Swes Unit 3
Swes Unit 3
Swes Unit 3
Two potential wind sites are compared in terms of the specific wind
power expressed in watts per square meter of area swept by the
rotating blades. It is also referred to as the power density of the site,
and is given by the following expression:
This is the power in the upstream wind. It varies linearly with the
density of the air sweeping the blades, and with the cube of the wind
speed. All of the upstream wind power cannot be extracted by the
blades, as some power is left in the downstream air which continues to
move with reduced speed.
Power contained in wind contd…..
Where Po = Mechanical power extracted by the rotor, i.e.,
the turbine output power
V = upstream wind velocity at the entrance of the
rotor blades
Vo = downstream wind velocity at the exit of the
rotor blades.
Efficiency limit for wind energy conversion ( Power extracted from
the wind ) contd….
Efficiency limit for wind energy conversion ( Power extracted from
the wind ) contd….
The above expression can be algebraically
rearranged (by multiplying and dividing the first
term in the square brackets by ‘V‘ and the second
term in normal brackets by V2) :
Efficiency limit for wind energy conversion ( Power extracted from
the wind ) contd….
The power extracted by the blades is customarily expressed
as a fraction of the upstream wind power as follows:
Efficiency limit for wind energy conversion ( Power extracted from the wind )
Figure 1-1: Rotor efficiency versus Vo/V ratio has single maximum.
Rotor efficiency is the fraction of available wind power extracted
by the rotor and fed to the electrical generator.
Efficiency limit for wind energy conversion ( Power extracted from the wind )
Efficiency limit for wind energy conversion ( Power extracted from the wind )
Figure 1-2: Rotor efficiency versus tip speed ratio for rotors with different
number of blades. Two-blade rotors have the highest efficiency.
Some Relevant Terms and their Definitions
Before proceeding further, we must get acquainted with the terms
frequently used in this notes and in the literature on wind energy.
Solidity of a wind Rotor is the ratio of the projected blade area to the
area of the wind intercepted. The projected blade area does not mean
the actual blade area. It is the blade area met by the wind or projected
in the direction of the wind.
The solidity of the ‘Savonius’ rotor is naturally unity as the wind sees no
passage through it. For ‘multiband water-pumping windmill’ it is typically
around 0.7. For ‘high speed horizontal axis wind turbines (HAWT)’ it lies
between 0.01 to 0.1. For the ‘Darrieus’ rotor also it is of the same order.
Solidity has a direct relationship with Torque and speed. High solidity
rotors have high torque and low speed. Low solidity rotors on the other
hand, have high speed and low torque and are typically suited for
electrical power generation.
Tip speed ratio
• The tip speed ratio (TSR) of a wind turbine is
defined as λ = (2πRN)/ V where λ is the TSR (non
dimensional, R is the radius of the swept area (in
meters), N is the rotational speed in revolutions per
second and V is the wind speed (without rotor
interruption in meters/second).
• The TSRs of Savonius rotor and multi blade water
pumping windmills are generally low. In high speed
horizontal axis rotors and Darrieus rotors, the outer
tip actually turns much faster than the wind speed
owing to the aerodynamic shape. Consequently, the
TSR can be as high as 9. It can be said that high
solidity rotors have in general low TSRs and vice
Power Coefficient
The power coefficient of a wind energy converter is given
Generator Power P
Figure 1-2: Rotor efficiency versus tip speed ratio for rotors with different
number of blades. Two-blade rotors have the highest efficiency.
Power –Speed Characteristics contd……..
Figure 1-5: Typical curves of Power coefficient vs. TSR for various Pitch
Power –Speed Characteristics contd……..
Where CP is a function of the TSR λ and the pitch
angle α. For a wind turbine with a radius R,
equation 1-40 can be expressed as
Power –Speed Characteristics contd……..
• For a given wind speed , the power extracted from the wind is
maximized if CP is maximized.
• The optimum value of CP, say CPopt,always occurs at a definite value
of λ say(= λopt). This means that for varying wind speed, the rotor
speed should be adjusted proportionally to adhere to this value of
λ (= λopt) for maximum mechanical output power from the turbine.
Using the relation λ = ωR/V ( = 2πNR/V) in equation (1-41) , the
maximum value of the shaft mechanical power for any wind speed
can be expressed as :
• Thus the maximum mechanical power that can be extracted from
wind is proportional to the cube of the rotor speed i.e. Pmax ω3.
This is shown in figure 1-4.
Torque –Speed Characteristics
• Studying the Torque versus rotational
characteristics of any prime mover is very
important for properly matching the load and
ensuring stable operation of the electrical
• The typical torque-speed characteristics of a two
blade propeller type wind turbine are shown in
the figure below (1-6).
• The profiles of the Torque-Speed characteristic
curves shown in this figure follow from the power
curves, since Torque and power are related as
Tm = Pm/ω 1-43
Torque –Speed Characteristics contd……
• The yaw control mechanism can also be used for speed control.
The rotor is made to face away from the wind direction at high
wind speeds, thereby reducing the mechanical power.
However, this method is seldom used where pitch control is
available, because of the stresses it produces on the rotor
blades. Yawing often produces loud noise, and it is desirable to
restrict the yawing rate in large machines to reduce the noise.
Control Strategy
Speed Control: For every wind turbine, rotor speed
control is necessary for three reasons: