Raising Chinchillas 1956

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CHARACTERISTICS OF THE ANIMAL ...... ............... 1

BREEDING HABITS OF THE CHINCHILLA .............. 2........2

Diseases ..
impacon ........... ..................................... 4
Slobbers ................................................. ..
SLîobbers............................................................ 4
Skin disorders
Pnewoia............. ...........
-...................... 5
FUR OAe d................e
FU....................................................................................... 5

SEL ECTING STOCK ...................... ................................................ 6

HARVESTING THE PELTS .............................................................. 6
Detennining Primeness....... .................................................... 6
Suggestions for Killing anid Pdtiing Chinchillas ............................ 7
Some Points to Remember .................... .................................... 7
Hypodeumic Injection Method.................................................... 7
0OtherMethods......»............................................................... 8
Precautions in Pelting ........................-...................... ........... 8
Preparation . .................... ................................................... 8
Initial Cut............................................................ .............. 8
Removing Peit hy the "Cosed" Mehhod ........................ ......... .. 9
Body............................................................................... 9
Hlead................................................. ............................. 9
Removing Peft by "'OpeW" Method .......................................... 9
Body ............-................... ................................ 9
Hlead ............................................................................... 10
Variations ............................................................-...... 10
Fleshing ........................... .......................................... 10
FIsh Rump-t*.Heod ............................................................. 10
CIsoning and Shoping the, Pît ................................................... il
Hoed Cleaning.......................................................................i
Shaplng and Drj'ing...................... ...... ........... .i
Arroeging and Tacking the. Pit .. .. . ... ....................... t............i
Fol dinig the. Legs.......................................................... .. 12
Insect Damiage............................................................ 12
Final Trinmming ................ ..................................... .. ......... 12
PACKING FOR SMIPING................................-............................ 12
REGISTRATIO .........- ........................................................... 13s

Wm. M. Ritchie'
Marketing Service
Canada Deportment of Agriculture
Chinchilla ranching apparently appeals to many because no extensive space
or equipment is required to start a herd. Chinchillas are being raised in basements,
in attics, and in open air pens In the yard. The fact that they are clean, vermin free,
and practically odorless makes it feasible to keep them in the home. Only for the
larger herds is construction of special housing usually required. Nor is climate so
important a factor in chinchilla breeding as it is in mink and fox farming, since
chinchillas can be raised successfully indoors where heat and humidity can be
controlled. If properly housed, chinchillas can be raised anywhere throughout
Cold weather,/including freezing temperatures, is not harmful to chinchillas,
except, perhaps, at lUttering tme. Hot weather, on the other hand, is undesirable.
Where prolonged hot spells occur, chinchillas must be protected from excessive
heat. Around 70o Is a good temperature for their maintenance, at temperatures above
800 they suffer, and over 900 may be dangerous. In warm climates proper insulation
and cooling systems can be used to control the temperature. High humidity, which
is also harmful to chinchillas, can be regulated by humidifiers.
About 9 square feet of floor space is generally considered adequate for a
chinchilla pen. Two or more pens may be stacked in layers, or the pens may be
placed In rows on racks hung from walls or suspended fromn the ceiling. The
quarters should be free of rats, mice, and fuies, and also protected from any other
animals that might interfere with the chinchillas.
Part of the basement of the home can be partitioned off to provide space for
a small chinchilla herd. Basement temperatures are generally favorable to the
animais and an adequate water supply is usually close at hand. The floor should
be well drained for washing; painting it will help to eliminate dust. The chinchilla
quarters should be kept dry and should also be protected against possible furnace
The conditions required for a basement unit should be kept in mind when
housing chinchillas in other quarters, whether in a garage or in a specially con-
structed building. Where the climate is favorable, some breeders keep their animals
in open-air pens. Here, some shelter from the weather should be provided, and care
should be taken to protect them from the direct rays of the hot sun to prevent
bleaching, singeing, or curling of the fur.


