PSD-182 Systems and Fixtures

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Systems and


PSD 182
Continuing Education from Plumbing Systems & Design



The American Society of Plumbing Engineers defi nes plumbing sys- 19. Helium
tems as all potable water supply and distribution pipes, plumbing fi 20. Deionized water
xtures and traps, drainage and vent pipes, and building (house) drains, 21. Distilled water Systems and Fixtures
including their respective joints and connections, devices, receptacles, 22. Water treatment
and appurtenances within the property lines of the premises and 23. Liquid soap dispensing
including potable water piping, potable water treating or using equip- 24. Disinfectant
ment, fuel gas piping, water heaters, and vents for same. 25. Food waste disposal and solid waste handling
A model code defi nes plumbing systems as “all potable water build- 26. Radioactive waste
ing supply and distribution pipes, all plumbing fi xtures and traps, all 27. Pools and decorative fountains
drainage and vent pipe(s), and all building drains and building sewers, 28. Lawn sprinkler and irrigation.
including their respective joints and connection devices, receptors, Although this list may seem extensive, there are many additional
and appurtenances within the property lines of the premises and shall specialized and exotic systems for which the plumbing engineer is
include potable water piping, potable water treating or using equip- called upon to furnish his or her professional expertise.
ment, medical gas and medical vacuum systems, fuel gas piping, water
heaters and vents for same.” Fixture Selection
The type, quantity, and arrangement of plumbing fixtures is usually
Plumbing engineers are responsible for systems that serve all types
of buildings, including commercial, residential, and institutional build- the prerogative of the architect, but the engineer must evaluate and
ings, such as hospitals, laboratories, industrial plants, jails, schools, advise the architect as to type and arrangement and, particularly,
space requirements. The type and quantity of fixtures to be installed
shopping centers, housing developments, power plants, research cen-
ters, and sports complexes. in a building is predicated upon the number of people served and the
The plumbing engineer is now responsible for design of the follow- type of building occupancy. These requirements are clearly delineated
ing systems: in every building code. Separate facilities must be provided for male
1. Sanitary drainage and female personnel and these facilities must be within easy access
2. Sanitary sewage disposal from any floor of the building. “Easy access” has been interpreted to
3. Storm water drainage mean within one floor distance so that a person never has to walk more
4. Site drainage than one floor up or down.
5. Storm water disposal Quality of Fixtures
6. Venting Manufacturers have accepted certain standards for the manufacture of
7. Domestic water plumbing fixtures. Most manufacturers adhere to these standards so
A. Cold water that, at the present time, fixture quality is a minor problem. A list of
B. Hot water standards affecting plumbing fixtures, plumbing design, and engineer-
C. Hot water circulation ing is included in Table 1-1. These standards include some that apply
D. Tempered water to important recent trends: The limitation of water consumption in
E. Tepid water for emergency eyewash and showers water closets to 1.6 gallons per flush (gpf ) is required in most jurisdic-
8. Fire protection tions and it is required that fixtures and designs ensure accessibility for
A. Standpipe the handicapped in public and private buildings. Engineers should be
B. Sprinkler familiar with these standards and must consult applicable codes for the
C. CO2 jurisdiction in which the design is being done.
D. Clean agent When evaluating fixtures, the following characteristics should be
9. Acid and industrial waste carefully checked:
10. Chilled drinking water 1. Strength
11. Gas 2. Durability
A. Natural and manufactured 3. Corrosion resistance (acid resisting)
B. Liquefi ed petroleum (LP) 4. Abrasion resistance
12. Compressed air 5. Absence of defects
13. Vacuum 6. Adequate performance for the service intended
A. Clinical and surgical 7. Concealed fouling surfaces.
B. Laboratory Materials most commonly used in the manufacture of fixtures are
C. Cleaning enameled cast iron, enameled pressed steel, vitreous china, vitrified
14. Argon earthenware, and stainless steel. Additionally, plastics, aluminum, and
15. Oxygen stone compositions have been used.
16. Carbon dioxide Fixture Classification Fixtures may be divided into the following
17. Nitrogen classes:
18. Nitrous oxide 1. Water closets

Reprinted from Engineered Plumbing Design II. © American Society of Plumbing Engineers, 2004.

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2. Urinals
3. Lavatories
4. Sinks
5. Service sinks
6. Bathtubs
7. Showers
8. Drinking fountains
9. Bidets.
Water Closets
Water closets are manufactured in a number of
styles and with various features that make them
distinct from each other. These include siphon
jet reverse trap, wash down, blowout, siphon
vortex, siphon wash, flush valve (flushometer
valve), gravity tank, flushometer tank, dual flush,
wallhung tank, corner tank, prison, handicapped
design, pneumatic assist flush, wall mounted,
floor mounted, back outlet, one-piece tank type,
two-piece tank type, round front bowl, and elon-
gated bowl. Traditionally water closets have been
made of vitreous china; however, water closets
are now also made of plastics, cultured marble,
or—for institutional installations— of stainless
steel or aluminum.
Certain types of water closets are unaccept-
able. They are those that have:
1. An invisible water seal
2. Unventilated spaces
3. Surfaces that are not thoroughly cleansed with
each flushing action
Quiet operation and economical use of water
are important qualities of a water closet. Water
closets must be emptied of waste after each use
without using any moving parts within the trap-
way, and the flushing action must cleanse the
walls of the bowl and then refill the bowl and
Water closets may be floor-outlet mounted on
special closet flange connections in the floor or
wall-hung closets mounted on a combination
chair carrier and fitting that supports the water
closet without placing any stress on the wall. The
wall-hung water closet permits greater ease in
cleaning the floor around and below the closet.
Manufacturers supply bowls for a variety of flush-
ing actions.
Passage of the Energy Policy Act of 1992 by the
US government changed the design of a water
closet. It imposed a maximum flushing rate of 1.6
gallons per flush (gpf ) (6 L per flush). This was
a significant drop in the quantity of water used,
previously 3.5 gal per flush, and was considered
to be a water savings. Prior to the first enactment
of water conservation in the late 1970s, water
closets typically flushed between 5 and 7 gal of
water. The greatest water use, 7 gal per flush, was
by blowout water closets.
With the modification in water flush volume,
the style of each manufacturer’s water closet
changed. The former terminology for identify-
ing water closets no longer fit. Water closets
were previously categorized as blowout, siphon
jet, washout, reverse trap, and wash down. (See
Figure 1-1.) The new style of 1.6 gpf water closets
fit between the cracks of these old categories. The

NOVEMBER 2011 Plumbing Systems & Design 3

CONTINUING EDUCATION: Systems and Fixtures
• A floor-mounted water closet is supported by the floor and con-
nected directly to the piping through the floor. (See Figure 1-2.)
• A wall hung water closet is supported by a wall hanger and never
comes in contact with the floor. Wall hung water closets are con-
sidered superior for maintaining a clean floor in the toilet room
since the water closet doesn’t interfere with the cleaning of the
floor. (See Figure 1-3 and 1-4.)
• Floor-mounted, back outlet water closets are supported by the
floor yet connect to the piping through the wall. The advantage
of the floormounted, back outlet water closet is that the penetra-
tions of the floor are reduced for the plumbing. It should be noted
that with the change to 1.6 gal per flush it is more difficult for
manufacturers to produce a floor-mounted, back outlet water
closet that meets all of the flushing performance requirements in
the standard. (See Figure 1-5.)
Shape and Size
A water closet bowl is classified as either a round front or elongated.
An elongated bowl has an opening that extends 2 in. farther to the front
of the bowl. Most plumbing codes require elongated bowls for public
and employee use. The additional 2 in. provides a larger opening, often
called a “target area.” With the larger opening, there is a greater likeli-
hood of maintaining a cleaner water closet for each user.
For floor-mounted water closets, the outlet is identified based on the
roughin dimension. The rough-in is the distance from the back wall to
the center of the outlet when the water closet is installed. A standard
rough-in bowl outlet is 12 in. Most manufacturers also make water
closets with a 10-in. or 14-in. rough-in. (See Figure 1-6.)
The size of the bowl is also based on the height of the bowl rim mea-
sured from the floor:
• A standard water closet has a rim height of 14 to 15 in. This is the
most common water closet to install.
• A child’s water closet has a rim height of 10 in. above the floor.
Many plumbing codes require child’s water closets in day-care
centers and kindergarten toilet rooms for use by small children. •
A water closet for juvenile use has a rim height of 13 in.
• A water closet for the physically challenged has a rim height of
18 in. With the addition of the water closet seat, the fixture is
designed to conform to the accessibility requirements.

standards have since changed, no longer identifying a water closet by Water Closet Seat
these designations. A water closet seat must be designed for the shape of the bowl to which
Water closets are currently placed into one of three categories: it connects. There are two styles of water closet seat: solid and split
• A close-coupled water closet is one with a two-piece tank and bowl
• A one-piece water closet is, as it suggests, one with the tank and
bowl as one piece.
• A flushometer style water closet is a bowl with a spud connection
that receives the connection from a flushometer valve. Flushom-
eter type water closets are also referred to as “top spud” or “back
spud bowls.” The “spud” is the name for the connection for the
flushometer valve and the top or rear identifies the location of
the spud. (See Figure 1-2.) There are also three distinct means for
identifying the flushing of a water closet:
• In a gravity flush, used with tank type water closets, the water is
not under pressure and flushes by gravity.
• With a flushometer tank, also for tank type water closets, how-
ever, the water is stored and 35 psi.
• A flushometer valve type of flush uses the water supply line pres-
sure to flush the water closet. Because of the demand for a flush
of a large volume of water in a short period of time, the water
supply pipe must be larger in diameter than that for a gravity or
flushometer tank type of flush. Another distinction used to iden-
tify a water closet is the manner of mounting and connection. The
common designations for water closets are the following:

