Nursing Care Plans

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Assessment Diagnosis Planning Intervention Evaluation

Subjective Data: Independent: Short term Goal

“ Nahihirapan ako Ineffective tissue After 2 days of  Established rapport outcome:
makahinga” as verbalized perfusion related to nursing intervention,  Monitored Vital signs
blood loss as the client will increase  Monitor intake and output Goals are partially
by the patient.
manifested by low tissue perfusion and  Advised the patient to have a met. After 2 days of
Objective Data: hemoglobin count will have a normal quiet atmosphere and nursing
- weakness and hemoglobin count environment intervention, the
restlessness noted  Compared skin temperature and client increased
-capillary refill more than color with other limb when tissue perfusion but
3 seconds assessing extremity circulation not reach the
-Hemoglobin of 52 mg/dl  Assess motor and sensory normal hemoglobin
function count.
 Advised to eat iron rich food -hgb of 74mg/dL
-V/S are as follows:  Instruct to do deep breathing - capillary refill less
Temp- 36.3 degree celcius exercise than 3 seconds
HR- 85 bpm  Encourage to have exercise at
RR: 25 cpm least 15 minutes
BP: 100/70  Massage the client as needed to
improve circulation
-Administered iron supplement as
-provide nebulization PRN as ordered

Assessment Diagnosis Planning Intervention Evaluation

Subjective Data: Chronic Pain related to Short term Goal: Independent: Short term Goal
“Ang tagal tagal na. Palagi pressure in the left inguinal  Provide cutaneous outcome:
nalang masakit tong puson region secondary to After 4 hours of nursing stimulation (hot and
ko” as verbalized by the cervical cancer intervention, the client cold ) Goals are met. After 4
patient. will be able to verbalize  Provide non hours of nursing
reduction of pain. pharmacologic comfort intervention, the client
Pain Scale: 8/10
measures and verbalized reduction of
diversional activities pain
Objective Data:  Evaluate pain relief/
-Guarding the affected side control at regular
-Facial grimace noted intervals.
-Restlessness noted  Assessed for refereed
-V/S are as follows: pain as appropriate
 Noted and investigated
Temp- 36.3 degree celcius
changes from previous
HR- 85 bpm reports
RR: 25 cpm  Provide comfort
BP: 100/70 measures and quiet
 Instruct and encourage
to use relaxation
technique such as focus
Administer analgesic as
Assessment Diagnosis Planning Intervention Evaluation

Subjective Data: Independent: Short term Goal

“Ang dami pa saking Fluid volume deficit After 2 days of giving  Established rapport outcome:
lumalabas na dugo, related to cervical bleeding appropriate nursing  Monitor V/S
as manifested by low intervention, the client  Encouraged to Goals are met. After 2
nanunyo na rin ang bibig
hematocrit level will be able to maintain increased fluid intake days of nursing
ko” as verbalized by the fluid volume at a  Recommend to avoid intervention, the client
patient. functional level as caffeine maintained fluid
evidenced by moist  Evaluate the CFAC volume at a functional
Objective Data: mucous membrane (color, frequency, level as evidenced by
-pallor noted amount and moist mucous
- (+)dizziness consistency) of urine membrane
-dry skin mucous  Regulate IVF
membrane noted Dependent:
 Infused PRBC with
-hematocrit of 22.5%
IVF as ordered.
-V/S are as follows:
Temp- 36.3 degree celcius
HR- 85 bpm
RR: 25 cpm
BP: 100/70

Assessment Diagnosis Planning Intervention Evaluation

Subjective Data: Independent: Short term Goal

“Ang dami pa saking Fluid volume deficit After 2 days of giving  Established rapport outcome:
lumalabas na dugo, related to cervical bleeding appropriate nursing  Monitor V/S
as manifested by low intervention, the client  Encouraged to Goals are met. After 2
nanunyo na rin ang bibig
hematocrit level will be able to maintain increased fluid intake days of nursing
ko” as verbalized by the fluid volume at a  Recommend to avoid intervention, the client
patient. functional level as caffeine maintained fluid
evidenced by moist  Evaluate the CFAC volume at a functional
Objective Data: mucous membrane (color, frequency, level as evidenced by
-pallor noted amount and moist mucous
- (+)dizziness consistency) of urine membrane
 Regulate IVF
-dry skin mucous
membrane noted  Infused PRBC with
-hematocrit of 22.5% IVF as ordered.
-V/S are as follows:
Temp- 36.3 degree celcius
HR- 85 bpm
RR: 25 cpm
BP: 100/70

Assessment Diagnosis Planning Intervention Evaluation

Subjective Data: Activity Intolerance SHORT TERM INDEPENDENT:
related body GOAL:  Provide positive SHORT TERM
“Wala akong magawa ta weakness After 8 hours of atmosphere while GOAL Evaluation:
pirmi akong nahihilo mi nursing intervention, acknowledging difficulty Goals are met.
nangluluya man ako” as the client will be of the situation for the After 8 hours of nursing
verbalized by the patient able to verbalized client intervention, the client
activities suitable for  Plan for progressive verbalized activities
Objective data: her condition and for increased of activity suitable for her
-prolonged bed rest her to be level/ participation in condition and for her to
noted comfortable exercise as tolerated by be comfortable
-easy fatigability the client such as
-weak in appearance performing ROM
-Vital signs are as exercise daily
follows:  Plan care to fully balance
Temp- 36.3 degree celcius periods with activities
HR- 85 bpm  Discuss ways/activities
RR: 25 cpm that could enhance
BP: 100/70 activity tolerance such as
walking and turning to
 Monitor Vital signs
 Provide enough
 Assist patient with

Assessment Diagnosis Planning Intervention Evaluation

Subjective Data: Ineffective coping SHORT TERM INDEPENDENT:
“Di ko na alam gagawin related to depression GOAL:  Establish rapport. SHORT TERM
ko sa sakit na to” as in response to After 8 hours of GOAL Evaluation:
verbalized by the client. stressors associated nursing  Apply therapeutic Goals are met.
with disease interventions, the communication. After 8 hours of nursing
Objective Data: condition patient will verbalize interventions, the
- Depressed mood/ feelings with the  Active listen and identify patient verbalized
with mood significant other and client’s perceptions of feelings regarding
swings. healthcare provider. current situation. anxiety and depression
- Excessive crying with significant other
- Irritable  Encourage significant and healthcare provider
other to spend time with
the client.
 Encourage verbalization
and expression of
feelings towards
 Be honest when
answering questions or
providing information
 Reviewed past life
experiences and previous
loss, noting strengths and

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