Nutrition in Rabbits

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University of California

Agriculture and Natural Resources Publication 8376 | December 2009

R a b b i t s : From the Animal’s Point of View 3

Rabbit Nutrition:
What You
Need to Know

Subject Overview and

Background Information
T his unit is designed for youth who are interested in
learning about the nutrient requirements of rabbits. Like
humans’ food, whatever a rabbit eats will affect its overall
Martin H. Smith, Cooperative Extension Youth Curriculum health and energy level. Since domesticated rabbits cannot
Development Specialist, University of California, Davis; Cheryl forage for food themselves, it is essential for their owners to
L. Meehan, Staff Research Associate, UC Davis; Justine be conscientious about what they are feeding their rabbits.
M. Ma, Program Representative, UC Davis; Nao Hisakawa,
A food pyramid like the one provided by the United States
Student Assistant, Veterinary Medicine Extension, UC Davis;
Department of Agriculture (USDA) as a dietary guide for
H. Steve Dasher, 4-H Youth Advisor, UC Cooperative
humans is available for rabbits as well.
Extension, San Diego County; Joe D. Camarillo, 4-H Youth
Rabbits have the same basic nutritional needs as humans.
and Community Development Advisor, UCCE, Madera County;
Jennifer Techanun, Student Assistant, Veterinary
They require adequate amounts of carbohydrates, proteins, fats,
Medicine Extension, UC Davis; and UC Davis Undergraduate fiber, vitamins, minerals, and water. However, too much or too
Curriculum Development Teams. little of any of the nutrients can cause problems for the rabbit.
Rabbits: From the Animal’s Point of View 3 • ANR 8376 Rabbit Nutrition: What You Need to Know 2

Rabbits are herbivores, which means that they eat yySubject Links
plant material as the main part of their diet. They are able Science, Language Arts
to get sufficient amounts of their basic nutrients from a
balanced diet that includes hay, vegetables, fruits, and yyOverview of Activities
pellets. Pellets are a manufactured food that provides a The first activity is entitled Eat Your Vegetables! In this
good array of vitamins and minerals for rabbits. However, activity, youth will look at a list of foods and categorize
rabbit owners should not rely solely on pellets for feed since them according to the nutrients they provide. They will also
they are high in calories and can cause obesity. Remember, be asked to create a list of the types of food they eat on a
though, before you settle on your rabbit’s diet, that it is regular basis and to categorize them based on their nutrient
important to determine the individual rabbit’s specific content. They will compare these lists and determine
nutritional requirements based on its age, gender, breed, whether the foods they eat provide their necessary daily
and size. nutrients.
Fiber is especially important in a rabbit’s diet. Hay is a In the second activity, entitled Diet Detectives, each
great source of fiber. Eating hay helps a rabbit’s digestion by group of youth will be given a scenario of the diet and
providing adequate roughage. Additionally, hay is important common daily activities of a fictional person. They need
because it allows them to chew continuously. Rabbits’ to determine whether the person has received all of
teeth are constantly growing, so this constant chewing his or her necessary nutrients. If not, they will need to
is very important. It helps keeps their teeth (particularly determine what nutrients are present in excess and what
their incisors) sharp and worn down to a proper length. If nutrients are lacking and tell how that might have affected
rabbits do not chew enough, they may develop a painful the person’s daily activities. They will also need to make
dental disease called malocclusion, where the teeth are recommendations regarding dietary improvements.
overgrown and do not match up properly. The third activity, Herbivores: You Are What You Eat!, has
One other very important aspect of rabbit nutrition is youth observing the diet of rabbits. The youth will be given
that they make and eat some of their own nutrients through a list of rabbit foods and will categorize the list, compare
a process called coprophagy. Rabbits eat these soft, their categories to those generated by other youth, and,
nutritious pellets (called cecotropes), which they produce finally, compare it with a rabbit food pyramid. From the
and secrete in the early morning. Cecotropes are important food pyramid, they will develop a shopping list of foods that
in helping the rabbit maintain proper levels of vitamin B. will give rabbits a balanced diet.
Coprophagy is a normal behavior and very important to the
rabbit’s overall health.
yyConcepts and Vocabulary House Rabbit Society. Natural nutrition part I: The
Balanced diet, basic nutrients, cecotropes, coprophagy, importance of fiber.
essential nutrients, feces, herbivore, malocclusion
Krempels, D. The mystery of rabbit poop.
yyLife Skills
Logsdon, A., and A. McDowell. Rabbit diet and nutrition.
Communication, contributions to group effort, cooperation,
Zooh Corner Rabbit Rescue. http://mybunny.
critical thinking, decision making, healthy lifestyle choices, org/infor/rabbit_nutrition.htm.
keeping records, planning/organizing, problem solving, McNitt, J. I., N.M. Patton, S. D. Lukefahr, and P. R. Cheeke.
sharing, teamwork 2000. Rabbit production. 8th ed. Interstate Printers and
Publishers, Inc.: Danville, IL.
Rabbits: From the Animal’s Point of View 3 • ANR 8376 Rabbit Nutrition: What You Need to Know 3

Fa c t s A b o u t R a b b i t s

yyBasic Facts
ƒƒ Maintaining a rabbit’s nutrition is very important. The coprophagy. This is a normal and important behavior
number-one reason for diseases in rabbits is a poor diet. for rabbits because the cecotropes provide essential
ƒƒ Rabbits are herbivores, meaning that they eat nutrients that rabbits cannot otherwise produce and
primarily plant material. However, rabbits can and that are necessary for their health. For this reason it is
will consume an omnivorous diet (plant and animal essential that rabbits have access to their waste in their
matter), including plants, fungi, roots, tree bark, fruit, litter box.
snails, and worms. ƒƒ Having the right diet is very important. If a rabbit
ƒƒ Because its eyes are directed out to the sides rather develops a blockage in its digestive system, it can cause
than to the front, a rabbit cannot actually see the food serious problems.
in front of it. Instead, it must use its sense of smell to ƒƒ A rabbit’s failure to eat for 12 to 24 hours is considered
determine what food has been presented to it and very serious. Take the rabbit to the veterinarian
where that food is. immediately!
ƒƒ A rabbit’s digestive tract is unlike that of other ƒƒ Proper eating habits and exercise will help your rabbit
mammals. The rabbit produces two types of droppings: live a happy, healthy, and long life.
fecal pellets (the round, dry pellets you see in the litter
box); and cecotropes, which are made in a portion yyFood!
of the rabbit’s digestive system called the cecum. The ƒƒ Hay: Hay is a good source of fiber and is very important
cecum contains bacteria and fungi that are essential in a rabbit’s diet. The bulk of a rabbit’s diet should
for a rabbit’s survival. The cecum also allows a rabbit to be hay; it helps protect the intestines and prevent
digest hay. fur chewing, hairballs, and an overgrowth of normal
ƒƒ An important part to a rabbit’s diet is the production bacteria in the cecum that can lead to severe diarrhea
and ingestion of cecotropes in a process called and even death. It is important that the hay be stored in
a cool, dry place and discarded if it gets wet or moldy.
Rabbits: From the Animal’s Point of View 3 • ANR 8376 Rabbit Nutrition: What You Need to Know 4

