LCEO Photovoltaics Technology Development Report 2018: EUR 29916 EN
LCEO Photovoltaics Technology Development Report 2018: EUR 29916 EN
LCEO Photovoltaics Technology Development Report 2018: EUR 29916 EN
EUR 29916 EN
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EUR 29916 EN
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How to cite this report: N. Taylor, A. Jäger-Waldau, Low Carbon Energy Observatory Photovoltaics
Technology Development Report 2018 – Public Version, EUR 29916 EN , European Commission,
Luxemburg, 2019, ISBN 978-92-76-12541-9, doi:10.2760/373667, JRC118300.
JRC experts use a broad range of sources to ensure a robust analysis. This includes data and results from EU-
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1.2 Current Market Status
At the end of 2018 global installed capacity stood at 518 GW, after an annual growth of over 100 GW. This
reflected booming demand in Chinese, India and the Americas [3]. Although PV provided just a 2.5 % share of
total electricity generation, its importance for our future energy mix is now acknowledged. .
An annual market at the hundred GW level makes reaching the IEA's [4] Sustainable Development Scenario of
3 246 GW by 2040 look very feasible. Taking a more ambitious view (arguably needed to meet the 2015 Paris
Climate Agreement goals), the new IRENA roadmap for 2050 [5] foresees 7 122 GW of solar PV. Both scenarios
assume that the cost of PV electricity will continue to decrease. For this to happen, R&D is needed on a broad
spectrum of issues relating to the energy conversion technology itself, production processes and a range of
other factors including operation, integration and sustainability.
The EU reached a cumulative capacity of 117 GW at the end of 2018. This represented a welcome rebound
after several years stagnation - new installations in 2017 amounted to just 5.2 GW1 [3, 6]. There is guarded
optimism that the annual market can continue to grow Indeed to reach the EU's proposed 2030 target of 32 %
renewables, installed PV should reach 300- 320 GW implying an annual market of at least 15 GW.
There two main PV market segments:
a) Ground-mounted PV power plants (utility-scale or industrial) that feed their entire electricity
generation into the grid. The plant itself is either owned or contracted by a utility company or large
consumer. The electricity price is mainly determined either by direct power purchase agreements
(PPAs) between the PV plant owner and the electricity off-taker, or by public auctions or tenders.
b) Rooftop PV systems (commercial or residential), in which part or all of the electricity produced is used
directly on site, and part is feed into the grid.
In the EU utility-scale ground mounted plants accounted for one third of the market and rooftop for two thirds
of the total installed solar PV power, according to the European industry association Solar Power Europe. The
business models are distinct for both cases. Nonetheless, storage (on-site or as a virtual service) is expected
play an increasing role in the development of both segments.
Note that IEA PVPS reports a value of 6.5 GW for "Europe" in 2017, while SolarPowerEurope claims over 7 GW (including
Turkey). The overall message remains that substantial market growth is needed to deliver on EU 2030 targets.
- major international projects, in particular from IEA PVPS;
- national projects and programmes from major non-EU countries.
ii) Patents statistics, for patents filed on technologies/sub-technologies
iii) Scientific publishing statistics, as analysed with the JRC's TIM (tools for information monitoring)
software, which makes use of text mining and computational linguistic techniques to treat and enrich
individual data items with useful information.
iv) Existing scientific overviews and compilations, for instance: proceedings of the European Photovoltaic
Solar Energy Conference (EU PVSEC); publications of the European Technology and Innovation
Platform for Photovoltaics, the Fraunhofer ISE Photovoltaics Reports 2018 [7] and the SEMI 2017
International Technology Roadmap for Photovoltaics [8].
Concerning technology performance and cost targets, the 2015 SET-Plan Declaration of Intent on Strategic
Targets in the context of Global Leadership on Photovoltaics [9] provides the main benchmark; Table 1 below
summarises the relevant parameters and values. Since several of these are indicated as percentage increases,
for the purpose of the present document Table 2 shows indicative absolute values.
Concerning the indicators, the main focus is on the technology readiness level parameter, using the
technology-specific guidance developed in the 2017 study contract for DG-RTD [10].
Aspect Targets
Enhancement of lifetime 2020: increase module lifetime (at 80 % of initial power) to 30 years
Building integrated products for 2020: reduce additional BIPV cost/m2 by 50 % compared to 2015 levels3
roofs or facades
2030: reduce additional BIPV cost/m2 by 75 % compared to 2015 levels
In February 2016 world-wide prices for residential systems ranged from EUR 1.25/Wp to EUR 2.40/Wp for systems with installation, but
without permitting or connection costs. For commercial systems the range was EUR 0.92/Wp to EUR 1.80/Wp.
For BIPV the end-2015 reference values are EUR 80-120/m2 for roof integrated modules, EUR 130-200/m2 for roof tiles & membranes,
EUR 150-350/m2 for semi-transparent façade integration and EUR 130-250/m2 for opaque roof integration. These are additional to PV
module costs).
This production volume implies a factory with a nominal production capacity of up to 2 GW per year.
Table 2 Module efficiency values calculated from the percentage increases stated in the 2017 SET-Plan PV Implementation
2.1 PV Technologies
2.1.1 Wafer-based crystalline silicon
Wafer-based crystalline silicon is the mainstream PV technology. The production process starts with silica sand
(SiO2), which is smelted to produce metallurgical silicon. This is then refined and cast in the form of long ingots
with either mono- or multi-crystalline microstructure. These are then sliced into wafers, which are processed
into solar cells (doping, antireflective layers, electrical contacts) and finally interconnected in weatherproof
packages designed to last for at least 25 years.
Silicon PV is a complex field in its own right, and Figure 2 gives an overview of the technologies variants
available. These are distinguished broadly by the type of silicon processing and doping (p- or n-type), whether
cast in multi-crystalline or monocrystalline form, and the type of contacting used to extract current (Table 3).
Figure 3 shows the current and projected market shares of the main commercial technologies, as reported by
the ITRPV in 2017 [8]. The cell (and therefore module) efficiency plays an increasing role in determining the
balance of systems costs, which for large-scale systems (> 100 kW) are estimated at 55 % of the total.
Currently just over 70 % of the market is taken by "p-type" silicon devices in either multi-crystalline or mono-
crystalline. P-type multi-crystalline cells with aluminium diffused back-surface field (Al-BSF) have traditionally
been the market mainstay and have led the dramatic cost reduction seen over the last 10 years together with
the emergence of GW scale production. Many analysts presumed that energy conversion efficiency would limit
growth of this area, but this has not been the case up to now. Trina Solar hold the record efficiency of 19.9 %
for a polycrystalline module [11], while Jinko Solar recently announced that they'd reached 22.0 % efficiency
for a full-size cell (156 x 156 mm2).
Recently PERC (passivated rear emitter and rear cell 5) technology has emerged to challenge the standard
aluminium back surface field approach. PERC has helped push production-line cell efficiencies above 20 %. In
February 2018 Longi (China) announced a record efficiency of 23.6 % on for mono -Si cells. Indeed a major shift
to PERC cell production is now underway, with the ITRPV roadmap (Figure 3) showing a market share of
already 10 %, and expected to rise to over 50 % over the next decade. A further driver is that the PERC cell
design can be adapted to make bi-facial cells i.e. they can capture light coming from both sides of the cell. In
this way a relatively small (and hence low cost) modification to the cell processing equipment can give a
significant increase in output (typically 10 % or more depending on the mounting and environment, although
manufacturers often claim much higher values). On the down side, the industry has had to develop ways to
cope with specific degradation processes: light induced degradation (LID) can cause modules to lose a
percentage of power after first exposure to light; potential induced degradation (PID) can lead to significant
power losses in longer term operation, depending on the system configuration.
Cells using n-type silicon offer superior performance for several fundamental physical reasons, but up to now
the production price differential has favoured the p-type. Market share is currently about 5 % [8]. Sunpower
have traditionally dominated this segment with its mono-crystalline cell with interdigitated back-contacts.
They still hold the cell efficiency record in this class (25.3 %), although Trina Solar have recently made big
advances and announced a cell with 25.2 % efficiency. Other technology options include PERC architectures,
full-area passivated designs and increasingly also heterojunction (HJT) cells that include thin layers of
amorphous silicon deposited on the n-type mono wafer substrate. Although the market share for HJT modules
is still relatively small (only a few % in 2017), the ITRPV report forecasts it to reach 14 % by 2027. Indeed the
efficiency record for silicon wafer solar cells is held by Kaneka's IBC/HJT cell, which established a record of
26.7 % in 2017. Kaneka maintain that this value could be increased up to 27.1 % (the theoretical limit for this
type of junction is 29.3 %). Modules using these cells have reached 24 % efficiency, but at present the
associated production process is not considered commercially viable.
PERC covers a family of cell concepts, of which the PERL (Passivated Emitter, Rear Locally-doped) and PERT (Passivated
Emitter, Rear Totally-diffused) are the most widely implemented. The concept was first realised in the 1980s, but has taken
off commercially in the last 3 years with the introduction of cost effective laser processing equipment, among other
Figure 2 Schematic of the silicon wafer sub-technologies, indicated also the mid-2018 efficiency records for each class.
Table 3 Overview of PV cell designs and contacting options
Figure 3 Current and projected global market shares of c-Si cell concepts (ITRPV Roadmap 2017 [8]).
Figure 4 Breakdown of cost elements in c-Si PV module production (from data in the ITRPV Roadmap, 2017).
It's worth noting that value chain for c-Si modules consists in several stages, all of which need to be addressed
by R&D in order to reduce costs (Figure 4). Issues include:
• Silicon feedstock: fluidised bed reactors can offer significant energy (and hence cost) savings
compared to the conventional Siemens process, but the product quality is not yet at the same level.
• Silicon wafers: the industry currently relies mainly on 160-180 µm wafers, and with silicon prices at an
historic low (currently about USD 12/kg, down from USD 70/kg in 2010), the pressure to move to
thinner cells is not as strong as it was a few years ago. The ITRPV roadmap foresees a modest
reduction in thickness up to 2025, however not going below 100 µm. Overall, silicon material usage
for cells has reduced over the last 10 years from 16 g/W to less than 6 g/W now. Moving to thinner
wafers is also a challenge for the production process. The EU FP7 Cheetah projects demonstrated the
feasibility of handling 90 µm wafers on pilot production equipment with some adaptions, but lower
thicknesses would require significant modification of the processing equipment.
• Contacting: the use of passivated contacts (deposited as a thin-film on the wafer surface) offers a step
beyond PERC in terms of efficiency which can be incorporated in high volume production.
• Kerfless wafer technologies are being developed that eliminate the sawing process entirely. So-called
epitaxial wafers/foils are fabricated by chemical vapour deposition of Si layers either p- or n-type in
the thickness range between 40 and 150 μm on re-usable seed substrates. The ITRPV roadmap [8]
predicts a modest 10 % market share for kerfless wafers in the 2025 timeframe. However there are
issues to be solved regarding automated handling of large area thin wafers in the production
• Metallisation: efforts to reduce silver usage and bring in substitutes e.g. copper.
• Anti-reflective glass: need to extend service life
• Cell interconnection: move to lead-free materials, use of half-cells or shingled cells, conducting
adhesives, compatibility with thinner wafers etc.
• Encapsulants and backsheet development for longer service life and for cost reduction.
Research efforts in the EU are largely focussed in Germany (Fraunhofer ISE, ISC Konstanz, IFSH), Belgium
(IMEC), the Netherlands (TNO6), France (CEA-INES) and Switzerland (EPFL). Institutes in many other countries
also contribute significantly. These activities are largely funded by national programmes and by industry
collaborations (in many cases now with Asian companies).
Now includes the former ECN activities
Table 4 Characteristics of the principal thin-film photovoltaic technologies (based on the scheme presented in [13]).
According to [27], mass production could lead ultimately to costs of 8 USD/m2, a factor 10 below that projected for c-Si.
