Kumar & Reinartz (2018) - Chap 6
Kumar & Reinartz (2018) - Chap 6
Kumar & Reinartz (2018) - Chap 6
References – 134
behavior over time in what is called a state-space. listed on the top and the oldest are listed at the
at is, customers move over time through space bottom. e sorted data are further divided into
with certain de ned activity states. ve groups of equal size (20% in each group). e
top-most group is assigned a recency code of 1,
RFM Method the next group is assigned a code of 2, and so on,
For the following discussions about RFM coding, until the bottom-most group is assigned a code of
consider the example of a rm with a customer 5. An analysis of the customer response data from
base of 400,000 customers. From this customer the mailer campaign and the recency-based
base, a sample of 40,000 customers is chosen. In grouping point out that the mailer campaign
other words, every tenth customer from the larger received the highest response from those custom-
database of 400,000 customers was picked in order ers grouped in recency code 1, followed by those
to form a test group of 40,000 customers who are grouped in code 2, and so on. . Figure 6.1 depicts
representative of the whole customer base. the distribution of relative frequencies of custom-
Also, assume this rm is planning to send a ers who responded across the recency groups
marketing mailer campaign of a $150 discount coded 1 through 5. e highest response rate
coupon to be mailed to its customers.1 (4.5%) for the campaign was from those custom-
ers in the test group who had the highest recency
Recency Coding quintile (recency code = 1). Note the average cus-
Assume this rm sends its $150 mailer campaign tomer response rate computed for all ve groups
to the 40,000 customers in the test group, and would be none other than the actual response rate
assume that 808 customers (2.02% of 40,000) of 2.02% achieved by the campaign, i.e., (4.50% +
responded. In order to determine if there is any 2.80% + 1.50% + 1.05% + 0.25%)/5 = 2.02%.
correlation between those customers who At the end of this recency coding exercise we
responded to the mailer campaign and their cor- would assign recency values of r = 1 through 5 for
responding historical recency, the following anal- groups of customers, depending on the quintile
ysis is done. that they belong to.
e test group of 40,000 customers is sorted in
descending order based on the criterion of most
Frequency Coding
recent purchase date. e earliest purchasers are e frequency coding process is the same as the
recency coding process just discussed. However,
to sort the test group of 40,000 customers based
1 All numerical gures mentioned in the discussions on the frequency metric, we need to know the
below are hypothetical data created for instructional
purposes only. However, due care has been exercised
average number of purchases made by a customer
to ensure these data are fairly close to real life per month. Of course, the choice of the appropri-
experiences of many rms. ate time period depends on the usual frequency of
104 Chapter 6 · Customer Analytics Part II
purchases (e.g., weeks, months, quarters, years, At the end of the frequency coding we would
etc.). In this case, customers with the highest assign frequency values of f = 1 though 5 for groups
number of purchases per month are grouped at of customers in the ve frequency quintiles.
the top, while those with lower number of pur-
chases per month were listed below. Here again, Monetary Value Coding
the sorted list is grouped into ve quintiles. ose e monetary value coding process is exactly
in the top are assigned a code of 1 and those at the the same as the recency and frequency coding
bottom a code of 5. e response rate of each of processes. However, to sort the test group of
the frequency-based sorted quintiles is depicted 40,000 customers based on the monetary value
in . Fig. 6.2. metric, we need to know the average amount
An analysis of the customer response data purchased per month. As with recency and fre-
from the mailer campaign and the frequency- quency, the customer data are sorted, grouped,
based grouping show that the mailer campaign and coded 1 to 5.
6 received the highest response rate from those cus- As can be seen in . Fig. 6.3 the highest
tomers grouped in frequency code 1, followed by response rate (2.35%) for the campaign was from
those grouped in code 2 (2.22%), and so on. those customers in the test group who had the
2.50% 2.45%
Customer response rate %
1.67% 1.68%
1 2 3 4 5
Frequency code (1–5)
Customer response rate %
1 2 3 4 5
Monetary value code (1–5)
6.1 · Strategic Customer-Based Value Metrics
105 6
Group 1 R=1
Last purchase R=1
response rate
1 day ago
Group 2 R=2
response rate
Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 R=2
Group 5 R=5
Last purchase: average
response rate
320 days ago
highest monetary value quintile (monetary value RFM Cell Sorting Technique
code = 1). us, indicating that the monetary An alternative approach to applying RFM sequen-
value is also an important metric for the analysis tially to the initial dataset is the RFM cell sorting.
of customer behavior. is is a more sophisticated sorting technique
At the end of this monetary value coding exer- which helps to arrive at an RFM code for each cus-
cise, we would assign a monetary value of m = 1 tomer and ensures the grouping of an equal num-
through 5 for groups of customers, depending on ber of customers under each RFM code. . Figure 6.5
the quintile that they fall within. depicts a schematic diagram of the logic behind
A er performing the three steps (R, F, and M) RFM cell sorting. Consider the list of 40,000 test
you will have individual R, F, and M scores for group customers. e list is rst sorted for recency
each customer. Each customer will be assigned to and grouped into ve equal groups of 8000 custom-
one of the 125 groups such as 111, 233, 432, …, ers. erefore group 1 will have 8000 customers,
555, based on her respective RFM code. An over- and so will the other groups through group 5. Now,
view of the RFM procedure is given in . Fig. 6.4. take the 8000 customers in each group and sort
them based on frequency and divide them into ve
Limitations equal groups of 1600 each. At the end of this stage,
is method independently links customer you will have RF codes starting from 11 through 55,
response data with R, F, and M values and then with each group having 1600 customers. In the last
groups customers belonging to speci c RFM stage, each of the RF groups is further sorted based
codes. However, this method may not produce on monetary value and divided into ve equal
an equal number of customers under each RFM groups of 320 customers each. Again, we will have
cell. is is because the individual metrics R, F, RFM codes starting from 111 through 555, each
and M are likely to be correlated. For example, having 320 customers. Considering each RFM code
someone spending more (high M) is also likely, as a cell, we will have 125 cells (5 recency divisions *
on average, to buy more frequently (high F). 5 frequency divisions * 5 monetary value divi-
However, for practical purposes, it is desirable to sions = 125 RFM codes).