ƒƒ Vegetables: Vegetables provide nutrients and water. »» Green beans

Make sure vegetables are cleaned and rinsed before »» Nuts (can cause blockages)
you feed them to rabbits. Try to provide dark-leafed »» Onions
vegetables, as they contain more nutrients. Some »» Packaged greens mixes in a bag (many contain
vegetables can cause rabbits to produce soft stools, spinach)
so be sure to introduce new vegetables to the diet »» Peas (dried can also cause a blockage)
one at a time. Rabbits are like humans in that they »» Potatoes
enjoy different types of foods, so provide a variety of »» Rhubarb
vegetables every day. »» Spinach (high calcium oxalate content)
ƒƒ Here is a list of vegetables that can be given to rabbits, ƒƒ Pellets: Pellets were originally made for rabbits grown by
along with each vegetable’s calcium content per cup agricultural producers, not for pet rabbits. The pellets
(less calcium is better): were manufactured with lots of nutrients to make
»» Beet greens: 46 mg feeding easy and to promote fast growth. If you decide
»» Broccoli: 42 mg to feed pellets to your rabbit, make sure the pellets are
»» Carrots and tops: 30 mg fresh and of high quality. Even though pellets can be
»» Chicory greens: 180 mg a part of a healthy rabbit diet (because they provide
»» Cilantro: 16 mg balanced vitamins and minerals), they should not form
»» Collard greens: 218 mg the bulk of the diet. Be careful not to overfeed with
»» Dandelion greens: 103 mg pellets: they are high in calories and can lead to health
»» Kale: 94 mg problems such as obesity.
»» Leaf lettuce: 38 mg ƒƒ Fruits: Fruits are the best treats to feed rabbits. High-
»» Mustard greens: 58 mg fiber fruits are the best and should be fed in small
»» Parsley: 78 mg quantities, and only as treats. If a rabbit eats too much
»» Pumpkin leaves: 24 mg sugar it can cause an imbalance in bacteria and fungi
»» Radish and leaves: 28 mg within the cecum. Here is of list of suggested fruits:
»» Romaine lettuce: 20 mg »» Apples (but NOT the seeds: they are toxic)
»» Sweet peppers: 6 mg »» Bananas and grapes (very limited amounts: they are
»» Turnip greens: 105 mg very high in sugar)
»» Watercress: 40 mg »» Papaya
»» Rabbits also enjoy herbs like mint, basil, rosemary, »» Peaches
anise, and others in small amounts. »» Pears
ƒƒ Here is a list of vegetables you should not feed to your »» Pineapple
rabbit: »» Raspberries
»» Beans – None of them! (dried beans cause blockage, too) »» Strawberries
»» Beets Lastly, do not give your rabbit human treats, such as
»» Cabbage (can cause gas) cereals, nuts, breads, chocolate, or grains or grain products
»» Coffee or tea leaves or plants (including crackers and pasta). Other treats to avoid are pet
»» Corn (like beans, even dried corn can cause a store products that contain high concentrations of dried
blockage) corn and/or sugar.
Rabbits: From the Animal’s Point of View 3 • ANR 8376 Rabbit Nutrition: What You Need to Know 5

yyBasic Nutrients »» Fruits and vegetables (but because their water

content is so high, hay is a better source of fiber)
ƒƒ Water: This is the most important nutrient for rabbits. A
»» Pellets
rabbit must always have access to fresh, clean water. If
a rabbit does not get enough water, it will not eat. There ƒƒ Vitamins: Vitamins are an essential part of a rabbit’s diet.
are different ways to hold water: a water bottle, a crock, They cannot make their own vitamins, so they must
or a bowl. get them from the food they ingest (vegetables, pellets)
»» A water bottle is highly recommended because it and from cecal bacteria. Rabbits require all vitamins
keeps the cage clean and cannot easily be tipped over except vitamin C. An extreme excess of vitamin C can
by the rabbit. cause kidney damage. An excess of vitamin D can cause
»» A crock or bowl can also be used. Make sure they are calcium deposits to form in tissues. Excess vitamin A
secured down so they cannot spill. can cause neurological and skin damage.
»» Clean and disinfect the crock or bowl occasionally to ƒƒ Minerals: Minerals are essential to a rabbit’s proper
avoid bacterial problems. bodily function, too. Since plants usually have very
ƒƒ Carbohydrates: Carbohydrates are used for energy. high concentrations of minerals, rabbits that are fed
There are some carbohydrates that are essential to a adequate amounts of vegetables will not develop
rabbit’s diet, but too much of some carbohydrates can deficiencies. Pellets are another good source of
make a rabbit sick. Sources include: minerals. When consumed in excess, most minerals
»» Grains are harmless. An exception is calcium. If consumed
»» Pellets in excess, calcium can give a rabbit a condition called
»» Fruit “bladder sludge.” On the other hand, too little calcium
ƒƒ Proteins: Having enough protein is important because may lead to bone loss and may affect bone strength.
it allows the rabbit to maintain muscle, bone, hair,
and eye health. However, too much protein can cause
yyRequirements for Different
kidney damage, and not enough protein will make a
Types of Rabbits
rabbit sick. Sources include: Much like humans, rabbits come in many different types.
»» Grass hay: 8 to 15% protein They vary in breed, age, size, and gender, and each type
»» Alfalfa hay: 17 to 23% protein of rabbit has different nutrient requirements. The books
»» Pellets: 13 to 20% protein listed in the References section provide a good overview of
»» Grains: 10 to 18% protein different types of rabbits, and particularly different ages
»» Cecotropes: 25 to 38% protein of rabbits.