Technology Record Efficiencies Main Features Challenges
Perovskites 22.1 % TRL 4-5 for lead-containing materials; TRL - Lead toxicity, stability, scalability
(hybrid of 2-3 for lead-free perovskites - New cost efficient encapsulation
organic- - Uses abundant elements materials and processes
inorganic lead
- Low temperature solution-based - Identification of suitable buffer
or tin halide-
production processes (aids suitability for layers for optimal buffer/absorber
based material)
tandem applications on silicon wafers) front interface
- Tuneable band gap
- High efficiency
- High potential for flexible light weight
and semi-transparent applications
Kesterites 12.7 % TRL 3-4 Need to increase efficiency
CZTS - free of critical raw materials Low open circuit voltage (now only
- high stability 60 % of the theoretical maximum)
e.g. by reducing defects in the
- high level of technological
structure, use of graded band gap
- compatible with CIGS industrial concepts
- band gap tuneable in broad IR – UV
2.1.3 Tandem PV
A major theme in PV research is how to raise the efficiency of PV devices above the Shockley-Quiesser limit of
29 % for single junction devices9. The answer lies in tandem devices, with the rule of thumb that the efficiency
of both the top and bottom components needs to be above 20 % to arrive at a combined efficiency above
30 %10. Further major challenges include the contacting of the two layers and developing a production process
compatible with both components. For the latter, the approaches are either to directly deposit the thin-film on
the silicon (monolithic integration) or to create the thin-film layer separately and then physically attach it to
the silicon (mechanical stacking).
Table 5 shows recent record results for several tandem concepts, both with silicon + thin-film and thin-film +
thin-film. The efficiency record for such multi-junctions is for a silicon cell with a monolithically added III-V
material layer, with values now reaching 33.3 %. However the commercialisation of such devices may be
restricted by costs of a GW production of such cells and the availability of the III-V materials used.
Another combination attracting strong interest is the perovskite on silicon tandem. There is an area of vibrant
research globally. The UK-German firm Oxford PV stands out as one of the most advanced: it is currently
developing a pilot production line and have secured over EUR 40 million in funding, including a EUR 15 million
grant in 2017 from the European Investment Bank.
Concerning thin-film on thin-film concepts, the CIGS – perovskite device cited in Table 5 is a leader in terms of
efficiency. Previous efforts to realise higher efficiencies for thin-film silicon devices looked at tandem devices
with a high band gap amorphous silicon top cell and one or two lower band gap microcrystalline silicon cells
[14]. However the stabilized efficiencies never got past the 13 % level. Many of the highest efficiency OPV
devices are tandems, but the obtained efficiency/lifetime combination hasn't been able to compete with mass
production silicon wafer technology. However in early 2018 University of Michigan scientists11 demonstrated
a tandem organic solar cell (2mm² active area) with 15 % efficiency.
IBM device, result certified; reported (but uncertified) efficiency value of 13.9 % from DGIST, Korea
Concepts with optical concentration of the sunlight are discussed in section 2.1.4 below
PV-Magazine interview with Martin Green, 19/05/2018
11 Xiaozhou Che et al, Nature Energy Vol 3, pages422–427 (2018)
Table 5 Energy conversion efficiencies (2018) of tandem PV cells (active areas of the order of 1 cm2).
of up to 10-15 kV, more than ten times higher than regular silicon inverters. This opens possibilities for new
system architectures for utility scale plants. Use in the string inverter market will depend on getting
manufacturing costs down.
The market for module level power electronics20 up has up to now focussed largely on power optimizers (DC-
DC converters) and micro-inverters (DC-AC). Fraunhofer ISE [7] estimates that about 3 GWp of DC/DC
converters were installed in 2017, and that micro-inverters represent a small fraction (about 1 %) of the
inverter market21. This area is expected to develop in the future. The ITRPV roadmap [8] foresees a 20 %
market share for so-called smart junction boxes by 2027, covering DC-DC optimisers, micro-inverters and
integrated safety switches. The long-term durability of such devices is a critical factor as replacing defective
components at module level could be expensive.
Figure 6 Overview of inverter characteristics and costs (source [7])
Other terms used include "smart modules" and "AC modules".
A requirement in the US building fire safety codes that a PV system can be isolated at or very close to the modules has
been a recent driver for the market in module integrated safety switches has been.
In a survey on needs for new or improved standards carried out in 2017 with the EU PV community22,
respondents saw "reliability degradation and lifetime" as key priority for all components and indeed for
systems. Standards for building integrated products were also flagged by a significant number of respondents,
highlighting issues such as system functionality and performance, compatibility with construction codes and
the need to avoid frequent (and expensive) design re-certification.
The International Photovoltaic Quality Assurance Task Force (PVQAT) has been successful in coordinating pre-
normative research and promoting new technical standards for verifying PV component and system quality
and bankability. PVQAT has a three-pronged approach that seeks to establish:
• a rating system to ensure durable design of PV modules for the climate and application of interest;
• a guideline for factory inspections and quality assurance (QA) during manufacturing;
• a comprehensive system for certification of PV systems, verifying appropriate design, installation, and
The JRC has supported the development of the PVQAT from its inception and is represented on the steering
committee together with NREL and AIST23.
The IEC System for Certification to Standards Relating to Equipment for Use in Renewable Energy Applications
(IECRE System) was formed in 2014 to define how certificates can be issued at system level for three energy
sectors: wind, solar and marine energy. Conformity assessment can be performed and certificates issued for
an individual PV power plant on a specific site at various stages of its design and implementation. It aims to
give confidence that a PV plant will safely perform as promised and reduce cost at the same time. It represents
a step beyond standards, in that while IEC writes technical standards, IEC does not define how these are used.
The IECRE Specific Certificate Categories can include:
● PV Site Qualification certificate;
● PV Power Block design qualification certificate;
● PV Plant Design qualification certificate;
● Conditional PV Project certificate (construction complete / commissioning);
● Annual PV Plant Performance certificate;
● PV Asset Transfer certificate;
● PV Decommissioning certificate.
Finally, in the context of the EU's circular economy policy, EC mandate M/543 is a formal request to the
European standardisation organisations as regards Ecodesign requirements on material efficiency aspects for
energy-related products. Generic standards are expected in 2019 on aspects such as durability, dismantlability,
disassemblability and remanufacturing. Product-specific standards (e.g. for PV modules or inverters) would
then need be developed in this framework.
2.3.3 Sustainability
Photovoltaic modules have an environmental impact. Areas of potential concern include:
energy required to produce the PV cells and modules, typically expressed as an energy payback time
or energy footprint; these values are strongly influenced by the power source mix used during
Cheetah Project, Deliverable D5.9
Fraunhofer ISE and China General Certification Centre will also join PVQAT Steering Committee in 2018.
24 COM(2017) 490 "Communication on the 2017 list of Critical Raw Materials for the EU"
water required during production and operation i.e. for cleaning;
toxic and other potentially harmful materials used or created during manufacturing;
potential release of toxic and other potentially harmful materials during operation i.e. leeching, fires
reduction of use of materials whose availability is or may become critical: silver for crystalline silicon
devices; tellurium, indium, gallium for thin-film devices;
limitation of land use i.e. possible displacement of agricultural activities, visual impact;
end-of-life management and recycling.
Carbon footprint and energy payback time (EBT) have received particular attention. The world average carbon
footprint of PV electricity generation is estimated as 55 g CO 2-eq/kWh – for Europe values range from 38 g
CO2-eq/kWh for Cyprus which has a high irradiation to 89 g CO2-eq/kWh for Iceland which has a low
irradiation25 [17]. Regarding technologies, thin-film modules have the lowest emissions, followed by poly-
crystalline silicon and then mono-crystalline silicon.
At international level the IEA PVPS Task 12 group issued methodology guidelines on PV-specific parameters
used as inputs in LCA [18].
The EU initiative on the Single Market for Green Products includes two methods to measure environmental
performance throughout the lifecycle: the Product Environmental Footprint (PEF) and the Organisation
Environmental Footprint (OEF) [19]. Photovoltaic electricity generation was assessed as a pilot product, and
the resulting Product Environmental Footprint Category Rules26 provide a methodology for assessing the
environmental impacts of PV technologies based on life cycle assessment.
PV is included the Ecodesign Working plan 2016-19. A preparatory study27 is in progress on solar panels,
inverters and systems, in order to assess the feasibility or proposing Ecodesign, EU Energy label, EU Ecolabel
and Green Public Procurement (GPP) policy instruments. It is expected to be completed in 2019. Should the
decision be taken to implement an Ecodesign regulation, this would be expected to require a further two
Concerning recycling, PV modules come under the scope of the WEEE Directive28 since 2012. The industry has
set up a pan-European producer scheme called PV CYCLE, which offers WEEE compliance and waste
management services for solar energy system products.
Calculated using an average "world" carbon footprint of 1798 kgCO2-eq/kWp for PV system manufacturing in 2011,
based on market shares of 88% for c-Si and 12% for TF and other technologies. End-of-life processing is not included.
The document "Product Environmental Footprint Category Rules (PEFCR) Photovoltaic Modules Used In Photovoltaic
Power Systems For Electricity Generation" is due to be released in November 2018; see also the PEF site
2012/19/EU Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment Directive regulates the appropriate treatment of end-of-life
products and requires that producers comply with national waste management obligations, including the related financing
and administration.
b) Reliability and Operational Lifetime
Today’s market requires warranties that are decades long (typically 80 % of power after 25 years). However
the subject of degradation of PV modules is still under open debate within the PV community. The lack of
extended standardisation work on this topic is due mainly to the fact that new and different failure modes of
PV modules appear in the field as time passes and as module technologies and packaging are explored. The IEC
61215 series standard for design certification has been demonstrated to be valuable for rapidly uncovering
well-known failure mechanisms; however, it is insufficient for assessing long-term risk, evaluating newer or
less common materials and designs and establishing field performance degradation.
Field data can be used to give estimates for degradation rates. A recent compilation study [20] found a median
degradation rate29 for c-Si technologies of 0.5 to 0.6 %/year and a mean of 0.8–0.9 %/year. The data for thin
film technologies indicate a slightly higher rate of around 1 %/year.
c) Operation performance analysis and monitoring
A range of tools is now available for situations that can range from utility-scale plants of 10 MW with 50 000
modules down to small roof systems of a few kW. Issues include:
- early detection of performance anomalies;
- optimisation of maintenance;
- detecting faulty modules.
d) Forecasting/resource measurement methodologies
Solar irradiance measurements provide essential information at all stages of the PV system life cycle (site
selection, system design, certification, operation, maintenance, trouble-shooting, upgrading, expansion) and
business decisions rely on accurate solar irradiance data. Most modern sensors used to measure global (or
hemispherical) solar irradiance fall into the following categories: thermopiles pyranometers, photodiodes
and photovoltaic reference cells. Spectro-radiometers are used for measuring spectral content. Within these
categories are instruments in various price and performance classes.
Data from geostationary satellites is also used to estimate the solar resource. The advantage of this approach
is that the data are available uniformly over large geographical areas. Using different satellites, the solar
resource can be estimated for the entire world except for the polar areas. In recent years, several data sets
have achieved accuracy in the estimate of global horizontal irradiation of close to 5 % (95 % confidence
interval for the annual average solar irradiation). The estimate of direct normal irradiance, important for
concentrating solar power plants, is less precise, with recent studies giving an uncertainty of about 10 % (95 %
confidence interval). The availability of the solar resource data varies. For some areas long-term time series of
data are available for free, this is the case for Europe, North America, Africa and most of Asia.
Power forecasting is also necessary for efficient grid integration of fluctuating PV power. The IEA-PVPS Task 14
produced a state of the art report on forecasting in 2013 [21]. They distinguish broadly for forecasting horizons
of 0 to 6 hours ahead and from 6 hours to a few days ahead. The requirements also vary with spatial scale.
Single-site forecasts may be used for storage management or direct marketing of single PV power plants.
Regional forecasts may be relevant for marketing and balancing of PV power.
Many different forecasting methods are available including numerical weather prediction (NWP), model
output statistic (MOS) approaches and satellite-based forecast models. IEA) Solar Heating & Cooling (SHC) Task
46 “Solar Resource Assessment and Forecasting” addresses the need for a framework to evaluate and
compare different forecast models. Considerable effort is devoted to forecast benchmarking and accuracy
metrics. RMSE (and MSE) give more weight to the largest errors. Since these are considered to have a
disproportionate impact on costs, RMSE may be better for system operators. Indeed the SET-Plan Integrated
Roadmap specifies an RMSE of <8 % of installed power by 2020 for an intra-day single-site power forecast in
NW-Europe. The data reported by Lorentz et al in 2015 [22] suggest that this may be already achievable.
This degradation rate is with respect to the initial nominal power (Wp); the decrease in power is therefore implicitly
linear in time.
3.1 Global and European Trends
3.1.1 Scientific Publications
The JRC Technology innovation Monitoring tool (TIM 30) provides the functionality to check on scientific
publications in its database, which contains documents from the database Scopus (Elsevier) published after
1996. Figure 7 shows the global distribution of scientific articles published in 201731. EU authors were involved
in approximately 25 % of the 8057 papers identified in the search. Separate analysis shows that this proportion
has been maintained since 2010, underlining the high level scientific excellence in photovoltaics in Europe. It is
also significant that Asian countries account for a very significant fraction of scientific output and indeed the
Chinese Academy of Sciences is the single largest contributor organisation.
