Energy Communities Report Final

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Energy communities: an overview

of energy and social innovation

Aura Caramizaru
Andreas Uihlein


EUR 30083 EN
This publication is a Science for Policy report by the Joint Research Centre (JRC), the European Commission’s
science and knowledge service. It aims to provide evidence-based scientific support to the European
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Name: Aura Caramizaru
Address: Rue du Champ de Mars 21, 1050 Ixelles, Belgium
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EU Science Hub


EUR 30083 EN

PDF ISBN 978-92-76-10713-2 ISSN 1831-9424 doi:10.2760/180576

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How to cite this report: Caramizaru, A. and Uihlein, A., Energy communities: an overview of energy and social
innovation, EUR 30083 EN, Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg, 2020,
ISBN 978-92-76-10713-2, doi:10.2760/180576, JRC119433.

Acknowledgements ................................................................................................ 1
Executive summary ............................................................................................... 2
1 Introduction ...................................................................................................... 4
2 Concept and definitions for energy communities .................................................... 7
2.1 EU legal framework ...................................................................................... 7
2.2 National enabling frameworks ....................................................................... 9
3 Activities and organisational forms ..................................................................... 12
3.1 Towards innovative social enterprises ........................................................... 12
3.2 Legal structures for energy communities ...................................................... 14
4 Drivers for the development of energy communities ............................................. 17
4.1 Socio-cultural and economic context ............................................................ 17
4.2 Energy policies .......................................................................................... 17
4.3 Specific drivers from the case studies ........................................................... 19
5 Customer empowerment and social innovation .................................................... 20
5.1 Social implications ..................................................................................... 20
5.2 Energy justice ........................................................................................... 23
6 Contribution to renewable energy expansion ....................................................... 25
6.1 Types of renewable energy ......................................................................... 25
6.2 Ownership structure of renewables investments ............................................ 26
7 Impact on the energy system ............................................................................ 28
7.1 Energy communities affecting distribution networks ....................................... 28
7.2 Impact on system costs .............................................................................. 30
8 Conclusions and recommendations .................................................................... 32
8.1 Fostering supportive energy policy frameworks ............................................. 32
8.2 Empowering customers and boosting social innovation ................................... 33
8.3 Taking an energy system approach .............................................................. 34
8.4 Driving Research and Innovation ................................................................. 34
References ......................................................................................................... 36
List of abbreviations and definitions ....................................................................... 40
List of figures ...................................................................................................... 41
List of tables ....................................................................................................... 42
Annex: Case studies per country ........................................................................... 43

The authors would like to thank the JRC colleagues that made suggestions and helped
review this report: Antonios Marinopoulos, Anna Mengolini, Julija Vasiljevska (JRC.C.3);
Tessa Dunlop (JRC.H.1); Giorgos Koukoufikis, Evangelos Tzimas, Alain Marmier, Veronika
Czako, (JRC.C.7). The report benefited from valuable discussions and insights from Jan
Steinkohl, Olav Berg and Ana Maria Sanchez Infante (DG ENER). We would especially like
to thank to Achille Hannoset (University of Ghent), Joshua Roberts (, Roland
Tual ( for their valuable reviews and additions.

Aura Caramizaru
Andreas Uihlein

Executive summary

The participation of citizens and communities as partners in energy projects are
transforming the energy system. Community energy initiatives are offering new
opportunities for citizens to get actively involved in energy matters.
Community energy refers to collective energy actions that foster citizens’ participation
across the energy system. It has received increased attention in recent years, developing
a wide range of practices to manage community energy projects.
The European Commission's Clean Energy for All Europeans Package confirms the
prominent role prosumers and their collective forms will play in the future energy
system. The EU legislative framework formally acknowledges and defines specific types
of community energy as 'renewable energy communities' and 'citizen energy

The aim of this report is to provide an overview of the activities, organisation and
implications of energy communities as participants across the energy system. It also
aims to inform and identify paths for future policy implications and research initiatives.
The report explores findings by looking at a wide range of activities, organisational forms,
drivers, societal benefits of energy communities and their contributions to renewables
expansion. It also analyses the implications of energy communities as new actors for
consumers and the energy system. The analysis draws evidence from literature review
and 24 case studies of community energy projects as described in the Annex.
The Joint Research Centre (JRC) has previously expressed interest in the concept of
collective energy actions. A 2018 paper analyses projects from the JRC smart grids
database that present a community-oriented approach (Marinopoulos, Vasiljevska, and
Mengolini, 2018). Another paper explored the use of blockchain in energy communities
(Kounelis et al., 2017). The current report continue this work by delving into the analysis
of community energy projects that could be potentially considered energy communities.

Main findings

Fostering supportive energy policy frameworks

The Clean Energy Package now recognises and offers an enabling legislative framework
for citizen and renewable energy communities. Its transposition into national law will be
essential for the successful development of energy communities. When developing their
national energy and climate plans, Member States should identify concrete measures to
implement the new rights given to citizen and renewable energy communities in the
revised Internal Electricity Market Directive and, respectively, the revised Renewables
Community energy projects have increased rapidly partly driven by renewable energy
support schemes providing incentives and increased awareness on collective actions.
Their long-term sustainability will be contingent on the development of viable business
models moving towards innovative financing and remuneration schemes, smart
technologies, national regulatory support and their wider social acceptance and degree of
citizen participation.
In order to allow them to compete on an equal footing with other market participants,
the procedures for participation in market-based support schemes such as auctions and
tenders can be simplified to include, for example, criteria for local community benefits.

Empowering customers and boosting social innovation
Engaging citizens through collective energy actions can reinforce positive social norms
and support the energy transition. Community energy can foster citizens’ participation
and control over decision-making in renewable energy. Its social innovation potential also
resides in the ability to integrate consumers independently of their income and access to
capital, ensuring that the benefits of decentralisation are also shared with those that
cannot participate.
In parallel, innovative social policy and revisited regulatory structures are needed to
address the potentially regressive effects that could arise when some societal groups
might be impaired by an inability to invest in renewables projects while having to pay the
socialised costs of policy support and grid fees. Ensuring that as many people as possible
can participate in community energy can release the creative forces of social innovation
and sustainable lifestyles across different social groups.
This report recommends carrying out an EU-wide exercise assessing the potential of
energy communities in reducing energy poverty - including lowering the barriers that
prevent socially vulnerable groups from participating in distributed generation and

Taking an energy system approach

Energy communities can bring a host of benefits to the energy systems. They can
support system operations by providing flexibility services locally and alleviating the need
for traditional network upgrades. Customers may also benefit from lower energy prices
and access to private capital from renewables investments through citizen participation.
The case studies analysed in this report show that while the majority of community-
based projects remain engaged in generation, their roles are gradually expanding. Their
rise into new areas such as energy supply, energy efficiency and electro-mobility is likely
to continue to disrupt activities traditionally held by energy/or car companies, addressing
initiatives across the energy system. Estimates suggest that by 2030, energy
communities could own some 17% of installed wind capacity and 21% of solar (European
Commission, 2016). By 2050, almost half of EU households are expected to be producing
renewable energy (Kampman, Blommerde, and Afma, 2016).
Energy communities will largely remain connected to the energy system, even though
stand-alone systems may apply for example on islands or in remote areas. Their
integration into the energy system must be done in a cost-efficient way, accounting for
real savings in the energy system as a whole and delivering value to all customers.

Driving Research and Innovation

Although energy communities can bring much-needed innovation potential, their
contribution to the energy transition is not yet fully understood EU-wide. More research is
needed to clarify and quantify their potential at local, regional and/or the national levels,
and analyse their economic, environmental and social effects. This should also
investigate the barriers preventing people and communities from participating in energy
EU funding programmes already support community energy action helping energy
customers to engage in the generation and management of sustainable energy. Member
States with a lower concentration of energy communities should be able to access funds
and strengthen their capacity building to replicate successful practices.

1 Introduction
Community energy refers to a wide range of collective energy actions that involve
citizens’ participation in the energy system. Community energy projects are characterised
by varying degrees of community involvement in decision-making and benefits sharing
(Walker and Devine-Wright, 2008). They may describe a community limited by a
geographical location or a community of interest (Walker and Devine-Wright, 2008).
The Clean Energy Package recognises certain categories of community energy initiatives
as ‘energy communities’ in European legislation. Energy communities can be understood
as a way to ‘organise’ collective energy actions around open, democratic participation
and governance and the provision of benefits for the members or the local community
(Roberts et al., 2019). There are two formal definitions of energy communities: ‘citizen
energy communities’ which is included in the revised Internal Electricity Market Directive
(EU) 2019/944 (European Parliament & Council of the European Union, 2019), and
‘renewable energy communities’ which is included in the revised Renewable Energy
Directive (EU) 2018/2001 (European Parliament & Council of the European Union, 2018).
These two EU legislative documents provide for the first time an enabling EU legal
framework for collective citizen participation in the energy system. They describe energy
communities as new types of non-commercial entities that, although they engage in an
economic activity, their primary purpose is to provide environmental, economic or social
community benefits rather than prioritise profit making (REScoop.EU, 2019).
This report focuses on 24 community energy schemes that could potentially be
considered types of energy communities. Nevertheless, some examples may not
correspond entirely to the EU definitions as they are preceding the Clean Energy
Package. Some have, for instance emerged as pilot projects and do not have a legal
entity. Furthermore, the transposition of the EU directives may also lead to diverse
structures at the national level (CEER, 2019).
In a broad sense, energy communities are contiguous processes of both the energy
transition and social innovation. As decentralised and renewable-based energy projects,
they can promote sustainable energy production and consumption practices. As
consumer-empowerment and community-driven initiatives, energy communities can play
a key role for social innovation as they reflect a fundamental shift in consumer
behaviour. The traditionally passive consumer is becoming an energy prosumer, co-
owner of renewable energy facilities and community energy participant (Van Der Schoor
et al., 2016).
In Europe, there are about 3 500 so-called renewable energy cooperatives - a type of
energy communities, which are found mostly in North-Western Europe (REScoop
MECISE, 2019). This number is even higher when including other types of community
energy initiatives. Figure 1 shows an indicative number of community energy initiatives
such as cooperatives, eco-villages, small-scale heating organisations and other projects
led by citizen groups for the nine European countries analysed in this report.
Germany and Denmark, two countries with strong traditions of community ownership and
social enterprises have the highest number of citizen-led energy organisations. COMETS,
a Horizon 2020 project will strive to provide a more complete overview of community
energy initiatives in view of the currently available sparse data 1.
The case studies the Joint Research Centre (JRC) analysed show that community energy
projects exist in diverse forms across Europe. The most widespread involve energy
generation. Examples include school buildings or farm roofs equipped with solar panels,
or windmills installed by residents in a village. Further, small biomass installations, heat
pumps, solar thermal and district heating networks are popular technologies for some
community groups. While their overall proportion as investors in renewables may remain
small (Yildiz et al., 2015), citizens and communities have a huge potential to invest in


renewables. An increasing number of projects is also getting involved in energy efficiency
and energy services that return profits to the community.

Figure 1 Approximate number of community energy initiatives from the nine countries of the
24 case studies


70 34 34 33







Source: JRC based on various sources, 2019

Energy communities are very heterogeneous in terms of organisational models and legal
forms. The most common type are energy cooperatives that have been established since
the introduction of renewables support schemes. Limited partnerships, development
trusts and foundations represent additional types of structures that allow for citizens’
participation and ownership in renewables.
To reflect this diversity and better understand their roles and activities, the JRC focused
on case studies from nine countries: Belgium, Denmark, Germany, France, Poland,
Spain, Sweden, Netherlands, and the United Kingdom. The report draws on academic
literature review, websites, and phone interviews to the extent possible. The criteria used
for the selection of the case studies (see Annex) was to be as diverse as possible in
terms of:
 Activities: generation, supply, consumption and energy sharing, distribution
(electricity and heating networks), energy services, electro-mobility, financial
 Energy technologies: wind, solar, small hydro, bioenergy, heat pumps, district
heating networks or electric vehicles
 Organisational structure and ownership: cooperative, association, partnership,
development trust, private company
 Variation in geographical spread and size from the local to regional to nation-wide
levels with membership from a few to thousands of members
 Varying membership motivations and socio-economic innovation (bioenergy villages,
co-housing communities, agricultural cooperatives)
The case studies represent community energy projects that refer to collective
participation in energy schemes by citizens and local actors. Common criteria among the
selected projects include a concern for citizens' participation in energy production and

use, and benefits delivering value to members locally and to the broader community. The
detailed characteristics of the case studies are presented for each of the nine countries in
the Annex. The findings are summarised throughout the chapters of the report.
This report cannot guarantee the accuracy or validity of information as it relies on the
interpretation of available information from external sources. For example, information
from the websites of case study projects and other sources may at times be incomplete
or inaccessible. This most notably includes the case of smaller initiatives that may lack
available primary sources in English or may be unavailable to contact otherwise.

2 Concept and definitions for energy communities
Community energy reflects a growing desire to find alternative ways of organising and
governing energy systems (Van Der Schoor et al., 2016). It is a new form of social
movement that allows for more participative and democratic energy processes. Until
recently, community energy lacked a clear status in EU and national legislation, taking
different forms of legal arrangements.