ƒƒ Fats: Fats provide energy for rabbits and help with

absorption of certain vitamins. However, an excess References
of fat can lead to obesity and heart disease in older American Animal Hospital Association. 2008. Rabbit
rabbits. Sources of fat include: nutrition.
»» Grains library_view.aspx?ID=127&sid=3.
»» Nuts Andrews, Connie. 2009. Rabbit fact sheet.
»» Pellets
Atkins, L. Carrot café. The almost perfect guide to feeding
»» Oils ( flax seed oils and vegetable oils)
your house rabbit.
ƒƒ Fiber: Fiber is crucial in a rabbit’s diet. If a rabbit Fayo, C. 2004. Rabbit diet information. Bucky’s Bunny Barn.
does not eat enough fiber, it can have many digestive
problems. Too little fiber can eventually cause serious Harriman, Marinell. 2005. House rabbit handbook: How to
illness or even death. Sources of fiber include: live with an urban rabbit. Alameda, CA: Drolley Press.
»» Indigestible parts of plants Krempels, D. The mystery of rabbit poop.
»» Hay, straw, and branches
Rabbits: From the Animal’s Point of View 3 • ANR 8376 Rabbit Nutrition: What You Need to Know 6

Activity 1

Eat Your Vegetables!

Background Information yySuggested Grouping
Do you know why it’s important to eat vegetables? Different Pairs.
kinds of foods provide us with different types of nutrients
that allow our bodies to function properly. The basic
yyMaterials Needed
nutrients that we acquire from the foods we eat include (* = Materials provided in curriculum)
carbohydrates, proteins, fats and oils, calcium, vitamin C, ƒƒ * General Source of Nutrients Worksheet
vitamin A, and fiber. Some people are very conscious of the ƒƒ * List of Familiar Foods for Humans
food they eat and the nutrients that it provides them, and ƒƒ Notebook paper
some people are not. When we write down what we eat, ƒƒ Pen/pencil; markers
it can help us determine whether we are getting the right ƒƒ Flip chart paper
nutrients in our daily diet.
yyGetting Ready
yyTime Required
ƒƒ Make enough copies of the General Source of Nutrients
30 to 45 minutes
Worksheet to provide each youth with two copies.

yyConcepts and Vocabulary ƒƒ Pass out one copy of the List of Familiar Foods for
Humans to each pair.
Basic nutrients. For rabbits, this includes
carbohydrates, proteins, fats and oils, calcium, vitamin C, ƒƒ Provide each pair with flip chart paper and writing
vitamin A, and fiber. implements.

yyLife Skills
Communication, critical thinking, healthy lifestyle
Opening Questions
choices, keeping records, problem solving, sharing 1. We’ve all heard our parents say, “Eat your
vegetables!” Why do you think this might
yySubject Links be important? What do you think makes
Language Arts vegetables and other plant-based foods such
as fruit so important to our diet? Ask the youth
yyState Content Standards to share their ideas verbally or write their thoughts
Language Arts and ideas on the paper provided.
ƒƒ Third Grade: 2. What other foods do you think are important
»» Listening and Speaking Strategies – 1.5 to eat? Explain why you think they are
ƒƒ Fourth Grade: important. Ask the youth to share their ideas
»» Listening and Speaking Strategies – 1.8 verbally or write their thoughts and ideas on the
paper provided.
ƒƒ Fifth Grade:
»» Listening and Speaking Strategies – 1.5
Rabbits: From the Animal’s Point of View 3 • ANR 8376 Rabbit Nutrition: What You Need to Know 7

Procedure (Experiencing) Concept and Term Discovery/

1. Working in pairs, have the youth look at the List of Introduction
Familiar Foods. Have them organize the foods and At this point, volunteers need to ensure that the concept
place each under the correct nutrient category (e.g., of basic nutrients has been introduced or discovered by
protein, carbohydrate) on the General Source of the youth. (Note: The goal is to have the youth develop
Nutrients Worksheet. concepts through their exploration and define terms using
2. Additionally, because people come from so many their own words.)
different backgrounds and cultures, have each pair
brainstorm and write down at least one food that is
common in his or her home or culture and that is Concept Application
not on the List of Familiar Foods. Have them place 1. Ask each youth to develop a list of foods that they
the food item under the correct nutrient category. eat frequently.
2. Working in pairs, ask the youth to categorize their
lists under the correct nutrient category on the
Sharing, Processing, and General Source of Nutrients Worksheet.
Generalizing 3. Have the youth discuss their food choices. If they
Have the youth share their lists with the rest the group. believe that their diet is not balanced, have them
Have them compare their lists to other groups’ lists. What decide on some alternatives they might choose in
are the similarities? What are the differences, if any? If there order to obtain different essential nutrients.
are differences, discuss why. Have the youth also share
information about their ethnic foods and compare them
with those of other groups. References
Each nutrient has an important function for the body Applegate, E., and M. Braun. 2004. Nutrition basics for better
and is easily obtained in food. Follow the lines of thinking health and performance. Kendall/Hunt Publishing
Company: Dubuque, IA.
developed through the general questions raised by the
Netzer, C. T. 2000. The complete book of food counts. Dell
youth, and use these to draw out their thoughts and ideas; if
Publishing: New York.
necessary, use more specific questions as prompts to get to
United States Department of Agriculture. 2009. Inside the
particular points. Examples might include Pyramid. What are “oils”? http://www.
1. What differences are there between how the
groups categorized the foods? Discuss these
differences and work toward a consensus on
2. Why do you think it is important to eat a
variety of foods each day? Ask the youth to share
their ideas verbally or write their thoughts and
ideas on the paper provided.
3. Why do you think that certain foods are called
“junk foods”? What do you think are the
differences between junk foods and healthy
foods? Ask the youth to share their ideas verbally or
write their thoughts and ideas on the paper provided.
Rabbits: From the Animal’s Point of View 3 • ANR 8376 Rabbit Nutrition: What You Need to Know 8

List of Familiar Foods for Humans

apples deep-fried foods pork

avocados donuts potatoes

bananas eggs pretzels (processed)

beef grapefruit juice salmon

broccoli grapes soda

brown (whole grain) rice green beans spinach

butter ice cream strawberries

candy kidney beans syrup

canola oil lemons tomatoes

carrots margarine tunafish

cheese milk white bread (processed)

chicken oatmeal white rice (processed)

chili oranges whole grain bagels

chocolate pasta (processed) whole wheat bread

coconut oil pastries whole wheat pasta

corn peaches yogurt (plain, low fat)

cucumbers peanuts
Rabbits: From the Animal’s Point of View 3 • ANR 8376 Rabbit Nutrition: What You Need to Know 9

General Source of Nutrients Worksheet

Protein Calcium
Protein is found in animal products, nuts, and beans. Calcium is found in dairy products and dark green

Carbohydrates are found in processed wheat and grains Vitamin C
and in starchy vegetables. Vitamin C is found in fruit, especially citrus fruit.