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rim. Plumbing codes typically require a split rim seat for public and length of the remaining ink line must not exceed 2 in. This test deter-
employee use water closets. The split rim seat is designed to facilitate mines that the water flushes all interior surfaces of the bowl.
easy wiping by females, and to prevent contact between the seat and The dye test uses a color dye to add to the water closet trap seal. The
the penis with males. This is to maintain a high level of hygiene in concentration of the dye is determined both before and after flushing
public facilities. the water closet. The dilution ratio of 100:1 must be obtained for each
A new style of water closet seat has a plastic wrap around the seat. flush. This test determines the evacuation of urine in the trap seal.
The intent of this seat is to allow a clean surface for each use. The seat The water consumption test determines that the water closet meets
is intended to replace the split rim seat in public and employee loca- the federal mandate of 1.6 gal per flush.
tions. The trap seal restoration test determines that the water closet refills
the trap of the bowl after each flush. The remaining trap seal must be a
Flushing Performance minimum of 2 in. in depth.
The flushing performance requirements for a water closet are found in The water rise test evaluates the rise of water in the bowl when the
a separate standard, ANSI/American Society of Mechanical Engineers water closet is flushed. The water cannot rise above a point 3 in. below
(ASME) A112.19.6. This standard identifies the test protocol that must the top of the bowl.
be followed to certify a water closet. The tests include a ball removal The back pressure test is used to determine that the water seal
test, granule test, ink test, dye test, water consumption test, trap seal remains in place when exposed to a back pressure (from the outlet side
restoration test, water rise test, back pressure test, rim top and seat of the bowl) of 2½ in. of water column (wc). This test determines that
fouling test, a drain line carry test, and a bulk media test. no sewer gas will escape through the fixture when high pressure occurs
The ball removal test utilizes 100 polypropylene balls that are ¾ in. in in the drainage system piping.
diameter. The water closet must flush at least an average of 75 balls on The rim top and seat fouling test determines if the water splashes
the initial flush of three different flushes. The polypropylene balls are onto the top of the rim or seat of the water closet. This test ensures that
intended to replicate the density of human feces. the user will not encounter a wet seat when using the water closet.
The granule test utilizes approximately 2500 disc shaped granules of The drain line carry test determines the performance of the water
polyethylene. The initial flush of three different flushes must result in closet flush. The water closet is connected to a 4-in. drain 60 ft in length
no more than 125 granules on average remaining in the bowl. The gran- pitched ¼ in./ft. The same 100 polypropylene balls used in the flush
ule test is intended to simulate a flush of watery feces (diarrhea). test are used in the drain line carry test. The average carry distance of all
The ink test is performed on the inside wall of the water closet bowl. the polypropylene balls must be 40 ft in length. This test determines the
A felt tip marker is used to draw a line around the inside of the bowl. ability of the water closet to flush the contents in such a manner that
After flushing, no individual segment of line can exceed ½ in. The total they properly flow down the drainage piping.

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the water out of the trap of the water closet connected to the other side
of the fitting. Another potential problem is the interruption of flow
when flushing a water closet. The flow from one water closet can propel
water across the fitting, interfering with the other water closet.
Flushing Systems
Gravity flush The most common means of flushing a water closet is a
gravity flush. This is the flush with a tank type water closet, described
above, wherein the water is not pressurized in the tank. The tank stores
a quantity of water to establish the initial flush of the bowl. A trip lever
raises either a flapper or a ball, allowing the the flush is at the maxi-
mum siphon in the bowl, the flapper or ball reseals, closing off the tank
from the bowl. The ballcock, located inside the tank, controls the flow of
The bulk media test is a test of a large quantity of items placed in water into the tank. A float mechanism opens and closes the ballcock.
the bowl. The bowl cannot be stopped up by the bulk media during the The ballcock directs the majority of the water into the tank and a
flush, and a certain flushing performance of the bulk media is required. smaller portion of water into the bowl to refill the trap seal. The ball-
The debate over this test is the repeatability of the test. In Canada, water cock must be an antisiphon ballcock conforming to American Society
closets must conform to Canadian Standards Association (CSA) B45.1, of Sanitary Engineers (ASSE) 1002. This prevents the contents of the
CSA B45.4, or CSA B45.5. While Canada does not have a federal man- tank from being siphoned back into the potable water supply. (See
date requiring 1.6-gal-per-flush water closets, many areas require these Figure 1-7.)
water closets. It should also be noted that Canada requires a bulk media Flushometer tank A flushometer tank has the same outside appear-
test for water closet flush performance. ance as a gravity tank. However, inside the tank is a pressure vessel that
stores the water for flushing. The water in the pressure vessel must be a
Installation Requirements
minimum of 25 psi* to operate properly. Thus, the line pressure on the
The water closet must be properly connected to the drainage piping
connection to the flushometer tank must be a minimum of 25 psi.* A
system. For floor-mounted water closets, a water closet flange is
pressure regulator wall hung water closet must be capable of support-
attached to the piping and permanently secured to the building. For
ing a load of 500 lb at the end of the water closet. When the water closet
wood framed buildings, the flange is screwed to the floor. For concrete
is connected to the carrier, none of this prevents the pressure in the
floors, the flange sits on the floor.
vessel from rising above 35 psi (typical of most manufacturers).
Noncorrosive closet bolts connect the water closet to the floor flange.
The higher pressure from the flushometer tank results in a flush
The seal between the floor flange and the water closet is made with
similar to a flushometer valve. One of the differences between the
either a wax ring or an elastomeric sealing connection. The connec-
flushometer tank and the flushometer valve is the sizing of the water
tion formed between the water closet and the floor must be sealed with
distribution system. The water piping to a flushometer tank is sized the
caulking or tile grout.
same way the water piping to a gravity flush tank is sized. Typically,
For wall hung water closets, the fixture must connect to a wall carrier.
the individual water connection is ½ in. in diameter. For a flushometer
The carrier must transfer the loading of the water closet to the floor. A
valve, there is a high flow rate demand, resulting in a large piping con-
load can be transferred to the piping system. Water closet carriers must
nection. A typical flushometer valve for a water closet has a connection
conform to ANSI/ASME A112.6.1.
of 1 in. in diameter. (See Figure 1-7.)
The minimum spacing required for a water closet
is 15 in. from the centerline of the bowl to the side
wall, and 21 in. from the front of the water closet to
any obstruction in front of the water closet. The stan-
dard dimension for a water closet compartment is 30
in. wide by 60 in. in length. The water closet must be
installed in the center of the standard compartment.
The minimum distance required between water clos-
ets is 30 in.
The change in the flushing performance of the 1.6-
gal-per-flush water closet has affected the piping con-
nection for back-to-back water closet installations.
With a 3.5-gal-per-flush water closet, the common
fitting used to connect back-to-back water closets was
either a 3-in. double sanitary tee or a 3-in. double fix-
ture fitting. With the superior flushing of the 1.6-gpf
water closet, the plumbing codes have prohibited the
installation of a double sanitary tee or double fixture
fitting for back-to-back water closets. The only accept-
able fitting is the double combination wye and eighth
bend. The fitting, however, increases the spacing
required between the floor and the ceiling.
The minimum spacing required to use a double san-
itary tee fitting is 30 in. from the centerline of the water
closet outlet to the entrance of the fitting. This spacing
rules out a back-to-back water closet connection.
One of the problems associated with the short pat-
tern fittings is the siphon action created in the initial
flush of the water closets. This siphon action can draw