have exactly the same number of individuals in
each RFM cell. A sorting technique ensuring Breakeven Value (BE)
equal numbers in each RFM cell is described as To arrive at a decision which customers (more
follows. precisely: which customer «cells») to target, it is
106 Chapter 6 · Customer Analytics Part II
11 131
12 132
13 133
14 134
2 15 135
3 41 441
6 42 442
43 443
44 444
45 445
necessary to determine a cuto point for the mar- or 2.22%. This value can be computed and then
keting campaign. is cuto point should be can be compared with the actual response rate of
based on the pro tability of the customer. e each RFM cell.
breakeven value (BE) provides a simple to calcu-
late metric for this purpose. In marketing litera- To simplify comparison, the breakeven response
ture breakeven refers to the fact that the net pro t rate just computed could be used in computing a
from a marketing promotion equals the cost asso- breakeven index (BEI) for every RFM cell. e BEI
ciated with conducting the promotion. e BE is is calculated using the following formula.
de ned as
æ ( Actual response rate - BE ) ö
unit cost price BEI = ç ÷ (6.2)
BE = (6.1) è BE ø
unit net profit
A positive BEI value indicates that some pro t
If this ratio for a particular promotion is 1, then was made from the transaction. A BEI value of 0
the promotion only broke even and did not gener- indicates that the transaction just broke even, and
ate any net pro ts. is ratio also computes the a negative BEI value indicates that the transaction
minimum response rates required in order to o - resulted in a loss.
set the promotional costs involved and thereby
not incur any losses. us, we also refer to the BE Example (Continued)
as the breakeven response rate. Therefore, in the above example, if the actual
response rate of a particular RFM cell was 3.5%,
Example (Continued) then BEI = ([3.5% − 2.22%]/2.22%) × 100 = 57.66.
Consider the example of mailing $150 discount
coupons. Suppose the cost to mail each piece is a . Table 6.2 shows an excerpt from the BEI com-
dollar, and the net pro t (after all costs) is $45, then putations for 35 RFM cells. e complete table is
the breakeven value or breakeven response rate available in Appendix III of this chapter. RFM
required can be computed as BE = $1/$45 = 0.0222, cells with a corresponding positive BEI value are
6.1 · Strategic Customer-Based Value Metrics
107 6
Cell # RFM codes Cost per Net pro t Breakeven (%) Actual Breakeven index
mail ($) per sale ($) response (%)
the groups of customers the marketing campaign Order of Importance of R, F, and M
should target, and all those RFM cells with corre- Most o en businesses use the RFM technique in
sponding negative BEI values are those customers the order of recency, frequency, and monetary
to be avoided for this promotion. value. However, the order varies for di erent indus-
It is interesting to note that of the 125 cells, try segments. Although the RFM order is normally
only customers within 56 cells have a higher acceptable, a more accurate order of coding would
chance of o ering pro tability to the rm, and the depend on the rapidity the customer response rate
rest do not! erefore, it becomes clear that a rm drops. e metric (R, F, or M) for which the cus-
can achieve signi cant savings by only focusing tomer response rates declines more quickly is likely
on potentially pro table customers and not tar- to be the best predictor of future customer response
geting the rest. and, hence, should be coded rst. Once the metric
. Figure 6.6 plots the RFM cell codes and of highest in uence is determined, the same
their corresponding BEI values. Customers with method of measurement can be used to determine
6 positive BEI values are to be chosen and the rest the order of the remaining metrics.
are to be le unconsidered. Note that customers Referring to . Figs. 6.1, 6.2, and 6.3 it should
with higher RFM values tend to have higher BEI be noticed that customer response rate drops
values. However, at the same time, customers more rapidly for the recency metric than the other
with a lower recency value but relatively higher F two metrics. Similarly, the customer response rate
and M values also tend to have positive BEI val- for the frequency metric drops more rapidly than
ues and hence should be considered for target the monetary value metric. erefore, the order of
mailing. R, F, and M holds good in this case.
Breakeven index
RFM cell codes
John 1 2 20 100
2 4 10 50
3 9 3 15
Smith 1 6 5 25
Mary 1 2 20 100
2 4 10 50
3 6 5 25
4 9 3 15
Points for recency: 20 points if within past 2 months, 10 points if within past
4 months, 5 points if within past 6 months, 3 points if within past 9 months, 1
point if within past 12 months, relative weight = 5
110 Chapter 6 · Customer Analytics Part II
John 1 1 3 6
2 1 3 6
3 1 3 6
Smith 1 2 6 12
Mary 1 1 3 6
2 1 3 6
6 3 2 6 12
4 1 3 6
Points for frequency: 3 points for each purchase within 12 months, maximum = 15
points, relative weight = 2
John 1 40 4 12
2 120 12 36
3 60 6 18
Smith 1 400 25 75
Mary 1 90 9 27
2 70 7 21
3 80 8 24
4 40 4 12
Points for monetary value: 10% of the $-value of purchase within 12 months,
maximum = 25 points, relative weight = 3
points have been assigned to each transaction preference for Mags. In this case, John seems to be
according to a historically derived RFM formula. a good prospect as well, but mailing to Smith
The relative weight based on the importance might be a misdirected marketing e ort. is
assigned to each of the three variables, R, F, and M example illustrates a simple application of the
on the basis of an analysis carried out on past cus- RFM technique. In practice, however, the number
tomer transactions is as follows: of customers to be analyzed can run into millions.
Regression techniques are o en employed to
Recency = 5 , Frequency = 2 , Monetary = 3
arrive at the relative weights for RFM. See
e resulting cumulative scores, 249 for John, 112 Appendix II for an overview of a regression scor-
for Smith, and 308 for Mags, indicate a potential ing model.
6.1 · Strategic Customer-Based Value Metrics
111 6
2 92 210
3 39 249
2 77 210
3 61 271
4 37 308
Evaluation Where
e RFM technique helps organizations signi - i = customer
cantly, not only in identifying and targeting valu- t = time index
able customers who have a very high chance of δ = applicable discount rate (for example
purchasing, but also in avoiding costly communi- 1.25% per month)
cations and campaigns to customers who have a t0 = current time period
lower probability of purchasing. Instead it helps to T = number of time periods prior to current
identify only those customers with high probabil- period that should be considered
ities of purchase and to target the companies’ GCit = gross contribution of transactions of
marketing strategies and communications accord- customer i period t
ingly. A limitation is that the RFM technique can
be applied only on historical customer data avail- Example
able and not on prospects data. If we have data on the products purchased by a
customer over a period of time, the value of the
purchases, and the contribution margin, we can
6.1.2 Past Customer Value calculate the value generated by the customer by
computing all transactions in terms of their pres-
Past customer value (PCV) is a metric which ent value. Assuming a contribution margin of 0.3,
assumes the results of past transactions are an a monthly discount rate of r = 1.25%, and a spend-
indicator of the customer’s future contributions. ing pattern as illustrated in . Table 6.8, the PCV is
e value of a customer is determined based on calculated as:
the total contribution (toward pro ts) provided
by the customer in the past. is modeling tech- PCVi = 6 (1 + 0.0125 ) + 9 (1 + 0.0125 )
0 1
Purchase 800 50 50 30 20
amount ($)
GC 240 15 15 9 6
. Fig. 6.7 Principles of
6 LTV calculation
costs Lifetime of a Lifetime
customer profit
Discount Acquisition
cost LTV
Rrit but usually this is di cult to obtain; see discus- the lifetime duration is a longer-term duration
sion in 7 Sect. 5.4.2). used managerially (see 7 Sect. 5.4.4). For exam-
GCit = gross contribution of customer i at time t. ple, in a direct marketing general merchandise
ACi = costs of acquiring customer i (acquisi- context, managers do not look beyond a 4-year
tion costs). time span. Beyond that, any calculation and pre-
diction may become di cult due to so many
Note that in this equation the term ÕRrk is
uncontrollable factors (e.g., the customer moves,
k =1
actually the survival rate SRt (see 7 Sect. 5.4.3). new competitors enter the market, and so on). It is
therefore important to make an educated judg-
It is also noteworthy, that if the retention rate
is constant over time (i.e., it does not vary across ment regarding a sensible duration horizon in the
context of making decisions.
time and thus Rrk = Rr for all k) and thus the
expression can be simpli ed using the identity:
Incorporating Externalities in the LTV
6 t e value a customer provides to a rm does not
ÕRrk = ( Rr )
(6.7) only consist of the revenue stream that results
k =1
from her purchases of goods and services. In the
Although this is a common assumption, it is mostly era of modern telecommunication technology
not very realistic, as was previously discussed. and the rapid growth of online social communi-
ties (e.g., Facebook, Twitter), product rating web-
LTV with Constant Retention Rate sites, and weblogs, the passing on of personal
and Gross Contribution opinions about a product or brand can contribute
Under the assumption that. substantially to the lifetime value of a customer.
T → ∞, that the retention rate (Rr) is constant Examples are customer referrals that result in
over time, and that the GC does not change over new customer acquisitions or the posting of neg-
time, (6.6) can be simpli ed to the following for- ative product reviews that detract potential cus-
mula: tomers from buying a product. We subsume all
these activities under the term word-of-mouth
æ Rr ö (WOM).
LTVi = GCi ç ÷ - ACi (6.8)
è 1 - Rr + d ø
Measuring and Incorporating WOM
We call the term A rst step at measuring WOM is to look at its
e ects on revenues and expenses. It can be
Rr expected that WOM has a direct e ect on new
1- Rr + d customer acquisitions through reducing (or in
case of negative WOM increasing) the AC. To
the margin multiplier.
incorporate the value of WOM in the LTV calcu-
is formulation is easy applicable for quick
lation we need to determine the savings in AC per
calculations and, unless the retention rate is very
customer due to a referral (AC savings: ACS) and
high, produces results very close to the more pre-
the number of new customer acquisitions (ni) that
cise formulation. One only needs to multiply the
arise due to the referrals of customer i.