1.____________________________________________ 1.____________________________________________

2.____________________________________________ 2.____________________________________________

3.____________________________________________ 3.____________________________________________

4.____________________________________________ 4.____________________________________________

5.____________________________________________ 5.____________________________________________

Fiber is found in whole grains, beans, oats, and bran.





Rabbits: From the Animal’s Point of View 3 • ANR 8376 Rabbit Nutrition: What You Need to Know 10

General Source of Nutrients Worksheet, Continued

Vitamin A Limited Nutritional Value

Vitamin A is found in animal products and reddish colored These foods do not provide important nutrients. They
foods. include processed snack foods that are high in salt and

Fats and Oils

Oils can be found in fish, nuts, and vegetable oils. Fats come
from many animal foods (including butter) and processed
vegetable oils (including margarine).





Rabbits: From the Animal’s Point of View 3 • ANR 8376 Rabbit Nutrition: What You Need to Know 11

Activity 2

Diet Detectives
Background Information Language Arts
ƒƒ Third Grade:
What we eat can have a big influence on what we can
»» Reading Comprehension – 2.2
do and how we feel. Dietary deficiencies in important
nutrients such as carbohydrates, proteins, calcium, vitamin ƒƒ Fourth Grade:
»» Reading Comprehension – 2.3
C, vitamin A, and fiber over a period of time can lead to
problems like low energy, poor concentration, and illness. »» Listening and Speaking Strategies – 1.7, 1.8
A balanced diet that contains all essential nutrients will ƒƒ Fifth Grade:
help us keep our minds and bodies healthy, active, and »» Reading Comprehension – 2.4
strong. »» Listening and Speaking Strategies – 1.5
ƒƒ Sixth Grade:
yyTime Required »» Reading Comprehension – 2.3
40 to 60 minutes »» Listening and Speaking Strategies – 1.5

yyConcepts and Vocabulary yySuggested Grouping

Balanced diet. Eating the right types and amounts of Groups of 2 to 5.
food to maintain a healthy body.
yyMaterials Needed
yyLife Skills
ƒƒ (* = Materials provided in curriculum)
Communication, contributions to a group effort,
ƒƒ * General Sources of Nutrients Key
cooperation, critical thinking, healthy lifestyle choices,
ƒƒ * USDA MyPyramid
keeping records, problem solving, sharing, teamwork
ƒƒ * Sample Diets
yySubject Links ƒƒ * General Facts on Nutrients Handout
Science, Language Arts ƒƒ Flip chart paper
ƒƒ Pencil/pen
yyState Content Standards
ƒƒ Notebook paper
ƒƒ Third Grade: yyGetting Ready
»» Investigation and Experimentation – 5d ƒƒ Make enough Sample Diets worksheets to give one to
ƒƒ Fourth Grade: each group.
◊ Investigation and Experimentation – 6c ƒƒ Make enough copies of the General Facts on Nutrients
ƒƒ Sixth Grade: Handout and General Sources of Nutrients Key to give
»» Investigation and Experimentation – 7a, 7e one to each group.
ƒƒ Make enough USDA MyPyramids to give one to each
ƒƒ Pass out the materials to each group.
Rabbits: From the Animal’s Point of View 3 • ANR 8376 Rabbit Nutrition: What You Need to Know 12

Opening Questions Sharing, Processing, and

1. When you hear the phase “a balanced diet,” Generalizing
what does that mean to you? Ask the youth to After the youth have completed the procedure, have
share their ideas verbally or write their thoughts them share their thoughts and responses to the different
and ideas on the paper provided. scenarios. Follow the lines of thinking developed through
2. What do you think might happen if we didn’t the general thoughts, observations, and questions raised
eat enough of the types of foods that provide by the youth; if necessary, use more targeted questions
the proper nutrients? Ask the youth to share as prompts to get to particular points. Specific questions
their ideas verbally or write their thoughts and might include
ideas on the paper provided. 1. How, if at all, do your group’s answers differ
from those of other groups? Compare the
groups’ answers and talk about how and why they
Procedure (Experiencing) differ. Ask the youth to record their thoughts and
(Facilitator Note: Please set this scenario up for the ideas on the paper provided.
youth.) 2. What do you believe might happen if people
Explain to them that they are “Diet Detectives.” Their job who were missing an essential nutrient
is to review different people’s diets and use the resources continued their diet unchanged for a long
provided to recommend changes to make the diets more period of time? Ask the youth to record their
balanced. thoughts and ideas on the paper provided.
1. A set of Sample Diets, a copy of the General Facts on 3. What are some ways you can make sure you
Nutrients Handout, a copy of the General Sources of have a balanced diet and get the proper
Nutrients Key, and a copy of the USDA MyPyramid nutrients? Ask the youth to record their thoughts
will be distributed to each group. and ideas on the paper provided.
2. Each group will read the Sample Diets. From the
information provided on the diets, the General
Facts on Nutrients Handout, and the Human Food
Pyramid, the youth will work together to determine
the following:
»» Which nutrients, if any, do they believe are missing or
present in excess from the different diets? Please have
them record and explain their ideas on the flip chart
paper provided.
»» How can each diet be improved? What foods would
they recommend be added to or removed from the
diets to make them better balanced? Please have
them record and explain their ideas on the flip chart
paper provided.
Volunteer Note: It may help to have the youth generate a
chart to organize their thoughts.
Rabbits: From the Animal’s Point of View 3 • ANR 8376 Rabbit Nutrition: What You Need to Know 13

Concept and Term Discovery/ 3. Once all of the groups have completed steps 1 and
2, ask them to compare their results with the USDA
Introduction MyPyramid. What are some of their observations?
At this point, volunteers need to ensure that the concept
4. Based on the foods that they eat, ask each group to
of a balanced diet has been introduced or discovered by
prepare a three-day menu that complies with the
the youth. (Note: The goal is to have the youth develop
recommendations of the USDA MyPyramid.
concepts through their exploration and define terms using
their own words.) 5. Ask the groups to share and compare their three-
day menus.