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Flushometer valve A flushometer valve is also referred to as a “flush valve.” could readily remove any of the contents thrown into the urinal in addi-
The valve is designed with upper and lower chambers separated by a dia- tion to urine. Blowout urinals were popular in high-traffic areas such as
phragm. The water pressure in the upper chamber keeps the valve in the assembly buildings. However, the older blowout urinals require more
closed position. When the trip lever is activated, the water in the upper than 1 gal of water to flush. The newer urinals identified as blowout
chamber escapes to the lower chamber, starting the flush. The flush of 1.6 urinals do not have the same forceful flush.
gal passes through the flush valve. The valve is closed by line pressure as Urinals have been considered a fixture for the male population. How-
water reenters the upper chamber, closing off the valve. ever, that has not always been the case. Various attempts have been made
For 1.6-gpf water closets, flushometer valves are set to flow 25 gpm at to introduce a female urinal. The female population has never embraced
peak to flush the water closet. The flushing cycle is very short, lasting 4 the concept of a female urinal. Problems that have been encountered
to 5 s. The water distribution system must be properly designed to allow include a lack of understanding of the use of the urinal. (The first female
the peak flow during a heavy use period for the plumbing system. urinals required the woman to approach the urinal in the opposite way a
Flushometer valves have either a manual or an automatic means man would. She would be facing away from the urinal slightly bent over.)
of flushing. The most popular manual means of flushing is a handle Another continuing concern is privacy during use. Finally, there have
mounted on the side of the flush valve. Automatic flushometer valves been concerns regarding cleanliness with its use compared with that
are available in a variety of styles. The automatic can be battery oper- associated with the use of a water closet. Hence, very few female urinals
ated or directly connected to the power supply of the building. remain in use in the United States and Canada.
Flush Tank Requirements Urinal Styles
There are certain essential requirements which must be satisfied when Urinals are manufactured as floor mounted, wall hung, or free-stand-
a flush tank is employed: ing in various sizes and shapes for men and women. Water supply for
1. There must be an overflow to prevent tank flooding. The overflow urinals must meet the same requirements as those for water closets.
should discharge into the water closet. (See Figure 1-8). Siphon jet and blowout urinals provide a flushing action that will
2. The ballcock, which controls the flow of water into the tank, remove foreign matter deposited in the urinal such as paper towels and
should be equipped with a means of replenishing the trap seal candy wrappers. The washout and wash-down models are quieter in
after each flushing action. operation but do not have the advantage of removing foreign matter.
3. The ballcock should be equipped with an adequate means of pro- Theses type of urinals are intended to remove liquid wastes only.
tection against back siphonage into the domestic water supply. A Urinals are identified as blowout, siphon jet, washout, stall, and wash
vacuum breaker is satisfactory for this purpose. down. A stall urinal is a type o f wash-down urinal. Blowout, siphon jet,
and washout urinals all have integral traps. Stall and wash-down urinals
Urinals because they do not maintain a high level of sanitation after each flush.
A urinal was developed as a fixture to expedite the use of a toilet room. The style identifies the type of flushing action in the urinal. The blow-
It is designed for the removal of urine and the quick exchange of users. out and siphon-jet types rely on a complete evacuation of the trap. Blow-
The Energy Policy Act of 1992 included requirements for the water out urinals tend to force the water and waste from the trap to the drain.
consumption of urinals. A urinal is now restricted to a maximum water Siphon-jet urinals create a siphon action to evacuate the trap. Washout
use of 1.0 gal per flush. This change in water consumption resulted in a urinals rely on a water exchange to flush and there is no siphon action
modified design of the fixture. or complete evacuation of the trap way. Stall and wash-down urinals
One of the main concerns in the design of a urinal is the maintenance have an external trap. The flushing action is a water exchange; however,
of a sanitary fixture. The fixture must contain the urine, flush it down it is a less efficient water exchange than that of a washout urinal.
the drain, and wash the exposed surfaces. Prior to the passage of the Urinals with an integral trap must be capable of passing a ¾-in.
Energy Policy Act of 1992, urinals were developed using larger quanti- diameter ball. The outlet connection is typically 2 in. in diameter.
ties of water to flush the contents. This included a blowout model that Stall and wash-down urinals can have a 1½-in. outlet with an exter-
nal 1½- in. trap.
Flushing Performance
ANSI/ASME A112.19.6 regulates the flushing performance for a urinal.
There are three tests for urinals: the ink test, dye test, and water con-
sumption test. In the ink test a felt tip marker is utilized to draw a line
on the inside wall of the urinal.
The ink test confirms the cabailities of the urinal to wash the sides
of the fixture. The urinal is flushed and the remaining ink line is mea-
sured. The total length of ink line cannot exceed 1 in., and no segment
can exceed ½-in. in length.
The dye test uses a colored dye to evaluate the water exchange rate in
the trap. After on flush, the trap must have a dilution ratio of 100 to 1. The
dye test is performed only on urinals with an integral trap. This includes
blowout, siphon-jet , and washout urinals. It is not possible to test stall
and wash-down urinals since they have external traps. This is one of the
concerns that have resulted in the restricted use of these fixtures.
The water consumption test determines that the urinal flushes with
1 gal of water or less.
Installation Requirements
The minimum spacing required between urinals is 30 in. center to
center. The minimum spacing between a urinal and the sidewall is 15
in. this spacing provides access to the urinal without the user coming
in contact with the user of the adjacent fixture. The minimum spacing
required in front of the urinal is 21 in. (See Figure 1-9.)