GC with the margin multiplier (Rr/[1 − Rr + δ])
and subtract the acquisition cost. ææ T æ T æ 1 ö ö ö÷
LTVi = ç å ç ÕRrk ÷ ( GCit + nit ACSt ) ç
ç ÷ ÷
How Long is Lifetime Duration? ç ç t =1 è k =1 ø è 1 + d ø ÷ø ÷ø
e word lifetime must, in many circumstances, - ACi
be taken with a grain of salt. Although the term (6.9)
makes little sense with one-o purchases (say, for
example, a house), it also seems strange to talk Where
about LTV of a grocery shopper. Clearly, there is i = customer
an actual lifetime value of a grocery shopper. t = time period
However, given the long time span, this actual T = time horizon under consideration
value is not practical. For all practical purposes, δ = interest (or discount) rate
6.1 · Strategic Customer-Based Value Metrics
115 6
Rrt = average retention rate at time t
. Table 6.9 Customer value matrix
GCit = gross contribution of customer i at time t
nit = number of new acquisitions at time t due Average CRV after 1 year
to referrals of customer i
ACSt = average acquisition cost savings per cus- Low High
tomer gained through referral of customer i at time t Average High A uents Champions
ACi = costs of acquiring customer i (acquisi- LTVafter
Low Misers Advocates
tion costs) 1 year
Equation 6.9 accounts for the fact that there
Source: This table is adapted from Kumar, Petersen,
are opinion leaders who have a stronger in uence
and Leone (2007)
on their peers and the di erences in the size of the
social network of customers through an individ-
ual level nit. e downside is that this number is
di cult to obtain. Surveys and questionnaires its customers to make more referrals. But compa-
may be used but are costly, time consuming, and nies need to bear in mind that investments in these
o en not reliable. Instead network centrality met- initiatives can only pay o if customers are satis ed
rics such as degree centrality or betweenness can with the product or service o ering encountered.
help to approximate the number of referrals.3 Still,
it neglects the di erences in GC of the customers Where Does the Information Come
that were acquired through referrals. from?
e information on GC, sales, direct cost, and
Alternative Ways to Account marketing cost comes from internal company
for Externalities records. e key issue is that this information
e situation becomes even more complex, when must be known on a per-customer basis. is
acknowledging that WOM not only reduces AC knowledge is not necessarily common among
but also impacts the purchase frequency, purchase many rms. An increasing number of rms are
volume, and cross-buying and thus the LTV of the installing activity-based costing (ABC) schemes.
customer that was acquired because of a referral. ABC methods are used to arrive at appropriate
A major problem is to whom to account the addi- allocations of customer and process-speci c costs.
tional value of a customer j if his GC rises due to e observation horizon (duration of customer
WOM by customer i. To avoid this question, the relationship) T are derived either from manage-
value of a customer’s referrals can be separated rial judgment or come from actual purchase data
from the LTV, for example by calculating a sepa- (see 7 Sect. 5.4.6). e retention rates can be cal-
rate customer referral value (CRV) for each cus- culated from internal records and customer track-
tomer. A joined evaluation of both metrics helps ing (see 7 Sect. 5.4.2 ). e interest rate is a
the management to select and determine how to function of a rm’s cost of capital and can be
develop its customers (see . Table 6.9). A separate obtained from the nancial accounting depart-
calculation of a CRV from the LTV also allows ment. Information on externalities such as num-
acknowledging for the fact that the customers you ber of referrals or WOM can be derived from
acquire due to referrals have di erent GC.4 social network analyses or customer surveys.
implementing the right actions. LTV is useful in a Where Does the Information Come
variety of situations as for example, to evaluate the from?
e ect of a loyalty program (or an investment in 5 Basically the same information as for the LTV
customer satisfaction) on the bottom line. Other is required.
applications comprise price discrimination of
customers with low LTV, better treatment of high Evaluation
LTV customers (e.g., Lu hansa Gold Card e CE represents the value of the customer base
Members) or the decision on how much to pay for to a company. is metric therefore can be seen as
a click-through from an internet banner adver- a link to the shareholder value of a rm. Besides
tisement for new customer acquisition. the core elements of LTV (retention rate and GC),
an important in uencing factor for the CE is the
6.1.4 Customer Equity proportion of pro table to unpro table custom-
ers. In order to increase the CE management
6 Building on the de nition of LTV, we can aggre- e orts should focus on increasing the number of
gate the LTV measure across customers. e highly pro table customers while reducing the
resulting quantity is the customer equity (CE). number of unpro table ones.
is metric is an indicator of how much the rm e CES is a relative measure of the value of a
is worth at a particular point in time as a result of brand within a rm.
the rm’s customer management e orts.
I 6.1.5 Comprehensive Example
CE = åLTVi (6.10)
i =1
e following example illustrates some aspects of
Where the previously introduced LTV and customer
i = customer equity models (see . Table 6.10). e observation
I = all customers of a rm (or a speci ed cus- horizon for this example is 5 years (column 1). A
tomer cohort or segment) company targets a list of 10,000 purchased
LTVi = lifetime value of customer i addresses with an acquisition campaign. e
e CE is the sum of individual lifetime values company acquires 1000 customers through the
of the customer base in net present value. In this target mailing; thus, the acquisition rate is 10%.
case, the CE measure gives the economic value of At the end of the rst period only 400 of the 1000
an entire cohort or segment of customers. As CE is customers remain. Once acquired, a customer
based on LTV this metric requires the allocation generates on average $120 in sales (column 2).
of revenues and costs on an individual customer For simplicity’s sake, this level of sales is assumed
level. One can relax this constraint by calculating to be constant over the lifetime of the customers.
the LTV of an average customer and take the sum e margin of the rm is 30% (column 3), result-
of these average LTVs. is is further illustrated in ing in a constant gross margin (column 4).
the comprehensive example in 7 Sect. 6.1.5. Marketing and service cost while alive are con-
stant as well (column 5). e retention rate in the
Customer Equity Share (CES) rst period is 40% and then increases over time,
An alternative metric to MS that takes the lifetime as the loyal customers remain. e resulting
value of customers into account is the customer number of remaining customers in each period is
equity share (CES). e CES for a brand j can be shown in column 8. e pro t per customer (col-
calculated using the following formula: umn 9) is computed by subtracting the marketing
and service cost from the gross margin. is per-
CE j
CES j = (6.11) period contribution is discounted to present
å K =1CEk
value with a yearly rate of 15% (column 10).
Finally, the yearly discounted pro t is multiplied
Where with the number of remaining customers in each
j = focal brand year. en these values are summed up to the
K = all brands a rm o ers total customer equity of this group or cohort of
CEj = customer equity of brand j customers (column 11).
. Table 6.10 Customer equity calculation example
Year from Sales per Manufacturer Manufacturer Marketing Actual Survival Expected Pro t per Discounted Total
6.1 · Strategic Customer-Based Value Metrics
acquisi- customer margin gross and retention rate number of customer per pro t per discounted
tion contribution servicing rate active period to customer per pro ts per
costs customers manufacturer period to period to
manufacturer manufacturer
6.2 Popular Customer Selection which are simple techniques to compare the per-
Strategies formance of two or more alternative models.
is is an example where a company combines
Customer selection strategies are applied when analytical skills, judicious judgment, knowledge
rms want to target individual customers or about consumer behavior, and careful targeting of
groups of customers. e reason for targeting customers. It also shows that targeting always hap-
these customers can be manifold, for example, for pens in a business context and is not a mechanic
sending out a promotion or inviting them to a activity.
special event. Finding the right targets for mar-
keting resource allocation is at the heart of any
CRM strategy. Smart targeting allows rms to 6.2.1 Pro ling
spend resources judiciously and allows customers
to receive messages relevant to them. Inconsiderate An intuitive approach to customer selection is to
6 targeting actions destroy value by over- or under assume that the most pro table customers share
spending from the rm’s perspective and by pro- common characteristics (i.e., pro table customers
viding undesirable messages (junk mail). One are similar to one-another). Based on this assump-
step in the successful implementation of CRM is tion the company should try to target customers
the smart deployment of targeting methodologies with similar pro les to the currently most pro t-
to maximize the bene ts to rm and customer. able ones. Depending on the intended goal (e.g.,
In particular we will discuss the techniques of customer acquisition or direct-mail promotion to
pro ling, binary classi cation trees, and logistic existing customers) «most pro table» can have
regression which can all be applied to binary (i.e., di erent meanings, e.g., the customers who are
0/1) outcome variables. To check the performance most likely to respond to a direct-mail promotion.
of each of these models, typically, two thirds of the In the latter case RFM (see 7 Sect. 6.1.1) is widely
available data are used to calculate the model and used in practice for pro ling. An alternative is to
the remaining third is used as a hold-out sample use available demographics instead of recency,
for validation. At the end of this chapter we intro- frequency, or monetary value to sort and group
duce the misclassi cation rate and li analysis, the customer base. For the identi cation of
CRM AT WORK 6.1 Kroger uses this valuable tool to are not inline with past customer
The Kroger Co collect the data Dunnhumby purchasing habits because they
Kroger, an American grocery chain, analyzes. Every swipe a customer found that coupon redemption
has a very successful loyalty makes using the loyalty card rate is higher when promotions
program in place, the Kroger Plus provides more insight on that include items customers are
Card. The majority of Kroger’s shopper and any shopper that has interested in. Kroger’s tactics to
shoppers make purchases using similar habits. Kroger then logs cater coupons based on the
the loyalty card which makes those purchases into a database, individual customer has resulted in
Kroger’s loyalty program rated one and creates customer pro les increased customer spending. In
of the highest in the United States. based on past customer purchases. 2013, Kroger reported that their
Its loyalty program allows the After the data is sent to a database, targeted marketing generated $10
company to better understand the company is then able to billion in revenue. In 2015, Kroger
their customers’ shopping analyze the purchases and engage earned $1.7 billion in pro t on
behavior. Further, they individually in target marketing. Kroger’s target sales of $108.5 billion. Kroger’s
tailor coupons to customers based marketing involves monitoring an loyalty card is one of the reasons
on their purchase history. individual customer’s shopping why Kroger has been able to
Kroger utilizes Dunnhumby, a behavior, analyzing the data, and survive in today’s competitive
data analytics rm, to track following up on the ndings by market.
customer spending habits. With o ering coupons that cater to the
majority of their transactions customer’s shopping habits. Source: Peterson and Lutz (2015),
involving the Kroger Plus Card, Kroger does not o er coupons that Groenfeldt (2013), Coolidge (2016).
6.2 · Popular Customer Selection Strategies
119 6
variables that best characterize pro table custom- specialize in the collection of geodemographics.
ers classi cation trees or regression models can be ey can be purchased and then appended to
used. A disadvantage of pro ling is that only cus- individual records of existing customers. at is,
tomers are considered for targeting that are simi- depending on name or ZIP code, geodemo-
lar to the existing ones. Pro table customer graphic data are added to existing customer
segments that do not match the current customer records. e model attempts to predict GC as the
base might be missed. dependent variable with geodemographic infor-
mation as the independent variables. e ratio-
Example nale behind this process is to nd the pro le that
Consider the case of a bank which wants to best characterizes high-value clients, which is
acquire new, pro table customers. Pro ling con- subsequently applied to prospects’ information.
sists of identifying pro table customers in the Finally, prospects with a high expected GC are
bank’s current mass-market segment and then to targeted for the acquisition campaign.
target similar pro les in the prospect pool.