Looking at the recent time trends (Figure 8), EU output of scientific publications on PV almost doubled from
2010 to 2014. However it appears to have then plateaued in the period 2015-2016, and the TIM data search
even shows a drop in 2017 (this data may not be complete, as the global figures also show a similar drop for
Figure 9 the distribution of main research locations for 2017, while Table 6 shows the top 100 ranking of
organisations with publications in 2016 involving at least one EU co-author. These data confirm the well-
known centre of excellence in PV research in Western Europe, while the low level of publications from
organisations in Eastern Europe is also notable.
Figure 7 Distribution of scientific articles published in 2017 (source: JRC TIM tool)
EU, Joint Research Centre, Tools for Innovation Monitoring,
TIM search string: topic:(photovoltaic OR "solar cell") AND class:(article) AND emm_year:2017.
Figure 8 Time trend for EU scientific publications on photovoltaics (source: JRC TIM tool).
Figure 9 Geographical distribution of authors of PV research publications (source: JRC TIM tool).
Table 6 Ranking of organisations with publications in 2016 involving at least one EU co-author (source: JRC TIM tool).
3.1.2 Patents
The data considered is from Patstat (European Patent Office) for the period to 201432, with subsequent
processing by the JRC [23]. The overall volume of patents (>30 000) precludes a detailed analysis of content.
However generic technology–related information is given by the CPC classification codes (Table 7 )
Table 7 CPC classification codes relevant to photovoltaics
Figure 10 shows the overall trend in counts of patent families 34 per year for three categories: all patent
families, so-called "high-value" patent families i.e. application made to two or more patent offices and granted
patent families. Overall filings grew strongly from 2000 up to 2012, but have decreased in 2013 and 2014. The
reasons for this are not fully clear, but anecdotal evidence suggests that patenting has become less valued as a
means to protect IPR in the industry.
In terms of global regional breakdown for 2014, China took the largest share when considering all patent
family applications, followed by Japan and Korea. However if just the "high-value" patent families are
considered a different picture emerges, with Japan as leader and the EU in second positon.
Figure 13 shows the data analysed in terms of seven main CPC classifications (see Table 7). Patents on
materials technologies are the largest single grouping, followed by manufacturing processes. Both of these
grew strongly over the period 2000-2012. The increase in power conversion inventions is also note-worthy.
Figure 13b shows the regional breakdown for 2013. China has markedly high proportion of patents relating to
manufacturing processes, as might be expected for the world's largest producer of PV products. For the EU,
patenting on power conversion and on BIPV are relative strengths.
Finally, Figure 14 considers the PV materials categories. The strong growth in patents on organics (including
perovskites) and on DSSC materials is striking. In the 2013 breakdown, these two categories account for over
50 % of patent families in all regions except the USA. For crystalline silicon (mono- and poly-), the USA, EU and
RoW remain leaders, in that order.
32 There is a time lag of 4 years to obtain complete data for a given year.
33 CPC Y02E 10/549 includes perovskites, although these are hybrid organic/inorganic materials.
34 Patent documents are grouped in families, with the assumption that one family equals one invention.
Figure 10 Global trend in patent filings under PV related families per year.
Figure 11 Regional breakdown of patent families (high value indicates applications in two or more patent offices)
Figure 12 Trends in patenting under the main application groups for 200-2013
Figure 13 Regional breakdown for 2013 for patents under the main application groups.
3.2 EU Policy and Programmes
3.2.1 Energy Union and the SET-Plan
The Energy Union sets out a strategic vision for the transition to a low-carbon, secure and competitive
economy in the European Union. It consists of five dimensions: security of energy supply; internal energy
markets; energy efficiency; decarbonisation of the energy mix; and research and innovation [24]. The Strategic
Energy Technology Plan (SET-Plan) is an integral part of this framework and aims to accelerate the
development and deployment of low-carbon technologies. The working group on photovoltaics involves
representatives of Member States, other stakeholders and the European Commission, and in 2015 it released
the "Declaration of Intent on Strategic Targets in the context of an Initiative for Global Leadership in
Photovoltaics" [9].This was followed in 2017 by a detailed implementation plan [25].
The European Technology and Innovation Platforms (ETIPs) were created to support the implementation of
the SET-Plan by bringing together EU countries, industry, and researchers in key areas. The photovoltaics
platform, ETIP-PV35 provides consensus-based strategic advice in the areas of research and innovation, market
development, including competitiveness, education and Industrial policy.
Also under the SET-Plan governance, the European Energy Research Alliance (EERA) aims to accelerate
technology development by cooperation amongst non-profit research institutes and universities on pan-
European programmes. The EERA PV joint programme36 focuses primarily on cost reduction of PV systems,
through enhancement of performance, development of low-cost, high-throughput manufacturing processes,
and improvement of lifetime and reliability of PV systems and components.
Table 8 Breakdown of programmes and EC funding for PV-related projects, H2020, 2014-2017.
Figure 16 Technology and application breakdown by EC funding for PV-related projects, H2020, 2014-2017
Under the FP7 SOLAR-ERA.NET funded a total of 39 PV projects were funded. They represent a project volume
of MEUR 50 of which over half comes from public funding. Figure 17 shows the breakdown of the thematic
areas addressed. Compared to the directly-funded EU programmes, there is more emphasis on applied
research and demonstration, and less on low TRL research. The consortium has produced a useful collation of
the project description and budgets, but as yet no systematic information on the results and impact.
Figure 17 Distribution of projects funded by SOLAR-ERANER under the first call [26].
3.2.4 European Cooperation in Science and Technology (COST)
COST Actions are bottom-up science and technology networks with duration of four years. There is no funding
for research itself. Four current projects involve PV technology or are relevant to PV applications:
CA16235 | Performance and Reliability of Photovoltaic Systems: Evaluations of Large-Scale
Monitoring Data (PEARLPV) 05 October 2017 - 04 October 2021
MP1406 | Multiscale in modelling and validation for solar photovoltaics (MultiscaleSolar) | 07 May
2015 - 06 May 2019
TU1401 | Renewable energy and landscape quality (RELY) | 16 October 2014 - 15 October 2018
MP1402 | Hooking together European research in atomic layer deposition (HERALD) | 04 December
2014 - 04 December 2018
3.2.6 InnovFin
The European Investment Bank set up the InnovFin (EU Finance for innovators) financing tools to cover a wide
range of loans, guarantees and equity-type funding, which can be tailored to innovators’ needs. Two specific
investments in PV technology have been identified:
In 2016 the European Investment Bank provided EUR 20 million of quasi-equity under the InnovFin
Mid Cap Growth Finance program to Heliatek (based in Germany) to help boost production capacity
of its HeliaFilm product. HeliaFilm is an organic photovoltaic solar film for integration into building
In 2017 the (EIB) awarded EUR 15 million to Oxford PV Germany GmbH under the InnovFin Energy
Demonstration Projects scheme to support the transfer of its disruptive perovskite on silicon tandem
solar cell technology from lab scale to commercialisation.
3.2.7 NER-300
NER 300 is a demonstration programme for CCS and RES projects involving all Member States. The programme
aimed to support a wide range of CCS technologies and RES technologies (bioenergy, concentrated solar
power, photovoltaics, geothermal, wind, ocean, hydropower, and smart grids). For the period 2021-2030 the
Commission has proposed a new programme called the ETS Innovation Fund.
The only PV project selected so far is the Santa Luzia Solar Farm, located near Lagos, Portugal. The nominal
capacity is 20 MWe and the technology is concentrator photovoltaics with Magsun TRK-60 modules (23 %
nominal efficiency at 800 suns). Maximum NER 300 funding is EUR 8 million. The final investment decision is
estimated for June 2018 with entry into operation in July 2019.
3.3 Other R&D Programmes
3.3.1 EU Member States
The 2017 SET-Plan PV Implementation Plan outlines the main member state activities in each of the priority
areas [25].
3.3.3 USA
Sunshot is an initiative run by the US Department of Energy Solar Energy Technologies Office (SETO) with the
overall goal of making solar energy (PV and solar thermal) affordable for all Americans. The 2020 cost targets
for utility scale PV (USD 0.06/kWh) have already been achieved and focus has shifted to the 2030 goal of USD
0.03/kWh, as well as USD 0.04/kWh and 0.05/kWh for commercial and residential systems respectively. These
targets can be met with different mixes of technology, cost and performance.
The solar subprograms include:
Concentrating Solar Power;
Systems Integration;
Soft Costs;
Technology to Market;
National Laboratory Research.
Table 9 shows the scope of the current photovoltaics sub-programmes, which include substantial investment
in research at the national laboratories and the National Center for Photovoltaics at the National Renewable
Energy Laboratory.
Table 9 US Department of Energy research programmes for PV
3.3.4 China
Based on EnergyTrend (Taiwan) press releases
Figure 18 Breakdown of technologies of winner bids in the Chinese 2017 Top Runner Programme (in total 5
GW). Source: EnergyTrend, Taiwan.
Table 10: Chinese results for maximum efficiency (%) of thin-film solar cells and modules 2012-2016.
Based on and adapted from IEA PVPS National Progress Report 2017
3.3.5 Japan PV Technology R&D
R&D activities are divided between the New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization
(NEDO), which promotes technology development towards commercialization, funded by METI, and the Japan
Science and Technology Agency (JST), which promotes fundamental R&D, funded by the Ministry of Education,
Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT).
NEDO has been promoting PV technology development consistently over the last 35 years. It manages a large
portfolio of R&D projects. Its PV Development Strategy (NEDO PV Challenges) was announced in September
2014 with a headline cost target of JPY 7/kWh (approximately EUR 0.06/kWh). It identified measures to
achieve target power generation costs as well as the development of recycling technologies. This cost target
has now become part of the "Energy/Environment Innovation Strategy" launched by Japan's Cabinet Office in
March 2016.
The National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), one of the largest public research
organizations in Japan, includes substantial activities on photovoltaics [27]:
AIST Renewable Energy Research Center (Fukushima)
Crystalline Si, energy rating;
Energy network.
AIST Research Center for Photovoltaics (Tsukuba and Kyushu)
Improvement in cell and module performance: CIGS, CZTS, thin-film Si, organic TFs, DSSC, perovskites.
Innovative solar cells: multijunction, quantum-dot, plasmonics, etc.,
Module reliability and robust modules
Calibration, measurement, PV system safety, maintenance, and diagnosis
NEDO manages two demonstrative research projects and three technology development projects based on the
NEDO PV Challenges, a guidance for technology development in which a target to realize the power generation
cost of JPY 14/kWh by 2020 and JPY 7/kWh by 2030 is set. Three technology development projects are
currently running:
Development of Solar Power Recycling Technology (FY 2014 to FY 2018)
Technological development for improvement of system performance and operation and maintenance
(O&M) (FY 2014 to FY 2018) and
Development of high performance and reliable PV modules to reduce levelised cost of energy (FY
2015 to FY 2019). This budget line includes 19 projects under four main headings:
i. “Development of crystal silicon PV modules using advanced multiple technologies and high
performance CIS modules”,
ii. “Research and development of innovative new structure solar cells”,
iii. “Development of common components for solar cells and modules” and
iv. “Development of Common Fundamental Technologies”. Under the technology development,
development of high efficiency solar cell technology and development of fundamental
technologies for commercialization using pilot mass production line are carried out on
various types of solar cells such as crystalline silicon solar cells, II-VI compound solar cells
and organic solar cells.
In addition a “R&D project for international joint development of innovative technologies” is jointly conducted
with G7 countries since 2015 and research themes on new structure solar cells were adopted in 2016.
R&D activities administered by MEXT by the Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST):
Photoenergy Conversion Systems and Materials for the Next Generation Solar Cells and
Creative Research for Clean Energy Generation using Solar Energy
Under the project of “Technological development for improvement of system performance and operation and
maintenance (O&M) (FY 2014 to FY 2018)”, development and demonstration are conducted on technologies to
increase power generation amount by improving functions of BOS, technologies to reduce BOS cost including
installation cost. In 2016, under this project, NEDO started demonstrations on structure of PV systems and
ensuring electrical safety. In order to ensure safety against disaster risks, development of design method and
technology, demonstration test and research of facilities are conducted. Based on the knowledge acquired
through demonstration test, NEDO aimed to formulate a guideline for designing safer and more economical
ground-mounted PV systems by February 2019.
Table 11 gives an overview of major39 EU-supported projects in Horizon 2020 oriented to PV technology
development. It includes a summary for the main technology goals stated in the description of work, together
with a note on main achievements based in the project available at the time of writing (end 2018). An estimate
of initial and final (or target) TRL is given as one measure of the impact of the work.
a) Wafer-based crystalline silicon
Three major projects are being supported:
NextBase: Next-generation interdigitated back-contacted silicon heterojunction solar cells and
modules by design and process innovations
DISC: Double side contacted cells with innovative carrier-selective contacts
AMPERE: Automated photovoltaic cell and Module industrial Production to regain and secure
European Renewable Energy market
Both NextBase and DISC address TRL levels 3/4/5, aiming to developed innovative very high efficiency cells but
also with manufacturing processes with potential to be commercially exploited. Ampere has larger ambitions,
namely to bring to production the heterojunction technology developed over the last ten years in EU labs. The
EU supported this process in FP7, in particular with the HETSI, 20Plus and Hercules projects.
STILORMADE is a running SME project addressing commercialisation of an existing quarter-wafer cell concept
called iCell.
b) Thin-films
CIGS is being addressed in the Sharc25 project (super high efficiency CU(In, Ge)Se2 thin-film solar cells
approaching 25 % efficiency). ARCGIS-M addresses high efficiency CIGS with high manufacturability and runs to
November 2019.
The SWInG project targets kesterites. The information available suggests that the chosen technology route
(Ge-based kesterite) has not up to now brought a breakthrough in terms of efficiency (target is 15 %).
Another EU-supported project (also with international partners) called Starcell started in 2017 with an 18 %
target by 2019.
In the area of perovskites CHEOPS looks at single junction devices and tandems with silicon wafers. The
ESPResSo project has specific durability objectives for the cell and modules devices being developed.
Tandem Concepts
For silicon with III-V material top cells, two projects are running, both targeting a TRL level of 4: Nanotandem
on cells with GaS nanowires and SiTaSol looking at two different deposition/fabrication processes. The SME
project NanoSol addresses commercialisation of an existing prototype called SolFilm using Aerotaxy Naowires
on silicon.
The CHEOPS project is also addressing perovskite on silicon tandems. The partners include Europe's foremost
groups working in this area (Oxford PV, EPFL, CHOSE etc.).
This area is being supported through several projects with a range of techno-economic objectives. PV-SITES
encompasses a number of facilitation activities (design tools, energy forecasting tools) as well as development
and demonstration of products at several sites. Two SME projects target specific products. In Advanced- BIPV
the company Onyx successfully developed two building façade products (Onyx is also a partner in PV-SITES).
SoTile is a 2nd phase project to develop a moulded tile and validate it on 18 roofs.
Here the term "major" refers to projects with over EUR 500 000 EU contribution.
e) CPV
Despite the difficulties in achieving competitive cost levels for concentrating PV technology, several projects
are active. The largest, CPVMatch, set ambitious goals (world record efficiency and a scalable fabrication
process). There are also several SME projects working on combined CPV – heating/cooling concepts.
CogemCPVT aims to take prototype concept closer to production. SOcool also takes an existing prototype
(SunOyster) for development in three niche product packages (electricity generation and thermal chillers).
REPHLECT targets an HCPV concept with a pilot line in Spain and a clone on Morocco.
f) Recycling
The CABRIS project aimed to improve high value material retrieval rates and re-manufacturing from recycled
materials. ELSi is working on the realisation of a pilot plant (TRL 8/9).
It is noted that these projects are relevant to the on-going CEN mandate M/543: standardisation request to
the European standardisation organisations as regards Ecodesign requirements on material efficiency aspects
for energy-related products. Both can provide relevant to the needed PV product specific standards, for
instance durability, disassembly and remanufacturing of PV systems.
Table 11 Major EU-funded projects under Horizon 2020 (status in December 2018)
CPVMatch Concentrating photovoltaic 01/05/2015 CPV solar cells and modules 3-4 4?
modules using advanced working at a concentration ≥ 4 949 596
technologies and cells for 23/10/2018 x800 and with efficiency of 48 %
highest efficiencies and 40 %, respectively (current 4-
J cell record is 46 % @ 508 suns)
Sharc25 Super high efficiency 01/05/2015 Objective: conversion efficiency 3-4 3-4
Cu(In,Ga)Se2 thin-film solar CIGS towards 25 %, create a small 4 563 123
cells approaching 25 % 31/10/2018 area CIGS solar cell with an
efficiency > 24 % and a
monolithically interconnected
sub-module with an efficiency >
20 %.
Acronym Title Start/ Main Technology & Cost TRL TRL EC
End Date Objectives in DoW start (target) funding
Acronym Title Start/ Main Technology & Cost TRL TRL EC
End Date Objectives in DoW start (target) funding
iDistributedPV Solar PV on the Distribution 01/09/2017 - Develop affordable integrated
Grid: Smart Integrated solutions to enhance the
Solutions of Distributed 28/02/2020 penetration of distributed solar 2 706 940
Generation based on Solar PV (buildings) based on the
PV, Energy Storage Devices effective integration of solar PV
and Active Demand equipment, energy storage,
Management monitoring and controlling
strategies and procedures, active
demand management, smart
technologies and the integration
of procedures in the power
distribution system according to
market criteria.
- 5 demo sites (ES, DE, PL, LI, EE)
EU HEROES EU routes for High 01/09/2017 - To identify at least 7 existing N/A N/A
pEnentration of solaR PV into community energy projects that
lOcal nEtworkS 30/08/2020 illustrate current theory and best 1 230 558
practice on grid connection of
solar PV in the context of social
enterprise business models
- To support and analyse the
implementation of at least 7 pilot
projects informed by the
business models developed for
the project and working in
partnership with electricity
network operators.
SOcool SunOyster cooling (SOcool) 01/09/2017 - Develop three product packages 7 (8)
31/08/2019 (SOcool) consisting of the 1 398 478
SunOyster and selected thermal
chillers to create standardized
packages for the supply of
electricity, cold and heat for
commercial and residential
- Build up a pilot productionn and
start commercializing
CABRIS Implementation of a CirculAr 01/06/2015 - Retrieving up to 90 % of the (≥6)
economy Based on Recycled, high value raw materials: silicon, 7,844,565
reused and recovered 30/05/2018 indium and
Indium, Silicon and Silver silver.
materials for photovoltaic · Manufacturing of PV from the
and other application recycled materials achieving
lower cost (25 % less)
and at least the same cells
efficiency as conventional
STARCELL Advanced strategies for 01-01-2017 - device efficiency up to 18 % at 3? (5) 4,832,189
substitution of critical raw cell level and targeting 16 %
materials in photovoltaics 31-12-2019 efficiency at mini-module level, -
demonstrate CRM free thin-film
PV devices with manufacturing
costs ≤ 0.30 €/Wp
Eco-Solar Eco-Solar Factory - 40 % plus 01-10-2015 PV modules with optimised 4 (5/6) 5,642,708
eco-efficiency gains in the recovery, reuse and resource
photovoltaic value chain with 31-09-2018 efficient production methods.
minimised resource and Demonstrator modules specs:
energy consumption by • industrial size (60cells)
closed loop systems • less than 2 % degradation in IEC
• 260 Wp for mc-Sis and 285 Wp
for sc-Si
• monitoring system for
identifying faulty panels and
• cost-competitive aiming for 5-8
Acronym Title Start/ Main Technology & Cost TRL TRL EC
End Date Objectives in DoW start (target) funding
REPHLECT Recovering Europe´s 01/08/2015 - Develop new "near –market" 6 (8)
PHotovoltaics LEadership manufacturing lines for HCPV 1,633,601
through high Concentration 30-04-2018 receivers and an assembly line
Technology for HCPV modules
- Demonstrate migration of
manufacturing line to a pilot
satellite production centre
- Product quality certification
N.B. Basis is BSQ' 820X HCPV
technology and the new
generation 1000X prototype
NanoSol Accelerating 01-02-2016 - integrate nanowire III-V films 6 (8)
Commercialization of with Si devices 1,740,375
Nanowire Solar Cell 31-07-2018 - increase efficiency from 16 % to
Technologies 27 % on tandems
- prepare for large-scale
N.B. Basis is Sol Voltaics (SE)
SolFilm product to transfer and
correctly orient GaAS nanowires
ELSi Industrial scale recovery and 01-05-2016 To recover >95 % of end of life 6/7 (8/9) 2 529 607
reuse of all materials from silicon-based PV modules;
end of life silicon-based 30-04-2018 materials recovered to be of
photovoltaic modules value and ready for reuse.
- Recover materials from 100
metric tonnes of PV-waste
- validate the ELSi process
economic viability with a
representative full scale unit
having an annual throughput of
968 metric tonnes of disused PV
modules, equivalent to 44,000
modules per year.
ARCIGS-M Advanced aRchitectures for 01-12-2016 Develop the CIGS technology 4 (6) 4 498 700
ultra-thin high-efficiency towards higher efficiency (up to
CIGS solar cells with high 30-11-2019 23 % for solar cells and up to 18
Manufacturability % for solar cell modules), by
using novel approaches in
passivation, patterning and
optical design
STILORMADE Highly efficient non-standard 01-01-2017 - Module eff. >19.5 % (>21.5 % 6/7 (9) 2 940 596
solar modules manufactured for PERC)
through an automated, 31-12-2018 - pilot production line of 15MW
reconfigurable mass (for BIPV and solar street lighting
production processes markets), then scale up to
delivering 30 % reduction in 60MW, and then 200MW
costs - BIPV: >18 % efficiency, tailored
design, cost <€4/W (prod. &
instal.), lifetime >25 years
- Street Lights: >18 % efficiency,
cost <€2000 / light unit, >12-hour
operation at average light
intensity of 100W, lifetime of
>25 years
SUNINBOX Portable SolUtioN for 01-02-2017 - market readiness of product 6 (9) 1 407 542
dIstributed geNeration in a ("plug & play" 12 kW system
BOX 31-01-2019 solar with a tracker), transported
(Phase 2 project) and stored in a standard
- objective price of 4.25 €/W for a
12kW system, for electricity
<0.35 €/kWh)
SOLARSHARC SOLARSHARC - a durable self- 01-05-2017 Product is a patented coating 6 (9) 2 267 636
(originally clean coating for solar panels technology that uses silica nano-
EVERCLEAN to improve PV energy 30-04-2019 particles bonded in a polymer
but changed generation efficiency matrix to give a robust self-
for copyright cleaning coating:
Acronym Title Start/ Main Technology & Cost TRL TRL EC
End Date Objectives in DoW start (target) funding
reasons) - 25 year lifetime without
- repellent to water, dust, and
- Cost <€10 per m2
- High transparency and anti-
reflective properties
ESPResSo Efficient Structures and 01-05-2018 - cell efficiency > 24 % (on 1cm²) (5) 5 412 657
Processes for Reliable and < 10 % degradation following
Perovskite Solar Modules 30-04-2020 IEC thermal stress cycle
- modules (35 x 35 cm2) with >
17 % efficiency and long-term
(>20 years) reliable performance
- façade elements demonstrating
a LCoE of ≤ 0.05€/kWh in
southern Europe.
5.1 Cost Trends
The cost of PV electricity from a system depends on several elements (as for instance in levelised cost of
electricity calculations), but here the focus is on the investment needed for a PV system (Figure 19) and for the
module, as the main energy conversion component. Indeed this is also the most significant component,
accounting for up to half the total capital investment needed for utility scale systems (although less for
residential systems where economies of scale for installation are less and soft costs are higher).
a) Modules
Module costs have decreased dramatically over the last 20 years, with a learning rate of 24 % (the decrease in
price for every doubling of total installed capacity). Table 12 shows the June 2016 wholesale spot prices for
several technologies. These confirm a sharp decrease in prices over the period 2016-2017 (Figure 20).
According to ITRPV analysis, this is driven largely by increased manufacturing efficiency, with improvement in
energy conversion efficiency playing a lesser role. It should also be noted that many commercial products are
priced higher than these spot levels on a €/watt peak basis, but are competitive by offering features such as
higher efficiency (therefore less area and lower balance of system costs), bifaciality (potential for higher
overall power output depending on the reflected light at the rear side of the module), better actual energy
yield for the conditions at a specific location, improved reliability and degradation resistance, lower CO2
footprint etc..