NOVEMBER 2011 Plumbing Systems & Design 7

CONTINUING EDUCATION: Systems and Fixtures
ft. It must also extend outward on the floor to a point 2 ft
in front of the urinal. This protects the building material
from damage that could result from splashing, which can
occur with urinal use.
Flushing Requirements
With the federal requirements for water consumption,
urinals must be flushed with a flushometer valve. The
valve can be either manually or automatically actuated.
A urinal flushometer valve has a lower flush volume
and flow rate than a water closet flushometer valve. The
total volume is 1 gal per flush and the peak flow rate is
15 gpm. The water distribution system must be properly
sized for the peak flow rate for the urinal.
Urinal flushometer valves operate the same as water
closet flushometer valves. For additional information see
the discussion of flushing systems under “Water Closets”
earlier in this chapter.
A modern version of the century-old waterless urinal is
available where water savings are paramount. The water-
less urinal has a special trap that is filled with a liquid that
is lighter than water and urine. Urine travels down the
interior sides of the urinal, through the liquid, and safely
into the waste piping. The liquid must be replenished
periodically, thus scheduled maintenance is required,
the schedule depending on the frequency of use of the
A Lavatory is a washbasin used for personal hygiene.
In public locations, a lavatory is used for washing one’s
hands and face. Residential lavatories are intended for
hand and face washing, shaving, applying makeup, clean-
ing contact lenses, and similar hygienic activities.
Lavatory faucet flow rates are regulated as a part of the
Energy Policy Act of 1992. The original flow rate estab-
lished by the government was 2.5 gpm at 80 psi for private
use lavatories and 0.5 gpm, or a cycle discharging 0.25
gal, for public use lavatories. Since the initial regulations,
there has been a change to 2.2 gpm at 60 psi for private
(and residential) lavatories, and 0.5 gpm at 60 psi, or a
cycle of 0.25 gal, for public lavatories.
Size and Shape
Manufacturers produce lavatories in every conceivable size
and shape, providing an unlimited selection. Lavatories
are square, round, oblong, rectangular, shaped for corners,
with or without ledges, decorative bowls, and molded into
countertops. They can be classified into five different types:
slab, splashback, shelf back, ledge back, and countertop.
Several are illustrated. Special purpose lavatories can usu-
One of the debated issues regarding urinals is screening between ally be placed within these five categories.
• The slab type lavatory comes in vitreous china and is supported
urinals. A question of privacy is often raised during plumbing code dis-
by concealed or exposed arms, wall brackets, and chrome legs.
cussions. At the time of this writing, screening is not required by any
The back of the fixture is usually installed 2 in. from the wall to
of the model plumbing codes. However, many local and some state
facilitate cleaning of the wall behind the lavatory. (See Figure
plumbing codes require privacy barriers between urinals.
Urinals with an integral trap have the outlet located 21 in. above the
• The splashback lavatory has an integral back and is recom-
floor for a standard height installation. Stall urinals are mounted on the
mended for sanitary purposes. Splashing, which can run down
floor. Wall hung urinals must be mounted on carriers that transfer the
the back of the slab type, stays on the fixture. The fixture is made
weight of the urinal to the floor.
of vitreous china and is supported by wall hangers or by con-
Many plumbing codes require urinals for public and employee use
cealed or exposed arms. (See Figure 1-11.)
to have a visible trap seal. This refers to blowout, siphon-jet, or washout
• The shelf-back lavatory reduces splashing and in addition pro-
vides a shelf for the storage of toiletries. The fixture is made of
The building and/or plumbing codes review the walls and floor sur-
either vitreous china or enameled iron. (See Figure 1-12.)
rounding the urinal to be finished with waterproofed, smooth, readily
• The ledge-back lavatory offers some splash reduction and some
cleanable, nonabsorbent material. This material must be applied to the
shelf area. This type as well as the others has depressions molded
wall for a distance of 2 ft to either side of the urinal and a height of 4