2.1 EU legal framework

The European Commission's Clean Energy Package breaks new ground for consumers by
recognising, for the first time under EU law, the rights of citizens and communities to
engage directly in the energy sector. It formally acknowledges and sets out legal
frameworks for certain categories of community energy as ‘energy communities’.
Energy communities are defined in two separate laws of the Clean Energy Package. The
revised Renewable Energy Directive (EU) 2018/2001 sets the framework for ‘renewable
energy communities’ covering renewable energy. The revised Internal Electricity Market
Directive (EU) 2019/944 introduces new roles and responsibilities for ‘citizen energy
communities’ in the energy system covering all types of electricity.
The directives describe energy communities as a possible type of organising collective
citizen actions in the energy system (Frieden et al., 2019). According to the Electricity
Market Directive, ‘the provisions on citizen energy communities do not preclude the
existence of other citizen initiatives such as those stemming from private law
agreements’. Both directives allow for different organisational forms of energy
communities (association, cooperative and others) through a legal entity.
Energy communities are incorporated as a non-commercial type of market actors that
combine non-commercial economic aims with environmental and social community
objectives (Roberts et al., 2019). The revised Electricity Market Directive states that
‘citizen energy communities constitute a new type of entity due to their membership
structure, governance requirements and purpose’. The revised Renewable Energy
Directive refers to the specific characteristics of local renewable energy communities in
terms of size and ownership structure.
Therefore, the directives frame energy communities around specific criteria and activities
to ensure they have an equal footing when operating in the market without
discrimination (Roberts et al., 2019). But they must do so without distorting competition
and without foregoing rights and obligations applicable to other market parties.
Both types of entities are characterised by the following common conceptual elements:
 Governance: Participation must be ‘open and voluntary’. In the revised Renewable
Energy Directive, participation in renewable energy projects should be open to all
potential local members based on non-discriminatory criteria. The revised Electricity
Market Directive states that membership should be open to all categories of entities.
It further states that ‘household customers should be allowed to participate
voluntarily in community energy initiatives as well as to leave them, without losing
access to the network operated by the community energy initiative.’
 Ownership and control: Both definitions emphasize participation and effective
control by citizens, local authorities and smaller businesses whose primary economic
activity is not the energy sector (Roberts et al., 2019).
 Purpose: The primary purpose is to generate social and environmental benefits
rather than focus on financial profits. The directives frame energy communities as
non-commercial type of actors that use revenues from economic activities to provide
services/benefits for members and/or the local community (Roberts et al., 2019)
The revised Renewable Energy Directive requires Member States to provide an enabling
framework promoting and facilitating the development of renewable energy communities

as a way to expand renewable energy. Member States are also required to take
renewable energy communities into account when designing their renewable energy
support schemes. In the revised Electricity Market Directive, the enabling framework is
more intended to create a level playing field for citizen energy communities as new
market actors.
In addition, both citizen energy communities and renewable energy communities can
exercise similar activities, including generation, distribution, supply, aggregation,
consumption, sharing, storage of energy and provision of energy-related services.
Depending on the activity performed, they must comply with the obligations and
restrictions applicable to the other market participants (generators, suppliers,
distributors, aggregators and other market actors) in a non-discriminatory and
proportional manner.
Furthermore, citizen energy communities and renewable energy communities differ in the
following ways:
 Geographical scope: The revised Renewable Energy Directive keeps the tie to
having local communities organised ‘in the proximity’ of renewable energy projects
that are owned and developed by that community. The revised Electricity Market
Directive does not bind citizen energy communities to the immediate vicinity or to
the same geographical location between generation and consumption.
 Activities: Citizen energy communities operate within the electricity sector and can
be renewable and fossil-fuel based (i.e. technology-neutral). Renewable energy
communities cover a broad range of activities referring to all forms of renewable
energy in the electricity and heating sectors.
 Participants: Any actor can participate in a citizen energy community, as long as
members or shareholders that are engaged in large-scale commercial activity and for
which the energy sector constitute a primary area of economic activity do not
exercise any decision-making power. Participants eligible to join include natural
persons, local authorities and micro, small, medium and large enterprises.
Renewable energy communities have a more restricted membership and only allow
natural persons, local authorities and micro, small and medium-sized enterprises
whose participation does not constitute their primary economic activity (REScoop.EU,
2019). A separate provision requires Member States to ensure that participation in
renewable energy communities is accessible to consumers in low-income or
vulnerable households.
 Autonomy: According to the Renewable Energy Directive, a renewable energy
community ‘should be capable of remaining autonomous from individual members
and other traditional market actors that participate in the community as members or
shareholders.’ The definition of citizen energy communities does not include
autonomy; but decision-making powers should be limited to those members or
shareholders that are not engaged in large-scale commercial activity and for which
the energy sector does not constitute a primary area or economic activity
(REScoop.EU, 2019).
 Effective control: Renewable energy communities can be effectively controlled by
micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises that are ‘located in the proximity’ of the
renewable energy project; while citizen energy communities exclude medium-sized
and large enterprises from being able to exercise effective control (REScoop.EU,
2019). The Electricity Market Directive defines control as ‘the possibility of exercising
decisive influence on an undertaking, in particular by: (a) ownership or the right to
use all or part of the assets of an undertaking; (b) rights or contracts which confer
decisive influence on the composition, voting or decisions of the organs of an
Some examples of community energy initiatives analysed in this report may not fully
comply with the definitions of citizen energy communities and renewable energy

communities. For example, one of the largest ones, Elektrizitätswerke Schönau (EWS) is
involved, amongst others, in natural gas production, distribution and supply meaning
that its gas activities would not fit with the definition of a 'citizen energy community' nor
fulfil the renewables requirements of a 'renewable energy community'. The Polish energy
clusters (Żywiecka Energia Przyszłości) are not legal entities but civil law agreements
between a large number of partners including local governments, enterprises, municipal
companies and individuals2. Moreover, they are technology-neutral initiatives. The Słupsk
pilot implementation of 200 households equipped with solar PV facilities in Poland is a
project tested under the Horizon 2020 SCORE project, meaning that it is not constituted
as a legal entity.

2.2 National enabling frameworks

In addition to the official recognition of ‘energy communities’ as specific types of
community energy initiatives in the recasts of the Renewable Energy Directive and of the
Electricity Market Directive, several Member States already adopted measures and
policies on community ownership or are in the process of developing regulatory
The following policy measures and targets addressing citizen and community
engagement to certain degrees exist in the nine Member States analysed in this report
(Table 1). While these national instruments can act as major drivers to engage citizens in
energy matters, they may not offer the full ownership rights and legal recognition
granted by the Clean Energy Package.

Table 1 Summary of policies and measures addressing energy communities for the nine countries
of the 24 case studies
MS Summary of national measures and policies
BE There is no official decree but there is political will from the government to open wind projects to
investments by citizens. The Walloon government has recently introduced the concept of “communautés
energie renouvelable” or renewable energy communities in the Decree of 30 April 2019. The Decree
allows for collective self-consumption and provides for the possibility to use specific tariffs for the use of
the network, as well as for the contribution to taxes, surcharges and other regulated tariffs (Hannoset et
al., 2019). Local authorities can also include citizens’ participation when tendering for renewables
projects. For example, the municipalities of Amel and Büllingen started up a large wind farm that will be
co-owned by the two municipalities (60%) and the citizens joining the cooperatives Courant d’Air and
Ecopower (40%) (REScoop MECISE, 2019).
DE The German government aims to preserve the diversity of actors in the energy transition. The recast
Renewable Energy Act (EEG) defines citizen’ energy companies as consisting of at least ten natural
persons who are members eligible to vote, in which at least 51 per cent of the voting rights are held by
natural persons with a permanent residency in the administrative district of the project location. Further,
no member or shareholder of the undertaking shall hold more than 10 per cent of the voting rights
(Yildiz et al., 2019). The act had originally introduced a number of preferential rules for ‘citizens’ energy
companies’ to participate in renewables auctions. However, as the definition proved challenging in
achieving its desired objective, citizens energy projects need to have a permit when participating in
auctions since 2018 (Tounquet et al., 2019). The government is considering to introduce investment
grants in order to lower barriers for participation (Tounquet et al., 2019).
DK Community participation is reinforced by a requirement for wind energy developers to offer 20% of
ownership shares to residents close to new commercial wind farms, including a right to buy up to 50
shares for those citizens living within 4.5 km of the project. For 2018 and 2019, the right to local
ownership will also apply for large-scale solar PV. Annual metering has been replaced by hourly to
instant metering in 2017 for newly installed PV, which has reduced the advantage of solar panels
(Ronne and Nielsen, 2019).
ES The concept of ‘local energy community’ is being proposed by the Ministry of Ecologic Transition. The
Spanish framework copies the rights, privileges and responsibilities from the EU directives for renewable
and citizen energy communities (Hannoset et al., 2019). Royal Decree 244/2019 completes the Royal
Decree Law 15/2018 by extending self-consumption to a group of people beyond single owners. A self-
consumption facility may now be located in more than one dwelling and power surpluses may be shared
with nearby consumers located in other buildings or fed into the grid (Frieden et al., 2019).


MS Summary of national measures and policies
FR Article 6bis A of the Energy and Climate Law hints at the possible introduction of the concept of
“communautés energie renouvelable” in which any entity, except an enterprise whose participation
constitutes their primary economic or professional activity can participate; and natural persons, SMEs
and local authorities or their groupings that are located in proximity of the renewable energy projects to
which they have subscribed and developed can exercise effective control. The entity enjoys the right to
access all markets, either directly or through aggregation, as well as the right to cooperation by the DSO
to facilitate transfer of energy within the community (Hannoset et al., 2019).
The Energy Transition Law enables local governments to generate energy through public-private
partnerships with businesses to engage in energy production. Article 111 provides that private or public
companies and cooperative societies promoting renewables projects offer a stake to individuals, in
particular nearby residents, and local governments and municipal buildings on which territory it is
located. They can also allow those same entities or individuals to participate in financing the renewable
energy project (Dreyfus and Allemand, 2018).
NL The Dutch framework makes use of a regulatory sandbox and establishes regulatory exemptions for
specific initiatives around microgrids and small-scale renewables generation. Article 7a of Dutch
Electricity Act introduces a regulatory sandbox for types of energy associations and cooperatives. This is
further implemented by the Dutch Experimentation Decree of 20153, which invites local experimenters
to initiate projects that can derogate from the Dutch Electricity Act. Under this experimental regime, it is
possible to operate a local microgrid for households, to get an exemption from the supply license
requirement for supply of electricity to small consumers and special grid tariff structures for a period of
maximum 10 years (Hannoset et al., 2019). Only projects operated by cooperatives and associations of
owners are eligible for permission; DSOs/TSOs or legal persons that are (in)directly producer or supplier
of electricity shall not have any say in the management of the community; and 80% must be end-
consumers. The community energy associations and cooperatives can organize energy sharing and set
their own internal tariffs for supply (Tounquet et al., 2019).
PL The Renewable Energy Sources Act of 2015 (amended in 2016, 2017) focuses on individual prosumers,
but the law recognises energy cooperatives (1982 Cooperative Law). The government focuses on
developing so-called ‘energy clusters’. An energy cluster is a civil law agreement – both a cooperation
agreement and a commercial partnership agreement between its participants that does not have legal
personality. It includes a large membership base: natural persons, local government units,
entrepreneurs, research institutes, universities. It is technology-neutral and focuses on energy
generation and balancing, within a distribution network with a rated voltage lower than 110 kV. The
main societal value of a cluster is that it contributes to the local economy.
SE There is no framework for energy communities, only measures for self-consumption. Collective self-
consumption within a building is allowed if all apartments belong to the same grid connection but not
when the electricity is transported over a grid covered by grid concession (Frieden et al., 2019).
UK The UK’s regulator, Ofgem introduced regulatory sandboxes that enables innovators to trial new
products, services and business models without some of the usual rules applying4. Examples of
sandboxes granted include a trial by Chase Community Solar, a community benefit society which has
fitted solar panels to homes owned by Cannock Chase District Council; and a peer-to-peer trading using
blockchain technology supported by Repowering London, a community benefit society.
The Scottish government actively promotes community and local ownership. It has committed to
support community and locally owned renewable energy projects with new targets of 1 GW by 2020, and
2 GW by 2030. The Welsh government has set a target of 1 GW of locally-owned renewable electricity
capacity by 2030 and an expectation that new projects from 2020 have an element of local ownership.

Source: Various including (Dreyfus and Allemand, 2018), (Tounquet et al., 2019), (Frieden et al., 2019)

Although not amongst the countries from where the case studies derive, Greece is a
notable example as it introduced a new law that expanded the scope of virtual net
metering to energy communities in 2018. Law N4513/2018 defines energy communities
as urban partnerships with the aim of strengthening the sharing economy and innovation
in the energy sector. Central elements of the law include:
 Locality as a necessary condition for the creation of synergies and partnerships for
the implementation of energy projects to respond to local needs, utilising local
renewable sources, with the aim of disseminating benefits to energy communities
members and generating added value for the greater local communities.
 Insularity, in which special arrangements and privileges are introduced for the
case of very small islands with population below 3 100 people, to address issues
such as the high cost per kWh as well as the environmental, economic and social
issues raised by the use of conventional forms of potential production.


 The activation and enhancement of technological tools such as energy offsetting
and virtual energy offsetting in particular to shield vulnerable consumers.
 Financial incentives and support measures which mainly concern the development
of renewables power plants, in order to exploit domestic potential with the
involvement of local communities as defined in national energy targets.
The criterion of locality translates into the obligation of at least 50% plus one of the
members to relate to the place where the registered office is located. Financial incentives
include an exemption from bidding procedures for projects up to 6 MW for wind farms
and 1 MW for photovoltaics (PV). There is also an exemption from the obligation to pay
the annual fee for the right to hold a power generation license, and a reduced guarantee
payment of 50% for participation in the auction-based subsidy scheme.