The chinchilla is a member of the rodent family native to the Andes Mountains
in South America, where it ranges in the higher altitudes of the western slope in
Peru, ChUe and BolIvia. It is a small animal, the male weighing between ?5 and 20
ounces, and the female between 18 and 25 ounces. It is full furred, medium haired
with grayish blue top hair and dark steel blue underground. It somewhat resembles
a large squirrel with its shiny black eyes, long bushy tail, strong back legs, and
small front ones. In posture, too, it is not unlike a squirrel in that it sits on its
Chief, Fuir Grading Service
haunches using its front paws for eating. It bas numerous whiskers, some short
and others very long, emanating from the areas on each side of its nose. There is
reason to believe that its eyesight, particularly in the light, is none too good, and
that it relies heavily on these whiskers, as well as its nose and its highly de-
veloped sense of hearing to warn it of obstructions in its path. Its ears are large
for the size of the animal and are somewhat pear shaped, with no hair on them. The
noises they make range from a high pitched alarm call down to the low, hicupping
sound given out by a male after a successful mating. Chinchillas are capable of
short bursts of incredible speed but tire quickly. The chinchilla bas a gland just
inside the opening of the rectum and when the animal is disturbed or frightened,
it emits an odor much in the saine manner as a mink or skunk. The odor, however,
is not strong nor unpleasant.
Chinchillas were once very numerous and prior to the first World War
hundreds of thousands of pelts were exported annually while natural enemies
reduced their number still further. They are no longer plentiful anywhere in South
America and in many parts they have completely disappeared.
In 1918 the export of chinchilla pelts was banned, and about this time an
American, M. F. Chapman, who was working in Chile, became interested in the
idea of raising chinchillas in captivity. He obtained a licence to trap them and
during subsequent years he brought a small herd of eleven animals down by easy
steps from the high altitudes of the Andes, transported them to California, and there
established bis first breeding colony in 1923. It is to this small herd that the
ancestry of the majority of the stock now being raised in the United States and
Canada can be traced. There is of course, little likelihood of any appreciable
number of wild chinchilla pelts reaching the fur markets to compete with the ranch-
raised product.


Chinchillas generally have two litters per year, one in the early »pring and
the other during the summer. Females do occasionally have three litters per year,
but it is generally agreed that this is hard on them, and that the kits in the third
litter are not so numerous nor so healthy. Chinchillas may have litters at any time
of the year, but they are uncommon in the late fall and winter. It is recommended
that only two litters per year be plarned and the beginner would be well advised
to keep the male separated from the females at whelping and until after weaning.
As the gestation period for a female is 111 days, it is desirable to adopt such
This method of breeding resulted in the 'husband and wife' mating system,
whereby two animals were mated for life, in the popular bellef of a few years ago
that the male chinchilla is monogamous. Actually a male is definitely polygamous
and many breeders are now mating their better quality males with a number of
females and hence are able to discard less desirable animais.
In spite of their being nervous and easily frightened by strange noises there
is not much difficulty in mating chinchillas, as they generally are even tempered.
Occasionally a female will attack a male, or vice versa, and severe mutilation or
even death of the weaker animal may result. Where care is taken, however, to mate
ani s in a pen that is strange to both of them such occurrences are fairly rare.
Fights that do develop are almost always between adult chinchillas; the mating
of youngsters at eighkmonths of age is accomplished in most instances without
any difficulty.
Some females do become irritable during pregnancy and at the time a litter
is born. In such cases It is desirable to remove the male from the pen as soon as
definite pregnancy has been determined. This can be ascertained or detected by a
reddening of the breasts, or by feeling the abdomen at forty to fifty days.
Young chinchilla females will normally be ready for mating at around eight
months, delivering their first litters at about a year. Females have bred and con-
ceived as early as three months, but this ls extremely rare. In some cases a female
will not breed until she la flfteen or sixteen months old, but this. too, ls ex-
ceptional. Young male chinchillas are generaily ready for breeding at around six
months of age. It la wise, however, not to allow them to breed more than one female
until they are over two years of age as permanent damage may result if they are
allowed too much breeding at an early age.
The usual number of kits to a litter is two, but litters of one and of three are
not uncommon. Very occasionally litters of four, five, and six are born. Exam-
inations by X-ray have shown five and six fetuses in pregnant females, but on
whelping only two or three will be born, the remainder having died and been
Chinchilla females normally have smaller litters at first, rising to their peak
production at around three years of age. If they are not forced, this peak wll last
until they are around seven or eight, at which time they will start to have smaller
litters again. By the time they are ten they will be having only occasional litters
of one or possibly two kits. There are recorded cases of females twelve years old
having litters.
Chinchilla males will remain vigorous long after the fur on the nose has
turned pure white. There are good breeding sires in Canada that are stili fertile
et fourteen years of age.