Since the objective is to acquire prospects
likely to be high-value customers, the bank must 6.2.2 Binary Classi cation Trees
rely on customer characteristics common to both
current customers (the basis for establishing the Using classi cation (or decision) trees is a meth-
critical pro le) and the prospects (scored on the odology that can be used for nding the best pre-
basis of their pro le). The process is shown in the dictors of a 0/1 dependent variable. For example,
. Fig. 6.8. a company wants to know the di erential demo-
graphic characteristics of loyalty program mem-
Let’s say the response variable for current cus- bers versus nonmembers. Classi cation trees are
tomers is the GC ( eld A). e company sorted especially useful when there is a large set of poten-
customers by GC and chose to pro le the top 20% tial predictors for a model. In such a case, it may
of customers. Transaction information ( eld B) is be di cult to determine which predictors are the
not available for prospects. is is why the bank most important or what the relationships between
has to rely on information available for both the predictors and the target (dependent) variable
existing customers and prospects. One type of are. Classi cation tree algorithms can be used to
information is geodemographic data, such as iteratively search through the data to nd out
socioeconomic status of a region, average age, which predictor best separates the two categories
type of housing, and so on. ese data are pro- of a binary (or more generally categorical) target
vided from direct marketing agencies that variable.
Individual 1
Individual 2 Potential
Individual 3 customers
f e d
120 Chapter 6 · Customer Analytics Part II
Bought Did not buy Bought Did not buy Bought Did not buy
hockey hockey hockey hockey hockey hockey
Classi cation Tree Algorithm are male. It is also known that of the 8600 cus-
Assume that Y is a binary outcome variable, i.e., Y tomers 2800 have bought scuba equipment in
∈ {0,1}, explained by a set of explanatory variables the past and 5800 have not bought scuba equip-
X1,…,Xp which are also binary.5 e algorithm ment.
proceeds as follows: (1) To nd out which of the
explanatory variables Xi best explains the out- Step 1
come Y, calculate the number of misclassi cations To determine the optimum approach how to sep-
(i.e., the number of not correctly predicted out- arate the customers, we calculate the number of
comes, for example if you want to predict credit misclassi cations for both predictor variables
card ownership and use gender as the predictor (gender and scuba equipment; see . Fig. 6.9).
variable the misclassi cation rate is the number of Using gender as predictor of hockey sales we
male persons that do not own a credit card plus assume that all male persons buy hockey equip-
the number of female persons that do own a credit ment, whereas no female buys. For the predictor
card) for each predictor variable Xi. (2) Use the variable gender we get a misclassi cation rate of
variable Xi with the lowest misclassi cation rate (4000 + 130)/8600 = 0.48. When using the scuba
to6 separate the customer base. (3) is process equipment predictor variable (everyone who
can be repeated for each sub segment, until the bought scuba is going to buy hockey equipment)
misclassi cation rate drops below a tolerable we obtain (2690 + 1620)/8600 = 0.50. us, sepa-
threshold or all of the predictors have been rating the customers based on gender is the opti-
applied to the model. mal rst step.
Example Step 2
Consider customer data for purchases of hockey We split the customer base by gender to obtain
equipment from a sporting goods catalog. For the classi cation tree as depicted in . Fig. 6.10.
simplicity, there are only two predictor variables
given, gender and whether a customer has previ- Step 3
ously bought scuba equipment (see . Table 6.11). If further predictor variables were available
There are 8600 customers in total. 1730 bought besides the scuba indicator, we could continue to
the hockey equipment, 3000 are female and 5600 identify the optimal predictor for separation in
each subsegment and restart with step 1. For
example, we could nd that it is best to separate
5 If Xi is not binary one can nd an optimal (in the female customers by marital status and male cus-
sense that it best separates Y on the basis of tomers by whether they have bought scuba equip-
classi cation of X i) cuto point to divide the domain ment. e resulting tree could look like . Fig. 6.11.
of Xi in two parts and thus reduce Xi to a binary When this process is complete, a tree has
variable. For a further discussion see Hastie,
developed in which segments are nested within
Tibshirani, and Friedman (2009).
6 A discussion of further optimal splitting rules can be segments. e pro table segments can then be
found in Blattberg, Kim, and Neslin (2008). identi ed for use as target markets.
6.2 · Popular Customer Selection Strategies
121 6
. Fig. 6.9 Possible
separations of potential Separation by gender
hockey equipment buyers
1600 bought hockey equipment
Male: 5600
4000 did not buy hockey equipment
Yes 1730
No 6870
Total 8600
Male Female
Buyer Buyer
Yes 1600 Yes 130
No 4000 No 2870
Yes 1730
No 6870
Total 8600
Male Female
Buyer Buyer
Yes 1600 Yes 130
No 4000 No 2870
expect to see a linear relationship between the two of observations with a value of 1, and can be inter-
variables. A regression analysis creates an estimate preted as a probability. Furthermore, the pre-
of the coe cient that represents the e ect of adver- dicted values in a logistic regression fall between 0
tising on store tra c. In this situation we note that and 1 and are also interpreted as probabilities. For
store tra c (the dependent variable) can take on a example, home ownership as a function of income
large range of values. However, in marketing we can be modeled whereby ownership is delineated
o en encounter situations where the dependent by a 1 and non ownership by 0. e predicted
variable is binary. For example, in a situation where value based on the model is interpreted as the
we are interested in whether a customer bought a probability that the individual is a home-owner.
