Course Introduction and Intro Class Lecture - 1

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Mahesh Raj Bhatt

Structural/Civil Engineer
[email protected]

Address: Permanent: Darchula , Far Western Nepal

Temporary: Bhaktapur Nepal

Master in Structural Engineering (2017)
Kathmandu University Nepal
Bachelor of Civil Engineering (2014)
Pokhara University Nepal
Intermediate in Physical Science (2009)
Tribhuwan University Nepal
All birds find shelter during rain, but The eagle avoids rain by flying above the cloud. Problems
are common, but attitude makes different.
-APJ Abdul Kalam
Work Experience:
I. Lecturer (Kathmandu University, currently )
II. Lecturer (Mid Western University, 2018)
III. Structural Engineer (Consultant)
IV. Free lancer Structural Engineer
V. Visiting Faculty (KU, 2015)
VI. Civil Engineer ( 2014/2015, NPC, NDVS)

Scholarship received:
I. M.E. full scholarship ( UGC Nepal)
II. Bachelor full scholarship (UGC Nepal)
Awards & honors:
I. Research Grant (small RDI) as Co-Author, UGC
Nepal, Kathmandu University, 2018
II.Masters thesis research Support ( UGC Nepal,
III.Award of Deans List Pokhara University (2014)
IV. Student of the batch, Pokhara University
V.Student of the batch , Siddhanath Science
campus (2009)
VI.Student of the batch, Latinath Higher
Secondary School
and received several awards form school, college, university in
academic and other social sector from various societies and
International visit as an academic:
I. Visited Japan for disaster management course for ten
days (2017)
Soft skills:
I. Good command in analysis and design
software's like SAP/ETABS/STAAD-Pro etc.
II. Good command in programming tools like
MATLAB, C, C++, SW-DTM etc.
III. Good in drafting tools like AUTO-CAD (2D &
3D) & Sketch-Up etc.
Leadership quality:
I. Executive President of (SOCES-PU), a
technical society of civil engineering students,
Pokhara University
II. Team leader final year project, BE Civil, 2014
III.Team leader, Survey camp, BE Civil, 2013
Research interests:
o Structural Engineering
o Earthquake engineering
o Masonry & Earthen Structures
o Dam Engineering and Hydraulic Structures
i. International/National online journal article
ii. International conference paper
iii. National symposium paper
iv. Several Technical magazine articles

Member of professional organizations:

I. Nepal Engineering Council (NEC)
II. Nepal Engineers Associations (NEA)
III. Sakura Science club, Japan (JST, Sakura )
Current responsibility:
I. Lecturer, Kathmandu University School of
Engineering, Department of Civil Engineering
(Teaching in Master and Bachelor level)
Additional plan ( in KU)
• Training students Design tools/ Software like
(SAP/ETABS etc.) (Structural design software)
• Doing research in Civil/Structural Engineering
Destination of life:
• Contributing to the higher education system of
Nepal as an academic (Engineering and overall
education system)
• Contributing to make ground based education
system in Nepal
Contact Detail:
Mobile: 9848741565
Email: [email protected]
[email protected]
Kathmandu University
Hydraulic Structures (CIEG 304)
Year: III
Semester: I
Course credit: 3= (15*3 = 45 Teaching hours)
Evaluation/Examination Scheme
Total Marks 100 ,
(Internal 50%) and Final 50%
Lecture 2 and Tutorials 1
Course Objectives:
1. to provide basic concepts for the hydraulic
2. Types of dam and their analysis steps, design
procedures and stability principles
3. Stability and design procedures of hydraulic
structures (focus on Dam)