Chinchilla females make as good mothers as most animals, and only in
exceptional cases do they not have enough milk to nourish their litters. A kit is
-very seldom crushed to death and only when the sire and dam are flghting. In
spite of this the average mortality rate in kits runs et around 20 per cent on many
ranches. Neglect to hand feed young that need extra help is one cause and another
undoubtedly is lack of knowledge with respect to proper pre-natal feeding of females.
Improper feeding may result in stillborn kits, kits born very weak, or kits improperly
Many males, if left with the dam during and after whelping, will take good
care of the young. keeping them warm while the mother is out eating. It la only in
extremely rare cases that one will harm them In any way, but experience in required
in determining which animals can be trusted In this respect.
Chinchilla kits are born fully furred, with their eyes open and with a full set
of teeth. They are capable of moving around at birth and this presents a problem in
cold weather, for a kit can easily stray from its mother into the open pen, become
thoroughly chilled, and die of pneumonie shortly afterwards. Experienced females,
however, appear to keep a close watch on their kits and seldom allow them, out of
the nest box during the first week or two if it is at all chilly. The mother seldom
bas any difficulty in delivering her young.
Kits appear to grow very-slowly for the first ten days after birth, but from
then until after they are weaned they gain weight rapidly. There ls then another
short period of readjustment when they are separated from their mothers, after
which they continue to grow, but at a slower rate than previously. Pull growth is
not attained until they are at least 18 months of age and quite often 2 years old.
In most cases the mother is able to look after ber litter with no help from the
rancher, but in a few cases it is necessary to assist her with hand feeding. This
may occur in the case of young mothers with their first or second litters, or in the
case of a litter of more than three. A female seems capable of raising three kits
without difficulty but only rarely can she care for more than that number without
help. Some young females seem completely at a loss to take care of their young,
usually because of lack of milk. While an animal may make a complete failure of
her first year of breeding activity, usually she will settle down from then on and
raise her litters without difficulty.
Because kits can move about immediately after birth, it is advisable to raise
them in heated quarters. Where heat is not used, a deep bed of hay or good oat
straw should be provided in nest boxes deep enough to prevent kits from getting
out into the pen proper for the first ten days. The female chinchilla shows no
desire at al to provide a sultable nest and the rancher must make her one where
necessary. Generally speaking, if a nest and a deep nest box are provided, a
chinchilla can whelp and raise her young when temperatures outside the nest
box are down to freezing. It is not recommended, though, that a rancher allow
kits to be born in low temperatures.
Chinchillas are strict vegetarians, and do well on timothy or alfalfa hay
and coarse grains such as wheat, oats, corn, and barley. Ol seeds, such as flax
or peanuts, should be avoided as oils in any form are harmful. As 16 per cent
protein in their diet appears to be the maximum, a steady diet of clover hay is not
recommended. In addition to hay and coarse grains, prepared pellets, made by
most feed companies, are fed. Greens, too, can be fed in considerable quantities,
particularly in the spring when they are fresh and tender. Lettuce and cabbage
should not be fed, but green grasses, such as timothy, alfalfa, Kentucky blue
grass, twitch grass, and red clover, and weeds such as dandelion are satisfactory
and are relished by the chinchilla. Grasses or plants that are old and going to
seed should not be fed. While research on diets will eventually provide more
information, it is now known, and cannot be emphasized too much, that chinchillas
thrive on a simple diet. Feeding a complicated diet, like cooked foods such as
cereals, may result in indigestible masses in the animal's stomach that in turn end
in impaction.
The chinchilla is a hardy animal, which, if fed properly, can withstand
rigorous conditions. A number of disorders affect them but the majority of these
troubles are the direct result of faulty diet. As stated, oils or oil-bearing nuts,
cooked foods, or foods having more than 16 per cent protein, should not be fed.
If they are, intestinal trouble is bound to follow.
The following are the more important causes of sickness:
Impaction - This is the final result of many intestinal disorders, and the stoppage
of the bowels by a heavy mass of undigested food. If recognized early enough,
some cases can be cured by feeding sugar and water, only, for several days until
the droppings return to normal.
Slo bbers - This is a ranchers' term to describe a type of tooth trodbile when the
molars grow out of Une and may partially or completely cover the tongue, pre-
ventin g the animal from eating and resulting in starvation. Such individuals
shoutd be destroyed.
Skin disorders - These are seldom fatal, and do not appear to be contagious. It
is thought.that th ey atè the result of incorrect feeding, somewhat akin to scurvy.
The visible signs of this trouble are patches on the animal's body denuded of fur,
with the exposed skin red and scaly. There are several preparations on the market
(drug stores, veterinaries) that will cure this effectively, but proper feeding is the
only way to prevent its recurrence.
Pneumonia - This disease, while comparatively rare under proper housing conditions,
is found more often in kits than in adults. While the kits are born with fur, the density
and length is not sufficient to allow them to be away from their mothers for long in
chilly weather. Chinchillas appear to be able Io stand extremely cold weather without
Ill effects but they must be protected from drafts, particularly on raw, damp days. If
recognized and treated early enough, pneumonia can be cured by penicillin or by one
of the sulfa drugs.
O ther dis eases - If any unrecognized disorder should occur veterinary advice is
recommended, although it is reported that no actually contagious diseases were
known in chinchilla in the wild, nor are common to them in captivity. Their whole
physical make-up is designed and. equipped for hard living. If this is kept ln mind
when housing and feeding them in captivity, much less trouble will be encountered
from illness than if the rancher ignores this fact and weakens their natural resistance
to disease by too much pampedng.