product or not, we assign the value 0 to this variable With a positive correlation between increasing
when the customer does not buy, and the value 1 income and increasing probability of ownership,
when the customer buys. Regression models that we can expect to see results where the predicted
allow for such a data structure are linear probability probability of ownership is, for example, 0.22 for a
models, probit models, and logit models. Logit person with an income of $35,000, and 0.95 for a
models also referred to as logistic regression are the person with a $250,000 income.
most frequently applied method when the depen-
dent variable is binary and assumes only two dis- Example
crete values. For example: Consider the upgrade of a credit card. Logistic
5 Whether a customer responded to a market- regression can be used to identify potential tar-
ing campaign or not. gets for marketing credit card o ers to existing
5 Whether a person bought a car or not. customers of a bank.
5 Dependent variable – whether or not the cus-
ese observed values for the dependent variable tomer signed up for a gold card o er.
take on only two values and are usually repre- 5 Predictor variables – other bank services the
sented using a 0–1 dummy variable. e mean of customer used plus nancial and demographic
a 0–1 dummy variable is equal to the proportion customer information.
6.2 · Popular Customer Selection Strategies
123 6
y p
e goal is to estimate the logistic regression on a we observe only binary activity represented by 0
sample of customers that were o ered a gold card. or 1. Sample plots of observations with tted lin-
Inputting values of the predictor variables for ear and logistic regression curves are illustrated in
each potential target customer, the logistic model . Fig. 6.12. Hence, if the actually observed depen-
will yield a predicted probability for the target dent variable has to be constrained between 0 and
customer to sign up for the gold card o er. 1 to indicate the probability of an event occurring,
Customers with high predicted probabilities may a transformation is necessary. is transforma-
be chosen to receive the o er because they seem tion is the basis of logistic regression. e steps of
more likely to respond positively. the transformation are given as follows:
Dots represent observations of the dependent
variable y. In case of linear regression y can take Step 1
any value whereas in case of logistic regression y is If p represents the probability of an event occur-
either 0 or 1. e logistic regression curve re ects p
ring, consider the ratio . Since p is a positive
the predicted probability p of the event y at given 1- p
levels of x. quantity less than 1, the range of this expression is
Mathematically, linear regression takes the 0 to in nity.
Step 2
y =a + bx+e Take the logarithm of this ratio
Where æ p ö
y = dependent variable log ç ÷
è 1- p ø
x = predictor variable
α = constant (which is estimated by linear is transformation allows the range of values for
regression and o en called intercept) this expression to lie between negative in nity
β = the e ect of x on y (also estimated by linear and positive in nity.
ε = error term. Step 3
e value
Transformation Process
In this sort of regression, y can take on any value æ p ö
between negative in nity and positive in nity. z = log ç ÷
However, as we noted earlier, in many instances è1- p ø
124 Chapter 6 · Customer Analytics Part II
1 4
Step 4
0 6
In order to obtain the predicted probability p, the
following back transformation is necessary: 0 2
Since 1 4
æ p ö 1 8
6 log ç ÷ = z =a + bx+e
è 1- p ø 0 3
0 0
we can write
0 2
æ p ö z 0 5
ç ÷=e
è 1- p ø 0 0
1 2
is allows us to calculate the probability p of an
event occurring, the variable of interest, as 1 8
1 4
æ ez ö æ 1 ö
p=ç z ÷=ç -z ÷
è 1+ e ø è1+ e ø
Interpretation of Coe cients
Consider the extension of a service contract in a
Care has to be taken when interpreting the coef- B2B setting. The service company wants to know
cients. e interpretation of coe cients di ers the probability that a client extends his existing
from simple linear regression. If the logit contract. Therefore, it tracks the number of sales
regression coe cient β = 2.303 then the log calls and whether a client extends his contract
odds ratio is (see . Table 6.12).
e b = e 2.303 = 10,
It expects that the sales calls impact the probabil-
ity of contract extension. us, it estimates the
which says that when the independent variable
x increases one unit, the odds that the depen-
dent variable equals 1 increases by a factor of 1
10, keeping all other variables constant. Usually, Prob ( contract extension ) = -a - b ( sales calls )
besides the coefficients, «odds» are reported, 1+ e
i.e., (6.13)
6.3 Techniques to Evaluate
Alternative Customer 1 0 Totals
Selection Strategies Observed 1 726 56 782
A critical step to decide which model to use to select 0 173 504 677
and target potential customers is to evaluate alter- Totals 899 560 1459
native selection strategies. When several alternative
126 Chapter 6 · Customer Analytics Part II
no model was used (base model). is gives a 5 Actual response rate for each decile: Com-
baseline measure of how good the model is. As puted by dividing the number of buyers by
an example, consider 1000 prospects, of which the number of customers for each decile.
100 have purchased. A good predictive model 5 OR predicted response rate based on the
helps increase the relative amount of purchasers model for each decile: Computed by
in the selected group: a random-based selection dividing the predicted number of buyers by
of 100 prospects would contain about 10 pur- the number of customers for each decile.
chasers, whereas a model-based selection of 100
prospects could result in 30 purchasers. is is With this information we can calculate:
what li charts help to visualize. e models
with the highest li are candidates for nal Lift% = ( Response rate for each decile )
selection. *
¸ ( Overall response rate ) 100
Li s can be used to compare two or more
6 alternative models, track a model’s performance and
over time, or to compare a model’s performance
on di erent samples. To calculate li s for di erent Cumulative
deciles of data, we need the following information lift% = ( Cumulative response rate )
about a model with regard to the set of customer
¸ ( Overall response ratte ) 100
5 Cumulative number of customers: e
number of total customers up to and includ- Where
ing that decile. Cumulative response rate
5 Cumulative percentage of customers: e
percent of total customers up to and includ- = Cumulative number of buyers
ing that decile. ¸ Number of cusstomers per decile.
