Nursing Care Plans
Nursing Care Plans
Nursing Care Plans
Subjective Data: Chronic Pain related to Short term Goal: Independent: Short term Goal
“Ang tagal tagal na. Palagi pressure in the left inguinal Provide cutaneous outcome:
nalang masakit tong puson region secondary to After 4 hours of nursing stimulation (hot and
ko” as verbalized by the cervical cancer intervention, the client cold ) Goals are met. After 4
patient. will be able to verbalize Provide non hours of nursing
reduction of pain. pharmacologic comfort intervention, the client
Pain Scale: 8/10
measures and verbalized reduction of
diversional activities pain
Objective Data: Evaluate pain relief/
-Guarding the affected side control at regular
-Facial grimace noted intervals.
-Restlessness noted Assessed for refereed
-V/S are as follows: pain as appropriate
Noted and investigated
Temp- 36.3 degree celcius
changes from previous
HR- 85 bpm reports
RR: 25 cpm Provide comfort
BP: 100/70 measures and quiet
Instruct and encourage
to use relaxation
technique such as focus
Administer analgesic as
Assessment Diagnosis Planning Intervention Evaluation