Table 12 Wholesale spot prices for PV modules, without taxes
Figure 19 PV system cost breakdown for a utility-scale Figure 20 Trends in PV module spot prices for 2016/2017,
system (source: JRC elaboration of ITRPV 2017 data) also showing the component breakdown (source ITRPV
Concerning future module price trends, Figure 21 shows the historical data up to 2017 as a function of global
cumulative installed capacity40. The decrease rate (learning curve) over the previous ten years has been
steeper than the historical rate, adding further uncertainty to future projections. Nonetheless, based on the
capacity estimates from the IEA 2017 sustainable development scenario, the price range for 2030 would be
0.19 to 0.24 EUR/W and by 2040 would have fallen further to 0.09 to 0.19 EUR/W (corresponding to
cumulative installed capacities of 1 846 GW and 3 246 GW respectively). Whether the technology is still
crystalline silicon or thin-film or a combination of both is another matter.
Cost information on building integrated PV products is less commonly reported. SUPSI perform an annual
survey in Europe [28] and Figure 22 shows the range of prices obtained (100 to 400 EUR/m2) for various
Figure 21 PV module cost reduction trends curve based on data for commercially available modules of all technologies
(source: JRC analysis of data from Fraunhofer PV Report and own sources)
Figure 22 BIPV costs according to the 2017 SUPSI survey: "The black bars represent the share of the costs that is avoided
because no conventional building material has to be used. The grey bars represent the true additional costs that contractors
need to spend in order to apply a PV functionality in their building skin. The total cost results from the sum of both. The
error bars show the full range (min-max) of all the different quotes we received"
This combines data for all commercially available modules, the recent spot price levels are set by crystalline silicon
products, and effectively these values set the benchmark for the market, independent of whether the technology is wafer-
based, thin-film or concentrating. Learning curve analysis for just thin-film products show a comparable reduction rate and
price levels, an achievement since the production volumes are more than an order of magnitude lower.
c) PV Systems
In January 2018 the price range for commercial systems was 0.61 to 1.26 EUR/Wp [3]. The world-wide average
system price for residential systems with installation, but without permitting or connection costs, was
reported as EUR 1.22/Wp, ranging from EUR 1.05/Wp in Europe up to EUR 1.38/Wp in the US.
In the framework of the JRC-EU-TIMES modelling work, long-term trends for the costs of utility-scale,
commercial and residential rooftop systems prices have been examined. Figure 23 shows projections of CAPEX
and OPEX for three deployment categories: utility, commercial and residential41. In this analysis a learning
curve approach was used, whereby the variation in costs is linked to the extent of deployment observed. This
has been done for several scenarios and the results are shown as maximum and minimum values that evolved
in the course of the simulations. Also included is the trend in system cost reduction foreseen in the SET-Plan
targets, which broadly corresponds to the highest learning rate (lowest cost trend) emerging form the model
Figure 23 Range of PV system and operating costs in the JRC-EU-TIMES models a) CAPEX and b) OPEX
41 For OPEX costs, the initial 2020 residential value is slightly below that for a commercial system. This may reflect that the
latter category spend less on programmed O&M.
5.2 Future Deployment Scenarios
The JRC-EU-TIMES model [29] offers a tool for assessing the possible impact of technology and cost
developments. It represents the energy system of the EU28 plus Switzerland, Iceland and Norway, with each
country constituting one region of the model. It simulates a series of 9 consecutive time periods from 2005 to
2060, with results reported for 2020, 2030, 2040 and 2050. The model was run with three baseline scenarios:
Baseline: Continuation of current trends; no ambitious carbon policy outside of Europe; only 48 % CO2
reduction by 2050
Diversified: Usage of all known supply, efficiency and mitigation options (including CCS and new nuclear
plants); 2050 CO2 reduction target is achieved
ProRES: 80 % CO2 reduction by 2050; no new nuclear; no CCS
In addition, a further 13 sensitivity scenarios were run. LCEO deliverable report D4.7 [30] presents the
scenarios and the overall results. This technology development report focusses on the 3 baseline scenarios and
the associated sensitivity runs for the high and low learning rates, considering the EU as a whole. Further
analysis including country breakdowns will be included in the technology market report.
For PV the specific inputs include: a) CAPEX and fixed operating and maintenance (FOM) cost trends, together
with learning rate values for three PV deployment options: utility scale, commercial (rooftop) scale and
residential scale (see section 5.1 above); b) Load factor: country-specific values are included for the solar
resource in terms of full load hours per year, as well as an upper bound on installed capacity.
Figure 24 gives an overview of the results for the three main scenarios. A notable feature is the large increased
in electricity production in the Pro-RES scenario (Res1), reflecting a deep electrification of transport and the
use of electricity to produce hydrogen, synfuels and other previously petrochemical-based products. Solar
(essentially PV) plays a significant role in all scenarios, and particularly in ProRes.
Figure 25 shows this in more detail by extracting the installed capacity values for PV and plotting these as a
function of time period. The installed capacity by 2050 in ProRes is almost 2 TW, and a factor of more than 4
above that in the diversified scenario. In terms of the type of PV deployment, Figure 26 shows a breakdown for
the diversified and pro-res scenarios. This follows the costs: the cheapest form (utility scale PV) dominates,
with a smaller role for commercial scale installations. In the current model configuration the more expensive
residential scale PV is not used. In this respect, it would be useful if the model could include a means of
accounting for the prosumer investment perspective, where the energy produced can be sold or used directly,
thus avoiding the costs of buying it.
In relation to the sensitivity to the assumed learning rate for cost decrease, Figure 26 shows the impact of the
high and low learning rate values on the level of PV deployment for the 2050 time period. It should be noted
that for these sensitivity cases the model applies the modified learning rates across all technologies, not just
for PV. For the diversified scenario, the high learning rate case produces a modest 8 % increase in PV capacity
for 2050 and the low value a 33 % decrease. The situation for Pro-Res scenario is more complex: counter-
intuitively, the high learning rate results in 33 % decrease in PV capacity in 2050 compared to the main
scenario. This occurs because other technologies (in particular wind) become even more competitive with the
high learning and take a larger share of overall production.
Figure 24 JRC-EU-TIMES model: distribution of power generation (TWh) by technology for the baseline, diversified (Div1) and pro-renewables (Res1) scenarios. Solar is represented by the
yellow segments; PV accounts for the vast majority of this and CSP for the remainder.
Figure 26 Breakdown of the PV deployment categories for the a) diversified and b) pro-renewables scenarios.
a) b)
Figure 27 Effect of varying the PV system cost learning rate on PV capacity for 2050
5.3 Challenges
The 2017 SET-Plan Implementation Plan for PV gives a comprehensive picture of the technical challenges for
PV technology development (see Text Box 1). The following points are intended as supplementary to these.
a) For the mass- production market, price per W of cells and modules appears set to decrease strongly; indeed
the sector needs this to be truly competitive in the electricity market. This trend will further reinforce the fact
that "size matters" in manufacturing. Indeed PV modules are seen as amenable to mass production, given the
relatively low number of components and no moving parts. Also increasing levels of automation may help to
minimise the role of labour costs in production.
b) EU industrial policy: the recent call42 by German institutes and industry for a more proactive industrial
strategy on PV manufacturing is the latest in series of such initiatives. The 2017 RTD study report "Assessment
of Photovoltaics (PV)" 2016/17, identifies three pillars that can form a basis for such a strategy to rebuild the
EU's PV manufacturing sector, as shown in Figure 28. This distinguishes a mass market and a tailored market.
For equipment manufacturing and for inverters, the focus is on nurturing remaining strengths for the mass
market, while also aiming to lead in tailored products. For PV products themselves, for the mass market the
focus is on next generation technology, while also aiming to lead on tailored products.
c) Manufacturers are increasingly using long-term degradation rates as a marketing tool, and R&D roadmaps
target module "lifetime" values of 30 years and more. However as yet there are no standard tests to
substantiate such claims in reliable and transparent way. This is an issue of key importance to investors, as it
impacts directly on the expected financial returns. Efforts at EU level and in international cooperative efforts
such as PV-QAT should be reinforced to find robust and transparent procedures for addressing this issue, as
well as for rapidly resolving unforeseen degradation issues that may arise in danced technologies (as has been
done recently for PID and LeTiD phenomena).
d) The scale-factor can be also important for demonstrating advanced technologies and establishing market
credibility. The contrast is stark between the Chinese Top Runner Programme that encompasses several GW of
installations and programmes in EU and the USA at multi-MW level.
Fraunhofer ISE Presseinformation #14 Solarindustrie will deutschen Neustart – Nachhaltigkeitskriterien für PV-
Ausschreibungen gefordert, 25.5.2018
e) Standards: the on-going Ecodesign preparatory study has identified several topics that lack European or
international standards:
• Ex-ante calculation of energy yield of PV systems;
• Durability of modules;
• Durability of PV inverters;
• Dismantlability43 of PV modules;
• Disassemblability44 of PV systems;
• Remanufacturing45 of PV systems.
The PV community will need to find appropriate solutions to these in a relatively short-time frame.
Figure 28 Basis for a strategy to rebuild the EU's PV manufacturing sector (source: Study Report "Assessment of
Photovoltaics", Contract PP-02161-2014)
Dismantle: process whereby parts and/or materials are separated by mechanical, chemical, metallurgical or thermal
means, inter alia such that the item cannot subsequently be reassembled to make it operational.
Disassemble: non-destructive taking apart of an assembled product into constituent components, which can be re-
Re-manufacture: production process that creates products using parts taken from previously used products.
Text Box 1: SET-Plan PV Implementation Plan Priorities 2017
1. PV for BIPV and similar applications …… Therefore the cell processing needs to be scaled-up on an
industrial level and the cost needs to be reduced. New
The R&I activity on BIPV aims at developing a market pull
materials and the combination of two cell technologies need
approach for innovative and integrated PV solutions that
new interlayer development. Also the stability needs to be
will allow a faster market uptake of new PV technologies
enhanced (or maintained if already sufficient). In the end the
and a more intensive and multi-functional use of the
environmental impact of these new materials needs to be
available surface area in Europe, including quality and
evaluated including quality and reliability.
reliability. This requires a multidisciplinary approach and
close collaboration between the PV/BIPV and building 4. Development of PV power plants and diagnostics
The aim of this activity is to develop and demonstrate
On the one hand, for BIPV it seems likely that thin-film business models and streamline the processes for effective
technologies (especially CIGS) are well suited. Therefore, a operation and maintenance of residential and small
combined development of thin-film PV and BIPV is commercial plants in order to keep the plant performance
suggested. On the other hand, BIPV solutions based on and availability high over the expected lifetime. Especially
other PV technologies can also offer attractive solutions. advanced monitoring is essential. Due to incompatibility and
Sub-activities cover bifacial applications and PV the accompanying extra costs this is often not done
installations on roads & waterways. according to good industry practices.
2. Technologies for silicon solar cells and modules with Aspects of energy system integration are included, but as an
higher quality integral part of the PV system.
Wafer-based silicon (c-Si) technologies have the largest 5. Manufacturing technologies (for c-Si and thin-film)
market share (>90 %) in the worldwide solar PV sector.
Further reduction of system and generation costs (LCoE) for
The main objective of this Activity is to develop and
silicon wafer based PV and thin-film technologies is strongly
implement advanced c-Si PV technologies for high-quality,
supported by the implementation of high-throughput, high
high-performance cells (≥24 %) and modules in high-
yield industrial manufacturing technology. This includes
throughput industrial manufacturing processes, including
production equipment (Capital Expenditure; CAPEX) and
(for the PV sector) new materials and production
material (Bill of Materials; BOM) costs as well as product
equipment. These products will serve as differentiator for
quality (efficiency and performance). Advances in this field
the European PV industry by means of significant
will strengthen the European manufacturing industry. The
efficiency benefits and better performance related to
introduction of new materials and cell/module designs
sustainability aspects and recyclability of modules (PV
enforces advances in the field of manufacturing
Ecolabel, Ecodesign and Energy labels). Through this, the
technologies, including the introduction of Industry4.0
European PV industry will be able to strengthen its global
(“smart factory”) in PV, and will also strengthen the
European manufacturing equipment industry.
3. New technologies & materials
6. Cross-sectoral research at lower TRL
Crystalline silicon based solar cells as well as some thin-
With respect to high level R&D, European research labs are
film technologies are gradually reaching their theoretical
still the leading institutions worldwide. A closer cooperation
efficiency limit. The most promising approach (at least on
of these labs could help maintaining this position in order to
the short and medium term) to go beyond this limit are
support European industry with cutting edge research
tandem technologies. Concrete options are III/V-
semiconductor or perovskite top cells on silicon bottom
cells. Another option is a stack of two thin-film cells. A On a topical level this activity covers all the other activities
third route is the development of cost-effective described above, with a focus on the low TRL-parts of the
concentrating PV (CPV). total R&I programs
The aim of this activity is to bring these technologies to an
economically feasible level. …
R&D Resources and Programmes
Europe retains a strong basis in research and innovation on PV technologies, but also faces strong and
increasing competition at global level. EU authors are involved in approximately 25 % of the annual output of
scientific articles. However while EU scientific output almost doubled from 2010 to 2014, it plateaued in the
period 2015-2016. In terms of patents, in 2014 the EU accounted for 22% of so-called "high-value" patent
family applications, although in terms of absolute numbers Asian countries (specifically China, Japan and
Korea) lead the way. For the EU, areas of relative strength include patenting on power conversion and BIPV.
With photovoltaics now recognised as becoming a major energy source by mid-century, Europe can continue
to develop and exploit these research resources and remain a global leader (but not the only one) in the field.
Indeed the SET-Plan PV implementation plan offers a coordinated approach, which could be further expanded
to embrace storage, digitalisation and market aspects.
The EU is currently supporting a broad range of projects relating to PV under H2020. Many of these projects
are running or have only recently finished, so insufficient information is available at this point to assess the
overall impact in terms of technology readiness level. However the following general observations are made:
- There appears to be scope for improved communication and coordination between the research and
innovation actions and the programmes for SMEs. Examples noted here include the work on
concentrating PV and on tandem concepts.
- In striving for higher TRLs, the issue of scale becomes a critical factor to achieving cost competiveness.
This applies not just to the bulk market for free-standing or roof-applied systems, but also to building
integrated products. It is not clear if some of the EU-supported projects targeting high TRLs have sufficient
resources to address this, particularly those requiring further technical development as well as pilot
manufacturing. Development of GW-scale demonstration programmes could be beneficial in adding
market-pull stimulus for advanced concepts.
- PV, like all renewables, inherently supports EU policy for long-term decarbonisation. However more focus
could be given to specific aspects such as circular economy aspects and socio-economic effects. In this
respect, more awareness of the "policy readiness level" of results could be useful. Pre-normative work on
standards needs to arrive at codes and procedures, in addition to providing supporting evidence. Socio-
economic studies relating to cost-effectiveness can best target the issues likely to be addressed in policy
impact assessments, for instance regarding the cost-benefit of different routes for large-scale PV
integration at utility scale and on the distribution network.
Technology Outlook
Wafer-based silicon technology is set to remain the predominant PV technology in the least in the medium
term. Chinese manufacturers already have module production costs as low as EUR 0.30/W (and current
wholesale spot prices even lower). This is accompanied by a major shift in production to PERC and bifacial
PERC cell architectures, bringing efficiency gains with relatively low cost changes to the production process.
Further cost savings should come from cheaper polysilicon via fluidised bed processes and smaller kerf losses.
Reduction of wafer thickness to save material costs is also an option, but thicknesses of below 80 µm
(compared to the current industry standard of 180 µm) pose challenges for automated handling in production.
Some additional cost reduction potential is envisaged for the non-silicon cost components. Intensive R&D is in
progress in Asia, Europe and the US, targeting not just efficiency and cost reduction but also improving
sustainability aspects such as energy pay-back time. While p-type cells continue to be optimised, in the mid-
term (2025+) analysts predict that n-type cells will become dominant. Already commercial available
technology options include PERT architectures, passivated contacts, heterojunctions and interdigitated back-
contact cells.
Looking further ahead, three basic options are available (and may also be combined):
tandem devices to create a broader absorption window; here current research focus is on silicon +
perovskite and silicon + III-V materials, but the TRL level is still modest (about 4 to 5);
improved contacting, minimising reflection and improving light trapping;
spectrum adjustment.
For thin-films, both copper indium gallium diselenide disulphide (CIGS) and cadmium telluride technologies
have recently established cell efficiency records of 22 % or more. There is therefore an immediate technology
challenge to transfer these gains to modules at competitive cost levels. On the other hand silicon-based thin-
film technologies and kesterite face major challenges to increase efficiencies above 12 % and the market
outlook is not encouraging. CPV technology continues to progress but faces a major challenge to become cost-
competitive with other PV technologies quickly enough in order to reach substantial production volumes and
the associated economies of scale.
1. European Commission, Energy Roadmap 2050, COM(2011) 885
2. Adoption of the Paris Agreement, United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change,
FCCC/CP/2015/L.9/Rev.1, 12/12/2015
3. Jäger-Waldau, A., Snapshot of Photovoltaics – February 2018, EPJ Photovolt., 9 (2018) 6
4. IEA PVPS, 2018 Snapshot of Global Photovoltaic Markets, ISBN 978–3–906042–72-5
5. IRENA (2018), Global Energy Transformation: A roadmap to 2050, International Renewable Energy
Agency, Abu Dhabi.
6. Jäger-Waldau, A., PV Status Report 2017, Publications Office of the European Union, 2017, ISBN 978-
92-79-74072-5 (print)
7. Photovoltaics Report, Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy & PSE AG, August 2018
8. International Technology Roadmap for Photovoltaics, Eighth Edition, September 2017
9. SET-Plan Declaration of Intent on Strategic Targets in the context of Global Leadership on
Photovoltaics, 2015
10. A. De Rose, M. Buna, C. Strazza, N. Olivieri, T. Stevens, L. Peeters, D. Tawil-Jamault, Technology
Readiness Level: Guidance Principles for Renewable Energy technologies, Final Report, 2017 EUR
27988 EN
11. M. A. Green, Y. Hishikawa, E.D. Dunlop, D.H. Levi,, J. Hohl-Ebinger, A. W.Y. Ho-Baillie, Solar cell
efficiency tables (version 51), Prog. Photovolt: Res. Appl. 2018; 26: 3-12.
12. CIGS white Paper, January 2016
13. Pérez-Rodríguez, A., Thin-film photovoltaics: current status and future challenges, EMIRI Tech Talk on
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14. Meier, J., S. Dubail, R. Platz, P. Torres, U. Kroll, J.A. Selvan, N. Pellaton Vaucher, C. Hof, D. Fischer, H.
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15. S. P. Philipps, A.W. Bett, K. Horowitz, S. Kurtz, Current status of concentrator photovoltaic (CPV)
technology, Version 1.2, February 2016
16. T. Sample et al, Photovoltaic Energy Systems: Summary of the JRC's Contribution to International and
European Standards in 2017, JRC Report 109859, 2017
17. M. de Wild-Scholten, V. Cassagne, T. Huld, Solar resources and carbon footprint of photovoltaic
power in different regions in Europe, 29th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and
Exhibition, 2014.
18. R. Frischknecht, G. Heath, M. Raugei, P. Sinha, M. de Wild-Scholten IEA PVPS Task 12 - Methodology
Guidelines on Life Cycle Assessment of Photovoltaic Electricity 3rd Edition
19. A.Wade, P. Stolz, R. Frischknecht, G. Heath, P. Sinha, S. Pelland, J. Remund, J. Kleissl, T. Oozeki, K. De
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21. Photovoltaic and Solar Forecasting: State of the Art, IEA PVPS Task 14, Subtask 3.1 Report IEA-PVPS
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22. E. Lorenz, J. Kühnert, D. Heinemann, K. Pagh Nielsen, J. Remund, S. C. Müller, Comparison of
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23. A. Fiorini, A. Georgakaki, F. Pasimeni, E. Tzimas, “Monitoring R&D in Low-Carbon Energy
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24. A Framework Strategy for a Resilient Energy Union with a Forward-Looking Climate Change Policy,
COM(2015)80, Brussels, 25.2.2015
25. SET-Plan TWP PV Implementation Plan, Final Draft, 18 October 2017
26. SOLAR-ERA.NET, Report on Projects funded, Public summaries of projects initiated through
transnational SOLAR-ERA.NET calls, Status 1 March 2018
27. IEA Photovoltaic Power Systems Programme, annual Report 2017 (available at http://iea- )
28. I. Zanetti, P. Bonomo, F. Frontini, E. Saretta, Building Integrated Photovoltaics: Product overview for
solar building skins Status Report 2017, 2017, SUPSI-SEAC BIPV
29. S. Simoes, W. Nijs, P. Ruiz, A. Sgobbi, D. Radu, P. Bolat, C. Thiel, S. Peteves, The JRC-EU-TIMES model -
Assessing the long-term role of the SET Plan Energy technologies, 2013, JRC Report EUR 26292 EN
30. Nijs, W, Ruiz, Castello P., Tarvydas, D., Tsiropoulos, I., Zucker, A., Deployment Scenarios for Low
Carbon Energy Technologies, LCEO Deliverable Report D4.7, 2018
Project Project Project Title Call year Free Keywords Weighted EU Project Topic
Number Acronym contribution Code
637367 HyMoCo Hybrid Node Modes for 2014 solar concentrators, 1 485 000 ERC-StG-2014
Highly Efficient Light waveguides, nanotransfer
Concentrators printing, silver island films,
coalescence control,
surface plasmon polaritons,
hybrid modes
638133 ThforPV New Thermodynamic for 2014 Optical frequency- 1 500 000 ERC-StG-2014
Frequency Conversion and conversion, Photovoltaics,
Photovoltaics thermodynamic of
638857 CHROMTISOL Towards New Generation 2014 nanotubes, solar cells, 1 644 380 ERC-StG-2014
of Solid-State Photovoltaic charge-carrier separation.