Concept Application
1. On their own piece of paper, ask each youth to References
write down everything they can remember eating Applegate, E., and M. Braun. 2004. Nutrition basics for better
health and performance. Kendall/Hunt Publishing
in the last three days. Ask the youth in each group
Company: Dubuque, IA.
to share their lists with one another, then have the
MediZine LLC. 2009. 13 keys to a healthy diet. Foundations
different groups share and compare their results. of Wellness. http://www.
2. Using the piece of flip chart paper provided, ask
the groups to put the foods from their individual html.
papers into categories based on food types. Then Saltos, E. The food pyramid-food label connection. U.S. Food
and Drug Administration.
ask them to rank the categories, first in according
to quantities consumed (how much of a given food
United States Department of Agriculture. 2009.
type) and then according importance for good Dietary guidance. USDA Food guide pyramid
health (healthy vs. not-so-healthy foods). resources.
»» (Volunteer Tip: Encourage the youth to develop index.php?info+center=4&tax_level=3&tax_
their own organizational scheme for categorizing
the food.) University of Maryland Medical Center. 2009. Nutrition.
Rabbits: From the Animal’s Point of View 3 • ANR 8376 Rabbit Nutrition: What You Need to Know 14

General Source of Nutrients Key

Note: The examples for each category are common sources for each nutrient listed

Protein oatmeal Vitamin A

beef oranges beef
cheese peaches broccoli
chicken potatoes carrots
chili strawberries cheese
corn whole grain bagels eggs
eggs whole grain pasta green beans
kidney beans whole wheat bread milk
milk peaches
peanuts spinach
pork strawberries
salmon tomatoes
low fat milk
spinach Fats and Oils
Carbohydrates whole milk avocados
brown rice yogurt (plain, low fat) butter
corn canola oil
Vitamin C
pasta (processed) coconut oil
apple juice
pretzels margarine
white bread peanuts
white rice salmon
whole grain bagels
grapefruit juice Limited Nutritional
whole grain pasta
grapes Value
whole wheat bread
green beans chocolate
Fiber lemons deep-fried foods
apples oranges donuts and other pastries with
broccoli peaches high sugar content
brown rice potatoes ice cream
chili spinach other candy
corn strawberries soda
kidney beans tomatoes syrup

Nutrition Data: Know what you eat.
Rabbits: From the Animal’s Point of View 3 • ANR 8376 Rabbit Nutrition: What You Need to Know 15

United States Department of Agriculture. 2009. Dietary guidance. USDA Food guide pyramid resources.
Rabbits: From the Animal’s Point of View 3 • ANR 8376 Rabbit Nutrition: What You Need to Know 16

Sample Diets Molly’s Diet

Breakfast: 2 pieces of whole wheat toast with butter, milk
Mark’s Diet
Lunch: brown rice topped with peanuts, grapefruit juice
Breakfast: 3 pieces of white toast with butter Dinner: whole wheat bagel with cheese, apple juice
Lunch: White rice with chopped spinach
Dinner: White pasta with steamed carrots, apple juice
Scott’s Diet
Breakfast: 2 donuts
Jenny’s Diet
Lunch: two orders of French fries, one candy bar
Breakfast: Eggs and sausage Dinner: deep-fried chicken, broccoli, soda
Lunch: Hotdog on a white bun
Dinner: Steak with chicken, apple juice
Sydney’s Diet
Breakfast: bacon, French toast (made with white bread)
with lots of butter and syrup
Lunch: fried chicken strips, French fries
Dinner: 4 slices of cheese pizza, chocolate cake
Rabbits: From the Animal’s Point of View 3 • ANR 8376 Rabbit Nutrition: What You Need to Know 17

General Facts on Nutrients Handout ƒƒ Possible effects:

»» Too much: Normally no side effects appear, but if
calcium intake is high over a long period of time it
can cause the development of kidney stones.
ƒƒ Function: Carbohydrates provide energy to the body, »» Too little: Deficiencies in calcium can lead to
especially to the brain and the nervous system. increased chance of broken bones or tooth decay.
ƒƒ Types and sources of carbohydrates:
»» Simple carbohydrates: Fruits, some vegetables, some yyVitamin A
dairy products, refined grains (processed flour), sugar,
ƒƒ Function: Vitamin A helps maintain healthy teeth,
and corn syrup.
bones, soft tissue, and skin. It also helps promote good
»» Complex carbohydrates: Starchy vegetables, whole
grains and cereals
ƒƒ Sources: Meats and animal products (milk, eggs),
ƒƒ Possible effects:
dark leafy green vegetables (e.g., spinach), and brightly
»» Too little: Fatigue or lack of energy, malnutrition, and
colored vegetables (e.g., carrots) and fruits (e.g.,
increased fat intake.
»» Too much: Obesity.
ƒƒ Possible effects:
yyProtein »» Too little: Vision problems; decreased resistance to
ƒƒ Function: Protein is an important source of energy and
»» Too much: Can cause Vitamin A poisoning when
is essential for growth and organ function. consumed in very large amounts.
ƒƒ Sources of protein: Meat, fish, eggs, cheese, beans,
lentils, tofu and nuts. yyVitamin C
ƒƒ Possible effects: ƒƒ Function: Vitamin C is essential for normal growth and
»» Too little: Muscle loss, decrease in growth, decreased development. It is needed to make skin, scar tissue, heal
immunity (easier to get diseases or illnesses).
wounds, and repair bone, cartilage, and teeth. Since our
»» Too much: Can cause high cholesterol and different
bodies cannot make or store vitamin C, we must get it
types of diseases, such as gout.
from foods we eat.
ƒƒ Sources: Fruits and vegetables.
ƒƒ Possible effects:
ƒƒ Function: Calcium is a very important mineral because
»» Too little: Damaged hair, bleeding gums, rough and
it makes up structures like teeth and bones. It helps us
dry skin, easy bruising, slow healing of wounds, and
grow and maintains our bodies. It also helps to prevent nosebleeds.
diseases like osteoporosis (weak bones). »» Too much: Vitamin C toxicity can occur which can
ƒƒ Sources: It is found in many types foods, but is very lead to upset stomachs and diarrhea.
abundant in dairy products. It is also found in green
leafy vegetables (e.g., broccoli), some seafood (e.g.,
salmon), almonds, and dried beans.
Rabbits: From the Animal’s Point of View 3 • ANR 8376 Rabbit Nutrition: What You Need to Know 18

yyFiber ƒƒ Types of fats:

»» Saturated fats: These types of fat are referred to as
ƒƒ Function: Fiber is important in the diet because it
“bad fats” and can increase “bad cholesterol” levels
helps us feel full after eating, and that can help with
in a person’s blood. They are found in fatty meats and
weight control. It also helps with food digestion and
in some other animal products (e.g., butter, cheese, ice
prevents constipation. cream).
ƒƒ Types and sources of Fiber: »» Unsaturated fats: These types of fat are referred to as
»» Soluble: This type of fiber is digested slowly in the “good fats” and can decrease “bad cholesterol” levels
body and can lower cholesterol and help prevent in a person’s blood. They are found in most liquid
heart disease. Sources of soluble fiber include oat vegetable oils.
bran, barley, nuts and seeds, beans, and some fruits
ƒƒ Possible effects:
and vegetables.
»» Too little unsaturated fat: Hair loss or dull hair, brittle
»» Insoluble: This helps food pass through the stomach
nails, and lack of cushioning for organs.
and intestines faster and adds bulk to the stool. Types
»» Too much saturated fat: Possible heart disease,
of food high in insoluble fiber include wheat bran,
clogged arteries, and obesity.
vegetables, and whole grains.
ƒƒ Possible effects: yySweets
»» Too little: Constipation (difficulty passing bowel
ƒƒ Function: Quick source of energy.
»» Too much: Eating too much in a short period of time ƒƒ Sources: Processed foods that have an excess of sugar
can cause gas, bloating, and cramps. (e.g., candy).
ƒƒ Possible effects: Too much sugar can cause a “sugar
yyFats and Oils high,” when a person gets a “rush” of energy for a period
ƒƒ Function: Fats and oils are a source of energy. There of time and then gets an energy “crash.” Dental decay,
are essential fatty acids that our body cannot make so excess weight gain, and stomachaches can result from
we must get them from our diet. When stored in our eating too much sugar.
bodies, fat is like an energy reserve, storing calories for
when we do not have food to eat. Stored fat also helps
insulate the body, maintains healthy hair and skin, and
helps our body absorb different vitamins.
Rabbits: From the Animal’s Point of View 3 • ANR 8376 Rabbit Nutrition: What You Need to Know 19

References • K • e • y •
Harvard School of Public Health. 2009. The nutrition source:
protein.html. Sample Diets
Keep Kids Healthy. 2003. Fats, oils, and sweets. ƒƒ Mark’s diet: Low in protein
Sears, J. 2006. Family nutrition: Sugar. http://www.askdrsears. ƒƒ Jenny’s diet: Low in carbohydrates
U.S. National Library of Medicine and the National Institutes ƒƒ Molly’s diet: High in fiber
of Health. 2009. Calcium in diet. Medline Plus. http:// ƒƒ Scott’s diet: Too many sweets
U.S. National Library of Medicine and the National Institutes
of Health. 2009. Carbohydrates. Medline Plus. http:// ƒƒ Sydney’s diet: Too much saturated fat
U.S. National Library of Medicine and the National Institutes
of Health. 2009. Fat. Medline Plus. http://www.nlm.nih.
U.S. National Library of Medicine and the National Institutes
of Health. 2009. Fiber. Medline Plus. http://www.nlm.nih.
U.S. National Library of Medicine and the National Institutes
of Health. 2009. Protein in diet. Medline Plus. http://
U.S. National Library of Medicine and the National Institutes
of Health. 2009. Vitamin A. Medline Plus. http://www.
U.S. National Library of Medicine and the National Institutes
of Health. 2009. Vitamin C. Medline Plus. http://www.
Rabbits: From the Animal’s Point of View 3 • ANR 8376 Rabbit Nutrition: What You Need to Know 20

Activity 3

Herbivores–You Are What You Eat!

Background Information feces (cecotropes), is eaten by the rabbit directly from its
anal opening in a process called coprophagy. Coprophagy
Rabbits are herbivores, consuming principally plant
allows the rabbit to get more nutrients out of its food by
matter in their diets. In order for them to have a long and
eating it twice.
healthy life, they must receive a balanced diet from a variety
of different types of plant matter that contain all of the yyTime Required
nutrients they need.
30 to 45 minutes
The most important food for a pet rabbit is fresh hay.
Hay provides the necessary fiber for a healthy digestive yyConcepts and Vocabulary
system and keeps the rabbit chewing. Normal chewing of Cecotropes. A digestive product produced by rabbits,
their food wears down their teeth, keeping them at their passed through the intestines, and re-ingested for its
proper length. Without proper chewing, their teeth may nutrients. Also called “night feces.”
grow very long and cause a condition called malocclusion
Coprophagy (pronounced “kuh-prof-ug-ee”).
(also known as buck teeth). This may be painful for the
Feeding on a specific type of excrement (such as
rabbit and will make it difficult for the rabbit to eat.
cecotropes) to gain nutrients.
Rabbits also need fresh water and vegetables. Although
rabbits obtain a lot of their water from the plant matter Essential nutrients. Nutrients requried by an animal’s
they consume, fresh water should always be available. body that cannot be produced by the animal’s body.
Fresh, moist greens like hay are important in helping Essential nutrients must be obtained through an animal’s
maintain a healthy digestive system in rabbits. Additionally, diet.
fruit may be given to rabbits as a treat, but only in small Feces. Undigested food and nutrients in the body that
quantities because they can become sick if they consume leave the body as waste matter.
too much sugar.
Herbivore (pronounced “hur-buh-vohrr”). An
Commercial rabbit pellets provide another potential
animal that feeds on plants. Examples include rabbits,
source of nutrients. However, very little pelleted food is
sheep, and horses.
actually required for a healthy diet. Pellets lack water, are
high in fat, and tend to promote obesity in adult rabbits; Malocclusion (pronounced “mal-uh-kloo-zhuhn”).
furthermore, if rabbits are fed too many pellets, they will A disease where teeth don’t meet together properly.
often ignore the hay that is essential to their digestive
yyLife Skills
Teamwork, contributions to group effort, sharing,
Rabbits produce two different kinds of solid waste.
cooperation, communication, keeping records, planning/
One kind, hard feces, is the waste from their digestion and
organizing, critical thinking, problem solving, decision
should be removed from their cage. The other kind, soft
Rabbits: From the Animal’s Point of View 3 • ANR 8376 Rabbit Nutrition: What You Need to Know 21