Good chinchilla fur is bluish gray, free from yellow cast. and without any
mottled effect or marked contrasts in color. There are three different shades, light,
medium, and dark. The shade of the fur is controlled by the color of the underfur
which is light blue in the light type, slate blue in the medium, and a dark slate blue
in the darks. The blue underfur of the chinchilla bas a silvery white bar three-
sixteenths of an inch in width very close to the top. The tiny tip of the bar is blue-
A well-furred chinchilla should have a thick neck with the fur so heavy that it
almost appears to be "bull-necked". The fur should be dense and evenly distributed
over the entire body. Guard hairs, too, should be fairly dense and evenly distributed
so that the fur will have good resilience. The bar on the underfur should be of even
width all over the body, and the underfur should be glossy, straight, and free of
wooliness. Te fur should be a definite blue-gray shade. Like oth.er fur-bearing
animals the chinchilla puts on a heavier coat of fur during the cold winter months.
It, however, is later in priming than the fox or mink, coming to full prime about the
end of January. The leather of a chinchilla pelt is very light and in pelting care
should be taken not to tear iL. When tanned the leather toughens up and becomes
much stronger, and the pelt can then be easily worked without fear of damage.

It is important in housing chinchillas, particularly during the early stages of
building up a herd, to provide quarters heated to at least 40 degrees for the breeding
herd. Chinchillas generally have their first litter of the year in February, March, or
early April, and as the kits move around from birth, without heat many would perish
from pneumonia during these months. For thi' reason, small herds are generally kept
in heated quarters all winter. In larger herds it is often the practice to have un-
heated buildings for the main herd and a heated structure into which females are
moved when litters are due. Adult chinchillas do not mind the cold and frequently
are kept in temperatures down to zero and below. Young chinchillas three or four
months old do not winter well by themselves, but if three or four are placed in
the charge of an adult male they appear to be quite content and come through the
cold satisfactorily.
Well-ventilated buildings are important. Chinchillas.do not require a lot of
sunlight, but it la advisable to provide sufficient windows to have a well-lighted
interior during daylight. Damp, poorly lit, and poorly ventilated quarters are not
conducive to good health.
Chinchillas are generally kept in wire pens with attached nest box. Such
pens can be either square or round, and are usually about 3 feet square or 3 feet
in diameter. The pens may be arranged in two or more tiers, or can be placed in a
single deck. The latter method obviously takes up more floor space, but has the
advantages of easier cleaning and feeding, and also guarantees that there will be
no overcrowding. In placing pens in tiers there is a tendency to put too many pens
into too small an area. In either case trays are placed under each tier to catch
droppings or other refuse. While many herds are started in the basements of homes,
they should be moved to their own quarters as soon as practicable.


Chinchillas should be selected with special attention to color, fur, ancestry,
breeding record, health, and general appearance. Each animal should be examined
carefully, preferably in a north light, outdoors, to ascertain the exact color, texture,
density, and resilience of the fur. Only registered animals should be purchased and
purchases made only from reputable breeders who can offer helpful advice to the
novice. The best method of identification is by tattoo marks in the ears. Five pairs
of breeders is the best minimum with which to start a ranch. A single pair will do
but progress will be slower. Quality, not numbers, is what counts.