• Students should acquire sufficient knowledge of
Strength of Materials, Fluid Mechanics and
Hydrology before going through this course.
1. Introduction to hydraulic Structures (4hr.)
i. Water resources use and its economic development aspects
ii. Classification of hydraulic structure
iii. Concept of hydraulic engineering
iv. Problems and purposes of hydraulic structures
v. Special Purpose hydraulic structure
vi. Water resources project and development (system)
vii. Flow behaviour and hydraulic structures
viii. Protection of scouring
ix. Effects of Seepage flow
x. Hydraulic structure and their relationship with foundation
xi. Matter of concern in hydraulic design
xii. Safety requirement for structures and Foundation
unit2: Analysis of Forces acting on Hydraulic
Structure (2 Hrs.)
i. Hydrostatic and hydrodynamic pressure
ii. Cavitation's
iii. Cavitation's control
iv. Aeration of flow
Unit 3: Dams & Gravity Dam (12 Hrs.)
i. Introduction
ii. Classification according to use
iii. Classification according to hydraulic design
iv. Classification according to material
v. Physical factors governing selection of type of a dam
vi. Selection of site for a dam
vii. Gravity Dams, Introduction , Forces acting on gravity dam –Water
pressure, weight of dam, uplift pressure
viii. Earthquake pressure (effect of horizontal, vertical acceleration)
ix. Ice pressure
x. Wave pressure
xi. Silt pressure, Wind pressure
xii. Combination of Loading for design
xiii. Modes of failure
Unit 3: Dams…
xiii. Modes of failure
xiv. Stability Requirement
xv. Principal and Shear Stresses
xvi. Quality and strength of concrete and masonry in gravity dam
xvii. Principal stress
xviii. Hydraulic concrete
xviv. Stability analysis of gravity dam and methods of analysis
• Gravity method
• graphical method
• Analytical method
• Trial and twist method
• Slab analogy method
• Latice analogy method
Unit 3: Dams…
Experimental method (direct, indirect methods)
xx. Elementary profile of gravity dam
xxi. Forces acting on elementary profile
xxii. Determination of base width of elementary profile
xxiii. Stress criteria and stability criteria
xxiv. Practical Profile of a Gravity Dam
xxv. Limiting height of a Gravity Dam
xxvi. Design of Gravity Dams:
• Multiple step
• Single step
• Alternative method
xxvii. Galleries, Joints, Keys and water seals
xxviii. Control of cracking in concrete dams
#1 first internal examination
Unit 4: Arch Dam (4hr.)
i. Definition of arch dam,
ii. Types of arch dam: Constant radius, Variable radius,
Constant angle, Forces on arch dam
iii. Design method of arch dam: Thin cylinder theory,
Determination of central angle for minimum concrete,
Limitation of cylinder theory,
iv. The Elastic Theory, The trial load analysis
Unit 5: Buttress Dam (2 hr.)
i. Components of buttress dams
ii. Types of Buttress Dams
iii. Assignment#5
Unit 6: Earthen and Rock-fill dams (8hr.)
i. Definition and types of earthen dam
ii. Method of construction: Roll and fill, Hydraulic fill
iii. Causes of failure of earthen dam
iv. Criteria for safe design of earthen dam
v. Section of an earthen dam
vi. Downstream drainage system
vii. Preliminary dimension of earthen dam
viii. Stability analysis of earthen dam
ix. Stability of d/s slope during steady state
x. Method of locating centre of critical slip circle
(Fellenious method)
Unit 7: Seepage through the Hydraulic Structure
(8 hrs.)
i. Permeability of soil
ii. Gravity and capillary water
iii. Fundamentals of seepage theory
iv. Theoretical solution to seepage problem
v. Use of flow pattern
vi. Experimental and other methods of plotting
seepage flow nets
vii. ELECTRICAL hydrodynamic analogue method
viii.Solutions of practical seepage pressure problem
Unit 7: Seepage through the Hydraulic Structures…
ix. Method of drag coefficient
x. Drainage Vs seepage
xii. Free seepage in the hydraulic structure,
xiii.Dam with pervious foundation
xiv.Dam with core wall on impermeable foundation,
xv. Rock and earth fill dam with core wall
xvi.Rock fill dam with sloping screen
xvii.Dam with sloping screen and drainage
xviii.Seepage beneath structure on rock foundation
xviv.Elements of creep contour
Unit 8: Spillways and Appurtenant Works (5hrs.)
i. Definition and types of the spillways
ii. Types of spillway
iii. Separate spillway
iv. Chute, Stepped fall
v. Culvert surface
vi. Tunnel spillway
vii. Shaft spillway
viii. Appurtenant Structures
ix. River Transport and Hydraulic Power Facilities
x. Electric Power Generation Installation
xi. Fish-Pass Facilities
Assignment #8
#2nd internal examination
#project submission/presentation
Reference books:
1. “Hydraulics Structures”- M. M. Grishin
2. “Water Power Engineering”- M. M Dandekar and K N
3. “Irrigation and Water Power Engineering”- Dr. B.C.
Punmia, Dr. B.B. Lal Pande
4. Irrigation Engineering and Hydraulics Structures :
Santosh Kumar Garg (you must have it with you)
5. Fluid mechanics and hydraulic machines: R.K Rajput
6. Irrigation engineering and hydraulic structures: Er. SK
Sharma, S Chand Publication
Evaluation Scheme:
• The questions will cover all the chapters accordingly
Internal evaluation scheme:
Particular Marks Remarks
1. Attendance (> 80%) No Marks  Assignments submitted
within dead line will be
15% considered for full mark
2. Tutorials/Assignments
 Any delay will be considered
due and Reduction of
3. 1st internal assessment 15% weightage of tutorial by 30%
if within one week
4. 2nd internal assessment 15%  And particular assignment
will not be considered if
5. Special 5% delay exceeds one week,
Assignment/Quiz/Project/Viv except valid reason

