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P.J. Harvey, Development Director, Purac Ltd

blanket, lamella and conventional sedimentation

ABSTRACT systems. There are now in excess of 100 flotation
Over the last 30 years dissolved air flotation, works in the UK.
DAF, has become recognised as the leading process
to pretreat certain waters particularly impounded, Over this period, however, there were no major
coloured, soft waters prone to algal blooms. The advances in the technology. Mechanical systems
compact nature of the technology also makes it became more robust and reliable, the process
particularly appropriate for works that have to be adapted well to the “PLC” era and the industry as a
enclosed or located in restricted locations. The whole became comfortable with DAF. One radical
technology has been adopted throughout development was Thames Water’s COCODAFTM
Scandinavia, the UK and more recently the North system, a combined flotation filter which offers
American and Asian markets. In many respects the some benefits with respect to plant footprint.
underlying technology and loading rates have not
changed significantly over the 30 years period. The UK water industry to a large extent finished
Recent work shows that the process can be its water treatment works program at the end of
intensified to provide even smaller plant footprints 1995 in accordance with the European Union
timetable. Further optimization and process
KEYWORDS intensification of DAF is now driven by other
Dissolved air flotation, flotation, water markets, for example the USA. Here the surface
treatment, clarification, DAF, flocculation water treatment rule is providing a real impetus for
Dissolved air flotation for potable water 2. DISCUSSION
treatment became popular in Scandinavia in the
1960’s. The benefits of the process were its 2.1 BASIC PROCESS
compact nature, an ability to treat cold, soft The basis process is shown diagrammatically in
coloured waters and the fact that polymer addition Figure 1, with the main component parts identified.
was not required. In the early 1970’s the process
Figure 1: Process Schematic
was introduced to the UK once again primarily for
the treatment of impounded waters, similar to the
Scandinavian applications and particularly for
waters that suffered from algal blooms. The Water
Research Association at Medmenham UK, now the
WRC, took an interest in the process and workers
like Packham, Richards, Melbourne, Rees & Zabel
produced some excellent reviews and work in the
subsequent period. Contractors providing the
process used both their own proprietary or licensed
designs from the WRC. Initially in the UK a
conservative water industry took time to fully 2.1.1 FLOCCULATION STAGE
appreciate the value of the process with power Treatment chemicals are generally flash mixed
requirement and plant complexity cited as major as appropriate into the flow prior to the flocculation
problems for the process. However, over the next stage. Until recently flocculation has typically
10 or so years the process became the accepted comprised two stages with total retention times of
norm for many situations, replacing various sludge 20 to 30 minutes. There are some examples of three
stages systems and also plants with lower retention 2.1.3 FLOTATION ZONE
times. On occasions it has been found necessary to Flotation tanks can be circular or rectangular the
dose chemicals between stages for instance: latter being the more common for potable water
treatment. Unit cell sizes have varied from 1 to 225
• polymer between stages 1 & 2 on a plant m2. Tank width is generally restricted to 7-8 m
removing high iron content from a goundwater when surface sludge scrapers are employed and
• potassium permanganate between stages 1 & 2 lengths of up to 20 m have been used. In practice
on a plant removing manganese length to width ratios are 2 to 2.5 :1. The tank depth
• powdered activated carbon between stages 1 & is generally 2 to 3 m often simply to fit the
2 on a plant with a periodic taste problem hydraulic profile or promote constructional
simplicity. More work is required on flotation tank
Conventional wisdom and experience was that geometry as discussed below.
the energy for flocculation should be tapered in the
range from 70 to 10G to promote the requisite floc 2.1.4 RECYCLE SYSTEM
growth. This view is no longer considered optimal There are many systems for the production of
and a more even higher G level is proposed along dissolved air for water treatment, the process itself
with shorter residence times. The best type of floc in mass transfer terms is simple to achieve. For
for DAF are small, robust flocs that will not shear potable water treatment where the recycle flow is
downstream in the process either during transport to essentially solids free and power efficiency is at a
the flotation vessel or in the contact zone. This is premium then packed saturators have become the
discussed further below. norm in the UK. Overall power input for DAF is
typically 21 to 25 kW/Ml of which the majority is
2.1.2 CONTACT ZONE attributable to the pressurized recycle flow. A
In many ways this is the most critical area where packed saturator will achieve > 90% saturation
we wish to achieve bubble-floc attachment without efficiency while the more simple eductor,
floc shear. Air microbubbles for flotation are impingement and spray designs fall well short of
produced by releasing the dissolved air through an this value, typically 70 to 80%. For smaller
injection device either needle valves or nozzles. package water treatment and most wastewater
Typically 6 to 10% of the main flow is recycled at applications simple non-packed units are eminently
500-600kPa giving an air input of some 6 to 10 gms suitable.
air/m3 of the main flow depending on water
temperature. The average bubble size produced is All Operators are interested in reducing power
some 40 micron (range typically 10 to 100 micron) costs. By improving injection valve or nozzle
and this results in the order of 2.5x1011 bubbles/m3. performance water quality can be improved and
power cost reduced. Figure 2 shows the results of
The conflicting requirements of the injection nozzle improvements at an Anglian Water site in the
device and assembly are: UK which sought to minimise nozzle exit velocities
and turbulence. The resultant savings on this works
• reduction of high water pressure, resulting in equate to some $20,000/annum on this 40,000
high velocities and allowing the formation of m3/day works.
• introduction of microbubbles into the main
flow without promoting high shear or
turbulence that breaks down floc
• prevention of any significant coalescence of air