Cell: Harvesting
Nanotubular Titania and
Hybrid Chromophores
639760 PEDAL Plasmonic Enhancement 2014 Solar Energy Systems 1 447 410 ERC-StG-2014
and Directionality of
Emission for Advanced
Luminescent Solar Devices
640868 SWInG Development of thin-film 2014 thin-film, photovoltaic, 3 254 755 LCE-01-2014
Solar cells based on WIde semiconductor, kesterite,
band Gap kesterite CZTSSe, wide band gap,
absorbers high efficiency, tandem
640873 CPVMatch Concentrating Photovoltaic 2014 Photovoltaics, high 4 949 596 LCE-02-2014
modules using advanced efficiency, III-V multi-
technologies and cells for junction solar cells,
highest efficiencies Concentrating
Photovoltaics (CPV), CPV
modules, spectrum
matching, advanced
materials, SiGeSn, wafer-
bonding, light management
641004 Sharc25 Super high efficiency 2014 Cu(In,Ga)Se2, highly 4 563 123 LCE-02-2014
Cu(In,Ga)Se2 thin-film solar efficient, novel PV
cells approaching 25 % concepts, towards
theoretical limits, thin-film
solar cell
641023 Nano-Tandem Nanowire based Tandem 2014 photovoltaic, multi-junction 3 561 842 LCE-01-2014
Solar Cells solar cells, nano wires,
nano technology, III-V-
641972 CABRISS Implementation of a 2014 Photovoltaics, recycling, 7 844 565 WASTE-1-
CirculAr economy Based on critical materials, silicon , 2014
Recycled, reused and silver, indium, feed-stock
recovered Indium, Silicon
and Silver materials for
photovoltaic and other
646554 PV PV FINANCING 2014 Photovoltaic, PV, financing 2 050 939 LCE-04-2014
FINANCING schemes, business models
for PV
Project Project Project Title Call year Free Keywords Weighted EU Project Topic
Number Acronym contribution Code
647311 Sol-Pro Solution Processed Next 2014 Printed Electronics, Flexible 1 840 940 ERC-CoG-
Generation Photovoltaics Photovoltaics, Solution 2014
Processed Opto-Electronic
Materials, Research and
Product Development,
Organic Solar Cells,
Electrodes, Processing,
651970 POLYSOLAR A light weight, recyclable, 2014 Solar, photovoltaic, PV, 50 000 SIE-01-2014-1
tracking support system, support system, polymer
for solar photovoltaic membrane, tracking,
modules based on renewable energy, rooftop,
inflatable polymer building integrated
652490 FLOTA Floating Offshore 2014 floating PV systems for 50 000 BG-12-2014-1
Photovoltaic systems marine aquaculture
653184 MPerS Sustainable Mixed-ion 2014 Perovskite, Sustainble 195 455 MSCA-IF-
Layered Perovskite Solar lowcost Solar cell, 2014-EF
653296 CHEOPS Production technology to 2015 Perovskite, thin-film, 3 299 095 LCE-02-2015
achieve low Cost and Highly module, large area, high
Efficient phOtovoltaic efficiency tandem solar cell
Perovskite Solar cells
655039 NANOSOLAR HYBRID QUANTUM- 2014 Photovoltaics, Solar Cells, 158 122 MSCA-IF-
DOT/TWO-DIMENSIONAL Quantum Dots, Two- 2014-EF
MATERIALS PHOTOVOLTAIC Dimensional materials,
CELLS Graphene
655272 HISTORIC High efficiency GaInP/GaAs 2014 Multijunction solar cells, III- 159 461 MSCA-IF-
Tandem wafer bonded V/Silicon, Wafer bonding 2014-EF
solar cell on silicon
655852 Quokka A mature Quokka for 2014 171 461 MSCA-IF-
Maturation everyone – advancing the 2014-EF
capabilities and accessibility
of numerical solar cell
656658 NanoCuI Nano-Copper Iodide: A New 2014 copper iodide, p-type dye 195 455 MSCA-IF-
Material for High sensitized solar cells, 2014-EF
Performance P-Type Dye- sensitizer dyes,
Sensitized Solar Cells electrochemistry
657115 c-SiOnGlass Development of high- 2014 Solar cells, liquid-phase 171 461 MSCA-IF-
quality crystalline silicon crystallization, silicon thin- 2014-EF
layers on glass film, photoluminescence,
spectral response
659225 Crystal Solar Organic-Inorganic 2014 Photovoltaics, solution 251 858 MSCA-IF-
perovskite and organic processed semiconductors, 2014-GF
semiconductor films with Organic-inorganic
improved crystal properties perovskites, crystal
via reel-to-reel solution formation
coating; application to
photovoltaics and field
effect transistors
659747 HCAPT High Current All Printed 2014 printed electronics roll-to- 84 878 MSCA-IF-
Transistors roll transistors organics 2014-EF
oxides metal-organics
standalone devices optics
nanostructures energy
power heat current
crystallinity sustainability
morphology flexo electricity
Project Project Project Title Call year Free Keywords Weighted EU Project Topic
Number Acronym contribution Code
661480 PlasmaPerovS A full plasma and vacuum 2014 Perovskite, solar cell, 158 122 MSCA-IF-
ol integrated process for the photovoltaic, plasma, 2014-EF
synthesis of high efficiency vacuum, nanomaterials,
planar and 1D conformal Carbon Nanotubes,
perovskite solar cells Graphene
662792 Suninbox Portable SolUtioN for 2014 Distributed generation, off- 50 000 SIE-01-2014-1
dIstributed geNeration in a grid energy, solar tracking,
BOX photovoltaics
666507 ADVANCED- NEW GENERATION OF 2014 BIPV, Sustainable, See-thru, 1 887 121 SIE-01-2014
BIPV BIPV-GLASS WITH Resistance, Dimensions,
673874 SBskin SBskin. Smart Building skin 2014 BIPV, Glassblock, Smart 50 000 SIE-01-2014-1
Building Envelope, Energy
Efficiency, Photovoltaics,
Innovative Products
673917 MLSYSTEM MLSYSTEM - heatable, 2014 photovoltaics, carbon 50 000 SIE-01-2014-1
integrated photovoltaics dioxide emission, energy
with insulated glass units efficiency, BIPV
674102 SOLARGE45 Towards a SOLAR enerGy 2014 solar energy high 50 000 SIE-01-2014-1
Efficiency of 45 % concentration
photovoltaics efficiency
module CPV system
advanced optics
manufacturing costs low
carbon clean electricity
industrialisation pilot plant
674311 Cogem COGEM CPV - An innovative 2014 HCPV, Concentration 2 098 456 SIE-01-2014
CPVTM Ceramic Heatsprider within Photovoltaic, Ceramics,
HCPV (High Concentration Energy, Heatsprider,
Photovoltaic) Technology Convex-Lens, Glass, Solar
674628 RAYGEN A unique innovative utility 2014 Solar Energy, Concentrated 50 000 SIE-01-2014-1
scale solar energy Photovoltaics, Utility scale
technology that utilises a solar energy, Renewables,
field of low cost heliostat World record pv
collectors to concentrate performance, capital
sunlight onto an ultra- expenditure, multi-junction
efficient multi-junction solar, CPV.
photovoltaic cell array
679692 Eco-Solar Eco-Solar Factory - 2015 PV, crystalline silicon 5 642 708 FoF-13-2015
40 %plus eco-efficiency technology, solar cells,
gains in the photovoltaic repair, reuse, recycling,
value chain with minimised remanufacturing, module,
resource and energy disassembly, resource
consumption by closed loop efficiency, aluminum, silver,
systems silicon, LCA, LCC
679789 CONTREX Controlling Triplet Excitons 2015 Conjugated Polymers, 1 499 223 ERC-StG-2015
in Organic Semiconductors Organic Solar Cells
681881 SEEWHI Solar Energy Enabled for 2015 Solution-cast solar cells, 2 000 000 ERC-CoG-
the World by High- ultrahigh resolution 2015
resolution Imaging imaging, ultrafast imaging
of charge currents,
modelling of charge
generation and transport
683876 SoHo3X Introducing a novel concept 2015 hologram, CPV, TIR 50 000 SIE-01-2015-1
of solar photovoltaic
module in the market
Project Project Project Title Call year Free Keywords Weighted EU Project Topic
Number Acronym contribution Code
683928 REPHLECT Recovering Europe´s 2015 Photovoltaics, HCPV, 1 633 601 SIE-01-2015
PHotovoltaics LEadership
through high Concentration
684019 Soltile A roof integrated solar tile 2015 Solar energy, distributed- 50 000 SIE-01-2015-1
system to develop cost- power, photovoltaics, roof-
effective distributed solar integrated, renewables,
power generation. cost-saving, zero-energy
684528 PVFINAL Photo Voltaic Fully 2015 Solar energy, photo voltaic, 50 000 SIE-01-2015-1
Integrated and Automated renewable energy
687008 GOTSolar New technological 2015 Solar cells, efficiency, 2 993 404 FETOPEN-RIA-
advances for the third stability. 2014-2015
generation of Solar cells
687336 SiLaSpaCe Si based Layer Stacks for 2015 Additive Layer 997 466 COMPET-03-
Rear-Side Passivation and Manufacturing Techniques 2015
Enhanced Reflection of
GaInP/GaInAs/Ge Triple-
Junction Space Solar Cells
687409 EASY Pv EGNSS high Accuracy 2015 Photovoltaic maintenance, 935 973 GALILEO-2-
SYstem improving RPAS, EGNSS high accuracy, 2015
PhotoVoltaic plants RTK, EDAS, computer vision
691768 PVSITES Building-integrated 2015 Market, deployment, BIPV, 5 467 612 LCE-03-2015
photovoltaic technologies system, demonstration.
and systems for large-scale
market deployment
695116 AMETIST Advanced III-V Materials 2015 Photovoltaics, High 2 492 719 ERC-ADG-
and Processes Enabling efficiency solar cells, III-V 2015
Ultrahigh-efficiency (50 %) solar cells, dilute-nitride
Photovoltaics solar cells, multi-junction
solar cells, Molecular Beam
Epitaxy, CPV, satellite solar
696519 NanoSol Accelerating 2015 nanowire, photovoltaic 1 740 375 SIE-01-2015
Commercialization of
Nanowire Solar Cell
699935 Crystal Single-Crystal Perovskite 2015 Solar Cells, Photovoltaics, 269 858 MSCA-IF-
Tandem Solar Tandem Solar Cells For High Perovskites, Crystal 2015-GF
Efficiency and Low Cost Growth, Single Crystals,
Shape Control, Epitaxial
Growth, Tandem Solar
Cells, Ultrafast
Spectroscopy, Advanced
Characterisation, Device
701104 ELSi Industrial scale recovery 2015 Photovoltaic modules, 1 011 843 FTIPilot-1-
and reuse of all materials recycling, end of life, 2015
from end of life silicon- separation, electrically
based photovoltaic driven processes, silicon,
modules valuable metals, raw
material recovery,
aluminum, silver, gold,
copper, waste
Project Project Project Title Call year Free Keywords Weighted EU Project Topic
Number Acronym contribution Code
management, logistics
702629 R2R-3G Towards Roll-to-Roll 2015 R2R, 3G, Solar cells, TCO, 187 420 MSCA-IF-
Production of Third DMD, NWSC, GaAs, InP, 2015-EF
Generation Solar Cells light trapping, Monte Carlo,
solar cells
705113 2for1- 2 for 1: Quantum Dynamics 2015 singlet fission, ultrafast 78 182 MSCA-IF-
SingletFission of Singlet Fission spectroscopy, photovoltaic 2015-EF
solar cells
706094 TONSOPS Titanium Oxide 2015 Solar cells, Perovskites, 170 122 MSCA-IF-
Nanocomposites for Nanocomposites, TiO2 2015-EF
Scalable Optimized nanotubes, Thermoplastics
Perovskite Solar cells
706552 APPEL Approaching efficiency 2015 Photovoltaics, light- 195 455 MSCA-IF-
limits of perovskite solar emitting diodes, 2015-EF
cells by overcoming non- electroluminescence
radiative recombination
706744 COLIBRI Carrier-selective contacts 2015 high efficiency 175 420 MSCA-IF-
for silicon photovoltaics photovoltaics, c-Si solar 2015-EF
based on broadband- cells, carrier-selective
transparent oxides contacts, tandem solar cells
707168 MatchForSola Mechanochemical 2015 photovoltaic, 131 565 MSCA-IF-
r Approach to Inorganic- mechanochemistry, 2015-EF
Organic Hybrid Materials
for Perovskite Solar Cells
715027 Uniting PV Applying silicon solar cell 2016 Photovoltaics, PV, Solar 1 986 125 ERC-2016-STG
technology to revolutionize cells, Thin-film,
the design of thin-film solar Cu(In,Ga)Se2, CIGSSe,
cells and enhance their CIGSe, CIGS, Silicon, Si,
efficiency, cost and stability PERC
715354 p-TYPE Transparent p-type 2016 Dye-sensitized solar cells, 1 499 840 ERC-2016-STG
semiconductors for renewable energy, artificial
efficient solar energy photosynthesis, solar fuel,
capture, conversion and electrochemistry
716792 SOFT- Solar Energy Conversion 2016 Soft interfaces 1 499 044 ERC-2016-STG
PHOTOCONVE without Solid State
RSION Architectures: Pushing the
Boundaries of
Efficiencies at Self-healing
Functionalised Soft
717956 HyTile Sensitive integrated Solar 2015 photovoltaic, solar thermal, 50 000 SIE-01-2015-1
Hybrid Roofing for building integrated, energy
historical buildings. production, solar power,
hybrid, roof coverage, solar
720887 ARCIGS-M Advanced aRchitectures for 2016 CIGS, thin-film solar cell, 4 498 701 NMBP-17-
ultra-thin high-efficiency ultra-thin, passivation, 2016
CIGS solar cells with high
720907 STARCELL Advanced strategies for 2016 kesterite, CZTS, solar cells, 4 832 185 NMBP-03-
substitution of critical raw In, Ga, sustainable, thin- 2016
materials in photovoltaics film PV
Project Project Project Title Call year Free Keywords Weighted EU Project Topic
Number Acronym contribution Code
721452 SOLAR-TRAIN Photovoltaic module life 2016 Renewable energy, PV 3 576 248 MSCA-ITN-
time forecast and modules, PV systems, 2016
evaluation reliability, service life
prediction, accelerated
testing, yield prediction