3 Activities and organisational forms
Community energy initiatives are gradually taking on new activities and energy services–
from renewables generation to investments in electro-mobility services. They can also
take diverse legal forms – with the most common type being renewables cooperatives,
also reflected in the organisation type of the 24 case studies studied in this report.

3.1 Towards innovative social enterprises

Energy communities can perform both traditional activities and engage in new business
models. Usually, smaller scale citizen-led initiatives are mostly involved in renewable
generation activities. However, an increasing number of energy communities have been
taking on new roles of energy and energy services providers. The energy initiatives JRC
analysed show that they might engage in some or all of the following activities:
 Generation: community energy projects collectively using or owning generation
assets (mostly solar, wind, hydro) where members do not self-consume the energy
produced but feed it into the network and sell it to a supplier (CEER, 2019)
 Supply: the sale (and resale) of electricity and gas to customers (electricity, wood
pellets, biogas and others). Large communities can have a large number of retail
customers in their vicinity, and may also engage in aggregation activities combining
customer loads and flexibility or generate electricity for sale, purchase or auction in
electricity markets (European Parliament & Council of the European Union, 2019)
 Consumption and sharing: the energy produced by the energy community is used
and shared inside the community. This includes both consumption (individual and
collective self-consumption) and local sharing of energy amongst members that is
produced by the generating installations within a community
 Distribution: ownership and/or management of community-run distribution
networks, such as local electricity grids or small-scale district heating and (bio)gas
networks; often cooperatives can do both energy generation and distribution, but the
network infrastructure is central to their business (Yildiz et al., 2015)
 Energy services: energy efficiency or energy savings (e.g. renovation of buildings,
energy auditing, consumption monitoring, heating and air quality assessments);
flexibility, energy storage and smart grid integration; energy monitoring and energy
management for network operations; financial services
 Electro-mobility: car sharing, car-pooling and/or charging stations operation and
management, or provision of e-cards for members and cooperatives
 Other activities: consultation services to develop community ownership initiatives
or to establish local cooperatives, information and awareness raising campaigns, or
fuel poverty measures (e.g. Energie Solidaire Enercoop, France)
Findings from the 24 cases studied in this report (Figure 2) shows that a large majority of
initiatives are engaged in energy generation, usually owning generation assets. While
some communities perform only generation activities (Beauvent 5 for electricity), others
undertake both generation and supply (Ecopower), as well as distribution (EWS Schönau)
which can be an exception to the unbundling criteria 6. Some cooperatives that cannot
perform supply activities due to their size or difficulties in obtaining a supply license may
act as resellers of a sustainable energy provider (Amelander Energie Coöperatie 7).

Beauvent mostly acts as an electricity producer from 100% renewables projects, it only supplies electricity to
a small customer base where it has PV installations without a license (households, schools, city buildings)
According to the Third Energy Package, the electricity system is built on the separation between regulated
(transmission and distribution system operators) and unregulated (supply activities), with exception for
small distribution system operators with less than 100 000 customers.
More than 80 cooperatives in the Netherlands founded the VanOns which acts as a cooperative energy
supplier with a license. Sources include the large cooperative co-owned solar parks in Ameland. Local
cooperatives can agree to a reseller’s contract and can get a share of profits from the energy supplier.

In addition, energy efficiency such as measures to improve renovation of buildings is
already well established amongst some cooperatives. In Belgium, Courant d'Air is
involved in mobilizing citizens to replace their lamps with LED lighting. Also, Ecopower
developed a cost-covering service, Ecotrajet 8 which advises its members how to
commission deep energy innovations in their homes (REScoop MECISE, 2019).

Figure 2 Overview of activities corresponding to the 24 case studies

Generation 20

Supply activity 14

Energy Efficiency 10

Distribution activity 9

Electro mobility 8
Consumption and
Flexibility & storage 4

Financial services 1

Source: JRC based on the case studies, 2019

Additional services in the field of electro-mobility are becoming increasingly popular. For
instance, Som Mobilitat and Mobicoop are purchasing electric cars charged with green
electricity and renting parking spaces in cities to offer electric car sharing services. The
Mobility Factory is a European cooperative enterprise founded by eight cooperatives to
offer electric car sharing services to their members. Its main service is a digital
application that can be used by the member cooperatives so that their members can
access cars via their phone (it also applies across cooperatives so a member of Partago in
Flanders could use a car owned by Som Mobilitat if they are on holiday in Spain).
Electric cars can also serve as flexible demand making use of the excess electricity from
the local renewables farm. Flexibility services and storage are also considered or tested
in some initiatives. Storage devices or services are particularly interesting as they enable
community energy projects to make use of the renewable energy they produce locally.
Their participation in flexibility markets can also provide an additional source of revenue.
Some cooperatives supplying electricity from wind or solar energy - or providing local
pellets, stoves and boilers for small-scale heating of buildings and domestic hot water
can serve large numbers of retail customers. The largest supply cooperatives include:
Ecopower which supplies about 2% of the Flemish households with their own green
electricity9; Enercoop in France; Som Energia in Spain; and EWS Schönau, a German-
wide electricity supplier. Some other initiatives are in the process of developing future
supply activities, energy trading or distribution activities such as Spółdzielnia Nasza
Energia cooperative and energy clusters (Żywiecka Energia Przyszłości) in Poland.
Supply may not necessarily be understood in the sense of the strict rules applicable to
suppliers in the Internal Electricity Market Directive (Jasiak, 2018). For instance, a
cooperative company can supply power to its members either by buying from an external


supplier or by producing it itself. Either way, further interpretation is needed when
implementing the Directives to determine whether the delivery and transfers to and
within the community are treated as collective self-consumption, energy sharing or
supply as defined by the Electricity Directive. This is particularly dependent on the
contractual relationship between the community and its members and on whether the
communities are involved in distribution or energy sharing. Obligations however need to
be proportional and may be determined on a case-by-case basis on whether a business-
to-customer or customer-to-customers contract will apply (Jasiak, 2018).
Overall, the expansion of energy communities in new areas traditionally held by energy
utilities or car manufacturers (in the case of mobility services) reflects their advance as
innovative social enterprises developing new business models. The potential of small-
scale renewables generation and citizens to disrupt traditional business models in the
energy sector is already underway. A caveat however might be that a growth in size and
economic activities might see community goals be overridden by material profits if
communities become more commercially oriented (Bauwens, 2016).

Box 1. From renewables production to supply – The story of Ecopower

Ecopower is a renewable energy cooperative in Belgium. Citizens around a kitchen table in
Rotselaar established it in 1991. The origins of the Ecopower story date from 1985 when a
watermill was bought as part of a co-housing project. In 2003, following the liberalisation of the
electricity market in Belgium, the general assembly voted to become an energy supplier in the
region of Flanders.
Today, the cooperative is both an electricity producer and a supplier operating in Flanders. With its
40 staff members Ecopower offers over 57 000 citizens the opportunity to get a grip on their
energy production and supply. Projects in recent years include the development of wind turbines,
solar and hydropower energy production, cogeneration, and a factory where wood pellets are
produced. Together these installations produce about 100 million kWh per year. Through initiatives
focused on energy efficiency, Ecopower’s members have reduced their electricity consumption by
an average of 50% over the past 10 years. Ecopower also enters into direct partnerships with local
municipalities to support economic and social value creation for the citizens and the municipality.
More information:
Source: (Friends of the Earth Europe, 2018)

3.2 Legal structures for energy communities

Various governance models enable citizens’ participation in renewables projects.
Depending on the legal form chosen, they can differ in terms of governance structure,
decision-making and liabilities (Table 2). For instance, they can be fully owned by the
community or developed in cooperation with public or commercial actors (shared
ownership) (Yildiz et al., 2015). Further, community-managed projects can take diverse
forms, ranging from large cooperatives to off-grid island systems.

Table 2 Possible legal structures for energy communities

Legal structure Description
Energy cooperatives This is the most common and fast growing form of energy communities. This type of
ownership primarily benefits its members. It is popular in countries where
renewables and community energy are relatively advanced.
Limited partnerships A partnership may allow individuals to distribute responsibilities and generate profits
by participating in community energy. Governance is usually based on the value of
each partner’s share, meaning they do not always provide for a one member - one
Community trusts and Their objective is to generate social value and local development rather than benefits
foundations for individual members. Profits are used for the community as a whole, even when
citizens do not have the means to invest in projects (for-the-public-good companies).

Housing associations Non-profit associations that can offer benefits to tenants in social housing, although
they may not be directly involved in decision-making. These forms are ideal for
addressing energy poverty.
Non-profit customer- Legal structures used by communities that deal with the management of independent
owned enterprises grid networks. Ideal for community district heating networks common in countries
like Denmark.
Public-private Local authorities can decide to enter into agreements with citizen groups and
partnerships businesses in order to ensure energy provision and other benefits for a community.
Public utility company Public utility companies are run by municipalities, who invest in and manage the
utility on behalf of taxpayers and citizens. These forms are less common, but are
particularly suited for rural or isolated areas.

Source: JRC based on (Roberts, Bodman, and Rybski, 2014; Hanna, 2017; REN21, 2016)

The majority of citizen-led initiatives are cooperatives. Cooperatives are a type of social
and economic enterprise that enables citizens to collectively own and manage renewable
energy projects (Yildiz et al., 2015). Local residents or from the neighbouring area can
invest in renewable generation by buying shares to finance a project (Walker, 2008). In
some cases, citizens can also consume and share renewable energy.
Cooperatives are common in countries with strong community traditions such as
Germany (known as eingetragene Genossenschaften – eG) or Sweden. In the UK,
renewable cooperatives have mainly been formed as industrial and provident societies
(IPS) (Bauwens, Gotchev, and Holstenkamp, 2016). An example from this report, the
Edinburgh Community Solar Cooperative Limited was formed as a Society for the Benefit
of the Community (‘BenCom’), a type of an IPS that is intended to benefit the community
as a whole (Roberts, Bodman, and Rybski, 2014)10. BenComs may pose limits on the
distribution of assets and shares to preserve the community benefit.
In a cooperative, the distribution of profits is limited and surpluses are reinvested to
support its members and/or the community. The allocation of revenues from the projects
is regulated by the statutes of the cooperative, which relate to its main purpose.
Sometimes they can be distributed amongst the members through capped dividends.
Other initiatives may provide energy benefits in the form of lower energy prices.
Cooperatives are based on democratic governance - i.e. decisions made on a ‘one
member – one vote’ principle.
Citizen-led initiatives can also unite in larger networks and federations that integrate or
coordinate several cooperatives at the national and the EU levels. One example is
Energy4All in the UK that is formed by 27 cooperatives across the country. The
Energy4All network facilitates knowledge sharing as well as the creation and
development of cooperatives based on experience with previous projects. One of the
cooperatives it created (Energy Prospects Cooperative) specialises in taking early stage
cooperatives through the development and planning application stages prior to the
project launch11. At the EU level, more than 1 500 energy cooperatives and their 1 000
000 citizens are represented by, the European federation of renewable
energy cooperatives12.
Another legal form for citizens’ participation includes limited partnerships, with a limited
liability company as a general partner (Gesellschaft mit beschränkter Haftung &
Compagnie Kommanditgesellschaft - GmbH & Co. KG). The model is suitable for larger
projects with high investment volume. It became particularly popular for citizen-owned
wind parks in Germany. One example is Sprakebüll which started as a community-wind
farm pioneered by a group of villagers based on the GmbH & Co. KG model. Voting rights
are proportional to the capital invested, instead of the traditional one member – one vote
cooperative principle (Co2mmunity, 2019).


In Scotland, development trusts are a preferred model for community energy projects.
The community group is usually the full owner of the renewables installations and raises
funds through grants and loans and distributes income from renewables to community
projects (Krug-Firstbrook, Haggett, and van Veelen, 2018). An example from Scotland in
this report is the Isle of Eigg, an off-grid system which provides electricity for the whole
island. The stand-alone system is managed by a community owned, managed and
maintained company Eigg Electric Ltd, which is a wholly owned subsidiary of the Isle of
Eigg Heritage Trust, a community organisation that owns the island.
In the Netherlands, there is no specific legal model for collective consumer ownership
(Akerboom and van Tulder, 2019). Examples in this report include one cooperative
company with unlimited liability (Amelander Energie Coöperatie U.A) and a cooperation
project (Duurzaam Ameland). Duurzaam Ameland is a partnership between the
municipality of Ameland, companies, research institutes and the local energy
cooperative. The island’s solar park co-founded by the municipality, Amelander Energie
Coöperatie and Eneco, a large energy company is the first solar park of this size in the
country. Off-season, it is able to produce enough electricity for more than 1 500
households on Ameland13. Moreover, other models used by communities to invest in
renewables in the Netherlands are foundations or public ownership of energy utilities to
initiate new projects.
In Poland, the Renewable Energy Sources Act defined the term of ‘energy clusters’ as
civic-law agreements with diverse parties including natural persons, legal persons,
scientific units, research institutes and local-government units. The agreement concerns
the balancing of demand and generation, distribution of or trade in energy from
renewables or other sources, within a distribution network with voltage below 110 kV
(Wiktor-Sułkowska, 2018). The cluster functions as a civil law agreement meaning it
does not have legal personality and will not run as a business activity. The cluster
nevertheless shows concern for local values, sustainability of the region and engagement
of local residents and municipalities. It can take the shape of a local energy community
or micro-network that balances demand and supply at the local level, together with both
private and public actors.
Housing associations can be found in the United Kingdom, Denmark or Sweden. In
Denmark, the members or the tenants of the social housing estate are responsible for
managing the estate (REN21, 2016). In Sweden, the housing association
Bostadsrättsföreningen Lyckansberg’s solar cell plant produces electricity for the common
facilities of more than 85 tenant-owned apartments.
Non-profit customer-owned enterprises are legal forms for community ownership that
can be found in Denmark. Marstal Fjernvarme is an example of a solar district heating
plant on the island of Ærø founded as a cooperative limited company A.m.b.A. The
company was originally financed and has been owned by the inhabitants of Marstal since
the 1960s (Co2mmunity, 2019). In this not-for-profit ownership model, profits are
returned to the members in the form of lower energy prices. In order to buy a share in
the network, members have to be owners of properties in Marstal eligible for connection
to the grid (Co2mmunity, 2019).


4 Drivers for the development of energy communities
The drivers shaping the emergence and success of energy communities include socio-
economic, energy policy, individual project related factors and actors’ characteristics
(Ruggiero et al., 2019). The heterogeneity of community energy shows clear differences
in terms of members’ individual motivations and level of engagement (Bauwens, 2016).
This section analyses three categories of drivers and their influence on participation:
socio-cultural and economic factors (Section 4.1), energy policy factors (Section 4.2),
and specific factors identified from the 24 case studies described in the Annex (Section

4.1 Socio-cultural and economic context

The first category of factors refers to the social, cultural, economic and political setting
within which community energy operates.
The geographical location of community-based energy projects implies that economic
differences play a role in their development. In general, EU Member States with higher
levels of disposable income have a higher concentration of community energy initiatives.
Community energy is mostly prevalent in the higher-income countries of Northern-
Western Europe, and less in Southern Europe and in Eastern Europe. This means the
level of citizen welfare can play a role in providing the purchasing power and sufficient
capital to cover the investments.
In addition to differences in economic status, another argument which may have
impaired participation in Eastern European countries is the perceived negative
connotations associated with cooperatives and trust in centrally-planned economies
(Beckmann, Otto, and Tan, 2016). This is in contrast with countries such as Denmark,
Germany or Belgium which have a strong tradition of social enterprises and community
ownership (Simcock, Willis, and Capener, 2016). If similar values are high, it is more
likely that collective action like energy communities emerge. However, the cultural
differences in Eastern Europe may not necessarily be caused by distrust in social activity
overall, but rather in the national and local political institutions (Lissowska, 2013).
The variety of initiatives shows however that there is an interdependency of economic
benefits and wider social and moral goals that are tied to community engagement.
Research shows that a mix between social capital, civic minded behaviour, environmental
concerns and interpersonal trust are important factors that motivate members to join
energy cooperatives (Bauwens, 2016). This interdependency of social and financial
interests can strongly influence the size, type and design of successful community energy
projects. The correlation between regions with higher levels of education and
engagement in community energy projects is another factor highlighted in research
(Ruggiero et al., 2019).

4.2 Energy policies

The origin of community energy is generally associated to the environmentalist
movements driven by anti-nuclear sentiments and the oil shocks of the 1960s and 1970s.
This certainly reflects an early commitment to defy corporate control of the energy
system. However, the rapid expansion of community energy projects after the 1990s and
recent waves of development shows a clear correlation to policy support schemes (Hewitt
et al., 2019).
Policy tools promoting renewables such as feed-in-tariffs (FiTs), tax incentives and grants
are considered critical for the rise of prosumers and community ownership schemes
(Curtin, McInerney, and Ó Gallachóir, 2017). Renewable support schemes have been
particularly effective for mobilizing citizens and communities in countries with a strong
tradition of local citizen ownership (Curtin, McInerney, and Ó Gallachóir, 2017). The
introduction of FiTs in the 1990s in countries with stable policies supporting renewables
such as Germany, Denmark or the UK coincided with a surge in citizens and community

investors (Hewitt et al., 2019). These schemes enable small-scale producers and
communities to receive money for producing electricity from renewables.
In Germany, the feed-in-tariff laws introduced in 1991 caused considerable community
ownership investments in wind energy (Figure 3). The movement was led by hundreds of
local businesses and citizens who have bought shares to finance wind power projects
(Morris, 2014). Since 2000, the UK passed new laws granting community and local
ownership in renewables (Walker, Wiersma, and Bailey, 2014). A mix of grants and tax
advantages were introduced in addition to the FiT, which was deemed insufficient to
overcome the highly centralised energy system in the UK (Curtin, McInerney, and
Johannsdottir, 2018).

Figure 3 Growth of payments under the German Renewable Energy Sources Act (EEG) and
citizen-led initiatives in Germany
3000 30000

Energy communities
2500 EEG Payments 25000
Number of energy communities

2000 20000

EEG payments in mio. EUR

1500 15000

1000 10000

500 5000

0 0
2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016
Source: JRC based on (Kahla et al., 2007)

By contrast, cuts in feed-in-tariffs can lead to decreased support and shrinking numbers
of energy cooperatives (Wierling et al., 2018). The emergence of new cooperatives was
delayed, and many existing ones were dismantled in Denmark after a change in the feed-
in-tariff scheme in 2003 (Bauwens, Gotchev, and Holstenkamp, 2016).
In 2015, Germany had seen the number of newly founded cooperatives fall by 25% as
compared to the previous year. A survey by Deutscher Genossenschafts- und
Raiffeisenverband (DGRV) reports the slowdown was caused by new financial restrictions
and tendering rules in the Renewable Energy Sources Act (EEG) (DGRV, 2016).
In addition to governmental support for renewables, energy prices can also play a role.
In Spain, an increase in electricity prices in 2012 prompted a rise in energy cooperatives
as a way to lower the costs of renewable energy (Capellán-Pérez, Campos-Celador, and
Terés-Zubiaga, 2018). This may explain why many cooperatives have taken on the role
of suppliers providing cheaper electricity.
Policy measures allocating preferential treatment for local ownership can also support
citizens-led projects. In Denmark, local residents are offered the opportunity to invest up
to 20% of shares in wind farms built in or close to their municipality (IEA-RETD, 2016).

4.3 Specific drivers from the case studies
The 24 case studies the JRC considered in this report show that there is a wide diversity
of interests and motivations to engage in energy communities (Figure 4). The reason for
the differences lies in the scope, geography, activity and characteristics of each energy
initiative and its members. The drivers range from environmental consciousness and a
desire to produce green electricity to greater ownership of local energy infrastructure.

Figure 4 Drivers motivating participation corresponding to the 24 case studies

Investments in sustainable infrastructure 80%

Production of green electricity and heat 72%

Financial motives 52%

Social & environmental sustainability 48%

Self-sufficiency 32%

Energy efficiency 28%

Supply and sharing of renewable energy 28%

Secure energy supply 12%

Source: JRC based on the case studies, 2019

The most common drive is the motivation to invest in community energy infrastructure
such as renewables installations, district heating, energy efficiency systems or charging
infrastructure. This is particularly the case for cooperatives investing in community-
owned solar and wind projects, or district heating networks. However, while financial
motives and monetary benefits (such as shares or cheaper electricity prices) can be a
strong motivation, they do not exclude other types of social and environmental
motivations. Moreover, commercial activities such as supply to customers outside the
membership base are less common, implying that community objectives prevail over
profit interests.
The ambition to protect the environment and the desire to be socially, ecologically and
economically self-sufficient is particularly prevalent among housing communities and bio-
villages. Reliance on stable and secure energy supply was dominant in off-grid systems
or energy islands such as the Island of Eigg in Scotland. In addition, the drive to take
sustainability matters into one’s own hands and solve local issues is another prevalent
feature across many initiatives. The emergence of EWS Schönau, for instance, was
motivated by an anti-nuclear sentiment in the aftermath of the Chernobyl disaster. This
citizens’ movement culminated in taking back the grid from the conventional utility 14.


5 Customer empowerment and social innovation
The transition towards climate-neutrality cannot be achieved through technology and
markets alone (European Commission, 2018). The energy transition involves a social
transformation in which civil society and citizens will play a crucial role too (Knoefel et
al., 2018). One distinctive social innovation feature of community energy is the ability to
combine the mutual and the public interest (Bauwens and Defourny, 2017). Another is its
approach to ‘commonify’ decentralised renewables where people co-operate to
regenerate a common good (Hammerstein, 2018).

5.1 Social implications

Energy communities can reinforce strong social norms and support citizens’ participation
in the energy system. According to EU legislation, their primary purpose is to create
social innovation: they engage in economic activities other than for profit making
(REScoop.EU, 2019). Community energy can be considered as a type of grassroots or
niche innovation that can experience learning curves within the socio-technical landscape
(Geels et al., 2017). Cross-cutting features of such initiatives include a commitment to
place and interest, and community involvement in both processes and outcomes (Smith
et al., 2016).
The complexity of grassroots innovations is intertwined with conflicting issues of local
culture, local democracy, social norms and values such as local opposition to renewables
(Geels et al., 2017). Scientific papers identified two dimensions of community energy.
One is the ‘process’ which concerns the depth of involvement of local people. The other is
the ‘outcomes’ which is more concerned with how the benefits are distributed in the
community (Walker and Devine-Wright, 2008).
Communities are further defined into ‘communities of place’ understood as projects run
by local people that bring collective benefits to the local community; and ‘communities of
interest’ determined not by space but by some common bond (e.g. interest in green
energy) (Bauwens, 2016). Ideally, an energy community should include a combination of
high local participation and control, and a high degree of benefit sharing.
Energy communities may take on more utility-like activities such as the sale of electricity
and energy efficiency services. However, even if based on commercialising energy, a
cooperative business model has a different approach than a traditional utility (Figure 5)
(Bryant, Straker, and Wrigley, 2018).
For example, in a cooperative – a type of energy community, the aim is not to maximise
profits but rather to reinvest them in the community and provide services to its
members. If the net income is allocated as a return on capital shares, the profit
redistribution is usually subject to a cap (Bauwens, Gotchev, and Holstenkamp, 2016).
Ecopower, for instance, sees the 6% cap on the interest it can return to its members as a
financial opportunity to further reinvest in renewables schemes. Further, the community
and/or citizens, instead of investors, own the cooperative.
In general, the governance of energy cooperatives is led by a set of well-established
governing principles. The International Cooperative Alliance established the values of
self-help, self-responsibility, democracy, equality, equity and solidarity as founding
principles15. A cooperative subscribes a commitment to equality, fairness and social
responsibility. These principles do not apply to the same extent to other types of energy

See the International Cooperative Alliance's values and principles of the cooperative movement The International Cooperative Alliance the
global steward of the Statement on the Cooperative Identity.

Figure 5 The cooperative energy utility business model

Source: Adapted from (Bryant, Straker, and Wrigley, 2018)

From a socio-technical understanding, communities can bring the following benefits:

 Local value: Energy communities can help to implement local sustainability projects
that can achieve energy independency, reduce carbon emissions and fuel poverty, as
well as contribute to the local economy. They can generate local jobs and avoid the
outflow of financial resources from the region (Kunze and Becker, 2014).
 Energy citizenship and democracy: Citizens have democratic control over energy
investments by becoming co-owners of renewables installations, usually through the
principle of one member one vote. Participation in renewables ownership and
decision-making can either be direct, in which case members approve decisions in
assembly meetings and decide how the surplus is distributed (Hanna, 2017); or
indirect participation through a board of directors, as in the case of EWS Schönau
 Generating financial returns for the community: Community assets (wind
turbines, solar panels) are used to generate profits locally, within the community.
Members have local control over financial resources and profit sharing. Surpluses can
be reinvested in community benefit funds and other activities. Co-investments can
also help create local jobs and generate stable return for investors.
 Education and mobilisation of citizens: Empowering citizens towards joint action
for combating climate change alongside municipalities and local authorities.
 Social cohesion: creating a community feeling, trust.
The analysis of the 24 case studies shows that a number of socio-economic objectives
are driving the push towards community-driven energy initiatives. These are expected to
bring a host of benefits for citizens and the local community across economic,
behavioural change, environmental, social cohesion and acceptance (Figure 6).
The majority of case studies confer to some extent community and citizen participation
and/or ownership rights in decision-making and financial processes. Some initiatives may
involve the participation of municipalities or commercial investors (Duurzaam Ameland,
Żywiecka Energia Przyszłości) or indirectly represent people and communities through
member cooperatives (Energy4All).

Community empowerment in energy matters identified through the case studies is also
strongly reflected in enhancing lifestyle. This includes a desire to be self-sufficient and
promote a sense of community as citizens want to become more independent from fossil
fuels and from centralised energy supply (Bioenergiedorf Jühnde eG). Lifestyle choices
are also associated with anti-nuclear sentiments and pro-environmental attitudes.

Figure 6 Socio-economic benefits corresponding to the 24 case studies

Participation/ownership 24

Lifestyle 15

Low-cost energy bills 13

Social cohesion 9

Education 8

Acceptance & awareness 7

Tackling energy poverty 7

Regenerating local economy 4

Well-being & health 2

Local job creation & skills 2

Source: JRC based on the case studies, 2019

Energy communities can also advance energy efficiency at the household level and
alleviate energy poverty by reducing consumption and supply tariffs. Several case studies
are addressing socially vulnerable households experiencing energy poverty to some
degree. Enercoop supports Énergie Solidaire, a solidarity fund that encourages micro-
donations from consumers and renewable energy producers to donate their surplus
production. Enercoop consumers can donate 1 cent per kWh from their energy bills.
EnergieSolidaire then allocates the funds to associations that fight against fuel poverty 16.
Som Energia cooperates with municipalities where the cooperative identifies cases of
energy poor households. It can also pay the energy bill together with the cooperating
municipalities for members that struggle to cover their energy costs 17. The cooperative
also allows members to share their membership with five people without extra costs,
benefiting people of lower incomes18. A car-sharing cooperative, Som Mobilitat offers its
members the opportunity to rent cars and bikes, and seeks to expand its electro-mobility
services to poorer neighbourhoods19.

Phone interview Som Mobilitat

Box 2. SAS Ségala Agriculture et Energie Solaire
For the example of SAS Ségala Agriculture et Energie Solaire, a company created by the local
agricultural cooperative Fermes de Figeac to specifically carry out the installation of solar PV on
agricultural buildings, trust in the local cooperative was a crucial aspect. This made it possible for
farmers to embark on a solar photovoltaic project with a well-recognised local actor rather than
engage in PV projects alone or with unknown firms.
The Fermes de Figeac’ success created additional value to the community: profits to reinvest,
networks and expertise in the field of renewable energy, new competencies in negotiating large-
scale projects. Of special interest is what mutualisation of the solar resources through the
cooperative achieved. In this way, a farm (Fermes de Figeac, agricultural cooperative) emerged as
a new player in renewable energy development. It also contributed to the revitalisation of rural
areas where agricultural activities are on decline. Innovation in this case supported preservation
and conservation, instead of replacement and change (farm roofs of agricultural cooperatives
gaining an extra role). More information:
Source: (Grandclément, Catherine; Nadaï, 2018)

5.2 Energy justice

Energy justice is a relevant concept in the context of community energy. As grassroots
energy innovations, a key question is whether energy communities can bring the desired
sociotechnical changes in the energy landscape in a morally, and socially just way.
Two frameworks can be used to capture energy justice in the context of energy
communities: distributional justice and procedural justice (Goedkoop and Devine-Wright,
2016). Distributional justice is reflected in the ‘outcomes’ dimension of a project: how are
the benefits and risks spatially and socially distributed between the different actors
(Goedkoop and Devine-Wright, 2016). For example, in a community ownership scheme,
citizens can have full ownership and control over decision-making as opposed to a
company-led project. In the latter, a commercial partner may offer only limited
community benefits, such as a fixed payment that may even spark negative reactions.
The community project will distribute the benefits more widely among residents. A
community windmill from where a whole village can benefit is likely more attractive than
a large wind turbine from a project developer benefitting from one farmer selling a piece
of land20.
However, the equitable distribution of benefits applies not only between communities and
investors, but also within communities. One issue is the accessibility of higher income
and social capital that may benefit some societal groups more than others - usually the
less well-off and socially-disadvantaged citizens (Jenkins, 2019).
Further, the opportunities of participation may be unequal due to educational and income
differences. Discrepancies in culture, economic situation and the average welfare of
citizens can imply broader geographical dimensions too. For example, energy
communities are more prevalent in the Northern-Western European countries with higher
levels of welfare and longer traditions of community ownership.
Distributional justice may also deal with justice as ‘recognition’ which acknowledges
patterns of respect, stigmatisation or misrecognition (Jenkins, 2019). An example of
misrecognition is that vulnerable customers can be misunderstood as aloof to
environmental matters or incapable of making sound economic decisions. It is often the
case that environmental apathy of the energy poor is rather caused by more immediate
concerns of basic food and housing provisions rather than a disinterest in the matter
(Jenkins, 2019).
One gain of communities is that it can enable a large group of customers to participate in
electricity markets, including those who might not otherwise have the possibility to do so


(European Parliament & Council of the European Union, 2019). For the socially
disadvantaged, community use of renewables installations benefitting from feed-in-tariffs
can play a significant role in reducing energy bills (Saunders, Gross, and Wade, 2012). A
local community can better coordinate funding in low-income areas, remove investment
risk and enable other social effects and local value creation (Saunders, Gross, and Wade,
2012). However, the average initial investment price to become a member tends to be
high; ranging from 100 – 500 EUR. In addition, recent studies show that members are
primarily middle or upper class (Hannoset et al., 2019; Devine-Wright et al., 2017).
Another way to target vulnerable households is found in Greece, where a percentage of
the profits made by an energy community needs to be allocated to energy poverty by
Finally, procedural justice investigates the fairness of decision-making and the
mechanism through which decisions are taken. For community ownership, a relevant
issue is the degree of openness and transparency in the development and ownership
processes. For many cooperatives such as Enercoop in France that has a statute of a
‘social enterprise’, it is important that citizens have their say in the conduct of
renewables projects, and these energies create positive spin-offs for the community21.
Citizens can either become consumers or members of the cooperative which allows them
to participate in the decision-making processes (Jenkins, 2019). Other relevant issues
pertaining to procedural justice are: distribution of voting rights, accountability of
members, intensity, frequency and methodology of community engagement and
methodology of information provision.

Box 3. Courant d'Air

Another example is Courant d'Air cooperative enjoying the juridical and fiscal statute of an
enterprise "with social objective". This means that members seek only limited personal profit, and
the company pursues specific social objectives set out in the statutes. Courant d'Air aims at
opening renewable energy access to as many citizens as possible. Beyond the distribution of a
moderate dividend, Courant d'Air seeks to initiate and support social, environmental and
sustainable projects for the benefit of citizens and the common good. As part of this mission,
Courant d'Air considers the raising of awareness on climate change, fossil fuels and nuclear energy
as social goals, and seeks to sensitize people to the use of renewables and to the economical
consumption of energy.


6 Contribution to renewable energy expansion
Energy communities aim to help citizens and local authorities invest in renewables and
energy efficiency. The participation of citizens in renewables projects may also overcome
social acceptance at the local level. Community-owned projects may allow citizens to
finance investments that bring benefits locally - such as harnessing local renewable
resources, increasing employment and reducing fuel poverty in the region.

6.1 Types of renewable energy

Renewables are well suited for decentralised and local generation. For example,
community groups can engage in renewables generation by feeding electricity back to
the grid and receiving a fixed feed-in tariff, or acting as ‘islands’, off-the-grid networks.
The 24 case studies JRC analysed show solar and wind are the most common used
technologies (Figure 7). Examples on solar energy initiatives are from countries with
favourable weather conditions such as Spain or the south of France. But solar
cooperatives are also commonplace in Germany, the Netherlands, and Belgium where
policy measures such as feed-in-tariffs or net metering helped expand the local
production of renewables.

Figure 7 Type of energy corresponding to the 24 case studies

Source: JRC based on the case studies, 2019

In addition to the household level, solar panels can be suitable for rooftops of public
buildings and farms. This is the case of Fermes de Figeac’s solar installations carried out
on agricultural buildings by a specific firm SAS Ségala Agriculture et Energie Solaire. The
Edinburgh Community Solar Cooperative is the largest community-owned rooftop scheme
in the UK, which has invested and is managing solar systems on the roofs of 24 City of
Edinburgh Council buildings. In Ameland, an island off the north coast of the
Netherlands, a solar park of 23 000 panels supplies more than enough power for all the
island’s households.
Community-owned wind turbines can be found in countries such as Belgium, Germany,
France and the UK (Scotland). For example, Sprakebüll was originally formed as a
community wind farm project in the Schleswig-Holstein region in Germany, which has
long experience with wind power projects. In general, wind energy dominates in other
areas with good wind conditions such as Denmark or Sweden. The examples from these
two countries in this report mostly focus on district heating and biomass.

The projects from the case studies also show that hydro schemes are less common. Som
Energia has financed a hydro power plant as part of its efforts to provide energy
produced by the cooperative’s own power plants. The remoteness of the Isle of Eigg in
Scotland demonstrates its reliance on a hybrid off-grid electricity system including hydro
as necessary to ensure constant and reliable supply.
There are a few examples of biomass community-owned schemes in Sweden, Denmark,
Germany, Poland and Belgium. District heating cooperatives using wood fuel for heat and
combined heat and power are particularly common in Denmark (about 300) and
Germany. In Denmark, Marstal Fjernvarme, a citizens-owned district heating network
uses solar heat collectors and heat pumps to provide hot water on the island of Ærø
(Co2mmunity, 2019). Some multi-utility cooperatives such as Enercoop in France, EWS
Schönau in Germany and Som Energia in Spain are also investing in or purchasing
Bioenergy villages represent an example of communities using biomass from local
agriculture and forestry resources. For instance, Bioenergiedorf Jühnde is Germany’s
first village to produce heat and electricity through renewable biomass and combined
heat and power (CHP) system, with a local heat network delivering heat to households
(Yildiz et al., 2015).
In Sweden, there are a few eco-villages organised as locally owned, alternative-lifestyle
social communities. One example is Solbyn that brings together residents sharing
ecological lifestyles through a housing association. It uses insulation, solar heating and
heat exchange systems to increase household efficiency.

6.2 Ownership structure of renewables investments

Community projects can be vital for stimulating renewables growth. Germany is a
forerunner of citizen-led investments in renewables. In 2016, citizens including
households and farmers owned 42% of the installed renewable energy capacity (Figure
8). Investment funds, banks, project providers and other investors owned another
41.2%, while the four biggest power utilities accounted for only 5.4% 22. In total, there
were about 1 750 citizen-led initiatives (Kahla et al., 2007), with about 855 cooperatives
founded since 2006 (DGRV, 2016). More than 180 000 people are involved in cooperative
projects, from production and supply to (heat) network operation and marketing 23. The
vast majority of projects concern generation (mostly solar and wind with shares of about
43% each, bioenergy at 6.2% and hydropower at 0.7%); with the rest engaging in
distribution and energy services (Yildiz et al., 2015).
In the Netherlands, about 8% of final energy consumption comes from renewables 24.
Energy communities could ramp up this share by investing in vast amounts of solar
panels and windmills. In 2018, 74.5 MW of solar power and 159 MW of wind was
collectively-owned in the country. The number of cooperatives rose to 484, with about 70
000 members; and the first cooperatives for heat and biogas appeared (HIER opgewekt,
The UK is another example where community projects have made fast progress in
renewables investments over the past 20 years. In 2017, the UK community energy
sector owned a total electrical generation capacity of 249 MW, including Scottish
community renewables (Community Energy England, 2018). In Denmark, 60% of the
heat consumption supplied in district heating systems has historically been consumer-
and municipality- owned (Hvelplund, 2018).

See German Renewables Energies Agency 2018
See Deutscher Genossenschafts- und Raiffeisenverband e. V. (DGRV)

Figure 8 Renewable energy ownership by citizens in Germany in 2016

Source: (Renewable Energies Agency, 2018)

At the EU level, information on today’s citizen ownership is sparse. However, a report by

CE Delft estimates that over 264 million or half of European Union citizens could be
producing their own energy by 2050 (Kampman, Blommerde, and Afma, 2016). About
37% of energy produced by energy citizens could come from collective projects such as
cooperatives (Figure 9). Together with small businesses, households and public entities,
these groups could own as much as 45% of Europe’s renewable generation by 2050
( & Friends of the Earth Europe, 2016).

Figure 9 Share of electricity production by investor type in the EU-28 in 2050

Source: (REScoop MECISE, 2019)

7 Impact on the energy system
Energy communities can play a key role in facilitating the decentralisation of the energy
system and the local operation of renewable energy. Energy communities can also
facilitate the local optimisation of power flows and the reduction in energy losses. But
their long-term success will depend on their ability to operate energy networks in a cost-
efficient way ensuring benefits for all customers and the whole energy system.

7.1 Energy communities affecting distribution networks

Under the recast Electricity Market Directive, Member States have the option to grant
citizen energy communities the right to own, establish, purchase or lease grid
infrastructure. Citizen energy communities can be engaged in network operations either
under the general regime (public grid) or as closed distribution system operators. Once
an energy community is granted the status of a distribution system operator (DSO), it is
subject to the same rights and obligations as a DSO. These include unbundling rules and
the related exemptions for DSOs that serve less than 100 000 final customers.
The ownership and management of electricity networks may be of interest to community
members that want to consume local energy from their own generation assets. Three
main types of energy communities could be considered that may facilitate electricity
transfers: energy communities within housing companies, energy communities crossing
property boundaries, and distributed energy communities (Pahkala, Uimonen, and Väre,
2018). The first two retain the local element whereas the latter is not bound to a
geographical proximity.
 Energy community within a housing company: parties living or operating in the same
property, such as stakeholders of housing companies sharing mutual benefits of self-
consumption on their property. According to the EU definitions, an energy
community within a housing company is rather an example of jointly acting
renewable self-consumption that can be considered as a separate activity as part of
an energy community (Frieden et al., 2019).
 Energy community crossing property boundaries: customers wanting to access
renewable energy produced from a neighbour’s property located within the
immediate vicinity of their own real-estate property.
 Distributed energy communities: customers wanting to access production units
located elsewhere than within their own property or in its immediate vicinity using
the existing distribution or transmission network (Pahkala, Uimonen, and Väre,
Table 3 shows that while energy communities can bring benefits, they may also pose
certain challenges for the energy system. At the distribution network level, energy
communities may improve quality of service (by reducing network losses) and reduce or
postpone network investments (by increasing hosting capacity and improving flexibility).
They can also act as micro-grids operators of community networks offering flexibility
services for a more efficient network operation. However, a key challenge is how to
ensure the cost-efficiency of energy communities beyond locally-derived benefits (CEER,
2019). For example, the expected benefits of reduced grid fees due to the reduction in
power flows from the main grid may only be beneficial for the members of the
community. The reason is that such savings may transform into costs for customers
elsewhere in the system, meaning that real-cost efficiency for the overall system is not
achieved (CEER, 2019).