yySubject Links Opening Questions

Science, Language Arts 1. Knowing what you do about the types of foods
that humans need in order to be healthy, what
yyState Content Standards
do you know about the types of foods rabbits
Science need? Please explain. Ask the youth to share
ƒƒ Third Grade: their ideas verbally or write their thoughts and
»» Investigation and Experimentation – 5a, 5c, 5d, 5e ideas on the paper provided.
ƒƒ Fifth Grade: 2. How do you think rabbits living in the wild
»» Investigation and Experimentation – 6g, 6h obtain a proper diet? If you had a pet rabbit,
ƒƒ Sixth Grade: what might you have to do to provide it with
»» Investigation and Experimentation – 7d, 7e proper nutrition? Ask the youth to share their
Language Arts ideas verbally or write their thoughts and ideas on
ƒƒ Third Grade: the paper provided.
»» Listening and Speaking Strategies – 1.5
ƒƒ Fourth Grade:
»» Listening and Speaking Strategies – 1.8 Procedure (Experiencing)
1. Ask each of the groups to take the list of Examples
ƒƒ Fifth Grade:
»» Listening and Speaking Strategies – 1.5 of Rabbit Foods and organize the foods into as many
different categories as possible.
yySuggested Grouping 2. Then ask the groups to rank the foods in order of
Small groups of 3 to 5 individuals. what they believe to be most to least important for
a rabbit’s health. Have each group try to create a
yyMaterials Needed food pyramid for rabbits.
(* = Materials provided in curriculum) 3. Once step 2 has been completed, ask the groups
ƒƒ * Examples of Rabbit Foods to share their different food categories and the
ƒƒ * Rabbit Dietary Facts food pyramids they have designed. How are they
ƒƒ * Rabbit Dietary Needs Worksheet similar? How are they different? Provide each group
ƒƒ * Rabbit Food Pyramid with a copy the Rabbit Food Pyramid and a copy of
ƒƒ A supply of flip chart paper or one large piece of the Rabbit Dietary Facts handout and make further
butcher paper per group comparisons.

ƒƒ Colored markers (shared materials) 4. Using the Rabbit Dietary Facts handout and the
Rabbit Food Pyramid, ask each group to develop a
yyGetting Ready shopping list for a healthy rabbit.
ƒƒ Divide the youth into small groups of 3 to 5 individuals. 5. Once step 4 has been completed, ask the groups
ƒƒ Provide each group with adequate amounts of butcher to share their shopping lists. How are they similar?
paper or flip chart paper and markers. How are they different?
ƒƒ Give each group a list of Examples of Rabbit Foods.
ƒƒ Give each group a Rabbit Dietary Facts handout.
ƒƒ Give each youth a Rabbit Dietary Needs Worksheet.
ƒƒ Make enough copies of the Rabbit Food Pyramid so
each group can have one.
Rabbits: From the Animal’s Point of View 3 • ANR 8376 Rabbit Nutrition: What You Need to Know 22

Sharing, Processing, and Concept Application

Generalizing 1. Many of a rabbit’s nutritional requirements are
Follow the lines of thinking developed through general based on age and body weight. If the youth have
thoughts, observations, and questions raised by the youth; rabbits at home, have them find out the rabbits’
if necessary, use more targeted questions as prompts to get ages before proceeding with this application
to particular points. Specific questions might include activity. Once they know their rabbit’s age, have
1. What are some important things you have them work out their rabbit’s specific nutritional
learned about a rabbit’s nutritional needs? requirements (use the Rabbit Dietary Facts, Rabbit
Please explain. Ask the youth to write their Food Pyramid, and Rabbit Dietary Needs Worksheet
thoughts and ideas on the paper provided. provided) and develop a feeding plan (using the
list of examples of rabbit food) that has a variety of
2. What might be some signs that a rabbit’s
foods that meet their rabbit’s needs.
nutritional needs are not being met? Please
explain. Ask the youth to write their thoughts and 2. If some of the youth do not have a rabbit, assign
ideas on the paper provided. them a fictional rabbit of a certain age (e.g., “Hoppy,”
a one-year-old female; “Bugs,” a four-year-old
3. How does a rabbit’s food pyramid compare
male) and ask them to do the same exercise. Once
to the USDA MyPyramid? Please explain. Ask
completed, have the youth share their feeding
the youth to write their thoughts and ideas on the
paper provided.

Concept and Term Discovery/ References

Andrews, Connie. 2009. Rabbit fact sheet.
At this point, volunteers need to ensure that the concepts Barksdale, A. 2002. Balanced diet for house rabbits.
of nutritional needs and a balanced diet for rabbits have Minnesota Companion Rabbit Society. http://
been introduced or discovered by the youth. The terms
Fayo, C. 2004. Rabbit diet information. Bucky’s Bunny Barn.
herbivore, malocclusion, and coprophagy may need to
be introduced if they were not used by the youth during the
House Rabbit Society. General physical health.
activity. (Note: The goal is to have the youth discover the
concepts and terms on their own. It helps if they can define Logsdon, A., and A. McDowell. Rabbit diet and nutrition.
terms and concepts using their own words.) Zooh Corner Rabbit Rescue. http://mybunny.
San Diego House Rabbit Society. 2008. Diet. Sandiegorabbits.
San Diego House Rabbit Society. 2008. Rabbit food pyramid.
Vaughan, T. A., J. M. Ryan, and N. J. Czaplewski. 2000.
Mammalogy 4th ed. Thomson Brooks/Cole: Florence, KY.
Rabbits: From the Animal’s Point of View 3 • ANR 8376 Rabbit Nutrition: What You Need to Know 23

Rabbit Food Pyramid

Limit to very small amounts, 1 or 2 times
DEFINITE per week; this includes fresh fruits.
NO-NO’S Consult with your rabbit’s vet.
These are
foods that
should not be
given at any
Limited, high-quality pellets (no seeds or
• No Chocolate dried fruits) as directed by your rabbit’s vet.
• Cookies
• Crackers
• Breakfast
• Yogurt Drops
• Pasta

Most “human”
A variety of fresh greens, daily.

Orchard Oat

o thy Grass Hay Bro
m e Hay
Only very small amounts of Alfalfa,
if any. Check with your vet.