Many problems with DAF plant have been due

to the production of microflocs that cannot be
removed by either flotation or the subsequent
filtration stage. Microflocs can occur if either the
flocculation process and/or the injection device do
not function satisfactorily. Some waters are more Figure 2: Effect of Nozzle Design on Plant Performance
prone to this than others. Sometimes a poor
injection arrangement has been overcome, or
masked, by the addition of polymer to the
flocculation stage.
This provides a step change in recycle rate which
coarsely follows the plant main flow.

Also algorithms have been developed that vary

the saturator pressure between typically 400 and
600 kPa as the main flow and also temperature
changes. This is perhaps the most common
approach as it is relatively inexpensive to provide.

It is also possible to provide motorised needle

valve assemblies which continuously vary the
recycle rate to maintain a recycle percentage set
2.1.5 SLUDGE REMOVAL AND point. These systems are very common on
TREATMENT wastewater works for tertiary applications where
The floated sludge at the surface will reach a their ability to self compensate for valve blockage
solids content of 5 to 6%w/w if allowed to due to the solids in the recycle stream is a real
accumulate. However it is important that when the advantage.
sludge is removed it does not cause major spikes in
floated water turbidity. The three common ways to The other main aspect of the process to control is
remove surface sludge are given in Table 1. sludge removal. Sludge scrapers and flippers tend to
run continuously at a slow rate while decant
Table 1: Floated Sludge Removal Systems arrangement are initiated on cumulative plant
throughput, perhaps combined with inlet turbidity.
Typical Sludge Scrapers can be set up to run intermittently to
Concentration maximise sludge thickness however the floated
Method %w/w Comment water turbidity spike during the periodic scrape may
Sludge skimmer 2.5 to 4 Can be directly be unacceptable.
dewatered. Does
not flow easily. Original concerns over DAF plant complexity
Most expensive, have long been overcome. In the UK fully
most maintenance. automated three stage treatment works will
Sludge Flipper 1.5 to 2.5 Generally flows normally be manned on a one shift/day, 5 day/week
basis. Weekends may be covered with a brief visit.
Intermediate cost
and maintenance.
Sludge Decant 0.5 to 1.5 Raise or lower 2.2 TYPICAL APPLICATIONS AND
sludge over weirs. PERFORMANCE
Simple, least
expensive. 2.2.1 NEW WORKS
Perhaps now the first choice process for soft,
The choice of system depends on the plant coloured impounded waters particularly when algal
capacity, the overall sludge handling flowsheet and blooms are a problem. Being a high rate process it is
sludge disposal route. ideal for works where space is a premium or when
planning restrictions dictate the plant building needs
2.1.6 PROCESS CONTROL to be camouflaged or similar. A good example is the
An original criticism of the process was that it is Holmbridge works for Yorkshire Water which is
difficult to maintain a set percentage recycle flow as situated in a national parkland. Completed in 1994
the main process flow varies, to minimise power this 35,000m3/day plant has four DAF streams, two
costs. However the process can be taken on and off stages of filtration and is situated underground.
line very quickly, typically 5 to 10 minutes, which
means the number of flotation streams on line can
be optimised with plant throughput. It is also
possible to change the recycle flow to a certain Photograph 1: Holmbridge Water Treatment Works -
Construction Stage
extent through the control system. In plants with set
nozzles or similar devices, multiple banks can be
installed and switched “in and out” as the main flow
• True colour; < 5 Hazen
• Turbidity; < 1 FTU
• Residual coagulant; 0.5mg/1
• Algal removal; variable, typically
90%+, up to 99.5%

With respect to Cryptosporidium early work

indicated that removal of ooscysts is similar for
DAF and sedimentation at 1.5 to 3 log, provided
coagulation is effective (HMSO, 1995). More
recently Edzwald and Kelley 1998 have reported
superior performance of DAF compared to
Photograph 2: Holmbridge Water Treatment Works - sedimentation although more plant scale operating
Internal View data is required.