Pelting animals should be kept in scrupulously clean cages with no nest
box. The floor area may be half the size of the normal breeding pen. Five oper-
ations are necessary to make the pelt ready for marketing - skinning, fleshing
and cleaning, stretching, drying and packing, and shipping.
Determining Primeness
An animal in proper condition for pelting la well fleshed, with an absolute
minimum of fat. In general, the animal being primed for pelting should be main-
tained on a low-fat diet, but one rich in minerals, proteins, and vitamins, for at
least three months prior to reaching full prime. An abundance of sweet, well-cured
hay, plus a level teaspoon of pellets per day, is the best and simplest diet to meet
these requirements.
In younger animals, approach to primeness can be gauged in advance from
birth dates. In general, a chinchilla will reach its first prime at about eight to nine
months of age. With this as a guide, the rancher should segregate his young animals
Into age groups as they are weaned so that he can handle them more efficiently in
uniform groups while bringing them to their peak of prime.
The priming of adult animals can be determined best by watching the seasons -
whether they are early or late, mild or severe. Mature animals will shed In the late
spring and summer, and will prime a new coat during winter or early spring. Dis-
cerning primeness in breeding animals is difficult because they tend to tear patches
of fur from each other in fights, or by crowding into nest box openings together.
Part of the natural defense mechanism of the chinchilla s its ability to release
its fur gasily and painlessly If it la pulled. Many a rancher has snatched at one of
his animals and caught only a handful of gray fluff. Primeness should not be con-
fused with fur quality. E>ren the poorest chinchilla primes up at least once a year,
and wil look bis best at this time.
During shedding season a sizeable amount of loose fur may collect in corners
of the unit, or In the cages. The fur of the animais will appear rough, flat, and
lusterless. Blowing into the pelt will reveal new fur sprouting through the skin. If
the animal has a distinct bar, the white band of the bar can be seen deep in the fur,
giving the illusion that there ls more than one bar. As the old fur continues to shed
out and the new to grow in, the coat will become smoother and more regular in
appearance and will appear cleaner and more brilliant in color. The bar area will
become more sharply defined and the skin lose its bluish appearance. The skin of
the fully prime animal should be creamy whlite and free from scale or any discoloration.
If the animal bas been kept as a breeder with its mate, it probably will have lost
small patches of fur through mating activity or crowding. If the unprime spots are
few, it ls better to pelt at the peak of overall prime rather than wait for another
shedding season and the resultant coat of new fur. Chinchillas should be killed
while they are still slightly under prime, provided the surface of the fur is smooth.
If they are allowed to go over prime, there is a greater tendency for the fur to slip
during the early stages of dressing.
Suggestions for Killing and Pelting Chinchillas
The condition of the pelt and its preparation for market are two of the principal
factors in determining sale value. Every rancher should know the common methods of
killing and pelting chinchillas for a good skin can be ruined by lack of skill.
Some Points to Remember
1. Whatever method is adopted, it is imperative that the animal should be
killed quickly without struggling.
2. Do not kill more animals'than each pelter can handle in one or two hours.
3. Do not allow dead animais to lie in piles.
4. Chill the carcass before pelting - this sets the fur and reduces slippage.
5. Carcasses of animals killed by poisonous injection or poisonous gas should
be disposed of with extreme care.
6. The temperature of the room where pelting la being done should not be above
50 degrees.
7. Chinchillas killed by gassing or asphyxiation should always be kept off the
floor by a screen because they urinate immediately after-dying.
Hypodermi e Inlection Method
Chinchillas can be quickly killed by a hypodermic injection of a saturated
solution of epsom salts. To lukewarm water add epsom salts until the water has
absorbed all it will hold. Lay the animal on its right aide and with the fingers of
the left hand locate the spot a short distance behind the front leg, where the heart
can be felt beating. The needle should be quickly inserted between the ribs at
this point and the contents of the syringe injected directly into the heart. If
properly done, death is almost instantaneous, often occurring before the needle can
be withdrawn.
Strychnine, nembutol, or similar poisons are also suitable for injection into the
heart or chest cavity. The strychnine solution ls made by adding six 1/30 grain,
water-soluble tablets of strychnine sulphate to one ounce of water. This quantity
ls ordinarily sufficient to kill 30 animals, but the proportions may be reduced or
increased slightly according to the experience of the user. A hypodermic syringe
of the type used by doctors and veterinarians to administer "shots", is used.
Those having a capacity of 2 cc. when fitted with a 20-gauge needle are the most
practical. With this method of killing, there la always danger of the animal
struggling while it is being held. Therefore, the animal should first be chloroformed.
Simply saturate a small piece of cotton with chloroform and place ilt with the animal
in a sealed box or container of sufficient size to comfortably admit the animal. As
soon as the chloroform takes effect, the lethal injection can be made, using about
half the regular dose.
Chloroform may also be used for killing. A larger piece of cotton should be