Expectation from students
i. Compulsory Attendance (except exceptional cases)
ii. Two way teaching / learning
iii. Honest and Formal behavior and Discussion
iv. Timely submission of assignments
v. Discipline
• Mobile off in class room
• No In/out during lecture time
• No Noise during lecture time
• No Disturbance to others
• Limitation of attitudes
• Only content based discussion
• Follow(exact) time schedule as per routine
Students should have
i. One Standard Book (self book, within one week)
ii. Laptop/computer ( at least of family member)
iii.Scientific calculator
iv.Class note copy
Important points
i. Attendance issue
ii. Internal examination
iii. Timely submission of Assignments
Additional project
• Suitable groups will be made for the design and analysis
of any Dam of Nepal: A Case Study
• Group based individual presentation will be taken for the
project evaluation
Introduction to the Students:

o Formal introduction (Student Name,

Residence(permanent and correspondence, High
Schooling, Aim of the life as Civil Engineer)

o Name and Email as per Class roll Number in attendance

copy (Student)
Any Questions ??
Ch1. Introduction
 Source or supply
 Form which benefit is produced
Resource types: The concept of resources applied in
diverse realms
i. Economic resources
ii. Biological resources
iii. Computer resources
iv. Natural resource
v. Labor or human resource
vi. Capital or infrastructure
Ch1. Introduction….
Characteristic of resources:
i. Utility
ii. Limited availability
iii. Potential for depletion or consumption

Resources can be categorized as

i. biotic versus abiotic
ii. renewable versus non-renewable
iii. potential versus actual
Ch1. Introduction….

Global vegetation: Coal Mine USA

rg/wiki/Resource i/Non-renewable_resource
Major river of Nepal formation/riversystem.php
Ch1. Introduction….photos of Hydropower construction
(components) All the photo credit:Kalanga Gad Hydroelectric Project 15.33 MW, Bajhang Nepal
photos of Hydropower construction (components)
Intake (head works)
(surge shaft and HRT etc.)

Major river of Nepal formation/riversystem.php
Ch1. Introduction….
Water resources:
 sources of water that are useful or potentially
useful to humans
 needed for life to be exist (flora and fauna)
Use of water:
i. Agricultural
ii. Industrial
iii. Household/domestic
iv. Recreational (swimming, boating, rafting etc.)
v. Environmental etc.
Ch1. Introduction….

Source: encyclopedia
Ch1. Introduction….
Economic aspect of water resource
 In early civilizations, water played a relatively
simple role
• It was needed for transportation and drinking
• and it provided a fishing and hunting source

As populations grow and economies expand

• water sectors are as financial and environmental aspect too
• National economy based on water ( many countries)
• Like Nepal water is major resource for economic development
Hydraulic structure
• A structure submerged or partially submerged in
any body of water which disrupts the natural flow
of water
• They can be used to divert, disrupt or completely
stop the flow
Dam, weir, spillway, guide bund etc.

A topic in engineering dealing with the mechanical
properties of liquids or fluids.
Concept of hydraulic engineering
Hydraulic engineering is
• sub-discipline of civil engineering
• concerned with the flow and conveyance of fluids
• principally water and sewage
use of gravity as the motive force to cause the movement of
the fluids
related to the design of
• Bridges
• Dams
• Channels
• Canals
• levees (flood water controlling structure)
Concept of hydraulic engineering..
problems dealing with the
i. Collection
ii. Storage
iii. control,
iv. transport, of water=concept of hydraulic Engineering
v. regulation,
vi. Measurement
vii. and use
The hydraulic engineer is concerned with
 the transport of sediment by the river
 the interaction of the water with its alluvial boundary
 and the occurrence of scour and deposition
Concept of hydraulic engineering..

The hydraulic engineer actually develops conceptual

designs for the various features which interact with
water such as
i. spillways and outlet works for dams
ii. culverts for highways
iii. canals and related structures for irrigation projects
iv. and cooling-water facilities for thermal power
Types of hydraulic structure

1. Dams
2. Weirs
3. Barrage
4. Canal head structures
5. Spillways
6. Cross drainage structures
7. Falls
8. River training structures
9. Guide banks etc.
Types of hydraulic structure

Dam (

Canal head regulator
Barrage regulator/
Types of hydraulic structure


Falls ( River banking (

resources/canal-falls-types-importance/12894/) training-3397272833.html)
Types of hydraulic structure

Guide bank for Sikta Irrigation project Sarda Barrage (river training works)
Hydraulic structure broad classifications
1) Storage structure: to store water e.g. dam, barriers
2) Conveyances structure: to transport water e.g. canal, pipe
3) Navigation and water way: to support water transportation e.g.
large canal for transportation
4) Measurement or control structure: to measure discharge in
particular conduit e.g. weir, gate
5) Energy conversion structure: to transfer hydraulic energy to
mechanical or electrical energy e.g. turbine etc.
6) Sediment or fish control structure: to direct fish, to regulate
sediment, e.g. fish ladder, silt extractor, silt excluder
7) Energy dissipation structure: to control hydraulic energy e.g.
spillway, falls
8) Collection structures: to collect water e.g. inlet in drainage is for
collection of run off water
9) Protection structures: e.g. guide bank, marginal bund, groynes/spur
Purpose of hydraulic structures:

i. Storage
ii. Conveyance
iii. Control/ flood
iv. Regulate/flow/ rise water level
v. Divert/direct in specified direction
vi. Safety for erosion
vii. Energy dissipate
viii. To convert energy from one to other form
ix. River bank protection
x. Environmental aspects/fish pass etc.
xi. Measure flow of water

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