The process has been adopted in many situations
to upgrade existing works to improve quality,
increase throughput or both. Many of the older
direct filtration plants in the UK have been uprated
by DAF pretreatment with spectacular results,
extending the life of existing assets.

It is often possible to convert existing structures

from sedimentation to DAF. One interesting
conversion is the Metropolitan Utilities Corporation
plant at Ipoh in Malaysia (Beaumont, 1994). Here
existing sedimentation tanks where converted at a
low cost to increase the output from the
pretreatment plant from 91,000 to 275,000m3/day as
Being a high rate process means that road demand increased. This was a challenging project
transportable steel DAF plants provide both a high that resulted in the worlds largest potable water
unit throughput and a fast track solution to drought flotation basins, 225 m2, treatment treating a direct
or emergency needs. For example a 35m2 unit, road river extraction with inlet turbidities up to 350NTU.
transportable in the UK, can provide typically Polymer is provided on this plant and average
10,000m3/day. floated turbidities of 2NTU are achieved compared
Photograph 3: Drought Relief Package with 3.5NTU from the parallel sedimentation
Plant process.


Combined flotation filters are offered by several
companies in the UK, PURAC, Paterson Candy Ltd.
and Krofta, the original PURAC FlofilterTM patent
being filed in 1967. In these filters the flotation
zone is directly above the filter bed so the plant
footprint is considerably reduced. The Flofilter
package units became very popular in the UK
during the 1976 drought and some of these units are
still in operation 22 years on.

More recently the Paterson Candy Ltd.

COCODAFTM has been applied at several sites in
the UK including the 200MLD works at Walton for
Thames Water. This innovative countercurrent
system is described by Eades et al (1997).
A well operated DAF plant will typically
provide water with the following quality: The loading rate that can be applied to the
combined process is limited so as not to drag air
bubbles down into the filter bed. At low Filter effluent 0.01 0.04
temperatures, < 5C, this essentially limits the Temperature C 2.70 5.80
loading to ca 15 m3/m2/hr. Coag. Fe mg/1 5.70 5.10

Also care has to be taken with respect to the Note! Mixing intensity G=70sec-1
process chemistry and choice of coagulant. Certain
waters with high natural iron, aluminium and 2.3.2 FLOTATION
manganese levels may require pH adjustment One of the problems with the conventional DAF
between the DAF and filter stages especially if a process is that there becomes a loading rate at which
ferric based coagulant is used. This is not possible bubbles are removed with the subnatant. The
with flotation filters. loading at which this occurs depends primarily upon
temperature and its effect on the water viscosity. If
2.3 PROCESS INTENSIFICATION air carries forward to the subsequent filtration stage
Prompted by potential for DAF in the USA and it will blind the filter bed causing a rapid headloss
international market, over the last 10 years many development. There have been some full scale
academics and process companies have been plants that have suffered this problem, and
looking to intensify the overall DAF process. This is combined flotation filters are particularly prone.
particularly relevant for the larger drinking water
projects around the world that are adopting DAF as In recent work, some of which has been reported
the clarification stage, for example the Tai Po (Dahlquist, 1997), internal air removal devices have
1,200,000m3/day project in Hong Kong. As a result been developed to overcome this problem. Such
the PURAC Group has co sponsored work at the devices potentially extend the loading rates that can
Universities of Massachusetts, Lund and be applied to DAF beyond 40m3/m2/hr. The results
Gothenburg (Chalmers) with a view to achieving a of this work are now being incorporated into full
3 to 4 times process intensification of the scale plant design. A recent pilot study, as yet
flocculation-flotation process. unreported, at Newport News USA gave very
encouraging results. For this study certain
It is important to remember that in practice we performance criteria were set:
are considering the overall integrated performance
of the water treatment process. Chemical mixing, • DAF subnatant < goal 0.5 NTU, accept
flocculation, DAF and filtration all interrelate to turbidity 1 NTU
provide the final water quality and ultimate plant • Filtrate turbidity < 0.1 NTU
cost. Such interrelations need to be considered in • Unit Filter Run goal > 500m3/m2,
any development programme. Volume UFRV; accept 200m3/m2
(to 2.4m headloss)
It is now accepted that long flocculation In all cases the flocculation time was ca 6 mins
residence times with tapered G values designed to at a G value of 70 and DAF loadings were 17, 22
produce large flocs is totally inappropriate for the and 44m3/m2/hr. At the base, 17m3/m2/hr, case all
DAF process. With the right coagulation chemistry project criteria were met. At the intermediate case
robust , small, shear resistant flocs can be produced 22m3/m2/hr, filtrate qualities were met, and the
at residence times as low as 5 minutes at internal air removal resulted in higher UFRV still in
temperatures less than 5C. This has been excess of the 500 value. At the high loading,
demonstrated in the laboratory, in pilot tests 44m3/m2/hr, while the internal air removal gave
(Valade et al, 1996) and is now being applied to full superior results it did not meet project criteria
scale plant. except for the filtrate turbidity.