used saturated with chlornform, and the animal should be left in the box until it is
dead, about 2 minutes should suffice.
Other Methods
For many years mink ranchers have used cyanide and this compound is
satisfactory for chinchillas as well as being the fastest acting and the easiest
to obtain. The most common method is to build an air-tight box about two feet
square, with half of the top hinged and sealed tightly around its edges with
rubber insulation. A Va inch by V inch screen floor is installed, and below it a
drawer about 1 inch deep, covering the full area of the bottom. This, too, is
fitted so that it is air tight. The animal is placed in the box and the cyanide
crystals, sold under the trade naine "Cyanogas", in the drawer. Within a few
minutes after it is closed tightly, the container will fil with the fumes given off
by the crystals and the animal wlll be killed almost instantly. CAUTDN: When
using cyanide gas, the killing box should always be kept out-of-doors and the
opeiator should always stand on the windward side, being particularly careful
never to breath any of the gas. Children should be kept away fronm the killing
In another method carbon-monoxide is used. The chinchilla is placed in a
box similar to the type used for cyanide, connected by a hose or pipe to the
exhaust of a car. If the motor is left running for a short period the animal will
soon be asphyxiated. Care should be taken to prevent residual gasoline or oil
from working through and getting on the animals. A simple filter or baffle system
can prevent this. Killing by this method is also best accomplished outof-doors,
and though the danger to children and bystanders is not so great as with cyanide
gas, only those persons killing the animals should be allowed in the vicinity, and
the saine precautions against breathing the gas should be taken.
Precaufions in PeiUng
1. Keep fingers dry at ail times by using sawdust freely.
2. Use fine sawdust (preferably hardwood) to absorb oil.
3. Fur at edges of pelt should never be handled. (Always grip the hide from
the inside).
4. After a certain area of the pelt bas been freed from the body, the flesh
side should be covered with sawdust to absorb the où. Use plenty of
sawdust throughout the entire pelting operation, but see that no sawdust
gets on the fur at this stage as it tends to become matted into the fur at
the edges of the pelt.
Arrange your equipment on a table or bench with a large enough working space
and have all tools within easy reach. There should be wire cutting pliers, razor
blades and holder, a dull knife, a spoon, a small stiff corn type whisk, dry sawdust,
and rags. The table should be high enough to be comfortable and experience will
show whether you prefer to use a stool or a chair, or to stand.
With the pliers, eut off the front paws immediately above the pads. In the
"open" method, cut off the rear feet just above the knee joint; but, if the "'cased"
method is to be used, leave the rear feet on and cut through the pelt with a razor
blade around the leg just above the knee joint. To avoid unnecessary cutting of the
fur, use the whisk toonrt the fur along the Unes where cuts are to be made.
laitid Cut
The initial eut should be the samine in both the "open and the cased" method.
This eut must be correct, because upon it depends the final shape of the pelt, and
to obtain the highest price it is Imperative that pelts of uniform shape be offered.
With bandage scissors, or a razor blade, make the initial cut in the following
manner, remembering that the eut should be just through the peit and not into the
flesh, or bleeding will result. Begin the incision on the inside of the leg at the knee
joint; and continue the cut to a point about the center of the front of the leg and
horizontally opposite the genital organs. Change the direction of the cut to reach
the genital organs by the shortest line. A cut should also be made completely around
the organs.
Removing Peit by the "Cased" Method
When the animal has been killed, it should be hung up by the hind feet on two
spikes or nails approximately 9 inches apart and at a height convenient for working.
Body - The initial eut is then made and the pelt worked away, from the hind legs.
The next step is to work the pelt away from the base of the tail. The tail bone is
then cut off with a pair of pliers leaving the tail connected to the pelt for the time
being. It is later removed from the pelt, after the pelt is tacked out on the board.
Having separated the pelt from the hind end of the chinchilla, douse plenty of
sawdust around the exposed flesh to give tracton for the next step in the operation,
which is to place both hands around the so-far-removed pelt, and with a steady,
downward motion, work the pelt down oyer the body until the front legs are reached.
Now free the right front leg and shoulder area by working the fingers of one
hand around the leg and gently working the pelt away with the other until the leg-
slips out of the pelt. Remove the left front leg in a similar manner.
Head - The pelt should now be free from the body, and special care should be
taken in removing the head. The skin of the ear can be worked away from the
cartilage (muscular and fleshy part of the ear) in much the same manner that the
pelt was removed from the legs. It is essential that the cartilage be removed
completely from the part of the ears left on the pelt, otherwise this fleshy ma-
terial will immedlately begin to deteriorate and rot the pelt. It may be necessary
to use the knife to cut the skin free from the skull. The pelt may adhere rather
tightly to the skull since there is very little flesh and virtually a skin-to-bone
attachment of the pelt in this area. Bit by bit the skin is crowded away from
around each eye, and is then eut free at the juncture of the eye-lids and inner
