid
Different etc
1 17.25 21.5 46 38 14.87
2 15.48 35.5 S.No. 25 Parameters 27 10.67 Mean Score
3 17.27 15 1 29 Efficiency and effectiveness
26 at work 24.02 3.89
4 25 14 2 Time for self 9 25.21 1.23
5 25 14 3 Family commitments 25.23 2.35
Source: Questionnaire
4 Social Commitments 2.12
Source: Questionnaire
About 46% female employees feel that the support of their Table 6: Health Effects Due to Improper Work-Life
colleaques and boss/ superior is the foremost required head> Table 6: Health Effects
factor Due to Improper Work-Life Balance
which helps in balancing their work life. Second rank goes
to the family support with 38 %.third, fourth and fifth rank Health Effects Percentage
Health Effects Percentage
goes to maternity leave/child care leave, vacations or paid Stress 80
Stress 80
holidays and other external support with 21.5 %, 17.25 % Lack of exercise 72
and 14.87% respectively. Lack of exercise 72
Insomnia 36
Table 4: Work Life Balance on the Basis of Family Exhaustion
Exhaustion 58
Type Depression
Depression 27
Poor health
health 32
Type of No. of respon- A bal- Percentage Others
Others 9
Source: Questionnaire
Family dents anced
life Source: Questionnaire
Nuclear 180 72 40
Joint 92 73 79
Source: Questionnaire
Women Executives on Work-Life Balance: An Analytical Study ... 47
impediment in balancing the life of a female employee and profitability, cordial working relationships among
(58%). Meeting after office hours is the second most factor employees, and between employee and employer,
that causes imbalance (56%) and the last rank goes with building diversity in skills and personnel, more
travelling away. It doesn’t effect much as travelling happens team work, reduction of loads, improved customers
once in a while for most of the female employees (16%). services, it also improves recruitment and retention
of employees So, it is necessary for organisations to
On four parameters of work-life balance viz. efficiency and
take up this issue seriously because work-life balance
effectiveness at work, time for self, family commitments,
would ensure many benefits.
and social Commitments, three parameters are not getting
adequate time (mean Score 1.23, 2.35, 2.12 respectively)
except the activities under “efficiency and effectiveness at Role of Organisation in Creating
work” (mean score-3.89). Balance between Career and
Among the different work-life balance factors, support Personal Life of Employees
from colleagues is the most important (46%) and second
most important factor is support from family that helps in After getting response from different respondents, researcher
balancing the work life (38%), third, fourth and fifth rank felt that there is a need of some programme in organisations
goes to maternity leave/child care leave, vacations or paid which can help in maintaining good work-life balance. Here
holidays, and other external support with 21.5 %,17.25 % are some of the steps which can be adopted and make women
and 14.87% respectively. employee’s life simple.
There are different health effects due to improper work- 1. Assessment of organisational objectives, both short-
life balance. The study has shown that the respondent has term and long-term.
marked not only one effect, but more than one effect on 2. Assess the manpower inventory.
health due to improper work life balance.These are stress 3. Find out the need/requirement of employee. Create a
(80%), lack of exercise (72%) , insomnia (36%), exhaustion policy or guideline to fulfill the need.
(58%), depression (27%), poor health (32%), and other
4. Set realistic goals. Address fears and apprehension
problems (9%).
expressed by employees.
5. Make clear the methods of monitoring the hours,
Benefits of Work-Life Balance to productivity and deadlines to employees.
Employees and Organisation 6. Create awareness among all the employees of the
company about the benefits and challenges.
• A well-designed and well-managed plan offers
some advantages to both, women employees and 7. Monitor and make necessary adjustments.
organisations. Women employees can work effectively 8. Act on recommendations for modification or for
when she carry less burden from the home front. further enhancements.
Ladies are looking for work environments that
permit them adaptable hours, longer maternity leave Strategies for Removing Stress due to
and low maintenance alternatives among different
contemplations. This allows them to improves Improper Work-Life Balance
their morale and sense of belongingness, career
progression, energised, more fulfillment from work, The respondent suggested the following strategies which
higher productivity due to peace of mind as their may put some impact on stress. Stress is one of the major
own well-being and that of their families is assured, problems of females in India. Many working women in India
improved social relationships, btter physical and are not able to balalnce their work life as they are not able
mental health, making choices about your priorities, to fulfill the commitment on both sides and this leads them
rather than sacrifices among them, more leisure time to to stress. It is urgently required to overcome that stress and
spend with loved ones, or time for yourself, flexibility beat the depression.
to meet family needs, personal obligations, and life 1. The workload of elderly women can be reduced by
responsibilities conveniently and all this leads to work- sharing their household work with the family and
life balance and job satisfaction. official works with the colleagues and subordinates at
• While organisations advantage from reducing stress, the workplace.
low absenteeism, low health and recruitment cost, 2. Long working hours increase stress in females. It can
lower staff turnover, more faithful and dedicated be reduced by giving good number of breaks between
employees with high morale and higher productivity the working hours or shift timings can be framed to
48 Journal of Strategic Human Resource Management Volume 5 Issue 3 October 2016