8 Plumbing Systems & Design NOVEMBER 2011 WWW.PSDMAGAZINE.ORG

that are mounted on, or recessed into, the floor. Protective
rim guards are recommended for both.
Bathtubs are available in various sizes and shapes. The 5 ft
bathtub has become practically a standard, but the public
has recently indicated a preference for a much longer
model. Perhaps there will be a return to 5 ft 6 in. and 6 ft
0 in. tubs, which were more readily available in the not too
distant past.
Fiberglass and plastic models have recently entered the
market. The plumbing engineer is strongly advised to check
thoroughly with the manufacturer as to the hardness of the
surface and the resistance to abrasive cleaners.
Enameled cast iron tubs have been preferred because of
their ability to resist chipping and rusting, which frequently
happens with enameled steel tubs. The thickness of the
enamel coating on cast iron is two to three times heavier
than that on pressed steel and has superior adherence to
the base.
Shower receptors are available in various sizes and shapes.
They are available in standard precast sizes (minimum 30” x
30”) but may be obtained in custom built models to fit prac-
tically any application.
Where precast receptors are not employed, the built-up
into the fixture for holding bar soap. Manufacturers offer modi- type is used. The pan for a built-up shower can be fabricated
fications to provide or delete additional holes or depressions. An from lead, copper, or various compositions presently available. The pan
additional hole may be provided for a liquid soap dispenser. (See should turn up at least 6 in. and turn over the threshold to provide a
Figure 1-13.) watertight installation. An exception to this is shower enclosures made
• Counter self-rimming and undercounter mounted lavatories are to be wheelchair accessible.
the most recent and probably the most diversified of any category.
They come in various materials, including vitreous china, enam- Drinking Fountains
eled cast iron, stainless steel, plastics, fiberglass, and precast artifi- Drinking fountains (nonrefrigerated) are available as free-standing,
cial marble. A development that has contributed to the popularity surface mounted, semirecessed, fully recessed, bi-level (regular height
and acceptance of countertop lavatories is the self-rimming feature and handicapped accessible height), pedestal, or deck type for coun-
that does not require the use of a stainless steel rim. ter tops. When selecting a semirecessed or fully recessed model, the
The standard outlet for a lavatory is 1¼ in. in diameter. The standard plumbing engineer should ascertain that the wall or pipe space is deep
lavatory has three holes on the ledge for the faucet. A normal faucet hole enough to accommodate the fountain and necessary piping.
pattern spaces the two outside holes 4 in. apart. The faucets installed in Electric water coolers are available in as many variations as drinking
these lavatories are called 4-in. center sets. When spread faucets are to fountains. It is extremely important to provide adequate wall thickness
be installed, the spacing between the two outer holes is 8 in. to accommodate the chiller unit and piping. Location of the chiller unit
For many years, the fixture standards required lavatories to have an and grill finish should be coordinated with the architect.
overflow. This requirement was based on the use of the fixture whereby Bidets
the basin was filled prior to cleaning. If a user left the room while the The bidet is about the same size and shape as a water closet and could
lavatory was being filled, the water would not overflow on the floor. be classified as a small bath. It is used primarily for washing the anal
The engineer is warned to be especially aware of possible problems regions after using the water closet.
created when specifying the newer materials and to carefully analyze The hot and cold water supply and the drain fitting are very similar to
their application to a given installation. Special care must be exercised those used for lavatories. Instead of the water entering the bowl from a
with these products regarding their abrasion-resistance characteristics. spout, however, it is introduced through a flushing rim. The tepid water
Abrasive cleaners tend to destroy the luster of the surface of these mate- flows through the rim and while filling the bowl it warms the china
rials much more quickly than they do traditional materials. In addition, hollow rim which serves as a seat.
some of the newer materials are fire resistant while some are not. A spray rinse is optional, and recommended, for external rinsing.
Sinks Although this rinse is often called a “douche” it should not be con-
There is a wide selection of sink types available. They come in single, strued as being designed or intended for internal use.
double, and triple-compartment models. Two-compartment sinks, The plumbing engineer should recommend that a soap dispenser
with both compartments the same size, are the most widely used and towel rack be provided within easy reach for the convenience of
models (see Figure 1-15). It is recommended that one compartment the user.
be at least 15 in. by 18 in. in size for residential use to allow the accep- The foregoing has been a very brief discussion of the salient features
tance of a roasting pan. Faucet spouts should be high enough to place of some of the most common fixtures. The reader is referred to the cata-
a large pot beneath without any difficulty. Specialty sinks, such as the logs of various fixture manufacturers for a complete presentation of fix-
surgeon’s sink shown in Figure 1-14, are available. tures and trim. The catalogs are an excellent source of information and
give all the detailed data required; it is unnecessary to fill these pages
Service Sinks with that information, they are better devoted to design criteria.
The most popular service sinks are those that have a high back and are
wall mounted and supported on a trap standard or low type mop basins

NOVEMBER 2011 Plumbing Systems & Design 9

CONTINUING EDUCATION: Systems and Fixtures

Continuing Education from Plumbing Systems & Design

Do you find it difficult to obtain continuing education units (CEUs)?
Through this special section in every issue of PS&D, ASPE can help you
accumulate the CEUs required for maintaining your Certified in Plumb-
ing Design (CPD) status.
About This Issue’s Article
The November 2011 continuing education article is “Sys-
tems and Fixtures.”
Now Online! Plumbing engineers are responsible for systems that
serve all types of buildings, including commercial, residen-
The technical article you must read to complete the exam is located at Just click on “Continuing Education” at the top tial, and institutional buildings such as hospitals, labora-
of the page. The following exam and application form also may be down- tories, industrial plants, jails, schools, shopping centers,
loaded from the website. Reading the article and completing the form will housing developments, power plants, research centers,
allow you to apply to ASPE for CEU credit. If you earn a grade of 90 percent and sports complexes. This chapter details the types and
or higher on the test, you will be notified that you have logged 0.1
specifications of the typical fixtures found in such systems.
CEU, which can be applied toward CPD renewal or numerous regulatory-
You may locate this article at Read
agency CE programs. (Please note that it is your responsibility to determine
the article, complete the following exam, and submit your
answer sheet to the ASPE office to potentially receive 0.1
the acceptance policy of a particular agency.) CEU information will be kept
on file at the ASPE office for three years.
Note: In determining your answers to the CE questions, use only the material pre-
sented in the corresponding continuing education article. Using information from
other materials may result in a wrong answer.