tissue of the eye. The natural openings of the eyes and ears should be left to
form the border of necessary holes in the pelt. Advantage can then be taken of the
increased strength of tissues at this point and the stress of shringing that occurs
in the drying process will not be exerted on raw, eut edges in the center section of
the pelt.
The whiskeî pads of the jowls are next. The bristly whiskers have exceptionally
deep roots that are embedded in thick tissue. These are eut loose and the skin la
worked down towards the tip of the nose, and the edge of the upper lip. Again the
knife la brought into use, to complete the removal of the pelt from the head.
Removing Peit by "Open" Method
Place the dead animal on the table, on its back, and gently spread the legs
apart for easier manipulation during the pelting operation. Having eut off all the
feet as described under the heading "Preparation", proceed to make the Initial
eut. The next step is to eut the pelt in a straight Une from the lower ip of the
genital organs.
Body - Separate the pelt from the body on the right aide. Always try to press the
carcass away from the skin in a kneading action with the fingers rather than pull
the skin off the carcass. REMEMBER - USE PLENTY OF SAWDUST. Pull the
carcass away from the skin, NOT the skin away from the carcasa. Work the hand
around the carcasa.
Now free the right front leg and shoulder area by working the fingers of one
hand around the leg and gently work the pelt away with the other until the leg slips
out of the pelt. Next, withdraw the rigt rear leg in a similar manner. Remove the
pelt from the left aide of the body and legs in the same way. A portion of the pelt
will usually still be adhering to the rump and thin should be gently separated down
to the tail. Work the pelt away from the base of the tail then cut off the tail bone
with the pliers leaving the tail attached to the pelt. (The tail is removed from the
pelt after the pelt is tacked out on the board).
Head - The pelt should be freed from the head in the manner already explained
under the "Cased" method.
Whether or not the pelt should be removed from the head area first or last 18
a matter of opinion. Practice will lead to many short-cuts and variations, conse-
quently only the general principles of this pelting method have been outlined and
the rest has been left to the pelter's own initiative. In the majority of cases for
instance, it is possible after a little practice to pelt simply by freeing the head
and front legs, placlng the heel of one band on the part of the pelt that is removed,
and with the other band grasping the head and gently pulling the carcass away from
the remainder of the pelt.
Prior to tacking the pelt down for drying, the skin side must be cleaned by a
process known as "fleshing". In this operation, a blunt, scraping tool such as a
table knife or large spoon is used to scrape away excess fat and tissue. The
main idea is to start a ridge of loose tissue and push it or roll it off the skin.
If the pelt has been removed by the "cased" method, it is usually fleshed
on a "fleshing beam". The fleshing beam la about 16 inches long and 3V2 inches
in diameter at the base. The cased pelt ls slipped over the pointed end of the
fleshing beam with the flesh aide out. When the "open" method has been used,
the pelt is laid flat on the table with the flesh aide up.
Flesh Rump-tofleod
It is difficult to produce a fleshing roll on a very fat animal because the
roll continues to break. While lean animals flesh easily due to absence of fat,
animals with white fat flesh more easily than those with yellow fat. Liberal
quantities of sawdust should be used throughout the fleshing operation to
absorb fats and oils as well as to reduce moisture.
Experience has shown that it is best to flesh from the rump toward the
head. While this la not so easy as woding from the head toward the rump, there
is less possibility of fleshing too close and exposing the roots of the hairs. The
tissues that cover the roots of the hair overlap like shingles fron head to rump,
and getting under one of these sheets of tissue up toward the head or shoulders
starts a roll that will expose the root hairs down near therump.
Tacking the pelt down and trying to fleash it is a hazardous practice since
It frequently results in tears and excessive stretching at the nail holes. The best
way i& to lay the pelt on a smooth, bard surface, hold one end with the heel of the
band, and with a pushing and scraping movement start a roll of excess tissue. The
fleshing boani must be,*ee from bumps, hard knots, or grainy ridges to prevent
irregular pressure and possible snags. Particular care must be given to the areas
around the head and the legs, since in the drying process, taint and resultant fur
slippage can set in if ail excess fat and tissue are not removed.
Loose tissue remaining on the pelt contains oil that will penetrate to the roots
of the fur and decrease the value. The excess flesh can be removed when the peit Is
tanned, but penmanent damage bas already been done to the fur. Fleshing is one of
the most important factors in producing a flne quality pelt. Since the pelt commences
to dry as soon as it ls removed from the animal, it is advisable to flesh the most
difficult areas first. A good fleshing job is not easy without using a dull knife or
spoon as a scraper, but the fingers should be used as much as possible to
the ever-present danger of cutting. By working from the rump to the head the
of cutting is greatly minimized. The accumulated roll la helpful in fleshing danger
area where the flesh clings firmly. As soon as the fleshed area enlarges in the rump
use the palm of the hand to apply holding pressure over an ever-expanding area.
Moving the points of pressure as frequently as possible helps to avoid pulling
well as the development of stained spots on the finished pelt. as