Table 3 Energy communities with and without public grids
Type With public grid (on-grid) Without public grid (off-grid)
Energy community within a No network charges for the energy that Property (e.g. housing company)
housing company is generated and consumed within the disconnected from the grid. Own
property if it does not cross the access responsibility for security and quality of
point to the distribution network. supply.
Energy community crossing Mutual electricity line across property Private microgrid acting as a parallel
property boundaries boundaries behind the connection point. network to the distribution system.
Payment of network charges and tariffs Issue of costs and proportionality of
according to general principles. regulation in terms of respecting
consumers' rights and obligations.
Distributed energy Payment of network charges and tariffs For virtual electricity sharing, customers
communities according to the general principles. will still rely on the public grid. Parallel
networks over longer distances are not
Community-owned networks on islands or
remote areas are possible.

Source: JRC based on (Pahkala, Uimonen, and Väre, 2018)

From a consumer perspective, energy communities are also expected to deliver high
levels of security and quality of supply to its members. For instance, a community
operating grids may be required to meet customer requirements for operational activities
in the areas of metering, data protection, interoperability and other services benefitting
customers in the energy system (CEER, 2019). Delivering such high standards in a cost-
efficient way and at all times may be burdensome, most notably for smaller community-
owned networks. The Electricity Market Directive provides both for proportional rules vis-
à-vis other market actors, but also for ensuring that consumer rights are protected.
Where the needs arise, community-owned energy networks can be used to satisfy
security of supply on certain islands or in other remote locations where grid connection
costs can be significantly higher than in an autonomous system. Historically, several
energy cooperatives started to build and operate distribution networks in less populated
regions, for example in South Tirol in Italy. One example from the case studies, the Isle
of Eigg in the UK has successfully used its own microgrid to ensure sustainable and
reliable 24-h electricity supply on the island without connection to the mainland. Other
community-led initiatives started to develop an interest in energy distribution (EWS
Schönau by buying electricity grids) as part of wider social and environmental
transformation trends26.
EWS Schönau in Germany is an example of a cooperative utility company that fits as a
distributed energy community operating its own power grid. The company became the
local power grid operator for Schönau in the late 1990s, becoming the first German
community to take over the grid as well as the electricity supply to the local community
(EWS, 2017). When the German electricity market became deregulated, EWS Schönau
started supplying all its Schönau customers exclusively with electricity generated from
renewable and cogeneration sources, i.e. combined heat and power. With the opening of
the German electricity market to private households, EWS began to supply customers
with green electricity on a nationwide scale. In 2009, EWS Schönau expanded its
activities into operating the local gas grids and supplying natural gas and biogas (EWS,
A few other energy initiatives presented through the case studies have expressed interest
in energy distribution activities. In Poland, the energy clusters have the ambition to act
as smart micro-networks balancing demand and supply from various forms of generation
and demand in cooperation with local partners. One example is the Żywiecka Energia
Przyszłości which includes cooperation with the Tauron Dystrybucja DSO and envisages
to carry out distribution activities within a network of less than 110 kV. The cluster also


seeks to implement a market model based on so-called micro networks in the area
managed by the DSO.
The role of the cluster is to support demand-side management and the volume of energy
generated from local resources (biogas, waste, solar, wind). The cluster will nevertheless
remain connected to the public distribution network, and energy surpluses or shortages
in the micro network (or the local energy community) will be balanced together with the
DSO27. As a result, energy costs will be lower as participants will pay lower distribution
costs (Wiktor-Sułkowska, 2018).

Box 4. Isle of Eigg (UK)

Eigg Electric is a community owned, managed and maintained company, which provides electricity
for all island residents from renewable energy sources (hydro, solar, wind). Eigg is not connected
to the mainland electricity supply.
The output of all renewable energy generators is brought together, controlled and distributed to all
households and businesses on the island by way of an island-wide high voltage grid of
approximately 11km length. Consumers are supplied via transformers which convert the grid
voltage to domestic voltage and which are located in close proximity to clusters of properties.
The system has been designed to provide at least 95% of the power consumed on the island, from
the three renewable resources, and to a limited extent by diesel generators.
To ensure that electricity is always available equally to all consumers without excessive reliance on
the generators, domestic and small business premises were to be capped at 5kW and for larger
business premises at 10kW.

7.2 Impact on system costs

When participating in an energy community, members may benefit from financial gains in
relation to energy costs. These can include a reduction in their energy bill as the
available renewable energy is cheaper than the retail tariff and can be injected into the
grid through feed-in-tariffs. Other benefits may include lower network tariffs due to
aggregation effects (Abada, Ehrenmann, and Lambin, 2017). A community may also
ensure better local supply security in case of power disturbances elsewhere in the grid
(Pahkala, Uimonen, and Väre, 2018).
Many examples from the case studies highlight economic gains in the form of lower
energy prices. The cooperative Som Energia’s Generation kWh, a financing scheme
created in reaction to the subsidy cuts for renewables in Spain provides its members with
a zero-interest loan and electricity at the cost of generation compensated annually on
their electricity bill28. Participants keep paying taxes and grid access fees but the cost of
generation is more stable since the installation, maintenance, rent, insurance and other
fees are covered by long-term contracts. Each project is owned by Som Energia’s limited
company, and its production is sold via a bilateral contract to the cooperative, which in
turn redistributes the kWh to each participant29.
In the case of SAS Ségala Agriculture et Energie Solaire, the aggregation of solar
photovoltaics rooftops regardless of their location and grid connection costs allowed for a
high degree of efficiency and flexibility in operation. The distribution of costs and profits
was shared according to the surface area of the photovoltaic panels installed by each
shareholder, instead of the actual electricity production of each installation
(Grandclément, Catherine; Nadaï, 2018).


The ability of energy communities to share gains amongst their members is key for their
long-term sustainability. Some research shows that the viability of a community may be
jeopardised when simple sharing rules (such as per capita, pro-rata of consumption or
peak demand) fail to fairly distribute benefits to all participants (Abada, Ehrenmann, and
Lambin, 2017). In this case, some members may find it more beneficial to opt out and
create another community of their own following inappropriate remuneration. One reason
is the heterogeneity of households (students, families of different occupations or retired
people) that have different consumption profiles. For example, those members that
match their consumption during those times when the solar panels produce electricity
create more value and should receive a higher share than those with evening peak
consumption (Abada, Ehrenmann, and Lambin, 2017).
Local energy allocation can decrease local peak demand and the payment for grid
services but it may still increase costs somewhere else in the system. If more prosumers
use electricity generated locally in the community and aggregate their consumption
profiles, the power flows from the main grid will decrease. Self-consumption in a
community will therefore reduce recovery of distribution network costs and policy
charges and levies (Abada, Ehrenmann, and Lambin, 2017).
Network costs are distributed equally amongst system users as the same type of grid
warrants the same cost allocation. Therefore, the network operator will try to
compensate the resulting loss of revenue by increasing the tariff to the remaining
customers in the system who might not own a renewables installation (Brown and Lund,
2013). This regressive effect creates a social discrepancy between members of the
community and non-members – the latter including those individuals that cannot afford
to invest in renewables but indirectly supporting the former group by contributing to
renewables support schemes (Yildiz et al., 2019). A redesign of network tariffs can be
considered to avoid negative impacts on the overall cost base.

8 Conclusions and recommendations
Community electricity and heat projects are becoming increasingly important
phenomena. The recently adopted Clean Energy Package further supports this trend as it
set the foundation for energy communities under the EU legislative framework.
Energy communities can be instrumental for facilitating the energy transition at the
citizen and at the local level. In addition to fostering greater citizen participation and
acceptance of renewables projects, they also provide other socio-economic benefits such
as the encouragement of local investments and engagement of vulnerable customers.
Prior to the adoption of the Clean Energy for All Europeans Package, there has been little
support in legislative frameworks for citizens and communities wanting to invest in
energy projects. Member States should take the opportunity of the new EU legislation to
encourage the development of energy communities and integrate them in their energy
The findings from the 24 case studies the JRC analysed show that countries with a long
history and national authorities supporting community ownership made it easier for
community energy to emerge. Yet differences in economic factors such as income levels
and the ability to acquire ownership in renewables installations can play a role too.
Community renewable energy initiatives are more prevalent in higher-income Northern
European countries and less developed in Southern, Central and Eastern Europe.
Energy policies in the form of subsidies and economic support are considered a key factor
that can influence the success rate of energy communities. This is seen in their rapid
expansion after policy support schemes became more widely available across Europe.
Some energy projects emerged out of the need to ensure reliable energy supply and self-
sufficiency in certain regions. Others were more recently promoted by local governments
with the involvement of energy companies to bring energy closer to local citizens.
While monetary benefits in the form of shares or cheaper electricity prices are a strong
incentive, they do not exclude other types of motivations for engaging in community
energy. Environmental concerns, a desire to be energy independent and use energy more
sustainably to the benefit of the community represent strong drivers. The case studies
reveal that various legal forms allow for community involvement in sustainable energy
investments. The most common legal structures are cooperatives owned by citizens
through shares. Ownership models (limited partnerships, foundations and others) may
continue to thrive with the implementation of the new EU rules at the national levels.

8.1 Fostering supportive energy policy frameworks

Several Member States analysed through the case studies made progress in providing
instruments and targets addressing energy communities. Yet these measures remain less
ambitious than the supportive frameworks set out in the recast Renewable Energy
Directive and the recast Electricity Market Directive. These EU laws are central to
providing full recognition, participation and ownership rights for citizens to engage in
energy matters.
The full implementation of the Clean Energy Package rules into national law will be
critical for the development and viability of energy communities. When developing their
national energy and climate action plans, Member States should identify concrete
measures to implement the rights given to citizen and renewable energy communities in
the recast Internal Electricity Market Directive and the recast Renewable Energy
Member states could include measures to support energy communities in achieving
energy efficiency and energy poverty objectives where these bring benefits (for instance,
by encouraging building renovations and renewables installation for tenants and private

homeowners). The UK’s process to develop a Community Energy Strategy 30 provides
good examples for measures supporting the future growth of community-led energy
The fast development of communities can be largely attributed to policy support schemes
such as feed-in-tariffs that supported investments in renewable generation assets. In the
longer term, we need viable business models on how to run projects that can attract
sufficient funding. Market-based remuneration mechanisms such as auctions may pose
certain restrictions for energy communities because of their small size and resources.
Easing the procedures for participation in these support mechanisms – such as including
criteria in tenders for local community benefits could help support local and citizen
participation. Local authorities are well placed to support communities by, for example,
providing quotas for local ownership of renewable energy projects for citizens. Possible
business models can include enabling self-consumption, investing in large rooftop solar
panels and in batteries to store excess electricity.
Innovative financing schemes are necessary to overcome barriers to investments. As
renewable energy projects usually require large capital costs, one of the main challenges
for energy communities is how to secure financial means up-front.

8.2 Empowering customers and boosting social innovation

Citizen participation and community co-ownership schemes play an increasingly societal
role by fostering citizens’ participation in energy matters and raising acceptance of
renewable energy. They can bring tremendous benefits for citizens and communities by
placing them closer to the energy transition and fulfilling Europe’s decarbonisation goals.
Energy communities show both a commitment to place by bringing benefits to the local
communities, and interest by connecting people through a common bond. Unlike in a
commercial enterprise, the aim is to maximise community benefits rather than profits.
Collective energy initiatives investing in renewables can provide local income and
investments, and keep financial benefits from local resources within the community.
Energy communities are a type of social innovation that can promote more socially fair
models of energy prosumership. They enhance citizens’ democratic decision-making and
control over renewable energy, which is placed into the hands of communities and
people. Yet there is also a risk that energy communities might create social disparities
between its members - that are more likely to come from moderate to higher income
households, and other customers that might not have the financial resources to invest in
distributed generation but will share a higher burden of energy policy costs and grid fees.
However, they can also offer consumers more choices to participate in electricity
markets, including for those on lower-income who can otherwise not afford to participate.
Several case studies show projects that help address energy poverty – for instance, by
offering cuts in energy bills and cooperating with local councils to improve social
A systematic EU-wide study would be useful to assess the potential of energy
communities in reducing energy poverty, including the opportunities and barriers for
participation of socially vulnerable and energy poor households in energy communities.
Also, assessing the impact of community-based initiatives on individual and collective
behaviours can provide useful evidence for future policy initiatives on sustainable energy
In terms of energy provisions, members of an energy community can benefit from
financial gains on their energy bills because of reduced grid fees and energy costs. But
more clarity is needed on how these benefits are both shared within the community’s
members and with the rest of the system users. Cost allocation rules should account for
real-cost savings in the system and adequately distribute gains amongst users.