SD 182
CE Questions — “Systems and Fixtures” (PSD 182)
1. A plumbing engineer is responsible for the design of which of 7. The minimum spacing required for a water closet is ________
the following systems? from the centerline of the bowl to the side wall.
a. vacuum a. 12 inches
b. water treatment b. 15 inches
c. site drainage c. 18 inches
d. all of the above d. 21 inches
2. Water closets with ________ are unacceptable. 8. The typical connection for a water closet flush valve is ________
a. invisible water seals in diameter.
b. flushometers a. ¼ inch
c. two-piece tanks b. ½ inch
d. plastic parts c. 1 inch
d. none of the above
3. The flushometer valve connection is also called a ________.
a. coupler 9. Per the Energy Policy Act of 1992, a urinal is restricted to how
b. spud many gallons per flush?
c. flange a. 0.5
d. trap b. 1
c. 1.6
4. What is the standard rough-in dimension from the centerline of
d. 3.5
a water closet outlet to the back wall?
a. 10 inches 10. ________ is a type of urinal.
b. 12 inches a. washout
c. 14 inches b. blowout
d. none of the above c. siphon jet
d. all of the above
5. The rim height of a water closet for juvenile use is what?
a. 18 inches 11. A ________ is a washbasin used for personal hygiene.
b. 14 inches a. service sink
c. 13 inches b. lavatory
d. 10 inches c. bathtub
d. bidet
6. What test can be used to certify the flushing performance of a
water closet? 12. What is the preferred material for a bathtub due to its ability to
a. granule test resist chipping and rusting?
b. ink test a. enameled cast iron
c. dye test b. plastic
d. all of the above c. fiberglass
d. copper

10 Plumbing Systems & Design NOVEMBER 2011 WWW.PSDMAGAZINE.ORG

Plumbing Systems & Design Continuing Education Application Form
This form is valid up to one year from date of publication. The PS&D Continuing Education program is approved by ASPE for up to one
contact hour (0.1 CEU) of credit per article. Participants who earn a passing score (90 percent) on the CE questions will receive a letter
or certification within 30 days of ASPE’s receipt of the application form. (No special certificates will be issued.) Participants who fail and
wish to retake the test should resubmit the form along with an additional fee (if required).
1. Photocopy this form or download it from
2. Print or type your name and address. Be sure to place your ASPE membership number in the appropriate space.
3. Answer the multiple-choice continuing education (CE) questions based on the corresponding article found on and the appraisal questions on this form.
4. Submit this form with payment ($35 for nonmembers of ASPE) if required by check or money order made payable to ASPE or credit
card via mail (ASPE Education Credit, 2980 S. River Road, Des Plaines, IL 60018) or fax (847-296-2963).

Please print or type; this information will be used to process your credits.
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Daytime telephone_ ____________________________________ Fax_____________________________________________________
PE State _ _____________________________________________ PE No._ _________________________________________________
Notice for North Carolina Professional Engineers: State regulations for registered PEs in North Carolina now require you to complete ASPE’s
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tion Center at

I am applying for the following continuing education credits: ❏ ASPE Member ❏ Nonmember
Each examination: $25 Each examination: $35
I certify that I have read the article indicated above. Limited Time: No Cost to ASPE Member
Payment: ❏ Personal Check (payable to ASPE) $
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Expiration date: Continuing education credit will be given If rebilling of a credit card charge is necessary, a $25 processing fee will be charged.
for this examination through November 30, 2012. ASPE is hereby authorized to charge my CE examination fee to my
Applications received after that date will not be processed. credit card

PS&D Continuing Education Answer Sheet Account Number Expiration date

Systems and Fixtures (PSD 182)
Questions appear on page 10. Circle the answer to each question.
Q 1. A B C D Signature Cardholder’s name (Please print)
Q 2. A B C D
Q 3. A B C D Appraisal Questions
Q 4. A B C D Systems and Fixtures (PSD 182)
Q 5. A B C D 1. Was the material new information for you? ❏ Yes ❏ No
Q 6. A B C D
Q 7. A B C D
2. Was the material presented clearly? ❏ Yes ❏ No
Q 8. A B C D 3. Was the material adequately covered? ❏ Yes ❏ No
Q 9. A B C D
4. Did the content help you achieve the stated objectives? ❏ Yes ❏ No
Q 10. A B C D
Q 11. A B C D 5. Did the CE questions help you identify specific ways to use ideas presented in
Q 12. A B C D the article? ❏ Yes ❏ No
6. How much time did you need to complete the CE offering (i.e., to read the
article and answer the post-test questions)?

NOVEMBER 2011 Plumbing Systems & Design 11

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