5 Cumulative number of buyers: e number
of buyers up to and including that decile. A comprehensive example is given in . Table 6.15.
Retention rate
25.00% 22.52%
10.00% 8.98%
5.00% 4.42%
2.26% 1.78% 0.90%
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
6 0.97
0.5 0.39
0.20 0.16
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Cumulative lift
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Cumulative lift
4 Logistic
No model
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Minicase 6.1 products. The service levels were monitoring, while still help-
an addition to an already existing ing healthcare companies
Di erentiating Customer Service
Temperature True portfolio. The maintain product compli-
According to Customer Value at
change allowed healthcare compa- ance and peace of mind.
United Parcel Service (UPS)
nies to choose from tiered service 5 UPS Temperature True
UPS, headquartered in Atlanta,
levels based on the degree of Saver: A standardized
Georgia, is one of the world’s larg-
temperature control needed. The ocean freight solution for
est package delivery companies.
service levels were as follows: temperature-sensitive ship-
UPS—sometimes referred to as the
UPS Temperature True Service ments. This option is ideal
«Big Brown»—has grown astronomi-
Portfolio: for large volume shipments
cally compared to its modest roots
5 UPS Temperature True Plus: where cost management
as a bicycle courier service founded
The highest level of service and regulatory compliance
in 1907. Today, UPS is a global leader
that is ideal for air freight are both paramount.
in logistics. Over the years, UPS has
shipments that require very
acquired more than 40 companies
strict temperature ranges The expansions to the UPS Tem-
which has enabled them to pen-
in transit. UPS’s existing perature True global portfolio o ers
etrate into sectors such as retail
service includes processes a range of services that provide the
shipping, air freight, and business
for managing shipments healthcare industry with a more
services. Now serving over 220 coun-
with the highest degree of improved shipping solution for
tries worldwide, the acquisitions
risk mitigation. In addition, temperature-sensitive healthcare
have also given UPS the opportunity
this service level includes products. Services such as quality
to develop strong relationships with
monitoring throughout the assurance support and 24/7 control
many customers across the world.
entire shipping process. tower monitoring can be custom-
In an e ort to achieve their
5 UPS Temperature True ized based on the company’s needs.
expansion goals, UPS decided to
Standard: An offering ideal In addition, the service options
create service levels for managing
for shipments that need include packaging consulting
temperature-sensitive healthcare
lower levels of in-transit services for temperature-sensitive
130 Chapter 6 · Customer Analytics Part II
products as well as best-in-class UPS decided to o er these ser- by improving services o ered by
technology, proactive monitoring vice levels after receiving feedback an existing solution and allowing
and intervention services, risk man- from customers in the healthcare customers to customize based on
agement and contingency planning industry. The customers vocalized their needs.
as well as deep regulatory compli- their healthcare product shipment Source: UPS Pressroom (2013,
ance expertise. needs, and UPS met those needs 2017); Berman (2013).
vided by the customer in the past after adjust- tors which best separate the two categories of
ing for the time value of money. The lifetime a binary (0/1) dependent variable. To avoid over
value (LTV), in contrast, re ects the long-term tting, this search is performed on two thirds
economic value of a customer and is calcu- of the available data with one third of the data
lated as the sum of the discounted expected reserved for testing the eventual model that
contribution margins over the respective will be developed. Logistic regression is a statis-
observation horizon. The contribution margin tical tool to predict the probability of a binary
can be computed knowing the values of sales, outcome using predictor variables.
direct costs, and marketing costs. The sum To evaluate alternative selection strate-
of the lifetime value of all the customers of a gies, rms can use techniques such as
rm represents the customer equity (CE) of a misclassi cation rates and lift analysis. The
rm. It is an indicator of how much the rm is misclassi cation rate is the number of false
worth at a particular point in time as a result predictions divided by the total number of
of the rm’s customer management e orts. predictions made. Lifts indicate how much
This metric therefore can be seen as a link to better a model performs than no model or
the shareholder value of a rm. average performance, and are calculated
Firms employ di erent customer selection as (Response rate for each decile) ÷ (Overall
strategies to target the right customers. Some response rate) × 100. Based on lifts we can
of the popular customer selection strategies are perform a decile analysis. Therefore, custom-
pro ling, binary classi cation trees, and logistic ers are sorted based on the model to be eval-
regression. Pro ling rests on the assumption uated and grouped into deciles. For a good
that pro table customers share common model, customers in the rst deciles have a
characteristics. Pro ling consists of identifying signi cantly higher response rate. Cumula-
pro table customers in the existing customer tive lift is calculated as (Cumulative response
base and then to target similar customers from rate) ÷ (Overall response rate) * 100. It reveals
the prospect pool. The construction of binary the proportion of responders we can expect
classi cation trees relies on a recursive parti- to gain from targeting a speci c percent of
tioning algorithm used for nding the predic- customers using the model.
Cell # RFM codes Cost per Net pro t Breakeven (%) Actual Breakeven index
mail ($) per sale ($) response (%)