8.3 Taking an energy system approach
Energy communities can bring both opportunities and challenges for the overall energy
system. Energy communities can advance the uptake of renewables and encourage their
members to consume and share part of their energy. They can also provide flexibility
services for more efficient network operations. Their integration into the energy system
must be done in a way that ensures cost-efficiency for all customers and real cost
savings in the system.
Energy communities can be vital for stimulating renewables growth. In countries such as
Germany and the UK, community energy already owns significant shares of installed
renewable capacity. Estimates suggest that by 2030, energy communities could own
some 17% of installed wind capacity and 21% of solar (European Commission, 2016). By
2050, almost half of the European population could be producing energy, with 37% of
which could come from energy communities.
The findings from the case studies show that the rise of community projects in new areas
such as energy supply and electro-mobility can result in new business models that were
traditionally held by energy utilities in the power sector. While the majority of projects
remain engaged in generation – mostly solar and wind energy, their roles are gradually
expanding into the provision of multiple energy services. The increase in commercial
activities can nevertheless be compatible with socially driven community objectives.
By aggregating individual loads, communities can offer local flexibility services such as
relieving network congestions and avoiding peak demands in electricity networks. While
local energy allocation may help decrease costs locally, it can still increase system costs.
To recover the lost revenues from distribution charges, system operators are likely to
pass the costs to the remaining customers who do not own renewable installations. As
collective self-consumption rises, regulators should consider redesigning network tariffs
in a way that avoids negative impacts on the overall cost base. Energy communities are
most likely to succeed when delivering value for all types of customers and the wider
energy system. Further research is necessary to analyse the value these can deliver to
the system.
Where it is socially and economically feasible, for example on islands or in remote
locations community-owned networks can be a solution as off-grid infrastructure.
Following the adoption of the EU legal framework, it is necessary to implement their roles
and responsibilities in a clear way at the national level to ensure citizen empowerment
and overall system efficiency.

8.4 Driving Research and Innovation

Citizen and community energy activities can bring much-needed innovation potential to
energy practices. They can overcome current limits on citizen engagement and adoption
of new technologies in the energy system.
While the advent of energy communities in new areas is still emerging, more research is
necessary to clarify and quantify their potential benefits for supporting the EU’s climate
and energy goals. The 24 case studies JRC analysed in this report represent only a very
small sample. Further research can address a more comprehensive view based on larger,
EU-wide mapping exercises.
Currently, aggregate data related to energy communities’ contribution to the energy
transition is largely missing. The Horizon 2020 COMETS project aims to fill these
knowledge gaps by quantifying a European-wide aggregate contribution of energy
communities and investigating their evolution and scaling up at an in-depth level in six
selected countries.
The NEWCOMERS project aims to use an innovative holistic approach to deliver
recommendations about how the European Union, national and local governments can

support new clean energy communities to help them flourish and unfold their potential
benefits for citizens and the Energy Union.
An in-depth assessment is recommended to analyse the barriers facing the development
of energy communities in different Member States. The study should also focus on
addressing barriers for citizens’ participation, including for the lower income, vulnerable
customers and local authorities. When assessing the opportunities, a system perspective
should be taken that looks at the energy system and society as a whole.
The Sustainable Energy Communities Initiative under Intelligent Energy Europe focused
on helping local and regional authorities to build their capacity and invest in sustainable
energy. EU funding programmes can help strengthen technical and financial capacities of
local actors in those Member States with lower concentration of community energy
action. Municipal-led initiatives such as the Covenant of Mayors can foster citizens’
energy representation and boost economic growth at the local level.

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List of abbreviations and definitions
AEC Amelander Energie Coöperatie
BenCom Society for the Benefit of the Community
CHP Combined heat and power
DGRV Deutscher Genossenschafts- und Raiffeisenverband
DSO Distribution system operator
EEG Renewable Energy Act (Germany)
EWS Elektrizitätswerke Schönau
FiT Feed-in-Tariff
IEA International Energy Agency
IPS Industrial and provident societies
JRC Joint Research Centre
kW Kilowatt
MW Megawatt
PV Photovoltaics
UK United Kingdom

List of figures
Figure 1 Approximate number of community energy initiatives from the nine countries
of the 24 case studies ............................................................................ 5
Figure 2 Overview of activities corresponding to the 24 case studies ........................13
Figure 3 Growth of payments under the German Renewable Energy Sources Act (EEG)
and citizen-led initiatives in Germany ......................................................18
Figure 4 Drivers motivating participation corresponding to the 24 case studies .........19
Figure 5 The cooperative energy utility business model ..........................................21
Figure 6 Socio-economic benefits corresponding to the 24 case studies ....................22
Figure 7 Type of energy corresponding to the 24 case studies .................................25
Figure 8 Renewable energy ownership by citizens in Germany in 2016 .....................27
Figure 9 Share of electricity production by investor type in the EU-28 in 2050 ..........27

List of tables
Table 1 Summary of policies and measures addressing energy communities for the nine
countries of the 24 case studies ............................................................... 9
Table 2 Possible legal structures for energy communities ..........................................14
Table 3 Energy communities with and without public grids ........................................29

Annex: Case studies per country
This annex provides a review of 24 case studies of community energy projects from nine
European countries (Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, Netherlands, Poland, Spain,
Sweden, and United Kingdom).


Name BeauVent
Country Belgium
Year 2000
Members >5 000
Organisation type Cooperative Limited Liability Company (CVBA)
Activities Generation renewable electricity, including the selling of electricity to
those customers on whose roofs there are PV panels; Supply renewable
heat; Energy efficiency; Third-party financing services
Technology / Energy Wind, solar; Cogeneration; District heating network, biomass (waste
Renewable Nieuwkapelle Park: 4 000 000 kWh; Gistel windmill: 2.4 MW; 993 978
generation (or kWh (2018)
Description Beauvent is a cooperative that acts as a renewables producer. It sells the
electricity it produces to Ecopower and large final customers. The
cooperative also operates a district heating network. Beauvent collects
funds to invest in wind energy, solar panels, biomass and energy-efficient
applications such as CHP and heat networks.
Objectives Target of 100% RES by 2050. Promotes using less energy and makes
funds available for awareness raising and educational projects on energy
issues. Encourage collective investment in renewables and low-energy
houses. Ecological aims.

Courant d’Air
Name Courant d’Air
Country Belgium
Year 2009
Members >2000
Organisation type Cooperative Limited Liability Company (SCRL)
Activities Generation renewable electricity; Energy efficiency; Electro-mobility;
Information awareness
Technology / Energy Wind, solar; Collective LEDs, auditing and monitoring; car sharing
Renewable -
generation (or
Description The cooperative pursues projects in the field of renewable energy and
energy efficiency measures. It developed an education programme called
Generation Zero Watt to incite future generations to be zero watt. Courant
d'Air is open to everyone with a share subscription of €250.
Objectives Aims at opening renewable energy access to as many people as possible.
Promotes awareness and education. Improvements in energy efficiency.

Name Ecopower cvba
Country Belgium
Year 1992
Members 56,000
Organisation type Cooperative Limited Liability Company (CVBA)
Activities Generation, supply renewable electricity; Supply renewable heat
(biomass); Energy efficiency (Ecotrajet services)
Technology / Energy Wind, solar, biomass, hydro, cogeneration; Wood eco-pellets, briquettes
(domestic heating), micro-CHP
Renewable ~100 GWh/year electricity ; Towards 100% RES.
generation (or
Description Both an electricity producer and supplier of green electricity and
renewable fuels in Flanders. It invests in wood pellets for small-scale
heating of buildings and domestic hot water. Its Ecotrajet project assists
citizens to commission deep energy renovations in their homes.
Objectives Investments in 100% renewable energy. Supplies clean energy from local
renewable sources to its members. Promotes energy efficiency.


Marstal Fjernvarme

Name Marstal Fjernvarme a.m.b.a.

Country Denmark
Year 1962
Members 1600
Organisation type Non-profit customer owned enterprise Marstal Fjernvarme A.m.b.A.
Activities District heating network based on renewables (generation, distribution and
supply) supplying about 2,200 customers on the island town of Marstal;
Energy storage
Technology / Energy Solar heat collectors (50-55%), wood chips (40%), heat pump (2-3%),
bio-oil, CHP; Thermal energy storage
Renewable Annual production of about 32,000 MWh.
generation (or
Description Marstal Fjernvarme is an example of a solar district heating plant on the
island of Ærø, Denmark. The collectively-owned district heating network
provides hot water to nearly all of the 2,200 inhabitants of the island town
of Marstal. The company provides heat to Marstal from 100% renewables.
Objectives The aim of the project is to demonstrate a large scale innovative, cost-
effective and technically 100 % sustainable renewable energy system. It
aims to demonstrate that district heating can be produced with 100% RES,
of which solar thermal can cover 50% or more. This is done through a
large heat storage combined with CHP using renewables to produce district
heating. Green branding.

Svalin co-housing complex

Name Svalin co-housing complex

Country Denmark
Year -
Members 20 households
Organisation type Energy collective project (Co-housing community)
Activities Generation renewable electricity and consumption; Energy services;
electro-mobility; energy sharing
Technology / Energy Solar, geothermic heat pumps, battery storage; Colourful street lighting
'nudging'; electric cars; Community based energy sharing, peer to peer
energy trading
Renewable -
generation (or
Description Svalin is a sustainable co-housing community with 20 households in
Roskilde. Houses and shared infrastructure were designed to
accommodate solar panels, geothermic heat pump and electric cars. It
uses colourful street lights: 'red' for fossil fuels and 'green' sources. The
project is serving as a living laboratory for the Technical University of
Denmark's (DTU) research project Energy Collective. The projects
experiments trials with local self-sufficiency and the sharing economy.
Objectives Aims to collectively consume 100% renewable and local by sharing their
renewable energy generation, thus avoiding the traditional intermediary
parties. Svalin aim is to be the first demonstration side in Denmark of a
community collectively consuming and sharing electric energy among
neighbours. Environmentally consciousness about the use of electricity;
inspiration to municipalities.



Name Enercoop
Country France
Year 2005
Members 70 000
Organisation type Société Coopérative d’Intérêt Collectif (SCIC)
Activities Supply renewable electricity (supplier of 100% renewable electricity,
purchases electricity directly from renewale energy producers) 2. Energy
Technology / Energy Solar, wind, hydraulic, biogas; Dr Watt, Savings Wiki; Fuel poverty
Energie Solidaire
Renewable 209 MW; 249 GWh annual production (2017)
generation (or
Description Enercoop is the only supplier of energy in the form of a 'social enterprise'
cooperative. It is one of the few green electricity suppliers that buys
energy directly from producers. Made up of 11 separate regional
renewable energy cooperatives, Enercoop operates 100 hydro schemes,
25 windfarms, 104 solar projects and 3 biomass generator -249 GWh of
electricity in 2017.

Objectives Deliver positive environmental, socio-economic objectives. Energy
democracy (Self-sufficiency). Deliver 100% renewables at a fair price for
all. The long-term goal of Enercoop is to create local citizens’ cooperatives
for energy.


Name Mobicoop
Country France
Year 2011
Members 20,000
Organisation type Société coopérative d'intérêt collectif
Activities Shared mobility
Technology / Energy Car-pooling, car-sharing, public transport, shared bikes
Renewable N/A
generation (or
Description Mobicoop is a cooperative in the field of shared mobility (car-pooling, car
sharing). It ensures that shared mobility solutions are available to
everyone (people with disabilities, the elderly, limited resources). The
previous car-pooling association (Co-voiturage libre) has decided to turn
into a cooperative (Mobicoop) in 2018.
Objectives Promote electric car sharing services. Reduce transport emissions at the
service of the greatest possible number. Tackle transport poverty (rural
areas, disabilities)

SAS Ségala Agriculture et Energie Solaire (SAS SAES)

Name SAS Ségala Agriculture et Energie Solaire (SAS SAES)

Country France
Year 2008
Members 180
Organisation type Société Coopérative d’Intérêt Collectif Bois Énergie
Activities Generation renewable electricity
Technology / Energy Solar photovoltaics
Renewable 14 MW, 11 180 000 kWh; 461 agricultural buildings equipped with roofs.
generation (or
Description The Fermes de Figeac's solar PV project carried out by a specific firm SAS
Ségala Agriculture et Energie Solaire. The initiative to install solar roofs on
farm buildings was largely initiated as a reaction to the high feed-in-tariff
in France.
Objectives Mutualisation of a common resource as an additional income for the
territory and cooperative. Guarantee regular income for farmers. Reinvest
profits in local assets. Revitalisation of rural area where agricultural
activities are on decline.


Bioenergiedorf Jühnde eG
Name Bioenergiedorf Jühnde eG
Country Germany
Year 2005
Members 1089
Organisation type Cooperative
Activities Generation renewable electricity, generation and supply renewable heat;
District heating networks (independent supply). The heat is distributed via
a local grid to the households.
Technology / Energy Wind, Solar, Biomass (silage, wood chips); Biogas, CHP; Village heating
grid (gas)
Renewable About 5 MWh of electricity is generated annually; heating grid supply of 4.5
generation (or MWh; About 3.5 MWh is used in the households annually.
Description Jühnde is Germany’s first village to produce heat and electricity by means
of renewable biomass (plants in form of silage and wood chips), thus
becoming the first village to be self-sufficient and produce RES with
consumers participation.
Objectives Meet the village's full energy demand by renewables. Sustainable energy
use, avoiding fossil fuels, local solutions for solving climate change;
Independent heat and electricity supply through biomass for agriculture,
ecology and rural life

Elektrizitätswerke (EWS) Schönau eG

Name Elektrizitätswerke (EWS) Schönau eG

Country Germany
Year 2009
Members 7300
Organisation type Cooperative Vertrieb GmbH
Activities Generation, supply, distribution (renewable electricity); supply and
distribution of heat (district heating); bio and natural gas supply and
distribution; Energy services; Electro-mobility; Others
Technology / Energy Multi-energy: Wind, solar, biomass, biogas, CHP, heating networks;
Tenant electricity models, services for electricity network operation,
energy management; E-charging card
Renewable -
generation (or
Description EWS Schönau is a multi-utility cooperative. In the late 1990s it was the
first of its kind in Germany to take over the grid as well as electricity
supply to the local community. When the electricity markets were
deregulated in 1998, it started to sell almost exclusively renewable energy
to its local electricity customers. The year after, EWS began to supply
customers with green electricity on a nationwide scale. Its activities now
also include the supply of natural gas and biogas.
Objectives 100% renewable energy goal. Campaigns against nuclear energy.
Motivates people to instigate change. Civic engagement, co-determination
and decentralisation.