Unlimited Grass Hays

This is the staple of your rabbit’s diet.

Be sure to consult with your veterinarian on the proper diet for your rabbit’s optimum health.

San Diego House Rabbit Society ~

Rabbits: From the Animal’s Point of View 3 • ANR 8376 Rabbit Nutrition: What You Need to Know 24

Examples of Rabbit Foods

Alfalfa hay Kale
Apples (NOT the seeds: they are toxic.) Leaf lettuce
Bananas and grapes Mustard greens
Beet greens Oat hay
Broccoli Orchard grass
Carrots and tops Papaya
Chicory greens Parsley
Cilantro Peaches
Collard greens Pears
Dandelion greens Pellets
Pumpkin leaves
Radish and leaves
Romaine lettuce
Sweet peppers
Timothy hay
Turnip greens
Rabbits: From the Animal’s Point of View 3 • ANR 8376 Rabbit Nutrition: What You Need to Know 25

Rabbit Dietary Facts yyWhat quantities of food should I feed

baby and “teen-aged” rabbits?
yyWhat are the basics of a good house ƒƒ Birth to 3 weeks: mother’s milk.
rabbit diet? ƒƒ 3 to 4 weeks: mother’s milk, nibbles of alfalfa and
A rabbit’s diet should be made up of high-quality pellets, pellets.
fresh hay (alfalfa, timothy, or oat), water, and fresh ƒƒ 4 to 7 weeks: mother’s milk, access to alfalfa and pellets.
vegetables. Anything beyond that is a “treat” and should ƒƒ 7 weeks to 7 months: unlimited pellets, unlimited hay
be given only in limited quantities. (also see 12 weeks, below).
ƒƒ 12 weeks: Introduce vegetables (one at a time and in
yyWhat makes a good pellet?
quantities of less than ½ oz).
Pellets should be fresh and relatively high in fiber (18%
minimum fiber). Do not purchase more than 6 weeks’ yyWhat quantities of food should I feed
worth of feed at a time; food older than that may spoil. young adult rabbits? (7 months to 1
Pellets should make up less and less of a rabbit’s diet as he year old)
or she grows older, and hay should still be kept available
ƒƒ Introduce timothy hay, grass hay, and oat hays; decrease
24 hours a day.
yyWhat kinds of vegetables should I feed ƒƒ Decrease pellets to ½ cup per 6 lb of body weight.
my rabbit? ƒƒ Increase daily vegetables gradually.
When shopping for vegetables, look for a selection of ƒƒ Fruit: A rabbit’s daily ration of fruit should be no more
different veggies. Look for both dark leafy veggies and than 1 to 2 oz per 6 lb of the rabbit’s body weight
root vegetables, and try to get a variety of colors. Stay (because of caloric content).
away from beans and rhubarb.
yyWhat quantities of food should I feed to
yyIs feeding hay important? mature adult rabbits? (1 to 5 years old)
Hay is essential to a rabbit’s good health, providing ƒƒ Unlimited timothy, grass hay, oat hay, straw.
roughage that reduces the danger of hairballs and other ƒƒ ¼ to ½ cup pellets per 6 lb of body weight (depending
blockages and lowers the risk of malocclusion. Twigs on metabolism and proportionate to veggies).
from an apple tree also provide good roughage. ƒƒ Minimum 2 cups of chopped vegetables per 6 lb of body
yyWhat NOT to feed a rabbit.
ƒƒ Fruit: Daily ration should be no more than 2 oz
ƒƒ Beans – None of them! (Dried beans can cause a
blockage, too.) (2 Tablespoons) per 6 lb of body weight.
ƒƒ Beets
yyWhat quantities of food should I feed to
ƒƒ Cabbage
senior rabbits? (Over 6 years old)
ƒƒ Coffee or tea leaves or plants
ƒƒ Corn ƒƒ If sufficient weight is maintained, continue feeding
ƒƒ Green beans them an adult diet.
ƒƒ Onions ƒƒ Frail, older rabbits may need unrestricted access
ƒƒ Nuts to pellets to keep their weight up. Alfalfa can only
ƒƒ Peas be given to underweight rabbits if their calcium
ƒƒ Potatoes levels are normal. Annual blood workups are highly
ƒƒ Rhubarb recommended for geriatric rabbits.
ƒƒ Spinach
ƒƒ Packaged greens mixed in a bag
Rabbits: From the Animal’s Point of View 3 • ANR 8376 Rabbit Nutrition: What You Need to Know 26
Rabbit Dietary Needs Worksheet

Rabbits: From the Animal’s Point of View 3 • ANR 8376 Rabbit Nutrition: What You Need to Know 27

APPENDIX For More Information

To order or obtain ANR publications and other products, visit the ANR
The activities in this curriculum were designed around Communication Services online catalog at or
inquiry and experiential learning. Inquiry is a learner- phone 1-900-994-8849. You can also place orders by mail or FAX, or request a
printed catalog of our products from
centered approach in which individuals are problem
solvers investigating questions through active engagement, University of California
Agriculture and Natural Resources
observing and manipulating objects and phenomena, and Communication Services
acquiring or discovering knowledge. Experiential learning 6701 San Pablo Avenue, 2nd Floor
Oakland, California 94608-1239
(EL) is a foundational educational strategy used in 4-H. In Telephone: 1-800-994-8849
it, the learner has an experience phase of engagement in 510-642-2431
FAX 510-643-5470
an activity, a reflection phase in which observations and E-mail: [email protected]
reactions are shared and discussed, and an application
© 2009 The Regents of the University of California
phase in which new knowledge and skills are applied to Agriculture and Natural Resources.
a real-life setting. In 4-H, an EL model that uses a five- All rights reserved.
step learning cycle is most commonly used. These five No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system,
steps—Experiencing, Sharing, Processing, Generalizing, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical,
photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the written permission of the
and Application—are part of a recurring process that helps publisher and the authors.
build learner understanding over time. Publication 8376
ISBN-13: 978-1-60107-648-9

Production Team: Production and design, Robin Walton;

Editing, Jim Coats; Rabbit illustrations, Leigh Dragoon

Experiential Learning The University of California prohibits discrimination or harassment of any

person on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, sex, gender identity,
pregnancy (including childbirth, and medical conditions related to pregnancy
Experience or childbirth), physical or mental disability, medical condition (cancer-related
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For more information on inquiry, EL, and the five-step Inquiries regarding the University’s nondiscrimination policies may be directed
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