722651 SEPOMO Spins for Efficient 2016 Organic electronics, organic 3 826 024 MSCA-ITN-
Photovoltaic Devices based solar cells, organic 2016
on Organic Molecules semiconductors, spin
processes, charge transfer
states, upconversion,
donor-acceptor materials,
photon harvesting, triplet-
triplet annihiliation
724424 No-LIMIT Boosting Photovoltaic 2016 Photovoltaics 1 999 072 ERC-2016-
Performance by the COG
Synergistic Interaction of
Halide Perovskites and
Semiconductor Quantum
725165 HEINSOL Hierarchically Engineered 2016 Solar cells, colloidal 2 486 865 ERC-2016-
Inorganic Nanomaterials nanocrystal, COG
from the atomic to supra- heterojunctions, physics of
nanocrystalline level as a solar cells, solution-
novel platform for SOLution processed thin-films
Processed SOLar cells
726360 MOLEMAT Molecularly Engineered 2016 Photovoltaics, Perovskites, 1 878 085 ERC-2016-
Materials and process for Electro-optical properties, COG
Perovskite solar cell
726703 SolTile A roof integrated solar tile 2016 Solar energy, distributed- 1 542 733 SMEInst-09-
system to develop cost- power, photovoltaics, roof- 2016-2017
effective distributed solar integrated, renewables,
power generation cost-saving, zero-energy
727272 ETIP PV - SEC Support to all stakeholders 2016 Photovoltaics, SET-Plan, 596 813 LCE-36-2016-
from the Photovoltaic ETIP, Innovation 2017
sector and related sectors
to contribute to the SET-
727497 SiTaSol Application relevant 2016 Photovoltaics, Si Tandem 4 298 201 LCE-07-2016-
validation of c-Si based Solar Cells, HVPE, 2017
tandem solar cell processes Semiconductor bonding,
with 30 % efficiency target Next-generation Si cells
727523 NextBase Next-generation 2016 c-Si photovoltaics 3 800 421 LCE-07-2016-
interdigitated back- 2017
contacted silicon
heterojunction solar cells
and modules by design and
process innovations
727529 DISC Double side contacted cells 2016 high efficient photovoltaic 4 743 519 LCE-07-2016-
with innovative carrier- cells, carrier selective 2017
selective contacts junctions, rooftop
instalations, non-abundant
material consumption,
renewable energy
production process
727722 PRINTSolar Printable Perovskite Solar 2016 Metal halide Perovskite 150 000 ERC-PoC-2016
Cells with High Efficiency Solar Cells, High Efficiency
and Stable Performance modules, Scaleup printable
Project Project Project Title Call year Free Keywords Weighted EU Project Topic
Number Acronym contribution Code
728378 RollArray A disruptive mobile 2016 Solar Power; Mobile Solar 50 000 SMEInst-09-
photovoltaic array that can Power; PV; Photovoltaic; 2016-2017
pack up to 20kWp of Emission Reduction;
generating power into a Renewable Energy; Green
domestic trailer and Energy; Efficiency; Remote
100kWp of generating Generation; Remote Power
power into an ISO 20-foot Supply; Off Grid Energy;
shipping container. Disaster Response;
728894 CDRONE Towards un-subsidised 2016 UAV Drone solar cleaning 50 000 SMEInst-09-
solar power – Cleandrone, automatic unmanned aerial 2016-2017
the inspection and cleaning vehicle
734948 e-SPACE e-Solar Performance 2017 Solar power, PV, PV 50 000 SMEInst-04-
monitoring Analysis and data Collection monitoring, geostationary 2016-2017
for Energy Monitoring: an satellites, Sentinel
innovative solution based satellites, Copernicus
on measures correlation programme, Service,
between an autonomous Software as a Service,
ground-based solar sensor Cloud, energy grid,
and Earth observation data Operations & Maintenance,
Earth Observation
736314 EBFZ Float zone silicon from 2017 advanced technology, 20 000 SMEInst-01-
electron beam grown rods silicon, power 2016-2017
photovoltaic, electron
beam, float zone
736795 PAWAME CONDUCTING A FEASIBILITY 2017 Energy-as-a-Service, off- 50 000 SMEInst-12-
STUDY ON THE VIABILITY grid communities, 2016-2017
OF AN INNOVATIVE renewable energy, solar
BUSINESS MODEL FOR energy, developing world,
737447 PHYSIC Photovoltaic with superior 2016 Photovoltaics, cracks, 149 500 ERC-PoC-2016
crack resistance durability, optimized
residual stresses,
innovative pre-stressing
technique, increase lifetime
and energy production
737884 STILORMADE Highly efficient non- 2016 customised solar modules, 2 836 035 FTIPilot-01-
standard solar modules solar street lighting, 2016
manufactured through an building integrated
automated, photovoltaics, market
reconfigurable mass replication
production processes
delivering 30 % reduction in
738842 SUNINBOX Portable SolUtioN for 2016 Distributed generation, 1 407 543 SMEInst-09-
dIstributed geNeration in a Photovoltaic energy, 2016-2017
BOX portable solar solution,
solar irrigation, plug and
play system, lower cost of
energy, off grid solution
743667 STORM SMART PLANT MANAGER 2016 Solar PV, Storage, Grid 50 000 SMEInst-09-
FOR UTILITY SCALE Support, Grid Ancillary 2016-2017
PHOTOVOLTAIC PLANTS Services, Predictability,
WITH STORAGE SYSTEMS Interoperability, Clustering,
Low carbon energy,
Security of supply, Internet
of electricity
LCEO Photovoltaics Technology Development Report 2018
Project Project Project Title Call year Free Keywords Weighted EU Project Topic
Number Acronym contribution Code
746516 RECHARGE Photon-recycling for high- 2016 energy harvesting, wireless 248 063 MSCA-IF-2016
efficiency energy harvesting sensor, photovoltaics,
in GaAs photovoltaic GaAs, silicon
devices on silicon
746964 FERROVOLT For a better understanding 2016 ferroelectrics, domain 175 866 MSCA-IF-2016
and design of ferroelectric walls, perovskites,
photovoltaics: First- photovoltaics, electronic
principles study of optical transport, first principles,
absorption and charge- density-functional theory,
carrier transport at many-body perturbation
ferroelectric domain walls theory
in BiFeO3
747221 POSITS High Performance Wide 2016 solar cells, photovoltaics, 175 420 MSCA-IF-2016
Bandgap and Stable perovskites, silicon,
Perovskite-on-Silicon tandem, stability
Tandem Solar Cells
747422 FibrillarMICR Controllable Growth and 2016 Polymer solar cell, polymer 66 240 MSCA-IF-2016
OSTRUCT Charge Carrier Transport of transistor, polymer fibril,
Fibrillar Microstructure of charge transport
Semiconducting Polymers
in Field-Effect Transistors
and Photovoltaics
747599 PerovSAMs Molecular glues for 2016 perovskites, self-assembled 170 122 MSCA-IF-2016
perovskite materials monolayers, interfaces,
750600 NAROBAND Environmental friendly 2016 colloidal quantum dots, 158 122 MSCA-IF-2016
narrow band-gap colloidal solar cells, solution
nanocrystals for processed opto-electronics,
optoelectronic devices thin-films
751159 SRec BIPV Smart Reconfigurable 2016 Photovoltaic energy, Power 172 800 MSCA-IF-2016
photovoltaic modules for converters, Reconfigurable
Building Integrated architectures, Maximum
PhotoVoltaic applications Power Point Tracking
751375 TinPSC Towards Stable and Highly 2016 Sn-based perovskites, Solar 185 857 MSCA-IF-2016
Efficient Tin-based cells, Stable, High power
Perovskite Solar Cells conversion efficiency
752117 PVMINDS Bottom-up PV module 2016 Photovoltaic Modules; 172 800 MSCA-IF-2016
energy yield and integrated Reliability Model; Failure
reliability model for site- Analysis; Energy Yield
specific design optimization Simulation; Design-for-
756962 HYPERION HYbrid PERovskites for Next 2017 Photovoltaics, light- 1 759 733 ERC-2017-STG
GeneratION Solar Cells and emitting diodes, metal
Lighting halide perovskites
758885 4SUNS 4-Colours/2-Junctions of III- 2017 Highly mismatched alloy 1 499 719 ERC-2017-STG
V semiconductors on Si to materials, diluted nitrogen,
use in electronics devices multiband solar cells,
and solar cells multijunction solar cells,
silicon technology, solar
760311 EverClean EVERCLEAN - A DURABLE 2016 Photovoltaic, buildings, 2 267 636 FTIPilot-01-
SELF-CLEAN COATING FOR solar energy, repellent 2016
SOLAR PANELS TO coatings, self-cleaning,
764452 iDistributedP Solar PV on the Distribution 2017 Prosumers, distributed 2 706 940 LCE-21-2017
V Grid: Smart Integrated solar PV, energy storage
Solutions of Distributed devices, effective
Generation based on Solar integration with the power
Project Project Project Title Call year Free Keywords Weighted EU Project Topic
Number Acronym contribution Code
Table: SOLAR-ERA.NET Projects, status March 2018
1 SLAGSTOCK Low-Cost Sustainable Thermal Energy Storage CSP 30/04/2018 1 273 286
Systems Made of Recycled Steel Industry
5 LIMES Light Innovative Materials for Enhanced Solar Glass 31/03/2017 1 931 696
9 BLACK Black Silicon and Defect Engineering for Highly Si 30/09/2017 1 244 391
Efficient Solar Cells and Modules
12 INTESEM Intelligent Solar Energy Management Pipeline System 31.12.2016 1 358 900
from Cell to Grid
13 NOVACOST Non Vacuum Based Strategies for Cost TF 30/09/2017 1 121 134
Efficient Low Weight Chalcogenide
36 NovaZOlar All-non-Vacuum Processed ZnO-based Buffer TF 31/08/2016 1 589 688
and Window Layers for CIGS Solar Cell
37 HyLighT Design, Development and Application of a BIPV 31/08/2016 239 149
Technologically Advanced System of Natural
Daylight and Artificial PV Lighting - Hybrid
Light Tube
39 InnoModu: Leadfree Modules with Low Silver Content and Si 31/03/2016 809 345
Innovative Busless Cell Grid
47 AER II Industrialization and System Integration of the BIPV 30/04/2016 587 241
Aesthetic Energy Roof Concept
49 SNOOPI Smart Network Control with Coordinated PV System 30/09/2018 1 029 883
71 PV4FACADES Photovoltaics for High-Performance Building- BIPV 31/08/2016 2 607 307
Integrated Electricity Production Using High-
Efficiency Back-Contact Silicon Modules
77 ACCESS-CIGS Atmospheric Cost Competitive Elemental TF 28/02/2018 1 946 839
Sulpho-Selenisation for CIGS
78 PV me Organic PhotoVoltaic Systems Integrated in BIPV 30/06/2018 2 480 390
Manufactured Building Elements
82 PV2GRID A Next Generation Grid Side Converter with System 31/03/2018 199 056
Advanced Control and Power Quality
84 THESEUS Tandem High Efficiency Solar Cells Utilizing III- Tandem 30/11/2017 672 000
V Semiconductors on Silicon
90 U-light Ultra Lightweight PV Modules and their BIPV
Applications in Innovative PV Systems
Achieving Lowest Levelized Cost of Electricity
92 HESiTSC High efficiency silicon based tandem solar cell Tandem
PV module
93 InGrid High efficiency PV modules based on back- Si
contact cells and novel interconnecting grid
95 Monoscribe Roll-to-Roll Monolithic Interconnection of TF
Customizable Thin-film Solar Modules
102 HighCast High Performance Silicon Casting and Si
108 EDITOR Evaluation of the Dispatchability of a Parabolic CSP
Trough Collector System with Concrete
112 APPI Atmospheric Pressure Processing for Industrial TF
Solar Cells
120 FunGlass FunGlass – Multi-Functional Glass for PV BIPV
123 SITEF Silicon Fluid Test Facility Si
128 PROOF Competitive Industrialized Photovoltaic BIPV
138 SolFieOpt Optimal Heliostat Fields for Solar Tower Power CSP
142 SPRINTCELL Sulfide-based Ink for Printable Earth-Abundant TF
Solar Cell
143 DINAMIC Dilute Nitride Based Concentrator CPV
Multijunction Solar Cells, with Efficiencies
Over 47 %
147 IPERMON Innovative Performance Monitoring System System
for Improved Reliability and Optimized
Levelized Cost of Electricity
150 HVolt-PV High Voltage IBC Photovoltaic i-Cells and Si
152 Bifalo Bifacial PV modules for lowest levelized cost of Si
155 CNT-PV Carbon nanotube hole-transporting and ?
collecting layers for semi-transparent, flexible
and low-cost solid-state photovoltaic cells
160 HIPPO High-efficiency poly-Si passivated contact solar Si
cells and modules
419 Liquid Si 20 Liquid phase deposition of Functional Silicon Si
Layers for Cost-Effective High Efficiency Solar
428 FrontCIGS Re-designing front window in flexible CIGS TF
modules for cost-effective moisture protection
431 SIMON Silicone Fluid Maintenance and Operation ?
436 DURACIS Advanced global encapsulation solutions for TF
long-term stability in industrial flexible
Cu(In,Ga)Se2 photovoltaic technology
438 Refined PV Reduction of Losses by Ultra Fine Metallization Si
and Interconnection of Photovoltaic Solar Cells
441 ENHANCE Enhanced rooftop PV integration through BIPV
kinetic storage and wide area monitoring
450 PEARL TF-PV Performance and Electroluminescence TF
Analysis on Reliability and Lifetime of Thin-
Film Photovoltaics
Table: PV-related project supported by KIC-Innoenergy (source: data from KIC-Innoenergy web site, April 2018)
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ISBN 978-92-76-12541-9