Sprakebüll Village eG

Name Sprakebüll Village eG (Energiegenossenschaft)

Country Germany
Year 1998
Members 247
Organisation type GmbH & CO. model
Activities Generation renewable electricity; Supply renewable heat; District heating
Technology / Energy Wind, solar; District Heating (CHP, biogas, and heating network)
Renewable 130 MW (wind, biogas); annual production: 1878110 kWh (wind)
generation (or
Description Sprakebüll was formed as a community wind farm project pioneered by a
group of villagers. It buys heat from privately owned biogas plant and
distributes it via the heating network to inhabitants. Revenues and voting
rights are distributed according to the number of shares. In 2011 the
Stadum-Sprakebüll wind park was further created with 3 windmills and a
generation capacity of 2,5MW each. In 2014 the first repowering project
was conducted. Where the original 5 windmills, each 1,65MW were
replaced with ones producing 3,6MW each.
Objectives Self-sufficiency and avoiding fossil-dominated energy. The Schleswig
Holstein state plans to reach a 100% renewable electricity supply by 2020.


Amelander Energie Coöperatie UA

Name Amelander Energie Coöperatie U.A.

Country Netherlands
Year 2009
Members 286
Organisation type Cooperative Company U.A.
Activities Generation renewable electricity (collective procurement energy, collective
generation, collective technology procurement; Reseller of NLD energie
and Green Choice); Electro-mobility (car sharing running on solar)
Technology / Energy Solar park, electric heat pump; e-cars
Renewable Annual production of the co-owned solar park: 14,677,478.82 kWh.
generation (or
Description The Amelander Energie Coöperatie UA (AEC) is a company founded with
the aim of supplying Amelander energy users with sustainable electricity
and CO2 compensated gas at attractive rates. The solar park has 23000
solar panels and supplies more than enough power for all households on
Ameland. Reseller of green energy of Green Choice and NLD Energy (€
0.0025 per KWh cheaper than the regional supplier; one joint bill for
electricity and gas). AEC does not have a supplier’s license, the invoicing is
done through GreenChoice & NLD.
Objectives Self-sufficient island. Sustainability and CO2 neutrality. The cooperative
strives for a 100% green energy supply on Ameland in 2020.

Duurzaam Ameland

Name Duurzaam Ameland

Country Netherlands
Year 2007
Members 9 partners (municipality of Ameland, Eneco, GasTerra, NAM, Signify,
Liander, TNO and Hanze University of Applied Sciences Groningen /
EnTranCe, Amelander Energie Coöperatie)
Organisation type Public-Private Partnership (Covenant of companies together with
Activities Generation, supply renewable energy; Distribution (smart distribution
network, derogation); Energy Efficiency (green lighting, school vision light
system); Public lighting; Electro-mobility (public transport (gas and electric
Technology / Energy Multiple: Solar, smart energy grid, sustainable lighting, fuel cells, hybrid
heat pumps, CHP, hydrogen , natural gas filling station
Renewable Solar park: Installed capacity: 5,980.00 kWp; total production:
generation (or 14,677,478.82 kWh
Description Cooperation project between the municipality of Ameland, corporations,
research institutes and the island's energy cooperative Amelander Energie
Coöperatie. It is an example of cooperation with utilities and distribution
system operator: Eneco, GasTerra, NAM, Signify, Liander, TNO and
EnTranCe. It is the first time that an innovative smart distribution network
of this size has been developed in practice. The municipality is developing
the largest smart electricity grid in the Netherlands. Zonnepark Ameland is
the second largest solar park in the country. Ameland Solar Park is an
initiative of the municipality of Ameland, Eneco and AEC.
Objectives Permanently make the island's energy supply sustainable within a few
years. With Duurzaam Ameland, the municipality of Ameland wants to
achieve that the island can largely meet its own energy needs in 2020 in a
sustainable way. The municipality is developing the largest smart
electricity grid in the Netherlands.


Spółdzielnia Nasza Energia

Name Spółdzielnia Nasza Energia

Country Poland
Year 2014
Members 300
Organisation type Cooperative
Activities Generation renewable heat and electricity (heat and electricity producing
biogas installations). Planned activities for energy supply and distribution.
Technology / Energy Biogas, CHP
Renewable 1 MW
generation (or
Description The only energy cooperative initiated so far in Poland. It was set up to
tackle energy security by tapping into the potential of a network of

agricultural biogas plants. Joint project by Bio Power Sp., Elektromontaz
Lublin and four municipalities: Sitno, Skierbieszow, Komarow-Osada,
Labunie. The cooperative is a private-local government initiative created in
response to high electricity prices by system enterprises. The task is to
supply electricity and, if possible, heat energy of public buildings as well
as households.
Objectives Ensure energy independency. Create local, autonomous grids of biogas
plants. Locally produce energy using the agricultural potential and tackle
the regional problem of energy provision and prices, and the lack of
investment in the region.

Żywiecka Energia Przyszłości

Name Żywiecka Energia Przyszłości

Country Poland
Year 2017
Members 40
Organisation type Civic law cooperation agreement (energy cluster)
Activities Generation renewable electricity, renewable heat source; Energy storage;
Electro-mobility (retail only to members). Planned activities for energy
supply and distribution.
Technology / Energy Multiple (Bio CHP plant, Biogas reactor, Biomass boiler, Electric battery,
EV charging station, Heat Pump, Solar heat collector, Solar PV system,
Heat Storage, Hydro, distribution network)
Renewable -
generation (or
Description The energy cluster was formed by signing a civic-legal contract between
20 public and private entities. It is a public-private network of cooperation
whose main objectives are the production of electricity and balancing
demand. It also includes distribution activities with a distribution network
of less than 110 kV.
Objectives Energy independence of Żywiec, reduce air pollution. Aims include
distributing electricity, trading and balancing of energy demand;
distribution of thermal energy deploy local renewables in Żywiec region;
electro-mobility; energy efficiency in public resources; reducing emissions
in housing and public enterprises

Słupsk pilot project

Name Słupsk pilot project

Country Poland
Year 2018
Members 200 households
Organisation type Pilot project (Horizon 2020)
Activities Generation renewable electricity; Energy efficiency
Technology / Energy Solar
Renewable PV capacity of 0.78 MWp in addition to 0.18 MWp installed on public
generation (or buildings; savings 73,600 kWh/year (368 kWh * 200 households = 73,600
capacity) kWh)
Description The Polish city of Słupsk in Pomerania with 90,000 inhabitant aspires to

eliminate energy poverty and become a clean air city. Słupsk is a pilot
project of the H2020 SCORE project which facilitates consumer co-
Objectives Eliminate energy poverty and become one of the cleanest cities in terms
of air quality standards in Poland. Include vulnerable consumers. Increase
energy efficiency by refurbishing houses and replacing old, coal-burning
stoves with RES heating; invest in public transport and facilitate PV.


Som Energia

Name Som Energia

Country Spain
Year 2010
Members 59320
Organisation type Cooperative
Activities Generation, supply renewable electricity; Energy efficiency
Technology / Energy Solar, Biogas, Wind, Hydro
Renewable Annual generation of about 13,56 GWh.
generation (or
Description It is the first renewable energy cooperative in Spain. It was created with
the aim of promoting sustainable development projects involving citizens'
participation. Main activities include electricity commercialisation and
renewables generation. It finances its own renewables projects through
members' investments.
Objectives Investments in green power plants. Towards 100% renewables. Provision
of green electricity to its members at the generating cost of the power

Som Mobilitat
Name Som Mobilitat
Country Spain
Year 2016
Members 1350
Organisation type Cooperative of Consumers and Users (SCCL)
Activities Electro-Mobility
Technology / Energy Car-, bike-, motorbike - sharing; P2P, car pooling and ride sharing,
autonomous vehicles; 25 electric cars (24 cars, 1 van)
Renewable N/A
generation (or
Description Som Mobilitat is Spain's first sustainable mobility cooperative. Non-profit
consumer cooperative that provides 100% electric and cooperative car
sharing. it provides a cooperative answer to corporate and privatised e-
mobility models.
Objectives Transition to a more sustainable mobility. Social model that is a successful
alternative to profit-oriented, private and vertical mobility proposals.
Accelerate local sustainable mobility and reduce expenses in individual



Bostadsrättsföreningen Lyckansberg

Name Bostadsrättsföreningen Lyckansberg

Country Sweden
Year 2018
Members 85 tenant-owned apartments
Organisation type Housing association
Activities Generation renewable electricity (solar plant); Consumption; Small-scale
district heating
Technology / Solar, biomass
Renewable Solar PV system size of 53 kW; yearly production of 55,000 kWh (PV)
generation (or
Description The housing association Lyckansberg’s solar cell plant started to produce
electricity in 2018. The plant generates electricity for common purposes,
such as lighting, laundry cabins, sauna and other functions in the
association hall. In case of surplus, PV electricity is sold online. If demand is
higher, electricity is bought from the grid. The association also has district
heating from Vaxjo Energi AB.
Objectives Collective energy production. Collective ownership by the community.

Farmarenergi i Eslöv AB

Name Farmarenergi i Eslöv AB

Country Sweden
Year -
Members 9 farmers
Organisation type Limited Company (corporate enterprise)
Activities District heating system (small-scale) based on renewable heat; Supply
heat; Generation renewable electricity
Technology / Energy Biomass (wood chips); Heating network; Solar
Renewable Boiler 600 kW; prefurnace 495 kW; production of 2,000 - 2,500 MWh/year
generation (or from the boiler; 70,000 kWh/year from two solar farms
Description Joint cooperation by nine farmers to provide small scale local district
heating based on renewable energy. The company provides local heating to
Eslov municipality through a closed network. Two of the farmers also
invested in PV installations. Electricity from solar farms not consumed is
sold to Kraft Energie.
Objectives Strong interest in renewable energy; Independence from global energy
costs. Uncertainty in the profitability of farming led to selling heat


Solbyn Association

Name Solbyn Association

Country Sweden
Year 1988
Members 50 households
Organisation type Housing association (eco-village)
Activities Energy efficiency: energy savings plan (insulation and heat exchange
systems); Renewable heat (solar heating, heat exchange system)
Technology / Energy Solar heating, insulation
Renewable -
generation (or
Description An eco-village that citizens built together through a tenant-owner
association with a building company. It was initiated by a well-educated,
environmentally-concerned citizen group to create and live in an ecological
village. The association is largely self-managing with support from HSB
building company. The decisions was to form a tenant owned housing
association as a legal representative.
Objectives Social, ecological and economic sustainability. Self-sufficiency: created
and administered as far as possible by residents themselves. Social
contacts. Vision of communal living. Resource efficiency

United Kingdom

Edinburgh Community Solar Limited

Name Edinburgh Community Solar Limited

Country The United Kingdom
Year 2013
Members 541
Organisation type Society for the Benefit of the Community (Solar Cooperative)
Activities Generation, supply renewable electricity
Technology / Energy Solar
Renewable 2 MW (public buildings, schools, community buildings and leisure centres);
generation (or 1,107,250 kWh per year or 1.12 GWh/year
Description Edinburgh Community Solar Cooperative (ECSC) has installed, owns and is
now managing solar systems on the roofs of 24 City of Edinburgh Council
buildings. This is the largest community-owned rooftop scheme of this kind
in the UK. During operation, some or all of the electricity generated is used
by the building, depending on internal demand. This electricity is sold to
the Council through a Licence Agreement, which is now in place. ECSC also
receives income through the Feed in Tariff. Any surplus electricity is
exported to the grid for which ECSC also receives an income.
Objectives Open ownership of renewables for people of Edinburgh. Helps deliver low-
carbon initiatives for buildings that host its panels. Helps other community
groups that wish to tackle fuel poverty or reduce carbon emissions.

Name Energy4All
Country The United Kingdom
Year 2002
Members 27 independent renewable-energy cooperatives; Cooperatives have
16,978 individual members.
Organisation type Private Limited Company (Social enterprise - Facilitation network)
Activities Network of communities which develops community owned renewable
energy projects across the UK with different activities; Financial and
management services.
Technology / Energy Multiple (Solar, wind, hydro, community heat)
Renewable 30 MW of electricity capacity
generation (or
Description Energy4All is a national cooperative of 27 independent renewable-energy
cooperatives. It works with communities that want to develop
cooperatively and community owned renewable energy. It raises funds
through public shares and bond offers, brings the technical expertise to
build projects to time and budget and then manages their continued
operation. Once built and operational those new cooperatives become
shareholder members of Energy4All and support the development of more
community energy projects.
Objectives Supports new cooperatives in delivering their projects, including raising
funds and solving individual operational and financial issues.

Isle of Eigg

Name Isle of Eigg

Country The United Kingdom
Year 2008
Members 96 local residents
Organisation type Private limited Company Eigg Electric Ltd., a subsidiary of Community
Heritage Trust
Activities Generation, supply renewable energy (wind, hydro, solar); Distribution
Technology / Energy Wind, hydro, solar; Independent grid management
Renewable 357 kW of electricity capacity; individual consumption limited to 5
generation (or kW/household
Description The island, which was not connected to the UK's electricity grid, is the
world’s first community to launch an off-grid electric system powered by
wind, water and solar.
Objectives Cost-efficiency. Self-sufficiency (off-grid energy system to meet 24h
electricity for a modern life). Sustainability (changing from diesel to

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ISBN 978-92-76-10713-2

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