Cleaning and Shaping the Pelit

Animais that have been primed properly on a low-fat diet will require
fleshing. Once the pelt is clean, it Is ready for tacking and shaping on the pelting
board. Preservatives of any kind should not be put on chinchilla pelts. On
ranches or in areas where grohps of small ranchers maintain co-operative large
equipment, large cleanîng drums for finishing skins prior to shaping may be
While still pliant, after fleshing, quantities of thirty or more pelts are placedavailable.
large drum filled with hardwood sawdust. The drum tumbles the pelts and sawdust in a
a similar manner to that in which certain types of automatic washers tumble in
to get them clean. In this instance the cleaning agent happens to be absorbent clothes
a awdust.
Hand Cleoning
The small rancher may easily clean and fluff up a small number of fleshed
pelts by processing them individually by hand. This is done by laying out each
pelt, fur side up, and sprinkling with fine, hanlwood sawdust, or the dusting
pound (Fuller's earth or commercial preparation) regularly supplied to the com-
Care should be taken that adequate ventilation is at hand and that the operator
does not breathe too much dust. These compounds (or a blend of them) are
bmxshed through the fur, using the hands and a coarse, blunt-toothed comb. After
the fur is fluffy and free of ols or moisture, the residual cleaning material may
moved by shaking the pelt. When handling a pelt, always hold it by the nose, be
the thumb and forefinger.
Shaping and Drying
The first thing that all pelters should keep in mind that chinchilla pelts
are not stretched for drying; they are uniformly shaped andistacked down. This ls
done because uniform pelts are easier to handle for grading, shipping, and pro-
cessing. The moist, "green" skins will dry quickly and evenly before decompo.
sition can set in. If they were not spread flat, deep wrinkles or overlapping
would begin to spoil. portions
Brass furriers' nails or aluminum push pins serve very well for tacking
pelt down to the board, and if Tentest or similar soft composition material the
it is not even necessary to use a hammer, since the nails can be pushed is used,
board like push pins. If a harder surface is used, a small tack hammer and into the
proof tacks prove very satisfactory, but will take a little more time.
Arranging and T ock ing the Peit
Before the pelt is tacked on the-board, the ears should be cut at a point
Va Inch above the head. The ears are of no value to the pelt and are a source about
spollage. The two little protruding tabs on elther side of the pelt should of
also be
snipped off.
The pelt should then be shaken gently to get all the fur fibers lying in the
natural direction from head to romp. then it should be placed flesh side up with the
nose two or three inches below the top of the drying board. It should be tacked at
the nose and at the two other extreme corners. After the remainder of the pelt has
been smoothed out so that there are no wrinkles, it should be tacked ail the way
around the edge, with the two sides symmetrical. Tacks should be spaced about a
half-inch apart around the circumference of the pelt, and about three-sixteenth
inches to one-quarter inches from the edge. When the pelt dries, the edge curis and
thickens slightly, and decreases the chance of tearing the parchment-like skin.
Folding the Legs
Specfal attention should be given to the cased front legs so that they will not
protrude awkwardly and thus increase the chances of snagging and tearing the pelt.
The cased leg must not adhere to the main surface of the pelt or it will increase
the chance of taint or spollage in the resultant creases. Some ranchers have found
it advantageous to place a slip of clean white blotting paper between the cased
legs and the pelt. To help keep the legs folded inward they should be pressed flat
between the thumb and forelinger. At this point the tail should be cut off since it
becomes an all too convenient "handle" and during grading and marketing may
easily result in a tear. It also makes packing and shipping a problem.
Insect Damage
After the pelt has dried for 24 to 48 hours (under nonnal conditions this is
usually adequate), the nails may be removed and the finishing touches given each
pelt prior to storage. If the pelts are left on the board too long, they become stiff
and brittle, making it difficult not only to remove the nails, but also to clean the
pelts further. The quicker they are placed in cold storage, the better. 7Iis Is
important not only to protect them from the ever-present chance of spollage, but
also from insect damage. Storage temperatures of 32 to 40 degrees are adequate,
but precautions should be taken to shield the pelts from condensation.
Final Trimming
It is not advisable to trim the nail perforations from the dried pelt, since the
slightly rolled edge that results from the drying adds much strength to the cured,
but raw skin. A skin of this type will stand reasonably vigorous handling, but no
creasing or jabbing with a sharp instrument. lhe cured skin is tough and durable
and ordinarily will not rip easily. Once a tear Is started, however, it is like
cellophane and ls very difficult to salvage. 'Iis delicateness is common among
many types of raw pelts besides chinchilla, but is fully overcome when the pelt is
Additional cleansing may be necessary after the pelt has dried. is may be
done by brushing some of the animal's dusting compound (Fuller's earth or
commercial preparation) through the fur as it is laid flat, fur side up, on a table.
A steel-toothed comb and whisk broom will prove helpful in improving the flow of
the fur and in picking up stray tufts on the pelt.


be raw skias should be placed in pairs. leather to leather or fur to fur,
whichever is desired. Fach pair should then be wrapped in absorbent tissue and
packed snugly In a rigid shipping container. If the pelts do not fill the container
completely, crumpled paper or other packing should be added to keep them from
jostling in shipment. Wrap the shipping container in heavy Kraft paper and tie it

securely with stout twine.

The National Chinchilla Breeders of Canada is an association of the Chinchilla
breeders incorporated under the Live Stock Pedigree Act administered by the Federal
Department of Agriculture. The Constitution of the Association provides for estab-
lished standards of breeding, together with a system of pure-bred registration.
The recording and Issuance of registration certificates ls conducted on behalf
of the Association by the Canadian National Live Stock Records, Ottawa, Canada.
The National Chinchilla Breeders of Canada have adopted within their
Constitution, by-laws for the protection and assistance to breeders in the propagation
of pure-bred Chinchillas.
For the purpose of registration, definite rules of eligibility are provided and
applications are required to be made to the Canadian National Live Stock Records
on forms supplied by that organization. All applications must be accompanied by
grading certificates issued by an inspector appointed by the Association.

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