We can conclude from this that at rates above

25m3/m2/hr some type of air removal will be
beneficial and at some point between 25 and
Table 2: Effect of Flocculation Time on DAF 44m3/m2/hr the process may reach its current upper
performance (Valade et al, 1996) limit. Work continues to extend the upper limit and
improve the internal air removal device.
5 mins 10 mins
Flocculation Flocculation To date the internal air removal system has
Turbidity NTU Turbidity NTU comprised lamella plates, structured packing or
Raw Water 1.04 0.89 similar. Figure 3 shows the general principle.
DAF Subnatant 1.01 0.80 Patent applications have been filed. Further work is
being undertaken to optimise flotation tank 3. CONCLUSIONS
geometry by the study of internal flow patterns in The process of dissolved air flotation has yet to
both laboratory and plant scale studies. be fully optimised and further work is needed to
maximise loading rates, minimise power input,
Figure 3: Internal Air Removal Concept reduce air carry over at high loadings and
streamline flotation tank hydraulic design. Such
work should be carried out as part of an integrated
approach to treatment considering both upstream
flocculation and downstream filtration optimisation
and performance.

The process will become more widely used

internationally particularly if optimised to reduce
whole life costs on the larger treatment works. The
process will also become more evident in the New
Zealand market for both new works and plant

Table 3 shows the effect on plan area of a The Author wishes to thank Tony Amato,
conventional versus an intensified DAF process Technology Manager for Purac Ltd, for his
design. A process intensification of 3 represents a assistance in the preparation of this paper.
major capital cost saving plus potential for
upgrading existing plant. REFERENCES
Table 3: Potential of Process Intensification Beaumont, F. (1994) ‘Use of dissolved air flotation
processes, case study at Parit treatment
Conventional Intensified works’. Malaysian Water Association
Flocculation Time Mins 20 5 Journal, 7-20.
DAF loading rate
m3/m2/hr 12 30 Dahlquist, J. (1997) ‘The state of DAF development
Plan area per 100m3/hr and applications to water treatment in
(at 3m depth) 194 61 Scandinavia’. The Chartered Institute of
Process intensification 1 3.2 Water and Enviromental Management,
Dissolved Air Flotation, International
2.4 PROCESS POTENTIAL IN NEW Conference, April 1997- London, 201-213
To the Authors knowledge there are currently Eades, A, Jordan. D, and Scheidler, S. (1997)
two DAF plants in potable service in New Zealand ‘Counter current dissolved air flotation
the 60,000 m3/day works at Wainuiomata, near COCODAF’. The Chartered Institute of
Wellington, and the recently installed 1,500m3/day Water and Enviromental Management ,
Port Chalmers plant for Dunedin City Council. Dissolved Air Flotation, International
Recently there has also been both Tender and Conference, April 1997- London, 323-340
Expression of Interest documentation in circulation
for a number of potential DAF schemes. Edzwald, J. K. and Kelley, M. B. (1998) ‘Control
of Cryptosporidium; from reservoirs to
Both the nature of many impounded waters and clarifiers to filters’. Wat. Sci. Tech. Vol. 37,
the size of potential treatment works in New 2, 1-8.
Zealand are very similar to the UK where DAF is
very widely used. Sources which previously may HMSO (1995) ‘Cryptosporidium in water supplies,
have been treated by direct filtration alone are likely second report of the group of experts’.
now to include a pre-treatment stage. Existing
direct filtration works may also require upgrading to Valade, M.T., Edzwald,J.K., Tobiason, J.E.,
meet performance criteria. Enhanced DAF Dalquist, J., Hedberg, T., and Amato, T.,
processes supplied as packages for smaller works or (1996) ‘Pretreatment effects on particle
as custom plant for the major schemes will removal by flotation and filtration’. JAWWA,
undoubtedly find a place in the market. 88 (12): 35-47

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